35 years
Provides free management support to voluntary organisations addressing issues of poverty, disability and social exclusion, working with a register of volunteers from the commercial sector.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Garfield Weston Foundation | £525,000 |
Dulverton Trust | £335,000 |
Masonic Trust | £228,000 |
City Bridge Trust | £201,460 |
Pears Foundation | £190,000 |
Mercer's Charitable Foundation | £154,614 |
12 years
Action Tutoring provides free tuition to pupils from low-income backgrounds through partnerships with schools, using high quality volunteer tutors, aiming to ensure pupils are equipped in English and maths to be able to progress to further education, employment or training. The charity operates in the following cities: London, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Sheffield, Brighton and Newcastle.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Dulverton Trust | £86,666 |
Westminster Foundation | £75,600 |
The EQ Foundation | £75,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £30,000 |
14 years
Justlife Foundation provide one-to-one healthcare, housing and wellbeing support for people living in Unsupported Temporary Accommodation. Although they have a roof over their head, the people Justlife work with are homeless, and need this professional support to improve their chances and move away from homelessness
Where do they operate?
East Sussex, Brighton And Hove, Manchester City
Supported in last 5 years by: National Lottery Community Fund | £303,890 |
Henry Smith Charity | £180,000 |
Lloyds Bank Foundation | £154,429 |
Trust for London | £147,000 |
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Charity | £108,202 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £90,000 |
9 years
City Harvest collects surplus food from food manufacturers, farmers and retailers to distribute to organisations that feed the hungry across London
Where do they operate?
London & Midlands
Supported in last 5 years by: Greenwood Place | £645,000 |
Westminster Foundation | £120,000 |
City Bridge Trust | £118,254 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £100,000 |
The Childhood Trust | £87,750 |
The EQ Foundation | £85,000 |
10 years
Running workshops and events, providing learning materials, organising work experience placements, and building online networks to develop a proactive youth conservation movement in the UK with a culture of greater awareness and participation, and in the process grow the wider involvement and support of young adults,
Running workshops and events, providing learning materials, organising work experience placements, and building online networks to develop a proactive youth conservation movement in the UK with a culture of greater awareness and participation, and in the process grow the wider involvement and support of young adults, professionally, voluntarily or financially, for conservation in the future.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Esmee Fairbairn | £761,383 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £250,000 |
OVO Foundation | £181,500 |
Dulverton Trust | £135,000 |
Joseph Rowntree Foundation | £100,000 |
John Ellerman Foundation | £100,000 |
18 years
Sport 4 Life UK (S4L) believes in a level playing field where every young person has the opportunity to create a better future for themselves. S4L is proud to provide the opportunity for young people aged 11-29 to prepare for, and move into, sustained education, employment or training, by improving their employability and key life skills - through its sports-themed mentoring and training services.
Where do they operate?
Birmingham City, Dudley, Sandwell, Worcestershire
Supported in last 5 years by: National Lottery Community Fund | £329,659 |
The EQ Foundation | £184,500 |
Henry Smith Charity | £99,300 |
Masonic Trust | £60,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £60,000 |
BBC Children in Need | £60,000 |
10 years
The charity aims to promote the care and upbringing of every child and every young person with a disadvantaged background who lives in or has a close connection to the Allchild, by supporting positive family relationships, advancing education, promoting health and making the most of each such child and young persons potential
Where do they operate?
Hammersmith And Fulham, Kensington And Chelsea
Supported in last 5 years by: Greenwood Place | £760,000 |
Greater London Authority | £149,766 |
The EQ Foundation | £140,000 |
John Lyon's Charity | £120,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £100,000 |
The Rayne Foundation | £90,000 |
Endorsed by: Awards won: - CSJ Awards 2019 Education Award
15 years
Foodcycle support people who are hungry and lonely by serving tasty lunches and dinners each day in towns and cities across the country. Many guests struggle to afford the basics to eat and will eat alone without company or conversation so volunteers are able to serve surplus food cooked in spare kitchen space and keep them connected to the community
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: City Bridge Trust | £174,800 |
Dulverton Trust | £140,000 |
Rothschild Foundation | £120,000 |
The EQ Foundation | £66,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £30,000 |
The Shears Foundation | £16,250 |
21 years
The principle activities of Resurgo are outworked through Spear (a year-long programme helping young people facing barriers to work into sustainable employment) and Resurgo Consulting (providing coaching and impact management to support organisations to drive social change).
Where do they operate?
London, Brighton
Supported in last 5 years by: Impetus PEF | £1,160,798 |
Greenwood Place | £600,000 |
Tuixen Foundation | £325,000 |
The EQ Foundation | £117,500 |
Dulverton Trust | £105,000 |
Charles Hayward Foundation | £50,000 |
13 years
Surfers Against Sewage is a national marine conservation and campaigning charity that inspires, unites and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves and wildlife.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Esmee Fairbairn | £346,763 |
The EQ Foundation | £40,200 |
The Grocers' Charity | £15,000 |
Awards won: - Charity Awards 2018 Environment & Conservation Charity
12 years
The Sustainable Food Trust enables a transition to more sustainable food systems by working catalytically and collaboratively, through a combination of high-level lobbying, coalition building, public campaigning, education and media networking. This is based on three key pillars of work – policy advocacy, measuring
The Sustainable Food Trust enables a transition to more sustainable food systems by working catalytically and collaboratively, through a combination of high-level lobbying, coalition building, public campaigning, education and media networking. This is based on three key pillars of work – policy advocacy, measuring and valuing sustainability and public awareness raising.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Esmee Fairbairn | £550,000 |
Prudence Trust | £400,000 |
CHK Foundation | £155,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £150,000 |
John Ellerman Foundation | £75,000 |
14 years
Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) exists to combat overfishing and the destruction of biodiversity through the creation of large-scale marine reserves and by delivering new models of sustainable fishing.
Where do they operate?
Saint Helena, Dorset, Devon, Hampshire, Belize, Chile, British Indian Ocean Territory, Maldives
Supported in last 5 years by: John Ellerman Foundation | £435,570 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £200,000 |
The EQ Foundation | £100,000 |
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, UK Branch | £80,500 |
Dulverton Trust | £34,925 |
The Aim Foundation | £33,550 |
Endorsed by:
28 years
ClientEarth's objects are the promotion and protection of the environment for the public benefit by the use of the law, to provide legal assistance to those who otherwise do not have access thereto, to promote education on environmental rights and responsibilities and to conduct research thereon. We will achieve these goals through advocacy, litigation, and research.
Where do they operate?
Ivory Coast
Throughout England And Wales
Supported in last 5 years by: Greenwood Place | £650,000 |
Esmee Fairbairn | £575,000 |
Samworth Foundation | £300,000 |
Brian Mercer Trust | £125,000 |
John Ellerman Foundation | £100,000 |
Mark Leonard Trust | £83,334 |
Awards won: - Charity Times 2017 Awards Charity of the Year, income > £5m
13 years
The Access Project help motivated students from disadvantaged backgrounds win places at top universities. This is accomplished through a unique combination of tuition and in-school mentoring, creating applications, improving grades and helping young people transition successfully to the next stage of their education
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Tuixen Foundation | £142,000 |
The EQ Foundation | £130,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £125,000 |
Dulverton Trust | £106,667 |
David & Elaine Potter Foundation | £50,000 |
CHK Foundation | £20,000 |
9 years
Offering face-to-face support for people who feel that life is no longer worth living.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Prudence Trust | £150,000 |
Rothschild Foundation | £100,000 |
The Leathersellers' Company Charitable Fund | £70,000 |
National Lottery Community Fund | £54,000 |
City Bridge Trust | £48,723 |
The Clothworkers Foundation | £43,000 |
Awards won: - FSI Small Charity Big Impact Awards 2018 Charity with turnover £50,000-£150,000
- Charity Times 2021 Awards Charity of the Year, Income < £1m
10 years
upReach supports undergraduates from less-privileged backgrounds to secure graduate jobs and internships by running a needs-focused professional development programmes in partnership with foundations, universities and employers. Students are guided by Programme Co-ordinators who support them through practice online
upReach supports undergraduates from less-privileged backgrounds to secure graduate jobs and internships by running a needs-focused professional development programmes in partnership with foundations, universities and employers. Students are guided by Programme Co-ordinators who support them through practice online tests, mock interviews and CV reviews to prepare them for job applications. Video forums and skills workshops also develop essential soft skills, and professional mentoring and insight days give them the tools to face the professional world.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Mission 44 | £311,658 |
Dulverton Trust | £161,208 |
John Lyon's Charity | £90,000 |
City Bridge Trust | £47,565 |
The EQ Foundation | £45,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £20,000 |
Awards won: - Charity Times 2019 Awards Charity of the Year, Income < £1m
- Third Sector Awards 2022 Charity of the Year - Medium
23 years
Global Canopy is an innovative environmental organisation that targets the market forces destroying tropical forests. Since 2001, they have been testing new approaches to tackling deforestation, and guiding companies, investors, and governments worldwide to think differently about our planet's forests
Where do they operate?
Germany, Indonesia, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Peru, Guyana
Supported in last 5 years by: ARCADIA | £1,725,000 |
John Ellerman Foundation | £150,000 |
CHK Foundation | £115,000 |
Prudence Trust | £75,000 |
Tedworth Charitable Trust | £40,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £30,000 |
26 years
The Panathlon Foundation promote the physical and personal development of young disabled people, through organising school sports competitions and by the provision of resources including coaching, training, equipment and sports leadership opportunities.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: The EQ Foundation | £75,640 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £50,000 |
16 years
Our resources are overwhelmingly committed to 'For Baby's Sake', our major and expanding programme to help parents to break the cycle of domestic abuse and give babies the best start in life. Our catalytic philanthropy addresses the root causes of complex problems. We inspire progress in policy and practice by sharing
Our resources are overwhelmingly committed to 'For Baby's Sake', our major and expanding programme to help parents to break the cycle of domestic abuse and give babies the best start in life. Our catalytic philanthropy addresses the root causes of complex problems. We inspire progress in policy and practice by sharing our pioneering learning and resources and through our partnership working.
Where do they operate?
Blackpool, Cambridgeshire, City Of Westminster, Hammersmith And Fulham, Hertfordshire, Kensington And Chelsea
Supported in last 5 years by: The EQ Foundation | £129,800 |
Dulverton Trust | £25,000 |
Endorsed by:
3 years
ReconnectEd is a social enterprise set up to help young people at risk of exclusion to flourish in mainstream school. It provides a trauma-informed emotion coaching programme to address the root causes of school exclusion with coaches recruited from young people’s communities, so they understand the issues young
ReconnectEd is a social enterprise set up to help young people at risk of exclusion to flourish in mainstream school. It provides a trauma-informed emotion coaching programme to address the root causes of school exclusion with coaches recruited from young people’s communities, so they understand the issues young people are facing. They work in Multi-Academy Trusts in areas of deprivation in close collaboration with schools and local stakeholders
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by:
10 years
My Life Film's charitable objective is to improve the lives of people living with dementia, and support their families, friends and carers through the use of creative filmmaking, storytelling and content. My Life Films provides film and video based services for people living with dementia and their carers.
Where do they operate?
Supported in last 5 years by: Esmee Fairbairn | £216,450 |
The EQ Foundation | £143,000 |
The Rayne Foundation | £60,000 |
City Bridge Trust | £57,000 |
Garfield Weston Foundation | £35,000 |