Finance Score: 6
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 8
  • Reasonable growth: +1
  • Future income +5
  • No PartB
    • Overall weighted support: +8
    Overall GiG Score: 14 ?


    To promote youth participation and inclusive provision. We offer a friendly, fun, and inclusive environment for 11- 18 and 19-25 years old (with and without disabilities). We offer a varied curriculum including youth sessions, offsite trips and residentials that enables all young people to develop independence, skills and confidence.
    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • There has been reasonable growth in spending over the last 3 years relative to the previous period
    • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers and there are significant future grants due to be received

    Financial issues to consider:

    • A PartB annual return has not been required and so detailed financial information is not available from the online data

    Financial Data ?

    Income & Spending ?
    Sources of Income ?
    Y/E Income
    Deficit £k
    Cost £k
    Funds £k
    Funds £k
    Staff Volun-

    Highest pay bracket: less than £60,000
    Established: 21 years


    Charity Commission for England and WalesFacebookX
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • Amateur Sport
    • Arts/Culture/Heritage/Science
    • Disability
    • Education/Training
    • General Charitable Purposes
    • Human Rights/Religious Or Racial Harmony/Equality Or Diversity
    • Recreation
    GiG Classification
    • Social youth organisations
    How it operates
    • Provides advocacy/advice/information
    • Provides human resources
    • Provides services
    Where it operates
    • Barking And Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge,
    Who it helps
    • Children/Young People
    • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
    • People With Disabilities

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Major supporters in last 5 years
    BBC Children in Need£236,397
    National Lottery Community Fund£105,637
    Masonic Trust£15,000
    Co-Operative Group£6,110
    True Colours Trust£5,619
    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £117,852 01/12/2023
    This project will deliver pan-disability youth work in Barking & Dagenham and neighbouring boroughs, leading to improved physical health, increased confidence to manage wellbeing and increased confidence in preparing nutritious meals.
    National Lottery Community Fund - Evolve Project
    £95,683 06/07/2023
    The funding will be used to deliver work to support young people (aged 18-25) with disabilities in Barking and Dagenham. The project aims to increase their confidence in the community and in transitioning into adulthood.
    Masonic Trust - MCF Small Grant
    £15,000 05/07/2023
    Unrestricted core funding for small charities
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £500 20/10/2022
    ‘Cost of Living uplift: £500 to help projects meet their rising costs and respond to increased demand 31/10/2022’
    True Colours Trust - Towards an arts project for disabled young people
    £5,619 01/02/2022
    Towards an arts project for disabled young people
    National Lottery Community Fund - Evolve
    £9,954 28/10/2021
    The funding will be used to run workshops and activities which focus on developing pathways to independence for young adults with disabilities or mental health conditions. The project aims to improve the beneficiaries life skills resilience and ....more
    Co-Operative Group - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £6,110 23/10/2021
    We want to offer accessible sports sessions, from football to Zumba to Panathlon multi-sports, for anyone between the ages of 11 and 25.
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £99,990 20/12/2020
    This project will deliver youth activity sessions plus a yearly residential to disabled young people, to empower them to make decisions, to increase their self-confidence and to provide an opportunity to make friends
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £14,757 09/09/2020
    COVID19 - This project will deliver home skills and exercise activities to disabled children and young people isolated due to Covid-19. The activities will enable them to be more independent, more motivated, more resilient and have improved physical ....more
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £3,298 17/06/2020
    COVID19 - This grant will fund two new laptops for the staff to ensure they can effectively communicate with the children and young people who are isolated at home due to COVID-19.
    CAF - Grant to Barking and Dagenham Ab Phab Youth Club
    £2,026 09/04/2020
    Grant to Barking and Dagenham Ab Phab Youth Club to support the organisation through COVID19
    The Foyle Foundation - Small Grants
    £5,000 20/09/2019
    towards core costs during the year end March 2020
    BBC Children in Need - Grant to Ab Phab Youth Club
    £117,692 27/06/2018
    This project will provide inclusive youth club activities for disabled children and young people, their siblings and those who lack confidence to access mainstream services, increasing participation skills, physical health and essential life skills.
    Co-Operative Group - Grant to Ab Phab
    £3,090 04/08/2017
    With funding we can change lives by bringing disabled & non-disabled young people facing poverty together to socialise, learn & make friends
    Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Barking & Dagenham Ab Phab Youth Club
    £16,000 30/05/2012
    the salary and on-costs of the Administrator/Co-ordinator
    Show more rows

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?

    Trustees (7)
    Current Trustees appointed

    Age Range of Trustees:
    • AFOLASHADE OKUNOWO Appointed: 2021
    • DANIEL JOHN WASSELL Appointed: 2022
    • DR HELEN JENNER Appointed: 2012, Occupation: Retired
    • ENITAN WATSON Appointed: 2016
    • JOSEPHINE HUGHES Appointed: 2014
    • KEITH SMITH (Chair) Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Retired
    • TERESA BAUMANN Appointed: 2015
    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in England & Wales on 11/06/2003, number: 1097952
    Gift Aid
    • NOT registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
    Other Regulators
    • Ofsted (Office For Standards In Education)
    Policies in force
    • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
    • Complaints handling
    • Complaints policy and procedures
    • Conflicting interests
    • Financial reserves policy and procedures
    • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
    • Internal risk management policy and procedures
    • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
    • Paying staff
    • Risk management
    • Safeguarding policy and procedures
    • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
    • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
    • Social media policy and procedures
    • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
    • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
    • Volunteer management
    Filing Record
    20 returns made; AR16: 28 days late, AR15: 60 days late, AR09: 228 days late, AR07: 1 days late,
    Main office

    Ab Phab Youth Club
    c/o The Vibe Youth Centre
    195-211 Becontree Avenue
    RM8 2UT


    The prevention or relief of poverty (through providing subsidised activities and resources) The advancement of education (through running sessions to support children?s learning and independenceskills) The advancement of health (through our healthy lives programmes) The advancement of citizenship or community development (through our PSHE and volunteering programmes)The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science (through our wideranging curriculum and wide variety of trips)The advancement of amateur sport (through our sports programmes) The advancement of human rights (through our equality and diversity programme, contributing to consultationsand events) The relief of those in need (through provision of respite and support)

    Defined Area of Benefit:


    Data Sources

    Charity Commission for England and Wales
    360 Giving

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    Giving is Great