The Library

Giving is driven by intensely personal attitudes. In the digital age we are blessed with access to vast amounts of information. On this page we list some resources that we have found helpful. Please let us know about any potential additions.

Giving cash directly to the poor: Joy Sun explains why she helped to launch GiveDirectly - a charity that simply gives away money
How to come out: Guidance video produced by The Mix
The Generosity Experiment: Sasha Dichter of the Acumen Fund explains why he spent a month saying Yes to every request
The Why and How of Effective Giving: Peter Singer explains how to balance your emotional drivers against the evidence of where your giving can have the most impact
This is what the law can do: ClientEarth explains how the power of law can help to solve the climate crisis
Water Bear: Interactive streaming platform with high quality story telling videos dedicated to the future of our planet
What are the most important moral problems of our time: Engaging TED talk by Will Mcaskill
A Neglected Generation: Alarming report by The Food Foundation highlighting the decline in helath of children under 5 over the past decade
All the Lonely People: Loneliness in Later Life by Age UK : This report helps explain the circumstances associated with feeling lonely and what is known to work in supporting people to tackle feelings of persistent loneliness
Asylum Statistics: House of Commons report, September 2023
Better Giving Studio: The Better Giving Studio is an initiative by the Gates foundation to share donor behavior research, spotlight innovative ideas, and support product development in collaboration with charitable giving platforms
Catalyst: Catalyst is a UK-based charitable initiative that has been incubated by CAST (Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology). They focus on supporting charitable organisations in adopting digital technologies and leveraging them to enhance their impact
Center for Theory of Change: - explanation of theory of change
Centre for Climate Repair: Part of the University of Cambridge, advancing research on high impact projects that can be rolled out at scale over the next 5-10 years
Centre for Effective Altruism: CEA is a registered UK charity founded by Will McAskill and others to help disseminate the ideas expounded in his excellent book.
Centre for Social Justice: UK think tank that addresses social issues, including those related to criminal justice.
Charities & Administration costs: - report by Caroline Fiennes suggesting that charities spending more on overheads achieve more
Charity Times: Charity Times is a UK-based media organisation that provides news, information, and resources for the charity sector. It serves as a platform for disseminating news, insights, and best practices relevant to charities and nonprofit organisations in the United Kingdom
Civil Society Media: Civil Society Media is a UK-based media organisation that focuses on providing news, information, and resources for the nonprofit, charity, and civil society sectors.
Commentary on Obesity Statistics - May 2023: Official Statistics report
COMPAS: The University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society
Conception to Age 2: Report by The Wave Trust on behalf of Department for Education
Copernicus: Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme
Crisis Research: Multiple articles on homelessness
Dementia Statistics Hub: Research collated by Alzheimer's Research UK
Disability Facts and Figures: Report by the charity Scope
Education Endowment Foundation: An independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement.
Encouraging results on depression from psilocybin trials: A clinical trial by Johns Hopkins on the active ingredient of LSD suggests that it is a promising therapeutic approach
EU Aid Explorer: Research tool for information on EU funding for the developing world
EU Geological CO2 Storage Summary: A summary of the EU Geological CO2 storage potential based on the most recent European assessment
Examining the Current Policy Landscape of Carbon Management in Europe: Policy paper on why carbon management is a catalyst in meeting the climate challenge
Financial Tracking Service: provides data on the current state of funding of international humanitarian projects
First 1,000 days of life: House of Commons report, 2019
Founders Pledge: is a global community of entrepreneurs finding and funding solutions to the world’s most pressing problems
Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives: An objective look at how to create a successful tree planting programme
Homeless Link: Website with research into homelessness
How International Aid can do more Harm than Good: Research by the London School for Economics
Industrial Farming is One of the Worst Crimes in History: Article from the Guardian newspaper
Institute for Crime and Policy Research: Produces academically grounded, policy oriented research on justice
Is Obesity Policy Fit for Purpose?: Report by Dolly Theis & Martin White
IUFRO Report on 10 years of REDD+: A detailed assessment of the REDD+ scheme that attempts to measure deforestation
King's College London LGBTQ+ Mental Health research Group: Investigating factors that contribute to the mental health of the community
Latest on the World's Forests: Report on 2023 by the World Research Institute
Measuring and Mitigating Child Hunger in the UK by The Social Market Foundation: This report provides initial findings on the level of food insecurity children in the UK are experiencing, as well as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on this insecurity
Mental Health Statistics: House of Commons Library report
Microfinance misses its mark: Stanford Social Innovation review looks at the pluses and minuses of microfinance
Navigating the changing landscape of climate philanthropy: Research by Founders Pledge into which climate focused interventions are likely to be most effective
NHS admissions data for eating disorders: A count of finished admission episodes (FAEs) with a primary or secondary diagnosis of 'eating disorder' broken down by age, sex and type of eating disorder
Nuffield Trust Review of IAPT: Brief review of effectiveness of NHS Talking Therapies
Off the Scales: Report by the CSJ into Obesity Causes & Solutions
PeTA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - US non-profit
Planting trees can be one tool to fight climate change - if we do it right: Research illustrating the pitfalls and benefits of tree planting
Prisons Research Centre: Research facility within the University of Cambridge
Project Drawdown: Leading resource for climate solutions
Prospects for the true cost accounting of food systems: Evaluating food systems in a holistic way is paramount to their transformation. Recent initiatives show how true cost accounting can help achieve that transformation at policy, product, organisational, farm, and investment levels
Radical Empathy: An explanation of why we intuitively value interventions close to home more highly than those affecting people in distant lands that we will never meet and why that is not appropriate
Rainbow Britain: Review of changes in UK society by charity Stonewall
Research Briefing: Youth Jobs Gap - Establishing the Employment Gap by Impetus: Published in April 2019, this report establishes an employment gap between young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their better-off peers
Sutton Trust: We fight for social mobility from birth to the workplace so that every young person – no matter who their parents are, what school they go to, or where they live – has the chance to succeed in life.
Tackling Obesity: Report by the Institute for Government into Obesity Causes & Solutions
The Impact of COVID-19 Prison Lockdowns on Children by Dr Shona Minson: This report, drawing on research undertaken during the first national lockdown in the UK in 2020, highlights the issues faced by children whose parent was in prison during this time
The Prison Reform Trust: Numerous independent and research publications
The Small Body Problem: An interesting piece by Bryant Research on why eating chicken might be more damaging than eating beef.
Third Sector: Third Sector is a UK-based media organisation that provides news, analysis, and resources for professionals working in the nonprofit and charity sector. It serves as a platform for information exchange, offering insights into the latest developments, trends, and best practices within the third sector.
UCL Dementia Research Centre: Hub for patient centred research into dementia
UK Dementia Research Institute: Leading biomedical research insdtitute, largely funded by UKRI Medical Research Institute
UK Disability Statistics: Prevalence and Life Experiences: House of Commons August 2023 report
UK Overseas Aid Spending: House of Lords report December, 2022
UKRI Obesity Research: Medical Research Council invests around £22m. per annum on obesity research
What makes a good charity?: by New Philanthropy Capital
What role can forests play in tackling climate change: Research by Imperial College into impact of trees
World Bank Refugee Population: Refugee populations by country of asylum
Young people with eating disorders on the rise: Report by the Children's Commissioner showing a steep rise in incidence since Covid
Donor Advisers
Candid: Candid is a nonprofit that provides comprehensive data and insights about the social sector in the USA
Charities Aid Foundation: - the largest provider of charity accounts in the UK including Donor Advised Funds
Charity Navigator: Charity Navigator is a platform that evaluates the financial health and accountability of charitable organisations in the USA
Charizone: Charizone use data to inform donors philanthropic decisions
Effective Altruism Forum: All the posts on the Effective Altruism Forum (US)
GiveWell: US site with short list of charities mainly in the developing world with evidence of impact
Greenwood Place: Greenwood Place is a community of philanthropists working in the United Kingdom and internationally. We provide strategic advice and implementation support to individuals, families and foundations.
I.G.Advisors: - consultancy that bridges the gap between fundraisers, businesses and philanthropists
National Philanthropic Trust: NPT is an English charity driven by our mission to make philanthropy more convenient and efficient for donors. We provide donor-advised funds to donors in the UK and around the world who wish to base their philanthropy from the UK.
Open Philanthropy: Extensive source of research and charity recommendations (mainly US)
Philanthropy Impact: - useful online resources mainly aimed at helping financial advisers
Prism the Gift Fund: - providers of Donor Advised Funds, can also advise on charity selection and administer foundations.
The Giving Department: - founded by Steve Wickham, advises family offices and several major grant makers and corporates on philanthropy selection
The Life You Can Save: Peter Singer's website with recommendations for charities with effective programmes (US focus). Also see book & TED talk).
Donor Platforms
Global Returns Project: - curated list of environmental charities
The Big Give: - UK leaders for online matched giving campaigns
The Funding Network: - hold regular group meetings (virtual or physical) at which three small charities pitch for funding. Founded by Fred Mulder CBE
Tythe: - curated portfolio of charities with focus on the environment and climate change
WhatImpact: - knowledge sharing, resource sharing and connectivity between donors and charities or social enterprises
Investors in Community: Site with UK volunteering opportunities
NCVO: This NCVO webpage has some useful information and links to external sources of volunteering opportunities.
Posts by Giving is Great
Selection Education News
Giving is Great scoops award for Best Philanthropic Initiative

We are extremely proud to announce that Giving is Great has won the 'Philanthropic Initiative Award' at the WealthBriefing Wealth for Good Awards ceremony in…more

A Better Way for Government to Fund Charities

Government spending on charities is highly significant for both parties but the way in which it is allocated is far from optimal. In this article…more

Overcrowded Prisons

The UK has a higher proportion of the population incarcerated than any other country in Western Europe. Moreover, overcrowding in prisons means that the scope…more

How do Giving is Great Ratings work?

Our unique algorithm analyses the digital data available on each charity in order to identify areas of strength as well as those that require further…more

Environmental charities really can make a difference

It's easy to become disillusioned at the scale of the environmental crisis that we are facing and the seeming reluctance of governments to coordinate responses.…more

How much of my donation actually goes to charity?

If you are considering what charity you should donate to, this is probably the question you want to ask, but the answer should not drive…more

What are the tax benefits of donating to charity?

Donations to charity are tax deductible in most cases, so it's important to make full use of them. Most people have heard of Gift Aid.…more

Carbon Offsets alone are not enough

Every day, more people and organisations demonstrate their recognition of the climate crisis by committing to become 'Carbon Neutral'. The first and most important part…more

Which areas of philanthropy are most effective?

The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by…more

Running out of time to save our planet

Although the latest IPCC report has a few encouraging data points, you can't get away from the overwhelming likelihood that, barring a miracle or an…more

What is the Disasters Emergency Committee?

The Disasters Emergency Committee ("DEC") is a registered UK charity that acts as an umbrella fund raising organisation for 15 large charities. It was originally…more

EQ Foundation is Money Marketing Charity Champion

We were delighted to win this award and the accompanying comments: "The judges were impressed by this submission for Charity Champion of the Year from…more

Effective charities and their impact

The best charities can be more than 100 times more effective than others so it pays to be selective. Giving is Great can help you…more

A Guide to Charity Volunteering

Helping others fulfils a deep need in our souls and usually results in a feeling of connection and self worth. There are tens of thousands…more

Tythe’s Climate Action Charity Portfolio

The G7 summit in Cornwall has helped to remind us that averting catastrophic climate change is a massive challenge, requiring concerted efforts by all of…more

Our Top Tips for Philanthropy

Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your…more

Pros and Cons of Matched Giving

Double your donation is generally how the message goes. If you give £10 to a certain charity another party will add the same amount. Sounds…more

Making charitable bequests in Wills

Many people make bequests to charities in Wills, partly because it can be highly tax efficient but to make best use of these incentives there…more

What is Effective Altruism?

In this article we explain the basics of Effective Altruism, which seeks to combine the instincts of our hearts to support charitable causes with hard…more

How to become a Philanthropist

In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they…more

Giving is Great