To relieve and preserve health, advance education and prevent or relieve poverty or financial hardship, amongst such persons as the Trustees consider from time to time to be in need of assistance and to further such other purposes being exclusively charitable.
FREEMASONS HALL60 GREAT QUEEN STREETLONDONWC2B 5AZ Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1164703In this period 2,047 donations have been made totalling £25,530,326 to 1595 organisations
When | Amount | AnnualSpending | Grantee | To be used for |
29/05/2024 | £15,000 | £287,648 | FAMILY BASED SOLUTIONS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/05/2024 | £60,000 | £1,330,257 | GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD | Teenvine+, a development programme for 10-18 year olds with autism or a learning-disability and their families. |
28/05/2024 | £60,000 | £727,288 | GYMPANZEES | Lending Library providing specialist therapy, gym and sensory equipment for families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. |
28/05/2024 | £5,000 | £18,797,499 | KENT, SURREY SUSSEX AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/05/2024 | £60,000 | £550,569 | CHUMS CHARITY OR CHUMS | Trauma service for children and young people in Luton and Bedfordshire |
23/05/2024 | £58,552 | £541,769 | AGE CONNECTS TORFAEN | Dementia Buddies - befriending for people with dementia or cognitive impairment. |
23/05/2024 | £60,000 | £2,283,256 | ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA SUPPORT SERVICES (ADSS) | Dementia wellbeing services for post diagnostic support in Medway. |
23/05/2024 | £55,317 | £2,275,679 | CALAN DVS | Inspiring Families - one to one trauma informed support for whole families where domestic abuse is present but the family want to stay together. |
22/05/2024 | £60,000 | £657,512 | OXFORD HUB | To support the Big Sister Big Brother mentoring programme for children on the edge of care in Oxfordshire. |
20/05/2024 | £15,000 | £106,710 | ANGELS SUPPORT GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/05/2024 | £8,400 | £158,778 | BRIERLEY HILL BABYBANK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/05/2024 | £4,479 | £41,906 | STOWMARKET ASD SATURDAY CLUBS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/05/2024 | £15,000 | £360,152 | DEAF CHOICES UK, FORMERLY CUED SPEECH UK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/05/2024 | £9,222 | £73,922 | TRANSFORMING AUTISM PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/05/2024 | £15,000 | £438,555 | ESSEX DEMENTIA CARE (EDC) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/05/2024 | £15,000 | £314,293 | SNAAP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
02/05/2024 | £15,000 | £156,295 | THE MEADOWS CHILDREN AND FAMILY WING | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
19/04/2024 | £15,000 | £446,433 | DAYBREAK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
17/04/2024 | £60,000 | £1,129,465 | LAWWORKS | Contribution towards the salary of the Head of Projects of Voices for Families. |
17/04/2024 | £42,498 | £2,133,849 | BOWS AND ARROWS | To cover the the salary and other employment costs of the Family Support Practitioner (FSP) based at Little Learners Nursery in Ipswich working with the most disadvantaged children. |
16/04/2024 | £12,948 | £56,525 | DS ACHIEVE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/04/2024 | £9,000 | £119,940 | BROADLANDS EQUINE THERAPY AND RDA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/04/2024 | £15,000 | £302,330 | PEDESTRIAN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/04/2024 | £15,000 | £185,901 | ST JOSEPH'S PRESCHOOL | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/04/2024 | £15,000 | £210,025 | ACCT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
31/03/2024 | £60,000 | £853,338 | CAVENDISH CANCER CARE | Salary costs for the Head of Service - Children and Young People |
25/03/2024 | £60,000 | £706,280 | SWA | Stand TALL - support programme for people with Dementia who have or are at risk of experiencing domestic abuse. |
25/03/2024 | £199,653 | £7,782,000 | HOSPICE UK | The Hospice UK Workforce Resilience Programme - |
22/03/2024 | £60,000 | £1,051,065 | RELATE | Expansion of ‘Time for You’ service to provide family counselling and mental health therapies, for in need families in Coventry and Warwickshire. |
22/03/2024 | £59,201 | £522,982 | THE CBF | Family support service providing information, one to one casework and support to families caring for a child or young person with a severe learning disability whose behaviours may challenge. |
22/03/2024 | £56,520 | £932,292 | THE WISHING WELL | Meal delivery and welfare check service for isolated older people in Cheshire. |
22/03/2024 | £60,000 | £2,152,631 | CENTRE4 | Social activities and one to one support for isolated and lonely older people in Grimsby. |
22/03/2024 | £60,000 | £1,435,758 | SPORT 4 LIFE UK | Step Together - engaging young people in positive activities and preventing crime and anti-social behaviour on school routes in Sandwell. |
21/03/2024 | £15,000 | £159,196 | GREENWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/03/2024 | £60,000 | £453,501 | CARNEY'S COMMUNITY | Boxing and youth club sessions for 11-17 year olds in Wandsworth |
20/03/2024 | £60,000 | £1,627,799 | THE BRAIN CHARITY | Dance-based physiotherapy and arts and crafts-based occupational therapy for children who live with a neurological condition or who are neuro-divergent, living with ADHD or autism. |
20/03/2024 | £60,000 | £1,947,873 | TDC | New View - one to one youth coaching for young people at risk of harm from or participation in violence or crime. |
20/03/2024 | £1,000 | £83,275 | WEST MERCIA SEARCH AND RESCUE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/03/2024 | £60,000 | £526,290 | CARER SUPPORT SOUTH LAKES | Young Carers Project - towards the salary of the Young Carers Lead |
20/03/2024 | £59,877 | £655,528 | WOMEN'S HEALTH MATTERS | To fund The Key Change structured course for girls in Leeds aged 11-18 years who are experiencing abuse in a relationship or witnessing it at home. |
04/03/2024 | £1,376 | £100,128 | STARBURST FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/03/2024 | £2,500 | £128,280,220 | THE GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND ASSOC. | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/02/2024 | £15,000 | £189,316 | LANCASHIRE YOUTH CHALLENGE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/02/2024 | £15,000 | £123,288 | WITH INSIGHT EDUCATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
28/02/2024 | £2,000 | £22,796,000 | MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION MILTON KEYNES BRANCH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2024 | £11,286 | £84,821 | SHERWOOD PLAYGROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/02/2024 | £1,000 | £92,518 | HAMBLE LIFEBOATS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/02/2024 | £1,000 | £88,841 | HARBOUR CANCER SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/02/2024 | £1,500 | £26,823 | 2ND CONINGSBY AND TATTERSHALL SCOUT GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/02/2024 | £1,500 | £47,665 | LEEDS DESTITUTE ASYLUM SEEKERS SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/02/2024 | £3,600 | £111,340 | WEST YORKSHIRE DESTITUTE ASYLUM NETWORK CIO | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/02/2024 | £2,000 | £135,450 | HENRY ALLEN TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/02/2024 | £1,000 | £685,981 | ROCK FOUNDATION UK LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/02/2024 | £750 | £487,025 | LITTLE LIFTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/02/2024 | £500 | £8,532 | NOT HOME ALONE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2024 | £15,000 | £433,306 | YOUNG PEOPLE'S COUNSELLING SERVICE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/02/2024 | £600 | £81,930 | DOWN'S SYNDROME NORTH EAST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/02/2024 | £1,500 | £110,889 | FLEXICARE (OXFORD AND ABINGDON) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/02/2024 | £1,000 | £44,958 | RAISE THE ROOF COMMUNITY PROJECT HULL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/02/2024 | £1,250 | £408,842 | MARTIN GALLIER PROJECT 2020 | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/02/2024 | £1,200 | £300,554 | SHALOM HOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/02/2024 | £500 | £97,956 | STAMFORD AND BOURNE DISTRICT SCOUT COINCIL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/02/2024 | £5,000 | £11,978 | NEWARK DEMENTIA CARERS GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/02/2024 | £2,000 | £233,879 | FOREVER COLOURS HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2024 | £11,394 | £70,266 | FAMILIES UNITED | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/02/2024 | £15,000 | £315,172 | LOVE4LIFE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/02/2024 | £1,000 | £671,395 | SPARKLE (SOUTH WALES) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2024 | £1,000 | £95,743 | RED ROBINS NURSERY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2024 | £1,200 | £231,373 | HARTLEPOOL COMMUNITY TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/02/2024 | £500 | £267,941 | CLEETHORPES COMMUNITY SPORTS AND EDUCATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £2,000 | £7,074,463 | BRAIN TUMOUR RESEARCH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £500 | £621,334 | LITTLE MIRACLES CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £500 | £621,334 | LITTLE MIRACLES CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £2,000 | £239,237 | SLOUGH HOMELESS OUR CONCERN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,200 | £1,070,540 | HAPPY DAYS CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,750 | £6,965,000 | ROYAL NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £600 | £39,835 | WORCESTERSHIRE PARENTS AND CARES COMMUNITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £2,000 | £75,565 | THE KEEPERS WOTTON AREA COMMUNITY HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,300 | £177,697 | SOUTH MARCHES SCOUTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,000 | £245,351 | ST SAVIOURS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £5,000 | £14,546 | ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS PRINCE GEORGE DUKE OF KENT COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £500 | £82,840 | SPORTING WELLNESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,836 | £401,750 | ALZHEIMERS DEMENTIA SUPPORT ‘ADS’ | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,250 | £597,600 | KIDS CAN ACHIEVE LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £1,250 | £28,071,000 | MAGGIE'S MANCHESTER - MAGGIE KESWICK JENCKS CANCER CARING CENTRES TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £500 | £724,968 | SHINE LINCOLNSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £11,000 | £63,188 | HERTS MUSICAL MEMORIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
05/02/2024 | £15,000 | £343,368 | SAYIT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
05/02/2024 | £1,000 | £98,491 | HEREFORDSHIRE RIDING FOR THE DISABLED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2024 | £500 | £376,532 | CHILDREN'S BEREAVEMENT CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2024 | £1,000 | £193,468 | COMMUNITY HOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2024 | £500 | £10,400,016 | WELDMAR HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2024 | £4,000 | £115,820 | SEVERN FREEWHEELERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2024 | £1,500 | £123,047 | PENDRAGON COMMUNITY TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2024 | £1,500 | £1,274,707 | FORCE CANCER CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,000 | £842,055 | PHOENIX DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES | core funding |
29/01/2024 | £20,000 | £13,712,000 | YMCA FAIRTHORNE GROUP | Employability project for homeless young people. |
29/01/2024 | £4,000 | £266,889 | NEWPORT AND GWENT SAMARITANS | funding for the volunteers in Monmouthshire |
29/01/2024 | £4,000 | £1,690,925 | AGE CYMRU GWENT | Staff Costs |
29/01/2024 | £2,500 | £599,654 | THE JOSHUA TREE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,850 | £67,015 | BABY NECESSITIES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,500 | £42,693,734 | FITZROY - LOVE4LIFE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,000 | £1,217,536 | WHEELPOWER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,500 | £161,694 | NEWCASTLE VISION SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £600 | £232,888 | THE CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £500 | £43,714 | TOUCHSTONE CHILD BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,500 | £110,317 | MARBLE HILL PLAYCENTRES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £3,000 | £1,378,522 | MARY FRANCES TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,375 | £430,692 | SEESAW | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,000 | £6,641,000 | NORFOLK COMMUNITY FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,250 | £335,595 | SSNAP (SUPPORT FOR THE SICK NEWBORN AND THEIR PARENTS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,250 | £335,595 | SSNAP (SUPPORT FOR THE SICK NEWBORN AND THEIR PARENTS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,200 | £267,281 | TEES VALLEY WOMEN'S CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £3,000 | £1,367,112 | THE NOT FORGOTTEN CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £4,000 | £4,036,560 | THE ORPHEUS CENTRE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,500 | £9,193,935 | GREAT NORTH AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,500 | £1,430,668 | THE COUNTRY TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £800 | £230,055 | YOUTH LINE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,075 | £35,023 | THE PRIMROSE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,071 | £1,796,160 | CITIZENS ADVICE IN NORTH & WEST KENT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,000 | £41,180 | OXHILL YOUTH CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,000 | £425,382 | P.A.U.L FOR BRAIN RECOVERY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,000 | £746,883 | RYEDALE SPECIAL FAMILIES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £800 | £736,721 | AUTISM ANGELS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,500 | £85,892 | BATTLE SCARS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £10,000 | £178,230 | WOLO FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £5,000 | £156,965 | BRIDGEFARM COMMUNITY WELLNESS GARDENS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,500 | £42,258 | APCAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,500 | £38,372,032 | PARKINSON'S DISEASE SOCIETY (READING BRANCH) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,140 | £2,231,753 | THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £1,375 | £2,319,402 | OXFORDSHIRE YOUTH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,000 | £133,157 | GRACE FOOD BANK SHEFFIELD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £2,500 | £1,070,396 | ENCEPHALITIS INTERNATIONAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2024 | £3,000 | £6,659,045 | CRIMESTOPPERS TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2024 | £1,000 | £161,590 | RAVEN HOUSE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2024 | £3,200 | £11,464,370 | ALABARé | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2024 | £2,500 | £1,476,764 | SOUTH WEST ACTION FOR LEARNING AND LIVING OUR WAY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £750 | £548,060 | NELSON'S JOURNEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £267,853 | SEVERN AREA RESCUE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,866 | £42,038 | HEARTWIZE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £5,000 | £39,206 | THE SPECIAL LIONESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,000 | £125,457 | MATHSMAKERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,510 | £25,537,000 | YOUNG LIVES VS CANCER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,000 | £1,016,663 | WOMAN'S TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,000 | £114,497 | THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,500 | £7,043,255 | ST. NICHOLAS HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,500 | £9,256,285 | LINCOLNSHIRE AND NOTTINGHAMSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £3,500 | £1,334,809 | LAUNCH IT TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £70,191 | HELPING CARING TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £3,781 | AMELIA MATTERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £750 | £241,587 | NORWICH SAMARITANS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,800 | £319,797 | SOLAN CONNOR FAWCETT FAMILY CANCER TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £34,234 | TEES RVER RESCUE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,500 | LONDON SEARCH AND RESCUE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £183,924 | BLOOD BIKE WALES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £1,346,507 | NOAH'S ARK CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £2,000 | £133,779 | BEEP DOCTORS (BASICS CUMBRIA) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/01/2024 | £1,000 | £1,048,000 | ANEURIN BEVAN UNIVERSITY LOCAL HEALTH BOARD CHARITABLE FUND AND OTHER RELATED CHARITIES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2024 | £36,000 | £827,370 | DORSET BLIND ASSOCIATION | Activity and Social Clubs for older people with a visual impairment |
18/01/2024 | £28,534 | £497,935 | PASSION FOR LEARNING | Early Years Community Booster Project - support in nurseries and primary schools |
18/01/2024 | £64,685 | £1,949,935 | YOUTH OPTIONS | Families Together - addressing violent and challenging behaviour in children and young people through whole family interventions. |
18/01/2024 | £60,000 | £864,482 | AAFDA | Specialist children's support and advocacy for families who have been bereaved through fatal domestic abuse. |
17/01/2024 | £63,028 | £1,044,671 | SAVE THE FAMILY | Employment of a mentor for children and young people and their families who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. |
17/01/2024 | £34,872 | £2,481,420 | GROUNDWORK SOUTH AND NORTH TYNESIDE | Forest Playschool for deprived pre-school children and their parents / care givers in South Tyneside |
17/01/2024 | £29,646 | £566,319 | VIVA | Monthly Silver Screen Socials for older people living with dementia in East Cambridgeshire and their carers |
17/01/2024 | £44,660 | £4,848,026 | OASIS UK | Oasis Aspirations in Grimsby and Enfield |
17/01/2024 | £60,000 | YOUTHSCAPE | Supporting the Compass: Foundations and Compass programmes for young people in Luton | |
17/01/2024 | £24,198 | £939,477 | CARERS TRUST TYNE AND WEAR | Young Carer Peer Groups - activities and social groups. |
17/01/2024 | £60,000 | £572,261 | FOOTPRINTS IN THE COMMUNITY | To fund the Children and Youth Project Worker |
15/01/2024 | £500 | £69,791 | WIGTON YOUTH STATION | core funding |
15/01/2024 | £500 | £197,561 | POOLE WASTE NOT WANT NOT | Core Funding |
15/01/2024 | £3,000 | £394,581 | MOSAIC - SUPPORTING BEREAVED CHILDREN | Core Funding |
15/01/2024 | £1,500 | £8,898,508 | DORSET AND SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE | Core Funding |
15/01/2024 | £750 | £1,286,013 | DORSET MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,500 | £254,763 | ON YOUR BIKE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £1,000 | £665,329 | THE MYRIAD CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £1,000 | £6,785,558 | CORNWALL AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,000 | £42,310 | FLYNNE'S BARN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,000 | £40,373 | SAILABILITY@WHITEFRIARS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £1,150 | £1,411,442 | PCC ALL SAINTS - WORCESTER FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,000 | £218,792 | HEART HEROES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £750 | £1,094,829 | BLACK COUNTRY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,000 | £44,257 | HEREFORD & WORCESTER FIRST RESPONDERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £2,000 | £213,940 | FOREST PULSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2024 | £1,500 | £11,569 | DORCHESTER DISABLED CLUB | To contribute funding towards the purchase of a new minibus. |
12/01/2024 | £15,000 | £125,121 | SQUARE PEG ACTIVITIES LIMITED | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/01/2024 | £15,000 | £262,549 | AGE CONCERN NORTH NORFOLK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/01/2024 | £15,000 | £456,326 | SWINGS & SMILES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/01/2024 | £500 | £157,236 | BEE UNIQUE AUTISM | Core Funding |
08/01/2024 | £500 | £53,432 | THE MARCHESI CENTRE | repair the roof of the Thomas Bland room |
08/01/2024 | £10,000 | £4,903,000 | BEDFORDSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £750 | £192,768 | BOREHAMWOOD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £86,957 | BLOOD BIKES CUMBRIA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £4,000 | ISLE OF MAN LIVE AT HOME SCHEMES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
08/01/2024 | £1,000 | £17,728,493 | DEMENTIA UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £240,593 | THE JOHN MCNEILL OPPORTUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £71,364 | BLACKWELL SAILING | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £13,084,000 | DEVON AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £5,000 | £13,951,222 | ESSEX AND HERTS. AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £1,296 | £4,606,946 | ARMY CADET CHARITABLE TRUST UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,500 | £457,635 | THE JACK HAZELDINE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £238,474 | PRISM ARTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £600 | £35,277 | COUNTRYMEN UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £500 | £780,000 | MYWISH CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £1,750 | £442,117 | YOUTH TALK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £1,750 | £38,343 | WATFORD SOCIAL CENTRE FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £500 | £448,000 | EAST OF ENGLAND AMBULANCE SERVICE NHS CHARITABLE FUNDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £10,000 | £239,163 | SHREWSBURY FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £1,000 | £10,052,418 | JULIA’S HOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £1,000 | £2,327,031 | SPLASH (COMMUNITY FIRST WILTSHIRE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £750 | £2,125,960 | DENS FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,500 | £22,001,000 | THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2024 | £2,000 | £272,851 | WILTSHIRE PORTAGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/01/2024 | £9,000 | £230,093 | FIRST STAR SCHOLARS UK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
03/01/2024 | £15,000 | £422,012 | PARK LANE STABLES RDA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
21/12/2023 | £8,915 | £78,232 | CUREDM | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/12/2023 | £15,000 | £303,757 | F4YP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/12/2023 | £5,000 | £395,187 | DYNAMIC | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/12/2023 | £15,000 | £430,692 | SEESAW | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
13/12/2023 | £5,000 | £38,169 | BOLTON SEA CADETS | new heaters |
13/12/2023 | £2,500 | £11,323 | ROOTS INDEPENDENT STREET TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/12/2023 | £2,500 | £392,363 | THE MATTHEW TREE PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/12/2023 | £2,500 | £917,221 | CARING IN BRISTOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/12/2023 | £2,500 | £28,627 | FEED THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £1,500 | £122,395 | BILLERICAY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £900 | £39,412 | MALDON COUNCIL OF CHURCHES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £3,600 | £855,725 | THURROCK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £2,000 | £1,098,368 | WINTERCOMFORT FOR THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £500 | £192,626 | PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF CANVEY ISLAND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £1,250 | £187,712 | REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £1,250 | £164,793 | KINGDOM STOREHOUSE LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £500 | £876,000 | FOREST HOLME HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £1,000 | £406,887 | BRAINTREE AREA FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £1,000 | £180,628,000 | ROYAL BRITISH LEGION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £2,000 | £547,925 | NEWMARKET OPEN DOORS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/12/2023 | £2,000 | £307,709 | ROSMINI CENTRE WISBECH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/11/2023 | £10,500 | £230,398 | SHROPSHIRE STAFFORDSHIRE CHESHIRE BLOOD BIKES | new motorbike |
27/11/2023 | £500 | £95,000 | GEORGIA'S VOICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/11/2023 | £1,000 | £577,980 | MERLIN MS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/11/2023 | £15,000 | £434,797 | CAMBRIDGE ACORN PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
22/11/2023 | £6,158 | £45,492 | THE JUNO PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
22/11/2023 | £13,098 | £92,762 | THE FRIENDSHIP PROJECT FOR CHILDREN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/11/2023 | £2,500 | £27,724,000 | EAST KENT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GROUP (EKMS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/11/2023 | £1,390 | MANX BLIND WELFARE SOCIETY (SIGHT MATTERS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/11/2023 | £2,000 | £1,039,570 | THE BUTTERFLY HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/11/2023 | £15,000 | £314,636 | DOWN'S SYNDROME CHESHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/11/2023 | £15,000 | £201,569 | THE WIRRAL SOCIETY OF THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
17/11/2023 | £14,997 | £82,633 | ACTIVATE RAWMARSH | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/11/2023 | £60,000 | £4,299,689 | ROSE ROAD | Right to Play - emergency respite service for disabled children and increased opportunities to play. |
15/11/2023 | £59,413 | £1,257,300 | CROSSROADS DERBYSHIRE | Choices - Intensive group work and one-to-one support for young people aged 11-18 experiencing abuse or at risk of harming others |
15/11/2023 | £63,500 | £2,131,000 | WE ARE BEAMS | Family Advice Clinics in Sevenoaks, Gravesend and Dartford |
15/11/2023 | £60,000 | £1,752,211 | AUTISM BEDFORDSHIRE | My Futures - transition support for Autistic 18-25 year olds and their parents/carers to help young people transition into adulthood and adult services. |
15/11/2023 | £43,200 | £624,553 | MORE MUSIC | Seagull Café - singing and music sessions for isolated and lonely elderly people to improve health and wellbeing. |
15/11/2023 | £1,000 | £16,824,702 | CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SOUTH WEST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2023 | £5,000 | £621,334 | LITTLE MIRACLES CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2023 | £1,000 | £11,078,920 | CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2023 | £5,000 | £157,193 | HOME-START NORTHAMPTON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2023 | £60,000 | £1,181,544 | AGE UK GATESHEAD | Wor Mates - social groups for isolated elderly people in Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne |
15/11/2023 | £2,000 | £107,280 | ST. ANDREWS CHURCH COMMUNITY FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2023 | £54,000 | £707,491 | ERIC, THE CHILDREN’S BOWEL AND BLADDER CHARITY | To fund a part time ERIC Nurse supporting the Family Support Services |
06/11/2023 | £5,000 | £209,060 | YOUR SPACE (MARCHES) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/11/2023 | £2,000 | £283,746 | ELY COMMUNITY LUNCHES, UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF TE LIGHTHOUSE, ELY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/10/2023 | £7,500 | £251,660,000 | MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/10/2023 | £2,200 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
24/10/2023 | £14,718 | £282,405 | FACES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
23/10/2023 | £15,000 | £74,459 | WALWORTH GOLDEN OLDIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
23/10/2023 | £15,000 | £464,411 | DISABILITY SPORTS COACH | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
19/10/2023 | £15,000 | £107,786 | FAIRBEATS! MUSIC | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
18/10/2023 | £12,000 | £74,196 | BIG FUTURES FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
18/10/2023 | £12,519 | £159,703 | LOVE, AMELIA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/10/2023 | £15,000 | £117,288 | AINSDALE LUNCH AND LEISURE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/10/2023 | £15,000 | £161,230 | STEPPING STONES DS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
13/10/2023 | £15,000 | £148,431 | VOLUNTEER ACTION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/10/2023 | £15,000 | £263,583 | APPROACH DEMENTIA SUPPORT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/10/2023 | £15,000 | £272,007 | RCC | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/10/2023 | £9,900 | £34,474 | FOCUS SURREY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/09/2023 | £7,500 | £8,875,773 | ST JOHN AMBULANCE CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/09/2023 | £1,000 | £65,657 | THE DUCKS AND DRAKES CANCER TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/09/2023 | £500 | £1,145,002 | THE PADLEY GROUP | core funding |
25/09/2023 | £500 | £1,514,274 | GO BEYOND | Core Funding |
25/09/2023 | £500 | £241,189 | GLOSSOPDALE FURNITURE PROJECT | Core Funding |
25/09/2023 | £500 | £228,934 | THE O’CONNOR GATEWAY TRUST | Core Funding |
25/09/2023 | £500 | £341,810 | CANAAN TRUST | Core Funding |
25/09/2023 | £700 | £21,140 | LOWESTOFT & DISTRICT DEAF SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/09/2023 | £53,725 | £744,018 | BDA | BSL Family - early years BSL support for 0-5 year olds and their families, including 1:1 home visits and group sessions. |
20/09/2023 | £59,950 | £995,548 | SAFE! | Building Respectful Families - one to one and group support to families experiencing Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse. |
20/09/2023 | £60,000 | £979,536 | THE GREEN HOUSE BRISTOL | Family support service providing whole family support for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse. |
20/09/2023 | £66,076 | £749,884 | MENTORING PLUS | Primary Volunteer Mentoring |
20/09/2023 | £65,289 | £1,395,410 | CARERS TRUST HILLINGDON | Schools Outreach programme – improving futures for young carers, through one to one support and mentoring. |
20/09/2023 | £60,000 | £1,011,937 | GREATER MANCHESTER YOUTH NETWORK | Social and developmental activity programme for care experienced children and young people in Manchester. |
20/09/2023 | £60,231 | £909,615 | HEEL AND TOE CHILDREN'S CHARITY | The Hippotherapy project |
20/09/2023 | £57,812 | £4,016,000 | STAFFORDSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST | Wildplay - outdoor nature sessions for disadvantaged CYP under 18. |
18/09/2023 | £15,000 | CLARO ENTERPRISES | Core funding towards the Accreditation Scheme / work experience programme | |
18/09/2023 | £500 | £50,922 | SERV SC (SERVICE BY EMERGENCY RESPONSE VOLUNTEERS SUFFOLK AND CAMBRIDGESHIRE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/09/2023 | £500 | £317,776 | DERBYSHIRE CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/09/2023 | £500 | £29,571 | HIGH PEAK HOMELESS HELP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/09/2023 | £500 | £180,628,000 | ROYAL BRITISH LEGION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/09/2023 | £15,000 | £239,150 | PRIORITY YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/09/2023 | £4,500 | £26,315 | THE HAVEN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/09/2023 | £12,000 | £90,774 | THE CORE CENTRE COMMUNITY HUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/09/2023 | £7,936 | £51,820 | COMFORT CASES UK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/09/2023 | £15,000 | £91,448 | LIGHTYEAR FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
06/09/2023 | £15,000 | £428,031 | FREE TO BE KIDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
06/09/2023 | £15,000 | £338,640 | SHINE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
04/09/2023 | £15,000 | £533,635 | AGE UK WALTHAM FOREST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
21/08/2023 | £18,000 | £4,313,000 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM CHARITY | to fund the accommodation for families with a baby in the Heartlands Neonatal unit |
21/08/2023 | £2,500 | AUTISM GUERNSEY LBG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
14/08/2023 | £1,550 | £125,205 | JIGSAW [BURY] | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/08/2023 | £2,500 | CARERS GUERNSEY LBG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
14/08/2023 | £2,500 | BRIGHT BEGINNINGS LBG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
14/08/2023 | £2,500 | THE GUERNSEY SAILING TRUST LBG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
08/08/2023 | £8,156 | £3,906,788 | LEICESTER HOSPITALS CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/08/2023 | £14,322 | £289,268 | FOOTPRINTS CONDUCTIVE EDUCATION CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/07/2023 | £12,966 | £81,852 | UNITE CARERS IN MID DEVON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/07/2023 | £10,000 | £85,051 | ST PETERS COMMUNITY WELLBEING PROJECTS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/07/2023 | £40,000 | £1,524,388 | TEAM DOMENICA | Employer Partnership Manager Salary to help young people with learning disabilities to secure long term employment. |
20/07/2023 | £50,738 | £515,963 | GREENWICH CARERS | Employment of a new Dementia Carer Lead, supporting older carers of people with dementia. |
20/07/2023 | £59,902 | £1,275,250 | BWA | Expect Respect - mental health support and education for victims of domestic abuse aged 5-17. |
20/07/2023 | £58,414 | £781,012 | UMBRELLA | Funding the Manager role of the Play and Leisure Services (PALS) |
20/07/2023 | £55,636 | £680,418 | THE MUDLARKS COMMUNITY | Grant to fund a centre leader for the Woodland Centre, providing forest school and outdoor activities for young people 14 - 19 with learning disabilities in Hertfordshire. |
20/07/2023 | £50,000 | £1,379,405 | AGE UK BARNET | Grant to fund a project coordinator to provide digital training and inclusion sessions to older people in Barnet. |
20/07/2023 | £33,644 | £754,450 | THE ORCHESTRA OF THE SWAN | Grant to fund Cafe Muse in Herefordshire, supporting isolated older veterans with dementia through a weekly co-created music session with lunch. |
20/07/2023 | £39,029 | £1,683,450 | AFK | Life & Work Programme: Providing Job Coaching for Disabled Young Londoners |
20/07/2023 | £47,247 | £467,291 | CHAPTER ONE | Online Reading Volunteers for children in Doncaster |
20/07/2023 | £60,000 | £828,826 | OPEN DOOR CHARITY | OOMOO - mental health support and wellbeing of Children Looked After aged 11-18. |
20/07/2023 | £57,275 | £625,953 | MIDAYE | Refresh: a project providing befriending and advocacy support to people aged 50+ from the BME community in West London |
20/07/2023 | £60,591 | MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Salary of a Family Support Worker in Surrey. | |
20/07/2023 | £48,056 | £8,646,400 | KIDS | SEND Navigator Service in Birmingham - emotional and practical one to one support for families with a child under 5 with SEND |
20/07/2023 | £24,083 | £1,096,602 | FROGLIFE | Somerset Green Pathways for Life - supporting people living with dementia and their carers to engage with nature and wildlife |
20/07/2023 | £19,200 | £1,050,403 | TRINITY THEATRE | Speech Bubbles - drama based initiative delivered in Kent schools for children with identified speech, language and communication needs. |
20/07/2023 | £59,312 | £4,197,492 | THE READER | Support for kinship children in Liverpool through the Reading Heroes programme. |
20/07/2023 | £75,000 | £1,325,798 | THE MUSIC WORKS | To support the salary of the specialist disability music leader working exclusively on the IncWorks programme for deaf and disabled young people |
20/07/2023 | £29,823 | £676,029 | CAVCA | We Are Family Community Practitioner |
17/07/2023 | £2,000 | £11,295,275 | STRODE PARK FOUNDATION | A specialist table that is accessible to those in a wheelchair. |
17/07/2023 | £2,500 | £8,920,807 | CONTACT T/A FLEDGLINGS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/07/2023 | £5,000 | £36,568 | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/07/2023 | £1,535 | £163,022 | STUBBYLEE COMMUNITY GREENHOUSES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/07/2023 | £2,661 | £206,224 | DANCESYNDROME | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/07/2023 | £15,000 | £98,967 | HOPS LTD | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/07/2023 | £15,000 | £117,381 | THE SPORTING MEMORIES FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/07/2023 | £10,200 | £62,674 | THE SANDCASTLE TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
11/07/2023 | £5,400 | £57,048 | TANGA CLUB / TANGA HEXHAM | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/07/2023 | £15,000 | £83,867 | THOMAS'S FUND | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/07/2023 | £15,000 | £134,706 | THE PHOENIX GROUP FOR DEAF CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
05/07/2023 | £15,000 | £76,075 | AB PHAB YOUTH CLUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/06/2023 | £15,000 | £342,413 | PROJECT 17 | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/06/2023 | £8,826 | £41,336 | POSABILITY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/06/2023 | £15,000 | £377,640 | THE KITE TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
12/06/2023 | £15,000 | £163,927 | ADDUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
05/06/2023 | £15,000 | £113,720 | THE DOWNRIGHT SPECIAL NETWORK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/05/2023 | £15,000 | £186,595 | NEW MILLS AND DISTRICT VOLUNTEER CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2023 | £15,000 | £271,341 | GOLDIES SING&SMILE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/05/2023 | £15,000 | £462,232 | SOMERSET SIGHT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
18/05/2023 | £59,170 | £3,982,921 | NO LIMITS (SOUTH) | Bright Beginnings project |
18/05/2023 | £54,000 | £557,494 | WEST CORNWALL WOMEN'S AID | Support services for children and young people in West Cornwall who have experienced domestic abuse |
18/05/2023 | £15,000 | £1,036,239 | LIFE CYCLE | The Over 55’s Project |
18/05/2023 | £30,000 | £2,834,854 | AGE UK KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA | To support the Maintenance CST groups in North and South Kensington for people living with mild-moderate dementia. |
18/05/2023 | £54,229 | £1,348,630 | WHIRLOW HALL FARM TRUST | Whirlow LIFE (Learning In a Farming Environment) |
17/05/2023 | £59,575 | £5,570,348 | AGE UK LINCOLN & SOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE | Development of the befriending service for isolated and lonely people aged 50+ in South Lincolnshire. |
17/05/2023 | £70,044 | £1,358,640 | RCT DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES | Domestic abuse support for people aged 60+ in Rhondda Cynon Taf through the employment of a specialist officer |
17/05/2023 | £60,000 | £573,373 | SAFETY NET (UK) | Employment of Children and Young People's Practitioner, providing specialist recovery support to those who have experienced sexual or domestic abuse. |
17/05/2023 | £60,000 | £681,491 | SAFE FOUNDATION | Flourishing Futures supports young men aged 8-18 who have experienced trauma, domestic violence and abuse. |
17/05/2023 | £30,000 | £1,114,428 | SARACENS FOUNDATION | Go Forward - mentoring and sport based support to children and young people at risk of exclusion at Kingsbury High School and Future Academies. |
17/05/2023 | £32,000 | £2,271,064 | SHROPSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST | Grant to fund Feed the Birds, a volunteer home visit project using bird watching to engage socially isolated older people in Shropshire. |
17/05/2023 | £29,616 | £775,906 | TOGETHER CO | Grant to fund the Kickstart Connections programme, a short term bridge to support lonely and isolated older people in Brighton and Hove with social prescribing and volunteer befriending help. |
17/05/2023 | £15,662 | £688,388 | LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS | Grant towards salary and equipment costs for the Gardening Sessions in Schools. |
17/05/2023 | £54,000 | £827,546 | BIRMINGHAM LGBT | Support for LGBT Elderly People |
17/05/2023 | £59,496 | £1,574,207 | THE BRIDGE (EAST MIDLANDS) | talk2sort mediation for young people at risk of homelessness |
17/05/2023 | £35,258 | £1,024,852 | WOLVERHAMPTON YOUTH ZONE | Time to Talk - early intervention support for young people experiencing mental health issues attending Wolverhampton Youth Zone |
10/05/2023 | £15,000 | £162,980 | DURHAM CITY YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/05/2023 | £15,000 | £136,274 | FAMILY SUPPORT DERBYSHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/05/2023 | £12,000 | £80,218 | AVON YOUTH CLUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/05/2023 | £15,000 | £93,811 | OKEHAMPTON & DISTRICT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/05/2023 | £9,000 | £51,768 | FRIENDS FOR LIFE BEDFORD | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/05/2023 | £10,000 | £385,083 | MYSIGHT YORK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/05/2023 | £15,000 | £82,262 | OPPORTUNITY SPORTS FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/05/2023 | £15,000 | £247,576 | BEYOND THE HORIZON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
02/05/2023 | £4,000 | £3,494,104 | TARGET OVARIAN CANCER | core funding. |
25/04/2023 | £15,000 | £262,916 | CHILDREN HEARD AND SEEN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/04/2023 | £15,000 | £112,598 | SILVERLINE MEMORIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
17/04/2023 | £1,750 | £35,821 | CAMBRIDGE CANCER HELP CENTRE | core funding |
03/04/2023 | £500 | £8,393,750 | GREAT NORTH AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE | core funding |
03/04/2023 | £1,750 | £2,464,790 | CENTRE 33 | core funding |
27/03/2023 | £2,500 | £4,228,023 | EDEN VALLEY HOSPICE & JIGSAW, CUMBRIA’S CHILDREN’S HOSPICE | General core funding to aid with the charity's activities. |
27/03/2023 | £2,500 | £1,344,463 | CANCER CARE NORTH LANCASHIRE & SOUTH CUMBRIA | To fund counselling sessions from the Lakes Centre and pay for over 80 sessions of one-to-one therapy sessions including: counselling, Alexander Technique, hypnotherapy and aromatherapy |
27/03/2023 | £2,500 | £1,394,801 | HOSPICE AT HOME CARLISLE AND NORTH LAKELAND | To provide 40 hours of Complementary Therapy and over 60 hours of specialised nursing care in the homes of the patients |
27/03/2023 | £500 | £2,051,878 | LEWIS-MANNING HOSPICE CARE | help continue to provide support to those suffering from life limiting illness particularly in the east of the Province. |
23/03/2023 | £300,000 | £105,145,000 | HOSPICE UK | Hospice UK themed partnership grants - Poverty and Deprivation - cost of living crisis |
22/03/2023 | £10,000 | £413,286 | LITTLE HEARTS MATTER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/03/2023 | £10,000 | £204,545 | THE LITERACY HUBS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/03/2023 | £15,000 | £368,268 | ABILITY DOGS 4 YOUNG PEOPLE IOW | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/03/2023 | £60,000 | £1,478,653 | NEPACS | Bee Yourself - Young People's Project |
16/03/2023 | £40,000 | £2,461,684 | BLACKPOOL FC COMMUNITY TRUST | Blackpool EngAGEd |
16/03/2023 | £34,877 | £832,781 | ACTION FOR FAMILY CARERS | Chelmsford Young Carer Support |
16/03/2023 | £36,000 | £561,083 | MY SIGHT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE | Creating Connections - Social hubs for elderly visually impaired people |
16/03/2023 | £46,094 | £1,054,293 | DEMENTIA SUPPORT | Dementia Support Wayfinding Outreach |
16/03/2023 | £59,762 | £4,635,202 | YMCA NORFOLK | Employment of a Family Support Worker, helping young single parent families living in temporary accommodation to gain independence and prevent children going into care. |
16/03/2023 | £20,000 | £850,048 | CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ACROSS BORDERS (CFAB) | Grant to support the family reunification project, helping unaccompanied minors to adjust to life in the UK. |
16/03/2023 | £41,492 | £3,787,288 | INVOLVE KENT | Links project to improve the health & wellbeing for young people aged 16-19 who are experiencing mental health problems. |
16/03/2023 | £55,000 | £2,141,320 | YOUNG GLOUCESTERSHIRE | Mentoring programme for at risk children and young people affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). |
16/03/2023 | £45,000 | £4,309,829 | NORWICH CITY COMMUNITY SPORTS FOUNDATION | Onside - whole family support for children and young people at risk of crime and ASB, mental health and behavioural issues, and low educational engagement. |
16/03/2023 | £40,000 | £7,017,000 | PRISON ADVICE & CARE TRUST (PACT) | Reach Out - support to children with family members in prison, with a focus on those with special educational needs and disabilities. |
16/03/2023 | £50,000 | £587,949 | PURE INSIGHT | Supporting young parents who are care leavers to help break the cycle of care. |
16/03/2023 | £54,000 | £2,078,549 | DESIGNABILITY (BATH INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING LTD) | Whizzybugs - enabling young disabled children to experience independent mobility and play. |
16/03/2023 | £31,000 | £908,550 | PSPA | ‘Caring for Carer's’ online support groups |
16/03/2023 | £50,100 | £806,778 | SHARKS COMMUNITY TRUST | Breaking Barriers - a sport and life skills programme for children and young people with a hearing impairment. |
16/03/2023 | £36,002 | £1,766,560 | BLACKBURN YOUTH ZONE | Care Leavers Mentoring |
16/03/2023 | £20,000 | £1,116,981 | GOODGYM | Development of GoodGym's volunteer led practical and social support for isolated older people |
16/03/2023 | £62,996 | £4,436,112 | RAILWAY CHILDREN | Safeguarding on Transport: Providing Tailored Support to Young People in Crisis in the Northwest |
16/03/2023 | £38,000 | £1,801,103 | WOLVES FOUNDATION | Golden Wolves |
15/03/2023 | £12,000 | £175,751 | KOOL CARERS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/03/2023 | £15,000 | £396,427 | TOGETHER DEMENTIA SUPPORT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/03/2023 | £15,000 | £169,436 | TEEN TALK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2023 | £10,000 | £129,840 | MAN&BOY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2023 | £12,000 | £78,145 | TALK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2023 | £15,000 | £99,955 | FAMILIES IN GRIEF (F.I.G) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2023 | £10,000 | £76,360 | UPTOWN YOUTH SERVICE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2023 | £15,000 | £82,030 | AGE CONCERN BARNSTAPLE AND DISTRICT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/03/2023 | £3,000 | £13,493,000 | WELSH AIR AMBULANCE CHARITABLE TRUST | Core funding |
07/03/2023 | £2,500 | £8,904 | LEICESTER MUSICFEST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/03/2023 | £250 | MANX BLIND WELFARE SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
07/03/2023 | £500 | MANX BLIND WELFARE SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
07/03/2023 | £1,069 | ISLE OF MAN LIVE AT HOME SCHEMES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
02/03/2023 | £644 | BLACKBURN FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
02/03/2023 | £500 | £39,065 | LINCOLN UNIT 214 OF THE SEA CADETS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/03/2023 | £250 | RUSHEN ENDOWMENT FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £5,000 | £227,087 | WEST NORTHUMBERLAND FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £2,500 | BRIGHTER FUTURES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £3,250 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £5,000 | JERSEY CHESHIRE HOMES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £250 | £8,738 | SOBERTON AND NEWTOWN COMPANY OF GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £250 | DOUGLAS COAL FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £250 | £4,231 | CARLISLE AND WEST CUMBRIA ADVANCED MOTORISTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £500 | £68,634 | SUNFLOWER CHILDREN'S ACTION GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £500 | £50,422 | ALFORD CORN EXCHANGE COMMUNITY GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £901 | ST JOHN AMBULANCE ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £1,000 | £60,181 | THE KAYAKS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £1,000 | £6,937 | THE BOURNSTREAM TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £500 | £112,120 | SIMON SAYS CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £500 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/02/2023 | £2,000 | £48,335 | CENTRED HORSEPLAY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £2,000 | £133,352 | LEEDS BABY BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £2,186 | £91,025 | SERVICE DOGS UK SOUTH WEST HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/02/2023 | £250 | ISLE OF MAN ANTI CANCER ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
21/02/2023 | £14,500 | £192,149 | ACHIEVE CHANGE AND ENGAGEMENT (ACE) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/02/2023 | £5,000 | £826,098 | WILDLIFE AID FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £5,000 | £12,306 | NEWPORT (PEMBS) SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £2,500 | £145,174 | THE TOY APPEAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £7,500 | £22,120 | DROITWICH AED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £3,000 | £223,376 | DYSCOVER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £5,000 | £37,806 | ALNWICK DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £5,000 | £744,000 | LIFELITES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £2,500 | £385,423 | REUBENS RETREAT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £1,219,273 | MATT HAMPSON FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £875 | HEREFORD MS THERAPY CENTRE TRADING AS THE OXYGEN AND WELLNESS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £21,942 | CHEMO GIFT BAGS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £500 | £712,288 | PURFLEET TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,500 | £42,545 | HEARTWIZE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £613 | £14,520 | INTEGRATED CANCER THERAPIES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £400 | £50,359 | WINDERMERE & DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £500 | £41,716 | NEWPORT UNIT 251 OF THE SEA CADET CORPS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £480 | THE ALEX WARDLE FOUNDATION FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/02/2023 | £250 | £42,314 | MARVELS & MELTDOWNS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £645 | £585,636 | EMMAUS BOLTON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £250 | ST CHRISTOPHER'S (ISLE OF MAN) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/02/2023 | £645 | £186,101 | ROCHDALE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £753,746 | THE ZINTHIYA TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £2,000 | £537,000 | CROYDON HEALTH SERVICES CHARITABLE FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £299,143 | GLOUCESTER CITY MISSION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £400 | £91,690 | LEDBURY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £7,352,360 | THE BENJAMIN FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £500 | £4,669,653 | SOUTHERN AREA DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £500 | £281,100 | KINGS LYNN WINTER NIGHT SHELTER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £903,655 | READ FOR GOOD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £13,583 | SHEPSHED TOY LIBRARY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £1,000 | £2,488,204 | MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £2,000 | £6,557,025 | AGE UK LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/02/2023 | £500 | £14,754 | SUICIDE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT FOR CUMBRIA AND SURROUNDING AREAS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2023 | £10,000 | £405,385 | FAMILIES UNITED NETWORK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/02/2023 | £300 | £248,634 | BRAINTREE AREA FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £3,000 | £71,617 | JOHN THORNTON YOUNG ACHIEVERS TRUST (JTYA) | supporting young people from a wide range of youth organisations in Dorset and Wiltshire, providing them with scholarships and bursaries to support their personal development and the pursuit of their ambition. |
13/02/2023 | £2,500 | £3,510,903 | ST MARY’S HOSPICE | Towards the purchase of a Vital Signs Monitor and towards the cost of the development and purchase of equipment for a skills lab/training room to ensure the ongoing training of staff. |
13/02/2023 | £15,000 | £245,154 | PENHALIGONS FRIENDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
13/02/2023 | £2,500 | £198,378 | SALISBURY WOMEN'S REFUGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £2,500 | £318,055 | FAMILY HELP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £5,000 | £319,773 | HETTYS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £3,333 | TAVISTOCK FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
13/02/2023 | £3,333 | £50,567,000 | PLYMOUTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £3,333 | £50,567,000 | BUCKFASTLEIGH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £2,500 | £771,141 | IF YOU CARE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £74,656 | WILTON RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £44,486 | DOWNS SYNDROME NORTH EAST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,500 | £243,362 | ROUTES TO ROOTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £22,192 | SALISBURY UNIT 296 OF THE SEA CADET CORPS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £613 | £1,288,644 | TEAMWORK TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £91,742 | WILTSHIRE SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £500 | £92,518 | HAMBLE LIFEBOAT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £83,523 | WILTSHIRE TREEHOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £2,000 | £8,950 | HEREFORDSHIRE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £500 | £6,932 | FRIENDS OF LUDGERSHALL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £226,431 | SALISBURY TRUST FOR THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £613 | £387,217 | CORBY AND DISTRICT CANCER CARE (AKA LAKELAND HOSPICE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £250 | £1,394,801 | HOSPICE AT HOME CARLISLE AND NORTH LAKELAND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £613 | £48,153 | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE SEARCH AND RESCUE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £217,479 | SHILDON ALIVE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £2,000 | £1,855,025 | DENS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £500 | £226,745,000 | SALVATION ARMY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £34,416,000 | SSAFA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/02/2023 | £1,000 | £214,902 | HORDEN YOUTH & COMMUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/02/2023 | £5,000 | £229,389 | EVERYONE CAN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £139,269 | THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF MARTON IN CLEVELAND WITH EASTERSIDE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £89,730 | MOVE THE MASSES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £504 | £1,887,913 | YORK & SCARBOROUGH HOSPITAL CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £4,589,230 | YORK SANDS A BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL CHARITY STILLBIRTH AND NEONATAL DEATH SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £3,434 | MARWOOD CE INFANT SCHOOL (GREAT AYTON) SCHOOL FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £288 | £39,205 | KINGFISHER CAFE FOR THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £324 | £10,163 | THE SCARBOROUGH AMICABLE SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £28,585,000 | GIRL GUIDES GUISBOROUGH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £900 | £105,569 | CLEVELAND MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £432 | £6,734,755 | NORTH YORKSHIRE HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £216 | £601 | THE STEPHEN HUGHES FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £105 | £25,762 | YORCHESTRA TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £1,080 | £27,798 | WE CAN DANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £216 | £232,630 | SPECIAL STARS FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £900 | £209,773 | NEXT STEPS MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £756 | £8,393,750 | GREAT NORTH AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £720 | £1,120,495 | MY SISTERS PLACE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £679 | £25,057 | NORTHERN HULL COMMUNITY RAINBOW GARDENS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £288 | £2,828,865 | THE BONE CANCER RESEARCH TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £360 | £395,868 | SCARBOROUGH SOCIAL ACTION CENTRE (RAINBOW CENTRE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/02/2023 | £432 | £41,353 | YORK WOMENS COUNSELLING SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £6,000 | £49,500 | FASD AWARENESS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/02/2023 | £12,000 | £61,052 | IPSWICH COMMUNITY PLAYBUS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/02/2023 | £5,000 | £502,734 | WEST MIDLANDS AMBULANCE SERVICE NHS TRUST GENERAL CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £2,500 | £744,000 | LIFELITES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £1,000 | £213,763 | IPSUM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £249 | £30,275,000 | 6TH GOSPORT AIR SCOUT GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £1,500 | £4,313,000 | UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/02/2023 | £1,000 | £381,290 | KENNET FURNITURE REFURBIZ | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/02/2023 | £6,000 | £115,804 | RIDING FOR DISABLED ASSOCIATION ABINGDON LTD | Purchase of a horse for use in core services |
06/02/2023 | £175 | £66,169 | COPELAND AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2023 | £15,000 | £139,147 | CARING HANDS CHARITY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
02/02/2023 | £15,000 | £151,655 | TANYARD YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
01/02/2023 | £2,500 | £1,242,541 | HOSPICE AT HOME WEST CUMBRIA | To support the charity's palliative home nursing care, enabling people to be in their place of choice as they reach the end of their life. |
01/02/2023 | £2,500 | £60,466 | JOSS SEARCHLIGHT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/01/2023 | £6,000 | £29,710 | RAMGARHIA SABHA READING | core funding |
31/01/2023 | £6,000 | £86,938 | THE LINK FOUNDATION | The provision of cots and beds to children & young people who do not have a safe place to sleep at home. |
31/01/2023 | £10,000 | £8,371,530 | WILLEN HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £2,500 | £13,493,000 | WELSH AIR AMBULANCE CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £97,378 | THE SHALOM YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £163,945 | THE LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT SPALDING | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £30,198 | THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF CONNAUGHT COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £1,500 | £1,953,665 | THE BRAINWAVE CENTRE LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £489,074 | CARE AFTER COMBAT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £257,620 | LINCOLNSHIRE RURAL SUPPORT NETWORK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £1,000 | £408,631 | MOLLY OLLY'S WISHES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £418,556 | SURVIVORS OF BEREAVEMENT BY SUICIDE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £1,500 | £178,365 | KEYNSHAM & DISTRICT MENCAP SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/01/2023 | £500 | £243,313 | FRIENDSHIP AT HOME | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2023 | £57,892 | £521,641 | ALIVE ACTIVITIES LTD | Activation of a dementia friendly allotment and garden, supporting the wellbeing and community integration of elderly people and their carers. |
27/01/2023 | £40,000 | £481,645 | SOUTH BRISTOL YOUTH | Learning to Lead - aiding transition from primary to secondary school for children identified as being in need and disengaged with education. |
27/01/2023 | £39,021 | £1,373,146 | DALLAGLIO RUGBYWORKS | RugbyWorks 3-7pm - addressing life skills, aspirations, physical and mental wellbeing for young people in 3 alternative education providers in Birmingham. |
27/01/2023 | £12,094 | £62,961 | CCP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/01/2023 | £59,764 | £538,021 | RESOLVEN BUILDING BLOCKS | Talk2gether - an early intervention service for children with speech, language and communication needs who are behind in their development compared to peers. |
26/01/2023 | £2,500 | £5,762,154 | ST JOHN'S HOSPICE LANCASTER | To support adults with life-limiting conditions from North Lancashire, the South Lakes and parts of North Yorkshire receiving palliative care |
26/01/2023 | £350 | £1,242,541 | HOSPICE AT HOME WEST CUMBRIA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2023 | £32,411 | £583,111 | SHANTONA WOMEN'S & FAMILY CENTRE | 'Not too old to be forgotten' project supporting older women aged 55+ from Bangladeshi & other South Asian backgrounds |
25/01/2023 | £30,000 | £647,357 | RASASC GUILDFORD LTD | Grant to fund the salary costs of a youth counsellor and family resilience worker to support young people 13 - 19 affected by rape or sexual abuse and their families. |
25/01/2023 | £39,920 | £1,518,554 | NOA | Healthy body, healthy mind programme |
25/01/2023 | £60,000 | £8,939,204 | MAGIC BREAKFAST | Magic Breakfast in Tower Hamlets |
25/01/2023 | £49,539 | £3,927,009 | ROYAL OSTEOPOROSIS SOCIETY | Osteoporosis Together |
25/01/2023 | £40,000 | £1,762,780 | THE SURREY CARE TRUST | Steps to 16 - Alternative Learning programme for disadvantaged 14-16 year olds in Surrey |
25/01/2023 | £30,000 | £1,143,015 | POWER2 | To support 8 Teens & Toddlers groups over 2 years in Greater Manchester |
25/01/2023 | £60,000 | £773,063 | TRELYA | To support the Skylar & Skylar Transition project working with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children aged 0-8 years in Penzance and surrounding areas. |
25/01/2023 | £30,000 | £2,507,935 | RESOURCES FOR AUTISM | West Midlands Family Support Project |
25/01/2023 | £60,000 | £3,806,694 | REDTHREAD YOUTH LIMITED | Young Women's Service (YWS) |
16/01/2023 | £5,000 | £7,589,944 | ST JOHN CYMRU WALES | Core funding |
16/01/2023 | £1,000 | £3,734,278 | CANINE PARTNERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/01/2023 | £500 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE (GRIMSBY, CLEETHORPES AND DISTRICT BRANCH) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/01/2023 | £500 | £270,596 | PARISH OF ST.THOMAS AND KILVEY PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/01/2023 | £1,000 | £35,791 | BLUEBELLS DAY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/01/2023 | £500 | £30,369,347 | PARKINSONS DISEASE SOCIETY (GRANTHAM BRANCH) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/01/2023 | £2,250 | £2,688,951 | SOFEA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2023 | £1,000 | £139,862 | DEMENTIA MATTERS-HEREFORD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £21,500 | £59,922 | THE 3 PILLARS FEEDING THE HOMELESS | Core funding to expand activities into the Northampton area. |
09/01/2023 | £3,100 | £8,778,055 | LEEDS HOSPITALS CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £5,000 | £2,064,754 | THORNAGE HALL INDEPENDENT LIVING | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £10,000 | £300,096 | SHREWSBURY FOODHUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,500 | £215,801 | BEXLEY SNAP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £1,919,134 | EDAN LINCS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £85,376 | BISHOP'S STORTFORD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £118,431 | BOREHAMWOOD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £250 | £32,820 | MALDON COUNCIL OF CHURCHES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £179,864 | THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF ALL SAINTS' WITH SAINT PETER HUTTON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £28,546 | GIRLGUIDING NORTH YORKSHIRE WEST (BIRK CRAGG CENTRE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,400 | £260,745 | SHAW CROSS BOYS CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £77,881 | UTTLESFORD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £175 | £85,563 | BLOOD BIKES CUMBRIA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £250 | £330,783 | THE LAKE DISTRICT SEARCH AND MOUNTAIN RESCUE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £76,877 | WATFORD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £373,270 | SOUTHEND VINEYARD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £1,300 | £805,785 | THURROCK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £100 | £149,824 | THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF WEST MERSEA ST PETER AND ST PAUL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £653 | £764,533 | SALFORD WOMEN'S AID | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £970,717 | CARERS SUPPORT CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £130,036 | SALFORD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £1,100 | £248,634 | BRAINTREE AREA FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £175 | CARLISLE KEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
09/01/2023 | £175 | £1,394,801 | HOSPICE AT HOME CARLISLE AND NORTH LAKELAND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £120,152 | BILLERICAY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £1,000 | £52,269 | CHAPS - MENS HEALTH CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £710,131 | PRISCILA BACON HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £124,446 | COLCHESTER FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £700 | £83,611 | BEEP DOCTORS (BASICS CUMBRIA) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £133,407 | LETCHWORTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £310 | £915,097 | DORSET MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £1,000 | £254,846 | MICHAEL ROBERTS CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £2,000 | £650,894 | CHAMWELL CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £113,195 | SOUTHEND FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £1,000 | £575,836 | FRESH START -NEW BEGINNINGS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/01/2023 | £500 | £289,277 | AYLSHAM & DISTRICT CARE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/01/2023 | £12,600 | £53,517 | JUST GOOD FRIENDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
03/01/2023 | £3,420 | £74,504 | MARJORIE MCCLURE SCHOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/12/2022 | £12,084 | £47,320 | EYE OPPORTUNITY GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
21/12/2022 | £5,000 | £57,373 | CLUB TIKVA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/12/2022 | £500 | £451,976 | MOTTINGHAM FOODBANK (ST EDMOND'S CHURCH COUNCIL) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/12/2022 | £500 | £452,891 | BEXLEY FOODBANK C/O AVERY HILL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/12/2022 | £2,080 | £865,699 | WEST KENT MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/12/2022 | £500 | £27,475 | DARTFORD FOOD BANK (RUN UNDER NEW AVENUES DARTFORD) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/12/2022 | £1,500 | £43,958 | THE GORDON ROBINSON MEMORIAL TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/12/2022 | £500 | £293,470 | NOURISH COMMUNITY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £15,000 | £567,581 | RIDE HIGH | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
19/12/2022 | £5,000 | £17,156,000 | THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £1,000 | £397,923 | MACS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £600 | £88,370 | HALESWORTH VOLUNTEER CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £1,000 | £575,836 | BRAVE FUTURES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £175 | £79,051 | THE ROCK CURROCK YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £175 | £12,954 | JAMES RENNIE SCHOOL PARENT TEACHERS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/12/2022 | £1,500 | £67,062 | THE THIRD POOLE SEA SCOUTS GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/12/2022 | £5,000 | £23,092,000 | THE MAGGIE'S KESWICK JENCKS CANCER CARING CENTRES - CAMBRIDGE | Core Funding |
16/12/2022 | £5,000 | £72,382 | DEAF EXPERIENCE (DEX) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
15/12/2022 | £8,000 | £49,589 | PORTLAND DROP-IN CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/12/2022 | £15,000 | £287,667 | JEREMIAH'S JOURNEY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/12/2022 | £1,000 | £3,045 | TRINITY FIELDS PTA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/12/2022 | £1,000 | £6,474 | PETERBOROUGH & DISTRICT RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/12/2022 | £1,000 | BLAENAU GWENT OTTERS SWIMMING CLUB FOR THE DISABLED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
06/12/2022 | £674 | £1,041 | HIGHFIELD FRIENDS AND PARENTS ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £199,803,000 | THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £135,616 | THE BUTTERFIELD CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £1,500 | £1,580,000 | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE HEALTH CHARITABLE FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £418,556 | SURVIVORS OF BEREAVEMENT BY SUICIDE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £251,660,000 | MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £250 | £847,928 | MILITARY WIVES CHOIRS FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £493,130 | CHILDRENS LIVER DISEASE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £1,050 | £763,822 | CANCER SUPPORT UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/12/2022 | £500 | £829,778 | THE BUTTERFLY HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2022 | £10,000 | £285,023 | HAHAV | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
02/12/2022 | £10,000 | £139,406 | SNAP SPECIALIST PLAYGROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
02/12/2022 | £10,000 | £114,645 | FRIENDS FOR FAMILIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/11/2022 | £1,000 | £93,480 | NEWBURY SOUP KITCHEN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2022 | £1,000 | £168,174 | THE WOKINGHAM FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2022 | £1,000 | £97,032 | WEST BERKS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2022 | £1,000 | £59,381 | MAIDENHEAD FOODSHARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2022 | £1,000 | £691,582 | ABINGDON FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £5,000 | £220,008 | CLWYD SPECIAL RIDING CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £1,000 | £185,324 | THE TOM BOWDIDGE YOUTH CANCER FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £600 | £151,092 | ELY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £1,000 | £265,474 | ELY COMMUNITY LUNCHES, UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF TE LIGHTHOUSE, ELY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £600 | £107,280 | ST ANDREWS CHURCH CHERRY HINTON FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £316 | £107,280 | ST ANDREWS CHURCH CHERRY HINTON FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £1,200 | £532,492 | NEWMARKET OPEN DOORS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £1,500 | £294,832 | ROSMINI CENTRE WISBECH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/11/2022 | £2,000 | £679,048 | FACT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2022 | £5,000 | £1,692,479 | WE ARE BEAMS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2022 | £2,000 | £30,902 | FEED THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2022 | £2,000 | £917,221 | CARING IN BRISTOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2022 | £2,000 | £10,883 | ROOTS INDEPENDENT STREET TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/11/2022 | £10,000 | £5,619,426 | MAGPAS AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/11/2022 | £10,000 | £130,860 | S.M.A.S.H. | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
22/11/2022 | £10,000 | £279,027 | PENZANCE AND WEST PENWITH OLD PEOPLES WELFARE TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
22/11/2022 | £14,436 | £208,319 | WAG & COMPANY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
22/11/2022 | £4,500 | £260,542 | PROJECT TURN-OVER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/11/2022 | £5,250 | £374,758 | HACS - HILLINGDON AUTISTIC CARE AND SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £10,000 | £83,523 | WILTSHIRE TREEHOUSE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
21/11/2022 | £10,000 | £377,341 | MIDDLESEX ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £47,424 | MINDSTEP FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £470,321 | SIGHT CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £268,036 | SEVERN AREA RESCUE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £133,813 | RAVEN HOUSE TRUST LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £27,682 | STOW HILL RESOURCE AND ENTERPRISE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,500 | £5,856,142 | THE ROYAL NAVAL BENEVOLENT TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/11/2022 | £1,000 | £493,568 | AGE CONCERN/CONNECTS TORFAEN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/11/2022 | £50,000 | £614,157 | THE CREIGHTON CENTRE | Contribution to the Homeline programme, reducing isolation, and promoting independence and wellbeing by providing support to isolated older people in Hammersmith & Fulham and surrounding boroughs. |
17/11/2022 | £34,000 | £3,093,931 | PIONEERING CARE PARTNERSHIP | Together 21 - supporting the social, cognitive and physical development of children and young people with Down Syndrome |
16/11/2022 | £60,000 | £3,407,714 | DASU (DOMESTIC ABUSE SAFETY UNIT) | Grant to fund an additional Children and Young People's Worker to support children and young people affected by domestic abuse in Flintshire. |
16/11/2022 | £37,370 | £3,087,584 | LEEWAY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND ABUSE SERVICES | Grant to fund a Positive Behaviour Youth Support Worker to help children and young people through schools in Norfolk affected by domestic abuse. |
16/11/2022 | £40,000 | £1,221,211 | BDCA | Grant to fund the Children and Families project, supporting deprived families in Newham with children aged 0 - 19 years. |
16/11/2022 | £60,000 | £6,300,754 | THE LORD'S TAVERNERS | To fund a new full-time Disability Programme Manager Role to cover up to 17 Super 1s projects across the UK as part of the charity's plan to expand from 22 national county locations to 39 counties. |
16/11/2022 | £59,889 | £541,379 | THE COUNSELLING AND FAMILY CENTRE | To fund a PT counsellor providing weekly 1:1 counselling to 75 disadvantaged children each year across Trafford and South Manchester. |
16/11/2022 | £39,600 | £4,434,742 | YMCA LINCOLNSHIRE | To fund a Specialist Youth Worker (supported by a sessional youth worker as needed) to support vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Lincoln and deprived coastal areas through a programme of activities |
16/11/2022 | £59,541 | £699,043 | SPARKLE (SOUTH WALES) | To fund two Play Clubs for children aged 5-11 with disabilities at the Caerphilly Children’s Centre. |
16/11/2022 | £60,000 | £1,149,873 | RISING SUN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND ABUSE SERVICE | To support a new specialist counselling service for children and young people (CYP) aged 5-18yrs that have experienced domestic abuse. |
16/11/2022 | £29,786 | £4,210,718 | PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER | To support PACT’s Specialist Education project |
16/11/2022 | £59,984 | £1,856,564 | SAFER MERTHYR TYDFIL | To support the Comets & Rockets programme of peer groups and Play Therapy sessions for CYP aged 3-15 years who have witnessed and directly experienced domestic abuse and violence. |
16/11/2022 | £52,361 | £819,899 | AGE UK NORWICH | To support the RITA project in Norwich |
16/11/2022 | £10,000 | £223,087 | PERRY GROUP RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/11/2022 | £1,000 | £744,000 | LIFELITES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/11/2022 | £1,000 | £2,865,818 | CORNWALL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/11/2022 | £1,000 | £10,321,100 | CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/11/2022 | £15,000 | £250,935 | BE FREE YOUNG CARERS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/11/2022 | £300,000 | £105,145,000 | HOSPICE UK | MCF Hospice UK Bursary Scheme - |
09/11/2022 | £10,000 | THE BODIE HODGES FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities | |
08/11/2022 | £10,000 | £169,982 | CARIS FAMILIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/11/2022 | £15,000 | £356,932 | MACS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/11/2022 | £15,000 | £500,634 | AT SOCIETY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
07/11/2022 | £600 | £24,755,000 | MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY - GOSPORT AND FAREHAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/11/2022 | £10,000 | £229,691 | SAFETYNET | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
01/11/2022 | £10,000 | £418,317 | AUCKLAND YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
31/10/2022 | £2,500 | £14,097 | EAST MANCHESTER COMMUNITY BOAT PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £5,000 | £156,617 | BLOODBIKES WALES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,250 | £988,892 | BLACK COUNTRY FOOD BANK LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,000 | £14,882,416 | CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SOUTH WEST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £500 | £42,976 | PORTHTOWAN SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £500 | GEORGIA'S VOICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
31/10/2022 | £500 | £17,060,000 | NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS (INCORPORATED) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,750 | £7,155 | HIDDEN NEEDS TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £2,393 | £438,480 | 1262 SQUADRON AIR TRAINING CORPS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,393 | £1,001,571 | NIGHTSAFE LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,250 | £816,923 | WORCESTER FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,000 | £115,313 | CORNWALL BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,000 | £455,820 | THE MERLIN MS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/10/2022 | £1,000 | £5,442,496 | CORNWALL AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/10/2022 | £13,500 | £127,597 | LEYS CDI | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/10/2022 | £10,500 | £81,761 | SIGHTLINE VISION NORTH WEST LIMITED | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/10/2022 | £15,000 | £300,476 | THE EXODUS PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/10/2022 | £10,000 | £145,437 | ESCAPE INTERVENTION SERVICES LTD | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
18/10/2022 | £5,000 | £928,482 | THE YOUNG LIVES FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/10/2022 | £1,500 | £798,448 | FENLAND AREA COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/10/2022 | £10,000 | £252,119 | SIGHT ADVICE SOUTH LAKES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
03/10/2022 | £610 | £467,027 | BRANCHING OUT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/09/2022 | £1,000 | £46,757 | WORCESTERSHIRE PARENT & CARERS' COMMUNITY (WPCC) | supporting children with disabilities and their families. |
30/09/2022 | £1,000 | £1,648,639 | DISABILITY CORNWALL & ISLES OF SCILLY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/09/2022 | £60,000 | £568,578 | SIGHT SUPPORT DERBYSHIRE | Grant to fund befriending support by trained volunteers to people over 50 years affected by sight impairment. |
21/09/2022 | £40,000 | £901,250 | CARDIOMYOPATHY UK | Grant to fund salary costs of the Youth Support Manager to provide support to young people with cardiomyopathy with peer support and a dedicated helpline. |
21/09/2022 | £57,000 | £651,663 | EVA WOMEN'S AID | Grant to support a Children and Young People Counsellor to support children affected by domestic abuse. |
21/09/2022 | £60,000 | £771,685 | AGE WELL EAST | Holistic Advice and Welfare support to those aged 60+ who are socially disadvantaged and/or living with long term health conditions and disabilities, experiencing hardships that obstruct social connection and community engagement. |
21/09/2022 | £60,000 | £586,677 | LINK AGE SOUTHWARK | Link Age's befriending service, combatting isolation and loneliness in older residents of Southwark through in person and remote befrienders |
21/09/2022 | £58,481 | £5,214,185 | BARCA-LEEDS | To fund the pilot of the Discover Project which will raise young people’s attainment and mental wellbeing and sustain healthier happier homes. |
21/09/2022 | £58,858 | £681,252 | TEENS UNITE | To fund the salary of the Team Liaison Executive |
21/09/2022 | £105,000 | £1,899,148 | RE-ENGAGE | To support a programme of free, gentle physical activities and community-based social groups for older people in Birmingham. |
20/09/2022 | £10,000 | £181,942 | THE MAGPIE CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/09/2022 | £10,000 | GUERNSEY VOLUNTARY SERVICE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities | |
15/09/2022 | £10,000 | £169,487 | BRIGHT SHADOW | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/09/2022 | £10,000 | £247,459 | CAXTON YOUTH ORGANISATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/09/2022 | £10,000 | £195,198 | UPS AND DOWNS SOUTHWEST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/09/2022 | £10,000 | £394,009 | ALTERNATIVES TRUST EAST LONDON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
31/08/2022 | £5,000 | £421,237 | CHESHIRE YOUNG CARERS | respite activities offered to young carers in North Wales |
18/08/2022 | £15,000 | £153,626 | PLAY RADNOR | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
18/08/2022 | £10,000 | £102,705 | SPLICE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
17/08/2022 | £10,000 | £10,418,788 | MARTLETS HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/08/2022 | £5,000 | £41,100 | LITTLE EDI FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/08/2022 | £15,000 | £227,098 | KEEN LONDON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/08/2022 | £15,000 | £242,066 | TEEN ACTION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/08/2022 | £10,000 | £337,667 | PROSPEX | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/08/2022 | £1,348 | £10,874 | BROOKFIELDS SCHOOL ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/08/2022 | £2,700 | £2,770,000 | VELINDRE CANCER CENTRE (NHS TRUST) HEADQUARTERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/08/2022 | £2,000 | £56,655 | DERBYSHIRE BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/08/2022 | £35,994 | £806,619 | PHOENIX DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES | Grant to fund a Recovery Worker to provide one to one support children and young people affected by domestic violence in Monmouthshire. |
01/08/2022 | £3,250 | £118,863 | BLOOD BIKES SERV - OXFORDSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/07/2022 | £15,000 | £186,517 | NCBA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
28/07/2022 | £2,000 | £115,783 | PATTERDALE MOUNTAIN RESCUE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/07/2022 | £1,000 | £85,966 | RIDING FOR THE DISABLED HEREFORDSHIRE. | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/07/2022 | £1,250 | £128,280,220 | THE GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND ASSOC. | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/07/2022 | £1,500 | £7,885,586 | DORSET SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/07/2022 | £13,233 | £64,193 | SUPPORTING OLDER PEOPLE CIO | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/07/2022 | £9,600 | £64,464 | MAXIMUM LIFE YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
20/07/2022 | £54,962 | £828,883 | FOOTHOLD CYMRU | Grant to fund a range of out-of-school activities based around children and young peoples’ needs, delivered through free weekly clubs, with sessions for 120 younger and older CYP in Carmarthenshire. |
20/07/2022 | £53,449 | £693,088 | STICK 'N' STEP | Grant to fund salary costs of Conductors to support free Conductive education sessions to 109 children and young people with cerebral palsy in Cheshire. |
20/07/2022 | £46,500 | £1,118,761 | GO BEYOND | Grant to fund week long structured activity breaks for 56 disadvantaged children and young people. |
20/07/2022 | £60,000 | £897,636 | YOUTH ADVENTURE TRUST | Grant to support 20 disadvantaged young people over 3 years to progress through the Youth Adventure Programme. |
20/07/2022 | £30,000 | £11,141,674 | NEWLIFE THE CHARITY FOR DISABLED CHILDREN | Grant will support the purchase of essential equipment to 40 disabled children and young people. |
20/07/2022 | £60,000 | £1,330,621 | ROALD DAHL'S MARVELLOUS CHILDREN'S CHARITY | To establish a Roald Dahl Transition Specialist Nurse in Reading to support over 300 seriously ill young people living with epilepsy when moving from children’s to adult’s services. |
20/07/2022 | £250,000 | £5,342,427 | ACTION MEDICAL RESEARCH | Establishment of The Masonic Charitable Foundation Action Medical Research Training Fellowship; helping to develop the next generation of children’s researchers. |
08/07/2022 | £15,000 | £123,164 | 21 TOGETHER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/07/2022 | £4,840 | £216,596 | THE ARCHWAY FOUNDATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/07/2022 | £4,000 | £23,107 | IPSWICH OPPORTUNITY GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
08/07/2022 | £8,000 | £41,032 | DEAF-SELF | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
04/07/2022 | £9,360 | £61,343 | SPLASH (SPECIAL PLAY AND LEISURE AFTER SCHOOL HOURS) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
30/06/2022 | £15,000 | £205,743 | NUMBER EIGHT (TAMWORTH) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/06/2022 | £5,000 | £442,479 | THE JOSHUA TREE | Support families affected by childhood cancers living in North Wales. |
29/06/2022 | £2,000 | £199,803,000 | THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION | the purchase of an Infra-Red camera |
28/06/2022 | £15,000 | £328,043 | SELFA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/06/2022 | £2,000 | £36,260 | GARTMORE RIDING SCHOOL RIDING FOR THE DISABLED GROUP | Mental health support for vulnerable children and young people at risk of suicide. |
16/06/2022 | £3,000 | £97,586 | LEICESTER CHILDREN'S HOLIDAYS | Core Funding for Leicester Children's Holidays |
16/06/2022 | £5,000 | £255,662 | FOUNDATION YEARS TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/06/2022 | £10,000 | £166,950 | FRIENDS FOR LEISURE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/06/2022 | £13,500 | £25,775 | MORE THAN GRANDPARENTS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/06/2022 | £2,000 | £498,889 | PIED PIPER APPEAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/06/2022 | £1,530 | MANX BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
16/06/2022 | £1,500 | £105,042 | ACTS FAST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/06/2022 | £627 | £168,536 | KIDNEYS FOR LIFE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/06/2022 | £15,000 | £422,527 | STREET TEAMS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/06/2022 | £10,000 | £29,742,000 | SSAFA FORCES HELP | Core Funding for the Staffordshire branch. |
09/06/2022 | £500 | £34,416,000 | SSAFA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/06/2022 | £3,000 | £128,755 | COALVILLE FOODBANK (FACILITATED BY NEW LIFE CHURCH, COALVILLE) | Core Funding for Coalville Foodbank. |
01/06/2022 | £2,500 | £135,866 | RE:STORE NORTHAMPTON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/06/2022 | £15,000 | £95,453 | THE FRIENDS OF STOUR CONNECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
01/06/2022 | £15,000 | £262,063 | DROP ZONE YOUTH PROJECTS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
01/06/2022 | £500 | £257,090 | ON YOUR BIKE (RECYCLE) LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/05/2022 | £9,000 | £232,448 | ME2 CLUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
30/05/2022 | £15,000 | £189,450 | SCROPTON RIDING FOR THE DISABLED | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/05/2022 | £500 | £2,078,549 | DESIGNABILITY (BATH INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING LTD) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/05/2022 | £500 | £1,036,239 | LIFE CYCLE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/05/2022 | £3,000 | £490,937 | LEICESTER SOUTH FOODBANK | Core Funding for Leicester South Foodbank. |
26/05/2022 | £3,000 | £204,628 | ST MATTHEWS BIG LOCAL (LEICESTER) | Core Funding for St Matthews Big Local |
26/05/2022 | £3,000 | £268,247 | THE BRIDGE - HOMELESSNESS TO HOPE | Core Funding for The Bridge Homelessness to Hope |
26/05/2022 | £3,000 | £132,492 | THE CENTRE PROJECT | Core Funding for The Centre Project charity. |
23/05/2022 | £15,000 | £126,959 | PROJECT TURN-OVER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
23/05/2022 | £15,000 | £370,813 | BANG EDUTAINMENT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
23/05/2022 | £15,000 | £172,607 | MUSIC OF LIFE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/05/2022 | £500 | MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION (ISLE OF MAN) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
12/05/2022 | £2,000 | £276,530 | VOLUNTEER CENTRE WEST BERKSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/05/2022 | £15,000 | £457,927 | ALLSORTS GLOUCESTERSHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
06/05/2022 | £15,000 | £185,895 | GASP MOTOR PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
29/04/2022 | £15,000 | £110,057 | LEOMINSTER MEETING CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/04/2022 | £15,000 | £341,810 | TOM'S TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/04/2022 | £15,000 | £253,395 | LUCY AIR AMBULANCE FOR CHILDREN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
27/04/2022 | £15,000 | £243,046 | AMY AND FRIENDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/04/2022 | £570 | £739,576 | THE ELIZABETH FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/04/2022 | £2,000 | £4,228,023 | EDEN VALLEY HOSPICE (CARLISLE) LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/04/2022 | £2,000 | £8,393,750 | GREAT NORTH AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/04/2022 | £6,000 | £106,425 | CHARLES YOUNG CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
05/04/2022 | £15,000 | £184,566 | ADVOCACY ALLIANCE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
31/03/2022 | £7,135 | £1,008,217 | GREAT OAKS DEAN FOREST HOSPICE | Delivering “Day Services” into our communities’ homes so as to reach and care for a greater number of patients and their support network through technology - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £35,000 | £5,358,783 | EAST CHESHIRE HOSPICE | Dementia Community Engagement and Outreach Project – Dementia Nurse Specialist - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £29,400 | £212,751 | SKANDA VALE HOSPICE CIO | Effective Day Hospice Care utilising state of the art digital tools - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £35,000 | £7,007,139 | OAKHAVEN HOSPICE TRUST | Expanding Oakhaven Day Hospice to meet the needs of Progressive Neurological Disease Patients and their Carers in the New Forest, Totton and Waterside - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £8,388 | £14,969,679 | LOROS HOSPICE | Extending Specialist Day Therapy at LOROS Hospice - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £14,593 | £4,962,136 | HEART OF KENT HOSPICE | Heart of Kent Hospice Hub: Creating a flexible space for accessible therapeutic and clinical support - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £35,000 | £56,984,000 | ST JOHN'S HOSPICE | St John’s Hospice Day Care Unit: Multi-Sensory Therapy Room Renovation Project - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £15,697 | £1,186,367 | WILLOW BURN HOSPICE | Take A Break with Willow Burn - Supporting Carers in County Durham - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £32,000 | £5,678,264 | HARLINGTON HOSPICE ASSOCIATION | The Digital Wellbeing Hub: Providing Real Time Wellbeing Services and End Of Life Support to the Community of Hillingdon - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £34,576 | £13,803,685 | DOROTHY HOUSE HOSPICE | The World Can be a Day Patient’s Oyster Too: Using Virtual Reality to Aid Patient Wellbeing Within the Day Hospice and at Home - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
31/03/2022 | £34,835 | £8,527,720 | TY HAFAN CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Ty Hafan Community Stay & Play Hubs (Locality based family focused day care services) - Reimagining Day Hospice Services |
30/03/2022 | £228,000 | £818,793 | CRANFIELD TRUST | A Strategic Partnership grant to provide mentoring and consultancy support to charities. |
30/03/2022 | £4,500 | £9,577,000 | UKRAINE 2022 APPEAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/03/2022 | £400 | £1,175,006 | PARK FAMILIES SURE START CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/03/2022 | £15,000 | £413,272 | AFRICAN CARIBBEAN CARE GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/03/2022 | £15,000 | £139,771 | SPACE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/03/2022 | £15,000 | £115,588 | FAMILY COUNSELLING TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/03/2022 | £15,000 | £144,791 | MERIDEN ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/03/2022 | £15,000 | £277,930 | PARENTING SPECIAL CHILDREN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
09/03/2022 | £6,000 | £1,608,591 | PLYMOUTH VETERANS AND FAMILIES HUB | the Plymouth Veterans and Families Hub |
09/03/2022 | £500 | £2,033 | OGC SPLASH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/03/2022 | £3,000 | £86,672 | DORSET COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL | supporting young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society |
02/03/2022 | £1,000 | £13,439 | CORNWALL FOOD ACTION | Continue operations with core funding and extending the services to rural Cornish Communities in Southeast Cornwall. |
25/02/2022 | £10,500 | £89,002 | THE MOVING ON PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
25/02/2022 | £500 | £8,580,316 | HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/02/2022 | £90,453 | £44,900,641 | ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH UK | A grant to fund 1 PhD studentships to conduct research into Alzheimer's Disease |
21/02/2022 | £88,935 | £37,436,000 | DIABETES UK | A grant to fund 1 PhD studentships to conduct research into Diabetes |
21/02/2022 | £150,000 | £242,300,000 | BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION | A grant to fund 2 PhD studentships to conduct research into Heart Disease and Heart Conditions |
21/02/2022 | £211,632 | UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD | A grant to fund 3 PhD studentships to conduct research into Prostate Cancer | |
17/02/2022 | £3,100 | £17,156,000 | THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £325 | £151,854,000 | ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WELFARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £450 | £281,142 | MORECAMBE BAY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £1,500 | £52,269 | CHAPS - MENS HEALTH CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £500 | £193,986 | PORTSMOUTH DOWNS SYNDROME ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £1,000 | £117,814 | DISCOVERY SAILING PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £500 | £3,558,658 | SUFFOLK MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £500 | £101,000 | SHELLEY CENTRE FOR THERAPEUTIC RIDING | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/02/2022 | £500 | MACMILLAN CARING LOCALLY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
15/02/2022 | £5,000 | £139,781 | ME&DEE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £2,000 | £408,631 | MOLLY OLLY'S WISHES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £450 | £674,659 | BLACKPOOL FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £1,000 | £970,717 | CARERS SUPPORT CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £833 | £21,611 | MARYPORT & SOLWAY UNIT 541 OF THE SEA CADET CORPS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £518 | £75,384 | BRAMPTON AREA ACTION GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £800 | £25,894 | THE LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £500 | £55,775 | THE BUMBLEBEE CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/02/2022 | £519 | £4,228,023 | EDEN VALLEY HOSPICE (CARLISLE) LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/02/2022 | £6,000 | £13,387,894 | ABF SOUTH WEST - THE SOLDIERS' CHARITY | general charitable purposes |
11/02/2022 | £20,000 | £10,169,348 | ALABARé CHRISTIAN CARE AND SUPPORT | Gosport Homes for Veterans - to help fund the support staff and to facilitate the pathway to recovery for homeless ex-armed forces veterans. |
11/02/2022 | £1,000 | £129,496 | KING’S OWN ROYAL BORDER REGIMENT MUSEUM TRUST OPERATING AS CUMBRIA’S MUSEUM OF MILITARY LIFE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2022 | £5,000 | £353,672 | BUCKS VISION VISUAL IMPAIRMENT CHARITY | The grant is to enable the charity to provide the service they provide to the partially sighted by numerous initiatives requiring funding. |
02/02/2022 | £4,696 | £171,397 | PATTERDALE MOUNTAIN RESCUE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2022 | £500 | £3,031 | SOUTH HOLLAND (SPALDING) PHAB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2022 | £500 | £672 | FRIENDSHIP LINCS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2022 | £500 | £10,625,000 | THE BRAIN TUMOUR CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £3,500 | £12,001 | MARJORIE MCCLURE SCHOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £7,500 | £826,098 | WILDLIFE AID FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £7,000 | £1,473,900 | EAST KENT HOSPITALS CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £395 | £151,854,000 | ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WELFARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £300 | DOUGLAS COAL FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/02/2022 | £500 | £431,046 | WYRE FOREST AND SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE NIGHTSTOP AND MEDIATION SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £300 | MANX DEAF SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/02/2022 | £300 | £7,182 | ROSEBERRY ACADEMY FRIENDS AND TEACHERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £750 | £53,838 | ARRIVE ALIVE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,497 | £18,008 | HOLLY TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,111 | £233,949,000 | MENCAP CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,000 | £584,504 | TORFAEN AND BLAENAU GWENT MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,000 | £816,923 | WORCESTER FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,000 | £91,025 | SERVICE DOGS UK SOUTH WEST HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,250 | £1,022,153 | MYAWARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £1,250 | £16,575,420 | KENT, SURREY AND SUSSEX AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/02/2022 | £920 | £5,895,363 | YORKSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2022 | £50 | £11,194 | HEREFORD OPEN DOOR | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £3,446 | £49,594 | WHITEKNIGHTS YORKSHIRE BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | BOURNEMOUTH LIFEGUARD CORPS | To help support Bournemouth Lifeguard corps | |
27/01/2022 | £1,250 | £8,884,929 | JULIA'S HOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £1,830,884 | HALAS HOMES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £612 | £450,809 | FOOTPRINTS IN THE COMMUNITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £450 | £34,539 | FAITH IN THE COMMUNITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £200 | £131,759 | HULL FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £478 | £600,687 | ANDY'S MAN CLUB LTD. | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £350 | £64,973 | SENIOR SOLUTIONS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £2,000 | £1,456 | THE CYBER TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £833 | £605,582 | CARLISLE EDEN MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £44,366 | LINCOLNSHIRE EMERGENCY BLOOD BIKES SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £45,626 | NEW HOPE WORCESTERSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £4,866,000 | THE GILES TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £725 | £28,585,000 | GREAT AYTON DISTRICT GIRL GUIDES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE NURSES AT HOME | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £2,000 | £70,000 | BRENDAN'S BRIDGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £320 | £299,143 | GLOUCESTER CITY MISSION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £3,338,930 | THE STABLE FAMILY HOME TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £500 | £665,329 | THE MYRIAD CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £200 | £5,593,608 | HULL AND EAST YORKSHIRE MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £1,250 | £13,803,685 | DOROTHY HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £1,250 | £7,704,000 | PROSPECT HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/01/2022 | £1,250 | £1,695,370 | SALISBURY HOSPICE CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £1,200 | THE MANX STROKE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
25/01/2022 | £250 | RUSHEN ENDOWMENT FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
25/01/2022 | £250 | CASTLETOWN ENDOWMENT FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
25/01/2022 | £250 | MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION (ISLE OF MAN) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
25/01/2022 | £420 | £226,745,000 | THE SALVATION ARMY (PRESTON) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £62,879 | DEVIZES OPENDOORS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £156,668 | DOORWAY WILTSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £4,659,014 | FAIRFIELD FARM TRUST – THE HOPE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £230,662 | LUDGERSHALL PRE-SCHOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £140,452 | THAMESDOWN HYDROTHERAPY POOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £250 | ISLE OF MAN FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
25/01/2022 | £250 | £42,314 | MARVELS & MELTDOWNS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £165,245 | LITTLE TROOPERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £10,193,000 | COMBAT STRESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £1,880 | £847,112 | NEWENT ASSOCIATION FOR THE DISABLED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £231,569 | THE JOHN MCNEILL OPPORTUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £1,875 | £1,263,946 | HOPE HOUSING, TRAINING & SUPPORT LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £1,875 | £1,263,946 | HOPE HOUSING, TRAINING & SUPPORT LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | £323,944 | SPRINGBOARD CHIPPENHAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £1,800 | £963,465 | GLOUCESTERSHIRE DEAF ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/01/2022 | £500 | HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
24/01/2022 | £500 | £199,803,000 | THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £1,000 | £20,029 | HEREFORD AND WORCESTER COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £500 | £30,198 | THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF CONNAUGHT COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £500 | £368,378 | SHINE LINCOLNSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £710 | £238,115 | THE OLIVER KING FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £500 | £230,405 | ASTHMA RELIEF | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £800 | £460,151 | GROWING WELL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/01/2022 | £500 | £448,123 | HOME-START NORFOLK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2022 | £2,000 | £17,156,000 | THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2022 | £1,500 | UNIVERSITY OF BATH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
21/01/2022 | £500 | £214,702 | GEORGINA CANCER UNIT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2022 | £2,000 | £481,645 | SOUTH BRISTOL YOUTH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2022 | £500 | £25,553 | WILL MACKANESS TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £600 | ISLE OF MAN MASONIC CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/01/2022 | £500 | ISLE OF MAN MASONIC CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
20/01/2022 | £450 | £68,802 | BARROW FOOD BANK LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £350 | £226,745,000 | THE SALVATION ARMY (PRESCOT) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £420 | £290,796 | NETHERLEY YOUTH & COMMUNITY INITIATIVE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £350 | £26,499,000 | LEYLAND FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £250 | £10,058 | RYDE SEA CADETS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £500 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/01/2022 | £500 | £864,066 | SEXUAL TRAUMA AND RECOVERY SERVICE (STARS DORSET) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/01/2022 | £2,500 | SHREWSBURY MEN'S SHED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
19/01/2022 | £200 | £217,515 | YORK FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/01/2022 | £1,000 | £930,000 | TURNABUHBPINK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,500 | £9,375,766 | WELDMAR HOSPICECARE TRUST | providing specialist end of life care |
18/01/2022 | £500 | £1,238,748 | SUPPORT DOGS LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £2,000 | £65,481 | LOWLAND RESCUE OXFORDSHIRE (WAS OXFORDSHIRE SEARCH AND RESCUE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,219 | £2,384,000 | SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS CHARITY AND ASSOCIATED FUNDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £2,384,000 | SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS CHARITY AND ASSOCIATED FUNDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
18/01/2022 | £250 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
18/01/2022 | £840 | CRAIG'S HEARTSTRONG FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
18/01/2022 | £450 | £55,454 | ATHERTON & LEIGH FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £450 | £3,028,369 | THE BRICK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £350 | £146,907 | REACH OUT TO THE COMMUNITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £500 | £1,919,134 | EDAN LINCS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | ORDINARY TO EXTRAORDINARY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £27,739,000 | ST. TEILO'S CHURCH, LLANTILIO, PERTHOLEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £500 | £294,065 | LINCOLN PELICAN TRUST LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £500 | £43,699 | BOSOM FAMILY SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £500 | £27,755,875 | SAMARITANS OF BOSTON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £12,771 | FLAG (SUPPORTING YOUNGSTERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £400 | £17,521 | ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ZETLAND COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £3,856,281 | CYFANNOL WOMEN'S AID | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £58,480 | THE BRIDGE TO CROSS CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/01/2022 | £1,000 | £1,971,933 | HOSPICE OF THE VALLEYS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2022 | £3,268 | £2,668,000 | BOURNEMOUTH HOSPITAL CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2022 | £250 | £85,193 | WESLEY COMMUNITY CAFé | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2022 | £1,000 | £376,960 | MAGOR MINISTRY AREA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2022 | £1,000 | £18,432 | NEWPORT AND GWENT SAMARITANS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/01/2022 | £350 | £1,085,428 | URBAN OUTREACH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £420 | £57,844 | LINACRE METHODIST MISSION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £350 | £493,899 | TREE OF LIFE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £420 | NIGHTSTOP COMMUNITIES NORTHWEST CIC | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
11/01/2022 | £450 | £188,284 | WARRINGTON FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £420 | £150,316 | GARSTON ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £350 | £17,539 | SOUTHPORT SOUP KITCHEN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £250 | £5,504 | OSHI'S WORLD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £500 | £1,529,584 | HOME-START CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £500 | £44,647 | THRIVE (CARDIFF) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £350 | £127,848 | HOPE CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/01/2022 | £400 | HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
10/01/2022 | £750 | £20,029 | HEREFORD AND WORCESTER COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £132,492 | THE CENTRE PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £603,887 | LEICESTER SOUTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £141,623 | COALVILLE FOODBANK (FACILITATED BY NEW LIFE CHURCH, COALVILLE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £32,296 | ROSSENDALE AND PENDLE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £132,934 | 9TH HEYWOOD [ST MICHAELS] SCOUT GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | £744,000 | LIFELITES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2022 | £1,000 | OUTREACH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
06/01/2022 | £1,500 | £4,370 | THE SEVERN COMMUNITY CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/01/2022 | £450 | £130,036 | SALFORD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/01/2022 | £250 | £11,360 | THE GOSPORT SHED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/01/2022 | £900 | £454,479 | MICAH LIVERPOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/01/2022 | £1,000 | £300,948 | THE SHREWSBURY ARK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/01/2022 | £2,000 | £11,184,000 | MIDLANDS AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/01/2022 | £5,000 | SWANSEA MENCAP SOCIETY | providing education, training, sport and recreation, and advocacy for people with learning difficulties, in a friendly and comfortable environment at Friendship House. | |
04/01/2022 | £250 | AUDREY CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
04/01/2022 | £250 | £5,716 | TUPTON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £13,831 | CIRCULARITY.ORG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £77,371 | GRACE FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £16,270 | BURTON HOPE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £99,612 | CHESTERFIELD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £69,092,929 | DERBY CITY CHURCH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £500 | £30,369,347 | PARKINSONS (MALVERN) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £12,384 | 2ND FAREHAM SEA SCOUT GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £130,655 | SOUTH DERBYSHIRE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/12/2021 | £250 | £84,665 | HARBOUR CANCER SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/12/2021 | £1,600 | KALEIDOSCOPIC UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
22/12/2021 | £1,000 | £133,407 | LETCHWORTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/12/2021 | £5,000 | £343,228 | WOODY’S LODGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/12/2021 | £5,000 | £286,145,000 | BARNARDO'S | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/12/2021 | £2,000 | GUERNSEY SAMARITANS LBG | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
14/12/2021 | £556 | BANC BWYD ABERAERON FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
13/12/2021 | £250 | SOUTH NORMANTON AND AREA FOODBANK. FOODBANK RAN THROUGH ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH PCC | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
10/12/2021 | £500 | £100,452 | THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF ST PETERS BROMYARD (BROMYARD FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/12/2021 | £500 | £11,035 | BARTON AREA FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/12/2021 | £600 | FORGET ME NOT - ISLE OF MAN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
08/12/2021 | £250 | £69,092,929 | ASHBOURNE ELIM FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/12/2021 | £1,000 | £26,802 | YIEWSLEY & WEST DRAYTON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/12/2021 | £2,000 | HOME-START, GUERNSEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
08/12/2021 | £1,111 | £69,092,929 | ELIM FOURSQUARE GOSPEL ALLIANCE (T/A LLANELLI FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,500 | £752,688 | NORTHAMPTON HOPE CENTRE | to help the poorest and most marginalised in the West Northamptonshire area through the provision of food for the hungry. |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £73,521 | CHARLOTTE'S BRIGHTSIDE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £1,855,025 | DENS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £133,906 | ST ANDREWS CHURCH CHERRY HINTON FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £133,906 | ST ANDREWS CHURCH CHERRY HINTON FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £2,400,614 | NORTH ENFIELD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,000 | £382,808 | WIRRAL FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £500 | £282,051 | MANCHESTER CENTRAL FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,700 | £130,036 | SALFORD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £1,000 | £186,101 | ROCHDALE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,000 | £37,806 | ALNWICK DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,000 | £57,696 | THE LORD MAYOR OF BRISTOL’S CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR CHILDREN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £500 | £345,407 | BEXLEY FOODBANK C/O AVERY HILL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,000 | £227,087 | WEST NORTHUMBERLAND FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £2,000 | £98,633 | WANSBECK VALLEY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/12/2021 | £250 | £581,758 | YAD VEACHISOMOCH LCHAIM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £2,500 | £198,739 | WOLVERHAMPTON FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £1,000 | £704,617 | YOUNG BARNET FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £1,000 | £270,601 | HARROW FOODBANK CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £250 | £105,153 | GLOSSPDALE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £500 | £26,259 | MID NORFOLK FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £556 | £62,881 | LAMPETER EVANGELICAL CHURCH (T/A LAMPETER FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £650 | £67,439 | TRAFFORD SOUTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £2,000 | GUERNSEY WELFARE SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
06/12/2021 | £2,404 | £133,352 | LEEDS BABY BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £250 | £24,078,000 | WASTE NOT WANT NOT AT THE URC | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £500 | £13,696 | LEOMINSTER FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £250 | £19,672 | LONG EATON AND SAWLEY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/12/2021 | £646 | ST SAVIOUR’S COMMUNITY PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
06/12/2021 | £250 | £45,883 | CLAY CROSS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/12/2021 | £1,000 | £187,029,000 | HARLESDEN SALVATION ARMY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £2,500 | £228,809 | STOKE ON TRENT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £2,500 | £58,025 | LEEK AND DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £5,000 | £635,143 | EASTBOURNE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £2,500 | £155,881 | CANNOCK AND DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £3,333 | £72,036 | PEMBROKESHIRE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £500 | £145,174 | THE TOY APPEAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £1,111 | £134,826 | AMMANFORD EVANGELICAL CHURCH (T/A AMMANFORD FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £500 | £142,463 | SILKLIFE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £1,000 | £92,147 | RUNCORN & DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £500 | £108,563 | STOCKPORT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £1,000 | SWINNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
02/12/2021 | £1,000 | £66,368 | KELLINGLEY COMMUNITY HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £1,000 | £12,598,558 | ST VINCENTS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE CENTRE - BRADFORD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £1,000 | £25,000 | BROXBOURNE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £500 | £152,670 | MOTTINGHAM FOODBANK (ST EDMOND'S CHURCH COUNCIL) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £2,000 | £216,489 | THE BAY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £2,000 | £483,056 | THE BEDE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/12/2021 | £400 | £226,745,000 | THE SALVATION ARMY (BOSCOMBE) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £5,000 | £384,148 | HOPE NOTTINGHAM (HOPE HOUSE FOOD BANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £250 | £636,652 | THE PADLEY GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £213,975 | HEREFORD FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £1,000 | £85,376 | BISHOP'S STORTFORD FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £91,690 | LEDBURY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £250 | £532,492 | NEWMARKET OPEN DOORS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £59,322 | KINGS LYNN FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £1,000 | £140,230 | ST BARNABAS CHURCH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £675 | £312,380 | MID CHESHIRE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £675 | £55,451 | MIDDLEWICH & DISTRICT FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £563,439 | THE STOREHOUSE FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £1,000 | £57,502 | NANTWICH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £2,000 | HEADWAY GUERNSEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/12/2021 | £2,050 | HOMELESS STREET ANGELS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/12/2021 | £2,000 | RELATE GUERNSEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/12/2021 | £1,111 | £390,240 | PARISH OF ABERYSTWYTH PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL (T/A ABERYSTWYTH FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | CHURCHES IN ROSS COMMUNITY LARDER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £141,351 | NORTH NORFOLK FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £250 | £2,463,681 | DERBY FOOD 4 THOUGHT ALLIANCE PART OF COMMUNITY ACTION DERBY LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £250 | £451,856 | THE ZINK PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £250 | £21,160 | HOPE FOR BELPER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
01/12/2021 | £500 | £293,470 | NOURISH COMMUNITY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £5,000 | £1,171,160 | CRAWLEY OPEN HOUSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £2,000 | £50,567,000 | BUCKFASTLEIGH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £500 | £191,100 | GRAVESHAM FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £1,500 | £1,948,126 | FAMILY FOOD BANK ASHFORD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £500 | £245,975 | DEAL AREA FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £500 | MEDWAY FOODBANK - HELP IN THE COMMUNITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
30/11/2021 | £250 | £314,576 | SALCARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £1,111 | £856,787 | TOWY COMMUNITY CHURCH (T/A CARMARTHEN FOODBANK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £250 | £154,968 | ECKINGTON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £250 | £269,153 | FREEDOM COMMUNITY PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
30/11/2021 | £1,000 | £359,276 | GATEHOUSE CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £5,000 | SENSATIONAL FAMILIES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
29/11/2021 | £2,500 | £37,253 | NORFOLK SEN NETWORK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £498 | £1,194,382 | SERVICE SIX | the support of the Stepping Stones project, Spectrum Youth Club, Youth Starz and Chapter Kids. |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £24,572 | FELTHAM FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £500 | GRANTHAM FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £187,029,000 | STAINES SALVATION ARMY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £226,745,000 | HARROW SALVATION ARMY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £932,059 | EALING FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £669,496 | HILLINGDON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £500 | £19,343 | THE WISBECH FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £1,000 | £924,452 | SUFRA NW LONDON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/11/2021 | £500 | £4,019,167 | VOLUNTARY NORFOLK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2021 | £6,000 | £659,329 | THE MATTHEW TREE PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2021 | £2,000 | £30,902 | FEED THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
25/11/2021 | £2,000 | £226,745,000 | BATH CITADEL SALVATION ARMY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/11/2021 | £2,000 | £132,257 | EXETER FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £3,000 | JERSEY HOMELESS OUTREACH GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £4,000 | THE SHELTER TRUST JERSEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £3,000 | JERSEY WOMEN'S REFUGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £5,000 | £239,436 | SHREWSBURY FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £2,500 | £988,892 | BLACK COUNTRY FOOD BANK LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £1,000 | £97,032 | WEST BERKS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £1,000 | £184,059 | WINDSOR FOODSHARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £2,000 | TAVISTOCK FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £250 | £136,084 | ELY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £500 | £265,474 | ELY COMMUNITY LUNCHES, UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF TE LIGHTHOUSE, ELY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £500 | £294,832 | ROSMINI CENTRE WISBECH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £500 | ISLE OF MAN FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £1,000 | ISLE OF MAN FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
23/11/2021 | £500 | £679,048 | FACT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £500 | £679,048 | FACT COMMUNITY TRANSPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £250 | £1,175,861 | THE NOT FORGOTTEN ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/11/2021 | £2,000 | £295,926 | SPORTING FAMILY CHANGE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/11/2021 | £6,503 | £73,617 | WARWICKSHIRE AND SOLIHULL BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £10,000 | £548,820 | DURHAM CHRISTIAN PARTNERSHIP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £300 | £31,006 | CENTRAL GLAMORGAN GUIDES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £1,000 | £156,447 | FIND FAMILIES IN NEED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £1,000 | £67,105 | WAVENEY FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £1,000 | £218,369 | THE BASIC LIFE CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £1,000 | £160,070 | STOWMARKET FOODBANK (NEW LIFE CHURCH SUFFOLK) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £1,000 | £50,246 | IPSWICH 17 GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/11/2021 | £300 | £183,751 | SANDVILLE SELF HELP FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/11/2021 | £5,000 | £11,842,000 | WALES AIR AMBULANCE CHARITY | Funding towards core services |
15/11/2021 | £250 | £1,921,967 | TREE OF HOPE CHARITY (SUPPORTING PAWS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2021 | £500 | £32,007 | FRIENDS OF EDWARD ALBERT PRINCE OF WALES COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2021 | £500 | £1,957,106 | HORATIO'S GARDEN CARDIFF | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2021 | £250 | £2,071,228 | DUCHENNE UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2021 | £250 | £1,549,096 | VISION 21 CYFLE CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/11/2021 | £250 | £227,090 | FORGET-ME-NOT CHORUS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/11/2021 | £250 | £223,174 | SWANSEA COMMUNITY FARM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/11/2021 | £250 | £1,612 | COWBRIDGE GATEWAY MONDAY CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/11/2021 | £250 | £1,067,934 | UK SEPSIS TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/11/2021 | £300 | £7,964,642 | CRUSE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/11/2021 | £250 | £7,876,000 | ST. DAVID'S FOUNDATION HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/11/2021 | £1,500 | £223,304 | SHOC SLOUGH HOMELESS- OUR CONCERN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,780 | £22,552,000 | ST CHRISTOPHER'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,500 | £11,167,014 | MYTON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,595 | £13,813,000 | ST JOSEPH'S HOSPICE HACKNEY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £58,228 | £1,051,645 | MY SISTERS PLACE | A grant to support children and young people aged 4-18 in Middlesbrough who have experienced domestic abuse. |
10/11/2021 | £59,933 | £613,791 | NENE VALLEY CHRISTIAN FAMILY REFUGE, TRADING AS EVE | A grant to support children and young people in Northamptonshire who have experienced domestic abuse. |
10/11/2021 | £60,000 | £769,850 | THE DASH CHARITY | A grant to support children in Buckinghamshire who have experienced domestic abuse. |
10/11/2021 | £40,000 | £3,366,311 | TOGETHER FOR SHORT LIVES | A grant to support families with a seriously ill child through support via their national helpline. |
10/11/2021 | £44,977 | £478,630 | SEARCH - SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE | A grant to support lunch clubs, shopping and socialising for older people in the west of Newcastle. |
10/11/2021 | £25,000 | £1,694,578 | AGE CONCERN HAMPSHIRE | A grant to support older people in Hampshire to rebuild confidence and social opportunities through activities and support. |
10/11/2021 | £40,800 | £1,766,145 | THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY | A grant to support young carers aged 5-12 years old through short respite breaks in Wales. |
10/11/2021 | £15,194 | £7,352,360 | THE BENJAMIN FOUNDATION | A grant to support young carers in Norfolk through respite activities. |
10/11/2021 | £63,770 | £616,716 | WILD YOUNG PARENTS PROJECT | A grant to support young parents and their children in Cornwall through a framework of support to improve their parenting and their children's development. |
10/11/2021 | £61,323 | £933,121 | LITTLE GATE FARM | A grant to support young people with learning disabilities and autism in East Sussex, through a programme of skills development to enable them to take on apprenticeships. |
10/11/2021 | £45,806 | £1,140,741 | BRIGHTON OASIS PROJECT | Grant to expand the young person's therapy service in Hastings, to provide one to one therapy sessions for children and young people affected by a parent/family member's substance misuse. |
10/11/2021 | £59,400 | £1,383,710 | CEREBRAL PALSY CYMRU | Grant will fund specialist therapy sessions for children aged 0-2 years in Wales with cerebral palsy. |
10/11/2021 | £74,577 | £24,164,000 | YOUNG LIVES VS CANCER | The grant will fund a Social Worker to provide emotional and practical support to children and young people diagnosed with and treated for Cancer in Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, and their families. |
10/11/2021 | £62,453 | £1,297,366 | CARERS IN BEDFORDSHIRE | The grant will fund the Former Carer support project, to provide one to one and peer support and social events to up to 600 older former carers. |
10/11/2021 | £33,777 | £2,208,843 | DEVON AND EXETER SPASTICS SOCIETY | The grant will fund the purchase of a mechanical horse and |
10/11/2021 | £30,000 | £825,105 | CHICHESTER DIOCESE ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY SUPPORT WORK | The grant will go towards the salary costs of the Family Support Practitioner, to provide an intensive practical and emotional support service to disadvantaged families in Cuckfield, Sussex with children aged - 18 years. |
10/11/2021 | £56,981 | £1,926,541 | CHANGING FACES | The grant will support group workshops for young people aged 7 - 18 years with a visible difference, such as a scar, mark, condition affecting their appearance, to improve mental health and reduce isolation. |
10/11/2021 | £59,900 | £803,149 | AGAINST VIOLENCE AND ABUSE (AVA) | The grant will support the development and rollout of a national tool to support children aged 7 - 11 years who have been affected by domestic abuse. |
10/11/2021 | £67,680 | £1,070,029 | ANNE FRANK TRUST UK | The grant will support workshops, mentoring and peer support to combat prejudice and racism in 12 schools in Leeds and Salford. |
10/11/2021 | £2,500 | £199,223,000 | CLACTON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,500 | £248,634 | BRAINTREE AREA FOODBANK LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,500 | £254,846 | THE MICHAEL ROBERTS CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £5,000 | £16,575,420 | KENT, SURREY AND SUSSEX AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,500 | £74,979 | SOUTHEND FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £8,085 | £83,993 | HOME-START SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £331,131 | WELWYN HATFIELD WOMEN'S REFUGE & SUPPORT SERVICES (WHWR) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £226,758 | BUZZER BUSES (DIAL-A-RIDE) LTD | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £12,900 | £160,428 | HAPPY KIDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £9,300 | £75,071 | SENIOR CITIZENS FORUM, TELFORD & THE WREKIN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £5,000 | £37,680 | TRENT DEMENTIA SERVICES DEVELOPMENT CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £8,500 | £78,878 | JACARI | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £201,684 | GATESHEAD OLDER PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £274,746 | PARENTS AND CARERS SUPPORT ORGANISATION (PACSO) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £7,426,000 | ORMISTON FAMILIES | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £296,350 | TOURETTES SYNDROME (UK) ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £12,000 | £182,858 | AFASIC | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £133,615 | SEFTON OPERA | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £14,874 | £401,866 | BOSP BRIGHTER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £10,000 | £236,469 | HOME-START WEST BERKSHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £103,035 | WINCHESTER STREET REACH | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £9,900 | £65,113 | AUDLEM & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ACTION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £301,806 | THEHORSECOURSE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £100,301 | ELIZABETH HOUSE COOKHAM | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £574,191 | AGE UK WESTMINSTER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £228,751 | TALBOT HOUSE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £351,128 | FAMILY SPACE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £13,500 | £355,645 | FAMILIES IN FOCUS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | THE HOLLOW LANE CLUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities | |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £234,060 | MOOR ALLERTON ELDERLY CARE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £15,000 | £258,650 | THE WOODLAND CENTRE TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
10/11/2021 | £1,985 | £8,172,617 | COUNTESS MOUNTBATTEN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £9,732,952 | HIGH VIEW GARDENS HOSPISCARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £9,326,987 | ROWCROFT HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £948,787 | HOSPICE CARE NORTH NORTHUMBERLAND | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £107,303,000 | SUE RYDER SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE PALLIATIVE CARE HUB | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,340 | £7,401,026 | JULIA'S HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,345 | £9,089,503 | MARTIN HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,095 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE HOSPICE, HAMPSTEAD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,050 | £1,055,218 | ST. BENEDICT'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,385 | £12,198,996 | ST GILES HOSPICE, SUTTON COLDFIELD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £10,756,000 | THE J'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £470 | £1,657,047 | WINCHESTER HOSPICE CHARITY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | JERSEY HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices | |
10/11/2021 | £1,985 | £10,290,393 | ARTHUR RANK HOSPICE CHARITY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £6,635,448 | KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £168,174 | THE WOKINGHAM FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £78,525 | WHITLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,000 | £50,567,000 | PLYMOUTH FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £2,000 | £58,889 | NORTHERN DEVON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £80,196 | PORT OF BRISTOL SEAFARERS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £1,010 | £7,676,753 | SHOOTING STAR CHASE ST CHRISTOPHER'S | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,010 | £7,676,753 | SHOOTING STAR HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £780 | £212,751 | SKANDA VALE HOSPICE CIO | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £1,617,931 | SOUTH BUCKS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,750 | £5,212,476 | SPRINGHILL HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,225 | £4,983,333 | ST ANDREW'S CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £4,983,333 | ST ANDREW'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £12,401,941 | ST ANN'S HOSPICE - NEIL CLIFFE CENTRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,765 | £12,401,941 | ST ANN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £12,401,941 | ST ANN'S HOSPICE - LITTLE HULTON | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £19,797,000 | ST BARNABAS HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £12,318,813 | ST BARNABAS HOSPICE, LINCOLNSHIRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £10,255,000 | ST CATHERINE'S HOSPICE SUSSEX | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,390 | £7,218,000 | ST CATHERINE'S HOSPICE, LANCASHIRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £6,345,064 | ST CLARE WEST ESSEX HOSPICE CARE TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £3,412,942 | ST CUTHBERT'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,205 | £7,876,000 | ST. DAVID'S FOUNDATION HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £5,916,442 | ST DAVID'S HOSPICE LTD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £13,588,303 | ST ELIZABETH HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,175 | £12,386,630 | ST GEMMA'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,890 | £12,198,996 | ST GILES HOSPICE LICHFIELD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £17,755,000 | ST HELENA HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £56,984,000 | ST JOHN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,110 | £5,762,154 | ST JOHN'S HOSPICE LANCASTER | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,860 | £3,299,384 | ST JOSEPH'S HOSPICE ASSOCIATION - THORNTON | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £2,727,893 | ST KENTIGERN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £7,868,800 | ST LEONARD'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £10,093,499 | ST LUKE'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £4,493,072 | ST LUKE'S (CHESHIRE) HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £7,916,090 | ST LUKE'S HOSPICE (BASILDON & DISTRICT) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £8,029,000 | ST LUKE'S HOSPICE (HARROW & BRENT) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £10,250,484 | ST LUKE'S HOSPICE, PLYMOUTH | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £12,683,283 | ST MARGARET'S SOMERSET HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,795 | £11,443,497 | ST MARY'S HOSPICE LTD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £12,683,283 | ST MARGARET'S SOMERSET HOSPICE IN YEOVIL | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,030 | £6,953,700 | ST MICHAEL'S HOSPICE (HASTINGS) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £8,744,676 | ST MICHAEL'S HOSPICE (HEREFORD) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £5,087,728 | ST MICHAEL'S HOSPICE (NORTH HAMPSHIRE) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £6,351,728 | ST NICHOLAS HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £4,771,262 | ST PETER & ST JAMES HOSPICE AND CONTINUING CARE CENTRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,705 | £15,602,000 | ST PETER'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,655 | £7,002,000 | ST RAPHAEL'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,795 | £9,723,857 | ST RICHARD'S HOSPICE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £4,605,585 | ST ROCCO'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,280 | £2,973,922 | ST TERESA'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £7,790,887 | ST WILFRID'S HOSPICE, CHICHESTER | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £8,304,572 | ST WILFRID'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,610 | £107,303,000 | SUE RYDER - LECKHAMPTON COURT HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,705 | £107,303,000 | SUE RYDER CARE: ST JOHNS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £2,422,505 | SUSSEX BEACON | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £129,496 | SWAFFHAM & LITCHAM HOME HOSPICE SUPPORT | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £4,569,528 | TEESSIDE HOSPICE CARE FOUNDATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,315 | £13,519,000 | THAMES HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £323,393 | THE BRACKEN TRUST CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £280 | £829,778 | THE BUTTERFLY HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,450 | £14,820,981 | DOUGLAS MACMILLAN HOSPICE - CHILDREN'S SERVICES | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £2,622,102 | THE KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £292,268 | THE NIGHTINGALE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,420 | £4,258,397 | THE NORFOLK HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £722,804 | THE ROSEMARY FOUNDATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,155 | £5,295,048 | THE ROTHERHAM HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,890 | £8,299,210 | THE ROWANS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £2,026,509 | THE SHAKESPEARE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £520,084 | THE SUSSEX SNOWDROP TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £107,303,000 | THORPE HALL HOSPICE SUE RYDER CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £4,314,331 | TREETOPS HOSPICE TRUST GROUP | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £9,948,927 | TRINITY HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £51,898 | TY CROESO DAY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £840 | £9,327,054 | TY GOBAITH | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £780 | £8,924,033 | TY HAFAN CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £1,112,468 | TYNEDALE HOSPICE AT HOME | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £4,395,206 | WAKEFIELD HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,655 | £9,375,766 | WELDMAR HOSPICECARE TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £4,598,442 | WESTON HOSPICECARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £107,303,000 | WHEATFIELDS HOSPICE - SUE RYDER | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,155 | £5,448,054 | WIGAN AND LEIGH HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,705 | £8,371,530 | WILLEN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £780 | £1,186,367 | WILLOW BURN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £3,816,794 | WILLOW WOOD HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,420 | £4,582,032 | WILLOWBROOK HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,750 | £5,686,564 | WIRRAL HOSPICE ST JOHN'S | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £8,797,432 | WOKING HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £780 | £3,333,761 | ZOE'S PLACE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £3,333,761 | ZOë'S PLACE BABY HOSPICE - LIVERPOOL | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £670 | £3,333,761 | ZOE'S PLACE BABY HOSPICE, COVENTRY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,355 | £421,988 | NO5 YOUNG PEOPLE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £4,446,618 | CARERS FIRST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £7,007,139 | OAKHAVEN HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £15,011,000 | ACORNS CHILDREN'S HOSPICE (WORCESTER) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £15,011,000 | ACORNS CHILDREN'S HOSPICE TRUST (SELLY OAK) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £15,011,000 | ACORNS CHILDREN'S HOSPICE TRUST (WALSALL) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £1,742,656 | ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SERVICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,345 | £3,960,355 | ALICE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,500 | £11,567,199 | ASHGATE HOSPICECARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £3,419,965 | BARNSLEY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £875 | £437,382 | BASSETLAW HOSPICE OF GOOD SHEPHERD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,190 | £1,399,017 | BEAUMOND HOUSE COMMUNITY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,400 | £4,351,000 | BLUEBELL WOOD CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £2,060,000 | BLYTHE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £5,305,247 | BOLTON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £3,389,449 | BURY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,655 | £3,325,434 | BUTTERWICK HOSPICE CARE (BUTTERWICK LTD) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £3,325,434 | BUTTERWICK HOSPICE - BISHOP AUCKLAND | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £340 | £3,325,434 | BUTTERWICK HOUSE HOSPICE, BABIES, CHILDREN & YOUNG | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £19,797,000 | CHESTNUT TREE HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,395 | £14,882,416 | CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SOUTH WEST - CHARLTON FARM | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,395 | £14,882,416 | CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SOUTH WEST - LITTLE BRIDGE HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,340 | £14,882,416 | CHILDRENS HOSPICE SOUTH WEST - LITTLE HARBOUR | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £14,176,498 | EAST ANGLIA'S CHILDREN'S HOSPICES - THE NOOK | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £7,949,991 | CLAIRE HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £11,974,500 | COMPTON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,625 | £10,321,100 | CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE LIMITED | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £12,636,000 | DEMELZA HOSPICE CARE FOR CHILDREN - SUSSEX | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £12,636,000 | DEMELZA HOSPICE CARE FOR CHILDREN - KENT | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,185 | £12,636,000 | DEMELZA HOSPICE CARE FOR CHILDREN - SE LONDON | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,620 | £5,724,931 | DERIAN HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £13,803,685 | DOROTHY HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,050 | £14,820,981 | DOUGLAS MACMILLAN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £7,225,353 | ELLENOR - CHILDREN'S CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £519,490 | DOVE COTTAGE DAY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £9,703,048 | DOVE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £3,687,717 | DR KERSHAW'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,750 | £16,679,353 | EARL MOUNTBATTEN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £14,176,498 | EAST ANGLIA'S CHILDREN'S HOSPICES - IPSWICH | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £14,176,498 | EAST ANGLIA'S CHILDREN'S HOSPICES - MILTON | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £3,612,202 | EAST LANCASHIRE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £4,228,023 | EDEN VALLEY HOSPICE (CARLISLE) LTD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,515 | £7,225,353 | ELLENOR - ADULT CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,750 | £10,756,000 | FAIR HAVENS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £19,572,000 | FARLEIGH HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £2,940,092 | FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE - FLORRIE'S CHILDREN'S TEAM | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,225 | £4,163,250 | FORGET ME NOT CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,790 | £5,114,717 | FRANCIS HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £6,401,451 | GARDEN HOUSE HOSPICE (NORTH HERTS HOSPICE CARE ASSOCIATION) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £2,260,038 | CITY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £1,113,368 | GREAT OAKS DEAN FOREST HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,890 | £9,728,018 | GREENWICH AND BEXLEY COMMUNITY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £2,753,950 | HALTON HAVEN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £5,678,264 | HARLINGTON HOSPICE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,340 | £4,414,775 | HAVEN HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £5,493,260 | HEART OF KENT HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,225 | £9,037,000 | HELEN AND DOUGLAS HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £4,471,743 | PENDLESIDE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £9,732,952 | HONITON KINGS HOUSE HOSPISCARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £950 | £9,327,054 | HOPE HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £1,394,801 | HOSPICE AT HOME CARLISLE AND NORTH LAKELAND | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £1,242,541 | HOSPICE AT HOME WEST CUMBRIA | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,175 | £11,065,946 | HOSPICE IN THE WEALD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,280 | HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices | |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £7,385,000 | HOSPICE OF ST FRANCIS | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £3,510,903 | ST MARY’S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £9,732,952 | HOSPISCARE - TIVERTON PINE LODGE DAY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £9,732,952 | HOSPISCARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £7,149,560 | ISABEL HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £780 | £7,195,492 | JACKSPLACE (WESSEX CHILDREN'S HOSPICE TRUST) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £1,039,147 | JESSIE MAY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £280 | £4,228,023 | JIGSAW CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,375 | £10,964,000 | KEECH HOSPICE CARE - ADULT HOSPICE SERVICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,280 | £10,964,000 | KEECH HOSPICE CARE - CHILDREN'S HOSPICE SERVICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £1,643,910 | KEMP HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,750 | £8,816,820 | THE KIRKWOOD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £387,217 | LAKELANDS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £26,362 | LEO HOUSE AT HOME | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £850 | LES BOURGS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices | |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £2,051,878 | LEWIS-MANNING HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,450 | £10,756,000 | LITTLE HAVENS CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £4,029,257 | LONGFIELD HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,455 | £14,969,679 | LOROS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,705 | £107,303,000 | MANORLANDS HOSPICE SUE RYDER CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,250 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE CENTRE BRADFORD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,440 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE CENTRE NEWCASTLE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,220 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £2,405 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE HOSPICE, CARDIFF AND THE VALE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £154,224,000 | MARIE CURIE HOSPICE, WEST MIDLANDS | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £10,418,788 | MARTLETS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £2,058,251 | MARY ANN EVANS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £4,755,678 | THE MARY STEVENS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £1,778,503 | MICHAEL SOBELL HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,620 | £7,195,492 | NAOMI HOUSE (WESSEX CHILDREN'S HOSPICE TRUST) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £4,888,196 | NIGHTINGALE HOUSE (WREXHAM HOSPICE & CANCER SUPPORT) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,545 | £4,048,565 | NOAH'S ARK CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,330 | £6,056,981 | NORTH DEVON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £13,465,876 | NORTH LONDON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £3,771,900 | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £5,108,182 | OVERGATE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £2,272,950 | PAUL SARTORI HOSPICE AT HOME | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £6,433,945 | PEACE HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £330,956 | THE PEPPER FOUNDATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,845 | £12,346,284 | PHYLLIS TUCKWELL HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £14,267,000 | PILGRIMS HOSPICE - CANTERBURY (PILGRIMS EAST KENT) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £14,267,000 | PILGRIMS HOSPICE IN ASHFORD | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £14,267,000 | PILGRIMS HOSPICE -THANET (PILGRIMS HOSPICE E KENT) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £1,670,445 | PRIMROSE HOSPICE LIMITED | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,110 | £4,116,166 | PRINCE OF WALES HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,940 | £17,130,489 | PRINCESS ALICE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,065 | £7,704,000 | PROSPECT HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £5,573,637 | QUEENSCOURT HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £970 | £6,641,729 | RAINBOWS HOSPICE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (COPE CHILDREN'S TRUST) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £9,355,949 | RENNIE GROVE HOSPICE CARE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,280 | £4,309,236 | RICHARD HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £975,527 | ROSSENDALE HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,815 | £14,317,867 | ROYAL TRINITY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,655 | £4,884,737 | SAINT CATHERINE'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,890 | £10,759,000 | SAINT FRANCIS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £6,734,755 | SAINT MICHAEL'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,470 | £1,695,370 | SALISBURY HOSPICE CHARITY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £515 | £183,751 | SANDVILLE SELF HELP FOUNDATION | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,565 | £12,851,950 | SEVERN HOSPICE (BICTON) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,515 | £12,851,950 | SEVERN HOSPICE (APLEY) | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £500 | £12,851,950 | SEVERN HOSPICE/HOSBIS HAFREN - NEWTOWN | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
10/11/2021 | £1,000 | £288,547 | SHALOM HOUSE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
09/11/2021 | £500 | £795,238 | ACTION FOR PULMONARY FIBROSIS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/11/2021 | £500 | £202,141 | SWANSEA MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/11/2021 | £250 | £86,990 | VALE PEOPLE FIRST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
09/11/2021 | £500 | £46,348,000 | VERSUS ARTHRITIS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/11/2021 | £1,000 | £46,662 | WITNEY FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/11/2021 | £1,000 | £59,381 | MAIDENHEAD FOODSHARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/11/2021 | £1,000 | £628,931 | ABINGDON FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/11/2021 | £1,000 | £226,080 | THE OXFORD FOOD HUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
04/11/2021 | £1,000 | £159,837 | BICESTER FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/10/2021 | £3,498 | £21,112 | JOLLY JOSH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/10/2021 | £2,000 | £1,657,047 | WINCHESTER HOSPICE CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/10/2021 | £200,000 | £25,298,237 | REFUGE | Supporting Refuge's helpline service in response to the pressures from the Covid-19 pandemic |
06/10/2021 | £6,000 | £287,164 | SSNAP SUPPORT FOR THE SICK NEWBORN AND THEIR PARENTS | SSNAP wishes to purchase either a new Oxygen Unit or a cooling bed for babies, items of equipment that they are desperately in need of replacing. |
05/10/2021 | £6,000 | £394,910 | SEESAW | Fund their pre-bereavement service where a young child is coming to terms with knowing their parent or sibling will pass away soon. |
27/09/2021 | £500 | £114,296 | WYRE FOREST SWIMMING CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/09/2021 | £5,000 | £10,667,000 | ADDENBROOKE'S CHARITABLE TRUST (ACT) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/09/2021 | £3,000 | £299,286 | THE CART SHED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/09/2021 | £6,000 | £8,371,748 | ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST | Conservation focused infrastructure around ten Nature Discovery Centres. |
16/09/2021 | £24,000 | £683,728 | HEADWAY ESSEX | Funding towards a new minibus that will provide transport for adults with acquired brain injury. |
13/09/2021 | £10,000 | £164,764 | BEDFORD HOSPITAL CHARITY & FRIENDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/09/2021 | £290,000 | £125,143,000 | AGE UK | A Strategic Partnership grant to deliver the Later Life Goals programme through local branches across England and Wales. |
25/08/2021 | £2,500 | £351,195 | DAYBREAK OXFORD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/08/2021 | £2,500 | £224,000 | OXFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/08/2021 | £1,000 | £53,827 | K1 BRITANNIA FOUNDATION TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £65,399 | THE HAILEY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £1,855,025 | DENS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £33,112 | POTENTIAL KIDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £704,617 | YOUNG BARNET FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £1,000 | £448,140 | THE HUMAN MILK FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £287,629 | HERTS YOUNG MARINERS BASE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £146,531 | HERTS DISABILITY SPORTS FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £68,538 | DACORUM MENCAP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £265,047 | SPACE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £395,756 | PLAYSKILL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £311,123 | CHEXS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £45,160 | WATERWAYS EXPERIENCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £24,684 | THE WATFORD CENTRE SOCIAL CENTRE FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £1,000 | £496,083 | WATFORD WOMEN'S CENTRE PLUS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £984,411 | MIND IN MID HERTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £285,280 | CHIPS - CHILDREN'S INTEGRATED PLAYSCHEMES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £421,811 | GROVE COTTAGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/08/2021 | £500 | £351,414 | HOME-START HERTFORSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/07/2021 | £2,000 | £384,301 | PIED PIPER APPEAL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
20/07/2021 | £1,500 | £7,885,586 | DORSET SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/07/2021 | £700 | £8,095 | EASTNOR PAROCHIAL PRIMARY SCHOOL PTA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
13/07/2021 | £1,900 | £328,043 | SELFA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
06/07/2021 | £9,750 | £553,932 | THE KEY | The grant will support 64 young people aged 11-25 years old in Durham who are disadvantaged. The project helps to increase confidence, increase self-worth, reduce anxiety and develop new skills for the future. |
06/07/2021 | £1,500 | DERBY BUCKS MIXED ABILITY RUGBY TEAM | A contribution towards kit and equipment for a mixed ability rugby club. | |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £367,992 | ANDY'S MAN CLUB LTD. | The grant will fund the salary costs of a new administrative assistant to expand capacity to meet demand, and fund the set up of at least four new clubs across England and Wales. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £166,347 | BALLOONS | The grant will fund the Bridges to the Future project, to provide specialised grief support work to 70 children and young people who have been bereaved as a result of COVID-19 or whose bereavements have been complicated/exacerbated by the pandemic, through one to one grief counselling and support. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £247,576 | BEYOND THE HORIZON CHARITY | 70 children and young people aged 4-18 in Birmingham will be supported through play therapy and counselling over one year. |
05/07/2021 | £21,500 | £13,322,000 | BREAK | A grant to support 106 young people aged 8-24 who are in care, leaving care and on the edge of care in East Anglia through mentoring and skills-based workshops to build confidence and skills. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £1,868,448 | BUCKS MIND | The grant will fund the peer mentoring scheme in 18 schools, providing support to 270 peer mentors and approximately 1,782 young people with one to one talking and listening sessions. |
05/07/2021 | £15,000 | £421,237 | CHESHIRE YOUNG CARERS | Supporting 200 young carers aged 6-18 over one year in Cheshire with one-to-one counselling and group therapy to address their mental health needs. |
05/07/2021 | £21,020 | £472,831 | CYCA - (CONNECTING YOUTH CHILDREN AND ADULTS) | A grant to support 30 young people aged 11-18 in West Wales through one-to-one counselling which is offered alongside family support and activities such as canoeing to engage the young people in. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £661,026 | DORSET MIND | The grant will fund Dorset Mind's Youth Service, to provide one to one mental health support to 60 young people aged 11 - 25 years in Dorset, Bournemouth and Christchurch through counselling and weekly one to one welfare check in services. |
05/07/2021 | £22,026 | £309,606 | EVERY LIFE MATTERS | The grant will fund the development and pilot of the Suicide Safer Schools programme in 3 - 5 schools in West Cumbria, to raise awareness of suicide prevention, understanding help seeking behaviour and train select staff in suicide intervention. The project aims to reach 1,000 young people and 500 parents, teachers and staff. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £861,847 | JIGSAW4U | The grant will fund the salary costs of a Specialist Support Practitioner to support 100 young people and 200 family members with pre and post bereavement support. |
05/07/2021 | £16,000 | £17,536,000 | MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS (MHM) | The grant will support the training of 100 individuals to become trained Mental Health First Aiders for both adults and young people. |
05/07/2021 | £13,650 | £215,724 | MOODSWINGS | Grant to fund mentoring and workshops for 300 university students aged 18-25 in Manchester who are experiencing poor mental health. The workshops will focus on anxiety, poor sleep and self-esteem. |
05/07/2021 | £15,000 | £2,194,381 | OFF THE RECORD | A grant to support 70 young people aged 11-25 in Bristol with mental health issues through counselling delivered through using a virtual world approach with a trained therapist. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,230,676 | OXFORDSHIRE MIND | The grant will part fund two annual conferences in young people's mental health to 500 people working with children and young people. |
05/07/2021 | £20,000 | £3,762,474 | PAPYRUS (PREVENTION OF YOUNG SUICIDE) | 800 people in London will benefit from better understanding about the prevention of young suicide through volunteers running awareness raising events in their local communities. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £20,719,000 | PLACE2BE | A grant to support 1,300 children aged 4-16 in London through mental health support provided in school. It consists of one-to-one counselling, group work and a drop in. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £20,719,000 | PLACE2BE | A grant supporting parents in Essex and Hertfordshire whose children are experiencing poor mental health that the charity works with within the schools. The parenting support focuses on how the parent can best support the child and it will benefit 10,000 pupils aged 5-16 and parents. |
05/07/2021 | £23,870 | £917,825 | TOGETHER ACTIVE | 30 young people aged 12-19 in Staffordshire will be supported through physical activity such as angling and horse-riding, and mental health support. |
05/07/2021 | £16,947 | £1,038,386 | WARRINGTON YOUTH CLUB | A grant to support 120 young people aged 13-25 in the Warrington area through clinical counselling in order to help address their mental health needs. This support is along side the activities and support that the youth club already offers. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,523,341 | YOUNGMINDS | A grant to contribute to the costs of the charity's digital team as over 1m young people access their website for information and support. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,523,341 | YOUNGMINDS | A grant to contribute to the costs of the charity's digital team as over 1m young people access their website for information and support. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,523,341 | YOUNGMINDS | A grant to contribute to the costs of the charity's digital team as over 1m young people access their website for information and support. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,523,341 | YOUNGMINDS | A grant to contribute to the costs of the charity's digital team as over 1m young people access their website for information and support. |
05/07/2021 | £25,000 | £6,523,341 | YOUNGMINDS | A grant to contribute to the costs of the charity's digital team as over 1m young people access their website for information and support. |
05/07/2021 | £22,800 | £1,997,058 | YOUTH ACTION WILSHIRE/COMMUNITY FIRST | The grant will support 50 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with 12 months of tailored support including one to one specialist counselling, group activities and peer support sessions. |
16/06/2021 | £1,000 | £744,000 | LIFELITES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/06/2021 | £3,600 | £2,344,737 | FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE - FLORRIE'S CHILDREN'S TEAM | To support the charity's fundraising event. |
02/06/2021 | £2,833 | £58,028 | THE 3 PILLARS-FEEDING THE HOMELESS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £500 | £18,475 | EAST CORNWALL SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £500 | £136,000 | CORNWALL PARTNERSHIP FOUNDATION TRUST CHARITABLE FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £500 | £69,436 | OASIS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £2,802,939 | CORNWALL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £112,844 | CORNWALL BLOOD BIKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £500 | £245,154 | PENHALIGONS FRIENDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £1,648,639 | DISABILITY CORNWALL & ISLES OF SCILLY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £455,820 | THE MERLIN MS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £14,882,416 | CHILDRENS HOSPICE SOUTH WEST - LITTLE HARBOUR | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £10,321,100 | CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/06/2021 | £1,000 | £5,442,496 | CORNWALL AIR AMBULANCE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/05/2021 | £48,996 | £7,173,581 | BEYONDAUTISM | A grant to support 15 month olds to 5 years old who have autism, and their families. |
26/05/2021 | £64,278 | £9,625,851 | BROOK YOUNG PEOPLE | A grant to support relationship and sex education for young people with Special Educational Needs in the Durham area. |
26/05/2021 | £59,828 | £480,589 | EDWARD'S TRUST | A grant to support bereaved children aged 4 - 10 years old in the West Midlands through play therapy. |
26/05/2021 | £49,665 | £944,106 | EXETER COMMUNITY INITIATIVES | A grant to support boys aged 10-14 who have been effected by domestic abuse |
26/05/2021 | £59,919 | £1,101,760 | FORTALICE LIMITED | A grant to support children and young people who are moving on from refuge accommodation after experiencing domestic abuse. |
26/05/2021 | £49,123 | £2,843,269 | LEEDS MIND | A grant to support socially isolated older people experiencing poor mental health in Leeds through befriending and social activities. |
26/05/2021 | £10,000 | £1,123,974 | LEUKAEMIA CARE | A grant to support people over 60 who have blood cancer. |
26/05/2021 | £18,209 | £1,841,324 | LIVING OPTIONS DEVON | A grant to reduce loneliness for people with a physical and/or sensory disability through advice, information and emotional support. |
26/05/2021 | £30,000 | £396,263 | LIVING PAINTINGS | A grant to support blind and visually impaired children through Touch and See books and audio books |
26/05/2021 | £51,345 | £18,050,000 | MAGGIE'S | A grant to support men diagnosed with prostate cancer through practical and emotional support. |
26/05/2021 | £45,000 | £2,085,844 | MENINGITIS NOW | A grant to support children impacted by meningitis through support with equipment and other support. |
26/05/2021 | £28,519 | £1,056,876 | QUEEN'S CRESCENT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION | A grant to support older people in Camden through social groups and activities to improve mental and physical health and reduce isolation. |
26/05/2021 | £30,000 | £994,685 | SOUTHEND BLIND WELFARE ORGANISATION | A grant to support older people with visual impairments in Southend-on-Sea in Essex. |
26/05/2021 | £53,219 | £8,475,000 | VISTA (THE ROYAL LEICESTERSHIRE RUTLAND AND WYCLIFFE SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND) | A grant to support older people with sight loss through digital social groups. |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £358,816 | ACORNS (NORTH TYNESIDE) | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £7,000 | £43,402 | ACTIVE AND IN TOUCH FROME | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £7,000 | £55,966 | BUTTERFLIES MEMORY LOSS SUPPORT GROUP | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £98,000 | CONNECTS & CO. SUPPORT FOR YOUNG CARERS AND SIBLINGS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £392,995 | DAISY'S DREAM | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £98,512 | HOME-START BIRMINGHAM CENTRAL AND SOUTH WEST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £125,148 | HOME-START EAST SUSSEX | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £14,400 | £233,091 | HOME-START SOUTH EAST DORSET | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £218,637 | HOME-START SOUTH LEICESTERSHIRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £10,500 | £189,685 | INTERACT STROKE SUPPORT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £167,641 | LEEDS WEEKEND CARE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £5,000 | £188,702 | MENTOR LINK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £13,500 | £245,657 | MOSAIC - SUPPORTING BEREAVED CHILDREN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £137,125 | QUEST FOR LEARNING | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £190,037 | SANDWELL PARENTS FOR DISABLED CHILDREN | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £281,405 | SPRINGBOARD CHIPPENHAM | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £5,340 | £32,201 | THE POD | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £175,055 | THE THIRD AGE PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £9,000 | £229,870 | TINY TIM'S CHILDREN'S CENTRE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
26/05/2021 | £15,000 | £155,286 | WHOOPSADAISY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
06/05/2021 | £2,500 | £624,655 | KENT COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL | The grant will contribute to Kent Scouts Antarctic ReQuest Project which is an expedition taking place in the winter of 2021/22. East Kent would be top level sponsors, visible to all Kent Scouts. West Kent will also contribute £2,500. |
06/05/2021 | £1,000 | £290,275 | TOM'S TRUST | Tom’s Trust provides expert mental health support by clinical psychologists to children affected by brain tumours and their families in the East of England and North East. The grant will enable the charity to buy three new laptops for staff. |
26/04/2021 | £7,500 | £1,446,079 | THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
22/04/2021 | £7,167 | £2,461,951 | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE CARERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
31/03/2021 | £30,000 | £6,778,581 | ELLENOR - ADULT CARE | Embedding the principles of EDI for staff, patients and volunteers at ellenor hospice |
31/03/2021 | £33,000 | £16,905,000 | FARLEIGH HOSPICE | Enhancing End of Life and palliative care access to Care Home residents in Mid Essex |
31/03/2021 | £25,000 | £3,053,849 | FORGET ME NOT CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Promoting awareness, understanding and breaking down barriers about hospice care within the BAME communities |
31/03/2021 | £17,000 | £8,979,549 | GREENWICH AND BEXLEY COMMUNITY HOSPICE | A collaborative project with METRO Charity to increase knowledge of and access to the Hospice for the local LGBTQ+ community |
31/03/2021 | £31,000 | £12,892,053 | NORTH LONDON HOSPICE | Employ an Equality, Inclusion and Diversity (EDI) Officer to instil a cultural change and produce a data-driven EDI strategy |
31/03/2021 | £34,000 | £6,787,000 | ST CATHERINE'S HOSPICE, LANCASHIRE | Implementing Sustainable Organisational Changes to Enhance the Inclusivity of In-patient and Community Services for BAME Communities |
31/03/2021 | £25,000 | £22,887,000 | ST CHRISTOPHER'S HOSPICE | Dementia Caring Pathways - Widening Access – Improving Equality and Diversity in Hospice Care |
31/03/2021 | £31,000 | £16,147,000 | ST HELENA HOSPICE | Enabling Equality – Social Prescribing at End of Life for our BAME and deprived communities |
31/03/2021 | £22,000 | £4,697,186 | ST LUKE'S (CHESHIRE) HOSPICE | "Increasing Accessibility to Cheshire Hospices for the LGBTQ+ community " - Widening Access |
31/03/2021 | £34,000 | £9,089,726 | ST LUKE'S HOSPICE (BASILDON & DISTRICT) | Ensuring Equity of Access for Adults with Learning Disabilities to Palliative and End of Life Care - |
31/03/2021 | £33,000 | £4,404,641 | TEESSIDE HOSPICE CARE FOUNDATION | Broadening Access to Teesside Hospice for Everyone - Widening Access – Improving Equality and Diversity in Hospice Care |
31/03/2021 | £31,000 | £4,510,114 | THE KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE | Inclusion Matters: Creating a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion at Katharine House Hospice and Sobell House Hospice |
31/03/2021 | £25,000 | £9,001,653 | THE ROWANS HOSPICE | Creating a Digital Community of Care for all - Widening Access – Improving Equality and Diversity in Hospice Care |
31/03/2021 | £30,000 | £4,338,480 | WAKEFIELD HOSPICE | Improving access to hospice care for the BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities in Wakefield. |
31/03/2021 | £24,000 | £9,081,910 | WELDMAR HOSPICECARE TRUST | Making Weldmar Hospicecare Accessible to All. - Widening Access – Improving Equality and Diversity in Hospice Care |
31/03/2021 | £25,000 | £5,174,231 | WIGAN AND LEIGH HOSPICE | Creating an End of Life Pathway for Homeless and Vulnerably Housed People in Wigan Borough |
17/03/2021 | £48,204 | £4,036,247 | CARERS UK | A pilot project delivering awareness training as to how to identify and support unpaid carers to Community Groups, to reduce the isolation of unpaid carers. |
08/03/2021 | £16,000 | £1,172,866 | CARERS CHOICES | Grant to fund the replacement of the charity's minibus. |
08/03/2021 | £15,000 | £1,103,080 | CARERS FEDERATION | Grant to fund a 3-5 month cookery project for Young Carers ages 11-18 years to learn how to prepare low-cost, simple, nourishing meals through an online class delivered by a professional chef to provide YCs with long-lasting life skills as well as reducing impact of struggling to feed their families due to reduced income. |
08/03/2021 | £15,000 | £1,220,437 | CARERS IN BEDFORDSHIRE | Grant to enable the charity to redevelop their website, incorporating new digital tools to better meet carers' needs. |
08/03/2021 | £35,387 | £3,019,822 | CARERS IN HERTFORDSHIRE | Grant to contribute to a project providing intensive support to unpaid carers at risk of breakdown due to exhaustion, physical or mental health issues, exacerbated by COVID-19 restrictions. |
08/03/2021 | £27,000 | £234,846 | CARERS NORTHUMBERLAND | Grant to fund the salary of a Young Carers Project Support Worker for a Young Carers Support Project; identifying Young Carers' needs, ensuring they are supported to learn, develop and enjoy a positive childhood. Project will also ensure that the Young Carers' family receives appropriate support, reducing the Young Carers' responsibilities. |
08/03/2021 | £37,272 | £701,044 | CARERS PLUS YORKSHIRE | Grant to fund the salary of an Adult Service Worker, to provide support to unpaid adult carers, as well as implement a new initiative; 'Carers Champions' - a online training package for employers and workplaces to ensure the rights of employers who are carers are acknowledged, protected and respected. |
08/03/2021 | £25,000 | £3,727,379 | CARERS' RESOURCE | Grant to fund additional staffing hours, enabling the charity to increase current capacity of Project Workers to reduce the loneliness and isolation of unpaid carers by providing tailored support to meet their needs. |
08/03/2021 | £31,949 | £980,868 | CARERS TRUST BUCKS AND MILTON KEYNES | Grant to fund the salaries and project costs of 3 Young Carers Schools' Workers to work with schools to support existing Young Carers, identify previously 'hidden' Young Carers and raise awareness of Young Carers and their caring roles. |
08/03/2021 | £25,000 | £959,896 | CARERS TRUST NORTH WALES CROSSROADS CARE SERVICES | Grant for a 'Freemasons' Fund' to provide essential goods such as food parcels, white goods, fuel vouchers and home schooling equipment to unpaid carers that are struggling in North Wales. |
08/03/2021 | £12,000 | £4,033,340 | CARERS TRUST SOUTH EAST WALES LIMITED | Grant to fund the creation of an app and website for unpaid carers in South East Wales providing them with access to information on caring, support available, applying for benefits, etc. Website enables individuals to live chat with staff team and provides contact details of organisations and other agencies, etc. |
08/03/2021 | £35,000 | £3,975,900 | CARING TOGETHER | Grant to fund bereavement support for unpaid carers, providing counselling, information, advice and guidance; including helping them to socially connect with others. |
08/03/2021 | £25,307 | £4,869,644 | CHILD ACTION NORTHWEST | Grant to fund a Young Carers Schools Worker to support young carers aged 5 - 18 years in schools across Blackburn with Darwen enabling the charity to work directly in schools providing advice, information, guidance and assistance in order to ensure young carers and their families have all the support they need relieving the stress and responsibilities from the young carers. A Young Carers Schools Worker will also help schools identify and refer young carers for support. |
08/03/2021 | £35,000 | £155,613 | CLASP THE CARERS CENTRE | Grant to fund a project providing in-depth advice and support service, including training and information sessions helping approximately 200 unpaid carers in Leicester. In addition, the grant will help fund a part-time Advice and Advocacy Worker. |
08/03/2021 | £26,020 | £4,829,000 | CROSSROADS CARE CHESHIRE, MANCHESTER & MERSEYSIDE LIMITED | Grant to fund a Young Carers in Schools Project Worker to work in partnership with schools in Shropshire to raise awareness of Young Carers; identify 'hidden' Young Carers and tackle issues that lead to poor attainment and low attendance levels, by offering support to them and their families. |
08/03/2021 | £15,895 | £4,829,000 | CROSSROADS CARE CHESHIRE, MANCHESTER & MERSEYSIDE LIMITED | Grant to fund a Young Carers Support project in Cheshire East, supporting 200 young carers aged over 6 years old who are caring for a family member. |
08/03/2021 | £13,900 | £365,309 | CROSSROADS CARE EAST SUSSEX, BRIGHTON AND HOVE | Grant to provide crisis respite care, enabling unpaid carers who are experiencing a decline in their mental and physical health to have a much needed break from their caring roles. |
08/03/2021 | £10,000 | £3,514,872 | CROSSROADS CARE KENT | Grant to contribute to the End of Life project across Kent,through the provision of replacement care for the person cared for whilst unpaid carers access counselling. In addition, physical, practical and emotional care is provided in the last days of person cared for's life. |
08/03/2021 | £18,000 | £2,922,000 | CROSSROADS CARE SURREY | Grant to contribute to an Outreach and Befriending Project for unpaid carers in Surrey by providing practical and emotional support to reduce their stress and anxiety and isolation due to the challenges they are facing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. |
08/03/2021 | £20,190 | £1,896,460 | DERBYSHIRE CARERS ASSOCIATION | Grant to fund the training of a Specialist Young Carer Mental Health Worker to reach Level 4 Counselling as well as fund additional hours, enabling them to provide a counselling service to Young Carers. |
08/03/2021 | £31,530 | £1,216,281 | DURHAM COUNTY CARERS SUPPORT | Grant to fund the salaries of a full-time Parent Carers Support Worker and a part-time Communication Worker as well as the project costs for a Parent Carer Specialist Support COVID Recovery Project for parents who care for a child with disabilities and/or additional needs. |
08/03/2021 | £21,740 | £265,325 | EDEN CARERS | Grant to purchase mobile phones and laptops for staff, enabling them to continue to support unpaid carers of all ages in the Eden District, flexibly and remotely, complying with COVID-19 restrictions. |
08/03/2021 | £20,000 | £23,280 | FRIENDS OF YOUNG CARERS (SWINDON) | Grant to enable Young Carers aged 5-17 years to access support as well as participate in activities, taking a break from their caring responsibilities to relieve stress and reduce isolation. |
08/03/2021 | £24,635 | £236,191 | FURNESS CARERS | Grant to contribute to the Young Carers Respite Activity Programme, providing age appropriate After-School Clubs and Respite breaks every weekday during the school holidays as well as one Residential Outward Bound for up to 12 Young Carers. |
08/03/2021 | £12,000 | £592,555 | GLOUCESTERSHIRE YOUNG CARERS | Grant to fund 4 respite groups enabling Young Carers to take part in activities, receive support and counselling and meet others to provide a break from caring responsibilities and allow them to make friends. |
08/03/2021 | £28,500 | £1,073,483 | HARROW CARERS | Grant to fund the salary of a Specialist Parent-Carer Support Advice Worker to support vulnerable parent-carers in Harrow, caring for a child/children with a range of disabilities and/or additional needs. The Worker will support parent-carers to access support and advice with finances, counselling, etc., to improve their quality of life. |
08/03/2021 | £14,420 | HEREFORDSHIRE YOUNG CARERS CLUB (HYCC) | Grant to fund groups for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers, offering support accessible online and face-to-face (when restrictions allow) to reduce isolation, provide respite from caring roles and access to information, advocacy and peer support. | |
08/03/2021 | £25,000 | £7,576,179 | REVITALISE RESPITE HOLIDAYS | Grant to create a hardship fund for emergency breaks for disabled adults and their carers at the charity's centres. |
08/03/2021 | £15,000 | £773,064 | TELFORD AND WREKIN CVS | Grant to fund the Creative Me Time project for Young Carers, a weekly youth club during term time, enabling them to participate in a range of activities to reduce isolation, improve mental well being and reduce stress. |
08/03/2021 | £30,000 | £1,446,079 | THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Grant to fund the London Freemasons' Wellbeing Fund, providing Young Carers with small grants for essential items such as replacement of a broken washing machine, school uniforms, including new shoes and satchel, to improve their quality of life. |
08/03/2021 | £17,440 | £962,964 | WORCESTERSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF CARERS | Grant for a project providing support for carers, many new to an unpaid caring role, who are caring for someone with 'Long COVID', helping them to cope with their caring responsibilities and supporting them to keep well themselves. |
08/03/2021 | £19,338 | £962,964 | WORCESTERSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF CARERS | Grant to fund a project supporting unpaid carers to adapt to Life after COVID by providing activities such as support groups, respite care, activities such as woodland experiences to improve the mental and physical health and wellbeing of unpaid carers as well as reduce isolation. |
08/03/2021 | £17,250 | £119,908 | YOUNG CARERS DEVELOPMENT TRUST | Grant to fund online support, including webinars and an aspirations conference, counselling sessions for Young Carers aged 15-19 years to help improve their mental health and well-being. The grant will also fund IT equipment and internet enabling Young Carers to study and access the online support. |
05/03/2021 | £2,500 | £8,027 | FRIENDS OF BROOKLANDS SCHOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/03/2021 | £2,500 | £27,107 | SURREY PROVINCIAL CHARITY FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/03/2021 | £10,250 | £196,363 | EASTERN RAVENS TRUST | A grant towards the Regenerating Young Carers project. |
05/03/2021 | £2,902 | £589,379 | SOUTH CENTRAL AMBULANCE CHARITY | Risborough Community First Responders |
05/03/2021 | £1,000 | £204,628 | ST MATTHEWS BIG LOCAL (LEICESTER) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/03/2021 | £550 | £752,458 | THE ELIZABETH FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/03/2021 | £1,400 | £7,811,927 | HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/03/2021 | £1,500 | £468,939 | VOLUNTARY ACTION SOUTH LEICESTERSHIRE (VASL) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
24/02/2021 | £26,697 | £352,392 | BARNSLEY HOSPITAL CHARITY | A grant towards the refurbishment of the ward for older patients in Barnsley Hospital |
24/02/2021 | £50,000 | £5,107,000 | BIRMINGHAM WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CHARITY | A grant to fund a Play and Recreation Facilitator at Birmingham Children's Hospital |
24/02/2021 | £30,000 | £3,285,284 | CANINE PARTNERS | A grant to support assistance dogs for physically disabled older people across England and Wales. |
24/02/2021 | £55,830 | £4,132,221 | CARERS FIRST | A grant to support older carers and former carers in Lincolnshire via social activities and 121 support. |
24/02/2021 | £42,099 | £3,158,360 | DEAFBLIND UK | A grant to support older people with dual sensory loss experiencing poor mental health through 121 support, befriending and social groups. |
24/02/2021 | £38,800 | £617,039 | DRAKE MUSIC | A great to support disabled children through specialist music sessions to improve communication, motor skills, coordination and focus. |
24/02/2021 | £60,000 | £1,476,572 | EAST AND NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE HOSPITALS' CHARITY | A grant to support end of life care for older people in the Lister Hospital, Stevenage. Volunteers ensure that patients do not die alone. |
24/02/2021 | £55,000 | £553,778 | HMDT MUSIC | A grant to support disabled children in Hackney through Saturday music sessions. |
24/02/2021 | £55,616 | £5,377,000 | KENT WILDLIFE TRUST | A grant to provide eco-therapy in a NHS Trust Dementia Village in Dover. |
24/02/2021 | £50,000 | £1,251,390 | NOAH'S ARK CHARITY | A grant to support two Play Specialist helping children to have a more positive experience of being in hospital. |
24/02/2021 | £60,000 | £1,687,265 | OPEN AGE | A grant supporting older men in west London through activities and social groups. |
24/02/2021 | £14,600 | £722,480 | ROCKINGHORSE | A grant to support young people experiencing poor mental health in Sussex, |
24/02/2021 | £49,462 | £498,684 | STEPPING STONES (LUTON) | A grant to support women who are vulnerable, disadvantaged and have complex needs due poverty, abuse and substance misuse. |
24/02/2021 | £56,808 | £34,125,000 | STROKE ASSOCIATION | A grant to support stroke survivors and carers by digitally connecting stroke group members and volunteers |
24/02/2021 | £60,000 | £842,137 | YOUR SANCTUARY | A grant to support children and young people affected by domestic abuse in Surrey. |
24/02/2021 | £6,000 | £54,049 | BABY EQUIPMENT LOAN SERVICE AND TOY LIBRARY | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £205,668 | COMMUNICARE IN SOUTHAMPTON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £8,000 | £74,039 | DOWN SYNDROME DEVELOPMENT TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £57,183 | FAB - FIGHT AGAINST BLINDNESS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £183,729 | HACKNEY PLAYBUS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £314,326 | HOME FROM HOSPITAL CARE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £153,235 | HOME-START CRAWLEY, HORSHAM AND MID-SUSSEX | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £237,001 | OMEGA, CARE FOR LIFE | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £4,600 | £41,367 | PARENT CLUB | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £377,904 | SOUNDABOUT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £12,600 | £270,309 | THE WHEELS PROJECT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
24/02/2021 | £15,000 | £471,954 | TOTNES CARING | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
16/02/2021 | £4,000 | £4,962,136 | HEART OF KENT HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2021 | £1,944 | £176,914 | DASH CEREDIGION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2021 | £1,975 | £576,692 | CYCA - (CONNECTING YOUTH CHILDREN AND ADULTS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2021 | £750 | £199,223,000 | THE SALVATION ARMY (CANTERBURY CITADEL) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/02/2021 | £1,689 | £130,699 | TANYARD YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/02/2021 | £1,600 | £23,721 | ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF SHANNON COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
11/02/2021 | £2,200 | £12,636 | ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ZETLAND COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2021 | £5,000 | £1,403,028 | WIRED YOUNG CARERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
05/02/2021 | £300 | £9,102 | REST BAY LIFEGUARD CLUB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £5,000 | £10,666,000 | MIDLANDS AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £5,000 | £23,229,000 | WARWICKSHIRE AND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £1,250 | £1,115,265 | SUPPORT DOGS LIMITED | A grant towards two support partnerships in East Kent. |
02/02/2021 | £1,000 | £3,514,872 | CROSSROADS CARE KENT | Funding towards PPE. |
02/02/2021 | £500 | £586,492 | KENT MS THERAPY CENTRE | Towards the general running costs of Kent Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre. |
02/02/2021 | £1,250 | £22,048,454 | MEDWAY GRAVESHAM & SWALE SAMARITANS | Towards the general running costs of this branch of Samaritans. |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £24,543,000 | MAGGIE'S | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £141,829,000 | ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WELFARE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £199,803,000 | THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £79,717 | OLD MILL FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £6,589 | POPSY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £22,290,000 | PROSTATE CANCER UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £300 | £22,822 | FRIENDS OF EDWARD ALBERT PRINCE OF WALES COURT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £500 | £2,906,018 | CARDIFF WOMEN’S AID | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £500 | £52,988 | MERTHYR CYNON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £36,642 | LLANDRINDOD WELLS FOOD BANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £2,409 | LLANDRINDOD WELLS WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LEAGUE OF FRIENDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £300 | THE TRUSSELL TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
02/02/2021 | £750 | £36,364 | WORCESTER SAMARITANS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £600 | £66,506 | CARERS CARELINE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £600 | £455,054 | CROSSROADS CARING FOR CARERS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £29,742,000 | SSAFA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £1,500 | £6,920,858 | KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £250 | £34,125,000 | STROKE ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £1,000 | £11,645,283 | DOUGLAS MACMILLAN HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £500 | £145,349,000 | MARIE CURIE HOSPICE, CARDIFF AND THE VALE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £1,000 | £11,645,283 | DOUGLAS MACMILLAN HOSPICE - CHILDREN'S SERVICES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £500 | £8,527,720 | TY HAFAN CHILDREN'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
02/02/2021 | £300 | £1,383,710 | CEREBRAL PALSY CYMRU | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £416 | £37,819 | BEEP DOCTORS (BASICS CUMBRIA) LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £416 | £3,884 | ALSTON RECREATION GROUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £49,311 | SAMARITANS OF WEST CUMBRIA | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £36,892 | FLETCHER'S FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £61,962 | THE ROCK CURROCK YOUTH PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £416 | £9,935,593 | DEMENTIA UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £24,755,000 | MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £24,755,000 | MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £416 | £247,250 | SIGHT ADVICE SOUTH LAKES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | CARLISLE KEY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £510,968 | CITIZENS ADVICE COPELAND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
29/01/2021 | £417 | £527,654 | CITIZENS ADVICE ALLERDALE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £500 | £48,433,000 | LIVABILITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £450 | £1,512 | LEDBURY MATITIME CADETS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £750 | £1,539,839 | TREE OF HOPE CHARITY (SUPPORTING PAWS) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £270 | £2,196,582 | PANCREATIC CANCER RESEARCH FUND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £21,096 | 1ST TONYPANDY SCOUTS GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £500 | £12,596 | THE HOLLIES ACTION GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £500 | £30,369,347 | PARKINSON'S UK (VAUXHALL BRIDGE ROAD) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £2,000 | FRIENDS OF YSGOL CRUG GLAS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £500 | £36,362 | BRECON FOODBANK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £211,403 | WYESIDE ARTS CENTRE LTD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £500 | £4,937 | ROOKWOOD SPUR CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £4,441 | CARDIFF CHAMELEONS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £159,931 | SANDVILLE SELF HELP FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/01/2021 | £250 | £11,842,000 | WELSH AIR AMBULANCE CHARITABLE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £5,000 | £134,695 | HELPING SUPPORT PEOPLE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £3,500 | £2,036,312 | MEDICAL DETECTION DOGS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £3,000 | £3,984,676 | WILTSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,000 | £149,166 | MAELORVOLUNTARY SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,000 | £4,028 | CARL GUNN'S GYM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £750 | £6,884 | TAKE HEART LEICESTER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,000 | £130,554 | ENRYCH CONNECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £740,887 | SWINDON CARERS CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £16,292 | FRIENDS OF ICKNIELD ASSOCIATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £198,378 | SALISBURY WOMEN'S REFUGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £18,835 | THE DEVIZES & DISTRICT PHAB | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £940,824 | SWINDON DOMESTIC ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £217,026 | STEP SWINDON | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £62,879 | SOUTH WILTS MENCAP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £18,063,000 | MND NORTH WILTS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £23,280 | FRIENDS OF YOUNG CARERS (SWINDON) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,111 | £15,518 | SUICIDE CRISIS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,000 | £9,935,593 | DEMENTIA UK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £141,786 | YOUNG MELKSHAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £70,796 | ARTS TOGETHER | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £219,839 | THE JOHN MCNEILL OPPORTUNITY CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £500 | £601,007 | THE FARMING COMMUNITY NETWORK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £1,250 | £503,322 | HAPPY DAYS CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
26/01/2021 | £658 | £6,654,920 | DORSET SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £2,500 | £34,710 | SAI DHAM (NOTTINGHAM) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £2,500 | £105,115 | WEST BERKSHIRE HOMELESS (NEWBURY AREA) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £1,000 | £334,502 | EMMAUS SUFFOLK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £2,000 | £377,585 | MANINPLACE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £2,000 | £234,177 | THE SHREWSBURY ARK | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £500 | £2,998,488 | SUFFOLK MIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £1,000 | £503,322 | HAPPY DAYS CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/01/2021 | £1,000 | £5,519,000 | THE ROYAL NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2021 | £10,000 | MARLOW MASONIC CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
15/01/2021 | £900 | £49,012 | MINDSTEP FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2021 | £2,000 | £41,779 | DERBY MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
15/01/2021 | £1,000 | £70,143 | THE LORD MAYOR OF BRISTOL’S CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR CHILDREN | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/01/2021 | £1,000 | LINCOLNSHIRE ARMY CADET FORCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
12/01/2021 | £710 | £1,619,000 | SOUTH TEES HOSPITALS CHARITY AND ASSOCIATED FUNDS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/01/2021 | £1,000 | £170,182 | FOREST PULSE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/01/2021 | £800 | £405,004 | ALLSORTS GLOUCESTERSHIRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
12/01/2021 | £1,000 | £234,700,000 | BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/01/2021 | £750 | £40,717 | PORTLAND DROP-IN CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
07/01/2021 | £1,000 | RHUDDLAN DEMENTIA GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
06/01/2021 | £1,500 | £6,862,689 | THE PASSAGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/12/2020 | £2,500 | £13,217,393 | EAST ANGLIAN AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/12/2020 | £7,500 | £454,097 | HOPE COMMUNITY SERVICES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/12/2020 | £2,500 | £4,830,168 | MAGPAS AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
21/12/2020 | £6,500 | £951,657 | URBAN OUTREACH | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
18/12/2020 | £2,500 | £2,950,838 | LAUNCHPAD READING | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/12/2020 | £2,592 | £10,689 | FRIENDS OF WINCHELSEA SCHOOL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/12/2020 | £5,000 | £109,351 | SHREWSBURY HOMES FOR ALL | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
16/12/2020 | £4,000 | £845,530 | THE MATTHEW TREE PROJECT | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/12/2020 | £3,000 | £69,515 | ABOUT FACE | Core support |
08/12/2020 | £2,500 | £9,404 | STAUNTON HAROLD SAILABILITY TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
08/12/2020 | £3,000 | £9,020,321 | THAMES VALLEY AIR AMBULANCE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
03/12/2020 | £10,000 | £1,990,199 | ASPIRE OXFORDSHIRE | Grant for a 'Personalisation Fund' to guide homeless people into move on housing, ensuring the transition into their new home is positive and lasting. This will include; support from a Caseworker, a homestarter kit, decorating tools, provision of digital access including laptop and internet connection as well as help to access training. |
03/12/2020 | £25,000 | £647,459 | EMMAUS HAMPSHIRE | Grant to fund a 'Repair Shop' workshop, enabling residents/companions to recyle/up-cycle furniture and homeware. The new workshop will replace the workshop that was lost due to the development of 8 additional studio rooms for homeless people earlier this year. The workshop recycled and sold items of furniture, generating income for the charity as well providing work experience for residents. Therefore it is essential that this facility is reinstated. income for the charity as well providing work experience for residents. Therefore it is essential that this facility is reinstated. |
03/12/2020 | £57,000 | £850,987 | EMMAUS OXFORD | Grant to establish the COVID-19 Resettlement Fund to enable the charity to provide homeless people with a 'starter pack' to move into a new home. The pack will include the essential household items needed; such as furniture and white goods. The starter packs would be provided free of charge to beneficiaries. |
03/12/2020 | £10,000 | £934,175 | EMMAUS ST ALBANS | Grant to contribute to the charity doubling the size of their workshop where companions/residents recycle and restore furniture for resale. By doubling the size of the workshop, white goods will be able to be recycled and the necessary electrical testing done. This will enable the charity to increase their social enterprise, by offering recycled white goods for sale. In addition, the storage space will be increased allowing for more donations of furniture and/or white goods to be received. |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £334,502 | EMMAUS SUFFOLK | Grant to support a Micro Housing project over one year, leasing a house from a local housing association that can accommodate 3 homeless people. The beneficiaries will be supported to gain the skills to gain employment, manage their finances and maintain a tenancy with a view to moving them to independence. |
03/12/2020 | £70,000 | £2,772,931 | EMMAUS UK | Grant to provide financial support during COVID-19 restrictions ensuring that the services provided by Emmaus Communities in Hastings & Rother, Brighton & Hove, Surrey, Medway and Dover are sustainable and continue to provide support to homeless people in their areas. Due to COVID-19, the charity's social enterprise shops that provide both income and employment training opportunities have had to close. |
03/12/2020 | £50,000 | £2,772,931 | EMMAUS UK | Grant to provide financial support during COVID-19 restrictions ensuring that the services provided by Emmaus Communities in Leeds, Sheffield, Hull, North East (South Shields) and Bradford are sustainable and continue to provide support to homeless people in the area. |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £352,185 | EMMAUS, BURNLEY | Grant to fund a COVID-19 Safety Homeless Outreach Team consisting of two funded staff plus Emmaus Companions to visit towns across Lancashire, mainly at night to work with street homeless people. The team will , ensure that beneficiaries have essentials including; face masks, hand gel, warm clothes, hats and gloves plus food. The team will try to support people into Covid Safe suitable accommodation as possible linking with local councils housing officers and local homeless organisations. |
03/12/2020 | £20,000 | £587,878 | EMMAUS, COLCHESTER | Grant to contribute to the salary of a counsellor providing sessions helping residents/companions resolve challenges relating to the reasons they became homeless and helping them on their way to independence. |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £121,586 | GLOUCESTERSHIRE NIGHT STOP | Grant to fund the Supported Lodgings project providing safe and supported accommodation to homeless young people aged 16-25 years who are not in the care of social services. |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £173,838 | HELP BRISTOL’S HOMELESS | Grant to fund ground preparation works and the purchase and delivery of one micro-unit to expand the charity's capacity to house homeless individuals. The micro units are converted from shipping containers into self contained micro flats. |
03/12/2020 | £20,000 | £193,330 | HOPE 4 (RUGBY) LTD | The grant will fund the salaries of two Key Workers providing dedicated casework support to locally based homeless individuals at the charity's Day Centre. The support includes helping beneficiaries to access healthcare, welfare benefits, employment, accommodation, etc. The Key Workers also support clients to access the other services available at the charity's centre such as food, showers and laundry. |
03/12/2020 | £25,000 | £2,428,296 | HUGGARD | Grant to fund the replacement of the charity's Outreach and Development vehicle. The replacement will be a Vauxhall Sharan 7 seater or equivalent. This vehicle gives space for both the transportation of people and of belongings and equipment. The charity's beneficiaries struggle with access to public transport as they cannot afford the costs. |
03/12/2020 | £18,000 | £66,990 | NEWBURY SOUP KITCHEN HAVEN (WEST BERKSHIRE) | Grant to fund a new Takeaway type vehicle enabling the charity to continue to provide hot meals to homeless and vulnerable people in Newbury. The charity is unable to continue to provide hot meals from the Salvation Army Hall in Newbury due to social distancing and thus far has used their transit van which is not appropriate for food provision. |
03/12/2020 | £10,000 | £243,622 | ONE ROOF LEICESTER | Grant to contribute to the expansion of the charity's capacity to house homeless individuals whilst providing support for them to rebuild their lives. Specifically, the grant would be used to provide client support, cover rental costs and fund the furnishing the properties. The charity has been offered three properties on long-term leases which will enable the charity to house 16 homeless individuals, taking their capacity of providing secure housing to 28 people in total. |
03/12/2020 | £50,000 | £144,328 | ONLY A PAVEMENT AWAY | Grant to fund 10 courses in the charity's Life Skills Programme for homeless people who need the skills to live independently and sustainably. Having completed the programme, participants will continue to be supported by the charity including access to the Employment Pathway Support service. The grant will also fund a 'In-Home Starter Kit' providing Cookery Brochure, a cooking utensils starter park, and a sundry & essential ingredients box. The charity will also provide, as needed, additional key kitchen equipment such as cooker, microwave and/or fridge freezer. |
03/12/2020 | £10,000 | £27,843,845 | PEOPLE POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES | Grant to fund the charity's Outreach Support Team . This is a mobile team that actively identifies rough sleepers in Wolverhampton, making contact with those sleeping on the streets, building trust initially, so that the the team can then assess their needs and make appropriate referrals to voluntary and statutory organisations. |
03/12/2020 | £50,000 | £1,295,756 | SASH | Grant to fund the running costs of the charity's Nightstop Service for three months. The charity has been unable to fundraise at all during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Nightstop Service provides safe accommodation through volunteers/hosts offering a spare room in their homes to young people facing homelessness. Support Workers provide additional support and advice regarding accessing to specialist services as required. |
03/12/2020 | £43,000 | SHAID LTD SINGLE HOMELESS ACTION INITIATIVE IN DURHAM | Grant to fund the lease on 5 further homes, enabling the charity to expand their capacity to provide accommodation to those requiring homes. The grant will also fund the costs to increase the support provided by Support Workers. Due to COVID-19, the charity is experiencing an increase in demand and the grant would enable the charity to increase their capacity and capability to support those in need. This project is to specifically support women fleeing domestic abuse. | |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £13,131,540 | ST BASILS | Grant to enable the charity to provide homeless young people they accommodate and support with technology including phones, sim cars, screens, tablets ensuring they engage with online employability programmes. The grant will also help to provide essential items such as food, cleaning materials, furnishings, bedding and kitchen equipment as well as television or radio. These items will enable young people to feel connected and comfortable. |
03/12/2020 | £32,356 | £58,028 | THE 3 PILLARS-FEEDING THE HOMELESS | Grant to fund the purchase of a new additional vehicle to extend the scope of the charity's current operation. In addition, the grant will fund the electrical installation of the charity's storage unit, enabling a safe, secure working environment for volunteers not only during daylight hours. |
03/12/2020 | £30,000 | £300,093 | THE BUS SHELTER MK | The grant will be used to contribute to the creation of a new seven bedroom unit to provide temporary housing and support to homeless people in Milton Keynes. Shipping containers will be converted by a company that has offered to complete the work at cost price. The unit has been designed with a similar footprint to that of the bus but provides COVID-19 safe sleeping arrangements. |
03/12/2020 | £13,125 | £392,020 | THE FRIARY DROP-IN LTD | The grant will fund an experienced Counsellor to run the new Friary Advice Centre, providing support to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Nottingham to help them access statutory and voluntary services, including benefits, housing and healthcare. |
03/12/2020 | £20,000 | £375,740 | THE PEOPLE'S KITCHEN | The grant will fund the charity's main project, providing a hot meal to the homeless and vulnerable members of the community over the winter period. The grant would specifically fund food and associated running costs providing 160 meals each day. |
03/12/2020 | £20,000 | £1,451,975 | THE SANCTUARY TRUST | Creating the Reaching Out Centre to bring vulnerable local people together to combat loneliness and isolation by getting them to form meaningful relationships through taking part in social activities. The aim is to prevent those who are marginalised from society from engaging in destructive behaviours that leads to homelessness. . |
03/12/2020 | £15,000 | THE SHELTER TRUST JERSEY | Grant to fund materials and resources to equip new two sites that the Charity has had to open to increase capacity to accommodate homeless people in Jersey throughout the Autumn and Winter period. There is also potentially a 3rd site being considered. The sites are anticipated to be open for a year from the end of October 2020. The materials will need to reflect the COVID-19 specific requirements as well as social distancing space requirements, hence the need for additional sites rather than the extension of existing sites. The set up of an additional site includes: kit-out, running costs, PPE and cleaning materials as well as day to day running expenses but specifically 3 months rent at £8,440 per month. | |
03/12/2020 | £17,000 | £3,105,344 | TRINITY HOMELESS PROJECTS | Grant to fund the refurbishment of three 2 storey flats in Middlesex, to house people who would otherwise be homeless. The refurbishment includes, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways and all carpets. |
03/12/2020 | £26,980 | £486,310 | TURN TO STARBOARD | Grant to enable the charity to retain the Tudora - a 6 berth vessel to be used to temporarily house veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and those with Pyscho-Social needs such as homelessness due to an increase in demand and referrals since COVID-19. A maximum of 2 veterans will be housed at any one time in the vessel and will be supported by a charity worker and Royal British Legion Caseworker to resolve housing, benefit, employment issues and get them back on their feet. Past outcomes reveal that this can take from 10 days - up to six weeks. |
03/12/2020 | £35,923 | £1,366,606 | WIRRAL CHURCHES ARK PROJECT | The grant will enable 3 new studio flats to be created by converting the ground floor office space of the Grand Trunk building. The building already has 6 flats on the 1st and 2nd floors. This additional accommodation will provide extra capacity due to increased demand. The charity operates a 'staircase' model, providing a range of housing options depending on the the type and level of support required. People are only placed in flats when they are deemed ready by their Support Workers to ensure a successful journey out of homelessness. |
03/12/2020 | £15,000 | £4,255,357 | YMCA LINCOLNSHIRE | Grant to support 3 individual rooms within the YMCA Lincolnshire centre providing emergency accommodation for homeless people for three years to support 120 people per year. Beneficiaries will also receive support and advice, enabling them to move on into secure accommodation, access healthcare, benefits, employment, etc. |
01/12/2020 | £3,000 | £4,033,340 | CARERS TRUST SOUTH EAST WALES LIMITED | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
27/11/2020 | £5,000 | JERSEY HOMELESS OUTREACH GROUP | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
27/11/2020 | £5,000 | JERSEY WOMEN'S REFUGE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
24/11/2020 | £2,500 | £288,822 | PATHWAYS OF CHESTERFIELD | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/11/2020 | £3,100 | £9,482,076 | THE FEDERATION OF JEWISH SERVICES | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/11/2020 | £5,000 | £3,533,597 | NEWCASTLE UNITED FOUNDATION | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
17/11/2020 | £5,000 | £930,831 | TYNEDALE HOSPICE AT HOME | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2020 | £3,000 | GUERNSEY CARDIAC ACTION GROUP (CAG) | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
10/11/2020 | £2,500 | £5,363,516 | POLICE REHABILITATION CENTRE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
10/11/2020 | £3,000 | THE GUERNSEY SEA CADET CORPS | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province | |
28/10/2020 | £2,500 | £943,867 | CRANSLEY HOSPICE TRUST | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
28/10/2020 | £2,500 | £385,849 | LAKELANDS HOSPICE | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
23/10/2020 | £10,000 | £795,813 | HEEL AND TOE CHILDREN'S CHARITY | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
19/10/2020 | £4,000 | £149,677 | SOMEWHERE TO GO | Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province |
14/10/2020 | £2,820 | £11,645,283 | DOUGLAS MACMILLAN HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,710 | £14,014,775 | LOROS HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,655 | £145,349,000 | MARIE CURIE HOSPICE, CARDIFF AND THE VALE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,985 | £10,634,729 | MYTON HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,545 | £14,079,076 | ROYAL TRINITY HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £3,095 | £22,867,000 | ST CHRISTOPHER'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,765 | £11,589,696 | ST GEMMA'S HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,875 | £14,152,000 | ST JOSEPH'S HOSPICE HACKNEY | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £2,765 | £8,440,922 | WOKING HOSPICE | Unrestricted funding for hospices |
14/10/2020 | £43,824 | £9,233,805 | ALABARé CHRISTIAN CARE AND SUPPORT | Support young people who are homeless, leaving the care system, adolescent parents, and asylum seeker children |
14/10/2020 | £12,861 | £871,492 | ASPECT LIVING FOUNDATION | A grant to fund a meals of wheels service supporting older people in Suffolk through the purchase of two walk in freezers. |
14/10/2020 | £62,315 | £826,167 | CARE FOR THE CARERS | A grant supporting young carers in East Sussex through one to one support, group activities and mentoring. |
14/10/2020 | £57,099 | £1,863,649 | DAISY CHAIN PROJECT TEESSIDE | A grant to support young people with ASD through mental health support in Teesside. |
14/10/2020 | £60,000 | £719,083 | ENCEPHALITIS SOCIETY | A grant to support young people with encephalitis through digital support. |
14/10/2020 | £42,000 | £6,694,307 | LEICESTER HOSPITALS CHARITY | A grant to support a diabetes education app which helps children and their families better understand and manage Type 1 diabetes. |
14/10/2020 | £52,218 | £881,456 | LISTENING EAR (MERSEYSIDE) | A grant supporting children and young people who are experiencing mental health problems |
14/10/2020 | £45,000 | £1,513,540 | MANCHESTER YOUTH ZONE | A grant to support children who are at risk of being groomed into criminality through gangs |
14/10/2020 | £65,000 | £15,592,165 | SOLACE WOMEN'S AID | A grant to support child in refuges in Bexley who have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse. |
14/10/2020 | £57,525 | £13,717,324 | ST GILES TRUST | A grant to support disadvantaged children and families in Leeds through short term crisis support in response to COVID-19 |
14/10/2020 | £60,000 | £830,057 | SWANSEA AND BRECON DIOCESAN BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | A grant to support disadvantaged children in Swansea to give them the best chance of engaging with education and having a bright future. |
14/10/2020 | £64,368 | £371,791 | THE CHILDREN'S LITERACY CHARITY | A grant to support children who are behind at school in London through literacy tutoring. |
14/10/2020 | £56,567 | £792,218 | THE LIMEHOUSE PROJECT | A grant to support the Living Well Club which supports socially isolated older people in Tower Hamlets |
14/10/2020 | £60,000 | £2,422,890 | THINKFORWARD UK | Support young peoplethrough coaching support to help remain engaged and develop skills in education, training and employment. |
14/10/2020 | £55,931 | £2,018,274 | TREVI HOUSE | A grant to support the children of women who are receiving treatment for addictions in Plymouth, Devon. |
14/10/2020 | £9,000 | £70,796 | ARTS TOGETHER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £5,900 | £49,478 | BABY BANK NETWORK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £13,800 | £556,427 | BLUEBELL CARE TRUST | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £143,274 | CASTLE POINT SOCIAL CAR SCHEME | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £317,208 | HOLBECK TOGETHER | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £10,000 | £143,536 | HOME-START EXETER, EAST AND MID DEVON | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £620,101 | IMARA CIO | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £250,265 | IN2OUT | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £414,014 | INFOBUZZ | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £330,416 | KINGSCARE LEAGUE OF FRIENDS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £12,000 | £188,451 | MARCHES FAMILY NETWORK | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £13,330 | £225,188 | MYTIME YOUNG CARERS | Unrestricted core funding for small charities |
14/10/2020 | £15,000 | £560,225 | OPENING DOORS LONDON |