National Lottery Community Fund - Empowering disadvantaged families to recover and rebuild together |
£395,000 |
This funding will support specialist early intervention support helping disadvantaged children and their families across Bournemouth Christchurch Poole (BCP) East Dorset and the Purbecks. The project aims to improve wellbeing.
Postcode Local Trust - Project Funding |
£18,220 |
Funded provision of specialist weekly support groups helping homeless families improve life chances for children & tackle impact of poverty.
The Grocers' Charity - 2023 Grant - Home-Start Wessex |
£4,555 |
to support weekly drop-in groups to support young, vulnerable, single homeless mums aged 16-25, including care leavers and people at risk of offending and young offenders.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Home-Start Wessex |
£145,500 |
36 |
towards three years' continuation funding of the running costs of an organisation that provides practical and emotional support for families in South East Dorset.
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Home-Start Wessex (formerly South East Dorset) - 23/11/22 |
£2,000 |
Core Funding
Lloyds Bank Foundation - One off gift towards cost of living crisis to Home-Start Wessex |
£2,250 |
One off gift to support with the cost of living crisis
The Leathersellers' Company Charitable Fund - Grant to Home-Start Wessex |
£100,000 |
Main Grant Unrestricted Core Costs
Dorset Community Foundation - Grant to Home Start Wessex (prev Home-Start South East Dorset) |
£6,500 |
A range of support to help vulnerable families this winter including provision of warm clothing, distribution of foodbank vouchers, Christmas hampers, smart budgeting workshops and laundry service
Dorset Community Foundation - Grant to Home Start Wessex (prev Home-Start South East Dorset) |
£2,899 |
To provide an outdoor community weekly drop-in session offering support for isolated parents with children under 5. Trained staff offer advice, guidance and emotional support.
National Lottery Community Fund - The Haven Group for Vulnerable Families |
£9,110 |
This project will run groups for vulnerable children 5 and under and their families. It will help support them to cope with issues such as poor mental health isolation parent/child attachment issues or special educational needs and disabilities
This project will run groups for vulnerable children 5 and under and their families. It will help support them to cope with issues such as poor mental health isolation parent/child attachment issues or special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) through 121 emotional support advice/guidance peer support access to information and local/specialist support services.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (3 Years) award |
£10,000 |
36 |
Helping disadvantaged families build better lives for themselves and their children
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£50,000 |
24 |
Unrestricted grant over two years towards the core costs of Home-Start South East Dorset
Dorset Community Foundation - Rapid Response Early Intervention for disadvantaged families in crisis |
£4,000 |
Supporting families with children under age 5, experiencing crisis
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£2,102 |
We would hold a weekly ""Haven"" group to provide specialist emotional support and friendship to vulnerable parents with a baby under one who are experiencing low moods or post-natal depression.
National Lottery Community Fund - The 'Haven' Group for vulnerable families |
£8,614 |
The funding will be used to run a weekly specialist support group for vulnerable children aged 5 and under and their families.
Masonic Trust - MCF Small Grant |
£14,400 |
Unrestricted core funding for small charities
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£15,000 |
Helping Disadvantaged Families deal with the impact of Covid-19 and build better lives
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£20,500 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£3,522 |
6 |
COVID19 - This grant will fund additional staffing, IT equipment and resource packs for children living in families on low incomes, isolated at home due to Covid-19. Children will feel less isolated and improve family relationships.
£3,522 |
NET, Comic Relief and Children in Need will use this funding to provide: increased support to vulnerable people and hidden groups, thus reducing the burden on public services; reach local grassroots and small organisations who can provide an
NET, Comic Relief and Children in Need will use this funding to provide: increased support to vulnerable people and hidden groups, thus reducing the burden on public services; reach local grassroots and small organisations who can provide an on-the-ground community response to the crisis; and, support local charitable organisations to mobilise volunteers to enable better targeted support in communities through empowered local groups.
Quartet Community Foundation - Improving Family Finances |
£4,968 |
9 |
Budgeting support for families with young children in South East Dorset
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£79,700 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a Home-Start in a deprived area of South East Dorset
National Lottery Community Fund - The Haven Group for Vulnerable Families |
£8,614 |
12 |
The funding will be used to run a weekly family support service for vulnerable parents. The project aims to improve wellbeing and family relationships.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£10,000 |
Building Better Lives for Disadvantaged Families
National Lottery Community Fund - Confronting Disadvantage in South East Dorset |
£322,366 |
60 |
The project provides weekly support helping families to increase and improve parenting skills and knowledge.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£47,190 |
36 |
This project will provide group sessions for disadvantaged children aged 0-4 and their families. By taking part in the activities it will help to increase their emotional well-being, improve their fine and gross motor skills and make them less
This project will provide group sessions for disadvantaged children aged 0-4 and their families. By taking part in the activities it will help to increase their emotional well-being, improve their fine and gross motor skills and make them less isolated.
Woodward Charitable Trust - Towards salary costs of helping vulnerable, isolated families. |
£1,000 |
Towards salary costs of helping vulnerable, isolated families.
National Lottery Community Fund - Positive Life Changes |
£191,686 |
61 |
The aim of this continuation project is to support families with at least one child under five years old in the Bournemouth, Poole and East Dorset areas, targeting those struggling with a range of issues such as low incomes, poor housing conditions,
The aim of this continuation project is to support families with at least one child under five years old in the Bournemouth, Poole and East Dorset areas, targeting those struggling with a range of issues such as low incomes, poor housing conditions, mental and physical health issues and socially isolated parents. The project matches a fully trained volunteer (who has experience of looking after children) to the family with a view to them offering practical and emotional support.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Home-Start South East Dorset |
£21,100 |
the salary costs of an Organiser including on costs, admin costs, premises and volunteer costs