Dulverton Trust - Family Reunification Support Project |
£32,699 |
Family Reunification Support Project
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders CFAB |
£200,000 |
Towards unrestricted core costs to support CFAB’s policy and public affairs work
Rank Foundation - CoL Core Grant CFAB 2023 - Full |
£20,000 |
Children and Families Across Borders received a Cost of Living Core Grants to help cover staffing costs for their Advice Line.
Masonic Trust - MCF Large Grant |
£20,000 |
Grant to support the family reunification project, helping unaccompanied minors to adjust to life in the UK.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders CFAB |
£4,500 |
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£500 |
0 |
‘Cost of Living uplift: £500 to help projects meet their rising costs and respond to increased demand 31/10/2022’
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£120,000 |
36 |
towards three years' continuation funding of the 'Family Reunification Project', which supports unaccompanied minors who arrive in the UK to live with relatives, across the UK.
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) |
£15,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £15,000. CFAB aims to identify and reunite children who have been separated from families across international boarders, including delivering advice, casework, and support for families.
£20,000 |
The Golden Award was given to Children and Families Across Borders to help tell the story of young people affected by separation from parents / family.
London Catalyst - Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) - 1 |
£3,000 |
Afghan Refugee Project
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£80,500 |
This project will deliver work to protect vulnerable children in England separated from their families across international borders and support them to improve physical health and psychological wellbeing and social and economic outcomes.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£30,000 |
Core costs
The Bromley Trust - Unrestricted Funding |
£30,000 |
36 |
CFAB identifies and protects children and families in the UK who are separated across international borders as a result of trafficking, abduction, conflict, migration, divorce and asylum. This is a three year unrestricted grant towards their work.
The Clothworkers Foundation - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£9,300 |
refurbishment of office for a charity supporting disadvantaged young poeple in London
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) |
£10,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £10,000. Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) identifies and reunites children who have been separated across international borders with their families.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - COVID-19 - Children and Families Across Borders |
£17,000 |
5 |
To provide emergency support to asylum seekers and their families during the crisis.
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£49,832 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
Home Office - Covid-19 Support for Domestic Abuse Charities |
£53,556 |
Organisations providing services and support for vulnerable people, for which there will be increased demand as a result of the COVID-19 crisis
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders CFAB |
£135,000 |
36 |
Towards Project costs Towards Unrestricted core costs
Dulverton Trust - Post Placement Support |
£75,808 |
Post Placement Support
Dulverton Trust - Helping vulnerable children find their families - Big Give Christmas Challenge 2020 |
£10,000 |
Helping vulnerable children find their families - Big Give Christmas Challenge 2020
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders CFAB |
£18,765 |
6 |
towards unrestricted core costs as a COVID-19 Fast Response grant
The Bromley Trust - Unrestricted grant |
£10,000 |
12 |
CFAB identifies and protects children and families in the UK who are separated across international borders as a result of trafficking, abduction, conflict, migration, divorce and asylum. This is a one year unrestricted grant towards their work
CFAB identifies and protects children and families in the UK who are separated across international borders as a result of trafficking, abduction, conflict, migration, divorce and asylum. This is a one year unrestricted grant towards their work (fast-track one year grant renewal in response to Covid-19 pandemic).
£13,713 |
The purpose of this funding is to provide additional funds for DA charities to help them cope with the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic/lockdown; to enable them to continue to meet their usual levels of demand, to keep pace with rising levels
The purpose of this funding is to provide additional funds for DA charities to help them cope with the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic/lockdown; to enable them to continue to meet their usual levels of demand, to keep pace with rising levels of demand during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic and to remain solvent such that they can continue to provide support both during and after the pandemic. This will all help to safeguard victims of DA and provide essential emergency support to those affected by COVID-19.
£53,556 |
This grant is intended to provide funding to organisations whose primary purpose is to improve the response to DA, either through providing support to victims who have experienced DA, or through providing support to front-line services, including
This grant is intended to provide funding to organisations whose primary purpose is to improve the response to DA, either through providing support to victims who have experienced DA, or through providing support to front-line services, including other charitable organisations or the statutory sector, to better respond to victims.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£99,800 |
24 |
£99,800 over two further and final years (£49,200; £50,600) to cover the costs of a FTE Social Worker and Caseworker and associated programme and running costs.
Dulverton Trust - Post-placement support for vulnerable children in kinship care |
£40,963 |
Post-placement support for vulnerable children in kinship care
The Rayne Foundation - Grant to Children and Families across Borders |
£60,000 |
36 |
Towards improving the lives of unaccompanied children arriving in the UK by piloting a programme of tailored post-placement support to families for up to 12 months.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£120,000 |
36 |
towards three years' salary and running costs of a National project providing support to unaccompanied children arriving in the UK living with extended family
The Bromley Trust - Unrestricted grant |
£20,000 |
24 |
CFAB identifies and protects children and families in the UK who are separated across international borders as a result of trafficking, abduction, conflict, migration, divorce and asylum. This is a two year unrestricted grant towards their work.
John Ellerman Foundation - Towards the salary of a new Membership & Business Development Manager |
£98,744 |
36 |
Towards the salary costs of a Business Development Manager to enable them to reunite more children with their families after separation due to conflict, trafficking, abduction, migration or family break up
The Bromley Trust - Unrestricted grant |
£10,000 |
12 |
CFAB identifies and protects children and families in the UK who are separated across international borders as a result of trafficking, abduction, conflict, migration, divorce and asylum. This is a one year unrestricted grant towards their work.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders CFAB |
£141,475 |
36 |
Towards a programme of research, policy engagement and support for practitioners to protect the rights of children from overseas subject to child protection plans and in the care system.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Children and Families Across Borders |
£135,000 |
36 |
£135,000 over 3 years (3 x £45,000) to cover the costs of a Social Worker and Caseworker, and associated programme and running costs.