Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Who they support

As a registered charity, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation can only fund work that is charitable, i.e. that has charitable purpose and public benefit. Generally, this means that they fund organisations that are also charities. They expect applicants to be legally constituted.

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £5 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.

Grant criteria

Various programmes including Ideas and Pioneers, Youth, Explore and Test, More and Better, Backbone Fund, Growth Fund, Our Neighbourhood

Grant details

Our UK strategy We launched our current UK strategy in September 2020. It is built around key funding priorities, where we wish to see change: Investing in young people Migration and integration Arts access and participation Education and learning through the arts Nurturing ideas and people Our commitment to social justice underpins all these priorities. We are particularly interested in supporting individuals and organisations that share this commitment, and in funding work that: Strengthens civil society Supports social innovation Champions people’s voice and agency Responds to digital transformation Responds to the climate emergency Each fund has a specific range, of which you can check on their website, but as an indicative summary: Ideas and Pioneers typically offers grants up to £10,000 Youth Funds typically makes grants of £60,000 over two years ‘Explore and Test’ grants are usually in the range of £20,000 to £60,000, for a period of up to two years ‘More and Better’ grants are usually in the range of £100,000 to £400,000 over four years For some funds (Backbone Fund, Growth Fund, Our Neighbourhood Fund), they gather information and insights from their Grants Managers, trustees and paid advisors – as well as their existing relationships – to identify organisations that support their charitable objectives and would benefit from funding. These organisations will then be approached and invited to apply for specific opportunities.

Application procedure

Each fund has a different online application process. Some accept applications on a rolling basis, while others have fixed deadlines (the current exceptions are the Teacher Development Fund and Teach for Good). The relevant guidelines and application forms can be found in each section of their website. Online applications can be saved whilst you are working on them. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with your reference number. On average, it takes around four months from the date of your application before you receive a grant decision. They do not, therefore, accept applications for work that is due to start within four months from the date that an application is submitted. Their ‘More and Better’ grants have a longer two-stage application process, so you must apply at least six months before you plan to start the work you would like us to fund.



Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1102927
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Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 1,780 donations have been made totalling £145,359,068 to 1029 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
18/12/2023 £80,000 £152,508 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CREATIVE HEALTH The National Centre for Creative Health aim to advance good practice and research, inform policy and promote collaboration, helping foster the conditions for creative health to be integral to health and social care and wider systems. This grant supports them to build on the findings from their Creative Health Review and the UK Research and Innovation partnership research programme: Mobilising Community Assets to Tackle Health Inequalities, through working with Creative Health Associates and Integrated Care Systems across England to further advocate for and embed creative health at systems level.
18/12/2023 £23,000 £3,886,000 NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY The National Youth Agency transforms the lives of young people through the power of youth work. This grant supports The National Youth Agency to focus on better understanding the needs and opportunities of workers from underrepresented groups by expanding their planned workforce survey and consultation with the sector, to collect more detailed information around the workforce and its diversity.
12/12/2023 £250,000 ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH JUSTICE The Alliance for Youth Justice (AYJ) brings together 80 organisations to drive positive change in youth justice in England and Wales. Members range from large national charities and advocacy organisations to numerous smaller grassroots and community organisations. The AYJ provides a forum for members to exchange ideas, network and facilitate a community of practice. It also shapes decision-making and policy through the collective influence of its members, by carrying out research, identifying evidence of good practice, and amplifying the voices of children and young people. The alliance aims to promote widespread understanding about the underlying causes of children coming to the attention of the criminal justice system, and champion approaches that enable them to reach their full potential, with young people and the organisations supporting them at forefront of influencing change.
12/12/2023 £250,000 SYSTEMIC JUSTICE Systemic Justice is the first Black-led organisation in Europe working to radically transform how the law works for communities fighting for racial, social, and economic justice. As “the movements’ law firm”, Systemic Justice helps ensure that those fighting for justice and equality can bring about change via the courts. This aims to help dismantle the power structures that fuel racial, social, and economic injustice.
28/11/2023 £200,000 KIN Kinfolk Network (KIN) aims to bring Black campaigners, activists, and organisers together from across the UK to collaborate, strategise and support each other in spaces that are accessible, well-resourced, and restorative. KIN envision the groups and individuals at the helm of change are nourished, supported and held accountable, in community with shared purpose. In Adrienne Mariee Brown's words, they intend to build 'critical connections' that will sustain movements for generations to come. By bringing Black campaigners, organisers and activists together from across movement spaces, they will continue to contextualise the fight for justice, learn from each other, acknowledge internalized oppressions, explore alternative forms of collective organising, and experiment with what these alternative forms might look like.
28/11/2023 £250,000 POSITIVE MONEY Positive Money’s vision is for a money and banking system that enables a fair, democratic, and sustainable economy. A research and campaigning organisation, they work with economists, academics, journalists, policy makers and the public to bring about a fairer money and banking system.
27/11/2023 £196,000 £237,476 ARCADE ARCADE supports creativity in all its forms, working with local communities and supporting local artists to ensure the Scarborough region has a thriving creative scene. This grant supports ARCADE to develop a locally-rooted partnership in Scarborough, encompassing artists and museum educators from ARCADE, Scarborough Museums and Galleries, Flash Company Arts and KIT Theatre. Using an arts-based approach drawing on immersive drama and storytelling, the partnership would work with a small group of Scarborough primary schools, a PRU and an SEND specialist school, to support learning across the curriculum.
27/11/2023 £150,000 £321,523 ASYLUM MATTERS Asylum Matters works in partnership locally and nationally to improve the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum through social and political change. They bring together and support a broad network of groups and organisations across England and Wales, to work collaboratively to mobilise, coordinate and increase the impact of advocacy and campaigns to secure improvements to asylum policy and practice. This grant contributes to core costs, allowing Asylum Matters to grow their campaigning reach while ensuring their organisation remains strong and resilient.
27/11/2023 £166,000 £234,491 ATLAS ARTS ATLAS Arts organises collective art projects across the North West coast of Scotland. They work with artists and local residents through a programme of screenings, residencies and workshops. This grant will support the delivery of the School of Plural Futures (SoPF), a three-year youth-led creative learning programme where young people create a peer-led community to talk about housing, social history, culture, belonging, climate justice, Gaelic and Scottish colonial history in a safe and supported way. Working with a lead artist, the group will explore issues through creative activities including book making, film screenings, film making, print making, writing and poetry.
27/11/2023 £166,000 BEYOND FACE Beyond Face is a theatre company working with local global majority artists and young people to help them to build their own creative work and sense of community. This grant supports the growth and development of Beyond Face’s Regional Voices programme, which aims to connect with local people who currently have little to no engagement or experience with the theatre industry, investigating how people who don't work in the arts sector can engage with arts as a creative outlet.
27/11/2023 £65,000 BLACK EUROPEANS Black Europeans aims to challenge systemic racism within European Union and UK institutions and representatives, which affect non-white EU citizens post-Brexit. This grant is for core funding to resource their CEO and project assistant, provide contribution to people with lived experience working with them, and cover additional project and organisational costs.
27/11/2023 £193,000 CHUCKLE PRODUCTIONS Chuckle Productions use Arts-based learning approaches to encourage a child’s natural desire to be creative and curious. This grant will enable Chuckle Productions to support young children in Staffordshire schools and nurseries to develop key skills by participating in music, movement and visual arts-based activities. They will also work in partnership with teachers, teaching assistants and nursery staff to use an arts-based approach to support core areas of child development, ensuring that children are ready to start school.
27/11/2023 £221,000 £940,084 EAST LONDON DANCE East London Dance (ELD) work to inspire communities through dance, creating opportunities within dance for those least likely to receive them. This grant provides core funding to enable ELD to deliver their three main programmes of work – an artist commissioning programme, ‘Our House’; a professional development programme for producers, ‘Producers House’; and ‘Creative Collective’, a paid advisory board formed of creatives aged 18-35 that will inform ELD’s strategic development and artistic programme.
27/11/2023 £150,000 £1,288,486 FRIENDS FAMILIES AND TRAVELLERS Friends, Families and Travellers works to end racism and discrimination against people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. This grant will support the organisation's direct support for young people not in education, training, or employment in Sussex and its work to challenge how young people between the ages of 14 and 16 lose their entitlement to secondary education funding if they fall out of education.
27/11/2023 £210,000 £1,410,701 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT (GMIAU) Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) ensures access to justice for people who have been trafficked, tortured or are survivors of conflict and persecution. This grant supports GMIAU to strengthen their influencing work and develop their communications tools, leverage local political power, and challenge the hostile environment at its core by holding central government to account through policy and parliamentary work.
27/11/2023 £150,000 £313,410 HOUNSLOW ACTION FOR YOUTH Hounslow Action for Youth supports children and young people experiencing disadvantage in Hounslow. This grant will support the organisation to deliver its Botanical Heritage and Youth Envision project and inspire other young people and youth service providers to adopt their distinctive heritage-centred asset-based approach. Services will be developed to enhance inclusivity of young people of all backgrounds and abilities, ensuring that everyone is given an opportunity to participate and thrive.
27/11/2023 £150,000 £1,671,783 LGBT YOUTH SCOTLAND LGBT Youth Scotland is an Edinburgh-based national charity providing support to LGBTQ+ young people between the ages of 13 to 25. This grant will support them to sustain, expand, and enhance their work with an intersectional approach and grow impact by providing more opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth to influence decisions, investing in participatory research functions, and widely sharing the needs and experiences of young people.
27/11/2023 £187,400 £277,055 MARYHILL INTEGRATION NETWORK Maryhill Integration Network (MIN) is a community development organisation working alongside migrants, people seeking asylum and refugees in Glasgow to create solidarity and respect. With this grant, MIN will enhance their ‘Human Rights and Citizenship’ work strand to help newly dispersed groups to navigate the asylum system, acting as a bridge between communities and decision-makers at local and Scottish levels. They will build on their local connections to progress positive narratives on asylum and refugee issues in Scotland and in the UK and develop peer-support volunteer roles to strengthen confidence, support and solidarity among those who are going through the immigration system.
27/11/2023 £240,000 MUSEUM OF COLOUR Museum of Colour is a heritage and creativity social enterprise. This grant contributes core funds for the development of a digital museum to explore the contribution made by people of colour to the nation’s film, television and art, through a series of digital collections and responses. Museum of Colour wishes to shift the narrative of the UK's arts and national history by recognising and celebrating the lives of past generations of artists of colour. In addition, they will support others to reframe and retell their stories to create a fuller richer history without omissions and obsfucations.
27/11/2023 £120,000 £547,789 MUSIC IN THE ROUND Music in the Round is a national promoter of chamber music, with a year-round programme of events for people of all ages. This grant supports the WeCompose project, enabling pupils at Key Stage 3 and 4 to access to the music curriculum and make progress in their learning by developing composition skills, creativity, and connections to live music. The project will also provide professional development support to music teachers to strengthen their practice.
27/11/2023 £179,000 £234,068 PEAK CYMRU Peak Cymru collaborates with young people, artists and intergenerational communities to celebrate the unique qualities and ecologies of Southeast Wales. This grant funds core costs to enable rurally based young people aged 16 to 30 years to shape Peak Cymru’s programme, to embed their voice within the organisation and strengthen a co-leadership model.
27/11/2023 £230,000 £353,648 PEOPLE’S ECONOMY People’s Economy support communities facing economic injustice to participate in and lead the growing movement for economic systems change. This grant will enable them to work with people with lived experience of the immigration system to co-design and implement a programme of community economics education.
27/11/2023 £6,000 POLISH MIGRANTS ORGANISE FOR CHANGE POMOC Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMOC) aims to improve the lives of Polish women living in the UK. This funding will go towards community organising training and mentorship to POMOC’s expanding organising team, to ensure they are well equipped and supported to deliver an ambitious and robust campaign ahead of the UK’s next General Election.
27/11/2023 £158,134 £46,036 SOCIAL WORKERS WITHOUT BORDERS Social Workers Without Borders (SWWB) purpose is to promote the best interests and voices of those impacted by immigration and asylum law to decision makers through independent social work practice. This grant will support recruitment and retention of two staff roles - a Head of Direct Work and an experienced social worker with lived experience of the migration system.
27/11/2023 £150,000 SPECTRUM GAMING Spectrum Gaming is a UK-wide online community for autistic young people aged 8 to 18 years old. This grant will enable Spectrum Gaming to increase staff capacity to widen the impact the service is having, through continued advocacy work, representing autistic young people at a strategic level, and making links with more community and health organisations to ensure the service reaches those who most need it. Funding for three new posts will allow Spectrum Gaming to grow to meet demand in the community and from new members, to extend services when members reach 18 and critically free up time for leadership to drive forward more advocacy work.
27/11/2023 £219,000 £1,436,551 STUDIO VOLTAIRE Studio Voltaire (SV) is a contemporary arts organisation based in Clapham. This grant will provide support for its four-year civic programming, including the development of a Programme Advisory Group of local community members to critically engage and reflect on SV's work, and a national programme of research and creative participation with, by and for young trans people.
27/11/2023 £250,000 THE REFUGEE, ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICY (RAMP) PROJECT The Refugee and Migrant Policy (RAMP) Project helps political leaders to think more deeply and to collaborate more widely on migration, asylum and integration issues to improve the quality and quantity of political debate and subsequent policy outcomes. With a General Election expected in 2024, this grant enables RAMP to continue supporting: backbench Conservative parliamentarians who disagree with the current leadership’s anti-migrant policies and rhetoric; backbench Labour politicians to adopt more positive policy positions for migrants publicly and to their frontbenchers, and help build confidence among senior Labour politicians that there is public and political support for more ambitious migration and refugee policies; and Liberal Democrats, who are likely to increase their parliamentary presence.
21/11/2023 £20,000 FREELANCERS MAKE THEATRE WORK Freelancers Make Theatre Work (FMTW) are an inclusive, independent community for self-employed and freelance workers from all areas of theatre, opera and live performance, who make up 70% of the UK theatre workforce. This grant supports a pilot project that aims to centre the freelance voice and experience within all actions we undertake, whilst providing a financially supported structure for FMTW that creates longer-term stability and consistency, including the development of a safeguarding policy.
02/11/2023 £140,000 STILTSKIN Stiltskin Creative Arts and Theatre, is leading Tiny Voices, Giant Ideas, a collaborative project with creative partners Exim Dance and Above Bounds Theatre. The initiative explores imaginative, child-driven, play-based practices co-created by artists and Early Years practitioners. The work aims to provide rich, arts-based experiences for three and four-year-olds, supporting self-expression, confidence, resilience, and mental health. The project aims to gain insights into embedding an artist as a member of the academic team in three Plymouth early years settings.
30/10/2023 £20,000 ARTCRY This grant provides core support for Artcry to expand their work funding and supporting artists to create politically responsive work with fast-turnaround resources, enabling them to make their artwork appear in the public realm in time to inspire social action and/or political response. Funding will also support recruitment for a fundraising position to help Artcry establish itself long-term.
25/10/2023 £133,000 £600,636 JUST LIKE US Just Like Us empower LGBT+ young people to lead change and champion equality. This grant will enable them to expand their Ambassador Programme, supporting the professional and personal development of 400 LGBT+ young people aged 18-25 whilst also engaging in meaningful social action by delivering school talks championing LGBT+ equality.
25/10/2023 £133,000 £2,431,272 MERMAIDS Mermaids works with and on behalf of transgender and gender variant children and young people in England, Scotland and Wales. It provides support to young people and their families, offers training and advice for professionals, and campaigns to reduce stigma and raise awareness of the issues facing young people experiencing gender dysphoria. This grant will enable Mermaids to develop their Youth Advisory Panel, ensuring that the voices and needs of young people are central to their work, and expand their Mermaids’ Advocacy Network Group Online, which is a youth advocacy programme designed to provide supportive, upskilling experiences to young trans people.
25/10/2023 £133,000 £1,333,878 POSITIVE YOUTH FOUNDATION Positive Youth Foundation aims to improve the life chances of young people facing challenging circumstances. This grant provides core funding to support development of their outcomes and impact development work, extend their 'practice into policy' approach; explore new approaches to income generation including community-based fundraising and growth of charged services; and work to strengthen social media messaging to highlight the impact of Positive Youth Foundation’s work.
02/10/2023 £180,000 £725,304 AFRUCA (APPLICANT HOST), UK BME ANTI-SLAVERY NETWORK (APPLICANT) UK BME Anti-Slavery Network (BASNET) is a member network charities and community interest companies led by and working in diaspora and racialised communities to address modern slavery and human trafficking across the UK. This grant will support BASNET to: build members' research capabilities and capacity; influence policy and practice; continue forming lasting strategic partnerships to diversify the modern slavery space increasing inclusivity and access to more research opportunities; counter the harmful 'illegal migrants' narrative; provide a dedicated space for members to utilise self-advocacy; and provide extra mental wellbeing to support BASNET members. The funding will also contribute towards AFRUCA's broader emotional counselling support for staff, as BASNET's host organisation.
02/10/2023 £150,000 ANIMA YOUTH Anima Youth works with and for care experienced girls and young women from racialised communities, supporting them to navigate the challenges they face, build resilience, gain equitable opportunities and ensure they are able to transition smoothly into independent life. This grant will provide core funding to allow the CEO to focus on overseeing and implementing their strategic plan, ensuring that Anima Youth can continue to deliver high-quality, and life-changing services to children and young people in need.
02/10/2023 £210,000 BRUISER THEATRE COMPANY Bruiser Theatre Company is a physical theatre company that nurtures new professionals and reaches out to communities in Northern Ireland. This grant supports their Vital Connect project to extend and develop a blended approach to supporting drama education, working with 12 secondary schools. Bruiser Theatre Company will deliver a consistent free provision of workshops, continuing professional development and mentorship to enable students and teachers to develop skills, knowledge and confidence.
02/10/2023 £210,000 CENTRALA CIC Centrala exists to achieve inclusion and wellbeing for Central and Eastern European (CEE) migrant communities in England. This grant will support them to continue developing their own model of community organising through the CEEus! Network, building the capacity of local people with lived experience of the immigration system to advocate for themselves, strengthening the voice and influence of CEE migrants on local, regional and national policy.
02/10/2023 £150,000 £1,256,810 CROSSBORDER FORUM Crossborder Forum (CBF) is a forum for organisations and activists working on migration issues on the UK-FR-BE border to come together, share expertise, and work towards shared advocacy across borders. CBF delivers its work via forum meetings, learning events, research, relationship building with decision-makers and lived experience grassroots groups in all countries, joint statements, and public actions. This is a unique initiative that seeks to increase transnational collaboration on migrants’ rights to tackle harmful narratives, practice, policies, and legislation. This grant will support Crossborder Forum to sustain itself through the next stage of its development.
02/10/2023 £256,500 FUTURE YARD CIC Future Yard CIC is a social enterprise with the ambition to reimagine the role of a community music venue. This grant contributes to core costs to develop Future Yard, their music venue and artist hub in Birkenhead, as a community asset that will develop and nurture cultural industries in the North West and support the local community.
02/10/2023 £150,000 £2,325,708 HIGH TREES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST High Trees Community Development Trust offer targeted and local support for those most impacted by structural inequalities, helping people make meaningful changes that allow them to live happier, healthier and more connected lives. This grant will support the development of Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) – a youth-led peer research and social action movement - through the next stage of its development.
02/10/2023 £186,000 IMPACT DANCE FOUNDATION Impact Dance (ID) is a Black-led art-for-social-change organisation specialising in hip-hop theatre, street dance and youth development. This grant will support Impact Dance’s work addressing the inequality of opportunity to access and participate in dance by those facing long-term structural and systemic inequalities: an accessible CPD programme for dance teachers from non-traditional backgrounds, pastoral care provision for members, and residential and respite opportunities for young people in the Academy.
02/10/2023 £93,480 £880,625 MIGRATION MUSEUM The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has made us who we are – as individuals and as a nation. From their current base in Lewisham, they stage exhibitions and events and deliver an education programme for primary, secondary, university and adult learners. They also convene a knowledge-sharing Migration Network of museums and galleries across the UK. This grant will enable Migration Museum to employ a new Development Manager to support the organisation as it works towards developing a permanent museum.
02/10/2023 £200,000 ORT GALLERY Ort Gallery is an artist-led exhibition space in Birmingham with the social mission to facilitate dialogue in the community. With this grant, the gallery will continue to test and develop their ‘Warmth’ way of working, centring care and embedding equity across all their work; this will involve internal development of governance and policies, and community-led programming focusing on supporting under-served Muslim creatives and audiences.
02/10/2023 £180,000 £479,960 POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS (PAFRAS) Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS) work with people who have migrated to Leeds and the surrounding areas, providing advice, support and emergency provision. This grant will enable them to continue their Early Action casework, supporting young people who have migrated with holistic support and access to quality legal help. PAFRAS will also continue working alongside Leeds Local Authority, sharing knowledge and offering complex casework to young migrants at risk of destitution; supporting the local authority with appropriate adults for age assessments.
02/10/2023 £150,000 £392,247 SISTER SYSTEM Sister System support care-experienced girls and young women, providing internationally recognised qualifications and a community of support to improve their life chances. This grant will allow Sister System to scale their impact through training other UK organisations to replicate key elements of their approach. It will also support them to establish a Youth Advisory Board, which will help steer the direction of the organisation’s strategy and their future campaigning.
02/10/2023 £210,000 £913,881 SOUTH LONDON REFUGEE ASSOCIATION South London Refugee Association (SLRA) works alongside refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants, supporting them to achieve settled lives and positive futures. With this grant, SLRA will increase the impact of their local community organising work, using their community leadership programme as a springboard to build confidence and solidarity. They will also recruit a community engagement manager who will lead on developing cross sector collaboration and learning and strengthen the leadership team’s capacity and capabilities.
02/10/2023 £225,000 £1,873,855 SOUTHWARK LAW CENTRE Southwark Law Centre provides specialist legal advice for people who cannot afford to pay for services in the areas of discrimination, employment, housing, planning, welfare rights, and immigration and asylum law. This grant will enable Southwark Law Centre to support individuals to access the Windrush Compensation Scheme through coordination of a coalition of civil society organisations including community centres, universities, law firms and law centres.
02/10/2023 £275,000 £722,403 TALAWA THEATRE COMPANY Talawa is a Black British theatre company that champions Black excellence in theatre. This grant will support Talawa’s new Early Years programme addressing a significant gap in provisions for quality, accessible and affordable theatre for babies aged 6-18 months. Funding will support staffing, artist/facilitator fees, early years training for artists, alongside the development of, and subsequent tour, of a new co-created show for babies, as part of a wider early years program. This programme will be delivered in partnership with children’s theatre experts Unicorn Theatre.
02/10/2023 £200,000 £614,287 THE SPARK ARTS FOR CHILDREN The Spark Arts for Children are an arts organisation helping children immerse themselves in the arts in a variety of places and spaces. They offer children opportunities to discover their skills, passions and potential – both as an audience or participants. This grant supports The Spark Arts for Children to partner with eight primary schools in Leicester, putting theatre-making at the centre of children’s voice in the classroom, through a cross-curricular programme with links into PSHE learning.
02/10/2023 £150,000 YOUTH INITIATIVES NI Youth Initiatives (YI) aims to awaken hope, inspire initiative, and mobilise youth to make a vital contribution to their community and to a shared future in Northern Ireland. This grant provides core funding for YI to partner with Diverse Youths Northern Ireland to deliver equitable practice and appropriately meet the needs of young people from diverse backgrounds. As anti-racist organisations they will support young people by addressing both individual incidences of racism and racial inequities in wider Northern Ireland society.
25/09/2023 £22,000 £4,478,000 THE JUSTICE TOGETHER INITIATIVE THROUGH JUSTICE COLLABORATIONS The Justice Together Initiative is a funder collaboration that offers funding and support to grant partners to build the power and influence of people with lived and learned experience of the immigration system and embed anti-racism strategies. Through grant-making and collaboration, they aim to connect lived experience, front-line advice and influencing strategies to create lasting change. This grant contributes to the development of a series of peer learning spaces, enabling organisations who deliver or commission legal advice around immigration to share their learning with local authorities.
31/08/2023 £10,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE AGENCY The Social Change Agency works to support people and organisations focused on social impact. Through the Social Change Nest, they help new grassroots movements grow by providing essential start-up support to unconstituted and people-powered networks. This grant will support them to examine possibilities for better outcomes for people on benefits around payment for involvement. It will also allow them to build out a community of practice and improve the action of payment for involvement going forward.
24/08/2023 £100,000 £1,133,073 BYTES PROJECT The Bytes Project works with vulnerable young people in Northern Ireland, using youth work and technology to help transform their lives. This grant will support Bytes to upgrade its Positive Sparks platform —an innovative digital listening platform designed to give young people a tangible voice within communities and society. They will also invest in promoting the platform to young people across Northern Ireland and supporting them to add data.
24/08/2023 £100,000 £378,044 ECPAT UK (EVERY CHILD PROTECTED AGAINST TRAFFICKING) Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK) is a leading children's rights organisation working to protect children from trafficking and transnational exploitation. We support children everywhere to uphold their rights and to live a life free from abuse and exploitation. This grant will help them to strengthen and design their policy and advocacy work by placing youth participation at the centre, and support them to influence improvements to the rights and protection of victims of trafficking.
24/08/2023 £15,000 ENACT EQUALITY LTD Enact Equality are a non-profit organisation working to advance racial justice and equality in the UK. This grant supports their work fostering race equality and anti-racist education, increasing and enhancing arts access and participation, improving migration policy and supporting Windrush communities, and empowering young people, especially those who are marginalised, or whose voices are often erased or ignored.
24/08/2023 £100,000 GIRLDREAMER GirlDreamer educates, elevates and empowers marginalised young women of colour to become agents of change in their local communities. This grant will support the next phase of development work at GirlDreamer, putting in motion an important shift of power, influence and representation to evolve from a lived experience grassroots organisation to one with the potential and ability to influence systemic and institutional change for young women of colour.
24/08/2023 £100,000 £456,153 MYTIME YOUNG CARERS MYTIME supports young carers aged 5 to 18 and provides weekend breaks at their Retreat in Dorset, a Memory Making Programme and Schools Support Programme to improve educational attainment and affect a more equitable transition to adulthood. This grant will support the continuation and growth of their Level Up Programme. Through this programme, MYTIME work with schools to create supportive and inclusive educational environments where young carers can thrive.
24/08/2023 £50,000 £335,495 PUBLIC INTEREST NEWS FOUNDATION Public Interest News Foundation (PINF) works in partnership with colleagues in the UK and around the world to understand the unique contribution that independent news providers make to society. They use this research to design and deliver programmes that build the capacity of independent news providers and improve public understanding of their work. This grant supports a new model of local media that speaks to, for and with communities across Northern Ireland. Building on a pilot project in Newry, PINF will work with local communities to shape and support their vision for local media that is both economically and socially sustainable.
27/07/2023 £7,000 £4,829,241 SHAREACTION ShareAction exists to make investment a force for good. Their vision is of an investment system that truly serves savers and communities, and protects our environment for the long term. This grant will allow ShareAction to host a guest lecture from Professor Sir Oliver Hart, Nobel Laureate for Economics, on the social responsibilities of financial institutions in the modern economy.
17/07/2023 £150,000 BABBASA Babbasa is a Bristol based social enterprise that empowers minoritised young people by providing support, opportunities and guidance to help develop skills, confidence, employability and aspirations. Focused on education, career, personal development and entrepreneurship, Babbasa bridges the gap between school and work. This grant will support the organisation to work with partners in Bristol to address the underlying causes of unequal access to opportunities for minoritised young people as part of the OurCity2030 strategic vision.
17/07/2023 £114,000 BLINK DANCE THEATRE COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY BLINK are a group of four neurodiverse artists who produce accessible multi-sensory participatory projects in diverse education and community settings. They also offer employment and training opportunities that support the needs of individual artists to reach their potential. This grant would enable BLINK to grow their neurodiverse- and disabled-led education programmes in SEND schools in England, working with school staff to develop pedagogy, and training artist practitioners, amongst whom are learning disabled artists.
17/07/2023 £268,000 £2,137,444 BOW ARTS Bow Arts creates opportunities to work, learn and enjoy affordable, lifelong access to the visual arts. This grant will support the Bow Arts Learning team to continue to build their core learning programme, bringing accessible arts learning to London schools and professionalising the work that a representative range of Artist Practitioners do in school settings, delivering in-school projects and teacher development programmes.
17/07/2023 £215,000 BRIGHTON PEOPLE'S THEATRE Brighton People’s Theatre brings people in Brighton together from a wide range of backgrounds to co-create high-quality new shows. Through conversations, workshops and performances, they create change in and across the system. This grant will provide core support for Brighton People's Theatre to deliver on their 2023-2026 business plan embedding a cyclical annual methodology that centres the community’s voices and supports them in making decisions about the kind of work they want to develop and participate in. Over the three-year programme of activity members will determine and explore themes, receive training in theatre skills and be supported by artists to develop new shows.
17/07/2023 £150,000 £1,298,119 CLAN CHILDLAW LTD Clan Childlaw is a law centre for children and young people in Scotland providing free legal representation, outreach services, training and policy work. This grant supports Clan’s leadership to focus on enhancing its service delivery model through creating specialist legal teams (care transitions, siblings’ rights, conflict with the law), diversifying their income away from grants, and investing in internal infrastructure. It will also invest in embedding youth participation in its influencing and policy work and sharing its expertise across the UK to create a legal specialism of being a ‘children’s lawyer’.Clan Childlaw is a law centre for children and young people in Scotland that provides free legal representation, outreach services, training and policy work. This grant supports Clan’s leadership to focus on enhancing their service delivery model by creating specialist legal teams (care transitions, siblings’ rights, conflict with the law), diversifying their income away from grants, and investing in internal infrastructure. The organisation will also invest in embedding youth participation in their influencing and policy work and sharing their expertise across the UK to create a legal specialism of being a ‘children’s lawyer’.
17/07/2023 £100,000 CREATIVE BRIEFS Creative Briefs work with young people with special educational needs to build and develop creative skills. This grant will support their work with Year 5 pupils in three Hull primary schools. Working collaboratively with teachers, they plan to develop their inclusive arts and design-based approach to engage and support the learning of dyslexic children in a whole-class setting.
17/07/2023 £82,000 ELECTRIC MEDWAY Electric Medway’s goal is to foster a sense of community in Chatham and the wider Medway area, giving locals access to digital technology, art and a vehicle to share stories. This grant enables Electric Medway CIC to test the use of digital art and immersive storytelling to support pupil engagement in art, history and geography in non-selective schools in Medway, Kent.
17/07/2023 £83,500 £381,685 GATWICK DETAINEES WELFARE GROUP Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group (GDWG) supports people during and after immigration detention through practical and emotional support by volunteer visitors and advocacy by the staff team. This grant will allow GDWG to build on its 'Walking Inquiry' model and will enable them to collect evidence for their policy advocacy and influencing work towards ending detention. This work will include an exhibition, local walks and events, led by their Self-Advocacy Group of people with lived experience of immigration detention.
17/07/2023 £272,000 £768,425 GLASGOW WOMEN'S LIBRARY Glasgow Women's Library (GWL) is the only Accredited Museum in the UK celebrating women’s lives, histories and achievements with a library, archive and innovative events and learning programme. This grant supports GWL's project to develop their commissioning and selection processes, the creation of innovative equalities focused frameworks for collecting and curating and the organisation of training for systematically excluded groups to learn about public collections.
17/07/2023 £196,000 £544,002 GRIMM & CO Grimm & Co are a literacy charity that champions the writer in every child. They build confidence, self-esteem and skills in both workshops for schools and in out of school and holiday clubs. This grant will support Grimm & Co to work with 17 primary schools in Rotherham and Sheffield, further developing and embedding their high-quality drama-based storytelling and creative writing practice. Grimm & Co will work responsively and collaboratively with schools to meet needs and priorities and develop teachers' Literacy teaching practice and curriculum approaches.
17/07/2023 £240,000 £1,070,468 HEART N SOUL Heart n Soul provides opportunities for people with learning disabilities to discover, develop and share their creative talents and power. This grant will provide core costs to underpin Heart n Soul's model of working, deepen and extend their influence as experts in co-production, and amplify their role in leading systems change.
17/07/2023 £365,000 £241,312 HERE FOR GOOD Here for Good is a strategic legal charity that aims to plug the gaps in advice provision where there is no legal aid available, such as the EU Settlement Scheme and the Ukraine visa schemes. This grant will support Here for Good to gather case studies, conduct research, and share expertise, allowing them to advocate for change and influence Home Office engagement through their legal work and strategic litigation.
17/07/2023 £400,000 £958,147 MANCHESTER ART GALLERY Manchester Art Gallery is an inclusive cultural space for the people of Manchester and the wider world, opening minds to the essential role of creativity in the making of a healthy society and contributing to social change. This grant will allow the team at Manchester Art Gallery to continue with their ambitious transformation of Platt Hall from a subsidiary building of their main gallery site into community resource for local neighbourhoods, exploring participatory decision making, interrogating collections policy and practice and broadening the Gallery's understanding of its civic role.
17/07/2023 £150,000 MELIORE FOUNDATION The Meliore Foundation works with global philanthropic funding partners to support programmes which educate and encourage fact-based discourse at community, societal, commercial and policy-making levels. This grant will support their focus on migration, allowing them to establish new narratives around migrants and support UK migrant justice campaigners with strategic communications. It will also fund strategic communications support for the newly formed Investor Working Group on Migration, Climate Adaptation and Finance.
17/07/2023 £221,000 £294,102 NEW EARTH THEATRE New Earth Theatre presents and develops work with British East and South East Asian (BESEA) artists. They produce new touring plays and readings, nurture BESEA talent and bring artists to museums and schools. This grant will enable New Earth Theatre to build BESEA Creative Communities in four regions through their programmes of practitioner development and regional venue partnerships.
17/07/2023 £10,000 £182,280 PIRC Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC) supports movements for social, racial, economic and climate justice in order to map, develop and strengthen compelling narratives that transform policy, systems and culture. This grant will provide PIRC additional funds to cover increased staff and project costs resulting from the increased cost-of-living.
17/07/2023 £240,000 £267,378 PRIMARY Primary is an artist-led visual arts organisation providing affordable work space and studios for artists, community engagement projects and a public programme of exhibitions and events. This grant provides core funding to help Primary maximise their potential, collaboration and build on opportunities for Primary studio's creative community through their newly redeveloped site.
17/07/2023 £280,000 £3,720,994 REPRIEVE Reprieve is a legal action non-governmental organisation defending marginalised people who are facing human rights abuses. This grant will support their work to secure the repatriation of British nationals detained in North East Syria, and their resettlement and reintegration in the UK. Once repatriated, Reprieve will support ex-detainees to re-build their lives by facilitating access to services and empowering them to tell their stories and advocate for systemic change.
17/07/2023 £150,000 RISING STARS SUPPORT CIC Rising Stars Support provide holistic support to marginalised young people in London, helping them work towards living healthy lifestyles and achieving fulfilling careers in adulthood. They deliver a variety of activities focused on increasing youth voice and insight. This grant provides core support for Rising Stars Support to influence local decision making, ensuring the insights and experiences of young people are front and centre.
17/07/2023 £280,000 S.M.I.L.E-ING BOYS S.M.I.L.E-ing Boys project is a research-led arts and wellbeing organisation working with Black and Global Majority boys in London. The project was created as a direct response to the rise in youth violence, working directly with schools using photography, poetry, creative writing and film to empower participants to explore themes around race, identity, masculinity and mental health. This grant supports the organisation to sustainably scale up their offer to meet the increased demand for the programme in 20 more boroughs of London. They will also work to co-design the S.M.I.L.E-ing girls programme in readiness for a pilot in 2024.
17/07/2023 £265,200 £369,706 THE CAE The CAE tackles problems of inequality faced by migrants, breaking down barriers for them, and supporting them to become economically active, thrive and contribute fully to society. This grant will support the CAE to promote the rights of migrants and protect their dignity through working with partners to raise awareness of workplace exploitation, develop routes of reporting incidences to the relevant authorities and empower migrants to know and understand their rights at work. They will provide wellbeing services to help migrants build a sense of belonging and self-worth, and give free legal advice.
17/07/2023 £150,000 £522,982 THE CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR FOUNDATION (CBF) The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) works to ensure people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviours challenge, and those who care for and support them, have their needs met. This grant will contribute to CBF’s work to support young people with severe learning disabilities between the ages of 14 and 25 who are transitioning from child to adult services across their information and support, strategic influencing, and sharing best practice activities.
17/07/2023 £200,000 £305,149 UD UD is a music organisation bringing communities together around Black music and Black music culture. This grant provides core funding for UD's ambition to create a new National Youth Music Organisation for Black music, anchored in the London Borough of Newham with national profile and reach.
17/07/2023 £150,000 £4,675,561 WHO CARES? SCOTLAND Who Cares? Scotland supports care experienced people to have their voice heard. The Five Nations, One Voice Alliance is a partnership between charities working to promote the rights, strengthen the voice and improve outcomes for care experienced children and young people at a national level across the UK and the island of Ireland. Partners include Who Cares? Scotland (Scotland), Become (England), Voices of Care Cymru (Wales), Voice of Young People in Care (Northern Ireland), and Empower People in Care (Republic of Ireland). This grant will support the Alliance to strengthen their partnership to create more opportunities for shared learning, identify opportunities to collectively influence policy and public attitudes, and to facilitate exchanges between care experienced children and young people.
17/07/2023 £60,000 £1,099,434 THE GODIVA AWAKES TRUST Imagineer create live events, in particular theatre and outdoor performance, education programmes, special commissions and touring work. Their projects bring together creative thinkers and innovators from the arts sector with engineers, architects, educationalists, special effects artists and designers. This grant supports the Teach-Make programme, a curriculum development project for primary school teachers which places art-making at the centre of teaching and learning. This project will bring a new iteration of Teach-Make to eight primary schools in the Warwickshire boroughs of Nuneaton and Bedworth.
05/07/2023 £20,000 HAJAR PRESS Hajar Press is an independent anti-racist publishing house. This grant provides core funding to enable them to achieve their aim to open a space for writers of colour to create experimental work, and to build political community through subscriptions, events and partnerships.
29/06/2023 £5,700 £392,419 ACTORS TOURING COMPANY Actors Touring Company (ATC) produces international, contemporary theatre that travels, creating shows that activate and entertain, asking questions of the world around us. This grant will enable ATC to conduct an evaluation that evidences the impact of Black Out performances of 'Tambo & Bones’ and measure the success of their aim to create a liberating, safe space for Black audiences to view the play together in one night.
26/06/2023 £20,000 SOCIAL JUSTICE COLLECTIVE LTD Social Justice Collective (SJC) are a women and non-binary people of colour collective of organisational change professionals, bringing together their values, expertise, and experiences to build social justice. This grant will fund SJS to pilot an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Practitioner Circle to build and accelerate sector-wide capacity for EDI and social justice. This will be achieved by providing a programme of learning, expert support, resource, action learning, and collective strategizing for people doing EDI work across civil society.
19/06/2023 £12,000 THE UBELE INITIATIVE The Ubele Initiative (Ubele) derives its name from the Swahili word meaning ‘The Future’. They are an African Diaspora-led intergenerational social enterprise founded in 2014, with the purpose of helping to build more sustainable communities across the UK. Ubele supports a wide range of Black and minoritised communities, community-based organisations and groups with their community assets (people and physical spaces), through social action, community enterprise development and next-generation leadership initiatives. This grant supported Ubele to bring together a varied group of Black, African diaspora leaders from across the country to participate in the 2023 Year of Return and Connections a collaborative initiative between multiple organizations which took place in Nairobi in July 2023.
07/06/2023 £30,000 NEW CONSTELLATIONS The Decelerator will support civil society organisations to design closures, mergers, CEO transitions, programming ends, and all sorts of endings as part of the everyday life of organisations. New Constellations is hosting this work in its initial testing phase. The intention is to show funders and partners how better endings can make a world of difference.
02/06/2023 £8,000 £450,279 ALLIANCE PUBLISHING TRUST The Alliance Publishing Trust (APT) provides the global philanthropy sector with independent opinion, expert debate and trusted insight, through events, newsletters, and quarterly print and online magazine Alliance. This grant will provide core funding to improve APT's coverage of global philanthropy, with the aim to make their field more effective, progressive, geographically balanced and including a greater diversity of voices and perspectives.
02/06/2023 £30,000 CULTURE COMMONS Culture Commons support creative organisations and the publicly subsidised cultural sector by bringing cutting-edge research and policy development activity together to co-design policy and influence decision making at local, regional and national levels. This grant will support their work exploring how devolution will affect the creative and cultural life of the UK. The programme will see a steering panel and working groups brought together to propose possible policy solutions for a future UK Government to adopt.
30/05/2023 £5,000 £865,106 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH IVAR The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) is an independent charity that works closely with people and organisations striving for social change. This grant will contribute towards IVAR’s core costs – in particular, the administration, organisation and facilitation of the spring convenings; their Community of Practice; and the production and publication of briefings, webinars and other learning resources.
23/05/2023 £625,000 CIVIC SQUARE Civic Square is a Birmingham based organisation with a bold approach to visioning, building and investing in civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future. They build on Impact Hub Birmingham and deliver programmes to reimagine the Public Square, host a Neighbourhood Economics Lab and nurture a creative and participatory ecosystem. This grant provides core support for Civic Square’s second phase of development.
15/05/2023 £15,500 BYTES PROJECT The Bytes Project works with vulnerable young people in Northern Ireland, using youth work and technology to help transform their lives. This grant will fund work in collaboration with Youth Action to examine the capacity and capability of the voluntary youth work sector.
09/05/2023 £100,000 21COMMON 21Common is a dance collective producing performance and community collaborations nationally and internationally. This grant will enable them to work collaboratively with children and teaching staff in four Glasgow schools, enabling pupils to engage in performance arts and develop social and personal skills and a sense of agency over their own learning.
09/05/2023 £250,000 £807,536 ACCESS ALL AREAS Access All Areas support Learning Difficulty and Autistic (LDA) artists to be leaders in film, TV and theatre to address structural ableism in the arts and culture sector. Specifically, they will co-lead Transforming Leadership programme and support LDA artists as consultants to further support others like them in the sector.
09/05/2023 £248,000 £150,027 AFRICAN RAINBOW FAMILY African Rainbow Family (ARF) is a not-for-profit organisation that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual and queer (LGBTIQ) people of African heritage and from wider Black and Asian minority ethnic groups. This grant will fund a Campaign & Communications Officer to enable ARF to increase their capacity to raise awareness and campaign for justice, focusing particularly on ending deportation and detention of LGBTIQ people seeking asylum in the UK.
09/05/2023 £207,000 £199,297 EXTANT Extant is a professional performing arts company that explores visual impairment to create unique and innovative artistic experiences, placing visually impaired people at the centre of all they do. Extant Enhance is an alternative to audio description, designed by and for visually impaired people. It addresses the barriers of cost and long lead-in times for venues and provides a more holistic and connected audience experience for visually impaired theatre goers. This grant will enable the roll out of Extant Enhance to a number of mid-scale theatres nationwide to continue developing it and build a business model for ongoing financial sustainability.
09/05/2023 £69,500 FREEDOM FOUNDATION CIC Freedom Foundation is an arts organisation who work with children to improve mental health, increase skills, resilience and self-esteem. This grant will support a two-year programme of work in two secondary schools in Nottingham to test the impact of a long-term arts-based approach on the learning, mental health and wellbeing of children who are most at risk of suspension or exclusion.
09/05/2023 £250,000 INDEPENDENT WORKERS UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a trade union led by and made up of precarious and migrant workers, with a particular focus on outsourced workers and workers in the “gig economy” (low-paid self-employment) sectors. This grant will support the trial of a new leadership development programme to nurture worker members (80% of whom are people who have migrated), increase their skills and capacity to represent their peers, take on advocacy work and leadership in the union.
09/05/2023 £246,000 £390,467 MIGRANT ACTION Migrant Action is a grassroots advocacy and migrant justice organisation working with people who have migrated to the UK and are outside the asylum system. This grant will support their core work and implementation of their 5-year strategy including: provision of holistic advice and advocacy, mentoring migrant leaders, expanding multi-agency partnerships, influencing policy and practice across the Yorkshire region through convening and collaborative campaigning.
09/05/2023 £150,000 £229,759 MY LIFE MY SAY My Life My Say (MLMS) is a youth-led, non-partisan charity on a mission to create an age of political engagement that will deliver greater social inclusion and equality allowing the space for dialogue across generations and communities. This grant will enable MLMS to expand the scope and reach of their operations, ensuring that young people from the most hard to reach communities gain access to the democratic process and drive social change.
09/05/2023 £150,000 £232,526 NORTH EAST YOUNG DADS AND LADS (NEYDL) North East Young Dads and Lads (NEYDL) works with young fathers and expectant dads (aged 25 and under) experiencing disadvantage in the North East. Funding will provide NEYDL’s Chief Executive more capacity to focus on income generation to support their expansion across the North East and service development over the next three years. It will also support NEYDL to develop their Regional Young Dads Council and hire a part-time Inclusion Project Worker to improve their reach, impact and influence with minoritised and marginalised young fathers.
09/05/2023 £165,000 £192,901 PEOPLE UNITED People United is a socially engaged participatory arts charity based in East Kent. This grant will support Futures of Care 2 which evolves People United’s care-centred practice, building on partnerships and pilot projects developed over the last three years, including co-commissioning and a collaboration with Kent Refugee Action Network.
09/05/2023 £150,000 £244,245 SETTLE STORIES Settle Stories collaborate with communities and artists to create transformative experiences that ignite curiosity and reimagine storytelling. This grant will fund work with teachers and pupils in North Yorkshire to co-create new resources supporting children and young people's mental health and wellbeing through storytelling and mindfulness approaches. They will test the effectiveness of resources in live, hybrid and digital only delivery formats.
09/05/2023 £150,000 £803,875 SMALL GREEN SHOOTS Small Green Shoots (SGS) is a Black and female-led arts charity supporting young people, primarily from across London, to pursue careers in the creative industries. This grant will provide core support to enable SGS to deliver their growth and impact plans. It aims to increase capacity and the number of young people they can support into sustainable careers, strengthen their asset-based approach, and increase their influence with creative industry employers to create a more equitable environment for young people.
09/05/2023 £207,000 £647,499 STRIKE A LIGHT Strike A Light work with and for communities in Gloucester to create events, tell people’s stories through performance and provide participation opportunities for young people. This grant provides core funding to support creative opportunities for young people in Gloucester through Community Producers, youth theatre/dance classes and annual training programme for new and emerging practitioners with a focus on Global Majority and diverse leaders in the city.
09/05/2023 £237,000 £212,996 THE FORGE The Forge is an arts organisation specialising in participatory arts projects with children. They work closely with disadvantaged schools co-creating arts-based programmes to improve children's outcomes. This grant will support the Forge to partner two Special Educational Needs Schools, Ashdale and Blythdale in Northumberland, to co-construct 'Talking Cameras' with pupils who experience a range of significant speech, language and communication and learning challenges and/or behavioural needs. The Forge is examining how photography and visual literacy methods can be used across the whole curriculum to support children’s personal, social and academic development in SEND settings.
09/05/2023 £150,000 £816,152 THE NATIONAL HOUSE PROJECT The National House Project (NHP) is a charitable incorporated organisation that provides support and expertise to local authorities around the country to set up and manage Local House Projects so that young people aged 16 – 25 leave care in a planned and supported way. This grant will fund investment in the senior leadership team to enable more strategic working with a focus on scaling. This approach addresses the systemic, cultural and structural changes that are required to meet the needs of young people leaving care, work which is steered by the Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM).
09/05/2023 £150,000 £110,450 THE OHMI TRUST The One-Handed Musical Instrument (OHMI) Trust does pioneering work with and for people with congenital and acquired upper limb impairment. They aim to remove the physical barriers to learning and playing an instrument faced by children, young people and adults who do not have the full use and control of two upper limbs. This grant will enable OHMI to support Music Hubs in delivering full equitable access to early music making for physically disabled children and young people. They will do this through needs assessment, providing instruments and additional support to young learner musicians, providing training to music teachers and inclusion managers in Music Hubs. They will also deliver ongoing sector support and development through original research, refining and disseminating best practice; and partnership with others.
09/05/2023 £250,000 £737,108 THE OPEN THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED Open Theatre develops and promotes the creativity of young people with learning disabilities using non-verbal physical theatre. They run sessions in special schools, out of school groups and theatre projects. Open Theatre Company is extending their reach, working intensively with teaching staff in three specialist SEND school settings in the West Midlands, equipping the adults to embed Open Theatre's proven young person-led, playful and responsive practice throughout the curriculum and school day.
09/05/2023 £280,000 £242,424 WORK RIGHTS CENTRE The Work Rights Centre is a charity dedicated to helping migrant workers exit precarious work. Founded by people who have migrated to the UK with experience of the immigration system, they provide expert employment rights casework and evidence-based advocacy which strives to affect systemic change for the long term. This grant will enable the development of a cohesive strategy for protecting migrant workers in post-Brexit Britain. The programme of work will involve research into the limitations of the current immigration-employment nexus, advocacy, and frontline support for migrant workers.
09/05/2023 £135,000 ZOIELOGIC DANCE THEATRE ZoieLogic Dance Theatre is a professional dance theatre company in Southampton; making and touring dance theatre work alongside youth and community projects. They challenge the perceptions of dance, who it’s for, and where and how it is shown. This grant will support 'We Are Holyrood', an accessible creative dance programme delivered in the heart of the Holyrood Estate, Southampton, placing the needs of the community centre stage to raise aspirations and build community cohesion.
09/05/2023 £180,000 £240,452 MIGRANTS' RIGHTS NETWORK The Migrants’ Rights Network (MRN) works alongside migrants in their fight for rights and justice. This grant will support MRN’s core work, including supporting the development of cross-sector alliances and campaigns across social justice issues, strengthening their analysis on intersecting forms of oppression and the migrant experience. They will facilitate events, workshops and cross-sector meetings and engage with media to support change in the language and narrative around migration.
09/05/2023 £238,000 £3,391,751 THE ALBANY Albany Theatre is an arts centre and cultural hub in South East London. This grant will help The Albany to create a long-term shift in its operations, to centre co-design, co-creation and community participation across the organisation, with multiple points of entry for communities and artists to help lead this change, including Associate Artists and Young Creatives.
26/04/2023 £30,000 POSITIVE MONEY Positive Money is a research and campaigning organisation who lead on money and banking reform. Their vision is for a money and banking system that serves a fair, democratic, and sustainable economy. They carry out grass-roots campaigns, undertake research, lobbying and advocacy work, and lead an international reform movement. The grant will increase Positive Money's capacity for work aimed at changing the public narrative on several core topics, and for mobilising the public to pressure decision-makers at key opportunities. It will also help their reactive work challenging damaging narratives, and help fund an expanded team.
13/04/2023 £40,000 £1,149,186 POSITIVE YOUTH FOUNDATION The Positive Youth Foundation aims to improve the life chances of young people facing challenging circumstances. Their offer includes targeted support services for refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived young people; alternative education; mentoring; and group activities focused on health, wellbeing, and positive development. This grant will support PYF in partnership with local organisations to deliver a programme of cultural activities for young people in parks and open spaces in Coventry.
11/04/2023 £20,000 TEN YEARS TIME Ten Years Time (TYT) advises high-net-worth individuals to think about philanthropy differently, bringing them closer to the communities they wish to support and supporting the distribution of funds. This grant will contribute to core staffing costs which will help to develop their membership offer and expand their fiscal hosting work.
01/04/2023 £8,000 NICK OF TIME PRODUCTIONS Nick of Time Productions is led by director, producer and founder Nicolas Kent. This grant supports the production of a second verbatim play about the Grenfell Inquiry, edited by Richard Norton-Taylor and Nicolas Kent, performing at Playground Theatre, Tabernacle Theatre and Marylebone Theatre throughout February and March 2023.
28/03/2023 £25,000 £331,419 COPENHAGEN YOUTH PROJECT CYP Copenhagen Youth Project (CYP) is a unique youth project working in partnership with young people in Islington to create and sustain a positive youth culture that inspires children and young people to plan, initiate and lead their own projects. CYP runs a youth centre on Copenhagen Street where young people can attend youth club, football sessions, access employability advice and mentoring and seek wellbeing support.
28/03/2023 £40,000 £790,820 GLOBAL GENERATION Global Generation is an educational charity, which works together with local children and young people, businesses, residents and families in Camden, Islington and Southwark to create healthy, integrated and environmentally responsible communities. They use land-based activities and the metaphors of ecological and cosmic processes to support building community between each other and the natural world. They primarily work with local young people, businesses and families in King's Cross as well as going on camping residentials.
28/03/2023 £35,000 £364,110 HOSTED BY CALTHORPE COMMUNITY PROJECT - THE SPACE TO COME (THE BLACK MARY PROJECT) The Space to Come is a project by artist-convener Gaylene Gould that creates interactive experiences for people to explore a deeper relationship to themselves, each other and the world about them. The Space To Come experiences are participatory and collaborative. They blend artforms, conversation, reflection, play and ritual to test new ways of fostering a more compassionately connected world. The Black Mary Project will revive Black Mary’s Hole, a fabled 17th Century healing well, on the site of Calthorpe Community Gardens in Kings Cross co-creating, with the community, an imaginative healing sanctuary for London.
28/03/2023 £550,000 £257,097 INTEGRATE UK Integrate UK invests in the skills, passions and talents of young people as leaders who can thrive in a society based on gender and racial equality and cross-cultural cohesion. This grant provides core funding to support organisational consolidation and strengthening to grow impact significantly over five years.
28/03/2023 £35,000 £179,944 ISLINGTON BANGLADESH ASSOCIATION Islington Bangladesh Association (IBA) aims to engage with members of the community who are most at risk of social exclusion in learning and networking activities, so they can regain confidence, raise health awareness and improve health inequality, acquire new skills, broaden their horizons and access the support services they might need to pursue personal development opportunities. It provides a space for families, women, young people, and pensioners facing poverty and other forms of hardship to come together, access services and navigate statutory support provided by local authorities, NHS, welfare benefits, etc.
28/03/2023 £50,000 £2,521,919 ISLINGTON GIVING THROUGH CRIPPLEGATE FOUNDATION Islington Giving supports projects helping people living in poverty in Islington by raising funds and making grants to groups across three main strands: Investing in Young People; Supporting Families; and Reaching Isolated People. Operating on the principle that everyone can give, whether with their time, expertise, networks or money, Islington Giving brings people who live and work in Islington together to support their local community.
28/03/2023 £35,000 £535,530 KING'S CROSS BRUNSWICK NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION (KCBNA) Kings Cross Brunswick Neighbourhood Association (KCBNA) tackles inequality, creates opportunities and transforms lives. Led by local community members, they invest in the development of people as assets for change across three centres and through outreach work. They encourage community participation in decision making, bringing diverse communities and groups together to build belonging and lead community regeneration. They run over 45 services each week for all ages and reach over 2,000 people annually. This grant will support core costs to deliver strategic aims as well as developing their services.
28/03/2023 £50,000 £2,782,652 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE New Horizon Youth Centre enable homeless and vulnerable young people to secure the futures they deserve and the independence they crave. For 360 days of the year, via their seven day a week drop-in service, they provide everything from hot cooked food, showers and laundry, right through to support with advice, finding work and getting housed.
28/03/2023 £550,000 £887,109 THE ADVOCACY ACADEMY The Advocacy Academy is a youth organising movement, working to create a more fair, equal and just society where young people with lived experience of injustice have the power to make lasting change for themselves and their communities. It focuses on building the power of young people, using radical youth work and community organising alongside training in justice. Core funding will support consolidation through investment in organisational strengthening that will enable increased reach and influence.
28/03/2023 £550,000 £423,269 THE YOUNG WOMENS MOVEMENT YWCA Scotland - The Young Women’s Movement is an intersectional feminist organisation which creates transformational spaces that enable young women to lead personal, community and institutional change. Core funding will support a transformative strategic development journey to further grow impact so that all young women can access the support, resource and platform to have a voice, take action and create positive change.
28/03/2023 £90,000 £657,305 WOMEN AT THE WELL Women at the Well supports women whose lives are affected by, or at risk of being affected by prostitution. Established in 2007, the organisation has supported communities in Camden, Islington and Haringey for the last ten years. Services are provided to people who have multiple and complex needs including drug and alcohol abuse, mental health difficulties, experience of homelessness and trafficking.
28/03/2023 £40,000 £1,148,995 YOUNG CAMDEN FOUNDATION Young Camden Foundation works to address the growing uncertainty of long-term investment in the children and young people sector in Camden and the need to build more cross-sector partnerships. Their membership of 130+ organisations working in or with communities in Camden includes community centres, sports clubs and supplementary education organisations. Members can access support, training, services and grants.
25/03/2023 £70,000 £466,137 PIE FACTORY MUSIC Pie Factory Music is a Ramsgate-based youth work charity that engages and supports young people across east Kent through music and the arts. This grant will provide funding for the new CEO, which will enable the organisation to continue to grow their impact at a vital time for both the charity and the future of youth services in Kent.
20/03/2023 £10,000 £254,132 RACE ON THE AGENDA ROTA Race on the Agenda (ROTA) works with communities impacted by systemic racism to help create policies and practices to tackle inequality. This grant will fund recruitment of a CEO to manage the team and focus on increasing visibility, developing partnerships and implementing a funding strategy for their main projects: housing, school exclusion, and higher education.
20/03/2023 £15,000 £1,086,760 RUNNYMEDE TRUST Runnymede is the UK's leading independent race equality think tank. This grant supports their campaign, led by his family, for justice for Stephen Lawrence as 22 April 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of his murder.
20/03/2023 £20,000 £1,086,760 FUTURE FOUNDATIONS UK (FFUK) - HOSTED BY TEN YEARS TIME Future Foundations UK is a community of People of Colour working in philanthropy in the UK. This grant will support FFUK to grow and develop their membership offer through delivering wellbeing and networking activities, reviewing their strategy and goals in close collaboration with members, and further develop the network, including longer-term fundraising.
13/03/2023 £20,000 RESOLVE COLLECTIVE RESOLVE is an interdisciplinary design collective that combines architecture, engineering, technology and art to address social challenges. This grant will support the ongoing development of their practice, including planning and operationalising community-focused projects in London and across the UK, in line with their strategy. Funding will be used to resource this work, as well as document and communicate the organisation's aims.
13/03/2023 £40,000 £20,430 CHARITY EVALUATION WORKING GROUP Charity Evaluation Working Group (CHEW) supports charities to share evaluation best practice and demonstrate their impact. This grant will support the development of an equitable evaluation collective by funding a scoping phase to investigate and share evidence of the need for change, and establish a model that will address these needs.
06/03/2023 £150,000 £243,777 REKINDLE SCHOOL Rekindle School (Rekindle) is a unique supplementary school in South Manchester. The charity aims to inspire a change in the way we view 'success' in the UK state school education system. This grant will support a three-year youth-led campaign, with a national conference, extensive in-person and online teacher training series and sector-delivery programme. The longer-term business plan is designed to create six new Rekindle Schools in the next ten years - four in the north of England and two in London and Brighton.
06/03/2023 £52,000 SKILLS 4 ALL LTD Skills 4 All is a community organisation providing under-served young people with opportunities to develop their curiosity, creativity and confidence through hands-on digital projects and workshops. This grant will fund Skills 4 All to work with a group of young people from communities which experience racism, from one Oldham secondary school, during a full school year. The project will enable them to capture the stories of their lived experience of the Covid-19 pandemic through three arts-based approaches: video storytelling, creative writing and photography. The project will aim to support and affirm self-worth, celebrate the young people's identities as young Black and brown people, and empower their peers, friends and community through the telling and honouring of their stories.
06/03/2023 £180,000 £314,309 SOMETHING TO AIM FOR Something To Aim For (STAF) is a creative structure support organisation committed to bringing about change by authentically reflecting marginalised and under-represented artists and people in mainstream UK culture. This grant provides core funding to allow STAF to safeguard cultural access and participation among the doubly disadvantaged marginalised/under-represented artists and communities who are at risk of drop out due to Covid-19 and the current cost of living/energy crises.
06/03/2023 £250,000 £645,516 STANLEY ARTS Stanley Arts is a radically inclusive arts and performance venue seeking to foreground under-represented voices, providing artists of colour and LGBTQ+ creatives with a platform to reach out to audiences across South London and beyond. Stanley Arts is one of a number of partners involved in the delivery of Croydon Borough of Culture 2023 programme. This grant will contribute to Arcadia, a youth-led festival themed around the climate emergency; the development of youth training and leadership offers at Stanley Arts aligned to the year of culture; and to support the Cultural Steering Group and associated groups to develop suitable infrastructure to enable continuing joined-up sector leadership to support legacy outcomes.
06/03/2023 £90,000 £136,460 TCC (TREFNU CYMUNEDOL CYMRU /TOGETHER CREATING COMMUNITIES) Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru/Together Creating Communities (TCC) uses community organising principles to bring together a variety of groups including community groups, faith groups and schools to create long-term community cohesion in North East Wales. This grant will fund their work training and supporting young leaders to run strategic campaigns on the issues affecting them, as well as engaging more diverse new groups and making shared youth spaces more accessible.
06/03/2023 £233,000 THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY Fruitmarket is a free, public contemporary art gallery in Edinburgh. This grant will fund Creative Connections, a programme bringing together eight artists and primary schools on the periphery of the city, to work together on a three year artist residency programme. Inspired by Fruitmarket cross-artform programming, teachers and pupils develop art-making skills, build creative confidence whilst interrogating the ideas and processes behind art.
06/03/2023 £225,000 £1,224,817 THE JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) provides legal support for people who have migrated to the UK and their families, specialising in immigration and asylum law and policy. This grant will support JCWI to encourage direct resistance, through community organising, collective and legal action and persist in driving long-term political change relevant to their core campaigns: migrant workers, undocumented people and climate justice.
06/03/2023 £153,000 £229,323 THE PLAY HOUSE (B'HAM) LTD The Play House’s Theatre in Education company will work in partnership with Dr Reza Gholami from Birmingham University and four primary schools to develop a drama-based approach to addressing complex issues of identity, belonging, inclusion and citizenship. They aim to support children, teachers and schools to develop their own 'Brummie' identity and set of 'British Values' which can be shared through drama and storytelling with the wider school community and an early years setting.
06/03/2023 £198,000 £317,120 WE BELONG We Belong is a migrant youth-led organisation campaigning for the rights of young migrants, providing information, support and training. This grant will enable We Belong to expand their operations to Manchester, as well as sustaining their work in London through a mix of direct community work alongside wider advocacy and influencing.
06/03/2023 £90,000 £360,020 WEST END WOMEN AND GIRLS CENTRE West End Women and Girls Centre are the only open access community based women and girls centre in Newcastle. They support working class young women with lived experience of gender inequality to mobilise through peer education. This grant will support West End Women and Girls Centre to build local campaigns and coalitions to purposefully change policy and legislation and create better gender equality for young women in the North East.
06/03/2023 £107,842 £470,178 COMMON WEALTH EVIE MANNING Common Wealth make experimental, multi-disciplinary theatre with, by and for people new to the arts that is rooted in their socialist politics, working class backgrounds, and an ambition to make change. Their Breakthrough grant in 2018 enabled them to appoint a Collaboration Coordinator in each city, supported the company’s producing budgets, digital capacity and creative R&D with artists emerging through Common Wealth’s projects and programmes. This grant will support core costs for Common Wealth to continue to grow the company in South Wales and navigate the end of their Breakthrough Fund grant and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
06/03/2023 £150,000 CONNECTFUTURES CIC ConnectFutures (CF) work with young people, communities and professionals to increase knowledge, resilience and confidence in preventing extremism and serious violence, challenging hate, and promoting social justice. This grant will allow CF to strengthen their operating model by implementing a Youth Advisory Board in partnership with the West Midlands Virtual Schools Children in Care Foundation. Funding will also support recruitment of two new roles, trained to support the Youth Advisory Board, and expert guidance to develop their evaluation methods to capture connections between individual and systemic impact.
06/03/2023 £220,000 £299,823 DISABILITY ARTS ONLINE Disability Arts Online are an organisation led by disabled people, set up to advance disability arts and culture. They give disabled artists a platform to blog and share thoughts and images describing artistic practice, projects and finding inspiration to be creative. This grant will contribute to Disability Arts Online's core funding, enabling them to deliver a bold programme of accessible, creative and critical work in the digital realm and with location-based partners.
06/03/2023 £90,000 £771,412 PLATFORM LONDON Shake! uplifts the voices of young people from marginalised communities to deliver artistic and creative activism that drives social change. Shake! Is led by what young people need, using anti-oppression, trauma-informed, healing, creative approaches to tackle systemic injustice and influencing the practice of white dominated institutions, especially youth organisations. Funding will increase the capacity of the team to continue to share the model, learning and practice.
06/03/2023 £180,000 £315,000 REFUGEE LEGAL SUPPORT Refugee Legal Support (RLS) are a group of UK and EU asylum lawyers acting in solidarity with refugees in Greece. They provide free legal support to those seeking sanctuary in Greece or reunification with their family members elsewhere in Europe. This grant will fund core costs, including the Management Team, so that RLS can implement their new strategy, help more people and link their work to systemic change.
06/03/2023 £225,000 £560,569 THAMES FESTIVAL TRUST River of Hope explores river and water topics, using creative media, visual arts, music and poetry to challenge and provoke classroom discussion, in particular relating to environmental sustainability and climate change themes. The programme will reach Year 4 classes in 40 schools around England.
06/03/2023 £90,000 THE 4FRONT PROJECT The 4Front Project is a member-led youth organisation empowering young people and communities to fight for justice, peace and freedom. They support members with experiences of violence and the criminal justice system to create change in their own lives, communities and society. Funding will provide core support for The 4Front Project to address the challenge for marginalised young people to meaningfully participate in change making.
06/03/2023 £120,000 THE ART HOUSE The Art House is home to over 50 artists, makers and creative businesses, and exists to champion equality of access and higher diversity in contemporary visual arts practice. Artists and audiences are invited to engage with the creative process through a rich programme of residencies, exhibitions, events, workshops and professional development opportunities. This grant will fund the consolidation of work supporting refugees and asylum seekers as artists and as participants through a Studio of Sanctuary (SoS) programme, offering bespoke support to people staying in the local Initial Accommodation Centre for people seeking asylum.
06/03/2023 £180,000 £2,102,350 ARC STOCKTON ARC Stockton is an arts centre that uses arts and cultural activity to support local communities. This grant will support ARC to develop a new model for community-centred arts programming that delivers a range of performances and participatory activities shaped by local communities, particularly those facing barriers created by ethnicity, disability, sexuality, gender identity or socio-economic disadvantage.
06/03/2023 £84,600 £346,216 CITY ARTS NOTTINGHAM City Arts develops arts opportunities in Nottingham and beyond that bring people together, stimulate change and create stronger, healthier communities. This grant will fund core costs, to enable City Arts to deliver an new programme of work to develop and refine their community-led approaches and to embed these organisationally. They aim to co-create an exciting programme of arts activity that is inclusive and relevant. As they continue to pilot and grow their work, they will capture the learning and will develop a toolkit for sharing with networks locally, regionally and nationally.
06/03/2023 £90,000 COMICS YOUTH CIC Comics Youth provides comics-based literacy and wellbeing projects for marginalised children and young people aged 8-25 within Liverpool. They are the creators of ‘Marginal’, the first young person led publishing house in the UK. This grant will fund a ‘Marginal Changemaker programme’, recruiting 40 young people with lived experiences of marginalisation to become catalysts of change within their communities and providing them with a range of coaching, mentoring and publishing-based activism sessions specifically focused around raising the voices of young people in publishing campaigns and beyond.
06/03/2023 £264,000 £271,232 CUMBRIA DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION CENTRE CDEC Cumbria Development Education Centre is partnering with The Laal Collective and 10 Cumbrian west coast primary schools to explore global citizenship through a range of immersive and child-led arts-based approaches. The project will explore ideas about how, why and where people migrate and will develop students’ collaboration, empathy, resilience and creativity skills, as well as supporting teachers to embed the arts-based approaches in their pedagogy and curriculum.
06/03/2023 £150,000 GIRL GRIND UK Girl Grind UK (GGUK) is a youth-led company in Birmingham supporting the creative aspirations and achievements of young people. It is focused on implementing its business plan to celebrate, advocate and champion women in music through expanding its flagship music business programmes across the region and nationally. This grant will fund a full-time Grants and Fundraising Coordinator to work with the Chief Executive Officer to strengthen strategic development plans and build a sustainable programme of expansion.
06/03/2023 £64,000 GLOBAL GROOVES Global Grooves are a Carnival arts organisation based in Tameside. This grant will support them in engaging with local communities to shape programming at their venue The Vale. Over two years they will work with communities to explore how the organisation and venue can play a role in supporting their creative ambitions through a series of co-created and co-programmed events across multiple artforms.
06/03/2023 £145,000 £247,734 HARINGEY MIGRANT SUPPORT CENTRE Haringey Migrant Support Centre (HMSC) runs weekly services for migrants, regardless of background, providing free advice and casework on immigration, welfare, housing and community care. This grant will allow HMSC to develop its capacity to contribute to strategic litigation and policy work. It will also work collaboratively with other frontline organisations in the migration sector to build a network to share best practice, information and learning, improve co-ordination of services and amplify the voice of migrants in London.
06/03/2023 £338,000 £883,330 HEART OF GLASS ST HELENS LTD Heart of Glass delivers socially engaged contemporary arts programmes in St Helens, Merseyside. This grant will support them to deliver ‘Speculative Futures’, a multi-year programme of socially engaged work co-created with young people. Taking an intersectional approach and working in collaboration with artists and cross-sector partners, the programme will explore themes identified by young people, resulting in enquiry-based commissions, public programming and bespoke sector resources.
06/03/2023 £125,000 £144,936 HUMAN RIGHTS CONSORTIUM SCOTLAND The Human Rights Consortium Scotland is the civil society network to defend and promote human rights in Scotland. The Consortium has around 170 network member organisations from across civil society. This grant will support the Consortium to strengthen connections between Scottish human rights and migration sectors, facilitate the voices of those with lived experience of migration to be heard in human rights developments and share learning and experience from Scotland with organisations and decision-makers across the UK.
06/03/2023 £268,000 £541,837 INDO AMERICAN REFUGEE AND MIGRANT ORGANISATION Indo American Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO) works to enable the development, agency and participation of Latin Americans and other Spanish and Portuguese speakers, by responding to both immediate needs and structural inequalities. This grant will support their work with Latin American migrant children and their families, with a special focus on children with insecure status and Special Educational Needs or Disability, alongside schools and school admission departments, policymakers and specialist organisations and legal partners.
06/03/2023 £120,000 JAZZ RE:FRESHED LTD Jazz re:freshed is one of the UK's most influential promoters in the British jazz scene. This grant will support an exploratory project to create and test a range of new audience development and engagement approaches for young, Black audiences. This work will support their mission to develop culturally diverse audiences and deliver work in new regions, as well aiming to encourage Black audiences back to live performances following the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on this community.
06/03/2023 £229,500 £1,596,282 LIVERPOOL BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART LTD Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art is the largest contemporary visual arts event in the UK. This grant will support Liverpool Biennial to establish a programme with and for disabled practitioners and audiences to enable them to sustain multi-year work with disabled artists, partners and participants beyond the length of one Biennial, confronting and mitigating the challenges a usual two-year cycle presents.
06/03/2023 £84,000 £36,548 MANCHESTER STREET POEM Manchester Street Poem (MSP) uses storytelling to challenge prevailing narratives and change public perceptions of homelessness and marginalisation. This grant will contribute to MSP’s existing Project Manager's salary, increasing their capacity to strengthen and consolidate the organisation. It will also fund overheads and core activities including an annual writing retreat, enabling MSP to test new income streams including a merchandise offer and embed new structures around learning and evaluation.
06/03/2023 £125,000 MIGRANT DEMOCRACY PROJECT Migrant Democracy Project promotes and facilitates the civic and democratic participation of first generation migrants both locally and nationally. This grant contributes to funding a part-time operational co-CEO role to establish a strong governance structure, implement the fundraising strategy, coordinate projects and perform the day-to-day operational tasks of the small organisation. In addition, this funding covers the organisation’s policy and strategy development and directly contributes to the Organising and Community Building stream of their work.
06/03/2023 £177,000 £8,913,633 NORTHERN BALLET Northern Ballet is a major national professional touring dance company based in Leeds. Their repertoire of theatrical dance productions emphasises both storytelling as well as classical ballet. Their dance education work includes advanced training, intensive workshops, and weekly open access classes for children and adults. This grant will allow Northern Ballet to build on their existing schools work targeting children and young people experiencing systemic inequality; for this project they plan to target children and young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties in three specialist settings in Yorkshire.
06/03/2023 £52,000 OXYGEN ARTS CIC Oxygen Arts are a creative production agency that specialises in targeting and working with diverse communities. This grant will fund the Black British Ballet project, which aims to fundamentally change the way that ballet is perceived and operates in Britain. The project will create a website, film and a range of activities comprising an event series, training programme, mentoring scheme and book tour to allow the hidden stories of Black dancers in British Ballet who performed at the highest level in discriminative environments to have their stories heard by dancers of colour who may be considering a career in the industry.
06/03/2023 £164,000 £23,823 CASTLE HILL SCHOOL Castle Hill School, an SEND specialist setting, will lead a group of SEND specialist and mainstream primary schools based in and around Huddersfield. They will partner with The Colour Foundry, working with teachers and school leaders to develop learning through traditional and digital visual arts- and music-based practices. They will aim to embed inclusion and celebration of individuality at the heart of teaching practice.
06/03/2023 £165,000 £530,703 CRAFT SCOTLAND The Knit Shop, MAKE and Dundee Creative Learning Network, have partnered on an ambitious new CPDL programme which explores the value and potential of teaching craft in primary school with professional textile makers, working across different disciplines. The two-year cascading programme is designed to embed craft approaches to numeracy development across 6 – 8 primary schools in Dundee and aims to develop teachers' skills, confidence and ambition in teaching craft, whilst unlocking learning across the curriculum. Craft activities will also support learning around sustainability and climate change and provide tools to support well-being.
06/03/2023 £165,000 £4,622,939 DERBY THEATRE Teachers, support staff and SLT from 6 Derby primary schools will partner with artists from Derby Theatre to learn and embed drama-based and creative approaches to enable students to develop language skills as well as building confidence and interpersonal skills. Participating schools have a higher than average intake of ELA pupils and/or serve communities experiencing socio-economic inequity and inquiry will particularly focus on asset-based approaches to literacy with EAL pupils
06/03/2023 £145,500 DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ON BEHALF OF ST LUKE'S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Teaching for Creativity, focuses on how arts can support school improvement & the development of CPDL blended approaches. The curriculum area is creativity, an overarching area. During Covid, arts based experiences had to stop leading to a drop in teacher’s confidence in teaching the arts. This project aims to reactivate arts-based experiences enhancing the schools’ cultural entitlement, supporting Cultural Capital. Schools will chose either theatre or the visual arts as best to address their chosen issue within their school. They will work with an artist from that field to learn the skills necessary to deliver high quality arts teaching.
06/03/2023 £159,000 £86,294 LEWISHAM EDUCATION ARTS NETWORK (LEAN) Building on Lewisham’s Borough of Culture year, four special and two mainstream schools with resource bases will work together with experienced partners Trinity Laban and Peoplescape Theatre. Artists from both disciplines will collaborate with teachers to develop a unified learning journey for everyone, with the goal to improve communication skills of young people facing high levels of disadvantage. Communication skills are the key to unlocking young peoples’ ability to thrive as active, engaged and connected members of their communities, and combining dance and drama will ensure the activities are fully inclusive for children with a wide range of complex needs.
06/03/2023 £165,000 OXFORD CITY COUNCIL ON BEHALF OF OXFORDSHIRE CULTURAL EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP The Story Exchange Project aims to inspire process-driven creative collaborations which develop the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence of teachers to provide space for improving Emotional Literacy and Pupil Voice in the classroom. Teachers from six Oxfordshire schools will work with artists from The Story Works to explore this area.
06/03/2023 £165,000 SACRED HEART RC PRIMARY SCHOOL AND TEACH HEART ALLIANCE Sacred Heart RC Primary School is collaborating with Digit Music, Manchester Poetry Library and 5 further schools in the Manchester/Bolton/Salford area, to support teachers to embed spoken word and digital music approaches in their practice , and make links into the stories of human rights heroes from the Manchester area.
06/03/2023 £165,000 TOWN FIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL This project is focused on Year 1 pupils’ Communication and Language, and Personal, Social and Emotional skills, working with eight schools in Doncaster, one in Scunthorpe and darts (Doncaster Community Arts). It aims to build teachers’ arts-based practice, using drama and storytelling to improve core skills such as focus, empathy and vocabulary.
03/03/2023 £35,000 £2,277,569 BIG CHANGE Big Change is a charitable trust that works with partners to influence a society where every young person is set up to thrive. Through their community of supporters, they direct funds and provide support to pioneers and projects that deliver bold approaches. This grant will fund the creation of a policy report which will set out a new narrative and vision for education policy for schools in England – this aims to bring together young people’s and the wider public’s perspectives and priorities for change with an existing evidence base and credible examples of innovation in education systems.
02/03/2023 £30,000 £535,552 SHEILA MCKECHNIE FOUNDATION The Charity Reform Group is a programme to promote the reforming role of the charity sector, in keeping with Sheila McKechnie Foundation’s role as the infrastructure body for campaigning. This funding will enable the recruitment of a diverse group of charities, and will support a programme of learning activity for the sector.
02/03/2023 £50,000 £1,211,184 LONDON LEGAL SUPPORT TRUST The London Legal Support Trust raises funds for free legal advice services in London and the South East. They support free legal advice centres through the provision of grant funding, supporting infrastructure of the sector, and helping agencies reduce costs and save money via pro bono or discounted schemes. This grant will allow them to commission small-scale research, develop advice workforce strategy, and evaluate programmes funded under this programme to share learning. This work will be done in collaboration with Propel learning partner IVAR to ensure the learning from this work is embedded into the overall Propel programme.
02/03/2023 £10,000 £414,552 LONDON FUNDERS London Funders is the membership network for funders and investors in London’s civil society. They will be hosting their third Festival of Learning in May 2023, for funders to come together with civil society to share learning, make new connections and build deeper relationships. This funding will enable the sharing of learning in ways that funders can act on to make positive change.
07/02/2023 £250,000 £180,420,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE DEC The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is made up of 14 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when the DEC launch an appeal. This grant supports DEC charities and their local partners to respond to the series of devastating earthquakes in southern Turkey and north-west Syria, providing urgent help. Immediate priorities are search and rescue, medical treatment for the injured, shelter for those who have lost their homes, heating in safe spaces, blankets, warm clothes and ensuring people have food and clean water.
06/02/2023 £3,000 REVOKE Cost of living inflation payment
31/01/2023 £3,000,000 £4,478,000 THE JUSTICE TOGETHER INITIATIVE THROUGH JUSTICE COLLABORATIONS The Justice Together Initiative is a funder collaboration that offers funding and support to grant partners to build the power and influence of people with lived and learned experience of the immigration system and embed anti-racism strategies. Through grant-making and collaboration, they aim to connect lived experience, front-line advice and influencing strategies to create lasting change. This grant contributes to helping achieve their vision for people who use the immigration system to access justice fairly and equally, so that they can get on with their lives.
20/01/2023 £10,000 CIVIC POWER FUND The Civic Power Fund is a new charitable fund that will support community organising, and build the infrastructure and leadership it needs to thrive. This grant will support a second iteration of Funding Justice, exploring where social justice funding goes in the UK, allowing them to analyse an additional 53 funders (on top of the existing 47) and look in detail at the full data set from 2020 and 2021.
18/01/2023 £6,820 £514,708 PEACOCK AND THE WORM The Peacock and the Worm will develop accessible printing practices to inform cross-curricular, arts-based pedagogies with small schools across rural Aberdeenshire. Processes will scaffold visual literacy, promote a growth mindset and will challenge perceptions of how visual arts operate by embedding printing across curricula. Printmaking will be utilised to meet the needs of children, especially in composite classes with mixed skill levels, as an art form with buildable skills, such as pattern finding, measuring, proportion with wide applications from conveying information, to design and illustration.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £375,561 PEOPLE AND PLANET People & Planet is the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice. They mobilise students to campaign for justice from public and private institutions that act in the interests of profit over human rights and a liveable planet. This grant supports People & Planet’s network of student groups to deliver divestment campaigns in partnership with migration organisations. It will target universities’ investments and companies that profit from human rights abuses in the ‘border industry’ of migration enforcement.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £126,372 POLICY CENTRE FOR AFRICAN PEOPLES PCAP The Policy Centre for African Peoples (PCAP) works to enable African and people of all ethnic backgrounds experiencing disadvantage to improve their lives through education, leadership development and social engagement. Their unique 6-step programme is inspired by African philosophy to train participants across their three areas of activity. This grant provides core support for PCAP to develop their Youth Innovation Fellowship programme, which will provide young people with a personal support package tailored to their needs.
18/01/2023 £10,200 POLISH MIGRANTS ORGANISE FOR CHANGE POMOC Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMOC) aims to improve the lives of Polish women living in the UK. Their mission is rooted in advancing citizenship and community development. This grant supports POMOC to deepen their organising practice and expand regional and national reach through campaigning, leadership development and strategic communications work.
18/01/2023 £5,600 £397,181 POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS (PAFRAS) Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS) works with asylum seekers, refugees and local communities in Leeds and the surrounding areas. This grant will support PAFRAS to deliver a programme to influence the systems in Yorkshire for supporting care leavers with insecure immigration status.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £198,387 POSITIVE VIEW FOUNDATION Positive View Foundation uses photography and film to affect transformational change in the lives of 16–25-year-olds who live on the poorest estates and wards in Westminster, Lambeth and the City and most recently in South East Kent. This grant supports Positive View to deliver planned strategic expansion into Dover, Folkstone and Hythe, and to strengthen existing London-based programmes. The Kent pilot will be embedded and expanded to target areas in North Kent, furthering the organisation’s reach and impact.
18/01/2023 £14,900 £2,228,247 PRAXIS Praxis support migrants to have a voice, live in safety, meet their basic needs and overcome barriers to integration. They host and support Brighter Futures, a group of young people aged 16-25 who work together to speak up for young migrants and their rights and challenge negative perceptions of migration in the UK. This grant supports the continuation of Brighter Futures who campaign on the issues that affect them, with the support of a Youth Coordinator and partner Kazzum Arts. The group will be supported to deliver interventions that challenge discrimination and influence public debate.
18/01/2023 £3,200 £2,228,247 PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is an East London charity working with people who have migrated and are negatively affected by UK immigration policy. Praxis will draw on their expertise of working with non-immigration accredited and grassroots organisations to build their knowledge and capacity to better identify people with immigration issues, and improve their ability to respond and make better referrals to appropriate immigration providers by developing infrastructure that supports collaboration.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £342,413 PROJECT 17 Project 17 works to reduce destitution among families with no access to mainstream welfare because of their immigration status. This project will expand and develop Project 17’s policy and campaigns work, led by people with lived experience of no recourse to public funds. Working in partnership with Praxis Community Projects, Project 17 will recruit a new role to develop this work.
18/01/2023 £18,750 £922,000 PROJECT ART WORKS Project Art Works are a collective of neurodiverse artists, activists and caregivers. Their programmes evolve through creative practice and contribute to awareness raising in both the cultural and care sectors, promoting more diverse representation and relevance in cultural programming. Through their work, they aim to improve quality of life for people who have complex needs and their circles of support through art. This grant provides strategic core support to the organisation to continue key programmes and partnerships and use the opportunity following their nominations and receipt of key awards to address structural inequalities experienced by neurominorities.
18/01/2023 £15,250 £4,056,224 PRS FOUNDATION PRS Foundation funds new music across all genres, supporting artist and audience development across the UK. They enable songwriters and composers of all backgrounds to achieve their potential and reach global audiences. This grant supports Power Up - an ambitious, long-term initiative supporting Black music creators and industry professionals, which seeks to address anti-Black racism and racial disparities in the UK music sector.
18/01/2023 £15,000 £1,959,326 PUBLIC LAW PROJECT The Public Law Project (PLP) is a legal charity working to improve access to justice in the UK. This grant provides core support to the organisation to ensure those marginalised through poverty, discrimination or disadvantage have access to the public law remedies necessary to hold the state to account.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £587,949 PURE INSIGHT Pure Insight works intensively with young care leavers aged 16-28, providing both practical and emotional support. This grant supports the capacity of the senior leadership team to build greater sustainability in Pure Insight’s projects and services, and generate new sources of income through a consultancy and training offer. This work underpins priority plans to establish services in Salford and build relationships with local authority partners across Greater Manchester.
18/01/2023 £11,000 £562,441 RAINBOW MIGRATION The UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or intersex (LGBTQI+) people through the asylum and immigration system. This funding will enable UKLGIG to start a national campaign for reform of the asylum and immigration system that transcends the refugee and migration sector. The campaign aims to galvanise a whole new supporter base: the LGBTQI+ community by ‘mainstreaming’ messages and campaigning on asylum and immigration into this community.
18/01/2023 £20,000 £3,806,694 REDTHREAD Redthread is a youth work charity focusing on the well-being of young people aged 11-25. Their Youth Violence Intervention Project provides an embedded youth worker alongside clinical and medical teams in London’s major trauma centres offering a range of interventions that aim to break the cycle of violence. This grant will provide core funding to build the organisation's capacity and to develop their potential as a change agent focused on violence as a public health issue.
18/01/2023 £4,500 £6,640,000 REFUGEE ACTION Refugee Action works with refugees and asylum seekers to build new lives in the UK. This grant will support the organisation to expand the reach and impact of an immigration advice project that supports individuals and organisations to secure and maintain accreditation with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC).
18/01/2023 £12,000 £2,811,770 REFUGEE AND MIGRANT CENTRE BLACK COUNTRY AND BIRMINGHAM The Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC) is a charity working across the Black Country and Birmingham. They aim to assist refugees and migrants through crisis and disadvantage, by removing barriers to their integration and enabling them to become equal citizens. This grant supports RMC to develop their senior management team and formalise processes that bring together the learning from their frontline work to influence systemic change. RMC will also continue to develop their strategic and statutory partnerships nationally to effect systemic change.
18/01/2023 £13,400 £260,965 REPLAY THEATRE COMPANY Replay Theatre Company develops and tailors theatre experiences to engage and inspire key audiences from their early-years programme, to primary school age children of all abilities and backgrounds, as well as teenagers journeying into adulthood, and children and young people with diverse, complex, and multiple disabilities. This grant supports Replay’s specialist theatre programme ‘UP!’ through which they will deliver and evaluate new, innovative arts-based activities for neurodiverse and disabled young people.
18/01/2023 £9,000 REVOKE Revoke is a grassroots organisation advocating for the rights and welfare of underserved young people, particularly refugees, asylum seekers, and those in the care system. This grant will enable Revoke to give a platform for young people to address how social issues such as housing, economics and the climate crisis affect displaced people. They will do this through a wide range of partnerships – connecting young people in the migration system to other social movements, training and mentorship.
18/01/2023 £13,050 £196,151 RIGHT TO REMAIN Right to Remain is a human rights membership organisation which works with groups across the UK to promote and defend the rights of people seeking the right to remain in the UK. This grant will support Right to Remain to build on their well-established and effective community-based campaigns and organising model, with a particular focus on supporting migrant campaigners to become movement leaders, and building strong alliances at local, regional and national level.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £3,413,000 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR BLIND CHILDREN (RSBC) The Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC) supports children and young people who are blind or partially sighted to have the best possible start in life. This grant supports the growth of RSBC’s network of partners across local grassroots organisations and youth networks to become more accessible and inclusive for blind and partially sighted young people. This will increase reach into new locations and significantly grow the number of young people they engage.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £1,086,760 RUNNYMEDE TRUST Runnymede Trust is the UK’s leading race equality think tank, which seeks to inform public and policy debates on race equality, migration and integration. This grant contributes to core salaries to support greater collaboration between the migration and race equality sectors. This work will drive forward advocacy, policy and campaigns on migration, integration and racial justice, improve framing and messaging for different audiences, and expand Runnymede’s partnerships.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £630,500 SAFE FOUNDATION Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) is based in Devon. SAFE supports children, young people, and parents affected by domestic abuse and violence. The organisation offers individual counselling, therapeutic groups, children and families work, and local training and awareness-raising with professionals. This grant supports SAFE to train and support young people to safely share their stories and become peer mentors, contributing to their own and wider sustainable positive outcomes.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £98,133 SENGHENYDD YOUTH DROP IN CENTRE (SYDIC) Senghenydd Youth Drop-In Centre (SYDIC) is a youth charity based in in a former mining community in the South Wales Valleys. The organisation delivers their work via a frontline and holistic youth centre approach. This grant supports SYDIC’s transition to a new staffing and governance structure that is more youth led at the same time as investing in the improved quality and sustainability of their work.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £324,382 SETTLED Settled is a new charity whose mission is to guide, inform and assist EU citizens to gain settled status in the UK and to respond to the difficulties that they face – now and in the future. This grant supports the employment of a Service Coordinator based in Manchester who will oversee activities throughout the North of England, the region with least provision at present. The Coordinator will map unmet need, manage multi-lingual volunteer-run services, monitor impact and build mutually beneficial connections with diverse partners in the area.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £3,493,366 SHAREACTION Core-funding to build a movement for change in the investment system working with savers, civil society and charitable foundations.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £604,360 SHEFFIELD YOUNG CARERS Sheffield Young Carers supports local young people aged 8 to 25 who provide care for one or more family members who have disabilities, long-term physical illnesses, mental health difficulties and/or a problem with drugs or alcohol. Core funding will underpin strategic and operational growth. This grant will support the organisation to influence policy, raise awareness and replicate good practice regionally and nationally.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £535,552 SHEILA MCKECHNIE FOUNDATION SMK provides training and support to those seeking to bring about positive social change. SMK is a powerful voice for this community, working to influence public offices and provide opportunities for smaller organisations and individuals to access the resources they need to be heard. This funding will enable SMK to further develop advocacy efforts with and for civil society, and support the organisation’s future development.
18/01/2023 £5,800 £93,154 SLIDE SLiDE creates inclusive dance projects with and for the local community. Their work removes barriers for disabled people and people from low socio-economic backgrounds to access contemporary dance. They aim to address the lack of representation of learning-disabled people across the professional dance performance and education sector. This grant underpins core staffing and enables SLiDE’s sustainable development as they move towards a disabled-led model.
18/01/2023 £6,200 £662,051 SOUTH LONDON REFUGEE ASSOCIATION South London Refugee Association (SLRA) is a front line community organisation providing specialist advice and support to refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants who are at risk or in crisis because of past trauma or restrictions related to their current immigration status. SLRA wants to further develop its partnerships with Merton and Southwark, to support work with care leavers who have insecure immigration status.
18/01/2023 £3,350 £1,644,157 SOUTHWARK LAW CENTRE Southwark Law Centre provides specialist legal advice for people who cannot afford to pay for services in the areas of discrimination, employment, housing, planning, welfare rights, and immigration and asylum law. This grant supports the Centre’s Windrush Justice Clinic (WJC), which acts a single point of contact for Windrush victims. They will continue to offer free independent legal advice so that victims can successfully apply for compensation which accurately reflects their loss and suffering.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £738,590 SPARK INSIDE Spark Inside runs coaching programmes in prison to encourage rehabilitation and reduce reoffending. Core funding will support strategic and operational growth. This grant will help the organisation to scale and improve coaching programmes, influence policy and practice, and contribute to systems change.
18/01/2023 £15,465 £148,548 SPEECH BUBBLES CIO Towards organisational development support for Speech Bubbles CIO and support for the development and expanded reach of the core Speech Bubbles programme to benefit children aged 5-7 with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
18/01/2023 £5,000 ST PAULS CARNIVAL St Pauls Carnival promote and celebrate African Caribbean culture and traditions through an accessible and inclusive Carnival and supporting activities. Their education programme aims to inform, engage and inspire children and young people through dance, music, costume-making and storytelling. This grant supports St Pauls Carnival to grow their existing schools programme into a larger year-round offer, engaging with 15 primary schools and ten secondary schools in the St Pauls area of Bristol.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £181,988 STEPPING OUT THEATRE Stepping Out is the UK's leading mental health theatre company. They produce a wide range of work on mental health themes and are open to people who have used mental health services and their allies. This grant underpins Stepping Out’s core programmes supporting older mental health service users. Stepping Out will develop their ability to deliver hybrid and digital working alongside a live theatre and in-person offer.
18/01/2023 £4,000 STOP FUNDING HATE Stop Funding Hate (SFH) is a community-driven human rights campaign, based on a philosophy of open, inclusive and participatory campaigning. This grant will underpin SFH’s capacity building programme, which supports individuals and organisations to employ SFH’s innovative campaigning model via training and second tier support; enable SFH to further embed within communities and movements; grow their impact through partnerships and underpin their growing influencing function.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £224,309 STOPWATCH StopWatch works to promote effective, accountable and fair policing. They inform the public about the use of stop and search, develop and share research, organise awareness raising events and provide legal support challenging stop and search. Their work includes legal and policy analysis, media coverage and commentary, political advocacy, litigation, submissions to national and international organisations and community organising. This grant supports StopWatch to employ a young person as a Youth Voice and Participation Lead to assist with the expansion of their youth and community engagement work.
18/01/2023 £9,167 £514,389 TAKE ART Take Art works across Somerset, providing opportunities for all ages and abilities to experience, participate and work within the arts. In 'Making and Believing', Take Art is exploring the potential for greater crossover between participatory and professional performance activities in pre-school settings, working in communities experiencing disadvantage and low access to the arts in Somerset, Surrey and Derby. The programme will deliver a rich creative learning programme for under-fives, artists and early years practitioners and seek to embed increased access to quality arts provision for this age group.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,650,140 THE ANNE FRANK TRUST UK The Anne Frank Trust is a nationwide youth education charity that aims for a society free from all forms of prejudice and discrimination. This grant supports the recruitment of an Assistant Director to the Trust’s leadership team who will be responsible for launching the Youth Empowerment Programme.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £1,615,986 THE BACA CHARITY The Baca Charity provides holistic services for young asylum seekers who have been separated from their families. This grant supports Baca’s expansion of services to the East of England through two housing units in Cambridgeshire. They will provide a support package for young asylum seekers and victims of trafficking aged 16-19 arriving into the county.
18/01/2023 £4,681 £1,495,617 THE CENTRE FOR LITERACY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION (CLPE) The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) provides well-evidenced, creative literacy training and support for primary school staff to raise standards in language and literacy. This grant supports CLPE to work with published authors, poets and illustrators and ten London primary schools to deliver Reflecting Realities in the Classroom. The new programme will to support teachers and schools to be more critically reflective and actively engaged in ensuring inclusive and anti-racist practices in literacy teaching and learning, through arts-based approaches.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION The Change Foundation works with young people in London, Newcastle and Birmingham with a disability or experiencing mental health issues, or who are involved in serious crime and violence. It offers targeted long-term interventions using sport, personalised mentoring and tailored support, delivered by staff with lived experience. This grant supports the growth of the organisation’s Inclusive Employer Network, engaging at least 18 national employers. It will support them to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace, and to create employment opportunities for young people facing barriers to work.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £1,068,143 THE DIFFERENCE The Difference creates specialist senior school leaders, with the expertise to lead whole-school and multi-agency approaches to meeting the learning, wellbeing and safeguarding needs of all children, and most crucially those with high levels of need and vulnerability. This grant supports a third cohort of Difference Leaders to complete an intensive training and placement programme, in order to develop expertise in inclusive school leadership.
18/01/2023 £13,400 £1,138,771 THE DUNCAIRN THROUGH 174 TRUST The Duncairn delivers a programme of live music, workshops and participatory arts events from their base in North Belfast. As part of a community-based charity, they work to develop young artists and break down barriers to participation for those from minoritised groups and those experiencing structural disadvantage. This grant provides core support for The Duncairn’s work with new communities, including the development of new pathways to showcase emerging artists and community voice through their arts programming and organisational structures.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £342,199 THE FOYER FEDERATION The Foyer Federation is a youth housing membership organisation that supports a network of Foyers who provide accommodation, learning and work opportunities for and with young people who have experienced homelessness. They create and support positive approaches to working with young people to enable them to make the journey to adulthood. This grant supports the development of a new Home for Advantaged Thinking strategy which will strengthen the capacity, quality and impact of youth supported housing provision. The Foyer Federation will communicate and promote their vision of Advantaged Thinking through a network that connects doers and thinkers.
18/01/2023 £7,200 £1,053,061 THE GARAGE The Garage is a hub and charity for performing arts in Norwich. This grant provides core support for the Youth Inclusion Programme in Norwich and King’s Lynn, including a new approach to community work which will feed into the broader organisational development of The Garage's approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, co-creation and learning and evaluation.
18/01/2023 £6,400 £215,604 THE INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS (IRR) The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is an anti-racist think tank that produces research and analysis to inform the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally. This grant supports the role of a dedicated Communications Worker in order to continue mobilising IRR’s core support base, expand reach to younger audiences, and grow IRR’s wider impact.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £1,831,766 THE JERICHO FOUNDATION The Jericho Foundation supports people experiencing disadvantage to gain skills to secure sustainable employment. Core funding will support strategic and operational growth, and allow the Foundation to scale and replicate social enterprises that equip and empower young people to become financially independent.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,295,454 THE JUNCTION FOUNDATION The Junction Foundation supports children, young people and families in Redcar and the Tees Valley. They provide social activities, education, information, employment readiness programmes, youth work, and mental health and wellbeing support. This grant supports the recruitment of a strategic lead for the Junction’s Youth and Participation Work, who will develop the organisation’s young people strategic decision-making group. This new post will ensure greater stability of this core work, increase sustainability and better articulate the Junction’s impact.
18/01/2023 £11,500 £553,932 THE KEY The Key supports young people aged 11-25 to further their skills, develop their confidence and unlock their potential. This grant will provide core funding to scale work with young people facing complex barriers to progression to develop, deliver and evaluate their own projects, and to test models of delivery.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £3,484,720 THE LUCY FAITHFULL FOUNDATION The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation. The Foundation works with offenders and those at risk of perpetrating child sexual abuse, including adults, young people, and their families, through a range of programmes and interventions. This grant supports the roll out of a training programme for professionals across the UK based on the Inform Young People model. The programme will reach up to 180 new practitioners, extending reach to young people beyond the organisation’s own direct work, and provide learning to inform future advocacy and policy work.
18/01/2023 £9,000 £244,489 THE MIDI MUSIC COMPANY Midi Music is a music education and talent development charity that nurtures children and young people and supports them in their creative ambitions. This grant provides core support for Midi Music to continue providing affordable music education and pathways to further and higher education for children and young people. This support will enable Midi Music to work with over 4,000 11-30 year-olds each year across ten core music programmes.
18/01/2023 £15,250 £230,792 THE MULTI-STORY ORCHESTRA The Multi Story Orchestra is a professional orchestra which aims to widen access to high-quality classical music through performances and participatory projects. They perform in car parks around the UK, bringing together hundreds of local young people to perform through partnerships with local arts and community organisations and schools in Peckham, Gloucester and Coventry. This grant supports the implementation of a new staffing structure which will integrate community-led approaches into Multi Story’s work and improve diversity across the organisation’s staff, musicians and participants.
18/01/2023 £7,000 £1,325,798 THE MUSIC WORKS The Music Works uses music to transform the lives of children and young people who are disabled or experiencing disadvantage. This grant supports the organisation to build a new model for children and young people-centred music leadership in alternative provision settings. This two-year research and development project aims to position music as an integral part of personal, social and academic development in five alternative provision settings in Gloucestershire.
18/01/2023 £10,000 THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION IN ART AND DESIGN Founded in 1888, NSEAD is the trade union, learned society and professional body for art, craft and design educators across the UK. They work to protect and promote the subject and the professional interests of those engaged in it, led by and accountable to its members who represent art, craft and design teachers, lecturers, museum and gallery educators, institutions and organisations.
18/01/2023 £2,000 £254,645 THE PARENT HOUSE TRUST The Parent House is a charity that supports parents in Islington. They aim to reduce poverty and social inequality for families by building parents' confidence and skills through provision of courses, training and wellbeing support. This grant supports the Parent House to deliver one-on-one support, consultations and peer mentoring to parents in Islington in order to strengthen core skills, improve wellbeing and provide opportunities to enter education and work.
18/01/2023 £3,000 THE PLATFORM PROJECT The Platform Project is a community interest company in Swindon that supports young people who are disengaged (or at risk of becoming disengaged) from education, training and employment. The organisation helps participants to develop confidence and employability skills through a range of different enterprise activities. This grant supports the senior team to develop the Platform Project’s various programmes so that they can be shared more widely with external providers, in response to growing demand. This work will enable the organisation to reach greater numbers of young people.
18/01/2023 £4,000 THE REFUGEE ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICY RAMP PROJECT The Refugee and Migrant Policy (RAMP) Project is an independent not-for-profit organisation. They help political leaders to think more deeply and to collaborate more widely on migration, asylum and integration issues. This grant supports RAMP to constructively engage with an additional Conservative MP on issues of migration and asylum to increase their ability to influence policy debate.
18/01/2023 £7,000 £661,571 THE TENEBRAE CHOIR Tenebrae is a vocal ensemble that performs internationally and delivers a growing education and outreach programme. Building on pilot work with a primary school partner in the borough of Ealing, this grant supports Tenebrae to develop a singing programme in four local primary schools, engaging with each school for three years. This initiative aims to build a sustainable culture of singing to support learning in music and across other curriculum areas.
18/01/2023 £12,000 THE UBELE INITIATIVE The Ubele Initiative (Ubele) derives its name from the Swahili word meaning ‘The Future’. They are an African Diaspora-led intergenerational social enterprise founded in 2014, with the purpose of helping to build more sustainable communities across the UK. Ubele supports a wide range of Black and minoritised communities, community-based organisations and groups with their community assets (people and physical spaces), through social action, community enterprise development and next-generation leadership initiatives.
18/01/2023 £3,500 £149,294 THE UNITY PROJECT The Unity Project support people affected by the 'no recourse to public funds' (NRPF) policy to remove the NRPF condition from their leave to remain status. They run weekly casework sessions, provide appointments and workshops to help people make ‘Change of Conditions’ applications and pursue lasting policy change and strategic litigation. This grant supports The Unity Project to continue tackling the inequality and discrimination behind the NRPF policy for people who migrate to the UK, working towards ending the policy.
18/01/2023 £7,550 THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD'S CENTRE ON MIGRATION, POLICY AND SOCIETY (COMPAS) COMPAS is a multi-disciplinary migration research centre based at the University of Oxford. This grant will support COMPAS to develop a new approach to integration in ten cities across the UK, by working alongside a taskforce of partners to develop area plans, a strategic narrative of inclusion and share learning with each other.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £99,380 THE VOICE OF DOMESTIC WORKERS The Voice of Domestic Workers (VODW) is an education and support group working for justice and rights for Britain’s 16,000 migrant domestic workers (MDWs). They seek an end to discrimination against MDWs living in the UK through campaigns, education, training, healthcare and legal advice. This grant supports VODW to deliver Future Voices, a programme to build the capacity of 12 members through mentoring and skills development in partnership with English for Action and Sounddelivery. The programme will grow the impact of VODW and create a pipeline for new leaders.
18/01/2023 £13,467 £545,935 THE VOICES FOUNDATION The Voices Foundation aims help schools, academies, Music Education Hubs and other partners across the UK to establish sustainable and effective music education in their settings. This grant provides core support to The Voices Foundation to improve, research and scale their teacher-facing Singing Schools programmes in partnership with schools and academies across England.
18/01/2023 £5,300 THE WORLD REIMAGINED The World Reimagined is a national art education project which aims to transform how individuals, communities and society understand the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on each person globally. This grant supports The World Reimagined to coordinate artist residencies in 18 schools in England and Wales to creatively explore anti-racism.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £1,029,914 THEATRE PECKHAM Theatre Peckham is a Black-led performing arts academy providing education and access to the theatre and film industry for children and young people experiencing disadvantage who live in Southwark. This grant provides core support to strengthen their staff structure, and to enable the Artistic Director to test and develop new approaches, supporting more young people at the grassroots to magnify their talent and impact.
18/01/2023 £2,400 £10,645,238 THEATRE ROYAL PLYMOUTH Theatre Royal Plymouth is an established regional theatre presenting large-scale, subsidised and early career work. They deliver an embedded engagement and learning programme which provides opportunities for children and young people from Plymouth of all ages and backgrounds to learn and participate in theatre. This grant supports Theatre Royal to test and explore how drama, storytelling and song can improve Early Years children’s oracy, language and social skills. Working with four schools, creative practitioners and arts organisations, the project will embed arts-based learning and move support learning behaviour recovery for young learners.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £180,095 TOTAL INSIGHT THEATRE Total Insight Theatre uses the arts to provide support and opportunities for children and young people to overcome barriers to progress and reach their full potential. This grant provides core support for senior staff to diversify and sustain income for the organisation, and work with their Trustees to embed their programme further across Leicestershire, Warwickshire, West Yorkshire, London and Kent. The role of Participation Coordinator will allow young people to co-produce the organisation’s 2023-26 strategy and formalise existing youth participation in decision-making and delivery.
18/01/2023 £8,333 £367,064 TRANSFORM Transform creates biennial festivals and citywide cultural takeovers from their base in Leeds city centre. This grant supports a three-year programme through which Transform will embed co-creation with young people into their organisational model and across their biennial festivals in 2021 and 2023. ‘The Collective’ will focus on creative and personal development for 16-21-year olds, offering resources and support to commission, curate and create their own projects through cross-art form cultural experiences.
18/01/2023 £10,300 £1,511,305 TRAVERSE THEATRE Traverse Theatre is Scotland's new writing theatre, a centre for performance, experience and discovery. They enable people across society to access and engage with theatre through a year-round programme of live performances, commissions, and festivals. This grant supports Traverse Theatre to expand their drama and creative writing focused programme Class Act, touring secondary schools across Scotland. They will work in partnership with 24 schools, local authority curriculum leads and arts partners in five regions in Scotland to co-construct a responsive programme to support students’ development and learning in English and Drama.
18/01/2023 £7,550 £388,130 TRESTLE THEATRE COMPANY Trestle Theatre Company is partnering with 8 primary schools in Luton and Stevenage, Royal Opera House Bridge and the University of Hertfordshire to explore how drama- and storytelling-based teaching approaches can support students' speech, language and communication needs.
18/01/2023 £5,600 TRIPOD TRAINING FOR CREATIVE SOCIAL ACTION Tripod Training for Creative Social Action is a small training collective based in Edinburgh. They offer training, facilitation, systems-building and other support to grassroots collectives, and charities to strengthen movements for social, economic and climate justice. This grant supports the delivery of phase two of Tripod’s Organising for Power (O4P) programme. Thirty leaders, organisers, and campaigners will conduct their own deep analysis of their chosen issues and context, plan strategic campaigns, organise their communities, negotiate with power brokers, and build alliances to mobilise around shared issues.
18/01/2023 £20,000 UK DEMOCRACY FUND The UK Democracy Fund is a pooled fund set up by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and supported by a group of committed funders. They work to build a healthy democracy – one in which everyone can participate and where political power is shared fairly. This grant supports Millions More 24, a project which aims to register and turn-out to vote one million new voters from under-represented groups at the next UK general election, especially young people, people born overseas, people from minoritised communities, renters and those on low incomes.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £11,133,000 UK YOUTH UK Youth is a leading national charity, committed to providing access to appropriate, high quality services in every community. They provide infrastructure support to an extensive network of regional youth organisations and umbrella groups across England so that young people are empowered to build bright futures, regardless of their background or circumstances. This grant provides core support for UK Youth, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £11,133,000 UK YOUTH Core funding to support a network of youth organisations and to deliver positive opportunities for young people in communities across the UK.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £4,772,274 ULSTER ORCHESTRA The Ulster Orchestra’s mission is to enrich people's lives through touring, regular broadcasts, concerts and learning and community engagement programmes. They are Northern Ireland’s only professional symphony orchestra. This grant supports Ulster Orchestra to deliver Crescendo, a long-term project that engages every child in four Belfast schools and aims to develop their musicianship and ability to play an instrument and perform.
18/01/2023 £6,500 UNITED LEGAL ACCESS United Legal Access (ULA) provides low-cost legal support in the community. They focus on providing legal assistance, legal education and advocating on behalf of migrant and ethnic minority groups, individuals and communities that are often marginalised, discriminated against and facing injustice. This grant supports the supervision, coordination and administration of ULA's Windrush compensation support alongside increased digital promotion and outreach to support more people affected by the Windrush scandal.
18/01/2023 £5,000 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER The University of Manchester is the UK’s largest single-site university and leads Greater Manchester Young Persons Wellbeing Programme (GMYPWP) alongside the Anna Freud Centre, the Youth Sports Trust and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This grant supports University of Manchester to co-design and implement a three-year research programme with young people that will assess and support their wellbeing. The research will aim to reach young people in Years 8 to 10 in up to 250 secondary schools across Greater Manchester.
18/01/2023 £21,000 UNLIMITED Unlimited is an arts commissioning body that supports, funds and promotes new work by disabled artists for UK and international audiences. This grant supports Unlimited to maintain and develop the role of Artist Support Manager to deliver improved support to disabled artists and share best practice with the sector. This will include providing peer-to-peer artist sessions, supporting organisations to design and deliver accessible commissioning processes and redesigning evaluation processes.
18/01/2023 £2,000 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) is the leading national museum of art and design, promoting knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world. This grant supports the V&A to bring together designers and children and young people attending SEND settings in Tower Hamlets to collaborate on real-world design challenges. Research and development from the programme will inform the ethos of Young V&A as part of an ambition to create national museum dedicated to young people, from early years to teens.
18/01/2023 £15,000 £390,595 VOICES IN EXILE Voices in Exile are a small frontline charity working with people who migrate and those with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) in Brighton, Sussex and Surrey. They offer practical and legal support ranging from generalist advice to specialist immigration casework for those who would otherwise be unable to access justice. This grant underpins Voices in Exile’s core work, enabling them to continue providing high-quality legal advice and casework to address individual and systemic injustice, increase access to rights, entitlements and services, and increase the role of those with lived experience within the organisation.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £328,985 VOYAGE VOYAGE (Voice of Youth and Genuine Empowerment) aims to empower marginalised Black and minoritised young people aged 14-25 years and provide them with the self-awareness and motivation to transform their lives and their communities. This grant supports the expansion of the organisation’s Young Leaders programme to create a sustainable and lasting programme of change with wider impacts beyond their immediate cohort. This includes development of a new accredited Young Leaders initiative and focus on the ‘Young Leader journey’, which includes Senior Young Leaders, alumni and ambassadors.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £447,732 VULCAN BOXING CLUB The Vulcan Boxing Club uses education, boxing, health and fitness classes to empower young people aged 14-25 years old to make the best of their skills, abilities and talents whilst facing the most challenging transitions. This grant provides support to underpin the organisation’s leadership and governance, and to roll out city-wide pre-apprentice training, industry-based apprenticeships and pathways to long term employment.
18/01/2023 £8,000 WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR? Sheffield Methodist District’s Who Is Your Neighbour? (WIYN) programme operates at neighbourhood, regional and national levels to counter the impact of racist far-right narratives. They facilitate dialogue about immigration, race and other relevant issues. This grant supports strategic long-term national partnerships for WIYN, incorporating training, bespoke support and tailored interventions with three national organisations and their members.
18/01/2023 £4,500 £92,228 WOMEN ASYLUM SEEKERS TOGETHER Based in Manchester, Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST) aims to raise awareness about the issues that force women to seek international protection and to empower women asylum seekers. This grant supports WAST to build the individual and collective capacity of their members to effect real change in the social and political spheres. Work will include the development of a peer support model using social, cultural and political activities, and the provision of a leadership pathway for members.
18/01/2023 £4,700 £526,540 WOMEN CONNECT FIRST Women Connect First support Black, Asian and minoritised women and communities experiencing disadvantage in South Wales to help them realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to Welsh society. This grant provides core support to Women Connect First to strengthen their services and support offer and respond to policy and influencing opportunities arising as a result of the inequalities facing minoritised women highlighted by the pandemic.
18/01/2023 £18,000 £733,853 WOMEN FOR REFUGEE WOMEN Women for Refugee Women (WfRW) is a charity that supports and empowers women who seek asylum in the UK. They enable refugee and asylum-seeking women to become leaders, ensure they can speak to the media and at public events, publish robust research on their experiences, and work with policymakers to make the case for a fairer asylum process. This grant supports WfRW to continue their main support and empowerment activities, as well as provide mentoring and training for trustee and leadership roles, develop campaigns to oppose the Nationality and Borders Bill, and strengthen the Sisters Not Strangers coalition.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,212,086 WORKINGRITE WorkingRite’s mission is to support young people aged 16-25 years old in Scotland towards sustained employment, apprenticeships or purposeful learning. They aim to break down the barriers that prevent young people from achieving through individual and group sessions and a mentored job placement. This grant supports WorkingRite to extend and develop their volunteer mentorship programme to support graduates as they navigate adulthood in their early twenties and beyond. This development will broaden the scope of the organisation’s mentoring methodology across grassroots and regeneration partners to support long term sustainable futures for young people.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £72,150 YMCA GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant provides core funding to the Centre for Youth Impact to support quality evaluation in the youth sector over the next three years in order to build a shared evidence base for the impact of provision, alongside re-balancing evaluation efforts towards continuous quality improvement.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £72,150 YMCA GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of UK organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant provides core support to the Centre, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective
18/01/2023 £4,567 £1,038,013 YORKSHIRE DANCE Yorkshire Dance is a charity which champions the value of dance and its development in Yorkshire and provides opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to take part in high quality dance. This grant supports Company of People (COP), a project to create a community performance company representing the intersections of ages, genders, abilities and ethnic backgrounds in Chapeltown and Harehills, Leeds. Local dance artists will work with COP to create work exploring gender and intersectionality and COP members will access fun, sociable opportunities to build technique and experience, culminating in a major new performance for Leeds 2023.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £305,583 YOUNG ASIAN VOICES Young Asian Voices (YAV) is a charity and youth community project based in Sunderland. They support children and young people up to the age of 25, the majority of whom identify as Black, Asian or minoritised. They create empowering opportunities through training, education, work placements, health and sports activities, youth sessions and volunteering. This grant provides core support for the YAV manager who will oversee operational activities, strategic planning and future development.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £192,236 YOUNG IDENTITY Young Identity is a Black, Asian and ethnically diverse-led micro arts charity that engages marginalised young people in writing, performance and theatre across Greater Manchester. The young people they work with are predominately those with lived experience of racism, poverty and/or identify as LGBTQIA+. This grant supports Young Identity to increase and deepen participation in creative writing and performance for young people experiencing marginalisation in Greater Manchester, through the development of a new writing hub, an increased focus on wellbeing, and investing in evaluation.
18/01/2023 £9,500 £107,006 YOUNG PEOPLE'S PUPPET THEATRE Young Peoples Puppet Theatre (YPPT) run large-scale projects for children and young people which use the arts to develop creative and life skills. This grant supports YPPT to grow its capacity in response to an increased demand from schools. Through its in-depth year-long projects, YPPT will support the development of arts-based, metacognitive and soft skills for Key Stage 2 children, in preparation for the transition to secondary school.
18/01/2023 £9,000 £3,157,951 YOUNG SCOT Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship agency for young people in Scotland aged 11-26. They provide young people with information, ideas and opportunities, delivering targeted support and engagement programmes, infrastructure support and strategic leadership in areas such as collaboration and systems change.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £268,106 YOUNG WOMENS OUTREACH PROJECT Young Women’s Outreach Project supports young women in Gateshead who are excluded from education or experiencing complex crises, through the provision of holistic support by staff with lived experience. This grant provides core support to the organisation’s strategic development including the development of a new youth board which will incorporate youth voice in the organisation’s delivery and influencing activities.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £768,006 YOUTH FOCUS NORTH EAST Youth Focus North East (YFNE) is a leading regional youth charity working directly with young people and providing support to the youth sector across the North East. It has strengths in co-production, engaging young people from challenging backgrounds, leading partnership working and promoting positive views of young people. This grant supports YFNE to develop a new collective of organisations and young people in Gateshead. They will support young people to move from being ‘service users’, to meaningful partners in effecting systemic local change. Organisations will be encouraged to move out of silos and work collaboratively, resulting in better outcomes for young people.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £178,795 YOUTH WORK UNIT YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER Youth Work Unit (YWU) is the strategic youth work development agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region. It is the focal point for the youth work sector in the region and has a unique role in bringing together the dual functions of support and development. This grant provides core support for YWU, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
18/01/2023 £9,000 YOUTHACTION NORTHERN IRELAND Youth Action Northern Ireland (Youth Action) is a leading voice and representation organisation for young people in Northern Ireland. This grant provides core support to Youth Action to build evidence-based work, recommend policy solutions and build networks between the youth sector and decision makers.
18/01/2023 £12,800 £1,241,460 Z-ARTS Based in Hulme, Z-arts is an arts and theatre venue, offering activities, shows and events for children and families. This grant supports Z-arts to partner with One Tenth Human theatre company to deliver Toni and the Time Machine, a project to develop a digital-based approach to engaging children in learning about science. Working with 20 schools over three years, learning from the project will contribute to the development of a creative curriculum across schools in Manchester.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £966,383 ACEVO THE ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS ACEVO is the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations which provides support, development and a collective campaigning voice for members across the UK. This grant provides core funding to build membership networks, offer support and challenge to the voluntary sector, and to promote strong and effective leadership practice.
18/01/2023 £3,960 ACT ON IT Act On It is a social enterprise using drama to raise achievement with groups experiencing disadvantage. This grant supports Act On It to work with students in Pupil Referral Units and schools for children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties in East Sussex and Buckinghamshire. They will re-engage young people in learning through drama and improve their oracy, communication skills and confidence. They will also support teachers to develop and sustain drama-based practice in non-mainstream educational settings.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £819,713 ACTION FOR RACE EQUALITY Action for Race Equality (ARE) works to end race inequality for Black, Asian and mixed heritage communities. This grant provides funds for ARE to deliver a programme of rapid small grants to support grassroot organisations responding to immediate need, with a focus on keeping the issue visible in public, media and politics via cultural interventions and strengthening these civil society organisations in the Windrush space. An advisory committee, including lived experience leaders, will support the programme.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £1,642,110 ACTION FOUNDATION Action Foundation provides opportunities for people who have migrated to overcome exclusion and poverty by providing housing and English Language support. This funding will enable Action Foundation to develop a fully integrated data management/CRM system, and build dedicated staffing capacity and capability to optimise the use of this new IT facility. This will help them develop robust internal data management processes and maximise their reach, effectiveness, sustainability and external influence.
18/01/2023 £3,800 £375,205 ACTIONSPACE ActionSpace supports the development of artists with learning disabilities. This grant supports the developent and expansion of ActionSpace's participatory programme co-led by artists with learning disabilities. ActionSpace will train a professional, paid team of learning disabled facilitators to co-deliver a regular programme of public participatory events and workshops. This will enable them to engage more participants with learning disabilities, deepen their understanding of a peer-led approach and analyse their impact.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £306,816 AGENDA ALLIANCE Agenda campaigns for a society where women and girls fulfil their potential and live free from inequality, poverty, abuse, and violence. They aim to influence policies affecting young women and girls with multiple disadvantage, bringing about practical and systemic change, raising awareness across sectors, and promoting public and political understanding of the lives of women and girls facing multiple disadvantages.
18/01/2023 £18,285 £370,698 AKADEMI Akademi is a South Asian-led dance organisation, connecting communities with South Asian dance forms in formal and informal learning settings. This grant supports the delivery of Reach Out and Reveal, a programme with SEND schools using South Asian dance forms to support the learning and development of pupils with profound Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Akademi will embed inclusive and responsive practice through 'artists in residence’ for whole-school and cross-curricular impact, and will support school staff to embed some of the approaches in their teaching.
18/01/2023 £7,200 ALEXANDRA PRIMARY SCHOOL Voices for the Future is a collaboration between Collage Arts, Alexandra Palace and a cohort of Five Haringey primary schools led by Alexandra Primary. Arts practitioners and teachers will develop and embed a multi-disciplinary arts approach to teaching and learning with a particular focus on improving oracy.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £162,179 ALLIANCE FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION The Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) is a national, disabled people-led organisation that campaigns to address disability inequality in education, and to promote inclusive learning environments without segregation. This grant supports ALLFIE to recruit ten young people to co-produce and lead a new digital engagement programme focused on making ALLFIE’s resources more accessible and engaging for young disabled people. This work will grow the organisation’s reach, create more youth voice opportunities and feed into ALLFIE’s wider influencing work.
18/01/2023 £3,000 ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH JUSTICE The Alliance for Youth Justice (AYJ) connects over 70 not-for-profit organisations working together for improvements to the youth justice system in England and Wales. This grant provides support following AYJ’s previous grant, allowing the organisation to scale up their influencing work and develop a new strategy focused on ‘reimagining youth justice’ around the principles of children’s rights, access, equity and participation.
18/01/2023 £16,000 £19,970,629 ANNA FREUD NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES The Anna Freud Centre is a world-leading mental health charity for children and families which has developed and delivered pioneering mental health care for over 70 years. Through its Schools Division, Anna Freud Centre reaches over one million children and young people in schools and colleges each year, by providing resources, training and supporting the workforce, and researching how best to support pupils and students.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £472,153 ANTI TRIBALISM MOVEMENT The Anti Tribalism Movement (ATM) was founded in 2010 by a group of young Somalis who wanted to address tribe-based conflict, discrimination and inequalities affecting the Somali-British community. This grant supports continued development and growth of ATM’s new community hub through the recruitment of a Community Hub Manager. Funding will also support the organisation to increase their financial sustainability, increase opportunities for young people and enhance their community influencing.
18/01/2023 £3,500 £171,621 ARIEL TRUST Ariel Trust is an educational charity developing best practice in safeguarding education through communication and resistance skills via forum theatre techniques. This grant supports Ariel Trust to work with primary schools in Merseyside to deliver a co-constructed programme of teacher and child-focused workshops. Theatre practitioners will support teacher to deliver Relationship and Sex Education curriculum through forum theatre techniques. Pupils will build resilience, develop critical thinking, and learn positive communication strategies and social resistance skills enabling them to better manage and respond to risks they face, especially in the face of hate crime, extremism and grooming.
18/01/2023 £17,800 ARIKA Based in Edinburgh, Arika is a political arts organisation concerned with supporting connections between artistic production and social change. Through this grant Arika will continue to deepen community agency and participation across their work, including in the planning and delivery of their flagship programme of contemporary arts events, Episodes, and ongoing development of access and evaluation approaches.
18/01/2023 £16,106 ARTS & BUSINESS NI Arts & Business NI is a membership organisation for cultural and commercial businesses in Northern Ireland. This grant supports Arts and Business NI to deliver Blueprint, a bespoke programme designed to meet the unique needs of Northern Ireland based arts organisations and based on a four-year programme of research led by Arts & Business NI and delivered by Small Change NI. The programme will support small to mid-scale artistic and cultural companies from across Northern Ireland, meeting a current gap in provision and develop a cluster of organisations, investing in them over a five-year period to strengthen long term financial sustainability.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £209,189 ARTS AND HOMELESSNESS INTERNATIONAL Arts and Homelessness International works to bring positive change to people, projects and policy in homelessness through arts and creativity. They focus on connecting and strengthening projects and advocating for arts to be a part of homelessness support and policy. This grant provides core support for the roll-out and evaluation of Arts and Homelessness models to influence local authorities and cultural spaces in the UK. This work includes greater opportunities for people with lived experience of homelessness, including through a new leadership programme.
18/01/2023 £14,000 £1,091,830 ARTS AT THE OLD FIRE STATION Arts at the Old Fire Station is an arts centre that brings art to the public, and provides professional development for artists and support for people experiencing homelessness in an inclusive public space. This grant provides core support to the organisation as they rebuild their programme, reconnect with people who are homeless and socially isolated, and adapt and test new ways of working following the pandemic, to reach and support a more diverse range of individuals and communities.
18/01/2023 £4,700 ASPIRATION CREATION ELEVATION CIC Aspiration Creation Elevation (ACE) is a social enterprise that supports young people in inner-city Bristol through arts activities, mentoring and inspirational experiences. It works with young people experiencing economic marginalisation, particularly those affected by gangs, struggling with education or employment or from racialised communities. This grant supports ACE to enhance their outreach and expand activities, and to strengthen the organisation’s core infrastructure and financial sustainability.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £229,157 ASSOCIATION OF CHAIRS The Association of Chairs is a membership organisation supporting Chairs and Vice Chairs of charities and social enterprises in England and Wales. They support over 900 members with a unique peer network, providing information, resources, workshops and briefings designed specifically for those in a chairing role, to help them lead their boards effectively and ensure good governance and outcomes for the organisations they lead.
18/01/2023 £14,000 £292,340 ASYLOS Asylos is a charity that works to deliver the just protection of law to vulnerable people fleeing persecution. It does this by producing impartial Country of Origin (COI) reports used by legal counsel, asylum courts, decision-making officials and policy makers in refugee host countries. This grant supports Asylos in becoming the UK Centre of Excellence in producing fair, impartial COI reports to inform asylum decisions and policy direction.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £313,014 ASYLUM JUSTICE Asylum Justice is a charitable organisation in Wales that offers free specialist legal advice, assistance and representation to asylum seekers, refugees, and other vulnerable migrants. This grant supports Asylum Justice to scale their service delivery model while making greater use of the findings from their casework to demonstrate how the current legal aid and immigration system is failing people who migrate to the UK. By expanding capacity, they will continue to provide quality advice and casework services whilst generating the evidence base needed for advocacy.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £321,523 ASYLUM MATTERS Asylum Matters works in partnership locally and nationally to improve the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum through social and political change. By mobilising and coordinating local, regional and national advocacy work, Asylum Matters aims to increase the impact of campaigns to secure improvements to asylum and immigration policy and practice. This grant will support the work of Asylum Matters’ team of expert staff based in locations across England and Wales.
18/01/2023 £14,540 ATTENBOROUGH ARTS CENTRE Attenborough Arts Centre will develop its SENsory Atelier approach, which involves child-led multi-sensory practice and Reggio Emilia principles, in nine SEND schools in Leicester. This four-year project will support arts practitioners to work collaboratively with teaching staff. Pupils aged 4-19 will learn through several different art forms, working with artists both in school and at the Centre.
18/01/2023 £15,000 £574,678 ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING AIE Attitude is Everything improves disabled people's access to live music. This grant is part of four-year continuation funding including ongoing support for two key staff roles. This will underpin the organisation's ability to deliver and further develop their key sector support role for the live music industry, ensuring Deaf and disabled experience is at the heart of an accessible reopening for music and other arts events.
18/01/2023 £5,375 £520,206 B ARTS BEAVERS ARTS B arts is a participatory arts organisation based in Stoke-on-Trent that aims to engage marginalised people in the arts and support social cohesion. This grant will fund the organisation to increase and deepen participation in the city through the creation of new programmes, strengthening its core team and improving its evaluation function.
18/01/2023 £9,250 BEACON FILMS CIC Beacon Films is a production and training company of 43 disabled, autistic and neurodivergent film-makers based in Newcastle upon Tyne. This grant supports Beacon Films to test, grow and share practical ways to improve inclusion for disabled people in the creative screen industries.
18/01/2023 £9,283 £349,637 BEAFORD ARTS Based in North Devon, Beaford Arts is England's longest-established rural arts organisation. In A Voice to Tell Our Story, Beaford Arts will work with with ten rural schools from two Multi Academy Trusts in north Devon. The project will focus on storytelling, visual arts, photography, film-making, local heritage and the natural environment to improve oracy and speech, language and communication amongst key stage 2 children and develop teachers' practice.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £516,588 BELONG MAKING JUSTICE HAPPEN Belong supports victims and perpetrators of crime by working with young people and adults in custodial and community settings. This grant supports Belong as they grow and build their specialist work with young people in contact with the criminal justice system with multiple complex needs. Core support for the role of Development Manager will enable Belong to focus on supporting young people who face an intersection of challenges.
18/01/2023 £9,875 £217,111 BIG BRUM THEATRE IN EDUCATION Big Brum Theatre in Education delivers tours and projects to children and young people in the Midlands and beyond. They work with schools and colleges in areas of socio-economic deprivation to address barriers that pupils face in developing their speaking, listening and writing skills. This grant supports Big Brum to grow their collaborative drama-based model with teachers. They will establish a collaborative learning environment for teachers in five schools in the West Midlands and two schools in Manchester. Through these ‘Schools of Recovery’, Big Brum aim to build confidence, agency and professional practice to support the wellbeing of teachers and their pupils.
18/01/2023 £2,000 £614,921 BLACK SOUTH WEST NETWORK Black South West Network (BSWN) works to build strong Black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities, businesses and organisations that are empowered to flourish while challenging systemic barriers in order to address racial inequality. This grant supports evaluation of their model for racial justice work, giving BSWN the space to reflect, refine the framework and evaluate their impact.
18/01/2023 £3,500 BLUE MOOSE DANCE COMPANY Blue Moose Dance Company aims to empower people to discover new potential, develop expression, gain confidence and celebrate themselves and their community through dance. They work inclusively with and for the benefit of all communities, irrespective of age, gender or background, with a particular emphasis on supporting the development of young people and uniting communities across Lancashire and North Yorkshire. This grant supports the Company to work alongside teachers in six schools to explore how embodied learning approaches can support pupils’ long-term recall and memory skills.
18/01/2023 £2,500 £1,325,996 BODY AND SOUL Body & Soul supports children, young people, and families whose lives have been impacted by childhood adversity and trauma. Funding will go towards core support and their work with young people. This grant supports Body & Soul to respond to increased demand for therapeutic support for young people affected by the current mental health crisis, with a specific focus on racial trauma.
18/01/2023 £7,500 BOURNE WESTFIELD PRIMARY ACADEMY VIA KEYSTONE ACADEMY TRUST An enquiry based immersive programme focusing on lower KS2 to raise engagement and attainment in English using music and journalistic digital media. Exploring text using music the project will aim to build sold foundations in oracy, vocabulary, reading and comprehension, aiming to improve writing and close the progress gap for vulnerable children
18/01/2023 £6,000 BOURNEMOUTH EMERGING ARTS FRINGE (BEAF) Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe (BEAF) is an independent creative community based in Bournemouth. They work all year round to create opportunities for artists and audiences through collaboration and co-creation with local communities and businesses. This grant supports BEAF to deliver The Outsiders project which will incubate a theatre of people experiencing marginalisation in the community of Boscombe.
18/01/2023 £13,333 BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL Bradford Literature Festival (BLF) is an annual arts event and year-round cultural outreach programme based in Bradford. They aim to create high quality cultural activity and build stronger communities through dialogue, cohesion and promotion of intercultural fluency. This grant supports BLF to establish a year-round community engagement programme which will transform social inclusion, accessibility and representation for working-class and marginalised communities. Specifically, funding will support a full-time Community Manager, regular community consultation events, co-created programming and evaluation of the programme.
18/01/2023 £13,900 £15,668,962 BRISTOL BEACON (PREVIOUSLY BRISTOL MUSIC TRUST) Bristol Music Trust develops the programme of music and events at Colston Hall, and works to support young people through music education activities in Bristol and the South West. As part of a major strategic redevelopment, Bristol Music Trust will expand the organisation’s informal learning offer to co-create long-term participatory and performance programmes with a range of communities in the city who experience least access to the arts.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £647,972 BRISTOL REFUGEE RIGHTS Bristol Refugee Rights aims to uphold and champion the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees. This grant will support the second phase of their project to influence systems in Bristol for care leavers with insecure immigration status.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £545,048 BRITISH FUTURE British Future is an independent non-partisan think tank, seeking to involve people in an open conversation that addresses hopes and fears about integration, immigration and identity. Through their communications, strategic advice and activities, British Future seeks to engage those who are anxious about cultural identity and economic opportunity in the UK, as well as those who already feel confident in society, to identify workable solutions. This grant through the Backbone Fund marks a timely, vital contribution to valuable work to strengthen voice in the migration and integration field.
18/01/2023 £11,613 £11,114,000 BRITTEN PEARS ARTS An international performance venue with artist development and education at heart, Snape Maltings aims to bring the benefits of music to all. This grant will support Snape’s vision to establish a Creative Campus - a national centre for music, health and wellbeing.
18/01/2023 £12,000 BUREAU LOCAL The Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change from the ground up. Part of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the team collaborates with communities to report on inequality and to uncover new data and evidence that can be used to drive change. They share resources and use innovative techniques to investigate, revealing information in the public interest to challenge power at the highest level. Working closely with local reporters as well as national news partners, they bring widespread attention to systemic failings through stories that matter to communities across the UK.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £394,150 C4WS HOMELESS PROJECT C4WS Homeless Project supports people experiencing homelessness to access housing and employment and to rebuild their lives. This grant provides core funding to support C4WS to build a more sustainable winter night shelter for 2022-23 including support for guests to secure accommodation and employment.
18/01/2023 £11,300 £2,808,773 CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION Cambridge Junction is an arts centre and hub for local people, and especially young people, to be inspired by the arts. They welcome communities to explore, experience, make and be inspired by art, entertainment and creative learning. This grant supports Cambridge Junction to develop the sustainability of their programme Take Two, embedding long-term creative opportunities for children and young people with complex needs.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £1,102,136 CAMDEN GIVING Camden Giving is an independent charity working with businesses in the area to overcome local inequality. They run participatory grant-making, enabling local residents to give time, skills or money to inform services in their community. This grant supports the organisation’s Future Change Makers Fund, a participatory grant-making programme through which 16–25-year-olds make decisions on which youth services the organisation funds. Over the next 24 months, Camden Giving will increase its grant spend, develop new youth-led approaches to reporting, integrate a racial justice focus into the programme, and improve its evaluation.
18/01/2023 £17,400 £500,021 CAMDEN PEOPLES THEATRE Camden People’s Theatre (CPT) is dedicated to supporting emerging artists, especially those making work about social issues that matter right now. This grant supports CPT to deliver their commissioning and artist support model which aims to increase professional development opportunities for artists experiencing marginalisation and increase the diversity of CPT’s audiences. Funding will allow the organisation to increase core capacity, embed community-led decision-making and improve sustainability.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £632,426 CARAS CARAS is a South London-based charity that supports separated children and young people who are seeking asylum, and adult women with either unsettled or recently secured immigration status, to integrate and live independent lives. This grant supports the role of Head of Youth Support who will co-develop a formal youth leadership framework and communications strategy, deliver a employability programme and engage with diversifying and increasing digital access to the charity’s programmes.
18/01/2023 £40,000 £2,140,875 CATALYST CAST Catalyst is a charitable network incubated by CAST. The Catalyst network helps UK civil society grow their digital skills and processes. This grant underpins the continuation of Catalyst’s vital digital support services including direct support, advice, communities of practice and training programmes. Further development of Catalyst’s infrastructure will help maintain momentum of its sector-wide impact, as well as support its move to a more equitable network-led governance model.
18/01/2023 £2,500 CENTER FOR COUNTERING DIGITAL HATE The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is an international non-profit organisation that seeks to disrupt the architecture of online hate and misinformation. They combine analysis and disruption of digital networks and aim to produce practicable, efficient and scalable strategies to counter hate and misinformation globally. This grant enables CCDH to grow their digital presence and profile in order to build a community of supporters that reaches the public, journalists, politicians and civil society.
18/01/2023 £18,000 £3,469,009 CENTRAL ENGLAND LAW CENTRE Central England Law Centre (CELC) provides free legal advice and representation in the areas of community care, discrimination, employment, family, housing, immigration and asylum, and more. This grant will support the delivery of CELC’s Rights in the Community Strategy. This five-year strategy seeks to shift CELC’s community outreach, public legal education, partnership-working and strategic policy-influencing towards a community-driven model.
18/01/2023 £6,550 CENTRALA Centrala aims to advance the social integration and cohesion of Central and Eastern European (CEE) communities in the UK. They promote CEE art and culture and create space for intercultural dialogue and cooperation. This grant supports Centrala to deliver a holistic support programme including: advice and information; community and cultural events; and community organising and development through a Community Champions programme, leadership training and neighbourhood forums.
18/01/2023 £16,000 CENTRE FOR KNOWLEDGE EQUITY The Centre for Knowledge Equity was launched in December 2019 to elevate lived experience leadership, and to ensure knowledge from lived experience is given equity alongside learned and practice experience to catalyse change and solve the social, economic and environmental challenges of our time. In a short period, the Centre has become an important and influential organisation stimulating systems change through pioneering collaborations with funders, academic institutions, government bodies, social purpose organisations and activist movements globally that equitably and meaningfully unite lived, learned, and practiced expertise.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £1,305,900 CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH Core funding for the centre in supporting the Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition to influence mental health support nationally and locally.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,364,685 CHARITY FINANCE GROUP CFG CFG is a membership organisation, inspiring a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. At a challenging time for charity funding, CFG acts as a voice for the charity sector, advocating for a better operating environment for the not-for-profit sector. Through championing best practice, nurturing leadership and influencing policy makers, CFG will use the grant through the Backbone Fund to continue to support the financial health of the voluntary sector, working with over 1,400 charities across the UK.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £2,108,181 CHARTERED COLLEGE OF TEACHING The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. They celebrate teachers and connect their network of over 45,000 members, reaching 3.4 million pupils in the UK. They provide a wealth of resources and insight, bridging the gap between practice and research, and equipping members with the knowledge and confidence to provide the best possible education for children and young people.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £358,953 CHILDREN ENGLAND Children England is an independent, membership organisation for the children, young people and families voluntary sector. They work to improve the context for England’s children by harnessing the expertise of their network, via policy and campaigning. This grant will support the next phase of the youth-led ‘ChildFair State’ movement. This work aims to re-design the welfare state, with children and young people’s needs at its heart. Children England will widen the network of young people engaged in the movement, pilot ideas identified in the first phase of the programme, and deliver an accompanying campaign.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £262,916 CHILDREN HEARD AND SEEN Children Heard and Seen (CHAS) support children and families impacted by parental imprisonment, with a focus on raising aspirations, improving emotional wellbeing and breaking the cycle of intergenerational offending. This grant supports the role of Funding and Researcher Coordinator which will support the charity’s financial sustainability, staff capacity and impact growth.
18/01/2023 £30,000 £798,226 CHILDRENS LAW CENTRE The Children's Law Centre (CLC) is a national charity based in Belfast which empowers children and young people. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans to enable CLC to uphold children and young people's rights, ensuring they can participate, are valued, their rights are respected and guaranteed without discrimination, and every child can achieve their full potential.
18/01/2023 £14,000 £1,554,977 CHINEKE FOUNDATION Chineke! Foundation provides career opportunities to established and emerging Black and minoritised classical musicians in the UK and Europe. They aim to be a catalyst for change, increasing the representation of ethnically diverse musicians in British and European orchestras. This grant underpins Chineke!’s core mission and work, including developing approaches to better understand the organisation’s impact and share learning.
18/01/2023 £13,000 £235,540 CHOL THEATRE Chol Theatre is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of children and young people through high quality arts experiences, cultural education and community theatre projects. This grant supports Chol Theatre to further develop Imaginary Communities, a dramatic and inclusive story-making practice in which every child and teacher is involved in generating ideas, building a shared imaginary world, inhabiting it with characters and launching their own story and learning adventure.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £6,435,318 CITIZENS UK Citizens UK organises communities to act together for power, social justice and the common good. This project aims to take Citizens’ migration work to a deeper level by investing in diaspora leaders and developing awareness and action on migration among the wider membership. The project will increase the participation of diaspora leaders in leadership roles within Citizens, and increase the impact that the organisation overall has on migration-related issues.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £337,981 CITY OF SANCTUARY UK City of Sanctuary UK is a growing network of groups, villages, towns, cities and regions across the UK, engaged in activities intended to welcome people seeking sanctuary. They also contribute towards wider movement building through partnership work, advocacy and campaigning initiatives. This grant supports City of Sanctuary to enhance organisational sustainability and strengthen its network to build a welcoming environment for people who migrate to the UK.
18/01/2023 £20,000 CIVIC POWER FUND The Civic Power Fund is a new charitable fund that will support community organising and build the infrastructure and leadership it needs to thrive. This grant supports the Civic Power Fund to enable innovative and impactful community organising in three geographic regions of the UK. This work aims to strengthen democracy by increasing the capacity of citizens in each region to organise, mobilise and effect change.
18/01/2023 £2,900 CLAYBODY THEATRE Claybody Theatre creates relevant, dynamic and accessible theatre inspired by the people and heritage of Stoke-on-Trent. This grant supports Claybody Theatre to work with Year 5 pupils in three primary schools in the Potteries area to create, script, perform, edit and broadcast an audiodrama for the whole school community.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £103,366 COMMUN COMMUN is a combined arts company who focus on community-building for emerging artists who are Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Colour (BIPoC) through collaboration and inter-disciplinary practices. This grant supports COMMUN to further develop and expand their model for supporting early and mid-career BIPoC artists through online collaborative digital residencies, skills development, and performance opportunities at partner venues across the UK. Over three years, COMMUN will aim to increase opportunities and arts access for marginalised audiences in London, Bristol and Birmingham, and two additional cities or towns.
18/01/2023 £6,700 COMMUNITY ARTS BY ZK Community Arts by ZK is a young lived experience-led participatory visual arts organisation rooted in the working-class South Asian Muslim community of Pendle in Lancashire. They devise art projects serving their community alongside refugees and asylum seekers and white British communities. Their participatory work provides space for community interaction and cohesion. This grant provides core support for a three-year programme of work and enables the organisation to build their capacity, sustainability and impact.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £350,679 COMPANY THREE Company Three is a theatre company that aims to be a force for change for teenagers. Led by 75 members aged 11-19, they develop their practice through local relationships and share practice globally. From their base in Islington, North London, they make transformative theatre through long-term, intensive collaboration between young people and professional theatre-makers. This grant helps to strengthen creative and pastoral support within the organisation's core programme through two part-time Associate Directors who will deliver the programme of theatre making workshops to realise full productions of plays.
18/01/2023 £3,000 CONSCIOUS YOUTH Conscious Youth works with young people to foster active citizenship and community cohesion through creative arts, social action, youth groups, fundraising, culture-sharing and personal development workshops in schools and community spaces. This grant supports the employment of a business administrator, freeing up senior management to develop their skills and focus on strategic development.
18/01/2023 £3,600 £20,718,535 CORAM CHILDRENS LEGAL CENTRE Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) promotes and protects children's rights worldwide and chairs the Refugee and Migrant Children’s Consortium (RMCC). With this grant, RMCC will deliver a three-year programme to improve how children, young people and families experience immigration advice in London. RMCC aims to create a more effective network of immigration advice provision, delivering coordination and efficiencies spanning demand and supply, thus both improving the experience for users and increasing the number of people who can access immigration legal advice.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £534,226 COUNTERPOINTS ARTS Core funding for their work to support, produce and promote the arts by and about refugees and people who migrate to the UK.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £194,878 CREATE PAISLEY CREATE Paisley aims to improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people aged 12-21 in Paisley and surrounding areas. It offers a range of arts-based activities. This grant supports the role of a new Youth Work Manager which will add capacity and oversee the youth work team as CREATE Paisley expands into a new hub in Linwood. The role will also lead on the delivery of a new evaluation plan and capture learning to inform future replication.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £4,237,352 CREATIVE YOUTH NETWORK Creative Youth Network (CYN) works across four open access youth centres in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North East Somerset. They build relationships with young people from all backgrounds to help them reach their own potential and live fulfilling lives. This grant supports CYN to develop and scale the impact of ‘We the 33%’, their flagship youth voice programme. In this phase of the programme, CYN will aim to increase the number of young people supported, enhance evaluation and share their learning more widely.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £203,288 CWVYS COUNCIL FOR WALES OF VOLUNTARY YOUTH SERVICES Core funding to support the organisation to represent, support and give a collective voice to national and local youth organisations across Wales.
18/01/2023 £10,500 D6: CULTURE IN TRANSIT D6: Culture in Transit are visual arts producers and policy advisors who promote the role of artists and value of the arts in the sustainable development of neighbourhoods, communities and the planet through research, commissioning, and presentation. D6 will deliver the North East’s first Studio of Sanctuary for artists who are refugees or seeking asylum in the region. D6 will launch a new cross-sector network that will support, create and embed more equitable and sustainable arts engagement practices in the North East.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £291,683 DAISI (DEVON ARTS IN SCHOOLS INITIATIVE) Devon Arts in Schools Initiative (DAISI) creates and promotes inspiring artistic and cultural experiences which enable more children and young people to access the arts in schools and communities across Devon and Torbay. This grant supports DAISI to bring together a cluster of nine schools with a group of local arts partners to co-construct a drama-based programme which will support Torbay children's oracy and develop teachers' practice.
18/01/2023 £18,713 £1,885,813 DANCEEAST DanceEast enables everyone to experience dance. They aim to raise aspirations and transform lives by championing excellence, engaging the public, and inspiring artists. This grant supports DanceEast to create an accessible, scalable and innovative teaching pedagogy with over 20 Suffolk primary schools, in order to support learning in dance and across the curriculum. The programme focuses on the advancement of blending digital and face-to-face pedagogies, building on existing evidence, and rolling out incrementally over three and a half years.
18/01/2023 £5,993 £343,692 DELIGHT Delight works in multi-year partnership with schools and arts partners across Surrey. This grant aims to see child-centred, co-created arts-based learning programmes, encompassing visual art, immersive drama, engagement with heritage and Shakespeare, embedded in Key Stage 2 classes over successive years. The approach aims to tackle the educational challenges arising from hidden suburban poverty and wealth divides across the county.
18/01/2023 £9,625 £2,382,243 DERBY QUAD LTD QUAD is an international centre for engagement in contemporary art and film based in Derby. Following a successful pilot of the School in Residence programme from 2018-2020, this grant supports QUAD to develop and expand their school partnerships. The organisation matches their team of artist-practitioners to the needs of individual schools, delivering creative workshops in filmmaking, photography, digital art, dance, spoken word, sculpture and painting.
18/01/2023 £6,800 £4,622,939 DERBY THEATRE This Derby arts consortium will develop and embed a cross-city approach to making high quality professional performance that works with disengaged communities as active and equal partners, and creates new audiences for locally produced arts.
18/01/2023 £18,000 £691,374 DETENTION ACTION Detention Action defends the rights and improves the welfare of people in detention by supporting individuals and campaigning for change. This grant supports Detention Action to present a lived experience-led, evidence-based, collaborative alternative to migration reform at a pivotal moment in governmental decision-making. Detention Action will prioritise: continued work towards a time limit on detention; holding the government to account through strategic litigation, public campaigns and constructive dialogue; developing a new model for humanitarian visas in partnership with others; effectively evaluating their Community Support Project; and pushing forward with advocacy on community-based alternatives to detention.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £873,717 DFN PROJECT SEARCH DFN Project SEARCH supports young people with learning disabilities and autism to make positive transitions from education to employment. This grant supports the development of a newly established Youth Advisory Group, made up of ten young people with learning disabilities and autism from across the UK. The group will lead campaigns, conduct outreach with peers, and work with partners.
18/01/2023 £4,500 £959,898 DIVERSE CITY Diverse City is a performance company that aims to address a range of barriers to engage with the arts. This grant will support the company to develop better staff structures and a larger touring programme, in partnership with mainstream theatres, that addresses barriers to engagement experienced by marginalised audiences, participants and artists.
18/01/2023 £17,023 £162,003 DIVERSE VOICES Diverse Voices is a leading provider of creative approaches to education. They empower young people through performing arts; helping build creativity, improve life skills and explore important issues. This grant supports Diverse Voices to work with clusters of primary schools and alternative provision settings in Waltham Forest, Hackney, Camden and Islington, to support schools to deliver the new Relationships and Sex Education curriculum in upper Key Stage 2. The programme will use drama- and theatre-based approaches, and will be delivered through a blend of digital and in-person practices.
18/01/2023 £7,300 DIY THEATRE COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY DIY is a member-led Learning Disability theatre company based in Salford. They create accessible, thought-provoking theatre and creative projects where learning disabled performers, theatre-makers and arts leaders are valued as part of the cultural sector and society. This grant supports DIY to provide a three-year bespoke leadership training programme, creating more development opportunities and career pathways for emerging learning disabled artists. Through the programme DIY will address structural inequalities in the cultural sector, promote the value of lived experience leadership and challenge systemic ableism and limited perceptions of people with learning disabilities.
18/01/2023 £6,000 EDGE NORTH EAST CIC Based in Newcastle, Edge North East specialises in supporting young people affected by serious youth violence, gangs and criminal exploitation, including County Lines. This grant will enable Edge North East to embed their women and girls project long term, continue their unique mentoring service and undertake an evaluation. Influencing work drawing on lived experience of the impact of gangs, grooming and exploitation on young women, will advocate for a better systemic response.
18/01/2023 £30,000 £1,149,263 EMPIRE FIGHTING CHANCE Empire Fighting Chance uses non-contact boxing and intensive individual support to inspire young people experiencing disadvantage to make positive changes in their lives and improve their mental health. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to scale work harnessing the power of non-contact boxing to mentor, provide therapy and offer careers support for young people to change their lives.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £319,157 ESTEEM ESTEEM offers young adults aged 14-26 opportunities to develop confidence, build life-skills and improve wellbeing. This grant will fund core costs to support organisational strategy development and broaden ESTEEM’s impact on social change. A dedicated fundraiser will allow the organisation to strategically integrate greater youth voice in the regional consortia (Changing Futures), build more sustainable income streams and strengthen partnership work with other youth organisations and sectors to deepen impact.
18/01/2023 £16,000 £793,135 FAIR EDUCATION ALLIANCE The Fair Education Alliance is a coalition of over 200 organisations including charities, business, social enterprise, policy and educational institutions, which aims to tackle inequality in the education system. The Fair Education Alliance’s vision is that no child’s success is limited by their socio-economic background. They support organisations to work together to take collective action, influence policy and practice and help organisations scale their impact to reach more children.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £214,215 FAT MACY'S FOUNDATION Fat Macy’s Foundation works with young people in London, supporting them to get out of homelessness and into their own homes via catering employment. This grant supports Fat Macy’s to utilise a gifted space in Shoreditch to create a new permanent Training Academy space. Through the space, the organisation will grow the number of trainees supported to around 190 a year through a minimum of 24 Training Academies
18/01/2023 £3,000 £269,557 FIRST STAR SCHOLARS UK First Star aims to improve the lives of looked-after young people by partnering with schools, social services, carers, universities and local authorities to ensure young people have the academic, life skills, and support needed to successfully transition to higher education and adulthood. This grant supports the establishment of a First Star programme at the University of Winchester. The programme will provide a cohort of 30 Year 9 looked-after children with monthly sessions and annual summer schools over four years. Through this work the cohort will be supported to build on their strengths, raise their aspirations and fulfil their potential.
18/01/2023 £10,180 £386,310 FOCUS ON LABOUR EXPLOITATION FLEX Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) is a research and policy organisation working towards ending labour exploitation. They aim to prevent labour abuses, protect the rights of those affected or at risk of exploitation, and promote best practice responses to labour exploitation through research and evidence-based advocacy. This grant supports FLEX to monitor and reduce the risks of labour exploitation arising from post-Brexit labour migration routes to the UK.
18/01/2023 £30,000 £2,754,445 FOOTBALL BEYOND BORDERS Football Beyond Borders uses football to support marginalised young people to raise attainment and aspirations. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to scale work providing long-term, intensive support, built around relationships and young people’s passions, so they thrive in the classroom and beyond.
18/01/2023 £3,000 FORCES CHILDREN SCOTLAND Forces Children Scotland (formerly Royal Caledonian Education Trust), is a Scottish charity supporting children and young people whose parents are in, or veterans of, the Armed Forces. This grant supports ‘Listen Up!’, a new co-produced campaign designed to raise awareness about the challenges faced by armed forces children and young people. Through this work, Forces Children Scotland hope to bring about greater public recognition of this group of young people, leading to changes in public policy and practice.
18/01/2023 £6,200 FOXGLOVE Foxglove is an independent non-profit organisation who aim for 'algorithmic justice' by holding public bodies to account, challenging abuses of power by Big Tech, and standing up for the interests of platform users and workers. They use the law to protect rights, enforce rules and defend the public interest. This grant supports Foxglove to investigate the problematic and unlawful uses of new technologies in the UK immigration system, bring campaign messages to the public and courts, and pursue legal action where appropriate.
18/01/2023 £9,700 FRESH ARTS EDUCATION Fresh Arts Education is a community interest company. They work with primary schools in Brent, Harrow, Barnet, Haringey and Ealing to deliver drama, dance, music and art workshops. This grant supports Fresh Arts Education to work intensively with 12 primary school partners over two years to support the learning, mental health and wellbeing of the children through arts-based learning, as well as training school staff. Using drama, movement, poetry and creative writing, the programme will be delivered through a blend of digital and face-to-face approaches.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,042,712 GENDERED INTELLIGENCE Gendered Intelligence works to make the world safer and more accepting for young trans people by providing information to the people around them including schools, employers and healthcare professionals. They provide direct support to young people through peer groups and residentials. This grant provides continued core support for the organisation’s staff to develop their management and leadership skills to complement their lived experience. This will enhance the growth of the organisation’s asset-based work with young people and increase impact at an individual level.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £2,063,862 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Global Dialogue enables independent funders to work together to realise ambitious goals and create lasting change. They are a platform for philanthropic partnership, assisting donors to develop shared strategies, test new approaches and deliver lasting impact by aligning grants or pooling funds. This grant supports Global Dialogue to develop a new strategy that will deliver their vision for transforming the UK migration sector and its supporters by making it more connected, informed and able to catalyse effective action.
18/01/2023 £2,000 £2,063,862 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Global Dialogue promotes human rights and social change through innovative and collaborative philanthropy. This grant will support the delivery of a migration sector-based leadership development programme, which will be piloted over two years. This pilot will test an approach to address the need for leadership development as part of building an effective, resilient migration sector whose leaders better reflect the communities they serve.
18/01/2023 £3,500 £2,063,862 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Global Dialogue promotes human rights and social change through innovative and collaborative philanthropy. From initiating exploratory conversations on emerging issues to managing large collaborative grant-making programmes, the organisation helps funders, activists and influencers to work together to bring about real change. This grant will allow them to strengthen organisational capacity and in doing so continue to support collaborative practice exchange, connecting funders and organisations.
18/01/2023 £30,000 £694,987 GLOUCESTERSHIRE YOUNG CARERS Gloucestershire Young Carers works with children and young people with a caring responsibility for a family member. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to support young carers to build on their strengths, achieve their aspirations and experience a positive transition to adulthood.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £1,084,625 GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD Grapevine is a Coventry-based charity that supports people with learning disabilities and autism to gain more voice, choice and control over their lives. CYA is the autonomous youth-led social movement at the heart of Grapevine’s transitions work. This grant will invest in the Community Organiser roles, which will support Grapevine to further develop their youth-led social action work and enhance its impact.
18/01/2023 £6,800 £1,051,382 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) exists to advise, support, represent and campaign with people subject to immigration control. Through this grant GMIAU will use a range of approaches to policy and communications to show how Hostile Environment policies affect children, young people and their families in the North West, and propose solutions to injustices caused by immigration problems at local authority level and regionally to inform national policy change.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £1,011,937 GREATER MANCHESTER YOUTH NETWORK Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) engages young people across Greater Manchester in social action, volunteering and leadership. The network prioritises youth participation and aims to embed their youth leadership programmes into all aspects of the organisation. This grant supports the role of Youth Participation Lead which will enable GMYN to make youth voice and leadership even more central to their work and increase capacity to support young people to influence others.
18/01/2023 £13,500 £271,894 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Heads Together is a community arts organisation based in East Leeds that uses the arts to support communities to reach their potential. This grant provides core support to develop UNION: The Northern School for Creativity and Activism; and to create a community of learning across the north of England involving individuals and organisations who are at all stages of learning around the themes of creativity, activism and co-production.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £825,420 HEARD On Road is a national charity that aims to improve media coverage of misrepresented groups and issues, improving people’s lives and the way they are treated by society. This grant supports OTR to engage in essential communications transformation for the voluntary sector in order to achieve longer term sustained change that is equitable and respectful to those with lived experience.
18/01/2023 £5,000 HEARTSTONE Heartstone is an arts, cultural, and educational organisation which uses literature, storytelling, visual imagery and dance to present stories that challenge prejudice and stereotypes, reduce isolation and build contact. This grant supports Heartstone to deliver their year-long Story Circles anti-racism education programme with 18 local authorities in Scotland. Pupils aged 9-12 will engage with the themes of racism, intolerance and bigotry through dance, drama, story-telling, literature, creative writing and art.
18/01/2023 £2,000 £945,965 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Help on Your Doorstep is a charity that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Islington, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated. They work with residents to find solutions to the issues which make life difficult, strengthen communities and enable people to improve their life chances. This grant supports Help on Your Doorstep to identify people who are at risk and provide early support to prevent the need for later crisis intervention.
18/01/2023 £4,180 £1,392,539 HIBISCUS INITIATIVES Hibiscus Initiatives supports and empowers Black and minoritised migrant women who are affected by the criminal justice and immigration systems. They deliver high-impact support and advocacy services, support clients in prisons, the community, and in immigration removal centres; and work with trafficking survivors. This grant supports the development of a new Empowerment and Agency programme to nurture leadership by women with lived experience and increase Hibiscus’ capacity to influence systemic change.
18/01/2023 £16,400 £540,320 HMDT MUSIC HMDT Music support schools in London, Luton, Lancashire and Stoke-on-Trent to embed arts-based practice into the curriculum, with a focus on improving diversity, equity and inclusion. This grant supports HMDT Music to develop teacher continuing professional development, teaching resources and training and mentoring for new arts educators.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £645,627 HOT CHOCOLATE TRUST Hot Chocolate Trust is a large youth centre in central Dundee. They offer open access drop-in sessions, tailored one-to-one and group support, and programmes focused around the arts and youth leadership. This grant supports Hot Chocolate Trust to increase the breadth and depth of their mental health, homelessness and creative arts offers. They also aim to influence the wider youth sector through the development and promotion of their outcomes database.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £437,968 IMIX IMIX will strengthen its ability to deliver its key objectives of reframe the debate on migration in order to enable a more welcoming environment for people who make the UK their home; and ensuring that the positive arguments for migration achieve more cut-through and impact in the public debate.
18/01/2023 £16,000 £1,004,294 IMKAAN Imkaan is the only UK-based umbrella women’s organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls. Imkaan works at local, national and international level, and in partnership with a range of member organisations, to improve policy and practice responses to Black and minoritised women and girls.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £561,642 IMMIGRATION LAW PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION ILPA The Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) is a professional association and registered charity whose members practise in all aspects of immigration, asylum and nationality law. This grant enables ILPA to focus its resources on the legal work and scrutiny that is urgently needed at a time when the UK’s immigration law will see its most significant overhaul in 40 years. Communications support will enhance ILPA’s impact across its various functions as it develops new ways of delivering services and communicating with members remotely.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £561,642 IMMIGRATION LAW PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION ILPA The Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) is a professional association and registered charity, the majority of whose members are barristers, solicitors, advocates and OISC-regulated advisers practising in all aspects of immigration, asylum and nationality law. This grant supports the expansion of the Strategic Legal Fund that advances justice for people disadvantaged and discriminated against because of their migration status.
18/01/2023 £2,500 IMPACT DANCE CO HAKEEM ONIBUDO Impact Dance is a hip-hop theatre company, street dance organisation and educational facilitator working across the UK and internationally. They aim to educate and empower young people through an annual programme of dance training, mentoring and performances. This grant underpins staffing and programme delivery for the Youth Dance Training Academy and Youth Dance Company. Through these youth dance programmes, Impact Dance will increase reach from their studio base in Camden, deepen their community and education partnership, and improve their evaluation methodology.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £1,065,734 IN2SCIENCEUK in2scienceUK empowers students experiencing disadvantage to achieve their potential and progress to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, through work placements and careers guidance. This grant follows on from a pilot programme expansion to the West Midlands and supports the development of a permanent Midlands Hub which will respond to high demand and result in a larger number of young people supported into training and employment.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £2,176,275 INCLUDE YOUTH Include Youth is a rights based charity in Northern Ireland. They work with young people with experience of care from communities with high levels of socio-economic deprivation, or whose rights are not being met. This grant supports Include Youth’s policy, advocacy and communications work. Specifically, Include Youth will provide increased guidance, support and training to external organisations, and continue to champion young people’s rights and voices in response to ongoing challenges, including the pandemic and Brexit.
18/01/2023 £14,000 £2,727,977 INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH (IPPR) The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is the UK’s pre-eminent progressive think tank. Their work spans politics, economics, environment, housing, jobs and skills, public services and migration. This grant underpins and formalises IPPR’s role in the wider migration ecosystem, enabling them to launch a policy unit that will offer responsive and robust support to organisations who are working to improve migration and integration policy in the UK.
18/01/2023 £10,000 £865,106 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH IVAR Core funding to provide research, evidence and learning to support organisations working for social change to make informed decisions and develop practical responses to the challenges they face.
18/01/2023 £9,700 £277,808 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ORGANISATION OF SUNDERLAND International Community Organisation of Sunderland (ICOS) exists to improve the quality of life of Black and minoritised people in the North East and to enhance community cohesion and intercultural understanding in this area. They focus on those who lack access to information and services to ensure equal access. This grant underpins core services and advocacy work led by ICOS, Sunderland Bangladesh International Centre and New Horizons in Sunderland. Work will include a leadership programme for people with lived experience of migration and/or racism and support for statutory authorities to better understand the needs and opportunities brought by communities who have migrated.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £257,003 INTOART Intoart is an art and design studio based in Peckham, South London. They address inequalities of access to and participation in the visual arts, education and culture by people with learning, sensory, physical disabilities and autism. This grant provides core support for Intoart to increase their capacity and invest in evaluation as they embark on the next phase of their inclusive Design Studio, including their learning-disabled leadership programme ‘Intoart Curates’.
18/01/2023 £5,000 £2,521,919 ISLINGTON GIVING THROUGH CRIPPLEGATE FOUNDATION Islington Giving supports projects helping people living in poverty in Islington by raising funds and making grants to groups supporting young people, families, older people and those with mental health issues. This grant is Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s contribution as a coalition partner which will help create a larger funding pot, enabling Islington Giving to work in partnership and reach more groups through their grant-making.
18/01/2023 £18,000 £1,738,939 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Islington Law Centre (ILC) supports marginalised people, achieving positive outcomes for clients and securing policy and practice change through strategic legal and policy work. This grant will support collaborative, strategic work by Islington Law Centre's three migration focused teams: Migrant Law Project, Migrant and Refugee Children's Legal Unit and the Community Facing Immigration Team.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £338,344 JADE YOUTH AND COMMUNITY JADE Youth and Community is a registered charity in Rotherham providing services for young people experiencing disadvantage, across health, education, wellbeing and development into adulthood. This grant supports JADE to build on the success of their blended youth work and mental health offer, and spread this model across Rotherham in partnership with the Rotherham Children, Young People and Families Consortium.
18/01/2023 £18,200 JUKEBOX COLLECTIVE Jukebox Collective is a Black-led collective of creatives based in Butetown, Cardiff. They build opportunities for marginalised young people across Wales and provide platforms for creative voices of the future. This grant supports Jukebox Collective’s regular community programme and its multidisciplinary performance academy, which provides creative pathways and accessible arts training for underrepresented communities in South Wales.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £600,636 JUST LIKE US Just Like Us supports young LGBT+ people to lead change and champion equality. This grant will support the Chief Executive Officer and wider organisation as they commence a new five-year strategic plan, aiming to increase the organisation’s reach to three-quarters of UK schools by 2025.
18/01/2023 £8,119 £984,453 JUSTICE JUSTICE is a law reform and human rights organisation, carrying out research to generate and evaluate recommendations to reform the justice system. With this grant, JUSTICE will support the Home Office to implement the recommendations of its Windrush Compensation Scheme research and use the learnings of the Windrush scheme to influence wider systematic change within the immigration system. The grant will also support JUSTICE to apply the lessons learned from the Windrush Report to other Home Office schemes that have similar issues, and subsequently their wider immigration casework.
18/01/2023 £19,500 £944,933 JUSTRIGHT SCOTLAND JustRight Scotland (JRS) is a charitable group of human rights lawyers based in Scotland working towards a new model of collaborative social justice. They work in partnership with like-minded organisations who share a vision of a fairer and more equal Scotland. This grant underpins JRS’s policy and influencing work on migration in Scotland. It will increase their capacity to provide legal representation and challenges; support their JustCitizens group to grow its influence; provide strategic guidance, legal opinion and evidence to influence devolved legislation; and strengthen relationships with grassroots groups and providing legal expertise and analysis to campaigns.
18/01/2023 £9,490 £279,379 KANLUNGAN FILIPINO CONSORTIUM Kanlungan Filipino Consortium is a group of Filipino community organisations working closely together for the welfare and interests of the Filipino and other migrant communities in Britain. This grant provides core support to Kanlungan to strengthen their strategic leadership and long-term planning, communications and infrastructural capacity and upskill staff so that the organisation can continue to collaborate, learn, and operate online after the pandemic.
18/01/2023 £4,000 KIN KIN aims to bring black activists and organisers together from across the UK to collaborate, strategise and support each other. This grant will support KIN’s work on empowering and amplifying the voices of Black migrants within the UK Black community. KIN will build relationships, facilitate dialogue and platform leaders with lived experience to build better community cohesion and enhance the support for migration system reform within and beyond the black community.
18/01/2023 £3,000 KINETIC YOUTH Kinetic Youth is a social enterprise delivering youth work services in Yorkshire, the East Midlands and the South East. They work with young people to develop their skills, knowledge and experiences and support them to access services that can improve their lives. This grant supports the recruitment of a Business Manager to provide additional expertise and capacity, establish governance and infrastructure, develop and implement a diversified funding strategy, and invest further in youth participation practice. As a result, Kinetic Youth will have a more sustainable offer and be better placed to inform Youth Justice Policy.
18/01/2023 £4,250 KIT THEATRE KIT Theatre creates and delivers interactive story-based experiences for young people through immersive theatre to support and enhance formal learning. Through this grant, KIT will establish a permanent company base and develop relationships with schools and partner theatre venues across five regions.
18/01/2023 £5,100 LAKES INTERNATIONAL COMIC ART FESTIVAL The Lakes International Comic Art Festival (LICAF) celebrates the wide diversity of comics through an annual event and runs a year-round programme addressing social issues through the unique properties of comics. This grant supports LICAF to work with a small group of primary schools and specialist SEND settings in Barrow-in-Furness and North Yorkshire to explore how comics can positively affect children’s enjoyment of and motivation to read, and support their wider literacy development. The project will also work with teachers to support them to integrate comics into teaching and learning across curriculum areas.
18/01/2023 £6,000 LANSBURY LAWRENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL A partnership between Lansbury Lawrence Primary School, 5 other primaries in Tower Hamlets, Akram Khan Dance Company and Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service, this project aims to develop teachers' skills and knowledge to confidently plan and deliver dance across the curriculum, and to enable children to tell stories and express themselves through movement.
18/01/2023 £25,000 £2,515,046 LEEDS 2023 Leeds 2023 is delivering a ground-breaking year of culture for Leeds and the wider region. Their mission is to deliver transformational creative experiences that connect and benefit people now and into the future. This grant underpins My Leeds, a two-year project co-created with and led by communities across Leeds. Working across 33 wards, My Leeds celebrates the diversity and complexity of cultural participation by enabling communities to take a lead on designing their own local cultural offer.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £440,520 LINK TO CHANGE Link to Change works across Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire supporting children and young people affected by sexual violence, exploitation, abuse, modern day slavery and trafficking. This grant supports Link to Change to respond to increased demand through the provision of more preventative services and targeted support for diverse groups of young people. It also underpins the organisation’s strategic development, enhancing their internal capacity to allow for increased fundraising activities and sharing of learning through existing partner networks.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £413,286 LITTLE HEARTS MATTER Little Hearts Matter provides support when a child is diagnosed with a single ventricle heart condition (SVHD) – essentially half a working heart. This grant supports the charity's youth programme to strengthen their growing community of heart peers and via its Youth Council, inform clinical research, and improve practice and resources. This will help young members to better understand their condition, reduce isolation and enable them to live more independently.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £277,850 LIVE MUSIC NOW SCOTLAND A partnership between Live Music Now Scotland, South Ayrshire local authority’s Creative Learning Network and all five Additional Support Needs schools in South Ayrshire, this project aims to develop teachers' confidence, knowledge and skills in using music to support students’ language and communication.
18/01/2023 £1,500 £425,636 MAGIC ME Magic Me will extend its Artist Residencies programme to work with a new cohort of leading performing arts companies and care homes in Essex. Over 4 years, this will develop ambitious new artistic work with and for older care home residents, and seek to build a lasting legacy of greater access to high-quality arts for this group through training and support for local arts and care sectors and a strategic partnership with a care home provider
18/01/2023 £10,000 MAIA MAIA is an arts and social justice organisation invested in systemic change. They serve artists and communities that are not served by dominant social systems by designing and developing social infrastructure spaces, redistributing resources and providing creative programmes rooted in radical imagination. This grant supports the delivery of MAIA’s community arts programme at YARD, the organisation’s recently opened neighbourhood arts residency and community hub.
18/01/2023 £6,258 £18,843,747 MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Manchester International Festival is undergoing a significant period of organisational change as it prepares to open The Factory, a major new cultural space being built in the heart of Manchester. This grant will support the festival to extend the work of the Creative Engagement department by embedding community-led curation and co-design across the festival and The Factory.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £172,934 MANY MINDS Many Minds is a member-led mental health and performance charity. They run workshops and make high quality contemporary performance with people with lived experiences of mental ill-health. This grant underpins core salaries for the organisation’s expanded support team and project evaluation, in order to sustain growth and meet growing demand for activities.
18/01/2023 £15,000 £237,925 MARLBOROUGH PRODUCTIONS Marlborough Productions are a leading producer of queer-led, intersectional performance, alternative heritage and radical community gatherings. They grow projects that bring together queer culture and community, reaching audiences across the UK and beyond. This grant supports the Marlborough Productions’ growth from a South East, building-based producer, to a national queer arts development organisation. This includes growing senior staff capacity, increasing opportunities for artists and curators, and developing a new national network of queer-led arts organisations to inform national strategy and address systemic issues in the arts sector.
18/01/2023 £3,825 £154,890 MED THEATRE MED Theatre is a community theatre focusing on rural participation and widening access to high-quality arts. They take inspiration from rural Devon to create original performances with professional artists, young people and multigenerational communities. This grant supports MED Theatre to co-construct a programme in primary and secondary school settings to address the learning needs of students in rurally isolated Dartmoor. Teachers will take part in bespoke professional development. Secondary students will build technical, organisational and creative skills for work readiness, and Year 6 pupils will be matched with mentors from their prospective secondary school to build creative skills and confidence.
18/01/2023 £10,150 £1,738,939 MICLU THE MIGRANT AND REFUGEE CHILDRENS LEGAL UNIT AT ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE The Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) is a specialist child centred legal and policy hub based at Islington Law Centre, representing children and young people (CYP) in the immigration system. They seek to achieve social justice by ensuring that policy and practice respect the rights and improve the lives of children who have migrated to the UK. This grant supports MiCLU to employ a Senior Advocate at fellow charity Shpresa, and a Senior Caseworker at MiCLU, who will identify and engage CYP through legal education, advice surgeries and referrals.
18/01/2023 £23,900 MICRO RAINBOW Micro Rainbow runs safe houses for LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees and delivers a programme of life skills, employability support and social inclusion in London, Birmingham and Leeds. This grant will support Moving Together, an online dance and movement arts engagement programme with integrated pastoral support. Informed by residents’ feedback, the project actively seeks to introduce a positive, movement-based and social opportunities for residents at a challenging time.
18/01/2023 £15,000 £300,309 MIGRANT VOICE Migrant Voice is a migrant-led, national organisation focused on migrant-centred communications, campaigning and advocacy to achieve migrants’ rights and justice for all. They build migrants’ skills to speak in the media in order to strengthen migrant voices in civil society, counter xenophobia and build support for migrants’ rights. This grant provides core support for the roles of Director and Head of Development who will implement a new strategy that will increase Migrant Voice’s impact. They will extend their network into two more geographic areas and galvanise more organisations to collaborate around their thematic priorities.
18/01/2023 £22,500 £889,171 MIGRANTS ORGANISE Migrants Organise is a shared organising platform for refugees and migrants acting together for justice. This grant supports the employment of core staff to organise migrants and refugees, building the campaign for Fair Immigration Reform; an ambitious movement for systemic change to end the hostile environment and overhaul immigration policy.
18/01/2023 £18,000 MIGRATION MUSEUM The Migration Museum explores how the movement of people to and from Britain across the ages has made us who we are – as individuals and as a nation. From their current base in Lewisham, they stage exhibitions and events and deliver an education programme for primary, secondary, university and adult learners. They also convene a knowledge-sharing Migration Network of museums and galleries across the UK. This grant supports the organisation to deliver on their ambition to create a permanent Migration Museum for Britain, through a four-year programme of public engagement, audience research, education programmes, exhibitions, events and media campaigns.
18/01/2023 £18,500 £2,393,019 MK GALLERY MK Gallery is a public venue and educational charity, presenting British and international contemporary art exhibitions alongside events, films, learning and community programmes. This grant supports MK Gallery’s Inclusive Practice in the Arts programme which enables families with children with profound and multiple needs to access stimulating and inspiring arts-based programmes. MK Gallery will increase opportunities to access high quality art engagement; develop progression routes for young people as they transition towards adulthood; strengthen and develop new partnerships; and become a regional hub through which to share best practice.
18/01/2023 £6,000 £382,441 MORTAL FOOLS Mortal Fools is a creative learning company and the only organisation in the North East exclusively co-creating theatre and drama with, by and for young people. They specialise in social-change theatre production and drama projects by children and young people co-creating with professional theatre artists. This grant provides core support for organisational staff including four new employed artist roles, to enable Mortal Fools to better target its support and improve its practice and organisational sustainability.
18/01/2023 £8,000 £2,494,200 MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Core funding to support a network of museum professionals and institutions to campaign and advocate for inclusive, participatory and socially engaged museums at the heart of their communities.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £456,153 MYTIME YOUNG CARERS MYTime supports young carers aged 5 to 18 by providing retreats and programmes to improve educational attainment and affect a more equitable transition to adulthood. This grant will support MYTime to invest in their work with schools and employers to ensure young carers have the recognition and support they require to thrive personally, academically and professionally.
18/01/2023 £12,000 £312,249 NACCOM (NO ACCOMMODATION NETWORK) NACCOM is the UK-wide 'No Accommodation Network' which seeks to prevent destitution among people who have migrated to the UK by increasing accommodation provision, and by fostering systemic change. This grant will provide core support to NACCOM to deliver their strategic vision across key areas including: members’ sustainability, experience-led support, and positive policy changes.
18/01/2023 £3,000 £2,771,000 NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY The National Youth Agency (NYA) aims to transform the lives of young people through youth work. They drive innovative projects that consider new and different approaches and partnerships to ensure young people get access to timely, relevant and impactful opportunities, rooted in co-creation and youth voice. This grant provides core support for NYA, enabling the organisation to collaborate across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
18/01/2023 £16,600 £1,198,481 NEW WRITING NORTH New Writing North aim to increase community-led cultural provision and facilitate community-based cultural leadership in the Newbiggin Estate and Scotswood and Benwell areas of Newcastle. The programme will further their co-creative practice with Creative Producers working on the ground to develop relationships and respond to community need and barriers.
18/01/2023 £2,800 NEWTOWNABBEY ARTS AND CULTURAL NETWORK Newtownabbey Arts and Cultural Network is a small youth and community charity working in the Rathcoole estate in Belfast, using creative and digital arts. This grant supports the organisation to increase their fundraising capacity along with the quality and breadth of their offer for young people. A key priority will be supporting more young people to take up leadership roles while the senior team will focus on strategic networking and longer-term sustainability.
18/01/2023 £6,200 £130,995 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE RIGHTS AND EQUALITY COUNCIL Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council (NREC) campaigns for social justice in Northamptonshire. They support individual victims of discrimination, monitor hate incidents and raise awareness of the human rights of individuals. This grant supports NREC to underpin a programme to support people who have recently migrated to North Northamptonshire and consolidate the organisation’s migration-related services in the county.
18/01/2023 £9,450 £531,923 OILY CART COMPANY LTD Oily Cart makes interactive theatre for groups that experience profound barriers to access and participation. This grant will support the organisation to increase access to high-quality interactive theatre for disabled children who experience multiple barriers to the arts. A blended approach of live and ‘at home’ experiences will embed learnings from the period of lockdown, which opened up opportunities to those previously excluded. Oily Cart will increase under-represented audiences and engagement through creative, family workshops and working groups, designed to ignite a step-change in the disabled community’s agency to participate in, influence and lead theatre.
18/01/2023 £4,000 £1,204,243 ONE DANCE UK One Dance UK is the sector support organisation leading the way to a stronger, more vibrant and more diverse dance sector. The organisation works to promote one clear voice to support, advocate, enhance and give profile to dance in the UK. They provide information, resources and opportunities for a workforce that is well equipped to secure dance’s prominence in the cultural landscape of the future. Core funding will help the organisation to increase capacity, to fund research to demonstrate impact and to advocate for the sector.
18/01/2023 £17,700 OPEN RIGHTS GROUP Open Rights Group (ORG) is a digital campaigning organisation working to protect people’s rights to privacy and free speech online. They work to raise awareness of the threats of technological developments to human rights and challenge them through public campaigns, legal actions, policy interventions and tech projects. This grant supports ORG to carry out cross-sector challenges to data discrimination and exploitation policies and practices within the UK immigration system, through advocacy, campaigns and a network of 25 migrants’ rights groups.
18/01/2023 £23,000 £697,417 OPEN UP MUSIC OpenUp Music’s mission is to make orchestras accessible to young disabled musicians in the UK. They help special schools set up accessible orchestras and lead the National Open Youth Orchestra (NOYO), the world’s first disabled-led national youth orchestra. This grant supports OpenUp to continue leading NOYO and work with consortium partners to expand provision, deliver their first performances and improve NOYO's support for members.
18/01/2023 £5,900 £3,321,046 ORCHESTRA OF THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) is a world leading orchestra who work with artists to nurture the next generation of musicians. They deliver a national education and outreach programme aimed at reaching people with least access to the arts. This grant supports OAE to partner with schools in London and Ipswich, one mainstream secondary school and one SEND school in each location. They will co-create programmes that support transferable skills building for students, while modelling music-based practice for teachers and wider staff.
09/01/2023 £20,000 £197,828 MAHOGANY OPERA GROUP Mahogany Opera is supporting displaced independent Ukrainian company Hooligan Art Community to tour ‘Bunker Cabaret’ across Britain in early 2023. This grant will match support from the British Council and other organisations to cover artists’ fees, expenses and production costs of the tour.
06/01/2023 £8,000 NORTHERN IRELAND YOUTH FORUM (NIYF) Northern Ireland Youth Forum is a youth-led voluntary organisation delivering projects across Northern Ireland whilst also promoting youth voice in decision making. This grant will enable a group of four youth organisations with an existing digital relationship developed during the Covid-19 pandemic to meet in person and strengthen their networks.
03/01/2023 £5,625 £1,305,900 CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH Centre for Mental Health takes the lead in challenging policies, systems and society, so that everyone can have better mental health. Since their previous strategy development process, the mental health policy landscape has changed considerably. This grant will fund work to refresh their strategy to reflect the changing mental health landscape and place the voices of their members, young people and parents/carers at the centre.
14/12/2022 £20,000 £408,423 HACKNEY MIGRANT CENTRE Hackney Migrant Centre (HMC) supports asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants to access their rights and rebuild their lives. They create a safe, supportive environment, with a weekly session giving high quality advice on immigration and housing, backed up by practical support, a hot lunch, and migrant-led social sessions to improve wellbeing. This grant will support their core work and secure their existing services for the next 12 months while also allowing the organisation to focus on applying for longer-term funding and ensuring organisational sustainability.
14/12/2022 £20,000 £798,226 CHILDRENS LAW CENTRE The Children's Law Centre (CLC) is a national charity based in Belfast which empowers children and young people to advocate for their rights and protects these through free legal services, training and policy work. This grant will support young people and support staff to attend The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Committee, and preparatory/follow up young people's workshops. Funding will ensure young people from Northern Ireland will be represented alongside peers from England, Scotland and Wales.
06/12/2022 £70,000 £109,719 NOMAD NATIONS OF MIGRATION AWAKENING THE DIASPORA NOMAD works with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, to help them develop their confidence and successfully integrate into the wider community. This grant provides core funding to enable NOMAD to successfully develop and implement a new strategic plan.
06/12/2022 £240,000 £27,620 COMMITTEE ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE CAJ The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) is an independent, non-governmental human rights organisation that works to ensure that the administration of justice in Northern Ireland is compatible with the highest international human rights standards. CAJ monitors rights and equality in Northern Ireland and develops and advocates for tangible, rights-based solutions to ongoing and emerging issues.
06/12/2022 £250,000 £1,227,117 LAW CENTRES NETWORK The Law Centres Network (LCN) strives for a just and equal society where everyone’s rights are valued and protected. They support their member Law Centres to set up, initiate new services and champion the model of free and independent legal advice and representation. LCN also represents Law Centres so they can better respond to their communities, learn and build resilience, and take collective steps towards a fairer and more just world.
06/12/2022 £250,000 LIBERTY Liberty is an independent organisation that campaigns for civil liberties and human rights in the UK. Liberty works to protect basic rights and freedoms through the courts, in Parliament and in the wider community through a combination of test case litigation, public campaigning, parliamentary work, policy analysis, ground-breaking investigative journalism, and the provision of free advice and information.
06/12/2022 £250,000 NEON NEW ECONOMY ORGANISERS NETWORK New Economy Organisers Network (NEON) connects, focuses and builds the power of movements for social and economic justice. They run training and campaign support programmes to support their network of groups, movements and campaigns across the UK.
06/12/2022 £200,000 £146,983 SOUNDDELIVERY MEDIA Sounddelivery Media aims to help bring about a more equal world through enabling people with different kinds of lived experience to have a voice in shaping the present and the future. They work to address representation and diversity of voice in the media, finding platforms for their network of spokespeople and building trusted relationships with journalists.
06/12/2022 £170,000 YOUNG TRUSTEES MOVEMENT The Young Trustees Movement (YTM) exists to increase the quality and quantity of young trustees so that charity boards can better navigate uncertainty, reflect the interests of their community, and future proof their decision making.
06/12/2022 £170,000 £584,855 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is the national membership organisation for Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS). Their mission is to ensure all young people can access free support on their journey into adulthood from community-based advice and counselling services that respect their rights and meet their individual needs.
06/12/2022 £70,000 £1,364,685 CHARITY FINANCE GROUP CFG Charity Finance Group (CFG) exists to develop a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. They do this by championing best practice, nurturing leadership and influencing policy makers. Through improving their financial management, governance and leadership, CFG supports their members to deliver their charitable objectives from all the resources available to them.
06/12/2022 £200,000 CHARITY TAX GROUP The Charity Tax Group (CTG) is the leading voice on charity taxation for the charity sector. It has over 800 charity members of all size representing all types of charitable activity as well as having over 60 members in the accountancy and legal professions extending its reach to their clients. CTG makes representations to government on charity taxation and provides resources for charities to cope with the increasing complexities of modern taxation.
01/12/2022 £5,913 £536,001 PEER POWER YOUTH Peer Power supports young people with lived experience of the criminal justice, social services and mental health systems to advocate for positive change within these systems and services. This grant will support Peer Power to develop youth-led communications that amplify lived experience and systems change.
28/11/2022 £125,000 £262,595 ACTIVE HORIZONS Active Horizons work with young Black people and others who experience racism, including many who are refugees and asylum seekers. They offer youth leadership, mentoring, education and arts programmes. This grant will support the delivery of youth-led anti-racism work with four secondary schools in Bexley, building on learning from a pilot project. This programme aims to tackle racism within schools and communities, and centre the voices of Black, Asian, and other young people with lived experience of racism.
28/11/2022 £144,000 £86,099 ARDENT THEATRE COMPANY Ardent Theatre Company produce theatre, career training and mentorship programmes, providing a platform for theatre industry voices and online resources. Their aim is to make theatre a place where no one feels like an outsider, welcoming people whose voices are unheard and stories untold. This grant provides core funding for staffing costs to enable Ardent to sustain their work and grow their impact through fundraising activity.
28/11/2022 £150,000 ARTS EDUCATION EXCHANGE Arts Education Exchange (AEE) is a youth organisation based in Margate focusing on young people aged 8–25 years who face barriers to participation in education, employment and wider society. The grant will enable AEE to expand their current offer to become an alternative education centre and advocate and amplify models of education grounded in creativity and wellbeing. It will also allow them to set up a Youth Ambassador Group to ensure young people inform the charity’s organisational programming and strategy.
28/11/2022 £169,000 £176,781 BEEE CREATIVE BEEE Creative works to improve inclusion and access to dance provision for people in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. This grant will support their work with Key stage 2 students and their teachers in six primary schools in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. The project will support children's learning and wellbeing and will seek to build teacher's confidence in teaching dance and develop a supportive and sustainable dance teaching network across the two counties.
28/11/2022 £317,000 EASTSIDE ARTS EastSide Arts inspire residents and visitors by celebrating east Belfast, nurturing creative talent and delivering excellent programmes and events. This grant will enable them to deliver ‘Creative Citizens’, a four-year immersive community engagement programme in east Belfast. The organisation will build community capacity to design and deliver creative programmes, create a benchmark for creative community facilitation and build and nourish a creative ecosystem in east Belfast.
28/11/2022 £60,000 £889,171 MIGRANTS ORGANISE (APPLICANT HOST), MIGRANTS IN CULTURE (APPLICANT). Migrants Organise bring immigration detainees and communities together to create and perform powerful music, increase wellbeing, and change attitudes to migrants. This grant will provide core funding to develop their artistic programme with Migrants in Culture, a migrant-led design agency. The programme aims to improve the wellbeing of all participants; put people with lived experience of detention on public platforms where they will be seen, heard and recognised; and raise awareness of detention, and help change public attitudes.
28/11/2022 £150,000 £176,351 RIANA DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (RDN) RIANA Development Network (RDN) is based in West London and exists to address the unmet needs of the communities in and around the Borough of Hounslow which include poverty, homelessness, substance misuse and poor health. This grant will enable RDN to embed and expand their piloted Looking Ahead programme for 16-18 year olds most at risk of not sustaining education, training or employment. It will also ensure RDN can pursue accreditation for their youth programmes and develop their asset-based approach via their existing youth board of peer volunteers.
28/11/2022 £64,000 £222,359 SCARABEUS THEATRE Scarabeus Theatre uses aerial theatre and circus to engage with vulnerable children, young people and families nationwide. This grant will support Scarabeus to deliver Shifting Point, a partnership project with Tender Arts and Education and three primary schools. It focuses on supporting Key stage 2 students to negotiate and build stronger relationships, referring to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum, using aerial skills, visual theatre and drama.
28/11/2022 £250,000 BOM (BIRMINGHAM OPEN MEDIA) Birmingham Open Media (BOM) is a not-for-profit gallery and collaborative workspace for art, technology and science based in Birmingham. Working in three Birmingham primary schools and one secondary, BOM will use a digital arts approach to explore anti-racist pedagogy, diversify the curriculum and reduce intersectional barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics learning.
28/11/2022 £221,359 £1,625,924 DOCTORS OF THE WORLD UK Doctors of the World UK fights to reduce health inequalities by improving access to healthcare in the UK focusing on long-term systemic change. This grants supports them to develop their advocacy and engagement work, through gathering evidence of the impact of migrant health and immigration policies on undocumented migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and developing ‘expert by experience’ (EBE) led policy solutions. Work will also take place with an EBE advisory group to identify advocacy priorities, and invest in upskilling the group to act as professional advocates, focusing on navigating the parliamentary system and policy making processes and speaking to the media.
28/11/2022 £150,000 £730,298 INTERCULTURAL YOUTH SCOTLAND Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS) provides a community, a service and a voice for young Black and People of Colour (BPoC), and a safe space to nurture their talents. This funding will allow for the addition of a Human Resources Manager to develop internal processes and oversee the HR responsibilities, allowing the CEO to focus on income generation and programme development opportunities afforded by the recent acquisition of a large new building by the organisation.
28/11/2022 £60,000 £197,788 KAKILANG (PREVIOUSLY CHINESE ARTS NOW) Kakilang is an East and South East Asian (ESEA) combined-arts charity who bring contemporary Chinese arts to the public and aim to improve East Asian representation in the arts. This funding will allow Kakilang to expand their reach outside London and develop more impactful relationships with East and South East Asian communities in London and across the UK. They will partner with regional theatres, arts and community organisations to work initially with East and South East Asian communities in Cambridge, York and Oxford through workshops, projects and leading into performances.
28/11/2022 £264,677 £1,021,003 LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN'S RIGHTS SERVICE Latin American Women's Rights Service (LAWRS) offer free and confidential specialist services for all Latin American women, including advice and counselling for women facing gender violence, and legal advice in welfare benefits, housing and employment rights. This grant will support LAWRS' group for young women and girls, Sin Fronteras, and enable them to set up and develop a young women's Advisory Board, whose members will participate in policy, advocacy and campaigning work. A training and leadership programme will support young women to develop the confidence and skills to engage fully with policy influencing and speaking to the media.
28/11/2022 £113,310 £143,754 LINCOLNSHIRE TRAVELLER INITIATIVE Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative works with people of all ages from mainly Gypsy and Irish Traveller heritages, offering education, employability, health and advocacy services. This grant will support the development of a new digital hub, which is a response to increased demand for education services. Offering online lessons and tutoring will allow more young people to access support and gain qualifications, and enable staff and volunteers to spend longer working with participants.
28/11/2022 £150,000 £269,833 PEGASUS OPERA COMPANY Pegasus Opera Company provides opportunities for artists of global majority heritage and promotes opera to culturally diverse and underrepresented communities. This grant supports Pegasus, in partnership with two primary and one secondary school in Bedford, to co-create an alternative approach to the music curriculum; supporting teachers to deliver opportunities to sing, listen, compose and perform, by exploring this country's musical history through the lens of diversity. The programme aims to support change not only within partner schools but beyond, influencing the wider sector in decolonising the music curriculum.
28/11/2022 £90,000 £87,203 RJ WORKING RJ Working is a Cornwall-based charity that uses a Restorative Justice model to support young people to tackle injustice and respond to conflict positively, to create more compassionate, inclusive and fair communities. This grant will support RJ Working to partner with the InterClimate Network, a charity specialising in supporting young people to become leaders and advocates for action on climate change. Together they will engage young people in 20 local secondary schools and colleges to deliver a youth climate change activism programme. This will form part of a five-year plan of consulting every young person in Cornwall about their relationship with climate action and facilitating opportunities to engage in collective responses. It will also support RJ Working’s journey towards becoming a fully youth-led organisation.
28/11/2022 £30,000 £423,231 SHPRESA PROGRAMME Shpresa Programme's mission is to enable men, women and children from the Albanian-speaking community to live as full and active citizens through advice, support, education and training. This grant supports the recruitment of an Operational Manager to oversee project management and reporting, fundraising work supported via external provider as well as the need for consultancy and support with the building project, acquisition and renovation work.
28/11/2022 £126,000 £82,063 THE ASSOCIATION OF VISITORS TO IMMIGRATION DETAINEES (AVID) The Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID) is a national charity that supports volunteer visitors to people in immigration detention, wherever they are held. This grant will support AVID’s ambition to consolidate and strengthen their membership network through expanding to reach more people in detention, prioritising outreach to prisons, responding to volunteer management challenges through wellbeing and recruitment support and developing a handbook to build an open resource for people in detention, their families and visitors. These priorities were developed in consultation with members and people with lived experience, to better meet the needs of people in detention and lead system change.
28/11/2022 £204,000 SBC THEATRE Stand and Be Counted Theatre (SBC Theatre) make live and digital theatre with a proud record for platforming new artists and welcoming new audiences. Their work is innovative, adventurous and political, merging lived experience with new ideas. This grant will fund core support to enable SBC Theatre to extend arts access for people seeking sanctuary (refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants) through developing and delivering long-term programmes of creative activity, leadership and performance.
28/11/2022 £235,000 ACT BUILD CHANGE Act Build Change (ABC) are a fast-growing community organising school with a focus on accessibility. Their mission is to make community organising accessible to all and build a network of leaders committed to bringing about forms of justice at different intersections, with collective care as a core strand of their training. This grant will provide ABC the opportunity to focus on core strategic growth, collaborate with smaller, specialist migrant collectives, support larger organisations to influence better on systemic changes, and run a free programme of their standard care sessions twice a year.
28/11/2022 £60,400 £608,076 BRITISH CERAMICS BIENNIAL The British Ceramics Biennial (BCB) develops, sustains and expands innovative ceramics practice and improves lives by delivering an engaging year-round programme of artists’ commissions, education and community projects which feed into a festival of contemporary ceramics that takes place in Stoke-on-Trent. This grant funds BCB to work with Year 7 students from two Stoke-on-Trent secondary schools to develop their skills in working collaboratively with their peers to make and discuss art and creative concepts, using clay as an agent for learning, wellbeing and empowerment.
22/11/2022 £12,500 £1,364,685 CHARITY FINANCE GROUP CFG Charity Finance Group (CFG) is a membership organisation that aims to support a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. CFG acts as a voice for the charity sector, advocating for a better operating environment. This grant will provide funding towards a part-time communications professional who will develop content to amplify the work of the group through the website, social media platforms and other existing outlets.
02/11/2022 £20,000 BLACK FUNDING NETWORK Black Funding Network (BFN) is a community of individuals and institutions who come together to support Black founded and led non-profit organisations. This grant will support BFN to recruit and build a team to support its ongoing management and development. Roles recruited for will include operational management, membership/sales/fundraising, marketing/social media and admin roles.
03/10/2022 £65,000 £71,678,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Arts Council of Wales is the official body that funds and develops the arts in Wales. This grant will support Arts Council of Wales to work in partnership with Early Years Wales to identify voluntary-managed, non-maintained nursery education settings to take part in a three-year pilot. The programme will explore how arts-based approaches can be used in early years settings to support teaching for creativity in the context of the new Non-maintained Curriculum for Wales.
03/10/2022 £79,000 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS Boys & Girls Clubs is a regional voluntary youth organisation working with disadvantaged children and young people. This grant supports Boys & Girls Clubs Northern Ireland to work with artist practitioners from Community Arts Partnership in Belfast to deliver and test the impact of an in-depth programme of visual and digital arts-based learning, linked to the curriculum, in three Belfast primary schools and three rural primary schools.
03/10/2022 £250,000 £20,678,068 COVENTRY CITY OF CULTURE TRUST Coventry City of Culture Trust is an arts organisation planning and delivering Coventry’s year as UK City of Culture 2021 and its legacy activity between 2022-2024. This grant will support the Trust to work with the arts and community sector to embed legacy practice via a programme of commissioned partner projects and capacity-building support. The programme is designed to harness and expand networks of partners and embed co-creation practice and joined-up ways of working across the city, with funds contributing to a series of targeted and open commissions, and associated staff costs.
03/10/2022 £80,000 £114,557 GLASGOW ZINE LIBRARY, SCIO Glasgow Zine Library is a community space, self-publishing library and archive working with adults and young people, artists and marginalised community groups to provide affordable and accessible community arts programmes. This grant provides core support to enable the organisation to deliver a community arts and training programme, provide professional development for staff and volunteers and employ local, marginalised creatives to provide meaningful, high-quality arts programming for a diverse and inclusive audience.
03/10/2022 £240,000 £232,186 HEAR ME OUT Hear Me Out brings immigration detainees and communities together to create and perform powerful music, increase wellbeing, and change attitudes to migrants. This grant will support Hear Me Out to develop organisational capability, build capacity and expand their audiences.
03/10/2022 £120,000 £241,304 KAZZUM Kazzum is an arts organisation which uses creativity to enable marginalised children and young people who have been impacted by trauma to feel seen, heard and valued. This grant will provide core support towards their work in education settings to meet the needs of children and young people facing pandemic-related barriers to learning and progress in their learning.
03/10/2022 £300,000 £1,154,354 MUSIC MASTERS Music Masters aims to ensure every child can access an outstanding music education, upskilling the workforce, and championing creativity. This grant would support Music Masters to understand and increase their impact, through developing and testing different models of partnerships with schools across the UK and through developing further and wider-reaching training offers for music educators. The charity aims to drive change, towards a music education sector which is more equitable, diverse and inclusive.
03/10/2022 £120,000 SLUNG LOW Slung Low are large scale People's Theatre creators based in Holbeck, inner south Leeds. They also manage a shared community resource and arts centre. This grant will allow Slung Low to deliver a leadership academy to create the capacity for civic leadership amongst the people of Holbeck, ensuring local committees are more representative of the communities of Holbeck. The academy will also work to increase the capacity of values-based, action-led leadership within the arts sector.
03/10/2022 £305,000 £478,242 TAMASHA THEATRE COMPANY Tamasha is a national new writing theatre company, serving Global Majority artists and audiences. This grant will support Tamasha to roll out a national developing artists programme, supporting emerging and mid-career artists from the Global Majority. This will in turn develop audiences to access and participate in authentic diverse stories in the theatre space.
29/09/2022 £150,000 CHILDREN'S LEGAL CENTRE WALES Children’s Legal Centre Wales (CLC Wales) improves the lives of young people and their parents or carers by providing information, online advice and advocacy services to promote children’s rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Welsh law. This grant will allow CLC Wales to recruit an Education and Engagement Lead to develop and deliver interactive rights-based awareness sessions to young people, engage and support them to produce accessible legal resources and coordinate working groups of young people to engage with policy processes.
29/09/2022 £50,000 £1,260,058 EMPIRE FIGHTING CHANCE Empire Fighting Chance is a Bristol-based charity that uses non-contact boxing and intensive individual support to inspire vulnerable young people to make positive changes in their lives and improve their mental health. This grant will fund improvements to their facilities to provide a therapy gym and on-site staff accommodation.
29/09/2022 £110,000 £2,924,299 LEEDS MIND Leeds Mind promotes positive mental health and wellbeing and provides help and support to those who need it in Leeds and West Yorkshire. They plan to expand their mental health peer support offer in response to positive feedback from young service users. This grant will fund a second practitioner to join the existing Young People Service Lead and work directly with a minimum 160 young people who have experienced trauma. They will also reach a further 13,000 young people via schools and community programmes.
29/09/2022 £280,000 £438,243 MEDACT Medact organise health workers to take action on the structural barriers people face to health equity and justice. This grant will fund Medact in partnership with Migrants Organise to build the national 'Patients Not Passports' campaign which aims to ensure that everyone can access healthcare, regardless of their immigration status. They will work with healthcare workers and migrant communities to challenge NHS charging regulations at local and national levels, combining community and workplace organising, along with advocacy, research and legal strategies to achieve policy change.
29/09/2022 £150,000 £614,234 ON ROAD MEDIA On Road Media aims to improve media coverage of misrepresented groups and issues, improving people’s lives and the way they are treated by society. This grant will support the development of All About Trans, contributing to staffing costs and enabling the appointment of a new Project Assistant. This increased capacity will allow the team to deliver more interactions and training with an additional 25 young people and 50 media professionals, working on content to reach millions. As a result, more young transgender people will have their voices heard via nuanced media portrayals, leading to better public understanding and support.
29/09/2022 £150,000 £198,866 PIRC Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC) supports movements for social, racial, economic and climate justice in order to map, develop and strengthen compelling narratives that transform policy, systems and culture. This grant will cover core support towards PIRC’s lived experience-led narrative change project. The work focuses on cross-issue, root-cause, movement-building approaches to narrative work by training 15 lived experience leaders on priority issues including migration, racial justice, LGBTQ+ liberation, climate justice and poverty.
29/09/2022 £135,000 REUNITE FAMILIES UK Reunite Families UK (RFUK) is a lived experience-led organisation, working with and supporting families affected by the UK spouse visa rules and the Minimum Income Requirement. This grant will support RFUK to gather more evidence of short and longer-term forced separation on the mental health of individuals, especially children, through network expansion, research and policy advocacy. Funding will provide staffing costs for a part-time Manager, a part-time Co-production Coordinator and external evaluation.
29/09/2022 £160,000 WD LEGAL Windrush Defenders Legal (WDL) provides free independent support and advocacy to the African Caribbean community, particularly the Windrush Generation, while actively contributing to a just and equal society where everyone’s rights are protected. This grant will support them to create or amend legislation that restores the citizenship of the Windrush Generation and their descendants, and repairs the damage done to community cohesion by racially disproportionate immigration law enforcement.
27/09/2022 £60,000 CIVIC SQUARE Civic Square is a Birmingham based organisation with a bold approach to visioning, building and investing in civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future. They build on Impact Hub Birmingham and deliver programmes to reimagine the Public Square, host a Neighbourhood Economics Lab and nurture a creative and participatory ecosystem. This grant supports the ongoing development of The Front Room, the first phase of Civic Square in Birmingham, which aims to reimagine and create innovative civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future.
27/09/2022 £328,734 £398,175 ME WE FOUNDATION Me We is a black-led organisation that champions Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries. This grant will support Me We to deliver the Create Equity Accelerator programme. This is a 24-month programme designed to provide organisational development and capacity building support to 10-15 Black-led enterprises. The project aims to support the development of racial equity in the arts and creative sector through research, which will act as a catalyst for wider change towards racial equity in the UK.
06/09/2022 £20,000 CULTURE COMMONS Culture Commons is an organisation that blends public relations, stakeholder management, campaign strategy and traditional lobbying in order to help amplify the voices of creative organisations who want their work to have an impact on policy at local, national and international levels. This grant will support them to build the evidence base for a series of policy recommendations specifically designed to make the UK's creative and cultural sectors more equal, diverse and inclusive.
06/09/2022 £250,000 £180,420,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE DEC The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is made up of 14 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when the DEC launch an appeal. This grant supports the Pakistan floods relief effort which is acting to provide temporary shelter to people who lost their homes; clean water and sanitation to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases; food for sustenance; and medical assistance.
31/08/2022 £15,000 £196,151 RIGHT TO REMAIN Right to Remain (formerly known as the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns) is a human rights membership organisation which works with groups across the UK to promote and defend the rights of people seeking the right to remain in the UK. This grant will fund updates to the Right to Remain Toolkit to reflect the changes introduced by the Nationality and Borders Act to ensure the provision of accurate information and expand the Toolkit's reach among migrant and refugee communities.
24/08/2022 £20,000 £1,334,923 EDUCATION POLICY INSTITUTE The Education Policy Institute is an independent, evidence-based research institute that aims to promote high quality education outcomes for young people. This grant will fund a summary paper and series of complementary events exploring the impact of the Nationality and Borders Act on the educational outcomes of migrant and refugee pupils and the wider system.
15/08/2022 £12,000 £434,788 POWER THE FIGHT Power the Fight tackles violence affecting young people. They work to create long-term solutions for sustainable change and act as a link between the community and policy makers. This grant will fund an event and accompanying report to highlight the contributions of Black professionals in safeguarding Black children in the UK. The event will foreground anti-racist methods of knowledge creation and healing.
15/08/2022 £20,000 £24,237,000 THE ADOLESCENT AND CHILDREN'S TRUST (TACT) The Adolescent and Children's Trust (TACT) is the UK's largest dedicated fostering charity. This grant will enable the implementation of the start-up phase of the Care Experienced Movement which is a civil rights style organisation formed and run wholly by care experienced people. The start-up phase includes becoming a legal entity, establishing governance and policies, developing a staff group and drafting strategic and operational plans.
08/08/2022 £20,000 £30,931 CLASS 13 Class 13 supports teachers to recognise, reflect, and respond to their racial and wider biases so that all children can access an education that promotes free expression, as guaranteed to them by Article 13 of the UN convention on the Rights of the Child. This grant will fund the recruitment of two part-time employees to support the development and capacity building of Class13.
29/07/2022 £145,000 £4,210,182 GRAND JUNCTION AT ST MARY MAGDALENE'S Grand Junction is a community venue running activities for children and adults, and a public arts and music programme. This grant will support Grand Junction to work with primary schools in Paddington and Thanet, Kent, to improve speech, language and communication skills of children with English as an additional language and/or speech and language delay. The programme uses drama practice, storytelling and creative writing to support pupils facing multiple barriers in school to thrive as expressive communicators and deep thinkers.
18/07/2022 £200,000 £468,351 20 STORIES HIGH 20 Stories High is a theatre company creating work for and with young people in theatre venues and community spaces. This grant will support them to implement a revised vision and mission and develop a renewed focus on wellbeing, activism and new leadership and voices. This includes delivering an ambitious and inclusive programme of work made with communities. Together they aim to embed Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity and Activism (EDIA) at the heart of their work; create more work with and for Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists, participants and audiences; and diversify their leadership through new associate roles.
18/07/2022 £343,000 £3,180,165 42ND STREET Based in Manchester, 42nd Street supports young people with their mental health and wellbeing. This grant will support core staffing and artists fees as part of the continued development of The Horsfall - 42nd Street's dedicated, young person-curated, creative space that supports young people’s mental health and wellbeing programme.
18/07/2022 £259,000 AMBER FILM AND PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTIVE CIC Amber is a film and photography collective focused on documenting working class and marginalised lives and landscapes in North East England. This grant will support Amber to work collaboratively with two primary schools to adapt, deliver, trial and evaluate digital and hybrid models of its successful photography and filmmaking approach to supporting children's learning. The project will also develop continuing professional development for teachers in partnership with Newcastle University, produce a range of resources and explore these adapted models with other primary schools in North Tyneside.
18/07/2022 £150,000 £229,958 ANTI RACIST CUMBRIA Anti Racist Cumbria (ARC) exists to identify, challenge, tackle and end racism in Cumbria. It does this through projects that deal with the root causes of systemic racism in schools, businesses, communities and wider organisations. This grant will support the recruitment of a Grassroots Coordinator. The Coordinator will facilitate and amplify the voice of Cumbria’s Black and minoritised young people and support them in creating their own anti-racist projects.
18/07/2022 £120,000 £2,071,948 DISCOVER CHILDRENS STORY CENTRE Discover Children’s Story Centre is a venue dedicated to engaging and supporting children aged 0-11, families and teachers with creative approaches to literacy. This grant would enable Discover to respond to needs identified by teachers in East London schools relating to children's literacy and wellbeing. Discover plans to roll-out its Creative Wellbeing Project to 20 classes in five primary schools, over three years, using illustration, poetry, storytelling and a range of crafts to support children's development, wellbeing and learning.
18/07/2022 £254,000 £641,641 EAST EUROPEAN RESOURCE CENTRE East European Resource Centre (EERC) is an independent charity that provides information, advice, advocacy and voice to Eastern European migrants in London and beyond, particularly those who are experiencing disadvantage and exploitation. This grant will provide core funding to support EERC to grow its impact across service delivery, information resources and policy influencing.
18/07/2022 £240,000 £947,459 HOPE NOT HATE Hope not Hate aims to challenge racism and help build communities that are inclusive, celebrate shared identities and are resilient to hate. To do this, their work focuses on community action and engagement, research, training and educational services. This grant will support a project that aims to build resilience to hate messaging in towns in England and Wales and a stronger civic society with trust in the rule of law. Funding will support a network of leaders and organisations within towns who will respond to local needs and pressure points and share learning to enable rapid response to provocative elements.
18/07/2022 £160,000 £469,010 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK KRAN Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) relieves the hardship of refugees, asylum seekers and their dependents in Kent, providing advice, information, education and support. KRAN has established youth leadership at the organisational level by employing four Youth Ambassadors (YA) through its Youth Ambassadors Programme. This grant will support two more young people to become Youth Ambassadors, using their agency, influence and voice in the public domain.
18/07/2022 £150,000 £2,735,757 OXFORDSHIRE YOUTH Oxfordshire Youth (OY) is a youth development charity directly supporting young people in Oxfordshire and the grassroots leaders, volunteers and youth organisations who work with them. OY focuses on support for young people facing the most challenging transitions. This grant will fund the recruitment of a Youth Engagement Manager to proactively address barriers to engagement for the young people most affected by violence, leaving-care, homelessness and mental health. This will also help create the infrastructure needed to embed youth voice across its programmes.
18/07/2022 £150,000 £2,184,377 THE ALBERT KENNEDY TRUST The Albert Kennedy Trust (‘akt’) provides support, advice and guidance to young people aged 16-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ+) and who are homeless or living in a hostile environment. This grant will support recruitment of a dedicated Youth Engagement Manager to expand and develop an outreach project that will centre the needs and voices of the most marginalised young people. This will include developing the youth panel to work alongside the board to ensure mainstream housing providers have the skills and know-how to support people from the LGBTQ+ community.
18/07/2022 £145,000 £205,286 THE HUMMINGBIRD PROJECT The Hummingbird Project works with unaccompanied young people aged 12–25, who are claiming asylum and have been placed in accommodation in Sussex. It provides specialist one-to-one support and group activities, and also collaborates with young people through its Young Leaders programme to campaign and advocate nationally for better rights and protection. This grant will allow them to introduce a new, paid, ‘Ambassador’ role, recruited from the cohort of Young Leader graduates, as part of its vision to become more youth led. Funding will also contribute to various staff roles, providing additional capacity within the organisation to support its development and campaigning work.
18/07/2022 £195,000 THE3MILLION the3million is a campaign organisation for EU citizens in the UK, formed to protect the rights of people who have made the UK their home. This grant will part fund the3million’s communications, research and legal/policy analysis and parliamentary engagement and policy influencing functions.
18/07/2022 £104,000 BABY PEOPLE Baby People is a Black and minority ethnic led music and arts social enterprise that works with disadvantaged young people in Derby, Nottingham and Leicester. This grant will support Baby People to work with young people in alternative education provisions using their Hip Hop based social pedagogy to support engagement in learning.
18/07/2022 £305,000 £899,482 BERNIE GRANT ARTS CENTRE Core support towards the intertwined strands of the artistic and community programmes which enable the local communities of Tottenham to have a rich, meaningful cultural life.
18/07/2022 £260,000 £2,261,815 DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) is a centre for contemporary arts, that enables audiences, artists and participants to see, experience and create. This grant will support DCA in partnership with LUX Scotland and Collective to bring lasting, systemic change in the Scottish arts sector for disabled artists and arts professionals. This programme of research, evaluation and commissioning will create opportunities for meaningful organisational developments to ensure the institutions and their programmes better reflect society.
18/07/2022 £150,000 £3,071,032 FIGHT FOR PEACE INTERNATIONAL Fight For Peace works with young people via boxing and martial arts as part of a holistic methodology which includes Education, Employability, Support Services, and Youth Leadership. This grant will support development of an updated youth leadership strategy and framework, which will be packaged and shared with its network of partners. This will support its vision to enhance participation within youth and sports clubs across the UK.
18/07/2022 £90,000 £219,810 NEW EUROPEANS UK New Europeans UK (NEUK) supports vulnerable EU citizens and their family members to obtain and manage the immigration status that they require to continue living and working in the UK. Since 2021, NEUK has coordinated the EUSS Alliance, a coalition of more than 80 advice organisations serving EU citizens. This grant will help NEUK grow its strategic functions and address the lack of influencing capacity among EU citizen-focused civil society organisations. It will collect evidence and data generated by members of the EUSS Alliance and expand its research, policy and advocacy work to establish the need for specific support for EU citizens.
18/07/2022 £72,000 OPUS INDEPENDENTS LTD Opus Independents creates platforms for independent information and communication, which amplify voices within the local economy, voluntary, community and campaign sectors. This grant will fund a specialist community correspondent to research and report on issues related to migration and race in Sheffield and South Yorkshire for its existing independent media platform, Now Then Magazine. Through this work, Opus also plans to support local advocacy and campaigning for migrant rights and share practice and learning with a UK network of independent media.
18/07/2022 £220,000 £16,858,000 ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) is a dance education charity that delivers multiple initiatives that engage a range of target audiences in dance. This grant will support the provision of the RADiate programme of inclusive and accessible dance for primary-aged children with special educational needs and disabilities. Funding also supports early career dance artists and RAD BA Ballet Education degree students via paid assistantships and mentored placements creating pathways into inclusive dance teaching.
18/07/2022 £136,000 £509,915 SOUTH RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SRCDC) South Riverside Community Development Centre (SRCDC) is a community development charity, which aims to address deprivation, facilitate civic engagement and build social cohesion in the South Riverside and nearby areas of Cardiff. This grant will enable SRCDC to recruit a community organiser and two community connectors who will co-produce an influencing model with the support of Bevan Foundation. Through this work, SRCDC will develop an action plan that aims to strengthen civil society relationships in Wales and resolve tensions by listening, offering support and fundraising for joint work.
18/07/2022 £232,000 £148,548 SPEECH BUBBLES CIO Speech Bubbles delivers drama programmes for young children with communication needs and supports other theatres to do the same. This grant will fund core costs to support organisational development and expand the reach of the central Speech Bubbles programme to benefit children aged 5-7 with speech, language and communication needs.
18/07/2022 £100,000 TURF PROJECTS Turf Projects is a grassroots, artist-run, free, contemporary art space in Croydon which hosts two artist collectives, MOSS (a collective of local learning disabled artists) and Art Press (a collective of Croydon artists aged 13-18). This grant will support these collectives to regain their access to the arts post pandemic, promote collaboration, fund associated staff costs and develop an impact measurement system.
18/07/2022 £150,000 £198,627 MUSEUM OF HOMELESSNESS Museum of Homelessness (MoH) educates on homelessness through their artistic work and public programme. They take practical action to support the homeless community and fight injustice through research and campaigning. This grant supports MoH to pilot and develop a new creative community asset in Finsbury Park, employing and supporting people with experience of homelessness in key creative and community building roles; commissioning exceptional artists from marginalised backgrounds to make participatory work; deepening community action and agency and growing campaigning and influencing work.
12/07/2022 £15,000 ENACT EQUALITY LTD Enact Equality works to advance racial justice and equality in the UK. This grant will provide core costs to support their work advocating for race equality and creating system change. This involves influencing decision-making, empowering young people from disadvantaged or racialised backgrounds, and working with leaders to foster equality, social justice and tangible change
07/07/2022 £7,500 THE ARTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY The Arts Development Company is a Dorset based social enterprise which engages and collaborates with marginalised young people through creative programmes to nurture and increase their life chances. This grant will fund the creation of a steering group of young people who will lead meetings and attend training and development to support the sustainability of the Act for Change Together Festival.
06/07/2022 £30,000 £3,462,439 FRIENDS PROVIDENT FOUNDATION Friends Provident Foundation is an independent charity that makes grants and uses its endowment towards a fair and sustainable economic system that serves society. They aim to connect, fund, invest and share learning to shape an economy that works for all. This grant is a contribution towards the research costs of the Foundation Practice Rating (FPR), which rates UK foundations on their accountability, representation and transparency on an annual basis.
24/05/2022 £250,000 £86,197,000 COMIC RELIEF Comic Relief is a charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. This pooled fund will support the intersection of migration, racial injustice, popular culture and social change working with organisations at the cutting edge of this work. The programme aims to embed a comprehensive learning approach in order to strengthen and grow the field in the UK.
24/05/2022 £150,000 £495,526 YMCA GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant provides core funding to the Centre for Youth Impact to support quality evaluation in the youth sector over the next three years in order to build a shared evidence base for the impact of provision, alongside re-balancing evaluation efforts towards continuous quality improvement.
24/05/2022 £100,000 £495,526 YMCA GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE YMCA George Williams College - incorporating The Centre for Youth Impact - is a community of UK organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant provides core support to the Centre, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
16/05/2022 £192,500 £1,938,176 DERBY QUAD LTD QUAD is an international centre for engagement in contemporary art and film based in Derby. Following a successful pilot of the School in Residence programme from 2018-2020, this grant supports QUAD to develop and expand their school partnerships. The organisation matches their team of artist-practitioners to the needs of individual schools, delivering creative workshops in filmmaking, photography, digital art, dance, spoken word, sculpture and painting.
16/05/2022 £180,000 £271,894 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Heads Together is a community arts organisation based in East Leeds that uses the arts to support communities to reach their potential. This grant provides core support to develop UNION: The Northern School for Creativity and Activism; and to create a community of learning across the north of England involving individuals and organisations who are at all stages of learning around the themes of creativity, activism and co-production.
16/05/2022 £250,000 £580,250 HMDT MUSIC HMDT Music support schools in London, Luton, Lancashire and Stoke-on-Trent to embed arts-based practice into the curriculum, with a focus on improving diversity, equity and inclusion. This grant supports HMDT Music to develop teacher continuing professional development, teaching resources and training and mentoring for new arts educators.
16/05/2022 £250,000 £813,643 NEW WRITING NORTH New Writing North aim to increase community-led cultural provision and facilitate community-based cultural leadership in the Newbiggin Estate and Scotswood and Benwell areas of Newcastle. The programme will further their co-creative practice with Creative Producers working on the ground to develop relationships and respond to community need and barriers.
16/05/2022 £126,000 £531,923 OILY CART COMPANY LTD Oily Cart makes interactive theatre for groups that experience profound barriers to access and participation. This grant will support the organisation to increase access to high-quality interactive theatre for disabled children who experience multiple barriers to the arts. A blended approach of live and ‘at home’ experiences will embed learnings from the period of lockdown, which opened up opportunities to those previously excluded. Oily Cart will increase under-represented audiences and engagement through creative, family workshops and working groups, designed to ignite a step-change in the disabled community’s agency to participate in, influence and lead theatre.
16/05/2022 £197,500 £4,056,224 PRS FOUNDATION PRS Foundation funds new music across all genres, supporting artist and audience development across the UK. They enable songwriters and composers of all backgrounds to achieve their potential and reach global audiences. This grant supports Power Up - an ambitious, long-term initiative supporting Black music creators and industry professionals, which seeks to address anti-Black racism and racial disparities in the UK music sector.
16/05/2022 £20,000 ALLEYNE & Alleyne & is a team of associates brought together and headed up by Suzanne Alleyne who support organisations and people to create more equitable spaces. This grant will support the recruitment of a Project Manager to deliver funded sector work and provide an innovative approach to organisational development. This includes access support for critical talks on power and delivery of online distribution, developing the workshop ‘Sustainable Brilliance’ and supporting the Alleyne & brand to increase profile and impact.
16/05/2022 £120,000 BEACON FILMS CIC Beacon Films is a production and training company of 43 disabled, autistic and neurodivergent film-makers based in Newcastle upon Tyne. This grant supports Beacon Films to test, grow and share practical ways to improve inclusion for disabled people in the creative screen industries.
16/05/2022 £68,000 BRUISER THEATRE COMPANY Based in Northern Ireland, Bruiser Theatre Company is a physical theatre company that nurtures new professionals and reaches out to communities. This project will explore and test a blended approach to supporting drama education in Northern Irish secondary schools. This grant supports Bruiser Theatre Company to deliver a consistent free provision of workshops, teacher continuing professional development and mentorship to embed skills throughout the programme.
16/05/2022 £115,000 DIY THEATRE COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY DIY is a member-led Learning Disability theatre company based in Salford. They create accessible, thought-provoking theatre and creative projects where learning disabled performers, theatre-makers and arts leaders are valued as part of the cultural sector and society. This grant supports DIY to provide a three-year bespoke leadership training programme, creating more development opportunities and career pathways for emerging learning disabled artists. Through the programme DIY will address structural inequalities in the cultural sector, promote the value of lived experience leadership and challenge systemic ableism and limited perceptions of people with learning disabilities.
16/05/2022 £102,000 LAKES INTERNATIONAL COMIC ART FESTIVAL The Lakes International Comic Art Festival (LICAF) celebrates the wide diversity of comics through an annual event and runs a year-round programme addressing social issues through the unique properties of comics. This grant supports LICAF to work with a small group of primary schools and specialist SEND settings in Barrow-in-Furness and North Yorkshire to explore how comics can positively affect children’s enjoyment of and motivation to read, and support their wider literacy development. The project will also work with teachers to support them to integrate comics into teaching and learning across curriculum areas.
16/05/2022 £52,000 £2,281,284 POLKA CHILDREN'S THEATRE The Polka Children’s Theatre presents visiting shows for 0–12-year-olds alongside creative learning programmes, providing participation opportunities for schools and the community. This grant supports their Write Here Write Now project for Year 3 children in the London Borough of Merton, whose teachers identify that they are not reaching their full potential in literacy and may have low confidence. Drama practitioners from Polka Children's Theatre work alongside teachers to establish the needs of each group, and deliver bespoke programmes using drama and play-based learning to support creative writing and confidence-building.
16/05/2022 £20,000 £296,176 REACH VOLUNTEERING Reach Volunteering is the leading skills-based volunteering charity and the UK’s single biggest source of trustees for the voluntary sector. This grant will support Reach to work with grassroots and micro organisations, design and implement equality, diversity and inclusion monitoring for organisations which use the service and evaluate impact and explore emerging needs. It will also support trialling culture change work, based on centring volunteers' intrinsic values and developing narratives which foreground values like solidarity, care, agency and purpose.
16/05/2022 £105,000 £298,369 THE TENEBRAE CHOIR Tenebrae is a vocal ensemble that performs internationally and delivers a growing education and outreach programme. Building on pilot work with a primary school partner in the borough of Ealing, this grant supports Tenebrae to develop a singing programme in four local primary schools, engaging with each school for three years. This initiative aims to build a sustainable culture of singing to support learning in music and across other curriculum areas.
16/05/2022 £120,000 £1,029,914 THEATRE PECKHAM Theatre Peckham is a Black-led performing arts academy providing education and access to the theatre and film industry for children and young people experiencing disadvantage who live in Southwark. This grant provides core support to strengthen their staff structure, and to enable the Artistic Director to test and develop new approaches, supporting more young people at the grassroots to magnify their talent and impact.
16/05/2022 £280,000 UNLIMITED Unlimited is an arts commissioning body that supports, funds and promotes new work by disabled artists for UK and international audiences. This grant supports Unlimited to maintain and develop the role of Artist Support Manager to deliver improved support to disabled artists and share best practice with the sector. This will include providing peer-to-peer artist sessions, supporting organisations to design and deliver accessible commissioning processes and redesigning evaluation processes.
11/05/2022 £12,000 £142,984 ASYLOS Asylos is a charity that works to deliver the just protection of law to vulnerable people fleeing persecution. This grant will support Asylos to work with an experienced consultant to address questions around the organisational definition of "lived experience", monitor the state of lived experience representation, the rationale for furthering lived experience engagement, accountability, mechanisms for increased representation and support to people with lived experience within Asylos.
11/05/2022 £40,000 £614,921 BLACK SOUTH WEST NETWORK Black South West Network (BSWN) works to build strong Black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities, businesses and organisations that are empowered to flourish while challenging systemic barriers in order to address racial inequality. This grant supports evaluation of their model for racial justice work, giving BSWN the space to reflect, refine the framework and evaluate their impact.
11/05/2022 £10,000 £6,640,000 REFUGEE ACTION Refugee Action protects refugees' right to live in safety and dignity through the provision of advice, practical support and advocacy. This grant provides follow-on funding to support the dissemination of Refugee Action’s national legal advice mapping report which provides research into the provision of, and demand for, legal immigration advice.
09/05/2022 £240,000 £3,469,263 CENTRAL ENGLAND LAW CENTRE Central England Law Centre (CELC) provides free legal advice and representation in the areas of community care, discrimination, employment, family, housing, immigration and asylum, and more. This grant will support the delivery of CELC’s Rights in the Community Strategy. This five-year strategy seeks to shift CELC’s community outreach, public legal education, partnership-working and strategic policy-influencing towards a community-driven model.
09/05/2022 £150,000 £1,030,634 GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD Grapevine is a Coventry-based charity that supports people with learning disabilities and autism to gain more voice, choice and control over their lives. CYA is the autonomous youth-led social movement at the heart of Grapevine’s transitions work. This grant will invest in the Community Organiser roles, which will support Grapevine to further develop their youth-led social action work and enhance its impact.
09/05/2022 £240,000 £1,738,939 ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Islington Law Centre (ILC) supports marginalised people, achieving positive outcomes for clients and securing policy and practice change through strategic legal and policy work. This grant will support collaborative, strategic work by Islington Law Centre's three migration focused teams: Migrant Law Project, Migrant and Refugee Children's Legal Unit and the Community Facing Immigration Team.
09/05/2022 £120,000 £984,453 JUSTICE JUSTICE is a law reform and human rights organisation, carrying out research to generate and evaluate recommendations to reform the justice system. With this grant, JUSTICE will support the Home Office to implement the recommendations of its Windrush Compensation Scheme research and use the learnings of the Windrush scheme to influence wider systematic change within the immigration system. The grant will also support JUSTICE to apply the lessons learned from the Windrush Report to other Home Office schemes that have similar issues, and subsequently their wider immigration casework.
09/05/2022 £400,000 £612,925 ACTION FOR RACE EQUALITY Action for Race Equality (ARE) works to end race inequality for Black, Asian and mixed heritage communities. This grant provides funds for ARE to deliver a programme of rapid small grants to support grassroot organisations responding to immediate need, with a focus on keeping the issue visible in public, media and politics via cultural interventions and strengthening these civil society organisations in the Windrush space. An advisory committee, including lived experience leaders, will support the programme.
09/05/2022 £150,000 £358,953 CHILDREN ENGLAND Children England is an independent, membership organisation for the children, young people and families voluntary sector. They work to improve the context for England’s children by harnessing the expertise of their network, via policy and campaigning. This grant will support the next phase of the youth-led ‘ChildFair State’ movement. This work aims to re-design the welfare state, with children and young people’s needs at its heart. Children England will widen the network of young people engaged in the movement, pilot ideas identified in the first phase of the programme, and deliver an accompanying campaign.
09/05/2022 £90,000 EDGE NORTH EAST CIC Based in Newcastle, Edge North East specialises in supporting young people affected by serious youth violence, gangs and criminal exploitation, including County Lines. This grant will enable Edge North East to embed their women and girls project long term, continue their unique mentoring service and undertake an evaluation. Influencing work drawing on lived experience of the impact of gangs, grooming and exploitation on young women, will advocate for a better systemic response.
09/05/2022 £90,000 £319,157 ESTEEM ESTEEM offers young adults aged 14-26 opportunities to develop confidence, build life-skills and improve wellbeing. This grant will fund core costs to support organisational strategy development and broaden ESTEEM’s impact on social change. A dedicated fundraiser will allow the organisation to strategically integrate greater youth voice in the regional consortia (Changing Futures), build more sustainable income streams and strengthen partnership work with other youth organisations and sectors to deepen impact.
09/05/2022 £120,000 REVOKE Revoke is a grassroots organisation advocating for the rights and welfare of underserved young people, particularly refugees, asylum seekers, and those in the care system. This grant will enable Revoke to give a platform for young people to address how social issues such as housing, economics and the climate crisis affect displaced people. They will do this through a wide range of partnerships – connecting young people in the migration system to other social movements, training and mentorship.
21/04/2022 £50,000 £220,787 EUROPIA Europia is a community development organisation committed to supporting and empowering Eastern European nationals in Greater Manchester. This grant will support Europia to provide immigration advice and advocacy support for new arrivals from Ukraine. They will also provide financial aid through small emergency grants, and work with local authorities to better understand the needs of Ukrainian communities.
16/04/2022 £20,000 POSITIVE MONEY Positive Money is a not-for-profit research and campaigning organisation who lead on money and banking reform. Their vision is for a money and banking system that serves a fair, democratic and sustainable economy. They carry out grass-roots campaigns, undertake research, lobbying and advocacy work and lead an international reform movement. This grant will increase Positive Money’s capacity for narrative-shaping work on key systemic money and banking issues, and for mobilising the public to apply pressure on decision-makers at key opportunities. It will also fund reactive work challenging damaging narratives in the media, and part fund a new senior digital campaigner.
01/04/2022 £90,000 £274,257 OUTBURST ARTS Outburst Arts is dedicated to exploring and celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender stories and experiences through the arts in Northern Ireland. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
18/03/2022 £60,000 £816,054 GENDERED INTELLIGENCE Gendered Intelligence works to make the world safer and more accepting for young trans people by providing information to the people around them including schools, employers and healthcare professionals. They provide direct support to young people through peer groups and residentials. This grant provides continued core support for the organisation’s staff to develop their management and leadership skills to complement their lived experience. This will enhance the growth of the organisation’s asset-based work with young people and increase impact at an individual level.
17/03/2022 £100,000 £4,478,000 THE JUSTICE TOGETHER INITIATIVE The Justice Together Initiative is a funder collaboration that offers funding and support to grant partners to build the power and influence of people with lived and learned experience of the immigration system and embed anti-racism strategies. Through grant-making and collaboration, they aim to connect lived experience, front-line advice and influencing strategies to create lasting change. This grant contributes to funds for grantees Eastern European Resource Centre and Work Rights Centre to increase their advice capacity for those affected by the war in Ukraine and respond to growing demand for immigration advice.
14/03/2022 £75,000 ACT ON IT Act On It is a social enterprise using drama to raise achievement with groups experiencing disadvantage. This grant supports Act On It to work with students in Pupil Referral Units and schools for children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties in East Sussex and Buckinghamshire. They will re-engage young people in learning through drama and improve their oracy, communication skills and confidence. They will also support teachers to develop and sustain drama-based practice in non-mainstream educational settings.
14/03/2022 £236,000 OPEN RIGHTS GROUP Open Rights Group (ORG) is a digital campaigning organisation working to protect people’s rights to privacy and free speech online. They work to raise awareness of the threats of technological developments to human rights and challenge them through public campaigns, legal actions, policy interventions and tech projects. This grant supports ORG to carry out cross-sector challenges to data discrimination and exploitation policies and practices within the UK immigration system, through advocacy, campaigns and a network of 25 migrants’ rights groups.
14/03/2022 £209,000 £2,203,126 PRAXIS Praxis support migrants to have a voice, live in safety, meet their basic needs and overcome barriers to integration. They host and support Brighter Futures, a group of young people aged 16-25 who work together to speak up for young migrants and their rights and challenge negative perceptions of migration in the UK. This grant supports the continuation of Brighter Futures who campaign on the issues that affect them, with the support of a Youth Coordinator and partner Kazzum Arts. The group will be supported to deliver interventions that challenge discrimination and influence public debate.
14/03/2022 £50,000 SWITCH UP CIC Based in Nottingham, Switch Up works with children and young people who are at risk of or already involved with gang and criminal activity. They use a combination of sports, peer mentoring and coaching to help around 250 young people a year to transform their lives and move away from offending behaviour. This grant provides core funding for the setup of Switch Up’s new centre in Mansfield which will extend the organisation’s reach to young people.
14/03/2022 £201,000 £900,192 THE DUNCAIRN (THROUGH 174 TRUST) The Duncairn delivers a programme of live music, workshops and participatory arts events from their base in North Belfast. As part of a community-based charity, they work to develop young artists and break down barriers to participation for those from minoritised groups and those experiencing structural disadvantage. This grant provides core support for The Duncairn’s work with new communities, including the development of new pathways to showcase emerging artists and community voice through their arts programming and organisational structures.
14/03/2022 £257,000 £443,533 THE VOICES FOUNDATION The Voices Foundation aims help schools, academies, Music Education Hubs and other partners across the UK to establish sustainable and effective music education in their settings. This grant provides core support to The Voices Foundation to improve, research and scale their teacher-facing Singing Schools programmes in partnership with schools and academies across England.
14/03/2022 £90,000 UNITED LEGAL ACCESS United Legal Access (ULA) provides low-cost legal support in the community. They focus on providing legal assistance, legal education and advocating on behalf of migrant and ethnic minority groups, individuals and communities that are often marginalised, discriminated against and facing injustice. This grant supports the supervision, coordination and administration of ULA's Windrush compensation support alongside increased digital promotion and outreach to support more people affected by the Windrush scandal.
14/03/2022 £145,000 ALEXANDRA PRIMARY SCHOOL Voices for the Future is a collaboration between Collage Arts, Alexandra Palace and a cohort of Five Haringey primary schools led by Alexandra Primary. Arts practitioners and teachers will develop and embed a multi-disciplinary arts approach to teaching and learning with a particular focus on improving oracy.
14/03/2022 £71,000 ASPIRATION CREATION ELEVATION CIC Aspiration Creation Elevation (ACE) is a social enterprise that supports young people in inner-city Bristol through arts activities, mentoring and inspirational experiences. It works with young people experiencing economic marginalisation, particularly those affected by gangs, struggling with education or employment or from racialised communities. This grant supports ACE to enhance their outreach and expand activities, and to strengthen the organisation’s core infrastructure and financial sustainability.
14/03/2022 £90,000 £413,461 BELONG - MAKING JUSTICE HAPPEN Belong supports victims and perpetrators of crime by working with young people and adults in custodial and community settings. This grant supports Belong as they grow and build their specialist work with young people in contact with the criminal justice system with multiple complex needs. Core support for the role of Development Manager will enable Belong to focus on supporting young people who face an intersection of challenges.
14/03/2022 £150,000 BOURNE WESTFIELD PRIMARY ACADEMY VIA KEYSTONE ACADEMY TRUST An enquiry based immersive programme focusing on lower KS2 to raise engagement and attainment in English using music and journalistic digital media. Exploring text using music the project will aim to build sold foundations in oracy, vocabulary, reading and comprehension, aiming to improve writing and close the progress gap for vulnerable children
14/03/2022 £200,000 BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL Bradford Literature Festival (BLF) is an annual arts event and year-round cultural outreach programme based in Bradford. They aim to create high quality cultural activity and build stronger communities through dialogue, cohesion and promotion of intercultural fluency. This grant supports BLF to establish a year-round community engagement programme which will transform social inclusion, accessibility and representation for working-class and marginalised communities. Specifically, funding will support a full-time Community Manager, regular community consultation events, co-created programming and evaluation of the programme.
14/03/2022 £100,000 COMMUNITY ARTS BY ZK Community Arts by ZK is a young lived experience-led participatory visual arts organisation rooted in the working-class South Asian Muslim community of Pendle in Lancashire. They devise art projects serving their community alongside refugees and asylum seekers and white British communities. Their participatory work provides space for community interaction and cohesion. This grant provides core support for a three-year programme of work and enables the organisation to build their capacity, sustainability and impact.
14/03/2022 £90,000 £878,963 DFN PROJECT SEARCH DFN Project SEARCH supports young people with learning disabilities and autism to make positive transitions from education to employment. This grant supports the development of a newly established Youth Advisory Group, made up of ten young people with learning disabilities and autism from across the UK. The group will lead campaigns, conduct outreach with peers, and work with partners.
14/03/2022 £117,500 LANSBURY LAWRENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL A partnership between Lansbury Lawrence Primary School, 5 other primaries in Tower Hamlets, Akram Khan Dance Company and Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service, this project aims to develop teachers' skills and knowledge to confidently plan and deliver dance across the curriculum, and to enable children to tell stories and express themselves through movement.
14/03/2022 £111,500 £277,850 LIVE MUSIC NOW SCOTLAND A partnership between Live Music Now Scotland, South Ayrshire local authority’s Creative Learning Network and all five Additional Support Needs schools in South Ayrshire, this project aims to develop teachers' confidence, knowledge and skills in using music to support students’ language and communication.
14/03/2022 £76,500 £154,890 MED THEATRE MED Theatre is a community theatre focusing on rural participation and widening access to high-quality arts. They take inspiration from rural Devon to create original performances with professional artists, young people and multigenerational communities. This grant supports MED Theatre to co-construct a programme in primary and secondary school settings to address the learning needs of students in rurally isolated Dartmoor. Teachers will take part in bespoke professional development. Secondary students will build technical, organisational and creative skills for work readiness, and Year 6 pupils will be matched with mentors from their prospective secondary school to build creative skills and confidence.
14/03/2022 £118,000 £2,067,057 ORCHESTRA OF THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) is a world leading orchestra who work with artists to nurture the next generation of musicians. They deliver a national education and outreach programme aimed at reaching people with least access to the arts. This grant supports OAE to partner with schools in London and Ipswich, one mainstream secondary school and one SEND school in each location. They will co-create programmes that support transferable skills building for students, while modelling music-based practice for teachers and wider staff.
14/03/2022 £150,000 £514,708 PEACOCK AND THE WORM The Peacock and the Worm will develop accessible printing practices to inform cross-curricular, arts-based pedagogies with small schools across rural Aberdeenshire. Processes will scaffold visual literacy, promote a growth mindset and will challenge perceptions of how visual arts operate by embedding printing across curricula. Printmaking will be utilised to meet the needs of children, especially in composite classes with mixed skill levels, as an art form with buildable skills, such as pattern finding, measuring, proportion with wide applications from conveying information, to design and illustration.
14/03/2022 £90,000 £100,804 POLICY CENTRE FOR AFRICAN PEOPLES (PCAP) The Policy Centre for African Peoples (PCAP) works to enable African and people of all ethnic backgrounds experiencing disadvantage to improve their lives through education, leadership development and social engagement. Their unique 6-step programme is inspired by African philosophy to train participants across their three areas of activity. This grant provides core support for PCAP to develop their Youth Innovation Fellowship programme, which will provide young people with a personal support package tailored to their needs.
14/03/2022 £150,000 £697,645 RUBICON DANCE Rubicon Dance is partnering with six Welsh primary schools in and around Cardiff, to develop teachers' knowledge and skills in teaching dance across the new Curriculum for Wales.
14/03/2022 £25,000 £604,360 SHEFFIELD YOUNG CARERS Sheffield Young Carers is a Sheffield-based charity which provides support to children and young people aged 8-25 who provide significant unpaid care to family members. This grant provides strategic support for the organisation to pilot the role of Coordinator over the course of one year, to maintain and grow the Young Carers National Voice network and impact.
14/03/2022 £120,000 £244,489 THE MIDI MUSIC COMPANY Midi Music is a music education and talent development charity that nurtures children and young people and supports them in their creative ambitions. This grant provides core support for Midi Music to continue providing affordable music education and pathways to further and higher education for children and young people. This support will enable Midi Music to work with over 4,000 11-30 year-olds each year across ten core music programmes.
14/03/2022 £90,000 £162,518 TOTAL INSIGHT THEATRE Total Insight Theatre uses the arts to provide support and opportunities for children and young people to overcome barriers to progress and reach their full potential. This grant provides core support for senior staff to diversify and sustain income for the organisation, and work with their Trustees to embed their programme further across Leicestershire, Warwickshire, West Yorkshire, London and Kent. The role of Participation Coordinator will allow young people to co-produce the organisation’s 2023-26 strategy and formalise existing youth participation in decision-making and delivery.
14/03/2022 £145,500 £337,280 TRESTLE THEATRE COMPANY Trestle Theatre Company is partnering with 8 primary schools in Luton and Stevenage, Royal Opera House Bridge and the University of Hertfordshire to explore how drama- and storytelling-based teaching approaches can support students' speech, language and communication needs.
14/03/2022 £75,000 £302,286 YOUNG WOMENS OUTREACH PROJECT Young Women’s Outreach Project supports young women in Gateshead who are excluded from education or experiencing complex crises, through the provision of holistic support by staff with lived experience. This grant provides core support to the organisation’s strategic development including the development of a new youth board which will incorporate youth voice in the organisation’s delivery and influencing activities.
14/03/2022 £243,000 £1,241,460 Z-ARTS Based in Hulme, Z-arts is an arts and theatre venue, offering activities, shows and events for children and families. This grant supports Z-arts to partner with One Tenth Human theatre company to deliver Toni and the Time Machine, a project to develop a digital-based approach to engaging children in learning about science. Working with 20 schools over three years, learning from the project will contribute to the development of a creative curriculum across schools in Manchester.
01/03/2022 £250,000 £24,666,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE DEC The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is made up of 14 member charities specialising in humanitarian aid and in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when the DEC launch an appeal. This grant contributes to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, which has the primary focus of supporting internally displaced people and refugees fleeing the conflict with cash grants, food packages, warm clothing and shelter.
01/03/2022 £60,000 £355,253 PEER POWER YOUTH Peer Power supports young people with lived experience of the criminal justice, social services, and mental health systems, empowering them to advocate for positive change. This grant provides follow-on support for Peer Power to develop a youth-led communications strategy which will amplify the lived experience and priorities of young people, as well as reach more young people through the organisation’s co-production training.
22/02/2022 £20,000 £495,526 YMCA GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant supports The Centre’s work with national and regional partners, particularly partners working with minoritised groups, to disseminate a sector-wide survey on young people’s voice and power. This will improve the reach of the survey and overall data collection and quality.
18/02/2022 £20,000 ALL PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP FOR CREATIVE DIVERSITY The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Creative Diversity is a cross-party group in UK Parliament established to bring together policymakers, industry and academia to identify and tackle obstacles to diversity in the creative sector. This grant supports the APPG in their project Pathways Through Creative Education which seeks to understand ‘what works’ in supporting diversity in creative education and talent pipelines, with a focus on support for those aged 16 and over. Research will include an examination of formal tertiary education and programmes operating outside of formal education settings.
18/02/2022 £30,000 £2,062,660 BIG CHANGE Big Change is a charitable trust that works with partners to influence a society where every young person is set up to thrive. Through their community of supporters, they direct funds and provide support to pioneers and projects that deliver bold approaches to change. This grant contributes to Big Change’s Subject to Change research programme on models of education and learning reform. Funding will help to ensure youth agency and leadership within the programme, in the form of a team of Youth Associates, Students as Researchers and focus groups with young people from underrepresented communities.
14/02/2022 £20,000 SHEBA ARTS Sheba Arts is a female and diverse-led company responding to the challenges of misrepresentation, or lack of representation, of communities in arts and culture. They support local communities, including those who have migrated or are seeking asylum, through artistic projects across Greater Manchester. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/02/2022 £15,000 BLACK IN DATA Black in Data is a new collaborative movement for people of colour, striving to promote equality of opportunity and representation within the data industry. They aim to elevate people of colour through learning and development, and by providing a supportive and empowering nationwide network of members. This grant supports Black in Data to develop a software that will be used to automate how mentees select their mentors, building in a higher degree of success than manual selection. This will foster a deeper and more meaningful mentoring experience for both mentors and mentees.
08/02/2022 £7,000 £381,177 ALLIANCE PUBLISHING TRUST The Alliance Publishing Trust (APT) aims to provide the global philanthropy sector with independent opinion, expert debate and trusted insight, through events, newsletters, and quarterly print and online magazine Alliance. This grant supports the APT to contribute to greater effectiveness of grant giving through their provision of daily short form content, weekly long form content and monthly discussion events covering key global philanthropy issues.
08/02/2022 £20,000 CULTURE COUNTS Culture Counts is a network of arts, heritage and creative industries organisations in Scotland. They work to protect and develop the culture sector for the common good. This grant supports the development of a co-learning network for equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts, heritage, screen and creative industries alongside work on place and cultural democracy, working to establish how to better connect local planning to arts and culture.
04/02/2022 £35,000 £1,319,290 ASSOCIATION OF CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) is the membership body for UK foundations and grant-making charities. Their work encompasses policy and advocacy, research and information, and a wide-ranging programme of events and learning. This grant supports ACF’s Members’ Policy Forum, an initiative that aims to increase opportunities for all members to engage directly with ACF’s policy work, raise issues of interest and concern, and regularly engage with policy-makers in government.
04/02/2022 £30,000 £1,236,966 NAVCA The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) is the only national membership body specifically for local sector support and development organisations (also known as local infrastructure) in England. Alongside their members, NAVCA are part of the movement for local social action. This grant supports policy and influencing work around the UK government’s ‘Levelling Up’ agenda. NAVCA will use its network of members to gather intelligence, create space to share thinking, and influence a positive future for communities.
01/02/2022 £60,000 £965,616 ANTI TRIBALISM MOVEMENT The Anti Tribalism Movement (ATM) was founded in 2010 by a group of young Somalis who wanted to address tribe-based conflict, discrimination and inequalities affecting the Somali-British community. This grant supports continued development and growth of ATM’s new community hub through the recruitment of a Community Hub Manager. Funding will also support the organisation to increase their financial sustainability, increase opportunities for young people and enhance their community influencing.
18/01/2022 £4,500 £764,057 MIGRANTS ORGANISE LTD Migrants Organise is a shared organising platform for refugees and migrants acting together for justice. This grant supports the production of Still We Rise, a podcast created by the grassroots community of people seeking asylum in Coventry about the impact of the hostile environment on their lives.
13/01/2022 £15,000 £267,826 ASYLUM MATTERS Asylum Matters works to improve the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum through social and political change. By mobilising and coordinating local, regional and national advocacy work, they aim to increase the impact of campaigns to secure improvements to asylum policy and practice. This grant supports Asylum Matters to deliver a campaign in response to the Nationality and Borders Bill, specifically to increase public and political opposition to the two-tier system of protection proposed by the bill, and to demonstrate the harmful impact of the proposals on Afghans fleeing the Taliban.
16/12/2021 £1,000,000 £59,827,000 ESMEE FAIRBAIRN FOUNDATION LocalMotion is a joint initiative by six funders to support communities in a more radical, joined-up way. The funders consortium – made up of Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Tudor Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, City Bridge Trust and Lankelly Chase Foundation – will support LocalMotion to work with local partners who want to find solutions to the social and environmental issues on their doorstep. This grant supports the development phase of the consortium, identifying partners and priorities in six local places across England and Wales.
13/12/2021 £15,000 £15,951 BREAKFAST CLUBS AGAINST RACISM Breakfast Clubs Against Racism aims to tackle racism by educating young people across the UK on how racism manifests in society and how to combat it. This grant supports the development of two types of workshops in community breakfast clubs and school groups for Years 6, 7 and 8. Workshops will focus on teaching children about racism and how it affects multiple aspects of life in the UK, giving young people leadership skills and self-confidence to make a difference.
13/12/2021 £13,103 CAMILLE LESFORIS Camille Lesforis is the founder of The Black Wellbeing Collective, a platform that aims to empower and equip the Black community with accessible talks, self-care sessions, creative workshops and holistic practices. This grant supports the research stage to inform the creation of impactful content and services that address user needs, particularly informed by racialised trauma and healing.
13/12/2021 £15,000 DAWN IRVING ARTIST NAME FOX IRVING Fox Irving is an artist whose work is shaped by the liminal, precarious identity they inhabit as queer/femme/working class. With a playful, DIY approach informed by activist strategies and centring collaboration, Fox investigates how art can be used as a tool of empowerment by marginalised communities. This grant supports Fox to create a ‘Big Sister’ network, joining women from lower socio-economic backgrounds with practising female working class artists. The project will aim to create a long-term, replicable programme to develop the skills, opportunities and voices of all participants.
13/12/2021 £15,000 ELIZABETH JAMIESON Send it to Alex is a service provider of Business Assistance and HR with a social purpose to bridge the employment gap for neurodivergent and disabled people. This grant supports Send it to Alex to collate diversity and inclusion data and experiences of applicants and employers which will provide insights into the challenges faced by people with access needs or diverse learning styles. These insights will enable organisations to address and develop their procedures and policies to be more inclusive, reducing the disability employment gap.
13/12/2021 £15,000 EMMA HOUSTON Emma Houston is a third sector consultant and facilitator focusing on supporting social change across Scotland, and founder of Scotland’s Changemakers. This grant supports the development of Scotland’s Changemakers as a social innovation think tank which will create space for discussion, research and small-scale tests of change. The think tank will highlight the needs of the third sector in Scotland and address funding challenges.
13/12/2021 £15,000 FAUVE ALICE BICKERSTAFFE Fauve Alice is a performance maker, artist and professional care worker. This grant supports the creation of the Carers Staffroom, a space for domiciliary care workers to come together, understand their workers’ rights, and find a collective voice to lobby for better working conditions across agencies. Fauve Alice will explore what can be learned from the conditions of the pandemic to capitalise on current public awareness of the role that care workers play in society and creatively reimagine care.
13/12/2021 £13,800 IRFAN ZAMAN Irfan Zaman is part of the Advice and Representation Team at Goldsmiths College Students Union. Convened by Irfan, student representatives from Goldsmiths want to transform the current system for racism and sexual harassment claims in Higher Education from a process that causes significant harm and distress to one that delivers redress, accountability and justice for victims. This grant supports students to develop The Brave Space Collective, a model for safe and reflective spaces for survivors of harassment which can be used by students across the country to transform current university systems.
13/12/2021 £15,000 JOANNE VANCE Joanne Vance is Founder and CEO of New Beginnings North, a social enterprise with a focus on supporting neurodivergent individuals within, and on the verge of entering the Criminal Justice System in the North East of England. This grant supports the development of In Good Hands, a service to support prolific offenders and those serving short sentences who have neurodiverse needs so they can live safer, law-abiding and fulfilled lives. Specialist keyworkers will provide one-to-one support in prisons and in the community, co-designed with the participants based on their own neurodiverse needs.
13/12/2021 £270,000 L'AUBERGE DES MIGRANTS L’Auberge des Migrants has been working with refugees and displaced people in Calais and the surrounding area since 2008. They act as an umbrella organisation, bringing together eight different organisations and working collaboratively to support people, volunteers and organisations in the region. This grant supports the Humanitarian Base of Calais, an an inter-organisational project developed by five organisations that work to support displaced people living in informal camps on the France-UK border. Funding will help distribute tents, sleeping bags, firewood and cooking ingredients to people living at the base.
13/12/2021 £15,000 MARY-ANNE HODD- VITAL VOICE Mary-anne Hodd is a care-experienced trainer, consultant and speaker working to connect the child’s voice to the heart of services through her work Vital Voice. This grant supports the training function of Vital Voice, in which Mary-anne will work with organisations and local authorities to deliver training on strengths-based and trauma-informed approaches to care. Training will later extend to schools, leading to opportunities for young people in community settings.
13/12/2021 £15,000 RADHRORG RadHR will be a new online space for radical and progressive social change organisations to share practical learnings about how to organise based on values and challenge oppression in the workplace. This grant supports the development of the online platform through which RadHR will create and share anti-oppressive alternatives to policies and processes ranging from parenting and safeguarding to disability and recruitment. The platform will make knowledge and approaches available to smaller UK organisations to use and adapt in line with their own values.
13/12/2021 £15,000 RESIST PLUS RENEW Resist + Renew are a collective of friends, activists, artists and radical educators developing and running participatory workshops, training courses and spaces for discussion. They work towards building an autonomous community and a radical learning space centring intersectionality, ecology, feminism, anarchism, anti-racism and direct democracy. This grant supports Resist + Renew to explore how ideas of anti-oppression and conflict resolution can be combined and used in generative conflict in line with the values of Transformative Justice.
13/12/2021 £15,000 RIC FLO RICKY DIAGHE Ric Flo is a professional artist who works to increase the representation of care experienced artists in the music industry. Through his company Elevated Youth, Ric provides creative services for young people and provides a platform for UK artists in or from foster care. This grant supports the establishment of Mantra Music Record Label which will focus on supporting care-experienced talent and promote community empowerment rather than company profit. Through the label, artists will be supported in their creative confidence and made more visible in the music industry.
13/12/2021 £15,000 SANYU YUCAN YUCAN is a youth and lived experience led organisation that supports young carers from East London with expert co-designed care plans, mentoring, befriending, homework support and respite opportunities. This grant supports YUCAN to create a cultural awareness training programme for local authorities, schools and social services, enabling them to reach and provide relatable services to young carers from different ethnic backgrounds. Through this training, they will equip service providers with the tools and strategies to better identify and support young carers and create a more holistic, safe environment where young people are able to self-identify as carers.
13/12/2021 £15,000 SOUNDS LIKE CHAOS Sounds Like Chaos (SLC) is a radical arts company and collective comprised of 12-25-year-olds from diverse backgrounds in South East London. They create contemporary performance, develop new diverse leaders, employ and commission emerging artists. This grant supports the development of CounterAct, a radical climate justice education programme co-designed by young creatives and school children. SLC will work with three local school classes to co-research, develop and pilot a climate activism toolkit and workshop programme that will be rolled out across local secondary schools.
13/12/2021 £10,000 STATES OF MIND States of Mind co-designs effective forms of wellbeing support with young people in school and community settings. They design early intervention and education programmes and conduct research into the social determinants of young people's mental health. This grant supports States of Mind to collaborate with students in two London secondary schools to research the current Ofsted Inspection Framework and devise an alternative evaluation framework that better serves the needs of the school community.
13/12/2021 £15,000 THE SIKH DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY The Sikh Development Academy aims to strengthen the UK Sikh community, organisations, and families and give every young Sikh the opportunities and experiences they need to help create positive changes on the issues that affect their lives, communities and broader society. This grant supports the organisation to facilitate a youth-led research advisory group who will lead on community social research and share their experiences on a national platform.
13/12/2021 £15,000 TRACEY AGYEMAN Tracey Agyeman is developing a network for and by Black women in philanthropy and the charity sector, a multigenerational national space which combines shared and peer learning, trust and respect to support women who are at different stages in their careers. This grant supports Tracey to build on previous work running a reatreat for Black women in the sector to establish a more long-term space that will give Black women the opportunity to see, hear and share their experiences working in the sector, and sustain and deepen learning and relationships.
13/12/2021 £15,000 WELL TEMPERED PRODUCTIONS Well Tempered Productions are a development company working across film and television, focused on projects by writers from marginalised communities. This grant supports the company to conduct a data driven study into the distribution of public funding for film across communities who have experienced various inequities in the UK, including racism, ableism and gender discrimination. Through this research, Well Tempered Productions hope to provide much needed evidence that can influence change, as well as create an accessible methodology and toolkit to measure the industry’s progress.
09/12/2021 £4,530 ADVANTAGES OF AGE LTD Advantages of Age run the Startup School for Seniors, a training programme aimed at men and women, ages 50 and up, who have been made redundant and are seeking to fulfil their potential through new career opportunities. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2021 £20,000 £19,399 INSTITUTE FOR YOUTH WORK The Institute for Youth Work (IYW) is a membership organisation for youth workers and those that espouse youth work methodologies and ethics in their work with young people. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2021 £20,000 £3,881,629 PRS FOUNDATION PRS Foundation is the UK’s leading charitable funder of new music across all genres, supporting artist and audience development across the UK. They enable songwriters and composers of all backgrounds to achieve their potential and reach global audiences. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2021 £20,000 £736,730 SOUTH EAST DANCE South East Dance is a regional arts organisation who create dance and choreography experiences for all. They promote and develop dance in all its forms, from community classes to commissioning and presenting work by world-class artists. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2021 £20,000 £963,467 THE BACA CHARITY The Baca Charity work with 16-19-year-old asylum seekers, some of whom have been victims of trafficking, and are separated from their families. They provide specialist supported accommodation and a range of holistic development training to help young people live to their fullest of potential. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
07/12/2021 £60,000 £164,727 C4WS HOMELESS PROJECT C4WS Homeless Project supports people experiencing homelessness to access housing and employment and to rebuild their lives. This grant provides core funding to support C4WS to build a more sustainable winter night shelter for 2022-23 including support for guests to secure accommodation and employment.
07/12/2021 £100,000 £1,667,380 CAMDEN GIVING Camden Giving is an independent charity working with businesses in the area to overcome local inequality. They run participatory grant-making, enabling local residents to give time, skills or money to inform services in their community. This grant supports the organisation’s Future Change Makers Fund, a participatory grant-making programme through which 16–25-year-olds make decisions on which youth services the organisation funds. Over the next 24 months, Camden Giving will increase its grant spend, develop new youth-led approaches to reporting, integrate a racial justice focus into the programme, and improve its evaluation.
07/12/2021 £39,336 £1,789,319 CORAM'S FIELDS Coram’s Fields and Harmsworth Memorial Playground is a children’s charity that serves as a safe place for all children to come and play. This grant will support Coram’s Fields in providing an under fives drop-in service for one year in an area where families are faced with poverty and overcrowded accommodation.
07/12/2021 £40,000 £924,039 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Help on Your Doorstep is a charity that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Islington, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated. They work with residents to find solutions to the issues which make life difficult, strengthen communities and enable people to improve their life chances. This grant supports Help on Your Doorstep to identify people who are at risk and provide early support to prevent the need for later crisis intervention.
07/12/2021 £100,000 £2,637,714 ISLINGTON GIVING THROUGH CRIPPLEGATE FOUNDATION Islington Giving supports projects helping people living in poverty in Islington by raising funds and making grants to groups supporting young people, families, older people and those with mental health issues. This grant is Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s contribution as a coalition partner which will help create a larger funding pot, enabling Islington Giving to work in partnership and reach more groups through their grant-making.
07/12/2021 £60,000 £254,993 JADE YOUTH AND COMMUNITY JADE Youth and Community is a registered charity in Rotherham providing services for young people experiencing disadvantage, across health, education, wellbeing and development into adulthood. This grant supports JADE to build on the success of their blended youth work and mental health offer, and spread this model across Rotherham in partnership with the Rotherham Children, Young People and Families Consortium.
07/12/2021 £40,000 £227,023 THE PARENT HOUSE TRUST The Parent House is a charity that supports parents in Islington. They aim to reduce poverty and social inequality for families by building parents' confidence and skills through provision of courses, training and wellbeing support. This grant supports the Parent House to deliver one-on-one support, consultations and peer mentoring to parents in Islington in order to strengthen core skills, improve wellbeing and provide opportunities to enter education and work.
07/12/2021 £40,000 £445,159 THE PEEL The Peel is a charity that aims to build a connected community in Clerkenwell, London. They run activities for adults, children and young people, and mental health awareness projects. This grant supports The Peel as they build their Clerkenwell Youth Development Programme providing support for children in educational transitional stages through a youth club, life-skills programme, cultural enrichment, and career development for older children.
07/12/2021 £300,000 UK DEMOCRACY FUND The UK Democracy Fund is a pooled fund set up by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and supported by a group of committed funders. They work to build a healthy democracy – one in which everyone can participate and where political power is shared fairly. This grant supports Millions More 24, a project which aims to register and turn-out to vote one million new voters from under-represented groups at the next UK general election, especially young people, people born overseas, people from minoritised communities, renters and those on low incomes.
30/11/2021 £10,000 WOLSELEY COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRUST Wolseley Community Economic Development Trust deliver local and city-wide regeneration initiatives in Plymouth through community consultation and cross-sector partnerships. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/11/2021 £210,000 £768,957 ARTS AT THE OLD FIRE STATION Arts at the Old Fire Station is an arts centre that brings art to the public, and provides professional development for artists and support for people experiencing homelessness in an inclusive public space. This grant provides core support to the organisation as they rebuild their programme, reconnect with people who are homeless and socially isolated, and adapt and test new ways of working following the pandemic, to reach and support a more diverse range of individuals and communities.
29/11/2021 £146,000 £3,526,519 BELGRADE THEATRE TRUST The Belgrade Theatre is a regional producing theatre with a strong record of participation, community, education and talent development activity. This grant supports the organisation through a key period of leadership transition, along with work at the Jag, Belgrade Theatre’s new venue. Work at the Jag will focus on delivery of youth participation and talent development initiatives with young people in two communities facing high levels of knife crime and deprivation, in partnership with community groups.
29/11/2021 £197,500 £146,797 BIG BRUM THEATRE IN EDUCATION Big Brum Theatre in Education delivers tours and projects to children and young people in the Midlands and beyond. They work with schools and colleges in areas of socio-economic deprivation to address barriers that pupils face in developing their speaking, listening and writing skills. This grant supports Big Brum to grow their collaborative drama-based model with teachers. They will establish a collaborative learning environment for teachers in five schools in the West Midlands and two schools in Manchester. Through these ‘Schools of Recovery’, Big Brum aim to build confidence, agency and professional practice to support the wellbeing of teachers and their pupils.
29/11/2021 £90,000 BOURNEMOUTH EMERGING ARTS FRINGE (BEAF) Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe (BEAF) is an independent creative community based in Bournemouth. They work all year round to create opportunities for artists and audiences through collaboration and co-creation with local communities and businesses. This grant supports BEAF to deliver The Outsiders project which will incubate a theatre of people experiencing marginalisation in the community of Boscombe.
29/11/2021 £75,000 £8,061 COMMUN COMMUN is a combined arts company who focus on community-building for emerging artists who are Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Colour (BIPoC) through collaboration and inter-disciplinary practices. This grant supports COMMUN to further develop and expand their model for supporting early and mid-career BIPoC artists through online collaborative digital residencies, skills development, and performance opportunities at partner venues across the UK. Over three years, COMMUN will aim to increase opportunities and arts access for marginalised audiences in London, Bristol and Birmingham, and two additional cities or towns.
29/11/2021 £100,000 IMPACT DANCE CO HAKEEM ONIBUDO Impact Dance is a hip-hop theatre company, street dance organisation and educational facilitator working across the UK and internationally. They aim to educate and empower young people through an annual programme of dance training, mentoring and performances. This grant underpins staffing and programme delivery for the Youth Dance Training Academy and Youth Dance Company. Through these youth dance programmes, Impact Dance will increase reach from their studio base in Camden, deepen their community and education partnership, and improve their evaluation methodology.
29/11/2021 £200,000 £2,502,572 INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH (IPPR) The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is the UK’s pre-eminent progressive think tank. Their work spans politics, economics, environment, housing, jobs and skills, public services and migration. This grant underpins and formalises IPPR’s role in the wider migration ecosystem, enabling them to launch a policy unit that will offer responsive and robust support to organisations who are working to improve migration and integration policy in the UK.
29/11/2021 £120,000 £159,632 INTOART Intoart is an art and design studio based in Peckham, South London. They address inequalities of access to and participation in the visual arts, education and culture by people with learning, sensory, physical disabilities and autism. This grant provides core support for Intoart to increase their capacity and invest in evaluation as they embark on the next phase of their inclusive Design Studio, including their learning-disabled leadership programme ‘Intoart Curates’.
29/11/2021 £90,000 £306,325 LINK TO CHANGE Link to Change works across Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire supporting children and young people affected by sexual violence, exploitation, abuse, modern day slavery and trafficking. This grant supports Link to Change to respond to increased demand through the provision of more preventative services and targeted support for diverse groups of young people. It also underpins the organisation’s strategic development, enhancing their internal capacity to allow for increased fundraising activities and sharing of learning through existing partner networks.
29/11/2021 £150,000 MAIA MAIA is an arts and social justice organisation invested in systemic change. They serve artists and communities that are not served by dominant social systems by designing and developing social infrastructure spaces, redistributing resources and providing creative programmes rooted in radical imagination. This grant supports the delivery of MAIA’s community arts programme at YARD, the organisation’s recently opened neighbourhood arts residency and community hub.
29/11/2021 £240,000 £151,353 MARLBOROUGH THEATRE PRODUCTIONS LTD Marlborough Productions are a leading producer of queer-led, intersectional performance, alternative heritage and radical community gatherings. They grow projects that bring together queer culture and community, reaching audiences across the UK and beyond. This grant supports the Marlborough Productions’ growth from a South East, building-based producer, to a national queer arts development organisation. This includes growing senior staff capacity, increasing opportunities for artists and curators, and developing a new national network of queer-led arts organisations to inform national strategy and address systemic issues in the arts sector.
29/11/2021 £150,000 £1,607,513 MICLU THE MIGRANT AND REFUGEE CHILDRENS LEGAL UNIT AT ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE The Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) is a specialist child centred legal and policy hub based at Islington Law Centre, representing children and young people (CYP) in the immigration system. They seek to achieve social justice by ensuring that policy and practice respect the rights and improve the lives of children who have migrated to the UK. This grant supports MiCLU to employ a Senior Advocate at fellow charity Shpresa, and a Senior Caseworker at MiCLU, who will identify and engage CYP through legal education, advice surgeries and referrals.
29/11/2021 £120,000 £375,561 PEOPLE AND PLANET People & Planet is the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice. They mobilise students to campaign for justice from public and private institutions that act in the interests of profit over human rights and a liveable planet. This grant supports People & Planet’s network of student groups to deliver divestment campaigns in partnership with migration organisations. It will target universities’ investments and companies that profit from human rights abuses in the ‘border industry’ of migration enforcement.
29/11/2021 £90,000 £104,239 THE VOICE OF DOMESTIC WORKERS The Voice of Domestic Workers (VODW) is an education and support group working for justice and rights for Britain’s 16,000 migrant domestic workers (MDWs). They seek an end to discrimination against MDWs living in the UK through campaigns, education, training, healthcare and legal advice. This grant supports VODW to deliver Future Voices, a programme to build the capacity of 12 members through mentoring and skills development in partnership with English for Action and Sounddelivery. The programme will grow the impact of VODW and create a pipeline for new leaders.
29/11/2021 £200,000 £326,566 VOICES IN EXILE Voices in Exile are a small frontline charity working with people who migrate and those with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) in Brighton, Sussex and Surrey. They offer practical and legal support ranging from generalist advice to specialist immigration casework for those who would otherwise be unable to access justice. This grant underpins Voices in Exile’s core work, enabling them to continue providing high-quality legal advice and casework to address individual and systemic injustice, increase access to rights, entitlements and services, and increase the role of those with lived experience within the organisation.
24/11/2021 £20,000 £1,399,082 CHARITY FINANCE GROUP CFG Charity Finance Group (CFG) is a membership organisation that aims to support a financially confident, dynamic and trustworthy charity sector. CFG acts as a voice for the charity sector, advocating for a better operating environment for the not-for-profit sector. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
24/11/2021 £18,720 YOU PRESS You Press is a social enterprise that helps young people and underrepresented communities get their voices heard through the creative arts, writing and multi-media production. They use words and storytelling to improve society, help individuals grow and connect communities. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
23/11/2021 £70,000 INC ARTS UK Inc Arts champions the creative, contractual and economic rights of the UK's African, Asian, Caribbean and ethnically diverse arts sector workforce. They make inclusive change in the arts and cultural sector and envisage a thriving cultural community that allows everyone to do their best work. This grant underpins Inc Arts’ core activities and running costs across research and advocacy, to allow the organisation to respond to increased demand and engagement.
03/11/2021 £75,000 £11,551,000 REFUGEE COUNCIL Refugee Council is a charity working directly with refugees and asylum seekers and supporting them to rebuild their lives. They provide practical support to empower people to lead safe, dignified and fulfilling lives in the UK. This grant supports Refugee Council to partner with Migration Exchange in delivering a targeted grant-making programme for Afghan led Refugee Community Organisations responding to new Afghan refugee arrivals in the UK.
27/10/2021 £59,000 £527,877 BALLET CYMRU Ballet Cymru is a professional ballet company in Wales who tour performances and deliver dance education programmes. This grant provides core support for Duets, Ballet Cymru’s national programme for young people in areas of need to access dance training and progression routes. Five community organisations and seven primary schools will take part, involving over 200 children across Wales.
27/10/2021 £20,000 FREE YOUR MIND CIC Free Your Mind supports children and young children affected by domestic abuse. They provide bespoke therapeutic support for children and young people that have witnessed abuse at home and provide wraparound support services to help families rebuild. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
27/10/2021 £20,000 £157,162 IGNITE YOUTH Ignite Youth supports young people aged 11-25 in Harrow, from predominantly Black and minoritised backgrounds, facing multiple disadvantages. They engage young people that feel disenfranchised or marginalised, to help them move away from life-limiting behaviour, gang involvement, youth violence, exploitative relationships and re-engage with education and employment. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
27/10/2021 £20,000 £13,003,000 SADLERS WELLS TRUST Sadler’s Wells is a charity dedicated to dance in all its forms. With over three centuries of theatrical heritage and a year-round programme of performances and learning activities, they bring together artists to create dance, and welcome audiences to take part, learn, experiment and be inspired. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
19/10/2021 £300,000 £20,053,667 CORAM CHILDRENS LEGAL CENTRE Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) promotes and protects children’s rights worldwide, ensuring their interests are represented at every level of the legal process. This grant provides top-up funding as part of the organisation’s Major Grant and supports two additional posts – a Supervising Solicitor and an Immigration and Asylum Caseworker.
18/10/2021 £14,980 CRIPTIC ARTS CRIPtic Arts is committed to developing and supporting d/Deaf and disabled people in creative careers through access support, creative opportunities, facilitation work and developing the creative industries to improve their access. This grant supports CRIPtic Arts to develop a statement of ‘principles of access’ which artists and organisations are able to commit to, only working in areas where the principles are met. Through the statement, CRIPtic hopes to build solidarity across artists, moving the focus from individual access to access for everyone.
18/10/2021 £11,000 LOLA ODUNSI Business Psychologist Lola Odunsi will create a holistic and multifaceted online based financial wellness programme for Black and minoritised women. The programme will offer mindset coaching, financial education and employability training, and a safe space to discuss money concerns and receive peer support. Through the programme, Lola hopes to contribute to economic justice and wellbeing for Black and minoritised women, their communities and future generations.
18/10/2021 £15,000 PURPLE VOTE Legacy in the Community is a team of passionate individuals whose aim and purpose is to work together to break down barriers that prevent disabled individuals or those who identify with long-term health conditions from fully participating in society. Their new campaign, Purple Vote, aims to establish a stronger political voice for disabled people. This grant supports the organisation to run regular hustings events with elected officials, and focus groups to gather concerns that can be raised directly with government. Overall, Purple Vote aims to encourage more disabled people to vote in elections as well as stand for elected office.
18/10/2021 £15,000 THE DIVERSE CREATIVE CIC The Diverse Creative provides a range of services to benefit both the community of people with dyslexia or other disabilities and the wider community as a whole. This grant supports the development of Not Your Average Entrepreneur, a pre-seed accelerator programme for Black and minoritised disabled entrepreneurs. The programme will support aspiring entrepreneurs through mentoring and training, providing appropriate support that recognises the challenges they face because of ableism and racism.
16/10/2021 £15,000 MAYUMI SATO THE SOLIDARITY LIBRARY SustainED (formerly The Solidarity Library) was founded amidst a growing concern over unequal access to knowledge, information and digital technology use. They bring together researchers, practitioners, activists and communities to reshape knowledge production and build a repository of resources and expertise on social justice issues. This grant supports SustainED to mentor young researchers, drawing upon anti-racist methodologies. Through this work, they will aim to bridge research and practice through youth-led research outputs and products that will reach diverse audiences and reshape understandings of justice.
11/10/2021 £20,000 BLAM UK CIC Black Learning Achievement and Mental Health (BLAM) UK are dedicated to ensuring the all-round wellbeing of young Black members of their community in Brixton and other boroughs of London. They aim to champion Black British cultural capacity and creativity, improve the health and wellbeing of peoples of African descent, provide a comprehensive and decolonised education, and support inclusion of the Black British community through advocacy and support. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/10/2021 £38,125 £141,987 YOUNG LEICESTERSHIRE LTD Young Leicestershire is a voluntary sector youth charity providing infrastructure support to 30groups who support vulnerable young people in the county to develop their potential. This grant supports Young Leicestershire to develop, evaluate and scale a mental health and wellbeing toolkit for youthwork groups.
07/10/2021 £15,000 £313,495 IMIX IMIX works closely with organisations across the refugee and migration sector to train, support and build communications capacity. They draw on lived experience along with contacts in the national and local press to ensure that more first-hand stories and accounts are shared publicly in the media. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
07/10/2021 £20,000 £84,772 REFUGEE LEGAL SUPPORT RLS Refugee Legal Support (RLS) are a group of UK and EU asylum lawyers acting in solidarity with refugees in Greece. They provide free legal support to those seeking sanctuary in Greece or reunification with their family members elsewhere in Europe. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
07/10/2021 £20,000 £1,105,001 SAFE PASSAGE INTERNATIONAL Safe Passage International campaign for and support child refugees to access legal routes to safety. They support unaccompanied child refugees all over Europe with an established presence in London, France and Greece. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
04/10/2021 £265,000 £363,623 AKADEMI Akademi is a South Asian-led dance organisation, connecting communities with South Asian dance forms in formal and informal learning settings. This grant supports the delivery of Reach Out and Reveal, a programme with SEND schools using South Asian dance forms to support the learning and development of pupils with profound Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Akademi will embed inclusive and responsive practice through 'artists in residence’ for whole-school and cross-curricular impact, and will support school staff to embed some of the approaches in their teaching.
04/10/2021 £71,000 £153,831 ARIEL TRUST Ariel Trust is an educational charity developing best practice in safeguarding education through communication and resistance skills via forum theatre techniques. This grant supports Ariel Trust to work with primary schools in Merseyside to deliver a co-constructed programme of teacher and child-focused workshops. Theatre practitioners will support teacher to deliver Relationship and Sex Education curriculum through forum theatre techniques. Pupils will build resilience, develop critical thinking, and learn positive communication strategies and social resistance skills enabling them to better manage and respond to risks they face, especially in the face of hate crime, extremism and grooming.
04/10/2021 £140,000 £177,761 ARTS AND HOMELESSNESS INTERNATIONAL Arts and Homelessness International works to bring positive change to people, projects and policy in homelessness through arts and creativity. They focus on connecting and strengthening projects and advocating for arts to be a part of homelessness support and policy. This grant provides core support for the roll-out and evaluation of Arts and Homelessness models to influence local authorities and cultural spaces in the UK. This work includes greater opportunities for people with lived experience of homelessness, including through a new leadership programme.
04/10/2021 £210,000 £153,064 ASYLOS Asylos is a charity that works to deliver the just protection of law to vulnerable people fleeing persecution. It does this by producing impartial Country of Origin (COI) reports used by legal counsel, asylum courts, decision-making officials and policy makers in refugee host countries. This grant supports Asylos in becoming the UK Centre of Excellence in producing fair, impartial COI reports to inform asylum decisions and policy direction.
04/10/2021 £170,750 £1,907,958 CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION Cambridge Junction is an arts centre and hub for local people, and especially young people, to be inspired by the arts. They welcome communities to explore, experience, make and be inspired by art, entertainment and creative learning. This grant supports Cambridge Junction to develop the sustainability of their programme Take Two, embedding long-term creative opportunities for children and young people with complex needs.
04/10/2021 £261,000 £343,266 CAMDEN PEOPLES THEATRE Camden People’s Theatre (CPT) is dedicated to supporting emerging artists, especially those making work about social issues that matter right now. This grant supports CPT to deliver their commissioning and artist support model which aims to increase professional development opportunities for artists experiencing marginalisation and increase the diversity of CPT’s audiences. Funding will allow the organisation to increase core capacity, embed community-led decision-making and improve sustainability.
04/10/2021 £100,000 CENTER FOR COUNTERING DIGITAL HATE The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is an international non-profit organisation that seeks to disrupt the architecture of online hate and misinformation. They combine analysis and disruption of digital networks and aim to produce practicable, efficient and scalable strategies to counter hate and misinformation globally. This grant enables CCDH to grow their digital presence and profile in order to build a community of supporters that reaches the public, journalists, politicians and civil society.
04/10/2021 £151,000 £316,252 FOCUS ON LABOUR EXPLOITATION FLEX Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) is a research and policy organisation working towards ending labour exploitation. They aim to prevent labour abuses, protect the rights of those affected or at risk of exploitation, and promote best practice responses to labour exploitation through research and evidence-based advocacy. This grant supports FLEX to monitor and reduce the risks of labour exploitation arising from post-Brexit labour migration routes to the UK.
04/10/2021 £92,000 FOXGLOVE Foxglove is an independent non-profit organisation who aim for 'algorithmic justice' by holding public bodies to account, challenging abuses of power by Big Tech, and standing up for the interests of platform users and workers. They use the law to protect rights, enforce rules and defend the public interest. This grant supports Foxglove to investigate the problematic and unlawful uses of new technologies in the UK immigration system, bring campaign messages to the public and courts, and pursue legal action where appropriate.
04/10/2021 £100,000 £1,623,689 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Global Dialogue enables independent funders to work together to realise ambitious goals and create lasting change. They are a platform for philanthropic partnership, assisting donors to develop shared strategies, test new approaches and deliver lasting impact by aligning grants or pooling funds. This grant supports Global Dialogue to develop a new strategy that will deliver their vision for transforming the UK migration sector and its supporters by making it more connected, informed and able to catalyse effective action.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £554,332 HOT CHOCOLATE TRUST Hot Chocolate Trust is a large youth centre in central Dundee. They offer open access drop-in sessions, tailored one-to-one and group support, and programmes focused around the arts and youth leadership. This grant supports Hot Chocolate Trust to increase the breadth and depth of their mental health, homelessness and creative arts offers. They also aim to influence the wider youth sector through the development and promotion of their outcomes database.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £2,233,370 INCLUDE YOUTH Include Youth is a rights based charity in Northern Ireland. They work with young people with experience of care from communities with high levels of socio-economic deprivation, or whose rights are not being met. This grant supports Include Youth’s policy, advocacy and communications work. Specifically, Include Youth will provide increased guidance, support and training to external organisations, and continue to champion young people’s rights and voices in response to ongoing challenges, including the pandemic and Brexit.
04/10/2021 £60,000 £1,170,091 JCWI Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) provides legal support for people who have migrated to the UK and their families, specialising in immigration and asylum law and policy. This grant supports JCWI to undertake a strategic review including consultation with over 100 partners to identify the gaps and needs that they can meet over the next five years. This will be accompanied by a restructuring of the organisation to better deliver the new strategy for 2022-27.
04/10/2021 £250,000 JUKEBOX COLLECTIVE Jukebox Collective is a Black-led collective of creatives based in Butetown, Cardiff. They build opportunities for marginalised young people across Wales and provide platforms for creative voices of the future. This grant supports Jukebox Collective’s regular community programme and its multidisciplinary performance academy, which provides creative pathways and accessible arts training for underrepresented communities in South Wales.
04/10/2021 £250,000 LEWISHAM COUNCIL This grant supports the delivery of a number of youth-led and community engagement projects which aim to support access and agency for groups experiencing the highest levels of inequality, as part of Lewisham Borough of Culture 2022.
04/10/2021 £92,000 £130,995 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE RIGHTS AND EQUALITY COUNCIL Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council (NREC) campaigns for social justice in Northamptonshire. They support individual victims of discrimination, monitor hate incidents and raise awareness of the human rights of individuals. This grant supports NREC to underpin a programme to support people who have recently migrated to North Northamptonshire and consolidate the organisation’s migration-related services in the county.
04/10/2021 £153,000 POLISH MIGRANTS ORGANISE FOR CHANGE POMOC Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMOC) aims to improve the lives of Polish women living in the UK. Their mission is rooted in advancing citizenship and community development. This grant supports POMOC to deepen their organising practice and expand regional and national reach through campaigning, leadership development and strategic communications work.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £153,780 POSITIVE VIEW FOUNDATION Positive View Foundation uses photography and film to affect transformational change in the lives of 16–25-year-olds who live on the poorest estates and wards in Westminster, Lambeth and the City and most recently in South East Kent. This grant supports Positive View to deliver planned strategic expansion into Dover, Folkstone and Hythe, and to strengthen existing London-based programmes. The Kent pilot will be embedded and expanded to target areas in North Kent, furthering the organisation’s reach and impact.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £565,860 PURE INSIGHT Pure Insight works intensively with young care leavers aged 16-28, providing both practical and emotional support. This grant supports the capacity of the senior leadership team to build greater sustainability in Pure Insight’s projects and services, and generate new sources of income through a consultancy and training offer. This work underpins priority plans to establish services in Salford and build relationships with local authority partners across Greater Manchester.
04/10/2021 £85,000 £47,553 SLIDE SLiDE creates inclusive dance projects with and for the local community. Their work removes barriers for disabled people and people from low socio-economic backgrounds to access contemporary dance. They aim to address the lack of representation of learning-disabled people across the professional dance performance and education sector. This grant underpins core staffing and enables SLiDE’s sustainable development as they move towards a disabled-led model.
04/10/2021 £67,000 £1,409,288 SOUTHWARK LAW CENTRE Southwark Law Centre provides specialist legal advice for people who cannot afford to pay for services in the areas of discrimination, employment, housing, planning, welfare rights, and immigration and asylum law. This grant supports the Centre’s Windrush Justice Clinic (WJC), which acts a single point of contact for Windrush victims. They will continue to offer free independent legal advice so that victims can successfully apply for compensation which accurately reflects their loss and suffering.
04/10/2021 £104,000 ST PAULS CARNIVAL CIC St Pauls Carnival promote and celebrate African Caribbean culture and traditions through an accessible and inclusive Carnival and supporting activities. Their education programme aims to inform, engage and inspire children and young people through dance, music, costume-making and storytelling. This grant supports St Pauls Carnival to grow their existing schools programme into a larger year-round offer, engaging with 15 primary schools and ten secondary schools in the St Pauls area of Bristol.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £963,467 THE BACA CHARITY The Baca Charity provides holistic services for young asylum seekers who have been separated from their families. This grant supports Baca’s expansion of services to the East of England through two housing units in Cambridgeshire. They will provide a support package for young asylum seekers and victims of trafficking aged 16-19 arriving into the county.
04/10/2021 £83,000 TRIPOD TRAINING FOR CREATIVE SOCIAL ACTION Tripod Training for Creative Social Action is a small training collective based in Edinburgh. They offer training, facilitation, systems-building and other support to grassroots collectives, and charities to strengthen movements for social, economic and climate justice. This grant supports the delivery of phase two of Tripod’s Organising for Power (O4P) programme. Thirty leaders, organisers, and campaigners will conduct their own deep analysis of their chosen issues and context, plan strategic campaigns, organise their communities, negotiate with power brokers, and build alliances to mobilise around shared issues.
04/10/2021 £90,000 £328,324 VULCAN BOXING CLUB The Vulcan Boxing Club uses education, boxing, health and fitness classes to empower young people aged 14-25 years old to make the best of their skills, abilities and talents whilst facing the most challenging transitions. This grant provides support to underpin the organisation’s leadership and governance, and to roll out city-wide pre-apprentice training, industry-based apprenticeships and pathways to long term employment.
04/10/2021 £240,000 £665,654 WOMEN FOR REFUGEE WOMEN Women for Refugee Women (WfRW) is a charity that supports and empowers women who seek asylum in the UK. They enable refugee and asylum-seeking women to become leaders, ensure they can speak to the media and at public events, publish robust research on their experiences, and work with policymakers to make the case for a fairer asylum process. This grant supports WfRW to continue their main support and empowerment activities, as well as provide mentoring and training for trustee and leadership roles, develop campaigns to oppose the Nationality and Borders Bill, and strengthen the Sisters Not Strangers coalition.
04/10/2021 £75,000 £220,643 YOUNG ASIAN VOICES Young Asian Voices (YAV) is a charity and youth community project based in Sunderland. They support children and young people up to the age of 25, the majority of whom identify as Black, Asian or minoritised. They create empowering opportunities through training, education, work placements, health and sports activities, youth sessions and volunteering. This grant provides core support for the YAV manager who will oversee operational activities, strategic planning and future development.
29/09/2021 £12,625 £42,336 ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND Artsplay Highland is a Scottish arts charity which delivers arts training and educational workshops to children, carers and teachers. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/09/2021 £20,000 £47,670 B SUPREME LTD b. supreme is dedicated to supporting, nurturing and championing opportunities for women in hip hop and the arts. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/09/2021 £3,000 REAL IDEAS ORGANISATION CIC Real Ideas are a social change organisation who connect young people and education professionals to a vibrant creative and cultural sector, unlocking potential to create lasting change for individuals, communities and organisations. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/09/2021 £20,000 UNJUST Unjust challenge discrimination in policy and practice, promote justice and equity, and support people to know, understand and enforce their legal rights. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/09/2021 £60,000 FORCES CHILDREN SCOTLAND Forces Children Scotland (formerly Royal Caledonian Education Trust), is a Scottish charity supporting children and young people whose parents are in, or veterans of, the Armed Forces. This grant supports ‘Listen Up!’, a new co-produced campaign designed to raise awareness about the challenges faced by armed forces children and young people. Through this work, Forces Children Scotland hope to bring about greater public recognition of this group of young people, leading to changes in public policy and practice.
16/09/2021 £10,000 CARE MATCHED Care Matched is the first tech-based company with a focus on catering to the Black and minoritised communities. Artificial intelligence will be used to match care receivers and care workers based on cultural background, language proficiency and other skills and experiences. This grant supports the development of the Care App and web portal which will offer care organisations, their care workers and clients a more seamless experience.
16/09/2021 £15,000 CHISATO MINAMIMURA Chisato Minamimura is a Deaf performance artist and British Sign Language art guide working globally. They visualise sound and music from their Deaf perspective, and use digital to share their experience of sensory perception and human encounters. This grant supports Chisato to research and develop new, creative and non-linguist methods of interpretation and audio description through consultation with traditional access providers and disabled cultural workers. Chisato hopes to turn findings into a vocational training model or toolkit which could be shared and used by cultural/access workers to broaden, change and apply accessibility in more creative ways.
16/09/2021 £15,000 JANE RICE The Crimson Wave Project was founded by Jane Rice and Emma Gerbich to provide sustainable menstrual prodcuts, education and community support. This grant supports The Crimson Wave Project to explore the creation of customised menstrual cups using 3D printing technology, that will be distributed on a a pay-what-you-can-basis and free for those on low incomes. They will create a parallel website which will survey each person's needs and serve as a resource on wider issues related to inclusive reproductive health and a support network for those using menstrual cups for the first time.
16/09/2021 £14,700 KATHARINE QUARMBY Katherine Quarmy is a writer, editor and journalist whose work focuses on social affairs, hate crime and race relations. This grant supports Katherine to scope out planning processes that lead to the environmentally unjust placement of Traveller sites. By looking at four in-depth case studies through Freedom of Information requests and interviews with key stakeholders, Katherine will aim to expose the planning decisions that embed racism and segregation and improve local authority accountability.
16/09/2021 £15,000 SPOKESPERSON CIC SpokesPerson seeks to find creative solutions to systemic inequalities to active travel. They work directly with LGBTQIA+, Black and minoritised, and other people experiencing marginalisation, to create better cycling access and confidence. This grant supports SpokesPerson to develop The Bike Chain, a programme combining cycling and bike maintenance skills, self-teaching and career-building for low-income young queer and trans people.
16/09/2021 £15,000 THE BLACK QUEER TRAVEL CIC The Black Queer Travel Guide provides digital resources that enable Black queer travellers to navigate the world safely through specific advice, information and local travel experiences on destinations around the globe. This grant supports the development of a prototype app version of the Travel Guide which will prioritise the safety and security of users and the people who share content about their businesses. The app will support The Black Queer Travel Guide to grow their community of businesses and ambassadors.
13/09/2021 £40,000 £4,424,990 LAW CENTRES NETWORK The Law Centres Network strives for a just and equal society where everyone’s rights are valued and protected. They support their member Law Centres, set up new Law Centres, initiate new services and champion the model of free and independent legal advice and representation. This grant supports the Law Centres Network policy team to deliver a learning and advocacy programme that spans civil justice policy and practice, with a particular focus on the main areas affecting Law Centre clients.
06/09/2021 £150,000 £2,994,294 YOUNG SCOT Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship agency for young people in Scotland aged 11-26. They provide young people with information, ideas and opportunities, delivering targeted support and engagement programmes, infrastructure support and strategic leadership in areas such as collaboration and systems change.
06/09/2021 £60,000 £4,232,335 CREATIVE YOUTH NETWORK Creative Youth Network (CYN) works across four open access youth centres in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North East Somerset. They build relationships with young people from all backgrounds to help them reach their own potential and live fulfilling lives. This grant supports CYN to develop and scale the impact of ‘We the 33%’, their flagship youth voice programme. In this phase of the programme, CYN will aim to increase the number of young people supported, enhance evaluation and share their learning more widely.
02/09/2021 £20,000 CIC 10 WINDSOR WALK 10 Windsor Walk is a not-for-profit, community interest company established by local mental healthcare specialists to provide consistent, collaborative psychological help and training. They aim to make it easier for local people to access and continue using therapeutic services for as long as they want to. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/09/2021 £20,000 £148,127 GASP MOTOR PROJECT GASP Motor Project is a charity based in Surrey which delivers hands-on learning and alternative education programmes in mechanics and engineering for young people who are not in education, employment or training. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/09/2021 £60,000 £1,150,930 POWER2 Power2 works with young people aged 13-21 across England. Their youth programmes are designed to encourage a reduction in those not in education, employment or training, improve wellbeing and promote educational engagement. This grant supports the delivery of a second iteration of their Power2 Rediscover Programme which provides students with one-to-one support to help young people re-engage in education post lockdown. The flexible programme covers topics such as mental health and wellbeing, staying safe during the pandemic, reflective practice and planning for the future.
02/09/2021 £10,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE NEST The Social Change Nest aims to build people powered movements to create positive social change. They also run the Young Trustees Movement, championed and led by young people, that aims to double the number of young trustees under the age of 26 on charity boards in five years. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/09/2021 £18,660 £428,283 MEDACT Medact is a network for health workers to challenge the social, political and economic conditions which damage health and deepen health inequalities. They organise health workers to take action on the structural barriers people face to health equity and justice. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/09/2021 £40,000 £1,814,755 THE RELATIONSHIPS PROJECT The Relationships Project was started by Shift to build the body of knowledge about the importance of relationships as community activity and volunteering become more central to civic life in response to the pandemic. This grant supports The Relationships Project to embed the learning and tools developed from their research to enable communities across the UK to sustain the positive changes and bring about a shift from a ‘me society’ to a ‘we society’.
26/08/2021 £5,000 £322,057 LANCASHIRE BME NETWORK Lancashire BME Network supports Black and minoritised communities in Lancashire through advocacy, support and programmes covering financial resilience, employment, loneliness, mental health and small grants for community groups. This grant supports the development of a Lancashire BAME Youth Work Network which will support youth workers and young people from Black and minoritised backgrounds to inform regional and national youth work policy and practice.
26/08/2021 £4,500 £642,256 WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTRE Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) work to ensure that the lived experience of women and girls inform policy and practice through a well-resourced and sustainably supported women’s sector. This grant supports WRC’s Exhale Retreat programme which will allow the organisation to think about its business model and sustainability, engage Black women in the sector to consider ways to improve the retreat for the longer term, including increasing and deepening intersectionality in the retreat.
24/08/2021 £10,000 ENACT EQUALITY LTD Enact Equality are a non-profit organisation working to advance racial justice and equality in the UK. Their fundamental aim is to build an anti-racist movement made up of businesses, brands, celebrities and organisations, whilst also creating a cross-party alliance of politicians at local, national and government level. This grant supports Enact Equality to fulfil their role as secretariat of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Race Equality in Education. The APPG aims to support children and students from minoritised backgrounds, to enhance educational environments, and to increase racial diversity in teaching across the UK.
24/08/2021 £15,000 THE GOOD ANCESTOR MOVEMENT The Good Ancestor Movement is a new movement that advocates for radical, reparative and regenerative wealth redistribution. This grant supports the Movement to undertake systems change based action inquiry on reforming the private wealth advisory industry into a community that supports progressive wealth stewardship and redistribution. Work will centre around an initial research and consultation exercise with practitioners, leaders and key stakeholders in the private wealth industry, as well as wealth holders.
24/08/2021 £20,000 £992,287 VOICE4CHANGE ENGLAND Voice4Change is a membership-based infrastructure charity for Black and minoritized ethnic charities, community groups and social enterprises. This grant supports Voice4Change to test public thinking on ‘race’ and racism before and after reading carefully framed messages as part of their Reframing Race programme.
24/08/2021 £10,000 £1,081,661 STUDENTS ORGANISING FOR SUSTAINABILITY UK Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability, with work spanning issues of social justice and wellbeing. This grant supports SOS-UK’s student staff from across the globe to coordinate plans and engagement for the COP26 Education Minister’s Summit to centre youth voice and create productive dialogue for climate education.
16/08/2021 £20,000 £5,794,910 CATALYST Catalyst is a network helping UK civil society grow their digital skills and processes. They connect charities and supporting organisations with free resources and services to make digital working easier. This grant supports Catalyst to continue delivery of vital support services, further develop projects and prototypes that have the potential for sector-wide impact, and transition towards a more equitable network-led model.
16/08/2021 £20,000 LOVE SSEGA Love Ssega is a musician, songwriter and curator. This grant supports the development of three distinct projects to consolidate Ssega public-focused work. It provides an extension of the project Airs of the South Circular from Lewisham to neighbouring boroughs Lambeth and Southwark as part of a new multi-arts campaign of public engagement to raise awareness of the toxic effects of air pollution on underrepresented Black and minoritised communities.
16/08/2021 £5,000 £11,551,000 BRITISH REFUGEE COUNCIL The Refugee Council supports and empowers people who have been forced to flee conflict, violence and persecution in order to rebuild their lives in the UK. This grant supports the Refugee Council to test communications and messaging that makes the case for refugee protection as part of their work to mark the seventieth anniversary of the Refugee Council.
05/08/2021 £200,000 CENTRE FOR KNOWLEDGE EQUITY The Centre for Knowledge Equity was launched in December 2019 to elevate lived experience leadership, and to ensure knowledge from lived experience is given equity alongside learned and practice experience to catalyse change and solve the social, economic and environmental challenges of our time. In a short period, the Centre has become an important and influential organisation stimulating systems change through pioneering collaborations with funders, academic institutions, government bodies, social purpose organisations and activist movements globally that equitably and meaningfully unite lived, learned, and practiced expertise.
05/08/2021 £197,000 FRESH ARTS EDUCATION Fresh Arts Education is a community interest company. They work with primary schools in Brent, Harrow, Barnet, Haringey and Ealing to deliver drama, dance, music and art workshops. This grant supports Fresh Arts Education to work intensively with 12 primary school partners over two years to support the learning, mental health and wellbeing of the children through arts-based learning, as well as training school staff. Using drama, movement, poetry and creative writing, the programme will be delivered through a blend of digital and face-to-face approaches.
27/07/2021 £49,000 AFFINITY 2020 COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY Affinity believes that every care experienced young person deserves equality of opportunity and are committed to providing £1000 worth of world-class cultural and leadership opportunities for every care experienced young person in Rotherham by 2030. This grant supports Affinity to train and support a cohort of teachers in and around Rotherham to develop literacy pedagogy through visual literacy and sequential art, specifically to support the learning of care-experienced children and young people.
27/07/2021 £20,000 £157,974 FRONT LOUNGE Front Lounge is a Dundee-based charity working to empower disadvantaged young people to realise their potential through peer-designed, peer-led programmes and activities. Their work focuses on issues faced by care experienced young people, young parents, those with mental health challenges, and those experiencing marginalisation. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
23/07/2021 £20,000 £478,158 THE SHEILA MCKECHNIE FOUNDATION The Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK) was established in 2005 to help develop a new generation of campaigners who are tackling the root causes of injustice. Set up in memory of Dame Sheila McKechnie, SMK is entirely dedicated to helping campaigners create positive and lasting social change. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
23/07/2021 £35,000 YOUTH REALITIES LIMITED Youth Realities are a creative education organisation who aim to increase young people's awareness and understanding of relationship abuse, power dynamics, safety and respect. They run workshops in schools, provide one-to-one support and advocacy to young women who have experienced domestic and/or relationship abuse, and work with young men to help them understand healthy relationships. This grant supports an additional Youth Support Worker to work across Youth Realities’ programmes and provide practical and emotional support to young people. This includes liaising with other professionals within education, housing, and health services; social workers; and youth offending teams.
22/07/2021 £60,000 £380,798 CIRCLES SOUTH WEST Circles South West is an independent charity whose purpose is to reduce the risk of (re)offending by people who have sexually offended or have displayed harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). This grant supports the organisation to grow the reach of Circles of Support and Accountability, a service for young people with HSB. Circles South West aims to influence others to adopt their strengths-based approach through the coordination of a further 18 Young People’s Circles across the region and develop a trading arm to provide training and consultancy to other organisations.
22/07/2021 £10,000 £76,000 IN CHARLEYS MEMORY In Charley’s Memory is a grassroots community-based company. They offer face to face, one to one mental health counselling for young people aged 11 to 25 in Somerset and run drop-in clinics offering support and guidance for mental health. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
22/07/2021 £12,500 LGBT UNITY GLASGOW SCOTLAND LGBT UNITY support those who have migrated and identify as LGBT+. Many of those who they support are displaced from their homes in the Global South and have faced social exclusion on multiple intersections of race, gender and sexuality. They support their community through the provision of safe and welcoming spaces, advice and support, and social events. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
22/07/2021 £20,000 £2,288,721 THE MIX The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They help young people with challenges they are facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drug use. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
21/07/2021 £39,000 £162,003 DIVERSE VOICES ENTERTAINMENT Diverse Voices is a leading provider of creative approaches to education. They empower young people through performing arts; helping build creativity, improve life skills and explore important issues. This grant supports the testing and launch of a new digital platform and increases staff capacity for fundraising and engaging schools from September onwards for digital, blended and face-to-face work.
21/07/2021 £4,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH IVAR The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) is an independent charity that works closely with people and organisations striving for social change. They use research to develop practical responses to the challenges faced by organisations and create opportunities for people to learn from their findings. This grant supports The Evaluation Roundtable, a partnership between IVAR and the Center for Evaluation Innovation. It offers independent trusts and foundations an opportunity to gather and reflect on the design, development and use of different approaches to evaluation and learning.
21/07/2021 £6,000 £483,205 LONDON FUNDERS London Funders is the membership network for funders and investors of London’s civil society. This grant supports the production of learning reports from 45 workshops ran as part of the London Funders ‘Festival of Learning’. This will allow learning to be shared with over 200 funders from across multiple sectors to strengthen funder practice for effective longer-term working.
21/07/2021 £10,000 £1,287,562 LONDON LEGAL SUPPORT TRUST The London Legal Support Trust is an independent charity that raises funds for free legal advice services in London and the South East. They support free legal advice centres through the provision of grant funding, supporting infrastructure of the sector, and helping agencies reduce costs and save money via pro bono or discounted schemes. This grant supports the Trust to carry out research into existing pathways to the advice sector, particularly specialisms in immigration advice, in order to identify gaps in training provision and barriers to work in order to build good practise models, ideas and solutions.
19/07/2021 £100,000 BEATFREEKS Beatfreeks is a youth led company in Birmingham that supports young people to develop skills, confidence and networks through creative activities and events. They also offer programmes focused on social impact and entrepreneurialism. This grant provides core support to Youth Voice, Insight and Power, a programme to ensure that young peoples’ insight is gathered and shared via the National Youth Trends 2021-2024 survey.
19/07/2021 £67,000 BLUE MOOSE DANCE COMPANY Blue Moose Dance Company aims to empower people to discover new potential, develop expression, gain confidence and celebrate themselves and their community through dance. They work inclusively with and for the benefit of all communities, irrespective of age, gender or background, with a particular emphasis on supporting the development of young people and uniting communities across Lancashire and North Yorkshire. This grant supports the Company to work alongside teachers in six schools to explore how embodied learning approaches can support pupils’ long-term recall and memory skills.
19/07/2021 £131,000 CENTRALA Centrala aims to advance the social integration and cohesion of Central and Eastern European (CEE) communities in the UK. They promote CEE art and culture and create space for intercultural dialogue and cooperation. This grant supports Centrala to deliver a holistic support programme including: advice and information; community and cultural events; and community organising and development through a Community Champions programme, leadership training and neighbourhood forums.
19/07/2021 £260,000 £161,566 CHOL THEATRE Chol Theatre is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of children and young people through high quality arts experiences, cultural education and community theatre projects. This grant supports Chol Theatre to further develop Imaginary Communities, a dramatic and inclusive story-making practice in which every child and teacher is involved in generating ideas, building a shared imaginary world, inhabiting it with characters and launching their own story and learning adventure.
19/07/2021 £180,000 £272,446 COMPANY THREE Company Three is a theatre company that aims to be a force for change for teenagers. Led by 75 members aged 11-19, they develop their practice through local relationships and share practice globally. From their base in Islington, North London, they make transformative theatre through long-term, intensive collaboration between young people and professional theatre-makers. This grant helps to strengthen creative and pastoral support within the organisation's core programme through two part-time Associate Directors who will deliver the programme of theatre making workshops to realise full productions of plays.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £87,244 FAT MACYS FOUNDATION Fat Macy’s Foundation works with young people in London, supporting them to get out of homelessness and into their own homes via catering employment. This grant supports Fat Macy’s to utilise a gifted space in Shoreditch to create a new permanent Training Academy space. Through the space, the organisation will grow the number of trainees supported to around 190 a year through a minimum of 24 Training Academies
19/07/2021 £90,000 £762,200 GREATER MANCHESTER YOUTH NETWORK Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) engages young people across Greater Manchester in social action, volunteering and leadership. The network prioritises youth participation and aims to embed their youth leadership programmes into all aspects of the organisation. This grant supports the role of Youth Participation Lead which will enable GMYN to make youth voice and leadership even more central to their work and increase capacity to support young people to influence others.
19/07/2021 £150,000 HEARTSTONE Heartstone is an arts, cultural, and educational organisation which uses literature, storytelling, visual imagery and dance to present stories that challenge prejudice and stereotypes, reduce isolation and build contact. This grant supports Heartstone to deliver their year-long Story Circles anti-racism education programme with 18 local authorities in Scotland. Pupils aged 9-12 will engage with the themes of racism, intolerance and bigotry through dance, drama, story-telling, literature, creative writing and art.
19/07/2021 £122,000 £1,163,054 HIBISCUS INITIATIVES Hibiscus Initiatives supports and empowers Black and minoritised migrant women who are affected by the criminal justice and immigration systems. They deliver high-impact support and advocacy services, support clients in prisons, the community, and in immigration removal centres; and work with trafficking survivors. This grant supports the development of a new Empowerment and Agency programme to nurture leadership by women with lived experience and increase Hibiscus’ capacity to influence systemic change.
19/07/2021 £145,000 £248,426 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ORGANISATION OF SUNDERLAND (ICOS) International Community Organisation of Sunderland (ICOS) exists to improve the quality of life of Black and minoritised people in the North East and to enhance community cohesion and intercultural understanding in this area. They focus on those who lack access to information and services to ensure equal access. This grant underpins core services and advocacy work led by ICOS, Sunderland Bangladesh International Centre and New Horizons in Sunderland. Work will include a leadership programme for people with lived experience of migration and/or racism and support for statutory authorities to better understand the needs and opportunities brought by communities who have migrated.
19/07/2021 £260,000 £607,443 JUSTRIGHT SCOTLAND JustRight Scotland (JRS) is a charitable group of human rights lawyers based in Scotland working towards a new model of collaborative social justice. They work in partnership with like-minded organisations who share a vision of a fairer and more equal Scotland. This grant underpins JRS’s policy and influencing work on migration in Scotland. It will increase their capacity to provide legal representation and challenges; support their JustCitizens group to grow its influence; provide strategic guidance, legal opinion and evidence to influence devolved legislation; and strengthen relationships with grassroots groups and providing legal expertise and analysis to campaigns.
19/07/2021 £85,000 NEWTOWNABBEY ARTS AND CULTURAL NETWORK Newtownabbey Arts and Cultural Network is a small youth and community charity working in the Rathcoole estate in Belfast, using creative and digital arts. This grant supports the organisation to increase their fundraising capacity along with the quality and breadth of their offer for young people. A key priority will be supporting more young people to take up leadership roles while the senior team will focus on strategic networking and longer-term sustainability.
19/07/2021 £350,000 £543,052 OPENUP MUSIC OpenUp Music’s mission is to make orchestras accessible to young disabled musicians in the UK. They help special schools set up accessible orchestras and lead the National Open Youth Orchestra (NOYO), the world’s first disabled-led national youth orchestra. This grant supports OpenUp to continue leading NOYO and work with consortium partners to expand provision, deliver their first performances and improve NOYO's support for members.
19/07/2021 £80,000 ORT GALLERY Ort Gallery is an artist-led exhibition space in Birmingham with the social mission to facilitate dialogue in the community. This grant supports Ort to test equitable approaches to organisational governance and programme design with local Black and Muslim community groups through their applied Research and Development project ‘Warmth’. They will share their resulting methodology publicly in order to ensure transparency and allow others to build on or critique their work as part of their ambition to be a model for exposing inequalities in the arts sector using care and empathy.
19/07/2021 £200,000 £260,965 REPLAY PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Replay Theatre Company develops and tailors theatre experiences to engage and inspire key audiences from their early-years programme, to primary school age children of all abilities and backgrounds, as well as teenagers journeying into adulthood, and children and young people with diverse, complex, and multiple disabilities. This grant supports Replay’s specialist theatre programme ‘UP!’ through which they will deliver and evaluate new, innovative arts-based activities for neurodiverse and disabled young people.
19/07/2021 £196,000 £196,151 RIGHT TO REMAIN Right to Remain is a human rights membership organisation which works with groups across the UK to promote and defend the rights of people seeking the right to remain in the UK. This grant will support Right to Remain to build on their well-established and effective community-based campaigns and organising model, with a particular focus on supporting migrant campaigners to become movement leaders, and building strong alliances at local, regional and national level.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £3,689,000 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR BLIND CHILDREN (RSBC) The Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC) supports children and young people who are blind or partially sighted to have the best possible start in life. This grant supports the growth of RSBC’s network of partners across local grassroots organisations and youth networks to become more accessible and inclusive for blind and partially sighted young people. This will increase reach into new locations and significantly grow the number of young people they engage.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £96,943 SENGHENYDD YOUTH DROP IN CENTRE SYDIC Senghenydd Youth Drop-In Centre (SYDIC) is a youth charity based in in a former mining community in the South Wales Valleys. The organisation delivers their work via a frontline and holistic youth centre approach. This grant supports SYDIC’s transition to a new staffing and governance structure that is more youth led at the same time as investing in the improved quality and sustainability of their work.
19/07/2021 £75,000 £118,723 STEPPING OUT THEATRE Stepping Out is the UK's leading mental health theatre company. They produce a wide range of work on mental health themes and are open to people who have used mental health services and their allies. This grant underpins Stepping Out’s core programmes supporting older mental health service users. Stepping Out will develop their ability to deliver hybrid and digital working alongside a live theatre and in-person offer.
19/07/2021 £60,000 £677,304 THE CENTRE FOR YOUTH IMPACT The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of UK organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant provides core support to the Centre, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £1,109,384 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION The Change Foundation works with young people in London, Newcastle and Birmingham with a disability or experiencing mental health issues, or who are involved in serious crime and violence. It offers targeted long-term interventions using sport, personalised mentoring and tailored support, delivered by staff with lived experience. This grant supports the growth of the organisation’s Inclusive Employer Network, engaging at least 18 national employers. It will support them to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace, and to create employment opportunities for young people facing barriers to work.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £222,556 THE FOYER FEDERATION The Foyer Federation is a youth housing membership organisation that supports a network of Foyers who provide accommodation, learning and work opportunities for and with young people who have experienced homelessness. They create and support positive approaches to working with young people to enable them to make the journey to adulthood. This grant supports the development of a new Home for Advantaged Thinking strategy which will strengthen the capacity, quality and impact of youth supported housing provision. The Foyer Federation will communicate and promote their vision of Advantaged Thinking through a network that connects doers and thinkers.
19/07/2021 £167,000 THE WORLD REIMAGINED The World Reimagined is a national art education project which aims to transform how individuals, communities and society understand the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on each person globally. This grant supports The World Reimagined to coordinate artist residencies in 18 schools in England and Wales to creatively explore anti-racism.
19/07/2021 £60,000 £7,072,719 UK YOUTH UK Youth is a leading national charity, committed to providing access to appropriate, high quality services in every community. They provide infrastructure support to an extensive network of regional youth organisations and umbrella groups across England so that young people are empowered to build bright futures, regardless of their background or circumstances. This grant provides core support for UK Youth, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £1,004,226 WORKINGRITE WorkingRite’s mission is to support young people aged 16-25 years old in Scotland towards sustained employment, apprenticeships or purposeful learning. They aim to break down the barriers that prevent young people from achieving through individual and group sessions and a mentored job placement. This grant supports WorkingRite to extend and develop their volunteer mentorship programme to support graduates as they navigate adulthood in their early twenties and beyond. This development will broaden the scope of the organisation’s mentoring methodology across grassroots and regeneration partners to support long term sustainable futures for young people.
19/07/2021 £140,000 £53,109 YOUNG PEOPLE S PUPPET THEATRE Young Peoples Puppet Theatre (YPPT) run large-scale projects for children and young people which use the arts to develop creative and life skills. This grant supports YPPT to grow its capacity in response to an increased demand from schools. Through its in-depth year-long projects, YPPT will support the development of arts-based, metacognitive and soft skills for Key Stage 2 children, in preparation for the transition to secondary school.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £554,101 YOUTH FOCUS NORTH EAST Youth Focus North East (YFNE) is a leading regional youth charity working directly with young people and providing support to the youth sector across the North East. It has strengths in co-production, engaging young people from challenging backgrounds, leading partnership working and promoting positive views of young people. This grant supports YFNE to develop a new collective of organisations and young people in Gateshead. They will support young people to move from being ‘service users’, to meaningful partners in effecting systemic local change. Organisations will be encouraged to move out of silos and work collaboratively, resulting in better outcomes for young people.
19/07/2021 £80,000 £101,862 YOUTH WORK UNIT YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER Youth Work Unit (YWU) is the strategic youth work development agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region. It is the focal point for the youth work sector in the region and has a unique role in bringing together the dual functions of support and development. This grant provides core support for YWU, enabling the organisation to engage in collaboration focused on delivering infrastructure functions across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
19/07/2021 £210,000 £723,499 CHINEKE FOUNDATION Chineke! Foundation provides career opportunities to established and emerging Black and minoritised classical musicians in the UK and Europe. They aim to be a catalyst for change, increasing the representation of ethnically diverse musicians in British and European orchestras. This grant underpins Chineke!’s core mission and work, including developing approaches to better understand the organisation’s impact and share learning.
19/07/2021 £90,000 £1,286,998 THE ANNE FRANK TRUST UK The Anne Frank Trust is a nationwide youth education charity that aims for a society free from all forms of prejudice and discrimination. This grant supports the recruitment of an Assistant Director to the Trust’s leadership team who will be responsible for launching the Youth Empowerment Programme.
19/07/2021 £120,000 £337,000 SHEFFIELD METHODIST DISTRICT WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR Sheffield Methodist District’s Who Is Your Neighbour? (WIYN) programme operates at neighbourhood, regional and national levels to counter the impact of racist far-right narratives. They facilitate dialogue about immigration, race and other relevant issues. This grant supports strategic long-term national partnerships for WIYN, incorporating training, bespoke support and tailored interventions with three national organisations and their members.
19/07/2021 £150,000 £1,016,817 SAHELIYA Saheliya provides trauma-informed, wrap-around support in first languages for women with experience of racial inequality. They offer specialised support for women who have been traumatised due to lived experience of gendered abuse and who are unable to access appropriate mainstream services. This grant supports Saheliya to work with Black and minoritised women with lived experience of gender-based violence to find opportunities for change, collaborate with sector partners, develop lived experience leadership and advocate to policy makers.
19/07/2021 £60,000 £1,992,000 NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY The National Youth Agency (NYA) aims to transform the lives of young people through youth work. They drive innovative projects that consider new and different approaches and partnerships to ensure young people get access to timely, relevant and impactful opportunities, rooted in co-creation and youth voice. This grant provides core support for NYA, enabling the organisation to collaborate across the youth sector as part of the Youth Sector Infrastructure Collective.
12/07/2021 £20,000 TEN YEARS TIME Ten Years Time (TYT) advises high-net-worth individuals to think about philanthropy differently, bringing them closer to the communities they wish to support and supporting the distribution of funds. They focus on the voices of those experiencing marginalisation and tackle structural barriers through an anti-oppression and intersectional lens. This grant supports TYT in a transition phase where they will rethink their approaches and positioning through rebranding.
12/07/2021 £50,000 £962,827 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is the membership organisation for a national network of Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS). They champion young people’s right to access local, high quality, evidence-informed advice, counselling and support services. This grant provides core support to Youth Access enabling them to maintain capacity, access external expertise, maximise membership, invest in technical tools and infrastructure and maintain a focus on staff wellbeing and welfare across network members.
09/07/2021 £60,000 1625 INDEPENDENT PEOPLE 1625 Independent People (1625IP) provides support for young people who are experiencing homeless, leaving care, or at risk of homelessness. Their offer includes supported accommodation, learning and employment services, and preventative programmes. This grant supports the establishment of a permanent training programme to share 1625IP's learning around psychologically informed approaches. The programme will include the co-delivery of training and peer support and help provide a sustainable income to support 1625IP’s participation work.
08/07/2021 £19,800 FUTURE YARD CIC Future Yard is a new community-led music venue and artist hub in Birkenhead. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/07/2021 £20,000 £164,000 PHOEBE CENTRE PHOEBE is an Ipswich-based charity committed to fighting violence against women. They offer specialist advice, advocacy, and counselling to women fleeing domestic violence and provide classes and workshops to women and children from Black and minoritised communities to encourage self-development, and financial support. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/07/2021 £20,000 POLISH MIGRANTS ORGANISE FOR CHANGE POMOC Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMOC) aims to improve the lives of Polish women living in the UK. Their mission is rooted in advancing citizenship and community development. By bringing Polish women in solidarity with other migrant communities, they strive to promote racial harmony, equality, and diversity at local, regional, and national levels. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/07/2021 £20,000 THE BUSKING PROJECT CIC The Busking Project is a community interest company that supports, celebrates and promotes street performers. They manage a community of almost 7,000 buskers and provide technology to access mobile payments, sell music straight to people's phones, and access a job board where they can get hired for events. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/07/2021 £20,000 £223,903 THE GREEN TEAM The Green Team provides transformational outdoor experiences connecting children and young people in Edinburgh and Lothians, to nature, others and themselves. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/07/2021 £2,250 RUZICKOVA COMPOSITION COMPETITION The Ruzickova Composition Competition was established in 2020 by violinist Ada Witczyk to celebrate the life and career of leading harpsichordist Zuzana Ruzickova and her invaluable role in promoting pieces by modern composers on period instruments. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
07/07/2021 £60,000 £366,555 IN2SCIENCEUK in2scienceUK empowers students experiencing disadvantage to achieve their potential and progress to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, through work placements and careers guidance. This grant follows on from a pilot programme expansion to the West Midlands and supports the development of a permanent Midlands Hub which will respond to high demand and result in a larger number of young people supported into training and employment.
06/07/2021 £200,000 £232,922 AGENDA Agenda campaigns for a society where women and girls fulfil their potential and live free from inequality, poverty, abuse, and violence. They aim to influence policies affecting young women and girls with multiple disadvantage, bringing about practical and systemic change, raising awareness across sectors, and promoting public and political understanding of the lives of women and girls facing multiple disadvantages.
06/07/2021 £125,000 £242,077 ASSOCIATION OF CHAIRS The Association of Chairs is a membership organisation supporting Chairs and Vice Chairs of charities and social enterprises in England and Wales. They support over 900 members with a unique peer network, providing information, resources, workshops and briefings designed specifically for those in a chairing role, to help them lead their boards effectively and ensure good governance and outcomes for the organisations they lead.
06/07/2021 £200,000 BUREAU LOCAL The Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change from the ground up. Part of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the team collaborates with communities to report on inequality and to uncover new data and evidence that can be used to drive change. They share resources and use innovative techniques to investigate, revealing information in the public interest to challenge power at the highest level. Working closely with local reporters as well as national news partners, they bring widespread attention to systemic failings through stories that matter to communities across the UK.
06/07/2021 £200,000 £284,858 IMKAAN Imkaan is the only UK-based umbrella women’s organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls. Imkaan works at local, national and international level, and in partnership with a range of member organisations, to improve policy and practice responses to Black and minoritised women and girls.
01/07/2021 £250,000 BIRMINGHAM ORGANISING COMMITTEE FOR THE 2022 COMMONWEALTH GAMES LTD The Birmingham Organising Committee for the 2022 Commonwealth Games will deliver a cultural programme as part of the 2022 Commonwealth Games. This grant supports three commissions by LGBTQI+ artists as part of the programme. As part of the six-month cultural festival, the commissions will aim to address structural inequality for the city’s LGBTQI+ community through widened cultural access and participation, and explore the complex history of the Commonwealth and LGBTQI+ rights.
29/06/2021 £20,000 £1,723,847 MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION The Museums Association is a membership organisation for everyone working in museums, galleries and heritage. They campaign for socially engaged museums and a vibrant and inclusive workforce. This grant supports a UK-wide programme to embed decolonising work in museum professional development. The programme will disseminate, enhance and increase the impact of guidance published by the Museums Association in 2021 on behalf of its Decolonisation Guidance Working Group.
16/06/2021 £30,000 £6,545,000 REFUGEE ACTION Refugee Action help refugees and people seeking asylum to build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK and live with dignity and justice, free of poverty. This grant supports the legacy of Refugee Action’s Respond and Adapt Programme, which aims to increase and sustain quality immigration advice provision for vulnerable people from refugee and migrant backgrounds across the UK. This will ensure that the sharing of best practice in relation to service adaptation continues.
16/06/2021 £40,000 £756,567 BRITISH YOUTH COUNCIL British Youth Council (BYC) is the national Youth Council of the UK. They seek to empower young people to inform policy and influence society through representation in UK Youth Parliament elections, volunteering in youth councils, campaigning, and offering education, training and access to decision-makers. This grant supports BYC’s young people’s voice and power initiative which will give young people the opportunity to contribute to ‘Make Your Mark’, a programme which will inform local authorities, organisations and funders and national government, whose work impacts on young people’s lives.
09/06/2021 £20,000 £508,392 360GIVING 360Giving publishes data from the grant-making sector in a searchable format. Their vision is for UK grant-making to become more evidence-based, impactful and strategic. They support UK grant-makers to publish information on who, where and what they fund in an open, standardised format to build a better picture of the funding landscape and boost its impact. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/06/2021 £30,000 £738,136 ENVISION Envision brings together local businesses, schools, charities and volunteers to provide a practical learning experience which enables young people to develop the skills they need to succeed in work and life. In return, young people invest their time in developing projects which give back to the community. This grant supports the newly appointed Head of Programmes and Impact, who will be responsible for driving continuous improvement in the organisation’s data and quality. This will allow the CEO to focus on developing Envision’s reach and influence.
09/06/2021 £20,000 £166,817 HACKNEY CHINESE COMMUNITY SERVICES Hackney Chinese Community Services are a community-led organisation established to help meet the specific needs and support the Chinese community in Hackney. They support the East and South East Asian community throughout Hackney, London and the UK and provide services including Hackney Chinese School, Elderly Luncheon Club, advocacy, mental health outreach, a youth club, and cultural activities. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/06/2021 £20,000 £2,895,193 NEW PHILANTHROPY CAPITAL NPC New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) is the think tank and consultancy for the social sector. They help charities, foundations, philanthropists, impact investors, social enterprises, corporates, and the public sector to maximise social impact in the lives of the people they serve. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/06/2021 £20,000 £68,722 NOMAD NATIONS OF MIGRATION AWAKENING THE DISAPORA NOMAD works with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, to help them develop their confidence and successfully integrate into the wider community. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/06/2021 £60,000 £677,304 THE CENTRE FOR YOUTH IMPACT The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. This grant supports The Centre to engage in a nationwide young people’s voice and power initiative which will give young people the opportunity to contribute to ‘Make Your Mark’, a programme which will inform local authorities, organisations and funders, and national government, whose work impacts on young people’s lives.
26/05/2021 £20,000 ANTI RACIST CUMBRIA Anti Racist Cumbria is a voluntary organisation created in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. They exist to identify, challenge, tackle, and end racism in Cumbria through practical projects that deal with the root causes of systemic racism in schools, businesses, communities and wider organisations. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/05/2021 £50,000 £2,698,674 EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FRINGE SOCIETY The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society (EFFS) is the organisation that underpins the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Their three core objectives are to provide support, advice and encouragement to participating artists, producers, venues and professionals; assist audiences to navigate the festival and its programme; and to celebrate the Fringe worldwide. This grant provides core support to EFFS as the organisation recovers from the impacts of Covid-19, including their major fundraising campaign ‘Save the Fringe’.
20/05/2021 £100,000 £31,776,708 SCOTTISH COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership body for Scotland's voluntary sector. This grant supports SCVO to provide an ‘open door’ support programme for the Scottish voluntary sector, prioritising smaller organisations to enhance and build their digital skills and services.
17/05/2021 £130,000 £2,504,112 BOW ARTS TRUST Bow Arts is a leading arts education charity, creative workspace provider and home to the Nunnery Gallery. This grant supports Bow Arts to work in partnership with ten London schools and a group of artist-educators. They will explore how arts-based learning can be central to inclusive and equitable teaching and learning, speaking to inequalities and social justice issues which have been highlighted and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Bow Arts will carry out a programme of research through consultation, workshops, co-creation and action-research.
17/05/2021 £60,000 CREATE EQUITY 2031 Create Equity devise, design and deliver projects and research on the arts and creative industries in order to address market failures in grant funding, impact capital and venture capital. Through the pilot Create Equity Fund (CEF), they aim to redress the imbalance in arts funding by supporting a new generation of Black, Asian and minoritised artists and creative entrepreneurs. This grant supports the further development of the CEF’s vision, leadership, and fundraising ready for official launch.
17/05/2021 £90,000 £120,081 CREATE PAISLEY CREATE Paisley aims to improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people aged 12-21 in Paisley and surrounding areas. It offers a range of arts-based activities. This grant supports the role of a new Youth Work Manager which will add capacity and oversee the youth work team as CREATE Paisley expands into a new hub in Linwood. The role will also lead on the delivery of a new evaluation plan and capture learning to inform future replication.
17/05/2021 £240,000 £546,506 DETENTION ACTION Detention Action defends the rights and improves the welfare of people in detention by supporting individuals and campaigning for change. This grant supports Detention Action to present a lived experience-led, evidence-based, collaborative alternative to migration reform at a pivotal moment in governmental decision-making. Detention Action will prioritise: continued work towards a time limit on detention; holding the government to account through strategic litigation, public campaigns and constructive dialogue; developing a new model for humanitarian visas in partnership with others; effectively evaluating their Community Support Project; and pushing forward with advocacy on community-based alternatives to detention.
17/05/2021 £120,000 EUROPEAN CLIMATE FOUNDATION The European Climate Foundation is dedicated to responding to the global climate crisis by creating a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions society. They harness the power of effective philanthropy to support the climate community in shaping public debate and forging bold solutions. This grant supports the Foundation to work with UK investors and the climate movement to call out corporations profiting from inhumane government migration policies and raise investor risk for the border and surveillance industry (BSI). This work will address the growing space in progressive movements to deal with racial justice, human rights, and climate impacts in a coordinated way.
17/05/2021 £71,000 £165,594 ICF INTERNATIONAL CURATORS FORUM International Curators Forum (ICF) publicly promotes the work of cultural practitioners by developing artistic and curatorial practice and discourse about contemporary visual art. They focus on the social impact of the visual arts across issues and borders by creating various avenues to empower diverse communities. This grant supports ICF to shift to digital working and host a 12-month Diasporic Curatorial Animateur fellowship for an emerging curator to animate and activate its archive. This work will be supported by new freelance posts to increase digital capacity and implement integrated digital, marketing and audience development strategies.
17/05/2021 £143,000 £178,937 KANLUNGAN FILIPINO CONSORTIUM Kanlungan Filipino Consortium is a group of Filipino community organisations working closely together for the welfare and interests of the Filipino and other migrant communities in Britain. This grant provides core support to Kanlungan to strengthen their strategic leadership and long-term planning, communications and infrastructural capacity and upskill staff so that the organisation can continue to collaborate, learn, and operate online after the pandemic.
17/05/2021 £90,000 KINETIC YOUTH LTD Kinetic Youth is a social enterprise delivering youth work services in Yorkshire, the East Midlands and the South East. They work with young people to develop their skills, knowledge and experiences and support them to access services that can improve their lives. This grant supports the recruitment of a Business Manager to provide additional expertise and capacity, establish governance and infrastructure, develop and implement a diversified funding strategy, and invest further in youth participation practice. As a result, Kinetic Youth will have a more sustainable offer and be better placed to inform Youth Justice Policy.
17/05/2021 £120,000 £73,709 MANY MINDS Many Minds is a member-led mental health and performance charity. They run workshops and make high quality contemporary performance with people with lived experiences of mental ill-health. This grant underpins core salaries for the organisation’s expanded support team and project evaluation, in order to sustain growth and meet growing demand for activities.
17/05/2021 £210,000 £405,146 MORTAL FOOLS Mortal Fools is a creative learning company and the only organisation in the North East exclusively co-creating theatre and drama with, by and for young people. They specialise in social-change theatre production and drama projects by children and young people co-creating with professional theatre artists. This grant provides core support for organisational staff including four new employed artist roles, to enable Mortal Fools to better target its support and improve its practice and organisational sustainability.
17/05/2021 £118,000 MUSEUM OF COLOUR Museum of Colour (MoC) is a heritage and creativity social enterprise. It is building a digital museum to explore the contribution made by People of Colour to the nation’s film, television and art, through a series of digital collections and responses from 1766 to present. This grant supports a partnership between MoC and The Bodleian Library in Oxford. MoC will curate an exhibition of contentious objects linked to racial and cultural injustice and colonialism alongside academics, diverse local communities and artists. The work will aim to reframe the narrative and encourage change in the way heritage is interpreted and presented.
17/05/2021 £177,000 £1,855,710 NOFIT STATE CIRCUS NoFit State is the UK’s leading large-scale contemporary circus company, producing professional touring productions and a wide variety of community, training, and education projects for people of all ages. This grant supports NoFit State’s co-creation work with local communities in Cardiff and South Wales in order to bring community voice and leadership into the organisation. Learning will then be shared through the organisation’s sector support work.
17/05/2021 £76,000 £70,970 NORTHERN HEARTLANDS Northern Heartlands is a new independent charity which builds on the Great Place Scheme in County Durham. They work with communities in rural and post-industrial County Durham using arts, culture and creativity to build confidence and bring about change. This grant supports Northern Heartlands to build on the work of the Great Place Scheme through a programme of activity in Dene Valley. They will also test a place-based socially engaged approach in another rural community in south-west County Durham.
17/05/2021 £240,000 £2,408,031 REFUGEE AND MIGRANT CENTRE BLACK COUNTRY AND BIRMINGHAM The Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC) is a charity working across the Black Country and Birmingham. They aim to assist refugees and migrants through crisis and disadvantage, by removing barriers to their integration and enabling them to become equal citizens. This grant supports RMC to develop their senior management team and formalise processes that bring together the learning from their frontline work to influence systemic change. RMC will also continue to develop their strategic and statutory partnerships nationally to effect systemic change.
17/05/2021 £229,000 £1,428,463 THE CENTRE FOR LITERACY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION CLPE The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) provides well-evidenced, creative literacy training and support for primary school staff to raise standards in language and literacy. This grant supports CLPE to work with published authors, poets and illustrators and ten London primary schools to deliver Reflecting Realities in the Classroom. The new programme will to support teachers and schools to be more critically reflective and actively engaged in ensuring inclusive and anti-racist practices in literacy teaching and learning, through arts-based approaches.
17/05/2021 £90,000 £3,008,978 THE LUCY FAITHFULL FOUNDATION The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation. The Foundation works with offenders and those at risk of perpetrating child sexual abuse, including adults, young people, and their families, through a range of programmes and interventions. This grant supports the roll out of a training programme for professionals across the UK based on the Inform Young People model. The programme will reach up to 180 new practitioners, extending reach to young people beyond the organisation’s own direct work, and provide learning to inform future advocacy and policy work.
17/05/2021 £250,000 £135,919 THE MULTI STORY ORCHESTRA The Multi Story Orchestra is a professional orchestra which aims to widen access to high-quality classical music through performances and participatory projects. They perform in car parks around the UK, bringing together hundreds of local young people to perform through partnerships with local arts and community organisations and schools in Peckham, Gloucester and Coventry. This grant supports the implementation of a new staffing structure which will integrate community-led approaches into Multi Story’s work and improve diversity across the organisation’s staff, musicians and participants.
17/05/2021 £140,000 £767,806 THE MUSIC WORKS The Music Works uses music to transform the lives of children and young people who are disabled or experiencing disadvantage. This grant supports the organisation to build a new model for children and young people-centred music leadership in alternative provision settings. This two-year research and development project aims to position music as an integral part of personal, social and academic development in five alternative provision settings in Gloucestershire.
17/05/2021 £90,000 £3,919,941 THE ULSTER ORCHESTRA SOCIETY LIMITED The Ulster Orchestra’s mission is to enrich people's lives through touring, regular broadcasts, concerts and learning and community engagement programmes. They are Northern Ireland’s only professional symphony orchestra. This grant supports Ulster Orchestra to deliver Crescendo, a long-term project that engages every child in four Belfast schools and aims to develop their musicianship and ability to play an instrument and perform.
17/05/2021 £90,000 £189,171 VOYAGE VOYAGE (Voice of Youth and Genuine Empowerment) aims to empower marginalised Black and minoritised young people aged 14-25 years and provide them with the self-awareness and motivation to transform their lives and their communities. This grant supports the expansion of the organisation’s Young Leaders programme to create a sustainable and lasting programme of change with wider impacts beyond their immediate cohort. This includes development of a new accredited Young Leaders initiative and focus on the ‘Young Leader journey’, which includes Senior Young Leaders, alumni and ambassadors.
17/05/2021 £165,000 £82,791 WAST Based in Manchester, Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST) aims to raise awareness about the issues that force women to seek international protection and to empower women asylum seekers. This grant supports WAST to build the individual and collective capacity of their members to effect real change in the social and political spheres. Work will include the development of a peer support model using social, cultural and political activities, and the provision of a leadership pathway for members.
17/05/2021 £140,000 £310,574 WOMEN CONNECT FIRST Women Connect First support Black, Asian and minoritised women and communities experiencing disadvantage in South Wales to help them realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to Welsh society. This grant provides core support to Women Connect First to strengthen their services and support offer and respond to policy and influencing opportunities arising as a result of the inequalities facing minoritised women highlighted by the pandemic.
17/05/2021 £80,000 £115,786 YOUNG IDENTITY Young Identity is a Black, Asian and ethnically diverse-led micro arts charity that engages marginalised young people in writing, performance and theatre across Greater Manchester. The young people they work with are predominately those with lived experience of racism, poverty and/or identify as LGBTQIA+. This grant supports Young Identity to increase and deepen participation in creative writing and performance for young people experiencing marginalisation in Greater Manchester, through the development of a new writing hub, an increased focus on wellbeing, and investing in evaluation.
17/05/2021 £90,000 £1,099,964 THE JUNCTION FOUNDATION The Junction Foundation supports children, young people and families in Redcar and the Tees Valley. They provide social activities, education, information, employment readiness programmes, youth work, and mental health and wellbeing support. This grant supports the recruitment of a strategic lead for the Junction’s Youth and Participation Work, who will develop the organisation’s young people strategic decision-making group. This new post will ensure greater stability of this core work, increase sustainability and better articulate the Junction’s impact.
13/05/2021 £15,000 ALIYAH HASINAH HOLDER Aliyah Hasinah Holder is an experienced curator and founder of Black Curatorial Labs (BCL), a project which creates Black only safe spaces for curatorial development centred on dreaming, experimentation and play. This grant supports research and development which will form the basis for BCL’s work in supporting and amplifying more Black artists at the same time as diversifying and decolonising art production.
13/05/2021 £15,000 ANASTACIA RYAN Anastacia Ryan is a social entrepreneur and researcher seeking to develop the ‘SISU Centre for Excellence in Transforming the Lives of Marginalised Young Women’. SISU is a Finnish term meaning ‘resilience through adversity’ which captures Anastacia’s holistic approach to ensuring women and girls at risk of abuse, poverty, poor mental health, addiction, homelessness, sexual exploitation and contact with the criminal justice system, get the support and protection they need. This grant supports Anastacia to develop a vision for the SISU Centre around three main pillars: research and policy work, partnership and training, and lived experience-led projects.
13/05/2021 £14,430 AUTUMN VOICES Autumn Voices is a not-for-profit social media platform which aims to encourage and support creativity in later life. This grant supports Autumn Voices member and octogenarian Robin to pilot an online club called Third Age Plus Pioneers. The club is aimed at supporting the creativity of the over 90s and will show how the elderly are creative and still have plenty to share with others.
13/05/2021 £15,000 AVOCADOS ADVOCACY CIC Avocados Advocacy is a community interest company created and led by care leavers in Devon. They seek to address the lack of community and support for care leavers by creating the support networks needed for care leavers transitioning to adulthood to develop and maintain meaningful relationships. This grant supports Avocados Advocacy to conduct research with care experienced young people and young adults to gather views and ideas, to explore what groups and support is needed.
13/05/2021 £15,000 BOM BIRMINGHAM OPEN MEDIA Birmingham Open Media (BOM) is a not-for-profit gallery and collaborative workspace for art, technology and science based in Birmingham City Centre. This grant supports BOM to create an ecosystem of diverse-led creative social enterprises that will respond to a series of challenges: digital exclusion in the West Midlands; the collapse of the high street; a lack of diverse-led cultural space in Birmingham; and the cultural sector’s need to find new financial models. BOM hopes to create a flagship centre for digital inclusion for the region, which will address the need for Black-led creative space in the rebalance of land and spatial justice.
13/05/2021 £15,000 CAITRIONA SNELL Caitriona Snell wants to create a marketing agency that will employ disabled/neurodiverse professionals to strategise and build unique marketing campaigns. The agency will offer embedded, tailored apprenticeship opportunities for disabled/neurodiverse young people within their business. This grant supports Caitriona to hire disabled or neurodiverse individuals to work on the agency’s first client projects and begin to build a pool of talent from which other businesses can recruit.
13/05/2021 £14,966 DESMOND DONNELLY Desmond (Dessie) Donnelly works to bridge the gap between technologists, NGOs and social movements and supports organisations to use software compatible with their ethos. This grant supports Dessie to set up the legal, organisational and technical infrastructure to create a tech workers’ cooperative. Dessie will recruit anchor organisations who have the potential to create powerful ‘ripple effects’ regarding ethical software among the larger community they represent and serve. In doing so, he hopes to develop a new approach to digital infrastructure for civil society.
13/05/2021 £15,000 NI MAYSAROH MAY GABRIEL ITS OK It’s OK is a campaign and charity set up by Ni Maysaroh (May) Gabriel to tackle the stigma around teenage depression through educational resources and campaigning. This grant supports It’s OK to work with young people from groups that are underrepresented in the mental health sector and overrepresented in mental illness statistics. It’s OK will address the gap of support for young people with moderate to severe mental illness with inclusion, intersectionality and representation at the core of their work.
13/05/2021 £11,643 £22,238 THE LONG GAME The Long Game is an autism advocacy charitable incorporated organisation. Their work focuses on reducing the autism employability gap and developing community cohesion. This grant support The Long Game to deliver their project ‘Thrive’ which seeks to address the employment gap faced by autistic Higher Education students and recent graduates. Research will be conducted to understand what areas of support are needed and how these resources could be created for a mass audience.
13/05/2021 £15,000 WAN YI SANDRA LAM Sandra Lam is an independent curator and writer currently based in London. Her curatorial research investigates how curating can contribute to an understanding of contemporary discourses, focusing on activism, migration and the environment. This grant supports the development and delivery of Radio Neighbourhood, a series of experimental performance events in communities and homes. The project will provide a platform to support artists from East or Southeast Asia who are currently under-represented in the UK. Performances will take place in open public spaces with audiences able to watch through windows or balconies with the sound and music broadcasted over Internet radio.
12/05/2021 £5,500 DIGITSPACE Digitspace provides British Sign Language (BSL) guided tours in national museums and galleries, covering themes around contemporary art, street art and architecture. They also facilitate art guide training for local deaf people and awareness workshops for curators and stakeholders in the North East. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
12/05/2021 £20,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Help on Your Doorstep is a charity that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Islington, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated. They work with residents to find solutions to the issues which make life difficult, strengthen communities and enable people to improve their life chances. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
12/05/2021 £20,000 £2,994,294 YOUNG SCOT Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship agency for young people in Scotland aged 11-26. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/05/2021 £96,343 £86,197,000 COMIC RELIEF Comic Relief and Paul Hamlyn Foundation are working in partnership to deliver the Tech for Good funding programme, which supports non-profits who are using technology to deliver new ideas and make services more effective. This grant provides funding for two additional Tech for Good projects and to build the capacity of training partners CAST.
04/05/2021 £1,000,000 £24,666,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE DEC The DEC is made up of 14 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when the DEC launch an appeal. When large-scale disasters hit countries without the capacity to respond, the DEC brings members together to raise funds quickly and efficiently. This grant constitutes Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s contribution to the DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal for emergency response in India.
30/04/2021 £120,000 TOURETTESHERO CIC Touretteshero was founded in 2010 to share the humour and creativity of Tourettes and to campaign for a more inclusive society. They collaborate with disabled and non-disabled people and partner organisations across the UK, and across art forms, in order to create flagship artistic projects and programmes for children and young people. They aim to build a better understanding of how creativity can improve individual and community well-being and ignite social change. This grant provides an additional one-year extension to Touretteshero’s grant through the Breakthrough Fund and underpins the creative Solidarity programme for disabled children and their families.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £15,210 ARDENT THEATRE COMPANY Ardent Theatre Company produce theatre, career training and mentorship programmes, providing a platform for theatre industry voices and online resources. Their aim is to make theatre a place where no one feels like an outsider, welcoming people whose voices are unheard and stories untold. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £1,329,647 BODY AND SOUL Body & Soul supports children, young people, and families whose lives have been affected by childhood adversity and trauma. It uses a ‘whole person’ model of care rooted in a strengths-based approach that nurtures connection, healing and growth. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £2,265,846 CHARTERED COLLEGE OF TEACHING The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. They celebrate, support and connect teachers to take pride in their profession and provide the best possible education for children and young people. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £1,751,298 FACT FACT is the UK's leading organisation for the support and exhibition of art and film that embraces new technology and explores digital culture. They believe in enriching lives and shaping the future through film, art and creative technology. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH IVAR The Institute for Voluntary Action Research is an independent charity that works closely with people and organisations striving for social change. They use research to develop practical responses to the challenges faced by organisations and create opportunities for people to learn from their findings. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £10,000 £196,151 RIGHT TO REMAIN Right to Remain is a human rights membership organisation which works with groups across the UK to promote and defend the rights of people seeking the right to remain in the UK. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
28/04/2021 £20,000 £332,697 YWCA SCOTLAND YWCA Scotland - The Young Women’s Movement - is a feminist organisation which creates transformational spaces that enable young women to lead personal, community and institutional change. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
22/04/2021 £60,000 RJ WORKING RJ Working uses a Restorative Justice model to support young people to tackle injustice and respond to conflict positively, to create more compassionate, inclusive and fair communities. They provide training to support young people to lead restorative practice projects with their peers, and to school staff and other youth practitioners. This grant supports the organisation to test and grow the ways that Restorative Justice can be used as a vehicle for social change and to tackle identity-related harm. It will also support continued growth in schools across Cornwall, and development of their offer for colleges and universities.
19/04/2021 £3,500 NEWTOWNABBEY ARTS AND CULTURAL NETWORK Newtownabbey Arts and Cultural Network is a youth and community charity working in the Rathcoole estate in Belfast, using creative and digital arts. This grant supports the organisation to increase staff capacity and engage with people that are at high risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour or riotous behaviour, or at high risk of harm.
07/04/2021 £27,500 £631,138 BAIL FOR IMMIGRATION DETAINEES BID Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) provides legal advice and representation in bail matters to people detained under immigration powers. They undertake substantive legal casework for people who are facing deportation and use this to provide an evidence base for their policy work in their campaign for the abolition of immigration detention. This grant supports BID to invest in secure technology, hardware and training to allow them to bring back volunteers who are integral to the organisation’s advice provision.
07/04/2021 £30,000 SWITCH UP CIC Switch Up works with children and young people who are at risk of or already involved with gang and criminal activity. It uses a combination of sports, peer mentoring and coaching to help young people to transform their lives and to break the cycle of offending and reoffending. This grant provides a 12-month extension for Switch Up to stabilise and strengthen infrastructure and meet the challenges of maintaining support for local vulnerable young people post-pandemic.
07/04/2021 £50,000 THE UBELE INITIATIVE The Ubele Initiative (Ubele) is an African Diaspora led intergenerational social enterprise, working to build more sustainable communities across the UK. This grant supports the role of Finance Manager which will allow Ubele to develop core systems after their rapid growth during the pandemic.
01/04/2021 £20,000 £168,055 CHINESE COMMUNITY CENTRE The Chinese Community Centre is London's centre for the preservation and promotion of Chinese culture, arts and identity. They aim to help the Chinese community to integrate into the UK at the same time as celebrating Chinese heritage. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2021 £20,000 £380,798 CIRCLES SOUTH WEST Circles South West is an independent charity whose purpose is to reduce the risk of (re)offending by people who have sexually offended or have displayed harmful sexual behaviour. The organisation intends to sustain and grow their service across the South West, consolidate delivery practice and develop a trading arm to provide training and consultancy. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2021 £15,000 £360,642 EUROPEAN NETWORK ON STATELESSNESS The European Network on Statelessness is a civil society alliance of over 140 members committed to ending statelessness in Europe and ensuring that stateless people living in Europe are protected. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2021 £18,000 £36,173 SANSARA SANSARA is a vocal collective working to unite the next generation of choral artists. Their vision is to inspire, engage and connect people through choral music-making. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2021 £20,000 £149,202 THE PLAY HOUSE B HAM LTD The Play House uses participatory theatre and drama to support the language and learning of children and young people. They aim to ignite children’s imagination and creativity through meaningful participation based on pedagogy and practice that has been developed over 30 years in partnership with Birmingham and Midlands schools. They deliver high quality, engaging programmes supported by comprehensive and practical resources for teachers. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2021 £14,000 £922,000 YOUTH INITIATIVES (NORTHERN IRELAND) Youth Initiatives specialises in long term, relationship based, preventative youth work in areas of high social need in Northern Ireland. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/03/2021 £15,650 IKRAM HIRSE SIDQ is a community platform that amplifies and supports Islamic institutions by cultivating safe, transparent, and sustainable communities through showcasing available Islamic provisions and services. This grant supports the development of the platform as a centralised digital community platform to provide a tailored service in cultivating a safe space for individuals to find whatever service they are looking for.
29/03/2021 £15,575 AMANDA WALTERS To create a Labour Community Alliance, a broad alliance of trade unions and community organisations, to create change for cleaners in the UK. The Alliance will use a range of methods, including: organising, mobilising, political strategy, research and communications. The alliance will be the first Labour Community Alliance on the cleaning industry in the UK.
29/03/2021 £15,640 HAPPY SMILES BLOG CIC Happy Smiles is a profit-for purpose training provider, inspired and driven by disabled young people. This grant supports Happy Smiles to build upon their work in schools to offer bespoke support for young disabled adults who are transitioning from education, either looking for employment opportunities or otherwise don’t know what to do. They will be testing their project idea by trialling it with a group of local young adults in Wigan.
29/03/2021 £14,657 OXFORDSHIRE DISCOVERY COLLEGE Oxfordshire Discovery College (ODC) is seeking to develop a new approach to exploring mental health topics, adapting the methods used for international Recovery Colleges to young people. ODC will offer workshops/programmes that explore mental health topics (eg, understanding depression, diagnoses, or strategies for maintaining wellbeing), while weaving in fun activities like art, sport, or gardening. The College won’t be clinical or therapeutic, and instead will create informal spaces for young people to learn together.
29/03/2021 £15,150 PLANT PARADISE LTD Plant Paradise will be an online platform that will connect planting projects with volunteers, to help accelerate the much-needed restoration of our natural world. The platform will make it easy for organisations to advertise planting events and simple for volunteers and groups to search for local projects to join.
29/03/2021 £15,400 POLLY FOR WOMEN CIO Polly for Women is a UK charity aiming to provide a support helpline and webchat for women and girls in the UK starting with a 3-month pilot in Greater Manchester. This grant supports the pilot stage of Polly, a safe space run by and for women, with information about services supporting women’s safety and needs.
29/03/2021 £15,075 INCLUSION LABS Inclusion Labs is an independent, non-profit, community interest company creating impactful programmes that work towards embedding diversity, equity and inclusion into every young person’s educational, cultural and personal development. This grant supports Inclusion Labs Schools develop a programme to make schools more inclusive for every child, particularly those from underrepresented groups or lower socio-economic backgrounds.
29/03/2021 £15,575 SEVERAL SEATS Several Seats Mentorship scheme will champion young BAME women facing the complex transitions within academic and career prospects in mental health. The scheme will create transformational spaces to enable mentees on the programme to lead community and institutional change in the mental health service. This is a multifaceted scheme, which offers students and aspiring psychologists, a range of opportunities for learning and development support and networking opportunities.
29/03/2021 £15,700 NOAH PARSLEW Speak-easy is a predictive text-to-voice application designed to help people communicate, enhancing their quality of life and independence. It represents a fresh, innovative approach to speech applications, using a smart grid of options for sentence building: once a tile is selected, the grid refreshes with the most common following words. The predictive nature of Speak-Easy makes it easier to communicate with compared to augmentative and alternative communication.
29/03/2021 £15,575 MICHAEL OJO Michael Ojo is an artist, creative director and teacher. This grant supports Ojo to develop and pilot a new music curriculum through 20 music masterclasses for professionals, academics & students in music schools. It teaches African-American vocal training, its influence on contemporary music and its roots in music therapy. This pilot will help test, adapt and improve the curriculum, solidify school participation, and help strengthen the case for accreditation.
29/03/2021 £15,123 PELL ENSEMBLE UK U CAN TOO AND EMMA MCFARLAND Pell Ensemble is a creative and collaborative company making digital experiences that connect people to themselves and the world around them. This grant supports Pell Ensemble to develop a programme that combines dance and digital to test how to teach computer fundamentals in a new and engaging way.
29/03/2021 £15,575 ZAREEN ALI Zareen Ali is using her experience from tech, education and psychology to carry out research that will form the basis to a new anti-racist school. This grant supports research that is co-designed and shaped by young people and communities.
29/03/2021 £15,575 WINNIE SSANYU SSERUMA The Black Health Activists Mentoring & Empowering Network (BHAMEN) aims to develop a network of Black health activists to empower communities to access health services. This grant supports the development of the network in London and the South East, with the intention of rolling out to the rest of the UK. An online platform will also be developed.
26/03/2021 £20,000 £6,545,000 REFUGEE ACTION Refugee Action help refugees and people seeking asylum to build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK. This grant supports the organisation to carry out mapping research into the provision of and demand for legal immigration advice.
25/03/2021 £10,000 £1,798,489 CENTRE FOR THE ACCELERATION OF SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY The Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology (CAST) works to create an agile, resilient, digitally enabled social sector. This grant supports the development of a grant advisor web service with the purpose of providing open, transparent feedback between grant seekers and grant makers.
24/03/2021 £100,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11 to 25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This grant provides additional core funding alongside an annual package of support towards organisational innovation, development and growth. Investment will achieve youth driven and led growth in service delivery and influence.
24/03/2021 £30,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11 to 25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This grant provides additional support for MAP's organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
24/03/2021 £30,000 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS StreetDoctors is a volunteer-led movement of young people tackling youth violence. StreetDoctors aims to reduce the harm caused by youth violence by recruiting medical student volunteers to teach targeted groups of young people emergency life-saving skills and encouraging them to make informed choices. This grant provides core support to organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
24/03/2021 £100,000 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS StreetDoctors is a volunteer-led movement of young people tackling youth violence. StreetDoctors aims to reduce the harm caused by youth violence by recruiting medical student volunteers to teach targeted groups of young people emergency life-saving skills and encouraging them to make informed choices. This grant provides core funding to support strategic and operational growth, and to scale work to train young people at risk to become lifesavers in their communities.
24/03/2021 £75,000 NICK OF TIME PRODUCTIONS Nick of Time Productions is a theatre production company led by director, producer and founder Nicolas Kent. This grant supports the production of a verbatim play about the Grenfell Inquiry to be performed at the Tabernacle Theatre in October 2021 followed by the Birmingham Rep Theatre in November 2021.
24/03/2021 £30,000 £1,696,581 OFF THE RECORD (OTR) Off the Record (OTR) is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. This grant provides core support for OTR fundraising and staff salaries as they respond to increased demand as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
24/03/2021 £30,000 £225,224 HIDEAWAY YOUTH PROJECT Hideaway Youth Project is a small but longstanding youth charity based in the Moss Side area of Manchester. They offer regular youth clubs, targeted programmes, education and specialist support in areas such as housing or employment. This grant supports Hideaway to incorporate young people’s skills and perspectives in the development of new programmes of youth work, in order to increase the quality, quantity and diversity of opportunities for young people that they offer.
24/03/2021 £30,000 £753,104 THE LARDER COOK SCHOOL The Larder uses cooking and food as a medium to help young people to improve their confidence, reconnect with learning, and move into employment. It runs a cooking school and four community cafés, where students train and serve high quality food to the local community. This grant supports core staff roles in The Larder in order to strengthen the sustainability of the organisation in the long term.
24/03/2021 £80,000 THE BLACK CURRICULUM The Black Curriculum (TBC) is a social enterprise that aims to deliver Black British history teaching and learning across the UK. They run virtual and in-person programmes to schools, young people and corporations to promote the importance of Black history and develop free and licensable resources for schools. Their aim is to prepare students to become fully rounded citizens, ready for an increasingly globalised world. This grant provides core support to TBC to implement their strategic plan, strengthen organisational infrastructure and respond directly to the inequalities uncovered by the pandemic.
24/03/2021 £80,000 MADLOVE LTD Madlove is a long-term project by artist James Leadbitter, aka the vacuum cleaner, that blends research, design, socially engaged practice and visual arts to reimagine mental health support and environments. This grant supports Madlove to re-establish organisational development and sustainable strategic planning in response to impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
24/03/2021 £65,000 £1,678,420 NATIONAL THEATRE WALES National Theatre Wales (NTW) is the UK's youngest national theatre and the English-speaking national theatre of Wales. This grant supports NTW’s TEAM programmes in Pembrokeshire and Wrexham in which productions are co-created with communities to create place-specific works.
24/03/2021 £50,000 £658,263 HATCH COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP GROUP Hatch Enterprise work with entrepreneurs from diverse, under-served communities to grow smart ideas into successful, profitable and sustainable businesses that have a positive and lasting impact on their communities. They are co-founders of the Collective Leadership Group, an initiative that seeks to create greater connection, collaboration and innovation across capacity-building and enterprise support providers for the UK social sector. This grant supports the appointment of a Community Lead who will map sector provision, support learning and insight, and grow membership.
23/03/2021 £500,000 £690,771 CHILDREN'S LAW CENTRE (NORTHERN IRELAND) The Children's Law Centre (CLC) is a national charity based in Belfast which empowers children and young people. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans to enable Children’s Law Centre to uphold children and young people's rights, ensuring they can participate, are valued, their rights are respected and guaranteed without discrimination, and every child can achieve their full potential.
23/03/2021 £500,000 £1,246,841 FOOTBALL BEYOND BORDERS Football Beyond Borders is an education charity which uses football to support marginalised young people to raise attainment and aspiration. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to scale work providing long-term, intensive support, built around relationships and young people’s passions, so they thrive in the classroom and beyond.
23/03/2021 £500,000 £655,550 GLOUCESTERSHIRE YOUNG CARERS Gloucestershire Young Carers works with children and young people with a caring responsibility for a family member. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to support young carers to build on their strengths, achieve their aspirations and experience a positive transition to adulthood.
23/03/2021 £500,000 £749,643 EMPIRE FIGHTING CHANCE Empire Fighting Chance uses non-contact boxing and intensive individual support to inspire vulnerable young people to make positive changes in their lives and improve their mental health. This grant provides core funding to support organisational development and growth plans, and to scale work harnessing the power of non-contact boxing to mentor, provide therapy and offer careers support for young people to change their lives.
23/03/2021 £80,000 £17,812 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CREATIVE HEALTH The National Centre for Creative Health is a registered charity who aim to advance good practice and research, inform policy and promote collaboration, helping foster the conditions for creative health to be integral to health and social care and wider systems. This grant supports the Centre to work with health and social care systems, professionals and service users to encourage innovation and spread of creative health approaches, identify models for sustainable delivery, and help advance the practical integration of arts and creativity into health and social care systems.
23/03/2021 £200,000 SOCIAL FINANCE Social Finance is a not for profit organisation that partners with the government, the social sector and the financial community to find better ways of tackling social problems in the UK and beyond. This grant is a two-year extension of support for the Impact Incubator, a collaboration between Social Finance and UK charitable foundations that seeks to drive systemic change on social issues.
23/03/2021 £150,000 £551,215 THE DIFFERENCE The Difference creates specialist senior school leaders, with the expertise to lead whole-school and multi-agency approaches to meeting the learning, wellbeing and safeguarding needs of all children. This grant supports the third Difference Leader cohort of twenty teachers to complete an intensive training and placement programme, developing expertise in inclusive school leadership.
23/03/2021 £150,000 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Part of the Russell Group of universities, The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the UK. This grant supports the design and implementation of a methodology for assessing and supporting the wellbeing of young people in years 8 to 10 in up to 250 secondary schools across Greater Manchester. Co-designed by young people and academic and practitioner experts, the research will take place across three years from Autumn 2021 alongside partners including the Anna Freud Centre, the Youth Sports Trust and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
17/03/2021 £20,000 STEWARDING LOSS Stewarding Loss is a collective of organisational designers, social innovators and coaches. They aim to test and trial ways to support organisations considering, facing or designing closure with practical and emotional guidance and signposting to support and contribute to a wider systemic shift whereby organisational ending or closure is considered as ordinarily as ‘growth.’ This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £582,904 CARAS CARAS is a charity that supports refugees and asylum seekers in London to learn English, build supportive networks and access their rights and entitlements. Based in South London, they support separated children and young people who are seeking asylum (80%) and adult women (20%), with either unsettled or recently secured immigration status to integrate and live independent lives. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £965,616 ANTI TRIBALISM MOVEMENT The Anti-Tribalism Movement is a Somali-British led non-profit organisation aimed at educating and raising awareness about the effects of tribalism within communities. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £815,857 POSITIVE YOUTH FOUNDATION The Positive Youth Foundation is a Coventry based charity that aims to improve the life chances of young people facing challenging circumstances. Their offer includes targeted support services for refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived young people; alternative education; mentoring; and group activities focused on health, wellbeing, and positive development. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £15,000 £167,266 HEART AND SOUND Heart and Sound offers a range of creative and youth work activities for young people in Dunfermline, with a particular focus on music. They support members to increase their confidence and social connections, achieve awards or qualifications, and move into employment or further education. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £15,000 £355,253 PEER POWER YOUTH Peer Power supports young people with lived experience of the criminal justice, social services and mental health systems to advocate for positive change within these systems and services. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £19,200 £597,707 STREETWISE OPERA Streetwise Opera runs music programmes and makes operas with people who are or have been homeless. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £1,794,598 QUEENS THEATRE HORNCHURCH Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch is a regional theatre working in Outer East London, Essex and beyond. Their programme includes home grown theatre, live entertainment and learning and participation projects. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £19,500 BLACK LIVES IN MUSIC Black Lives in Music (BLiM) is dedicated to galvanising awareness and precipitating improvement in diversity at all levels in the UK music industry, specifically in the areas of Classical and Jazz in conservatoires, orchestras and professional ensembles. They stand for equal opportunities, and specifically for Black people to be able to work successfully in the UK music industry without being the subject of discrimination. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £218,538 PRIMARY Primary is an artist-led visual arts organisation based in Nottingham that provides affordable workspace and studios for artists, delivers community engagement projects and a public programme of exhibitions and events. They support collaborative creative research, encouraging participation in artistic production. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £15,620 £371,156 NEWHAMPTON ARTS CENTRE Newhampton Arts Centre (NAC) is a creative venue in the heart of Wolverhampton that nurtures new talent and new ideas. They offer a wide range of facilities and opportunities to enjoy and engage in the arts and support thirty resident organisations through their creative hub. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/03/2021 £20,000 £217,719 MEADOW ARTS Meadow Arts is a contemporary art charity. They deliver ambitious and accessible projects in unexpected rural places, curate large-scale exhibitions and commission new artworks and events. This grant provides core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
12/03/2021 £20,000 CULTURE COMMONS Culture Commons blend public relations, stakeholder management, campaign strategy and traditional lobbying to help creative organisations to have an impact on public policy. This grant supports a series of regional panels with partners advocating for the creative and cultural industries workforce in Metro Mayoral areas that will supporting a broader programme of work to develop a pledge and an advocacy strategy for local leaders.
10/03/2021 £88,813 £1,286,498 DANCE BASE Dance Base is Scotland’s National Centre for Dance. Located in Edinburgh, the centre caters for dancers of all ages and abilities, providing an accessible programme of activities that offers a diverse public a non-competitive, sociable and enjoyable way to keep physically fit and develop new creative skills. This grant supports Dance Base to continue its work to develop the Scottish Dance for Parkinson's network through bespoke and embedded delivery in regional partner hubs, extended programming and future organisational planning.
08/03/2021 £300,000 £522,326 ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING (AIE) Attitude is Everything improves disabled people's access to live music This grant is part of four-year continuation funding including ongoing support for two key staff roles. This will underpin the organisation's ability to deliver and further develop its key sector support role for the live music industry, ensuring Deaf and disabled experience is at the heart of an accessible reopening for music and other arts events.
08/03/2021 £370,000 £2,423,154 MK GALLERY MK Gallery will further develop its inclusive practice by expanding provison for families with children with complex needs, introducing personalised progression routes for participants and supporting its local cultural sector through knowledge sharing and network building.
08/03/2021 £250,000 £113,906 TRANSFORM Transform create biennial festivals and citywide cultural takeovers. This grant supports a three-year programme through which Transform will embed co-creation with young people into its organisational model and across its biennial festivals in 2021 and 2023.
08/03/2021 £75,000 £200,154 AMAL Amal supports and develops creative endeavours that increase understanding of and belonging among Britain’s Muslim communities. This grant supports a new programme, Amal Connect, that emphasises additional local support from a coordinator and the creation of hubs, initially in Birmingham and Bradford. The new post will enable deeper collaboration and engagement between cultural organisations and Muslim communities and organisations.
08/03/2021 £345,000 £997,330 THE GARAGE The Garage is a hub and charity for performing arts in Norwich. This grant provides core support for the Youth Inclusion Programme in Norwich and King’s Lynn including a new approach to community work which will feed into the broader organisational development of The Garage's approach to DEI, co-creation and learning & evaluation.
08/03/2021 £125,000 £213,562 FROZEN LIGHT Frozen Light makes sensory theatre for adult and young adult audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). This grant supports Frozen Light to develop and embed meaningful co-created practice in its work, creating a cohort of collaborators with PMLD via a regular, sessional offer; investing in evaluation that addresses the ethical needs of this work; and exploring creation of an adaptable, immersive space.
08/03/2021 £137,000 £980,048 YORKSHIRE DANCE Yorkshire Dance wish to establish a permanent non-professional intergenerational dance company (COP) which will work in depth and year-round to produce dance pieces which will be performed publicly. It will provide people living with multiple inequalities the opportunity to engage with dance at many levels of their choosing: at a fun community participation level, in a wider intellectual pan-European enquiry, at a professional performance level in the public realm – and along the way will shift their own and public conceptions of who a dancer is.
08/03/2021 £70,000 YORKSHIRE SOUND WOMEN NETWORK (YSWN) YSWN will create more opportunities for women to creatively engage with sound and music technology, with a focus on supporting the continued development of grassroots community-led groups; online workshops and networking sessions; a skills development offer for its pool of freelance Associates; and increased evaluation.
08/03/2021 £334,000 £2,090,472 DANCEEAST Through 'A new territory for dance in schools: a digital pedagogy', DanceEast is creating an accessible, scalable and innovative teaching pedagogy, supporting learning in dance and across the curriculum with 20+ primary schools across Suffolk. The programme focuses on the advancement of blending digital and face-to-face pedagogies, building on existing evidence, and rolling out incrementally over 3.5 years.
08/03/2021 £64,000 SOUTHAMPTON MUSIC HUB 'Rap and Literacy: co-designing a creative curriculum' is a co-constructed programme exploring Literacy and Music learning through rap/spoken word. Southampton Music Hub is partnering with a rap/spoken word artist, music hub practitioners and school teachers and leaders from 3 Southampton primary schools.
08/03/2021 £60,000 S.M.I.L.E ING BOYS S.M.I.L.E-ing Boys project is a research-led arts & well-being organisation working with BAME Boys in London. This grant supports the project in scaling their pilot programme to deliver a creative schools programme around the ‘8 Pillars of Happiness’ to BAME Year 9 & 10 students. The programme aims to improve overall engagement in learning in a format that provides inclusive tools for students and teachers to explore, highlighting their specific interests. Young people will co-construct the sessions alongside teacher and senior leadership development around cultural equity, curriculum and complete culture decolonisation.
08/03/2021 £150,000 £452,968 YDANCE (SCOTTISH YOUTH DANCE) YDance is the National Dance Organisation for Children and Young People in Scotland. This grant supports the delivery of Step It Up, a project that aims to develop teachers’ confidence, skills and knowledge in using dance and kinaesthetic learning to support and challenge pupils in deprived areas to achieve their potential. Using practical sessions and blended continuing professional development and learning, 18 teachers and two dance artists will take part in an experiential learning journey led by pedagogy, reflection and evaluation.
08/03/2021 £149,500 BUSH HILL PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Bush Hill Park Primary is the lead school working with Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership and nine local primary schools to collaborate with organisation Bow Arts. This grant supports the schools and Bow Arts to explore the types of learning that help teachers and school leaders develop and grow using a blended approach to arts-based continuing professional development and learning. The project will combine art with other subject areas to embed arts-based approaches to learning across the curriculum to develop pupils’ breadth and depth of vocabulary.
08/03/2021 £148,000 LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY Part of Leeds Beckett University, The Story Makers Company produces academic and practice-based research alongside children. This grant supports the development of Empowering Voice, a project in collaboration with Bowling Park Primary, that aims to bring the curriculum to life through drama and storytelling with an explicit focus on children’s oracy. Working with diverse artists, teachers and children, across eight inner city schools, the project will create imaginative and culturally relevant curriculum opportunities through drama.
08/03/2021 £147,000 INSPIRING FUTURES: BARKING AND DAGENHAM CULTURAL EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP Exploring The Story Of ME aims to build teachers’ skills in literacy development and language acquisition through representative and diverse models of storytelling and theatre making to overcome language-related barriers to learning. The project is a partnership between Beam County Primary, Inspiring Futures, the local authority education team, Ministry of Stories, Mercury Theatre and six additional local primary schools.
08/03/2021 £149,700 £859,523 NEWLYN ART GALLERY AND THE EXCHANGE Newlyn Art Gallery will partner with nine primary schools, led by Newlyn School, in rural West Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, to create an in-school gallery at each location. Artworks will be borrowed from the Arts Council Collection and Cornwall Council Schools Art Collection, and inspire a programme of live and digital continuing professional development and learning for teachers and senior staff led by artist-educators. Teachers’ learning will focus on practical sessions, exploring drawing, printmaking and 3D construction, along with thinking and talking about art, enabling them to harness the full potential of art across their curriculum.
08/03/2021 £149,500 MITCHAM TOWN COMMUNITY TRUST Rehearsal for Life will act as a catalyst for change in approaches to teaching English language and literature at Key Stage 2 across the Mitcham Town Community Trust schools cluster. Using applied drama and music practice, the project aims to improve learning outcomes, working with teachers to develop and embed innovative practice and creative approaches to learning across the curriculum.
08/03/2021 £150,000 £17,514,595 THEATRE ROYAL (NORWICH) TRUST LTD Theatre Royal Norwich will partner with the 11 schools in the Wensum Trust to deliver Wild about Words. This programme will empower teachers and senior leaders working with artists to harness the power of story-sharing and reduce barriers to learning for pupils experiencing disadvantage. The project will establish a ‘Story-sharing School’ model utilising drama-led practices which allow pupils to develop literacy skills and their executive functioning skills.
08/03/2021 £145,000 TRINITY PRIMARY SCHOOL This project will deliver a dedicated course to enhance the use and value of film-based learning across the curriculum for primary schools in the town of Hawick in Scotland. Workshops, practical exercises, sharing networks and robust evaluation will support and energise teacher-participants to develop the skills and confidence to effectively use digital teaching methods in the classroom. The programme will establish methods of sharing and sustained knowledge exchange between the teachers and their respective schools, reaching out locally, nationally and globally.
08/03/2021 £113,600 NORTHFIELD JUNIOR SCHOOL Through this project, digital artists and teachers and school leaders from six primary schools will work with the University of Sheffield’s MakerFutures and the National Videogame Museum on a programme of continued professional development and learning to increase teachers’ skills, knowledge, experience and confidence in using arts-based practices to teach digital literacies and ‘Worldbuilding’.
08/03/2021 £108,500 £405,549 TRAVELLING LIGHT THEATRE COMPANY Travelling Light Theatre will work with five Bristol schools to support teachers to explore how drama-based learning can develop oracy and emotional literacy, supporting wellbeing and addressing inequality of opportunity which affects educational outcomes. Together they will develop a progressive skills-based curriculum offer, expanding teachers’ practice and embedding drama into the wider curriculum.
08/03/2021 £90,000 £393,073 LITTLE HEARTS MATTER Little Hearts Matter provides support when a child is diagnosed with a single ventricle heart condition (SVHD), half a working heart. This grant supports the charity's Youth programme to strengthen its growing community of heart peers and via its Youth Council, inform clinical research, improve practice and resources. This will help young members to better understand their condition, reduce isolation and enable them to live more independently.
08/03/2021 £90,000 £343,345 STOP ABUSE FOR EVERYONE (SAFE) Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) is based in Devon. It supports children, young people, and parents affected by domestic abuse and violence. Funding will support its work to raise awareness and improve policy and practice at other services supporting young people affected by domestic violence. Young people will be trained and supported to safely share their stories and become peer mentors, contributing to their own and wider sustainable positive outcomes.
08/03/2021 £90,000 THE PLATFORM PROJECT The Platform Project CIC works in Swindon with young people who are disengaged (or at risk of becoming disengaged) from education, training and employment. Funding will support the senior team to package up the Platform Project’s various programmes so that they can be shared more widely with external providers, in response to growing demand. This in turn will enable the organisation to reach greater numbers of young people.
08/03/2021 £90,000 £331,409 FIRST STAR SCHOLARS UK First Star improves the lives of looked-after young people by partnering with schools, social services, carers, universities and local authorities. This grant supports the recruitment of a Programme Director to implement a four-year programme to support young people in care to transition to adulthood, build on their strengths and raise aspirations.
08/03/2021 £100,000 FULLY FOCUSED COMMUNITY TRUST Fully Focused is a youth-led media organisation using the power of issue-based film to positively impact the lives of mostly black and minority ethnic (BAME) young people, aged 16-25. This grant supports the organisation's readiness for investment with a focus on increasing capacity and enabing organisational development and strategic planning so Fully Focused can continue to provide long-term support for young people and usesfilm as a platform for their voices.
08/03/2021 £40,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law supports vulnerable young people with multiple complex needs from crisis to stability and into independence through a unique model of holistic representation. This grant forms part of an annual package of support to underpin organisational growth and development and policy and influencing work.
08/03/2021 £40,000 £2,035,641 LEAP CONFRONTING CONFLICT Leap Confronting Conflict is a national charity, expert at reducing youth conflict, delivering interactive training for young people (11-25) and professionals, focusing on prevention, reducing public violence and supporting young people in the criminal justice system. This grant provides additional support for Leap's organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £40,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11 to 25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This grant provides additional support for MAP's organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £30,000 £2,735,429 REDTHREAD Redthread is a youth work charity focusing on the well-being of young people aged 11-25. This grant provides core support for the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £30,000 £488,899 SHEFFIELD YOUNG CARERS PROJECT Sheffield Young Carers provides support to children and young people aged 8-25 who provide significant unpaid care to family members. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £30,000 £790,973 SPARK INSIDE Spark Inside is the only specialist provider of life coaching for young people in or leaving prison in the UK. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £40,000 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS StreetDoctors is a volunteer-led movement of young people tackling youth violence. StreetDoctors aims to reduce the harm caused by youth violence by recruiting medical student volunteers to teach targeted groups of young people emergency life-saving skills and encouraging them to make informed choices. This grant provides core support to organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £30,000 £1,657,905 THE JERICHO FOUNDATION The Jericho Foundation is a West Midlands social enterprise which supports people, particularly those aged 16-24, with barriers to employment and training, by providing real work experience and individually tailored personal support. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £30,000 £434,640 THE KEY The Key engages young people who are vulnerable and facing complex barriers to progression, helping them to work together in small teams to dream up, plan, budget, deliver and evaluate their own project ideas. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £40,000 £5,427,092 YOUNGMINDS YoungMinds is a leading UK charity working to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
08/03/2021 £58,000 ACT BUILD CHANGE Act Build Change aim to make community organising accessible to all and build a network of leaders committed to justice. This grant will enable Act Build Change to develop a programme of collective training shaped by and for the migration sector focusing on three key areas: development of training and employing a head of training; fostering clarity of approach and its contribution to the field through research and collaboration; organisational development.
08/03/2021 £375,000 £599,231 MIGRANTS ORGANISE Migrants Organise is a shared organising platform for refugees and migrants acting together for justice. This grant supports the employment of core staff to organise migrants and refugees, building the movement for systemic change: the campaign for Fair Immigration Reform, an end to the Hostile Environment and overhaul of immigration policy.
08/03/2021 £150,000 £724,057 IMMIGRATION LAW PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION ILPA The Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) is a registered charity whose professional practise in all aspects of immigration, asylum and nationality law. This grant supports ILPA to host the Advancing Justice for Migrants (AJM) in the UK Fund. It will deliver six open funding rounds every year and award grants to successful applicants for pre-litigation research, third party interventions and legal communications.
08/03/2021 £45,000 £80,757 MIGRATION POLICY SCOTLAND Migration Policy Scotland (MPS) is an independent think tank in Scotland working to promote and sustain a constructive approach to migration. This grant supports to emded lived experience into the structures of the organisation in a meaningful way. MPS will hold several events to explore the scope and role of the knowledge equity panel, and its relationship to MPS staff and trustees.
08/03/2021 £128,000 £203,210 THE INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has played a key role in the struggle for racial justice in the UK. Since the 1970s, IRR has pioneered research in new areas, putting difficult issues on the national agenda, including the policing of black communities, school exclusions, deaths in custody and the racism of the tabloid media. Its history, experience and institutional memory are leveraged to support contemporary struggles, and it delivers thinktank functions in service to grassroots community organising and campaigning. Since April last year, IRR has employed a dedicated Communications Worker for the first time and it wishes to grow its impact by sustaining this post.
08/03/2021 £220,000 £541,845 CITY OF SANCTUARY UK City of Sancutary UK is a growing network of groups, villages, towns, cities and regions across the UK, engaged in activities intended to welcome people seeking sanctuary. This grant supports City of Sanctuary to enhance organisational sustainability and strengthen its network to build a welcoming environment for people who migrate to the UK.
08/03/2021 £105,000 £48,007 THE UNITY PROJECT The Unity Project (TUP) work to support we support people affected by the 'no recourse to public funds' (NRPF) policy. This grant supports TUP in their work to tackle inequality and discrimination behind the NRPF policy for people who migrate to the UK, working towards ending the policy.
08/03/2021 £20,000 UNITED LEGAL ACCESS United Legal Access will deliver advice and casework to Windrush Compensation Scheme claimants, with the support of lawyers at two international legal firms working pro bono. Two ULA solicitors will provide supervision of the volunteers’ advice and casework.
08/03/2021 £200,000 £112,474 ASYLUM JUSTICE Asylum Justice is a charitable organisation in Wales that offers free specialist legal advice, assistance and representation to asylum seekers, refugees, and other vulnerable migrants. This grant supports Asylum Justice to expand capacity and scale their service delivery model while making greater use of the findings from their casework to demonstrate how the current legal aid and immigration system is failing vulnerable migrants.
08/03/2021 £50,000 £84,772 REFUGEE LEGAL SUPPORT RLS Refugee Legal Support (RLS) are a group of UK and EU asylum lawyers acting in solidarity with refugees in Greece. This grant supports RLS to influence the post-Brexit replacement of the Dublin family reunion procedures in 2021 by contributing to advocacy and strategic litigation using their casework evidence base around accessible, safe, legal routes to family reunification.
08/03/2021 £120,000 THE REFUGEE ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICY RAMP PROJECT The Refugee and Migrant Policy (RAMP) Project are an independent not-for-profit organisation who help political leaders to think more deeply and to collaborate more widely on migration, asylum and integration issues. This grant supports RAMP to constructively engage with an additional Conservative MP on issues of migration and asylum to increase their ability to influence policy debate.
03/03/2021 £15,000 £2,404,059 AQOON SCHOOL-HOME SUPPORT SERVICES School-Home Support (SHS), formerly Aqoon, is a charity working with children and families to maximise educational opportunities and improve life chances. Partnering with schools, local authorities and communities, SHS looks beyond the classroom to understand and tackle the issues affecting children’s learning, such as poverty, inadequate housing and mental ill-health. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £3,330 PAY AS YOU FEEL COMMUNITY ACCOUNTANTS Pay as You Feel Accountants aims to help young people who have experienced domestic abuse, homelessness or other disadvantages in their lives to make the first step into employment. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £20,000 £1,349,940 PUBLIC LAW PROJECT Public Law Project was set up to ensure those marginalised through poverty, discrimination or disadvantage have access to public law remedies and can hold the state to account. They commission specialist research and policy work, provide training and support to lawyers and advisers and undertake strategic litigation in a coordinated way to achieve strategic impact. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £15,000 £136,813 THE ANNE MATTHEWS TRUST - BRAICH GOCH Now operating as the The Anne Matthews Trust, Braich Goch are committed to working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and supporting them to develop networks, access opportunities, and equip them with new skills and knowledge to tackle the injustices they face. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £20,000 £263,701 INTEGRATE UK Integrate UK is a youth led charity based in Bristol that promotes gender and racial equality, integration and community cohesion. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £15,000 £594,606 LAUNCH IT LONDON Launch It is a group of charities operating under the London Youth Support Trust. Launch It aims to change lives through enterprise and break down the barriers for young entrepreneurs with experience of disadvantage. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £20,000 NEON NEW ECONOMY ORGANISERS NETWORK NEON is a network of over 1,600 UK organisers from 900 different civil society groups. They run training programmes and support campaigns to build the strength of movements for social and economic justice. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £20,000 £252,229 DAISY INCLUSIVE UK Daisy Inclusive UK is a disability led charity that supports those who are vulnerable, young people with disabilities and their families. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
03/03/2021 £20,000 £637,874 SAHWR SPECIALIST DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES SAHWR is a registerered charity that offers specialist domestic abuse services. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
24/02/2021 £30,000 £118,721 WE BELONG We Belong is a youth-led organisation, designed to support, train and advocate for young migrants who call the UK their home. This grant enables We Belong to continue providing emergency hardship support for young people who lack permanent immigration status as well as improve systems of staff support and training.
24/02/2021 £65,500 INDEPENDENT WORKERS UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN Independent Workers of Great Britain (IWGB) aims to support low-paid workers who have migrated to the UK so that they are better enabled to claim their rights. This grant supports IWGB to employ additional legal caseworkers, enabling them to meet the ongoing and increasing Covid-related casework needs of their members in 2021.
17/02/2021 £20,000 £755,401 WOMEN @ THE WELL Women @ the Well are a registered charity that supports women in North London whose lives are affected by sex work. They offer a creative and supportive space for vulnerable women and aim to develop a holistic response to their needs and empower women to make choices to improve the quality of their lives. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/02/2021 £20,000 £2,408,031 THE REFUGEE AND MIGRANT CENTRE The Refugee and Migrant Centre assists refugees and migrants through crisis and disadvantage, by removing barriers to their integration and enabling them to become equal citizens. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
17/02/2021 £15,300 £137,855 EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT GROUP The Education and Skills Development Group (ESDEG) is a registered charity established in 2006 to help address the needs of Southall's Somali community. Since its inception, ESDEG has expanded its services to members of all faiths and ethnic groups, who are experiencing disadvantage, exclusion, inequality and other barriers that are preventing the community or its members from thriving. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/02/2021 £20,000 £1,913,978 ASHOKA UK & IRELAND Ashoka supports leading social entrepreneurs to scale their impact and enable society to embrace social innovation and changemaking. This grant supports Ashoka in the development of a Young Change Leader internship programme and to recruit two new roles to implement it.
27/01/2021 £30,000 ASYLUM MATTERS (CITY OF SANCTUARY) Asylum Matters works in partnership locally and nationally to improve the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum through social and political change. This grant will support the organisation in responding to the ongoing pandemic, as the only project with a focus on national and regional change in the asylum system. Asylum Matters will continue to help partners convene, act and advocate locally and nationally for the rights of asylum seekers, in increasingly difficult and unprecedented circumstances.
27/01/2021 £61,390 £982,388 LIVE MUSIC NOW Live Music Now (LMN) develop the talents of young musicians and brings high quality live music performances to people with less access. Through a network of seven branches across the UK, LMN delivers participatory music sessions to people in special schools, care homes, community centres and hospitals. This grant supports LMN through organisational changes and enables delivery of summer classroom sessions and visits.
27/01/2021 £7,200 £1,056,350 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is the membership organisation for a national network of Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS). This grant enables strategic consultancy support to the organisation to develop a theory of change and an evaluation framework to measure progress.
21/01/2021 £10,000 BOSSING IT Bossing It is a newly created space for Womxn of Colour leading in the impact sector to share ideas, opportunities and support. This grant is supporting their growth as a result of demand
21/01/2021 £20,000 POSITIVE MONEY Positive Money is a campaign and research organisation and the leading civil society voice on money and banking reform in the UK. Their vision is for a money and banking system that supports a fair, democratic and sustainable economy. This grant will support their work to mobilize their community supporters.
21/01/2021 £15,000 £2,874,989 FRIENDS PROVIDENT FOUNDATION Friends Provident Foundation is an independent grant making charity. This grant supports a review of publicly available data on foundation governance and practice for the top 100 UK foundations to compile an annual index. The research will be conducted by Giving Evidence and it is planned to be published by Civil Society Media and repeated for at least 3 years. This work aims to address the lack of diversity, accountability and transparency in trusts and foundations head on, by trying to create greater accountability in the sector with the development of an annual published index on governance and reporting practices.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £1,163,054 HIBISCUS INITIATIVES Hibiscus Initiatives (Hibiscus) is a voluntary sector organisation which works to support marginalised foreign national, Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BMER) women in prison, in the community, in Court, and in immigration removal centres. They aim to empower women in dealing with multiple complex needs, and addressing disadvantage linked to language and cultural barriers. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £15,000 READTHROUGH ReadThrough is an live online workshop service. They provide professional readings of plays and prose adaptations designed to improve the comprehension of exam-body texts for all students. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £487,000 SHEFFIELD METHODIST DISTRICT (WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR) Sheffield Methodist District serves the Methodist Church in South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire and North East Derbyshire. Their project 'Who is Your Neighbour' facilitates ‘safe space dialogues’ in communities that are experiencing change to promote greater curiosity and openness to understanding others. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £232,366 THE PARENT HOUSE TRUST The Parent House aims to reduce poverty and social inequality for families living in Islington. It supports parents who can choose from a range of accredited vocational and education courses to suit their goals and receive one-to-one support, mentoring and access to the on-site creche while they study and build confidence. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £19,348 £611,615 THE PEEL Established in 1898, The Peel is a charity that builds connected communities in Clerkenwell through activities for adults, activities for children and young people, and mental health awareness projects. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £470,896 ALLSORTS YOUTH PROJECT Allsorts Youth Project supports children and young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay bisexual or transgender (LGBT) or unsure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBTU). This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £1,246,841 FOOTBALL BEYOND BORDERS Football Beyond Borders is an education charity, based in South London, which uses football to support marginalised young people to raise attainment and aspiration, reduce risk of school exclusion and have their voices heard. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
20/01/2021 £20,000 £937,078 TWENTYTWENTY Love4Life is TwentyTwenty’s main grassroots community programme. The programme aims to empower vulnerable girls at risk of exploitation and school exclusion to build confidence and make positive choices in their health, education and relationships. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
18/01/2021 £11,615 SANDY ABDELRAHMAN Artistic Messages is a new creative art project working with young people from hard-to-reach backgrounds across East London and Egypt; they'll conduct research, compare lived experiences and bring the findings together. Over 6 months, using photography, street art and painting, a group of 14 young people from both countries will hone in on their own lived experiences and document and explore the interactions between culture and human rights.
18/01/2021 £15,820 ENI TIMI BIU Create Your Table will develop a platform to provide tools for Black food entrepreneurs to launch, scale and thrive. The project stems from evidence that despite Black people being one of the highest groups to embark on entrepreneurship, they experience hurdles when it comes to brand and business development owing to lack of investment and access to resources that are key in the journey to successful business growth.
18/01/2021 £15,075 £2,324 FOOD BEHIND BARS Food Behind Bars are a UK-based charity dedicated to transforming the food served in British prisons. This grant supports Food Behind Bars in developing HMP Food, a programme that works collaboratively across the kitchen, grounds and wings of a prison to improve the food served, and to enhance residents’ wellbeing and mental health.
18/01/2021 £12,000 KWAME BOATENG SEKYERE Kwame Boateng-Sekyere is a trainee barrister whose work work connects lawyers with funders to address the appeals funding gap in the criminal justice system. This grant supports plans to collect and analyse data, for the past 3-5 years, from the main criminal court centres around the UK to build an evidence base.
18/01/2021 £14,250 £63,461 REKINDLE SCHOOL Led by young people who hail from South Manchester, Rekindle is setting up a supplementary school in the area for young people aged 13-16 who struggle with the one-size-fits-all approach of regular secondary comprehensives. The supplementary school, opening in September 2021, will aim to address the lack of cultural education or critical thinking in mainstream education. It will develop a curriculum that speaks to a multicultural and modern country that is connected to the rest of the world.
18/01/2021 £15,320 PAUL SANDELANDS SafeGuarden CIC aim to minimise the data problems faced by vulnerable people. They will create an asset locked Data Trust, where a vulnerable person will only need to register their personal details once and then they will be able to choose which other organisations will be able to access this data. This could, for example, mean if a homeless charity helped someone to register, if given permission, they could share the individual’s contact details and support needs with a food shelter or mental health charity, securely and safely. This will greatly reduce the trauma created by people having to share their data again and again, with multiple organisations. SafeGuarden will be piloting this system with veterans and charities who support veterans.
18/01/2021 £15,400 DISABILITY UNION The Disability Union is the first-ever user-led organisation to connect the 14 million disabled people in the UK. Organising around three core values (community, opportunity, and unity) The Disability Union believe strongly 'There is nothing about us without us'. They will use their grant to set up their first local group as a pilot for embedding The Disability Union within communities, situated in Southampton and Winchester.
18/01/2021 £15,650 VOCAL COMMUNITIES CIC The Vocal Communities C.I.C Councillor Academy Programme will help support people from marginalised backgrounds to engage in local politics. Taking a non-party political approach, the Academy will support people to participate in democratic or consultation processes with confidence. The pilot will be run in some of London’s most diverse boroughs.
18/01/2021 £12,575 NUR KHAIRIYAH Welcome To My Crying Party will be a monthly 'braver space' for Asian diaspora communities, which includes East Asian, South East Asian, South Asian, Central Asian, and including those of mixed-Asian heritage. The space will be used for recovery, to inspire and uplift creatives hopes and spirits for 2021. Through creating a sense of shared experience, and providing a space to cry, My Crying Party will enable Asian diaspora communities to give each other mutual support and inspire each other’s artistic practice.
18/01/2021 £12,000 £2,794,217 42ND STREET 42nd Street supports young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. This grant will fund the employment and training of peer-activists who will work with young people experiencing social injustice within mental health and social care systems to devise campaigns to address this.
18/01/2021 £12,000 £851,030 FORWARD FORWARD is an African women-led, UK-based women’s rights organisation that safeguards women and girls who face multiple disadvantages. This grant will fund the development of Forward’s existing youth social action with salary costs for a dedicated Youth Programme lead and the expansion of a leadership training programme to work with young men as well as young women.
18/01/2021 £45,000 BEATFREEKS Free Radical is a youth-led company in Birmingham that supports young people to develop skills, confidence and networks through creative activities and events. This grant will support the senior team to ensure that governance and infrastructure keeps up with increased levels of delivery during a period of significant organisational growth.
18/01/2021 £45,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law works with and for young people to ensure their legal rights are respected and promoted, and their voices heard and valued. The grant will support Just for Kids Law to commission a case study to tell the story of how their Let Us Learn project led by young people who migrated to the UK became an independent charity, We Belong, and to share learning from this process.
18/01/2021 £12,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11-25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This grant will support MAP’s Young Activist Network to access training, secure local government commitments and co-produce service delivery to combat bullying and discrimination
18/01/2021 £18,500 £322,496 MY LIFE MY CHOICE My Life, My Choice supports young people with learning disabilities and others to influence change. This grant will fund the development of a youth parliament led by young people with learning disabilities that will campaign around injustices that they experience. Funding will also support a campaigning training programme delivered by young people with learning disabilities for their peers.
18/01/2021 £45,000 £924,581 NORTHERN IRELAND YOUTH FORUM Northern Ireland Youth Forum is a youth-led charity that represents the voices of young people to government and other decision makers. This grant will go towards the development of a Leadership Studio for young activists in central Belfast. The grant will also fund the employment of a ‘Relentless Youth Worker’ who will deliver programmes to young people experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to become catalysts for change in their own communities and nationally.
18/01/2021 £12,000 £1,469,669 OFF THE RECORD OTR Off the Record provide counselling and mental health support services to young people in Bristol. This grant supports the Project Co-ordinator to continue to develop Zazi, a youth-led change making movement for Bristol BAME young people experiencing mental health issues who want to challenge mental health stigma in their communities and deliver training to service providers.
18/01/2021 £20,000 £51,892 PHOENIX EDUCATION Phoenix Education Trust supports young people to lead change and facilitates collaborative decision-making between schools, colleges and their communities. This grant supports the Trust's Student Voice and Refugee Support Network to engage young change makers in designing, planning and delivering their own social action projects that will improve young people’s experience of the education sector.
18/01/2021 £30,800 £461,207 PLATFORM LONDON Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This grant will fund the organisation to increase the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
18/01/2021 £15,600 £1,834,495 PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is an East London charity working with people who have migrated and are negatively affected by UK immigration policy. This grant will fund the employment of a Youth Organiser who will facilitate young people impacted by immigration policy to change the negative perception of young people who migrate to the UK.
18/01/2021 £40,000 £242,292 THE ADVOCACY ACADEMY The Advocacy Academy runs a six-month Social Justice Fellowship for young people who are passionate about making a difference in the world. This grant will support the organisation to hire a Programme Director to focus on developing its model and deepening impact.
18/01/2021 £17,750 £58,007 THE HUMMINGBIRD PROJECT The Hummingbird Project provides services in Brighton and Sussex for unaccompanied young people seeking asylum or with refugee status. This grant will support the organisation to enhance support and opportunities for graduates of the Young Leaders Programme, the formation of a Youth Board and staffing resources.
18/01/2021 £45,000 £661,015 THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT The Warren of Hull offers free support, guidance, training, music, education and counselling services to young people in Hull. This grant will fund the development of The Thing, the youth-led empowerment and governance structure at the heart of The Warren. Funding will go towards the salary of an Empowerment Support Worker and a Digital Media Campaign Facilitator as well as digital media and marketing resources, film-making facilities, workshops, publishing, and a contribution to mental health support.
18/01/2021 £20,000 £986,137 THE WINCH The Winch is a community organisation that focuses on children and young people building strong, connected communities. This grant will fund a Youth Worker and Youth Organisers who will work with young people experiencing disadvantage as they go through expert training and accreditation, to support them to lead long-term social action addressing the root causes of youth violence.
18/01/2021 £45,000 £1,298,372 UPRISING UpRising supports young people from diverse backgrounds to take up leadership positions across politics, business, and the public and voluntary sectors. This grant will fund a Campaigns and Engagement Officer to develop UpRising’s alumni networks in ongoing social action once its leadership programmes end.
18/01/2021 £20,000 £1,179,864 VOICE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE VOYPIC delivers advocacy with and on behalf of young people in care. This grant will fund the organisation to support young people with experience of being in care to lead social action projects and to build and lead a membership scheme to engage others in social action.
18/01/2021 £20,000 £545,916 RECLAIM RECLAIM supports young working-class people living in Greater Manchester to lead change in the systems that limit working class young people’s opportunities. This grant will fund young people to campaign nationally and locally around issues of discrimination, inequality and stigmatisation arising from unfair economic and political systems.
18/01/2021 £45,000 £1,056,350 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is a representative body that champions young people’s right to access local, high quality, evidence-informed advice, counselling and support services. This grant will go towards improving the charity’s Rights Advocates Training Programme and linking young people with those in power in an effort to increase the reach and impact of the Our Minds, Our Future mental health campaign.
18/01/2021 £13,250 COMICS YOUTH CIC Comics Youth provides comics-based literacy and wellbeing projects for marginalised young people aged 8-25. This grant will support the establishment and running of a young person-led publishing house that will focus on comics and zines which address the systemic injustices faced by young people experiencing mental health concerns especially those from LGBT+ communities.
18/01/2021 £8,000 £1,006,149 GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire is a community organisation working with a range of disadvantaged communities. This grant will fund Coventry Young Activists, a group of young adults who experience social isolation to develop, deliver and lead movement building initiatives that address the root causes of loneliness.
18/01/2021 £12,000 £145,007 IRISE INTERNATIONAL Irise works with young people and their communities to end period poverty and shame. Act for Change funding will catalyse a movement of young people, enabling them to change the conversation around periods locally and nationally with the aim that the UK can become a place where everyone can realise their potential, unlimited by their periods.
18/01/2021 £20,000 £166,333,000 LEONARD CHESHIRE Leonard Cheshire is led by disabled people and supports disabled people to live, learn and work as independently as they choose. This grant will support the Future Leaders programme, which gives young disabled leaders the opportunity to develop their advocacy skills, peer-mentoring skills and become citizen reporters tackling the injustices that disabled people experience.
18/01/2021 £19,500 £1,555,319 NEWPORT MIND Newport Mind provides support services for adults and young people who experience mental health problems. This grant will support the hiring of a Service Development Worker to work with young people to lead the #ChangeIt campaign delivering training to professionals to improve their awareness and professional practices.
18/01/2021 £20,000 THE 4FRONT PROJECT The 4Front Project supports young people who have been impacted by violence to create change. This grant will provide resources for the youth-led 4Mation campaign and the 4Mation Peace Fellowship, which builds the capacity of young activists to lead campaigns.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £656,562 CHILYPEP (CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES EMPOWERMENT PROJECT) Children and Young People’s Empowerment Project (Chilypep) supports young people to raise awareness of their needs among organisations and service providers. This mini-grant supports the Youth Led Social Action Studio and employment of a Project Coordinator to support young people to access leadership and campaign training.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £116,241 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK KRAN Kent Refugee Action Network works with young people seeking asylum or with refugee status in Kent. This mini-grant supports two Youth Ambassadors with refugee status to engage other young people impacted by the asylum system in developing the organisation and services to influence issues affecting their lives.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £172,648 MY LIFE MY SAY My Life My Say is a youth-led charity that empowers young people to participate in democracy. This mini-grant supports the continued development of the Groundbreaker Fellowship programme, which provides training sessions in mobilisation, public speaking, fundraising, media/communications and branding to young people who want to lead change.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £355,253 PEER POWER YOUTH Peer Power supports young people who have experienced abuse, violence and trauma to understand their life experiences and develop empathy towards themselves and others. This grant will fund training for Peer Leaders to support young people in building self-esteem, creating community and making change to policies and services using co-production methods with statutory professionals.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £199,729 TCC TREFNU CYMUNEDOL CYMRU TOGETHER CREATING COMMUNITIES TCC uses community organising principles to bring together a variety of groups including community groups, faith groups and schools to create long-term community cohesion in North East Wales. This grant will enable TCC to increase their work with young people who experience injustice, in particular with Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities; young people seeking asylum; and young people excluded from school.
18/01/2021 £1,500 £331,700 WEST END WOMEN AND GIRLS CENTRE West End Women and Girls empowers women and girls who have been traditionally denied their rights to access existing services and effect positive change in environment. This grant will fund a peer education project to mobilise young working-class women with lived experience of gender inequality to build local campaigns, harness their collective power, change policy and legislation to create better gender equality for young women in the North East.
14/01/2021 £3,408 CENTRE ON MIGRATION, POLICY, AND SOCIETY (COMPAS) COMPAS is a multi-disciplinary migration research centre based at the University of Oxford. Established in 2003 within the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, it has an international reputation for undertaking research and generating new evidence and analysis on migration and integration issues. A ten-year grant, index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation, will underpin the work of the Directors of the Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity and Migration Observatory.
14/01/2021 £2,556 £851,448 THE KOESTLER TRUST The Koestler Trust is a national organisation which plays a unique role in motivating offenders to take part and achieve in the arts, and in showcasing this art to the public. They encourage ex-offenders to change their lives through taking part in the arts, and challenge negative preconceptions of what ex-offenders are capable of. This grant mitigated the impact of inflation over the coures of a ten-year major gift to underpin the national work of the organisation supporting prisoners and their families to take part in the arts.
14/01/2021 £600 NERVE CENTRE Nerve Centre is Northern Ireland’s leading creative media arts centre. Our grant will support the organisation’s programme of arts events, projects, community relations activities, creative learning centres, training opportunities and state-of-the-art production facilities with a ten-year grant index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation.
14/01/2021 £900 £37,189,000 AMGUEDDFA CYMRU - NATIONAL MUSEUM WALES Amgueddfa Cymru is a family of seven museums located throughout Wales. Their purpose is to inspire people through their museums and collections to find a sense of well-being and identity, to discover, enjoy and learn bilingually, and to understand Wales’ place in the wider world. Our Major Grant will help to transform how their spaces and programmes are shaped by those experiencing disadvantage, and underpin work to embed a rights-based approach and commitment to cultural democracy with a ten-year grant, index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation.
13/01/2021 £90,000 SCOTTEE Scottee works across theatre, live art and radio comes from his experience as a ‘fat, working-class, queer outcast’ with no formal qualifications or training. He co-runs Scottee and Friends, a company that operates as a collective of artists, producers, makers and participants creating theatre, activism and community projects. This grant supports Scottee and Friends to invest in artistic research and development and programming through lockdown and reopening.
06/01/2021 £20,000 BLACK FUNDING NETWORK Black Funding Network (BFN) is a community of individuals and institutions who come together to support Black-founded and led non-profit organisations. BFN supports organisations working on solutions for social mobility, poverty alleviation, racial equity, education and youth services, community development, arts and cultural advancement, history and heritage, and social enterprise. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/01/2021 £20,000 CHARITY TAX GROUP The Charity Tax Group (CTG) represents over 700 charity members of all sizes and remits. CTG represents its members’ views to Government on tax issues affecting charities alongside policy monitoring, consultation and lobbying. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/01/2021 £20,000 £1,574,657 PAVILION DANCE SOUTH WEST Pavilion Dance South West is a registered charity based in Bournemouth which commissions and programmes dance that connects with people and place. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/01/2021 £20,000 CIRCLE COLLECTIVE Circle Collective is a London based chain of shops offering work experience to young people who are unemployed. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/01/2021 £20,000 £8 YEAR HERE Year Here is a postgraduate course in social innovation based in London. The course is a platform for entrepreneurs to build smart solutions to social problems and is grounded in the lived experience of those in care homes, hostels and youth services across London. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
05/01/2021 £60,000 £2,449,177 THINKFORWARD ThinkForward is a long-term coaching programme that prepares young people for the world of work. This grant will support ThinkForward to review and coproduce a new ‘essential skills framework’ with young people. This will also feed into the development of 'Move Forward', a new programme for young people with learning disabilities.
05/01/2021 £60,000 £280,531 YOUNG HARROW FOUNDATION Young Harrow Foundation (YHF) supports the local voluntary sector to build capacity, increase funding and develop effective partnership working for the benefit of children and young people. This grant will allow YHF to develop, expand, and embed its local collective-impact model 'Change Champions' long term, with young people leading the agenda for youth support in Harrow.
18/12/2020 £15,000 ASYLUM REFORM INITIATIVE, HOSTED BY BRITISH RED CROSS The Asylum Reform Initiative (ARI) is an alliance of six national organisations set up to work for long-term, deep change in Britain’s approach on asylum-seekers and refugees. This grant provides additional support to ARI to deliver on campaign strategy and plan, enable a broader coalition including those with lived experience, and provide core campaign assets and resources to facilitate grassroots engagement.
16/12/2020 £31,000 £900,192 174 TRUST The Duncairn Centre for Culture Arts was founded by the 174 Trust in Belfast in 2017. It is comprised of three art studios, exhibition galleries, community meeting rooms, theatre and café, and The Duncairn delivers live music, workshops and participatory arts events. This grant will support The Duncairn in increasing their capacity to ensure continuity of a new digital content programme for its local community; better support volunteers and staff; and create stability to be able to engage with longer term planning through the continuing Covid-19 crisis.
16/12/2020 £75,000 GLASGOW INTERNATIONAL Glasgow International (GI) is Scotland’s biennial festival of contemporary art. This grant offers core support to festival staff and ensures the running of the festival’s weekend performances, events and commissions as it recovers from the impacts of the pandemic.
16/12/2020 £29,800 MAIA CREATIVES CIC MAIA Creatives is a Black-led, Birmingham based, artist-led organisation, focussed on supporting creative practice, community building, critical thinking and social change. This grant provides MAIA Creatives with time and capacity to undertake business planning and adaptation, and develop a revised fundraising plan for 2021/22 onwards.
16/12/2020 £23,150 £146,007 DAILY LIFE LTD Daily Life is a cross-disciplinary arts charity established 1996 and based in London with the mission to change the way that people think about women’s art practice, reach new audiences and support artists experiencing marginalisation. This grant will support Daily Life to continue collaboration with Newcastle-based Wunderbar to develop a new peer support programme for creative practitioners experiencing marginalisation and the disproportionate effects of Covid-19.
16/12/2020 £40,000 £419,887 CREATIVE FUTURES UK LIMITED Creative Futures is a charity whose mission is to transform the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people through high quality targeted arts programmes. This grant enables the continuity of Creative Futures' Sound Communities project, a professional development programme for early years professionals exploring the theme of music and communication by building ‘communities of practice’ in a number of locations in London and the South East.
16/12/2020 £33,000 ARIKA Established in 2001, Arika is an internationally influential political arts organisation supporting connections between artistic production and social change. This grant helps Arika provide support to its grassroots partners who are delivering frontline support to highly vulnerable and marginalised communities. This includes providing emergency support for members who are experiencing significantly increased levels of violence, stigma, poverty and precarity around food and housing under lockdown.
16/12/2020 £46,400 £1,208,674 MIND THE GAP Based in Bradford, Mind The Gap (MTG) is the UK's largest learning disability theatre company. This grant allows MTG to extend their Engage programme for an additional year following interruptions due to the pandemic. Through Engage, they will progress their partner venues beyond the need for specialist interventions in order to better include learning disabled artists, audiences and participants in their work long-term.
10/12/2020 £15,320 GENIUS WITHIN Genius Within is a social enterprise supporting neurominorities to maximise their potential and embrace their strengths. Led by Siena Castellon, author of ‘The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide: How to Grow Up Awesome and Autistic ‘, this grant supports Genius Within to explore how to create a mentoring programme for young people with autism, aged 18-25, to become mentors to other autistic young people.
10/12/2020 £18,000 £331,607 LONDON FUNDERS London Funders is the membership network for funders and investors of London’s civil society. This grant supports the commissioning of learning partners on behalf of the London Community Response to explore the potential for continued and longer-term funder collaboration, highlight opportunities to build on work of civil society groups responding to crisis, and find ways to strengthen approaches to equity and inclusion across the sector.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £759,651 CHARITYCOMMS CharityComms is the membership network for communications professionals working in UK charities. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £19,005 £662,765 FORCED ENTERTAINMENT Forced Entertainment is an experimental theatre company based in Sheffield which tours productions to audiences across the UK and around the world. They work with young people in Sheffield and other cities help them develop creative skills, thinking and performances. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £15,500 JAZZ REFRESHED Jazz Refreshed is a Black-led contemporary music and arts organisation, covering the whole spectrum of jazz inspired music and culture across multiple platforms. They champion diversity of audiences and artistic expression of emerging and mid-scale musicians for UK jazz. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £5,000 £209,943 NACCOM NACCOM is the UK-wide 'No Accommodation Network' which seeks to prevent migrant destitution by increasing accommodation provision, and by fostering systemic change. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £229,836 REFUGEES FOR JUSTICE Supported by Community InfoSource, Refugees for Justice is a refugee-led campaign group which aims to achieve justice for refugees and people seeking asylum in Glasgow. Its work consists of campaigning for change led by people with lived experience using community organising, strategic litigation, inquiry and campaigning. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £30,695,000 WHAT NEXT? What Next? is a free-to-access national movement with chapters all over the UK. They bring together freelancers and small and large arts organisations to inform, debate and shape the future of the arts and culture. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £1,979,462 YOUNG WOMENS TRUST The Young Women’s Trust supports young women in England and Wales facing poverty due to unemployment or low paid work. Young women are at the centre of the charity’s work from leading and designing to participating. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 OH YEAH MUSIC CENTRE Oh Yeah is a dedicated music hub in Belfast which provides affordable rehearsal space, live music venue, music exhibition, café space, recording studio, song-writing room and workshops spaces. Their programme includes talent development, industry mentoring, youth development and community outreach. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £2,423,154 MK GALLERY MK Gallery is a public venue, presenting British and international contemporary art exhibitions alongside events, films, learning and community programmes. It is also an educational charity, championing excellence in the arts to engage, stimulate, inspire and energise audiences and communities. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £14,000 £1,315,390 SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS School of Hard Knocks is a national charity working in England, Scotland, and Wales. The organisation offers a combination of sport, group sessions and mentoring to help participants improve their physical and mental wellbeing. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £19,600 £166,323 SOCIAL ARK Social Ark is a charity based in Tower Hamlets that supports young people from under-resourced East London communities to use their lived experiences to develop social businesses of their own. They deliver team-building activities, business development and leadership programmes to businesses, schools, youth organisations, other non-profits and prisons. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £1,898,198 TEMPO TIME CREDITS Tempo is a charity which runs Time Credits, a programme in which people earn credits for volunteering which can then be spent on cultural activities, products or services provided by a national network of recognition partners. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/12/2020 £20,000 £1,884,886 UNION CHAPEL PROJECT Union Chapel is an umbrella organisation that helps co-ordinate two main divisions: Union Chapel Directions – a trading subsidiary that runs an award winning venue, bar and kiosk; and The Margins Project – a charitable subsidiary that provides vital support to people facing homelessness and isolation. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/12/2020 £30,000 £1,441,350 DOCTORS OF THE WORLD UK Doctors of the World aims to ensure that people who are living in the UK are able to access the free healthcare they need, regardless of immigration status. This grant will allow Doctors of the World to play a proactive leadership and coordination role in relation to the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine. The objective is to ensure that the vaccine programme is equally available to all in the UK, regardless of immigration status.
02/12/2020 £30,000 £924,581 NORTHERN IRELAND YOUTH FORUM Northern Ireland Youth Forum is a youth-led charity that represents the voices of young people to government and other decision makers. This grant will support core funding and allow the organisation to focus on fundraising, supporting staff, and leading on the adaptation to new digital and hybrid ways of working during the pandemic.
01/12/2020 £25,000 £240,664 COPENHAGEN YOUTH PROJECT CYP Copenhagen Youth Project (CYP) works in partnership with young people to create and sustain a positive youth culture. This grant supports work to engage and inform young people in the Caledonian Road and Barnsbury area of London and to provide a safe, youth-led space where they can learn and develop.
01/12/2020 £50,000 £2,078,618 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE New Horizon Youth Centre (NHYC) provides a support network for 16-21 year olds experiencing homelessness. This grant supports the provision of holistic support for young people experiencing homelessness in London as well as engaging decision makers to understand the scale of the issue and invest in solutions.
01/12/2020 £40,000 £306,854 YOUNG CAMDEN FOUNDATION Young Camden Foundation is a registered charity established in 2017 and set up to address the growing uncertainty of long-term investment in the youth sector and the need to build more cross-sector partnerships. This grant supports the organisation to increase long-term investment, capacity and collaboration in the youth sector in Camden, to ensure that young people feel safe, listened to, and are thriving and achieving their full potential.
01/12/2020 £26,000 £2,060,139 CORAM’S FIELDS Coram’s Fields and Harmsworth Memorial Playground is a children’s charity that serves as a safe place for all children to come and play. This grant will support Coram’s Fields in providing an under fives drop-in service for one year in an area with poverty and overcrowded accommodation.
01/12/2020 £40,000 £808,553 GLOBAL GENERATION Global Generation is an educational charity which works with local children and young people, businesses, residents and families in Camden, Islington and Southwark to create healthy, integrated and environmentally responsible communities. This funding will contribute towards the running of the Story Garden in Camden. This community space and resource connects people of all ages to nature in the middle of the city, offering weekly activities that nurture physical and mental wellbeing.
01/12/2020 £90,000 £755,401 WOMEN AT THE WELL Women at the Well supports women whose lives are affected by, or at risk of being affected by prostitution. Established in 2007, the organisation has supported communities in Camden, Islington and Haringey for the last ten years. Services are provided to people who have multiple and complex needs including drug and alcohol abuse, mental health difficulties, experience of homelessness and trafficking. This grant supports its core programme at a women-only building in Kings Cross building helps to meet basic needs including food, laundry, as well as advocacy and support services.
30/11/2020 £15,000 £496,980 CENTRE FOR INNOVATION IN VOLUNTARY ACTION Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action (CIVA) is an innovations centre founded in 1995 to develop, pilot and fund new ideas for addressing social problems. With this grant, CIVA will research and develop the case for a greater delegation of power through the creation of a £12.5m BAME-led investment fund to change longstanding racial inequalities in the cultural sector..
26/11/2020 £15,000 £6,002,000 BARROW CADBURY TRUST The Funders for Race Equality Alliance is a group of charitable foundations working together to achieve race equality in the UK.
25/11/2020 £20,000 £559,412 BIRMINGHAM CONTEMPORARY MUSIC GROUP Birmingham Contemporary Music Group is a new music ensemble which commissions composers and emerging international talent. They engage audiences through concerts, programmes, tours, workshops for young people and other events. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £20,000 £1,048,099 CHILDRENS SCRAPSTORE Children’s Scrapstore is a reuse charity dedicated to helping businesses divert reusable waste away from landfill/energy recovery to help improve art and play opportunities for children, young people and adults. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £19,875 £164,810 OVAL LEARNING Oval Learning supports young people and connects schools and communities in South London. They identify gaps, build networks and support schools as community hubs to offer families and young people the opportunities to gain skills, tools and resources and access creative, sporting and outdoor experiences. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £12,500 PARC EGLOS SCHOOL - THE WEST CORNWALL TEACHING SCHOOL SOUTHERLY POINT CO OPERATIVE MULTI ACADEMY TRUST Parc Eglos School is the Teaching School that supports the Southerly Point Co-operative Multi Academy Trust. Made up of 19 schools, the Trust aims to enable every school to become ‘outstanding’ through school to school challenge, support and development and the provision of support services. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £20,000 SLUNG LOW Slung Low is an award-winning theatre company specialising in making productions in non-theatre spaces, often with large community performance companies. They manage The Holbeck in Leeds which includes an open development space for artists and run a Cultural Community College where adults come to learn new cultural skills. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £20,000 £1,565,854 CLINKS Clinks is a membership organisation that supports, represents and campaigns for the voluntary sector working with people in or at risk of entering the criminal justice system. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
25/11/2020 £20,000 £2,943,177 YOUTH ACTION NORTHERN IRELAND LIMITED Youth Action Northern Ireland is a leading voice and representation organisation for young people in Northern Ireland. They run national programmes and a network of 150+ youth sector and community members, and provide training, infrastructure support and strategic leadership in areas such as collaboration, research and lobbying. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
24/11/2020 £400,000 MICRO RAINBOW Micro Rainbow runs safe houses for LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees and delivers a programme of life skills, employability support and social inclusion in London, Birmingham and Leeds. This grant will support Moving Together, an online dance and movement arts engagement programme with integrated pastoral support. Informed by residents’ feedback, the project actively seeks to introduce a positive, movement-based and social opportunities for residents at a challenging time.
24/11/2020 £210,000 D6: CULTURE IN TRANSIT D6: Culture in Transit are visual arts producers and policy advisors who promote the role of artists and value of the arts in the sustainable development of neighbourhoods, communities and the planet through research, commissioning, and presentation. D6 will deliver the North East’s first Studio of Sanctuary for artists who are refugees or seeking asylum in the region. D6 will launch a new cross-sector network that will support, create and embed more equitable and sustainable arts engagement practices in the North East.
23/11/2020 £116,000 £119,076 ARTISTIC DIRECTORS OF THE FUTURE (ADF) Artistic Directors of the Future (ADF) aims to demystify the role of artistic directors and senior executives, and empower and celebrate Black, Asian, Middle Eastern and ethnic minority talent to challenge the status quo in theatre and the arts industry. This grant will support ADF through a period of strategic development and growth, and go towards the delivery of two new leadership initiatives: ADF Innovators and a Leadership Think Tank.
23/11/2020 £174,000 BRIGHTON PEOPLE'S THEATRE Brighton People’s Theatre (BPT) aims to provide theatre for all through workshops, performances and research. This grant will support BPT's strategic development by enabling the theatre to expand their weekly provision of activities across Brighton, increase internal capacity and take more of a leadership role in its local cultural ecology.
23/11/2020 £75,000 £53,973 PHOSPHOROS THEATRE Phosphoros Theatre makes political theatre performed by refugee and asylum-seeking actors. This grant provides core funding to support Phosphoros in the next phase of their development working with refugees and asylum seekers to create and perform socially engaged professional theatre, alongside youth participation and training. This includes embedding leadership by people with experience of forced migration across all areas of the company, further deepening their co-created approach and progression routes, and forging new strategic partnerships.
23/11/2020 £158,000 £600,626 LONDON BUBBLE THEATRE COMPANY This proposal will adapt the highly successful Speech Bubbles drama for communication programme to support children in Key Stage 1 who have been negatively affected by the Covid pandemic. Since reopening, schools are identifying increased numbers of children with speech, language and communication needs. Working with specialists in children’s Social Emotional and Mental Health London Bubble will reflect on and refine practice. They will then deliver a programme of work to schools between Feb 21 and March 22.
23/11/2020 £60,000 £470,896 ALLSORTS YOUTH PROJECT Allsorts Youth Project supports children and young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay bisexual or transgender or unsure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. It aims to extend training, consultancy and partnership work with Brighton and Hove local authority, and work in East and West Sussex schools, colleges and community organisations to ensure the provision of LGBT youth inclusive and safe services. This grant supports Allsorts to expand their programme to under-served communities, further develop their existing programmes and refine their asset-based approach.
23/11/2020 £90,000 CONSCIOUS YOUTH Conscious Youth works with young people to foster active citizenship and community cohesion through creative arts, social action, youth groups, fundraising, culture-sharing and personal development workshops in schools and community spaces. This grant supports the employment of a business administrator, freeing up senior management to develop their skills and focus on strategic development.
23/11/2020 £90,000 £210,892 JUST LIKE US Just Like Us supports young LGBT+ people to lead change and champion equality. This grant will support the Chief Executive Officer and wider organisation as they commence a new five-year strategic plan, aiming to increase the organisation’s reach to three-quarters of UK schools by 2025.
23/11/2020 £60,000 £138,566 MY LIFE MY SAY My Life My Say (MLMS) is a youth-led, non-partisan charity that aims to create an age of political engagement that will deliver greater social inclusion and equality allowing the space for dialogue across generations and communities. With this grant, MLMS will empower young people to participate in democracy by creating spaces for dialogue across communities and generations, and by providing young and socially excluded citizens with the tools to lead change within society.
23/11/2020 £90,000 £97,245 MYTIME YOUNG CARERS MYTime supports young carers aged 5 to 18 by providing retreats and programmes to improve educational attainment and affect a more equitable transition to adulthood. This grant will support MYTime to invest in their work with schools and employers to ensure young carers have the recognition and support they require to thrive personally, academically and professionally.
23/11/2020 £60,000 £286,244 REACHING HIGHER Reaching Higher delivers a peripatetic mentoring and leadership programme which challenges young people to be leaders in their own lives. This grant supports the expansion of the organisation's core team - specifically the capacity of the Strategy & Business Development Manager and Monitoring & Evaluation Officer - to support Reaching Higher's growth over the coming two years, increasing the number of young people reached and the depth of their impact.
23/11/2020 £60,000 £332,697 YWCA SCOTLAND YWCA Scotland (The Young Women’s Movement) is a feminist organisation which creates spaces that enable young women to lead personal, community and institutional change. The organisation aims to amplify the voices of young women in Scotland both in and outside of the digital sphere. This grant will support YWCA Scotland in giving young women a platform to tell their story and re-imaginine the futures of professional, public, and personal spheres and advocate for these to become reality for young women.
23/11/2020 £90,000 £62,579 STOPWATCH StopWatch is a coalition, which works to promote effective, accountable and fair policing. This grant supports the role of Youth Voice and Participation Coordinator to grow impact, increase capacity and ensure the involvement of young people within StopWatch. The role will also support the development of pilot youth and schools programme RAW (Rights and Wellbeing) in response to the trauma that is often experienced as a result of being stopped and searched.
23/11/2020 £55,000 MIGRANT ACTION Migrant Action is an advocacy and rights organisation providing information, guidance, advocacy support and direct practical assistance to vulnerable people who have migrated. This grant provides core funding to enhance Migrant Action's capacity to provide emergency and recovery support to vulnerable migrants living precariously as well as to increase the capacity for grassroots mobilisation and campaigning against hostile environment policy.
23/11/2020 £175,000 £1,958,773 PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL Privacy International aims to protect people’s privacy and human rights from abuses of governments and companies using invasive surveillance technologies and data-driven systems. Working in partnership with the migration sector, Privacy International will work towards protecting the digital rights of people who migrate to the UK, exposing, scrutinising and challenging abuses in the immigration enforcement system.
23/11/2020 £240,000 £193,324 PROJECT 17 Project 17 works to reduce destitution among families with no access to mainstream welfare because of their immigration status. This project will expand and develop Project 17’s policy and campaigns work, led by people with lived experience of no recourse to public funds. Working in partnership with Praxis Community Projects, Project 17 will recruit a new role to develop this work.
23/11/2020 £240,000 £402,293 RUNNYMEDE TRUST Runnymede Trust is the UK’s leading race equality think tank, which seeks to inform public and policy debates on race equality, migration and integration. This grant will contribute to core salaries to support greater collaboration between the migration and race equality sectors to inform and drive forward advocacy, policy and campaigns on migration, integration and racial justice. It also aims to improve framing and messaging for different audiences and develop and expand partnerships.
23/11/2020 £120,000 £101,396 SETTLED With this funding, Settled intends to employ a Service Coordinator based in Manchester, who will oversee its activities throughout the North of England – the area of the UK with least provision at present. With expert local knowledge, the Coordinator will map unmet need, manage multi-lingual volunteer-run services, monitor impact and build mutually beneficial connections with diverse partners in the area, including building capacity to deliver OISC level 1 (EUSS) advice. They will work with Settled colleagues across the UK to build a national picture and influence policy and wider practice.
23/11/2020 £100,000 STOP FUNDING HATE Stop Funding Hate (SFH) is a community-driven human rights campaign, based on a philosophy of open, inclusive and participatory campaigning. This grant will underpin SFH’s capacity building programme, which supports individuals and organisations to employ SFH’s innovative campaigning model via training and second tier support; enable SFH to further embed within communities and movements; grow their impact through partnerships and underpin their growing influencing function.
23/11/2020 £120,000 KIN KIN aims to bring black activists and organisers together from across the UK to collaborate, strategise and support each other. This grant will support KIN’s work on empowering and amplifying the voices of Black migrants within the UK Black community. KIN will build relationships, facilitate dialogue and platform leaders with lived experience to build better community cohesion and enhance the support for migration system reform within and beyond the black community.
23/11/2020 £240,000 £209,943 NACCOM (NO ACCOMMODATION NETWORK) NACCOM is the UK-wide 'No Accommodation Network' which seeks to prevent destitution among people who have migrated to the UK by increasing accommodation provision, and by fostering systemic change. This grant will provide core support to NACCOM to deliver their strategic vision across key areas including: members’ sustainability, experience-led support, and positive policy changes.
23/11/2020 £30,000 £384,278 NORTH KENSINGTON LAW CENTRE North Kensington Law Centre (NKLC) serves communities most in need of legal support and services. This funding will create a collaboration of community groups, university law clinics and law centres to provide free legal representation for people who were affected by the Windrush scandal. This will provide victims with a single point of contact and will ensure that they can access high quality legal advice pro bono.
23/11/2020 £107,000 £20,819,680 CORAM CHILDREN'S LEGAL CENTRE Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) promotes and protects children's rights worldwide and chairs the Refugee and Migrant Children’s Consortium (RMCC). With this grant, RMCC will deliver a three-year programme to improve how children, young people and families experience immigration advice in London. RMCC aims to create a more effective network of immigration advice provision, delivering coordination and efficiencies spanning demand and supply, thus both improving the experience for users and increasing the number of people who can access immigration legal advice.
23/11/2020 £107,000 £1,834,495 PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is an East London charity working with people who have migrated and are negatively affected by UK immigration policy. Praxis will draw on their expertise of working with non-immigration accredited and grassroots organisations to build their knowledge and capacity to better identify people with immigration issues, and improve their ability to respond and make better referrals to appropriate immigration providers by developing infrastructure that supports collaboration.
23/11/2020 £12,000 £331,607 LONDON FUNDERS London Funders is the membership network for funders and investors of London’s civil society. In consultation with the Justice Together Initiative and contributing funders, London Funders will use this grant to develop and deliver a funding strategy for the long-term funding of immigration advice services in London.
18/11/2020 £50,000 £2,250,793 BAOBAB FOUNDATION (HELD BY HACKNEY CVS) The Baobab Foundation is a new type of foundation that will support, grow and strengthen Black and Ethnic Minority communities and community organisations who are led by Black and Ethnic Minority people. This grant will support the research and development phase for the new foundation, delivered by a small project team and overseen by their steering group over six months.
18/11/2020 £45,000 £164,727 C4WS HOMELESS PROJECT C4WS Homeless Project supports people experiencing homelessness to access housing and employment and to rebuild their lives. This grant supports C4WS in running a new Covid-secure homeless shelter in Camden over the winter months.
18/11/2020 £7,500 £1,305,219 POWER2 Power2 works with young people aged 13 to 21 across England to develop crucial life skills, improve confidence and boost self-esteem through mentoring and positive psychology. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £15,913 ATTAIN ACADEMY PARTNERSHIP CHELMSFORD TEACHING SCHOOLS ALLIANCE Part of the Attain Academy Partnership, the Chelmsford Teaching Schools Alliance provides continuing professional development, school-to-school support and initial teacher training across 26 primary schools, eight secondary schools and one SEND school. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £20,000 £290,454 BEDFORD CREATIVE ARTS Bedford Creative Arts is a contemporary arts charity dedicated to commissioning high quality art with communities and working with artists to explore new developments in socially engaged art practice. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £9,300 MORDA CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Morda Church of England Primary is located in rural Shropshire near the Welsh border and leads a drama-in-education Teacher Development Fund project on behalf of a group of nine local schools. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £20,000 £4,049,824 QUEENS THEATRE HORNCHURCH Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch is a regional theatre working in Outer East London, Essex and beyond. Their programme includes home grown theatre, live entertainment and learning and participation projects. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £15,718 £187,845 THE FORGE The Forge is a participatory art commissioning and producing company. Creative outcomes from their work include exhibitions, concerts, performances, discussion events, films, public art works and publications. This grant orovides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £12,920 £431,273 B ARTS BEAVERS ARTS B arts (Beavers Arts) is an arts charity working with diverse communities experiencing marginalisation, including people who have migrated, homeless people and those with mental ill health, to promote cultural democracy in Stoke and North Staffordshire. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £20,000 £967,143 BRITISH YOUTH COUNCIL British Youth Council is the national Youth Council of the UK. They seek to empower young people to inform policy and influence society through representation in UK Youth Parliament elections, volunteering in youth councils, campaigning, and offering education, training and access to decision-makers. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £10,000 £224,802 DANCE UNITED YORKSHIRE Dance United Yorkshire aims to change the lives people experiencing disadvantage through high-quality dance training and performance. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
11/11/2020 £20,000 FOUNDERS AND CODERS Founders and Coders is a UK-based non-profit that develops and runs tuition-free, peer-led training programmes in web development. They are guided by core values of cooperation, inclusion and social impact. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
06/11/2020 £250,000 £62,800,000 CITY BRIDGE TRUST FOR THE LONDON COMMUNITY RESPONSE FUND Joining funders including the Mayor of London, Bloomberg, City Bridge Trust, John Lyon’s Charity, Trust for London and the Julia and Hans Rausing Trust, this grant is Paul Hamlyn Foundation's contribution to the emergency scheme coordinated by London Funders to support organisations in the capital facing immediate financial pressures and uncertainty due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
04/11/2020 £32,500 £2,459,810 CENTRAL ENGLAND LAW CENTRE Central England Law Centre provides free legal advice and representation in the areas of community care, discrimination, employment, family, housing, immigration and asylum, money and debt, public law, and welfare benefits. This grant will support Central England Law Centre to continue their family reunion project, providing quality, holistic support to refugees and their families both before and after arrival in the UK. The project aims to strengthen and integrate the support provided, breaking down unnecessary barriers for families.
30/10/2020 £20,000 £758,984 THE CRANFIELD TRUST Cranfield Trust is a national UK charity which provides pro bono business support for the voluntary sector. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
30/10/2020 £16,000 £136,000 ASYLOS Asylos is a network of volunteers who provide research to help refugees claim their right to asylum. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
30/10/2020 £20,000 £6,005,519 LONDON YOUTH London Youth supports a network of 480 diverse community youth organisations across the capital. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
30/10/2020 £20,000 £280,531 YOUNG HARROW FOUNDATION Young Harrow Foundation (YHF) supports the local voluntary sector to build capacity, increase funding and develop effective partnership working for the benefit of children and young people. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
29/10/2020 £20,000 £1,331,155 SHIFT Shift are a design charity with ten years of experience working in behaviour change and social innovation. They take a collective approach to tackling social problems and use design thinking to help organisations maximise their impact. Understanding the 10million is a research project through which Shift will find out more about the motivations, needs, obstacles and personas in communities who want to sustain volunteering and care giving taken up in lockdown. Through this research, they will develop a set of adaptable pathways for progression.
21/10/2020 £25,000 £13,736 RACIAL JUSTICE NETWORK The Racial Justice Network (RJN) brings together organisations and individuals across West Yorkshire to actively promote racial justice. This grant will support RJN to mentor new and developing anti-racist collectives as well as refine their programme, consolidate collaborative relationships with partners and meet increased demand for their Unlearning Racism training.
21/10/2020 £28,500 £574,810 ENGAGE Engage was founded in 1989 by gallery education professionals. They promote access and enjoyment in the visual arts through gallery and museum education. This grant supports Engage in providing urgent opportunities for artists, professionals and freelancers to adapt their practice to a new working context.
20/10/2020 £60,000 £774,493 SOUTH EAST DANCE LTD Founded in 1997, South East Dance aims to widen participation in dance, engage audiences and support independent dance artists. It delivers community-based participation programmes, public festivals and programmes dance performance across the South East. This grant supports South East Dance to continue its national programme Little Big Dance and support the artist community in post-Covid recovery.
14/10/2020 £15,000 BEYOND FACE Beyond Face CIC is a performance company based in Plymouth whose mission is to raise the profile and visibility of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse artist, young people and communities. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £19,900 £159,598 OPENSTORYTELLERS Openstorytellers is a community arts charity which uses the arts in a range of ways to empower children and adults with learning disabilities and autism. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £17,886 £439,785 TARA ARTS GROUP LTD Tara Arts is an award-winning multicultural theatre in London committed to connecting audiences to Indian stories and worlds. They host and produce a variety of shows including theatre, comedy, music and family performances. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £20,000 £1,637,264 THE LITTLE ANGEL THEATRE The Little Angel Theatre is dedicated to creating and sharing stories through puppetry. They deliver a local programme of arts engagement in Islington, London, and tour productions throughout the UK and worldwide. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £12,000 £73,570 ASYLUM RESEARCH CENTRE FOUNDATION ARC FOUNDATION ARC Foundation is a registered UK charity working to improve standards in the refugee status determination processes. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £19,120 £607,189 THE CLOD ENSEMBLE The Clod Ensemble create provocative, finely crafted performance and participation projects driven by movement and music. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/10/2020 £20,000 THE UBELE INITIATIVE The Ubele Initiative is an African Diaspora led intergenerational social enterprise founded in 2014, with the purpose of helping to build more sustainable communities across the UK. They have a culturally diverse team and support a wide range of communities, community-based organisations and groups. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
12/10/2020 £15,575 CHARLENE PREMPEH Founded by Charlene Prempeh, A Vibe Called Tech is an initiative that raises awareness of technologies that disproportionately affect the Black community as well as developing projects where tech can be employed to create positive change. Through this grant, Charlene Prempeh wants to create a platform that creates an ongoing conversation with the Black community on their lived experiences of technology and provides information on new technologies being developed that might affect them across health, employment, urban planning and facial recognition.
12/10/2020 £15,225 CURO CARERS Curo Carers is a community-led support organisation providing resources, tips and guidance to the caring community. They create support tools and services for carers in the workplace to improve health and wellbeing. This grant will support the implementation of Curo, a digital carers concierge service which allow carers to access advice and information through their community of specialists including GPs, financial and legal advisors and mental health professionals, as well as providing practical direct support.
12/10/2020 £15,150 FIRESOULS Firesouls specialises in creating digital tools to help councils and community-based organisations collaborate and deliver services. Through their platform The Social Value Exchange, they work with local government to leverage spending with their suppliers to compel and create additional community benefits. Through this grant, Firesouls will explore whether they can re-purpose their approach to maximise energy reduction in response to climate change, where the more energy reduction suppliers deliver to local government, the more contracts they win.
12/10/2020 £12,200 NICKY ROSE Founded by Nicky Rose, Growing Me is a social enterprise that helps care-experienced children explore their life stories, providing a framework to create life story books. This grant will support the development of a prototype Growing Me app and book, and virtual home workshop kits to test them with care-experienced families and supporting professionals.
12/10/2020 £15,075 OLUBUSAYO ABIDAKUN Founded by Olubusayo Abidakun, Impact Black is a social enterprise that helps people from Black and other minoritized backgrounds develop their leadership capabilities while using their time and talents to empower their communities and address race inequality. With this grant, Impact Black will support people to develop their professional and leadership skills by working with organisations on a project around racial justice or empowering ethnic minority communities. Impact Black will help racial justice organisations to meet their goals whilst also empowering people to realise their agency and create positive social change.
12/10/2020 £10,320 SARAH SHEAD Founded by Sarah Shead, Artistic Mutiny is a network of arts and cultural workers seeking to find more equitable ways of working and influence sector change. This grant will support Sarah in sustaining the Artistic Mutiny network and address the issues and inequalities faced by freelancers in the arts and culture sector to create more equitable working conditions.
12/10/2020 £15,820 SAMANTHA FRAY Founder of Boujie Media, Samantha Fray wants to use her experiences of working in the creating industries, to challenge the lack of Northern Black vision within the sector, acros screen, radio, theatre, dance and art. This grant will support Samantha in creating a training package for young people from across the Leeds City Region who identify as Black and Asian between the ages of 13 and 19 years old. Through this programme, underrepresented young people will gain the skills and support they need to apply for roles within the creative industries.
12/10/2020 £15,194 NEURODIVERSE SELF ADVOCACY PARTNERSHIP CIC Neurodiverse Self Advocacy Partnership is an advocacy group by and for neurodivergent people who provide peer-to-peer support to empower autistic adults in harnessing talent, overcoming barriers, and achieving equality in employment, relationship, and wellbeing. This grant will support the organisation in testing the effectiveness of peer mentoring for autistic people in retaining jobs through online employment mentoring and support.
12/10/2020 £8,575 KHIDR COMIX LAB Part of Khidr Collective, Khidr Comix Lab is a space for storytellers interested in comic arts, words and illustration. They support Black, Brown and Muslim creators to build upon a canon of comix artists and to experiment, innovate and publish new work. With this grant, Khidr Comix Lab will launch a pilot programme for a small group of early-career British Muslim artists, providing them with a tailored programme of workshops. This programme aims to broaden the pool of Muslim artists contributing to all sections of the written arts in the UK.
12/10/2020 £15,640 REUNITE FAMILIES UK Reunite Families UK is a support group working directly with cross-border families separated by UK family migration policies. They aim to raise awareness of the impact of the Minimum Income Requirement policy and support those who are affected. This grant will support Reunite Families UK in formalising and growing the impact of the organisation.
12/10/2020 £15,200 SOUL PURPOSE 360 Soul Purpose 360 CIC is a social enterprise created to support Black and other minoritized women to play positive roles in their communities through coaching, mentoring and training. With this grant, Soul Purpose will conduct research and trial a programme that explores the development of coaching, mentoring and personal development workshops, designed specifically for women from diverse backgrounds. Through the pilot, they will establish and grow community-based networks, and create the infrastructure needed to support Black women engaged in community development activities.
07/10/2020 £30,000 £1,305,219 POWER2 Power2 works with young people aged 13 to 21 across England to develop crucial life skills, improve confidence and boost self-esteem through mentoring and positive psychology. This grant supports Power2 in redeveloping its flagship Teens and Toddlers programme in light of the pandemic and overseeing the relationships with schools across its programmes.
06/10/2020 £80,000 SOUNDDELIVERY MEDIA Sounddelivery Media are a charity who aim to amplify lived experience stories and expertise to address social inequalities. They work work towards greater representation and diversity of the voices heard in the media and beyond. This grant supports Soudndelivery Media to develop and deliver a spokespersons programme and network to enable people with lived experience to change perceptions, contribute to solutions, influence policy and create positive change through firsthand stories.
30/09/2020 £10,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH IVAR Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
30/09/2020 £20,000 £790,973 SPARK INSIDE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
30/09/2020 £20,000 £106,369 FAST FAMILIAR FORMERLY FANSHEN Formerly fanSHEN, Fast Familiar make creative interventions which are playful, participatory and socially-engaged. They combine theatre experience with use of new technologies to create blend performance, installation and games. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
30/09/2020 £19,593 £25,776 ROAM ROAM is a charity which facilitates unsupervised play in the natural environment to remove barriers, promote children’s independence and advocate for their right to play freely. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
30/09/2020 £16,000 THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION IN ART AND DESIGN Established in 1888, The National Society for Education in Art and Design is the only trade union, learned society and professional body for art, craft & design educators across the UK. They promote art, craft and design education, support members in the workplace and lead research, professional development, and best practice. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
26/09/2020 £356,000 ARIKA Based in Edinburgh, Arika is a political arts organisation concerned with supporting connections between artistic production and social change. Through this grant Arika will continue to deepen community agency and participation across their work, including in the planning and delivery of their flagship programme of contemporary arts events, Episodes, and ongoing development of access and evaluation approaches.
26/09/2020 £275,000 £456,227 TAKE ART Take Art works across Somerset, providing opportunities for all ages and abilities to experience, participate and work within the arts. In 'Making and Believing', Take Art is exploring the potential for greater crossover between participatory and professional performance activities in pre-school settings, working in communities experiencing disadvantage and low access to the arts in Somerset, Surrey and Derby. The programme will deliver a rich creative learning programme for under-fives, artists and early years practitioners and seek to embed increased access to quality arts provision for this age group.
23/09/2020 £50,000 £273,279 GLOUCESTER CULTURE TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
23/09/2020 £102,000 £452,459 MAGIC ME Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
23/09/2020 £500,000 £21,525,423 PEARS FOUNDATION The Pears Foudation is an independent, British family foundation rooted in Jewish values. They promote understanding of key issues through research and education programmes, particularly with young people. This grant contributes to a partnership between Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Pears Foundation in the form of a pooled Youth Club Fund.
23/09/2020 £70,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE NEST The Social Change Nest is part of The Social Change Agency which supports new grassroots movements. They provide essential start-up support to unconstituted and people-powered networks. This grant provides core support to the organisation to continue supporting new grassroots movements and meet increased demand through the proliferation fo Mutual Aid Groups during Covid-19.
22/09/2020 £40,000 £246,894 BLACK SOUTH WEST NETWORK Black South West Network (BSWN) works to build independent Black, Asian and minoritized communities, businesses and organisations that are empowered to flourish while challenging systemic barriers and addressing racial inequality. BSWN work strategically as the newly appointed Secretariat to Bristol's Mayoral Commission of Race Equality (CoRE). This project combines BSWN's social capital, research input from University of Bristol, and policy co-ordination from the Mayor's Office to test and learn from a One City approach to tackling systemic racism.
22/09/2020 £15,000 LIBERTY Liberty is the UK's leading domestic human rights campaigning organisation. This grant will support Liberty in commissioning Britain Thinks to undertake thorough message-testing on public perceptions of judicial review. The findings will be shared across their network and inform a collaborative public campaign to build support for judicial review.
21/09/2020 £10,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE NEST The Social Change Agency aims to build people powered movements to create positive social change. This grant will support the agency to create a movement championed and led by young people that aims to double the number of young trustees under the age of 26 on charity boards in five years.
16/09/2020 £20,000 COMMONS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £1,304,414 CARDBOARD CITIZENS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £529,065 ISLE OF WIGHT YOUTH TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £753,877 SPORT 4 LIFE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £232,922 AGENDA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £169,166 THE TOURING NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £19,450 THE REIGN COLLECTIVE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £19,800 GLOW AND SEE CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 SEXUAL HEALTH CIRCUS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHOLOGY PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £274,257 OUTBURST ARTS FESTIVAL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 £332,697 YWCA SCOTLAND Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 STANDING COMMITTEE FOR YOUTH JUSTICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 LEADERS UNLOCKED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £20,000 IGNITION BREWERY LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/09/2020 £10,000 £51,892 PHOENIX EDUCATION Phoenix Education work with schools, colleges and their communities to deliver projects that facilitate collaborative decision-making and support young people to lead change. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
14/09/2020 £200,000 £1,062,636 SHAPE ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/09/2020 £60,000 £670,782 BECOME Become provides support and advice to care-experienced children and young people across England, to help them realise their potential and understand their rights. Funding will support the Director of Policy, Campaigns, and Communications, who will lead on campaigning around the planned national Care Review, and ensuring that young people's voices are central to this.
14/09/2020 £60,000 £922,000 YOUTH INITIATIVES (NORTHERN IRELAND) Youth Initiatives specialises in long term, relationship based, youth empowerment work in areas of high social need in Northern Ireland. This grant will support the organisation to develop and implement a new youth practitioner network, create platforms to amplify the voices of young people and clarify staff leadership progression and roles.
14/09/2020 £160,000 £1,392,156 ACTION FOUNDATION Action Foundation provides opportunities for people who have migrated to overcome exclusion and poverty by providing housing and English Language support. This funding will enable Action Foundation to develop a fully integrated data management/CRM system, and build dedicated staffing capacity and capability to optimise the use of this new IT facility. This will help them develop robust internal data management processes and maximise their reach, effectiveness, sustainability and external influence.
14/09/2020 £225,000 £200,070 UKLGIG (UK LESBIAN & GAY IMMIGRATION GROUP) The UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or intersex (LGBTQI+) people through the asylum and immigration system. This funding will enable UKLGIG to start a national campaign for reform of the asylum and immigration system that transcends the refugee and migration sector. The campaign aims to galvanise a whole new supporter base: the LGBTQI+ community by ‘mainstreaming’ messages and campaigning on asylum and immigration into this community.
14/09/2020 £60,000 £156,087 IMIX IMIX works closely with organisations across the refugee and migration sector to train, support and build communications capacity. With this grant, IMIX will test and develop a new narrative frame for the public and policy debate on migrant destitution, and explore whether the process of developing this frame provides a foundation for collaborative working across policy silos via the destitution coalition. It will co-create a programme of work with people who have lived experience of destitution and the immigration system, alongside organisations with a long-standing focus on migration and destitution, mainstream poverty and homelessness.
09/09/2020 £30,000 £446,270 ALLSORTS GLOUCESTERSHIRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/09/2020 £30,000 YOUR OWN PLACE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £11,500 SUDBOURNE PRIMARY AS LEAD SCHOOL FOR WINDMILL CLUSTER IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BRIXTON LEARNING COLLABORATIVE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £9,000 SCRUTINY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £19,228 ACT BUILD CHANGE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £17,655 £500,886 THE VOICES FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £20,000 £442,414 CUBITT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £10,000 £354,091 PARTNERSHIP FOR YOUNG LONDON Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £8,500 BEAM PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £19,991 MUSEUM OF COLOUR Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £20,000 £630,253 ACCESS ALL AREAS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £20,000 £51,830 CENTRE FOR MILITARY JUSTICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £20,000 £123,210 GLITCH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £12,000 TEES VALLEY EDUCATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £14,000 SPEAK STREET Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/09/2020 £10,000 £920,492 THE GODIVA AWAKES TRUST Imagineer Productions is a registered charity and part of The Godiva Awakes Trust. Imagineer make live theatre and outdoor performances, education programmes, special commissions and touring work, bringing together creatives, engineers, architects, educationalists, special effects artists and designers. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
02/09/2020 £10,000 £418,508 SHPRESA PROGRAMME Shpresa's mission is to enable men, women and children from the Albanian-speaking community to live as full and active citizens. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/09/2020 £16,500 £1,081,661 STUDENTS ORGANISING FOR SUSTAINABILITY UK Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) is a student-led education charity focusing on sustainability. This grant supports the development of SOS-UK's 'Teach the Future' campaign, a youth-led campaign to repurpose the education system around the climate emergency and ecological crisis.
26/08/2020 £50,000 £1,428,463 THE CENTRE FOR LITERACY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
26/08/2020 £50,000 £545,916 RECLAIM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
26/08/2020 £77,000 £10,503,000 ROYAL EXCHANGE THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 £16,232 FAT MACYS FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £13,950 £56,312 HOSTNATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £9,000 £1,371,921 LONDON SINFONIETTA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 £7,297,817 YOUNG VIC Neighbourhood Theatre programme with vulnerable and marginalised adults over 24 in Southwark and Lambeth during COVID-19, which our previous grant supported.
19/08/2020 £15,000 £123,016 TêTE à TêTE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £10,000 £269,701 PEER UK LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £18,500 £503,906 THE OPEN THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 £628,054 GLASGOW SCULPTURE STUDIOS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 £4,841,097 WHO CARES? SCOTLAND Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 SLUNG LOW Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £20,000 EMCCAN EAST MIDLANDS CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL ARTS NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
19/08/2020 £19,200 WE ARE ROUTES Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
17/08/2020 £20,000 THE UBELE INITIATIVE The Ubele Initiative is an African Diaspora led intergenerational social enterprise. This grant supports the delivery of the Exhale Retreat, a two-day experience for 20 women from Black African and/or Caribbean backgrounds working in social justice organisations, trusts and foundations. It provides a space for facilitated workshops, group work, wellbeing activities, reflection sessions, healing and grounding. Participants will create and share strategies for collective social change.
17/08/2020 £20,000 CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIES Creative Opportunities facilitates and encourages creativity among young Londoners, supporting them to develop skills, make connections and lead change. This grant contributes to the director’s salary over one year, plus coaching; funding a Level 3 Award in Education and Training; and the creation of a bespoke training package, supported by the School of Social Entrepreneurs.
13/08/2020 £30,000 £553,778 HMDT MUSIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/08/2020 £50,000 £114,800,000 NATIONAL THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/08/2020 £80,000 £11,618,000 ROYAL LIVERPOOL PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/08/2020 £90,000 £501,436 EVERY CHILD PROTECTED AGAINST TRAFFICKING ECPAT UK Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK) is a national children’s rights organisation working to protect children from trafficking, transnational exploitation and modern slavery. ECPAT UK will work with the Sheila McKechnie Foundation to develop a new campaigns strategy and strengthen its existing youth participation model. It aims for young people to take a more central role to develop and lead new campaigns and reach new audiences. Specialist training will strengthen youth voice as central in leading campaigns to improve legislation to better support child victims of trafficking.
05/08/2020 £20,000 £4,290,864 CREATIVE YOUTH NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £20,000 £1,302,109 GRAEAE THEATRE COMPANY LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £19,500 £533,249 COUNTERPOINTS ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £10,000 £23,278 TAG THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LECTURERS IN YOUTH AND COMMUNITY WORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £8,065 £49,329 PEDAL PEOPLE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £12,926 THE BUSKING PROJECT CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/08/2020 £8,450 GIRLDREAMER Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
29/07/2020 £50,000 LOCALMOTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
29/07/2020 £70,000 £479,211 CAMDEN PEOPLES THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
29/07/2020 £100,000 £29,546,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
29/07/2020 £30,000 £447,312 YOUNG ROOTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/07/2020 £200,000 £1,091,303 ACEVO (THE ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS) ACEVO is the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations which provides support, development and a collective campaigning voice for members across the UK. This grant provides core funding to build membership networks, offer support and challenge to the voluntary sector, and to promote strong and effective leadership practice.
28/07/2020 £200,000 £1,056,311 CAMPAIGN BOOTCAMP Campaign Bootcamp are a charity dedicated to ensuring that people most impacted by injustice are leading campaigns that affect their lives, from better housing to fairer treatment of migrants and LGBTQ+ rights. This grant provides core funding to allow Campaign Bootcamp to build their fundraising efforts and financial resilience and develop community and sector relationships.
28/07/2020 £200,000 £457,534 ON ROAD MEDIA On Road is a national charity that aims to improve media coverage of misrepresented groups and issues, improving people’s lives and the way they are treated by society. This grant supports OTR to engage in essential communications transformation for the voluntary sector in order to achieve longer term sustained change that is equitable and respectful to those with lived experience.
28/07/2020 £200,000 £724,057 IMMIGRATION LAW PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION ILPA The Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) is a professional association and registered charity whose members practise in all aspects of immigration, asylum and nationality law. This grant enables ILPA to focus its resources on the legal work and scrutiny that is urgently needed at a time when the UK’s immigration law will see its most significant overhaul in 40 years. Communications support will enhance ILPA’s impact across its various functions as it develops new ways of delivering services and communicating with members remotely.
28/07/2020 £150,000 YOUTHACTION NORTHERN IRELAND Youth Action Northern Ireland (Youth Action) is a leading voice and representation organisation for young people in Northern Ireland. This grant provides core support to Youth Action to build evidence-based work, recommend policy solutions and build networks between the youth sector and decision makers.
28/07/2020 £200,000 £156,087 IMIX IMIX will strengthen its ability to deliver its key objectives of reframe the debate on migration in order to enable a more welcoming environment for people who make the UK their home; and ensuring that the positive arguments for migration achieve more cut-through and impact in the public debate.
28/07/2020 £250,000 £1,349,940 PUBLIC LAW PROJECT The Public Law Project (PLP) is a legal charity working to improve access to justice in the UK. This grant provides core support to the organisation to ensure those marginalised through poverty, discrimination or disadvantage have access to the public law remedies necessary to hold the state to account.
22/07/2020 £5,343 THE NATIONAL GALLERY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £15,000 £617,039 DRAKE MUSIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £16,226 £182,405 DASH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 £1,333,802 Z-ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 £1,922,297 FUEL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £13,000 £729,302 DANCE UMBRELLA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 £258,973 PRIME THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 £229,836 COMMUNITY INFOSOURCE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 BEATFREEKS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 £922,000 YOUTH INITIATIVES (NORTHERN IRELAND) Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £10,000 CHUCKLE PRODUCTIONS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/07/2020 £20,000 MADLOVE LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
21/07/2020 £20,000 FIELD DAY (THROUGH THE NERVE CENTRE) Field Day is a theatre company and publisher based in Dublin and Derry. This grant supports the production of Stay Alive, a sensitive exploration of the issue of survival through the poetic medium of the short film, written by Clare Dwyer Hogg. Clare’s previous work includes the short film Hard Border exploring the untruths of the Brexit debate which has been viewed online by over 2 million people.
15/07/2020 £60,000 £405,537 FEVERED SLEEP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £60,000 £1,834,495 PRAXIS COMMUNITY PROJECTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £100,000 £749,103 PROJECT ART WORKS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £43,500 £3,638,659 ALBANY THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £60,000 £215,999 PEOPLE UNITED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £111,000 £6,587,381 HAMPSHIRE CULTURAL TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £100,000 £543,052 OPENUP MUSIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £66,000 £1,420,893 PAINES PLOUGH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £90,000 £6,545,000 REFUGEE ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £66,500 DINN ENTERPRISE CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/07/2020 £80,000 £422,431 THE BLACK BOX TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/07/2020 £203,000 £1,084,601 DARTS DONCASTER COMMUNITY ARTS darts will develop its Creative Classrooms drama-based approach in four Doncaster schools. Using narrative, drama techniques and a relatable cast of characters to explore stories, the project aims to support children's resilience, emotional literacy, ability to explore behaviours and overcome obstacles.
13/07/2020 £248,000 £169,984 MAKEBELIEVE ARTS MakeBelieve Arts is a theatre and education charity, offering programmes to develop the creative, communication and literacy skills of children. Through this grant, MakeBelieve Arts is expanding the reach of both their Helicopter Stories and Poetry Basket programmes, which improve the communication and early literacy skills of children aged two to six in both mainstream and special schools.
13/07/2020 £90,000 £465,229 EFFERVESCENT: SOCIAL ALCHEMY Effervescent Social Alchemy delivers projects supporting young people to create campaigns which focus on issues affecting them, such as sexual exploitation, mental health and loneliness. This grant provides core funding to invest in creative spaces for the benefit of children and young people.
13/07/2020 £90,000 £1,041,326 MERMAIDS Mermaids works with and on behalf of transgender and gender variant children and young people across the UK. Demand for Mermaids’ support has grown exponentially in recent years and additional capacity is needed. Funding will support a new post to oversee data, secuirty, and infrastructure.
13/07/2020 £60,000 £196,256 OUR TIME Our Time is campaigning for and supporting young people whose partents suffer from a mental illness This grant supports continued development of Our Time's support for children and young people who have a parent with a mental illness, through family workshops and support in school.
13/07/2020 £155,000 PEACE FIRST Peace First is an international charity dedicated to helping young people around the world to become powerful peacemakers. This grant supports Peace First to directly invest in young people to create 500 youth-led changemaking projects, distribute 100 small grants, scale selected projects through accelerators and evaluate its work.
13/07/2020 £90,000 £261,815 PIE FACTORY MUSIC Pie Factory Music is a Ramsgate-based youth work charity that uses music and related arts to engage and support young people across east Kent. This grant supports internal capacity building to support the Senior Management Team, ensuring strategic maturity, robust governance, and effective infrastructure during significant organisational growth.
13/07/2020 £60,000 £1,150,237 TENDER EDUCATION AND ARTS Tender is a charity that uses the theatre to engage young people in the prevention of domestic and sexual abuse. It works in all London Boroughs and in partnership with organisations across the UK. It delivers healthy relationships programmes in education, youth and arts settings, training for professional, and youth leadership programmes.Funding of its Programme Manager supports its ability to deliver, develop and grow projects which engage young people in the prevention of domestic and sexual abuse. Its work is evidence led and effective in ensuring young people have more understanding of healthy/ unhealthy relationships.
13/07/2020 £90,000 £892,323 POSITIVE YOUTH FOUNDATION The Positive Youth Foundation is a Coventry based charity that aims to improve the life chances of young people facing challenging circumstances. It will develop its approach to evaluation and impact analysis, with a focus on enhanced youth voice. This in turn will inform the organisation’s influencing and policy work, as it aims to secure a positive legacy for young people following Coventry City of Culture 2021.
13/07/2020 £90,000 £3,021,842 NO LIMITS No Limits supports young people in and around Southampton with advice, counselling and specialist youth services, meeting the needs of the those facing the most complex and challenging circumstances including isolation.
13/07/2020 £180,000 £483,174 BRISTOL REFUGEE RIGHTS Bristol Refugee Rights aims to uphold and champion the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees. This grant will support the second phase of their project to influence systems in Bristol for care leavers with insecure immigration status.
13/07/2020 £202,000 £914,871 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT (GMIAU) Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) exists to advise, support, represent and campaign with people subject to immigration control. Through this grant GMIAU will use a range of approaches to policy and communications to show how Hostile Environment policies affect children, young people and their families in the North West, and propose solutions to injustices caused by immigration problems at local authority level and regionally to inform national policy change.
13/07/2020 £155,000 £325,150 POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS (PAFRAS) Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS) works with asylum seekers, refugees and local communities in Leeds and the surrounding areas. This grant will support PAFRAS to deliver a programme to influence the systems in Yorkshire for supporting care leavers with insecure immigration status.
13/07/2020 £185,000 £412,354 SOUTH LONDON REFUGEE ASSOCIATION South London Refugee Association (SLRA) is a front line community organisation providing specialist advice and support to refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants who are at risk or in crisis because of past trauma or restrictions related to their current immigration status. SLRA wants to further develop its partnerships with Merton and Southwark, to support work with care leavers who have insecure immigration status.
13/07/2020 £150,000 THE3MILLION The3million is the largest campaign organisation for EU citizens in the UK, formed after the 2016 EU referendum to protect the rights of people who have made the UK their home. Through this grant the3million will monitor, influence and hold to account the UK’s implementation of the citizens' rights parts of the Withdrawal Agreement through policy development, working with partners, and undertaking advocacy and legal action where appropriate.
10/07/2020 £20,000 £23,887,000 WALES MILLENNIUM CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/07/2020 £20,000 £3,126,001 CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/07/2020 £16,000 £614,959 SPID THEATRE COMPANY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/07/2020 £20,000 YEAR HERE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/07/2020 £20,000 £456,880 ABANDOFBROTHERS ABOB Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/07/2020 £20,000 £242,292 THE ADVOCACY ACADEMY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £1,150,237 TENDER EDUCATION AND ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £19,500 £2,961,697 CREATIVE FOLKESTONE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £284,858 IMKAAN Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £249,669 FOUNDATION YEARS TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £36,252 MONEY4YOU Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £2,801,045 THE NATIONAL YOUTH ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £2,091,582 THEATRE ROYAL WAKEFIELD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 £229,836 COMMUNITY INFOSOURCE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 LIBERTY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £20,000 BOLD TENDENCIES Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/07/2020 £5,000 IMPOSSIBLE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/07/2020 £50,000 £321,930 GETAWAY GIRLS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/07/2020 £29,000 £780,159 COVE PARK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/07/2020 £75,000 £551,215 THE DIFFERENCE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 £431,273 B ARTS BEAVERS ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £50,000 £7,072,719 UK YOUTH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £50,000 £3,023,000 NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 £218,078 MORTAL FOOLS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 £242,212 PECKHAM PLATFORM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 £70,706 MUSEUM OF HOMELESSNESS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £50,000 £800,167 THE CENTRE FOR YOUTH IMPACT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 £1,862,453 KNEEHIGH THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 D6 CULTURE IN TRANSIT D6 Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £20,000 DIVERSE VOICES ENT LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
24/06/2020 £60,000 £594,606 LAUNCH IT Launch It is a youth enterprise charity with sites in England and Scotland, that aims to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to start their own businesses. This grant supports further replication and the development of a more rigorous infrastructure to support its growing network of enterprise centres.
24/06/2020 £60,000 £487,889 TRELYA Based in Penzance, Trelya supports young people experiencing disadvantage to build confidence and self-esteem. Funding will support the team to grow the impact Core Asset Development approach by working with a diverse range of voluntary and statutory sector partners, to embed asset development work across the area.
18/06/2020 £20,000 HEC GLOBAL LEARNING CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 STEWARDING LOSS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £18,950 £22,844 OASIS FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 £594,606 LAUNCH IT LONDON Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £15,000 £487,889 TRELYA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 £1,423,879 THE WARREN HOUSE GROUP AT DARTINGTON TRADING AS THE DARTINGTON SERVICE DESIGN LAB Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 £227,748 MUSIC IN DETENTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 £407,107 PUBLIC INTEREST LAW CENTRE CAMDEN COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 £1,291,158 BERWICK VISUAL ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
18/06/2020 £20,000 GOOD FAITH PARTNERSHIP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
17/06/2020 £30,000 £42,336 ARTSPLAY HIGHLAND Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £648,623 BLACK CULTURAL ARCHIVES Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £1,469,669 OFF THE RECORD OTR Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £310,574 WOMEN CONNECT FIRST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £10,000 £322,496 MY LIFE MY CHOICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £1,416,536 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £146,223 MIGRANTS RIGHTS NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £578,119 REFUGEE SUPPORT NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £294,273 REFUGEE AND MIGRANT FORUM OF ESSEX AND LONDON Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £14,000 £53,109 YOUNG PEOPLES PUPPET THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £661,015 THE WARREN OF HULL LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 CIVIC SQUARE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £20,000 £924,581 NORTHERN IRELAND YOUTH FORUM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
10/06/2020 £90,000 GIRLDREAMER GirlDreamer is a Community Interest Company based in Birmingham, led by a team of women of colour, all aged under 30. It ‘educates, elevates and empowers’ marginalised young women of colour to become agents of change in their local communities. Funding will support GirlDreamer’s senior team to focus on strategic planning and to lead the organisation through a period of transformation and growth. They aim to combine the different elements of their offer into one core programme and thus increase the number of young women directly supported by 100 each year. They also hope to enhance long term sustainability by growing consultancy work.
10/06/2020 £60,000 £457,534 ON ROAD MEDIA On Road is a national charity that aims to improve media coverage of misrepresented groups and issues Tis grant supports On Road to set up All About Trans as a separate organisation led by transgender people that aims to increase public awareness and knowledge about the lived experiences of transgender young people in the UK by working alongside others and employing strategic communication techniques.
10/06/2020 £90,000 £1,342,708 THE BYTES PROJECT The Bytes Project specialises in digital youth work and in using technology to help young people to “hack their world for good”. With offices in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry, Bytes runs programmes and works on-street across Northern Ireland. In partnership with young people, the Bytes team will develop a ‘strategic project framework’. This will set the direction for longer term work in rural communities. Learning from this exercise will be shared more widely to influence key policy decisions in local, regional and national government.
10/06/2020 £60,000 £768,571 THE PROUD TRUST The Proud Trust are a youth and community work organisation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, especially those who are marginalised. This grant supports the development of a volunteer programme, therapeutic youth work and youth social enterprise training in the Trust's new LGBT+ Centre. The Trust will share the insight from these and related activities to inspire the national development of LGBT+ youth voice, youth support and LGBT+ inclusion.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £1,880,317 CHARITY FINANCE GROUP CFG Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £486,706 ROCHDALE CONNECTIONS TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £859,255 THE LIGHTBOX Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £600,626 BUBBLE THEATRE COMPANY LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 BRIGHTON PEOPLE'S THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £229,811 THE MULTI STORY ORCHESTRA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £279,573 FOCUS ON LABOUR EXPLOITATION FLEX Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £20,000 £984,676 HEART OF GLASS ST HELENS LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
04/06/2020 £18,100 LOVE AND POWER Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/06/2020 £50,000 MIGRATION MUSEUM PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/06/2020 £30,000 £161,566 CHOL THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/06/2020 £50,000 £481,467 DETENTION ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £375,214 WRITING ON THE WALL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £957,986 FUTURE MEN Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £15,000 £3,401,755 YMCA DERBYSHIRE YMCAD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £50,000 £193,324 PROJECT 17 Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £2,617,639 THE BLAGRAVE TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £15,000 £1,185,475 ADVICE ON INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN EUROPE LTD AIRE CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £181,745 WITH ONE VOICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £3,600,211 THE Y Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £287,792 CITY ARTS NOTTINGHAM LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £286,244 REACHING HIGHER Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £15,000 GLOUCESTERSHIRE YOUNG CARERS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £434,640 THE KEY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 £223,903 GREEN TEAM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/05/2020 £20,000 SWITCH UP CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
27/05/2020 £20,000 £561,560 AESOP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
27/05/2020 £40,000 £1,194,986 MANCHESTER CAMERATA LIMITED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
27/05/2020 £100,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law is a London-based legal charity working with vulnerable children and young people from birth to the age of 25. This grant provides core funding to support strategic and operational growth, particularly to grow impact through rights-based and youth-led policy and influencing work and holistic legal representation.
27/05/2020 £100,000 £2,035,641 LEAP CONFRONTING CONFLICT Leap Confronting Conflict is a national charity, expert at reducing youth conflict, delivering interactive training for young people (11-25) and professionals, focusing on prevention, reducing public violence and supporting young people in the criminal justice system. This grant supports Leap to widen and deepen its impact, clarify its purpose and expand its reach and influence through professional and digital training.
27/05/2020 £100,000 £5,427,092 YOUNGMINDS YoungMinds is a leading UK charity working to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. They provide advice and guidance for young people, a parents and carers helpline, support and training for professionals, and research and policy work. This grant extends core funding alongside a package of support towards strategic and operational development and growth, in particular to consolidate and invest in infrastructure and capacity to ensure sustainability.
20/05/2020 £40,000 £1,179,842 CLEAN BREAK THEATRE COMPANY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £20,000 £15,697,008 THE OLD VIC THEATRE TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £20,000 £242,843 PRIMARY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £30,000 £829,060 FITZROVIA YOUTH IN ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £85,000 £679,943 ARTS AT THE OLD FIRE STATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £56,000 £804,019 CREATE LONDON Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £20,000 £306,854 YOUNG CAMDEN FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £18,600 £262,817 HEADS TOGETHER PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £20,000 FOUNDERS AND CODERS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £15,000 THE ANNE MATTHEWS TRUST BRAICH GOCH RED ARM CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
20/05/2020 £20,000 EASTSIDE ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/05/2020 £20,000 £2,423,154 MK GALLERY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/05/2020 £20,000 £2,419,897 WAC ARTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/05/2020 £10,000 £851,030 FORWARD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/05/2020 £20,000 £4,106,472 ALLCHILD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
14/05/2020 £20,000 £118,721 WE BELONG Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/05/2020 £70,000 £903 ISLINGTON MILL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/05/2020 £30,000 MICRO RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/05/2020 £40,000 ARIKA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/05/2020 £30,000 £786,480 KHULISA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
13/05/2020 £50,000 THE BUREAU LOCAL Bureau Local was launched just three years ago to bring community-led thinking to a struggling local news industry. This grant underpins the Bureau’s strategic plans and strengthens the information and agency backbone to civil society that a strong local news ecosystem provides.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £1,441,350 DOCTORS OF THE WORLD UK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £2,035,641 LEAP CONFRONTING CONFLICT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £753,877 SPORT 4 LIFE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £1,218,948 CLORE SOCIAL LEADERSHIP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £13,000 £87,732 JUST FAIR Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £488,821 RIGHTS OF WOMEN Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £166,323 SOCIAL ARK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £15,500 £1,572,829 MICLU THE MIGRANT AND REFUGEE CHILDRENS LEGAL UNIT AT ISLINGTON LAW CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £916,765 STUDIO VOLTAIRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £240,664 COPENHAGEN YOUTH PROJECT CYP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £548,835 THE LIMES COMMUNITY AND CHILDRENS CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £112,474 ASYLUM JUSTICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £446,270 ALLSORTS GLOUCESTERSHIRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £13,736 RACIAL JUSTICE NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £12,000 £114,623 ACHATES PHILANTHROPY FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 £2,623,541 CAMDEN GIVING Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £20,000 FULLY FOCUSED COMMUNITY TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
07/05/2020 £10,000 MOBILISE CARE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
06/05/2020 £30,000 YOUNG FUTURES CIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
05/05/2020 £20,000 £933,212 JULIE'S BICYCLE Season for Change 2020 is a nationwide festival of culture and climate action that aims to invite communities throughout the country to connect to the climate crisis through arts, culture and creative experiences. It aligns with the UK's hosting of COP26, the UN's annual climate negotiations.
29/04/2020 £100,000 £21,117,869 EDUCATION ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION EEF Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
29/04/2020 £46,000 £548,778 DITCH THE LABEL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £2,504,112 BOW ARTS TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £3,046,087 DERBY QUAD LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £545,916 RECLAIM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £2,449,177 THINKFORWARD UK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £269,544 WEST END WOMEN AND GIRLS CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £402,293 THE RUNNYMEDE TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £15,000 £101,396 SETTLED Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 1625 INDEPENDENT PEOPLE LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
28/04/2020 £20,000 £247,100,000 BRITISH RED CROSS The Asylum Reform Initiative aims to facilitate improved coordination and collaboration between group members and to play a significant role, on behalf of the members’ leadership teams, in securing policy and practice change for people who use the UK asylum system.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £1,884,886 UNION CHAPEL PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £872,622 CANDOCO DANCE COMPANY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £204,941 SCARABEUS THEATRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £2,035,295 DISCOVER CHILDRENS STORY CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £300,000 £2,359,203 THE ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £676,052 THE LARDER COOK SCHOOL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 SCOTTEE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 £738,136 ENVISION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
22/04/2020 £20,000 GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY The Greater Manchester Comined Authority is made up of the ten Greater Manchester councils and Mayor, who work with other local services, businesses, communities and other partners to improve the city-region. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
22/04/2020 £8,000 MIGRANT ACTION Migrant Action is an advocacy and rights-based organisation based in South Yorkshire that provides information, guidance, advocacy support and practical assistance to people who have migrated to the UK. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
16/04/2020 £10,000 £461,207 PLATFORM LONDON Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £18,000 £808,553 GLOBAL GENERATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH (IVAR) Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £1,158,294 JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £1,657,144 CURIOUS MINDS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £196,256 OUR TIME Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £15,000 £362,554 THE OPEN DOOR CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £768,571 THE PROUD TRUST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £10,000 £457,534 ON ROAD MEDIA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £10,000 £138,566 MY LIFE MY SAY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £177,615 PEER POWER YOUTH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £800,167 THE CENTRE FOR YOUTH IMPACT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 £9,374 CHILDREN'S SOCIETY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £10,000 NEWTOWNABBEY ARTS & CULTURAL NETWORK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/04/2020 £20,000 ASHLEY COMMUNITY HOUSING Ashley Community Housing is a social enterprise specialising in the economic, social and civil integration of refugees through accommodation and community based training support. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
15/04/2020 £100,000 £3,225,273 NEW PHILANTHROPY CAPITAL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
15/04/2020 £400,000 £6,545,000 REFUGEE ACTION Core support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19. A pooled fund, hosted by Migration Exchange in partnership with Refugee Action and NACCOM, to support frontline charities working in the migration sector where people are facing layers of vulnerability and challenge.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £670,782 BECOME Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £1,641,318 BODY & SOUL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £481,467 DETENTION ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £681,280 LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN'S RIGHTS SERVICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £2,459,810 CENTRAL ENGLAND LAW CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £3,119,000 CARDINAL HUME CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £10,000 £466,617 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK (KRAN) Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £1,305,219 POWER2 Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £2,098,215 TROS GYNNAL Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £351,767 ROMA SUPPORT GROUP Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £2,408,031 THE REFUGEE AND MIGRANT CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £42,000 £226,966 INTOART Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £10,000 £581,927 CHILYPEP (CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S EMPOWERMENT PROJECT) Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £268,828 MIGRANT VOICE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £193,324 PROJECT 17 Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £200,070 UKLGIG Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £82,791 WAST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £602,005 WOMEN FOR REFUGEE WOMEN Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £458,799 ANTI-TRIBALISM MOVEMENT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £10,000 £58,007 THE HUMMINGBIRD PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £641,214 GENDERED INTELLIGENCE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £554,300 GEESE THEATRE COMPANY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £157,974 FRONT LOUNGE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 £1,392,156 ACTION FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 COLLABORATE CIC Collaborate CIC help public services collaborate to tackle complex social challenges. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 INDEPENDENT WORKERS UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN Independent Workers of Great Britain aims to support low-paid workers who have migrated to the UK so that they are better enabled to claim their rights. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (ICRD), UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON The Institute for Community Research and Development (ICRD) works with and in local communities to deliver effective community-based transformational projects, drives policy developments, and promote social mobility. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £10,000 RJ WORKING RJ Working aims to support young people to tackle injustice and respond to conflict positively to create more compassionate, inclusive and fair communities. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £15,000 £48,007 THE UNITY PROJECT (TUP) The Unity Project exist to support people who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF), particularly with applications to remove the NRPF restriction. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 TOURETTESHERO Jess Thom co-founded Touretteshero in 2010 to share the humour and creativity of Tourettes and to campaign for a more inclusive society, and currently helps coordinate a large play project in South London. This grant provides support to aid Jess and Touretteshero in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
09/04/2020 £20,000 YOUNG FUTURES CIC Young Futures provides accommodation, one-to-one support and therapy to young people leaving care in London. It aims to launch two new services promoting new ways of working with young people with experience of care. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
08/04/2020 £100,000 £2,009,837 YOUTHNET TA THE MIX Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
08/04/2020 £50,000 PEACE FIRST Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
08/04/2020 £30,000 £379,177 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VOLUNTARY & COMMUNITY ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £1,056,350 YOUTH ACCESS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £4,921,587 CITIZENS UK Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £626,734 VOICES FROM CARE CYMRU Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £483,174 BRISTOL REFUGEE RIGHTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £68,722 NOMAD NATIONS OF MIGRATION AWAKENING THE DISAPORA Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £9,374 CHILDREN'S SOCIETY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
03/04/2020 £20,000 £4,841,097 WHO CARES SCOTLAND Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/04/2020 £20,000 £5,427,092 YOUNGMINDS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/04/2020 £20,000 £418,508 SHPRESA PROGRAMME Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/04/2020 £20,000 £325,150 POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS PAFRAS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/04/2020 £20,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
02/04/2020 £20,000 £661,015 THE WARREN OF HULL LTD Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 VOICE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE VOYPIC Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £9,743,610 FREEDOM FROM TORTURE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £1,657,905 THE JERICHO FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £986,137 THE WINCH Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £599,231 MIGRANTS ORGANISE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £1,834,495 PRAXIS COMMUNITY PROJECTS Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £412,354 SOUTH LONDON REFUGEE ASSOCIATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £535,842 EAST EUROPEAN RESOURCE CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £914,871 GREATER MANCHESTER IMMIGRATION AID UNIT GMIAU Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £297,673 VOICES IN EXILE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £488,899 SHEFFIELD YOUNG CARERS PROJECT Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £724,057 IMMIGRATION LAW PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £234,590 YOUNG URBAN ARTS FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £209,943 NACCOM Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £68,050 AFRICAN RAINBOW FAMILY Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £2,491,620 ISLINGTON GIVING THROUGH CRIPPLEGATE FOUNDATION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £2,078,618 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £6,545,000 REFUGEE ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 £607,443 JUSTRIGHT SCOTLAND Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 GOOD FAITH PARTNERSHIP Good Faith Partnerships is a social consultancy that works with senior leaders across all sectors to discover and design innovative solutions to society’s most difficult problems. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 NEON NEW ECONOMY ORGANISERS NETWORK NEON is a network of over 1,600 UK organisers from 900 different civil society groups. They run training programmes and support campaigns to build the strength of movements for social and economic justice. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE AGENCY The Social Change Agency aims to provide new funding and support models for a new breed of community networks and activists. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2020 £20,000 YOUR OWN PLACE Your Own Place is a social enterprise in Norfolk working with young people aged 16-25 at risk of homelessness. This grant provides support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by Covid-19.
01/04/2020 £2,000,000 £1,646,107 THE HELEN HAMLYN TRUST The Helen Hamlyn Trust is an independent grant-making trust focusing on the initiation of medium and long-term projects linked to the shared interests of Lady Hamlyn and her late husband Lord Hamlyn. This grant supports The Helen Hamlyn Trust to develop innovative projects in the fields of medicine, arts and culture, education and welfare, healthy ageing, international humanitarian affairs and heritage and conservation in India.
30/03/2020 £500,000 £62,800,000 CITY BRIDGE TRUST (FOR THE LONDON COMMUNITY RESPONSE FUND) Contribution towards the London Community Response Fund COVID-19 appeal.
27/03/2020 £60,000 £655,550 GLOUCESTERSHIRE YOUNG CARERS Gloucestershire Young Carers works with children and young people with a caring responsibility for a family member. This grant supports GYC to undertake an independent evaluation of co-production as an asset-based approach, alongside strategic development to embed asset-based approaches across every level of the organisation.
27/03/2020 £60,000 £192,727 HEART AND SOUND Operating from a former nightclub in Dunfermline, Heart and Sound offers a range of creative and youth work activities. This grant will support Heart and Sound to develop into a youth-led venue and hub and to nurture small youth and community charities in Dunfermline.
27/03/2020 £60,000 £529,065 ISLE OF WIGHT YOUTH TRUST The Isle of Wight Youth Trust provides counselling, and programmes focusing on mental health and youth advocacy. This grant supports the Trust to develop a drop-in Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub, which will be co-designed with young people.
27/03/2020 £60,000 £1,056,350 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is the membership organisation for a national network of Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS). They champion young people’s right to access local, high quality, evidence-informed advice, counselling and support services. Follow-on funding will support Youth Access to develop the reach, quality and impact of the organisation's participation practice and rights-based youth-led change work.
27/03/2020 £60,000 £1,979,462 YOUNG WOMENS TRUST Young Women's Trust is a feminist organisation working to achieve economic justice for young women. This grant provides follow-on funding to develop an outreach programme to support young women facing complex barriers to work.
26/03/2020 £500,000 £3,169,054 NATIONAL EMERGENCIES TRUST Contribution to the National Emergencies Trust COVID-19 appeal. (COVID19)
26/03/2020 £1,000,000 £457,027 OUTSIDE IN Outside In is an established national charity that aims to provide a platform for artists who face significant barriers to the art world due to health, disability, social circumstance or isolation. This grant consitutes a major gift providing core support to the organisation over five years.
26/03/2020 £7,500,000 £82,989,169 ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is a theatre based in Stratford-upon-Avon, the home town of William Shakespeare. The RSC perform plays by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, as well as commissioning original work from contemporary writers. This grant contributes £7million to an endowment to underpin the RSC's work in schools across the UK, alongside a £500,000 grant to support a longitudinal study of the impact of the company's work on learning in children and young people.
26/03/2020 £200,000 ARTS & BUSINESS NI Arts & Business NI is a membership organisation for cultural and commercial businesses in Northern Ireland. This grant supports Arts and Business NI to deliver Blueprint, a bespoke programme designed to meet the unique needs of Northern Ireland based arts organisations and based on a four-year programme of research led by Arts & Business NI and delivered by Small Change NI. The programme will support small to mid-scale artistic and cultural companies from across Northern Ireland, meeting a current gap in provision and develop a cluster of organisations, investing in them over a five-year period to strengthen long term financial sustainability.
24/03/2020 £5,000 £481,467 DETENTION ACTION Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
16/03/2020 £30,000 £434,640 THE KEY Towards organisational growth and development as part of Growth Fund annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £114,000 £371,065 ACTIONSPACE ActionSpace supports the development of artists with learning disabilitie. This grant supports the developent and expansion of ActionSpace's participatory programme co-led by artists with learning disabilities. ActionSpace will train a professional, paid team of learning disabled facilitators to co-deliver a regular programme of public participatory events and workshops. This will enable them to engage more participants with learning disabilities, deepen their understanding of a peer-led approach and analyse its impacts.
16/03/2020 £267,000 £1,922,297 FUEL Fuel is a leading independent producer of new theatre, live, digital and multi-disciplinary work. It tours mid-large scale venues across the UK and internationally. Through this grant it will develop its audience engagement practice and deliver a longer-term strategic programme across the UK to increase access for people from BAME backgrounds and groups underrepresented in the arts.
16/03/2020 £246,000 £628,054 GLASGOW SCULPTURE STUDIOS Glasgow Sculpture Studios supports creative practice in sculpture This grant provides core support to expand Glasgow Sculpture Studio's learning and engagement team. This will further develop its engagement programme with and for communities in North Glasgow with a focus on early years and youth provision; support greater integration of a co-produced approach across its offer; and seek to embed its role as a creative community asset.
16/03/2020 £55,000 £55,040,000 SOUTHBANK CENTRE (B)old was piloted in 2019, offering courses to people suffering from dementia. Through this grant, they will test out new art forms (singing and comedy improvisation); build better evaluation processes into the programme; develop new pathways out of the project into Southbank Centre’s core programming; smooth out some of the issues experienced in the pilot (such as transportation to and from the venue and more visits to dementia sufferers and their carers/families in their own community settings).
16/03/2020 £59,000 £15,375,274 THE WALLICH The Wallich will pilot a 24-month programme of creative engagement offers for individuals who have experienced homelessness, with the view to test and evaluate ways to embed creative delivery within the organisation’s core offer.
16/03/2020 £284,000 £4,288,301 DERBY THEATRE This Derby arts consortium will develop and embed a cross-city approach to making high quality profesional performance that works with disengaged communities as active and equal partners, and creates new audiences for locally produced arts.
16/03/2020 £60,000 ZOIELOGIC DANCE THEATRE ZoieLogic Dance Theatre will explore and test an open-ended, placed-based approach to co-creating work with young people on Holyrood estate, over a sustained period of time.
16/03/2020 £330,000 £369,250 BEAFORD ARTS Based in North Devon, Beaford Arts is England's longest-established rural arts organisation. In A Voice to Tell Our Story, Beaford Arts will work with with ten rural schools from two Multi Academy Trusts in north Devon. The project will focus on storytelling, visual arts, photography, film-making, local heritage and the natural environment to improve oracy and speech, language and communication amongst key stage 2 children and develop teachers' practice.
16/03/2020 £160,000 GROUNDSWELL ARTS In Storylab, Groundswell Arts will work with six Haringey primary and Early Years settings over three years, collaborating in a programme of integrated digital literacy, using filmmaking, green screen and animation, which aims to improve speech, language and communication, and cross-curricular learning outcomes. The approach will be delivered across the schools/settings, working with whole classes from all age groups, alongside smaller targeted intervention groups and work with parent/carer groups.
16/03/2020 £60,000 PLYMOUTH MUSIC EDUCATION HUB PMEH Plymouth Music Education Hub provides music-making opportunities and engages with most of the city's schools, supporting over 4,000 children a week to learn music. The Hub has surveyed Plymouth's seven schools for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and found that whilst music-making forms part of the curriculum, staff lack confidence and skills to lead singing activities. This project will support teaching staff to improve the quality of singing and music education by working alongside music practitioners in the classroom. Learning will inform future practice in special schools and be shared more widely in Plymouth and beyond.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £653,228 THE ROYAL AFRICAN SOCIETY The Royal African Society works to amplify African voices and interests in academia, business, politics, the arts and education. This grant will support the organisation to co-create a literacy-based programme with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education exploring how best to support teachers to work with African and diaspora poetry to encourage pupils' writing and verbal skills.
16/03/2020 £150,000 £559,266 GRIMM AND CO A collaboration between Grimm & Co and ten Astrea Trust primary schools in Rotheram, Doncaster and Sheffield, Chapter and Verse aims to support teachers to develop and embed multi-disciplinary arts approaches to teaching and learning, including immersive drama, music, poetry and storytelling. The project seeks to improve creative writing and key stage 2 writing outcomes, as well as children's confidence, motivation and well-being.
16/03/2020 £149,800 PENTLAND INFANT AND NURSERY SCHOOL Located in Dewsbury, Pentland Infant and Nursery School is the lead school for a partnership between nine local primary schools, WOVEN Festival and the University of Huddersfield. This grant supports the partners to draw upon Kirklees' textile heritage with artist practitioners from WOVEN Festival and the University of Huddersfield to develop arts-based practice and a textile curriculum to enhance children’s learning, wellbeing and aspirations.
16/03/2020 £150,000 £920,492 THE GODIVA AWAKES TRUST In Teach-Make, Imagineer Productions, Highly Sprung Performance Company, six Coventry primary schools and academics from the universities of Warwick and Central Lancashire are collaborating to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of physical theatre, art, design and technology, in order to support children's learning in STEM and the arts, through experiential, embodied approaches and cross-curricular contexts.
16/03/2020 £149,200 MILFORD HAVEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GROUP MHSIG Milford Haven School Improvement Group wants to embed arts across the curriculum, providing both a context and a purpose for learning. Working with local partners including Pembrokeshire Music Service and The Torch Theatre teachers will develop arts skills and pedagogy that enable them to meet the requirements of the new Welsh curriculum, which places emphasis on the role of the expressive arts, with confidence.
16/03/2020 £149,400 STANS CAFE Working with a group of primary schools in Birmingham, Stan's Cafe uses Devising Theatre and immersive drama approaches to develop teachers' practice with an emphasis on improving learning outcomes for pupils in English, and across other curriculum areas.
16/03/2020 £150,000 £389,231 YOUNG AT ART LTD Young at Art will explore how supporting teachers to use drama and visual arts approaches in the classroom can impact on pupils' critical thinking skills. The focus for teachers' inquiry will be The World Around Us aspect of the Northern Ireland curriculum. Through arts-based approaches teachers will focus on open-ended learning processes and questioning , supporting pupils to play, imagine, develop new vocabulary and build connections between knowledge, understanding and experiences.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £2,794,217 42ND STREET 42nd Street supports young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. This mini-grant supports the employment and training of peer-activists who will work with young people experiencing social injustice within mental health and social care systems to devise campaigns to address this.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £851,030 FORWARD FORWARD is an award winning African-led, women’s rights organisation working to combat multiple forms of violence against women and girls. This mini-grant supports the delivery of Speak Out, a young women’s leadership hub for training, movement building and developing strategic partnerships to tackle violence against women and girls.
16/03/2020 £5,000 BEATFREEKS Free Radical is a youth-led company in Birmingham that supports young people to develop skills, confidence and networks through creative activities and events. This grant will support the senior team to ensure that governance and infrastructure keeps up with increased levels of delivery during a period of significant organisational growth, with particular focus on REACT, a novel approach to its work with young people.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law works with and for young people to ensure their legal rights are respected and promoted, and their voices heard and valued. The grant will support Just for Kids Law to commission a case study to tell the story of how their Let Us Learn project led by young people who migrated to the UK became an independent charity, We Belong, and to share learning from this process.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £3,964 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK KRAN Kent Refugee Action Network works with young people seeking asylum or with refugee status in Kent. This mini-grant supports two Youth Ambassadors with refugee status to engage other young people impacted by the asylum system in developing the organisation and services to influence issues affecting their lives.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11-25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This mini-grant provides additional support to MAP’s Young Activist Network to access training, secure local government commitments and co-produce service delivery to combat bullying and discrimination.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £322,496 MY LIFE MY CHOICE My Life, My Choice supports young people with learning disabilities and others to influence change. This mini-grant will support the continued development of a youth parliament led by young people with learning disabilities that will campaign around injustices that they experience. Funding will also support a campaigning training programme delivered by young people with learning disabilities for their peers.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £138,566 MY LIFE MY SAY My Life My Say is a youth-led charity that empowers young people to participate in democracy. This mini-grant will support the continued development of the Groundbreaker Fellowship programme, which provides training sessions in mobilisation, public speaking, fundraising, media/communications and branding to young people who want to lead change.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £924,581 NORTHERN IRELAND YOUTH FORUM Northern Ireland Youth Forum is a youth-led charity that represents the voices of young people to government and other decision makers. This grant will go towards the development of a Leadership Studio for young activists in central Belfast. The grant will also fund the employment of a ‘Relentless Youth Worker’ who will deliver programmes to young people experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to become catalysts for change in their own communities and nationally.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,469,669 OFF THE RECORD OTR Off the Record provide counselling and mental health support services to young people in Bristol. This mini-grant supports the Project Co-ordinator to continue to develop Zazi, a youth-led change making movement for Bristol BAME young people experiencing mental health issues who want to challenge mental health stigma in their communities and deliver training to service providers.
16/03/2020 £5,000 PEACE FIRST Peace First is dedicated to helping young people around the world to become powerful peacemakers. This grant will back a UK pilot programme supporting young people experiencing disadvantage to lead social change through a digital platform that provides tools, resources, mentoring and small grants.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £177,615 PEER POWER YOUTH Peer Power supports young people who have experienced abuse, violence and trauma to understand their life experiences and develop empathy towards themselves and others. This mini-grant contributes to training for Peer Leaders to support young people in building self-esteem, creating community and making change to policies and services using co-production methods with statutory professionals.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £51,892 PHOENIX EDUCATION Phoenix Education Trust supports young people to lead change and facilitates collaborative decision-making between schools, colleges and their communities. This mini-grant supports the Trust's Student Voice and Refugee Support Network to engage young change makers in designing, planning and delivering their own social action projects that will improve young people’s experience of the education sector.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £461,207 PLATFORM LONDON Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This mini-grant supports the organisation in increasing the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,834,495 PRAXIS Praxis Community Projects is an East London charity working with people who have migrated and are negatively affected by UK immigration policy. This mini-grant supports the employment of a Youth Organiser who will facilitate young people impacted by immigration policy to change the negative perception of young people who migrate to the UK.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £581,927 CHILYPEP (CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES EMPOWERMENT PROJECT) Children and Young People’s Empowerment Project supports young people to raise awareness of their needs among organisations and service providers. This mini-grant will support the Youth Led Social Action Studio and employment of a Project Coordinator to support young people to access leadership and campaign training.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £242,292 THE ADVOCACY ACADEMY The Advocacy Academy runs a six-month Social Justice Fellowship for young people who are passionate about making a difference in the world. This grant will support the organisation to hire a Programme Director to focus on developing its model and deepening impact.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £58,007 THE HUMMINGBIRD PROJECT The Hummingbird Project provides services in Brighton and Sussex for unaccompanied young people seeking asylum or with refugee status. This mini-grant supports the organisation to enhance support and opportunities for graduates of the Young Leaders Programme, the formation of a Youth Board and staffing resources.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £661,015 THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT The Warren of Hull offers free support, guidance, training, music, education and counselling services to young people in Hull. This grant will fund the development of The Thing, the youth-led empowerment and governance structure at the heart of The Warren. Funding will go towards the salary of an Empowerment Support Worker and a Digital Media Campaign Facilitator as well as digital media and marketing resources, film-making facilities, workshops, publishing, and a contribution to mental health support.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £986,137 THE WINCH The Winch is a community organisation that focuses on children and young people building strong, connected communities. This mini-grant supports a Youth Worker and Youth Organisers to work with young people experiencing disadvantage as they go through expert training and accreditation and support them to lead long-term social action addressing the root causes of youth violence.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,298,372 UPRISING UpRising supports young people from diverse backgrounds to take up leadership positions across politics, business, and the public and voluntary sectors. This grant will fund a Campaigns and Engagement Officer to develop UpRising’s alumni networks in ongoing social action once its leadership programmes end.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,179,864 VOICE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE VOYPIC delivers advocacy with and on behalf of young people in care. This mini-grant helps the organisation to support young people with experience of being in care to lead social action projects and to build and lead a membership scheme to engage others in social action.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £269,544 WEST END WOMEN AND GIRLS CENTRE West End Women and Girls empowers women and girls who have been traditionally denied their rights to access existing services and effect positive change in environment. This mini-grant supports a peer education project to mobilise young working-class women with lived experience of gender inequality to influence policy and build local campaigns in the North East.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £545,916 RECLAIM RECLAIM supports young working-class people living in Greater Manchester to lead change in the systems that limit working class young people’s opportunities. This mini-grant supports young people to campaign nationally and locally around issues of discrimination, inequality and stigmatisation arising from unfair economic and political systems.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,056,350 YOUTH ACCESS Youth Access is a representative body that champions young people’s right to access local, high quality, evidence-informed advice, counselling and support services. This grant will go towards improving the charity’s Rights Advocates Training Programme and linking young people with those in power in an effort to increase the reach and impact of the Our Minds, Our Future mental health campaign.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £144,505 TCC TREFNU CYMUNEDOL CYMRU TOGETHER CREATING COMMUNITIES TCC uses community organising principles to bring together a variety of groups including community groups, faith groups and schools to create long-term community cohesion in North East Wales. This grant will enable TCC to increase their work with young people who experience injustice, in particular with Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities; young people seeking asylum; and young people excluded from school.
16/03/2020 £5,000 COMICS YOUTH CIC Comics Youth provides comics-based literacy and wellbeing projects for marginalised young people aged 8-25. This mini-grant supports the establishment and running of a young person-led publishing house that will focus on comics and zines which address the systemic injustices faced by young people experiencing mental health concerns especially those from LGBT+ communities.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,006,149 GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire is a community organisation working with a range of disadvantaged communities. This mini-grant supports Coventry Young Activists, a group of young adults who experience social isolation to develop, deliver and lead movement building initiatives that address the root causes of loneliness.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £145,007 IRISE INTERNATIONAL Irise works with young people and their communities to end period poverty and shame. This mini-grant supports a movement of young people, enabling them to change the conversation around periods locally and nationally with the aim that the UK can become a place where everyone can realise their potential, unlimited by their periods.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £166,333,000 LEONARD CHESHIRE Leonard Cheshire is led by disabled people and supports disabled people to live, learn and work as independently as they choose. This mini-grant supports the Future Leaders programme, which gives young disabled leaders the opportunity to develop their advocacy skills, peer-mentoring skills and become citizen reporters tackling the injustices that disabled people experience.
16/03/2020 £5,000 £1,555,319 NEWPORT MIND Newport Mind provides support services for adults and young people who experience mental health problems. This mini-grant supports the hiring of a Service Development Worker to work with young people to lead the #ChangeIt campaign delivering training to professionals to improve their awareness and professional practices.
16/03/2020 £5,000 THE 4FRONT PROJECT The 4Front Project supports young people who have been impacted by violence to create change. This mini-grant provides resources for the youth-led 4Mation campaign and the 4Mation Peace Fellowship, which builds the capacity of young activists to lead campaigns.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £110,100 YOUTH WORK UNIT YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER The Youth Work Unit is the strategic youth work development agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region. This grant will help enhance the development of infrastructure support for youth work across England, bringing regional networks together to work collectively, ensure representation and influence change.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £458,799 ANTI TRIBALISM MOVEMENT Anti-Tribalism Movement is a non-profit organisation committed to tackling tribalism and promoting fairer and more equitable societies. This grant will cover the salary of an Operations Manager to lead on the development and creation of a new community hub that supports young people in the Somali-British community.
16/03/2020 £30,000 £54,245,000 CATCH22 Catch22 reaches around 64,000 people a year in 123 locations in England and Wales. It delivers services that aim to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities right across the social welfare cycle. Following a successful pilot, Catch22 will prepare to scale its ‘Inspiring Connections’ project. This project brings volunteer advocates from successful businesses, together with candidates from Catch22’s Employability services, to provide networking and personal development opportunities, and build candidates’ social capital.
16/03/2020 £100,000 BEATFREEKS A creative youth engagement agency, Beatfreeks offers peer-led programmes, activities and platforms which empower young people as leaders, creators, decision makers and mentors. This grant will support Beatfreeks to pilot a national youth trends survey to gather insight from young people to ensure that services and support reflect their needs.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £68,722 NOMAD NATIONS OF MIGRATION AWAKENING THE DISAPORA NOMAD works with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, to help them develop their confidence and successfully integrate into the wider community. Funding will help expand organisational capacity as they move into and develop a new youth-led artistic hub in Harrow.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £244,021 THE KITE TRUST The Kite Trust supports young people under 25 in and around Cambridgeshire who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/nonbinary or questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender. This grant will support the organisation to extend services across Cambridgeshire and develop a youth leadership programme for LGBT+ young people.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £3,600,211 THE Y The Y Leicester supports 16-25-year olds who are homeless and provides safe supported accommodation, education, mentoring and cultural activities in Leicester and across Leicestershire. This grant will support the organisation to work with former and current YMCA residents with experience of complex needs to help shape the design and delivery of services.
16/03/2020 £140,000 £57,352 SHIFT ORGANISATION LTD Whatever It Takes exists to break the destructive cycle of offending behaviours in children and young people, enabling them to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity – it aims to do so through radical systems change. Funding will support the start up and roll out across five areas before further scaling.
16/03/2020 £50,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law is a London-based legal charity working with vulnerable children and young people from birth to the age of 25. This grant provides Just for Kids Law with exceptional organisational development and infrastructure support to ensure organisation is well placed to deliver and grow impact for young people.
16/03/2020 £40,000 £1,764,249 JUST FOR KIDS LAW Just for Kids Law supports vulnerable young people with multiple complex needs from crisis to stability and into independence through a unique model of holistic representation. This grant forms part of an annual package of support to underpin organisational growth and development and policy and influencing work.
16/03/2020 £40,000 £2,035,641 LEAP CONFRONTING CONFLICT Leap Confronting Conflict is a national charity, expert at reducing youth conflict, delivering interactive training for young people (11-25) and professionals, focusing on prevention, reducing public violence and supporting young people in the criminal justice system. This grant provides additional support for Leap's organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £40,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT MAP supports 11 to 25 year olds across Norfolk to make a successful transition to adulthood, through advice, counselling and youth work. This grant provides additional support for MAP's organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £30,000 £2,735,429 REDTHREAD Redthread is a youth work charity focusing on the well-being of young people aged 11-25. This grant provides core support for the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £30,000 £488,899 SHEFFIELD YOUNG CARERS PROJECT Sheffield Young Carers provides support to children and young people aged 8-25 who provide significant unpaid care to family members. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £30,000 £790,973 SPARK INSIDE Spark Inside is the only specialist provider of life coaching for young people in or leaving prison in the UK. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £40,000 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS StreetDoctors is a volunteer-led movement of young people tackling youth violence. StreetDoctors aims to reduce the harm caused by youth violence by recruiting medical student volunteers to teach targeted groups of young people emergency life-saving skills and encouraging them to make informed choices. This grant provides core support to organisational growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £40,000 £5,427,092 YOUNGMINDS YoungMinds is a leading UK charity working to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. This grant provides core support to the organisation's growth and development as part of an annual package of support.
16/03/2020 £60,000 £351,767 ROMA SUPPORT GROUP Roma Support Group (RSG) aims to empower Roma communities with the knowledge, skills and confidence to challenge discrimination and integrate into British society. RSG will explore and test a participatory media and advocacy project to enable young Roma to have their voice heard in advocacy and influencing work, complementing their existing advocacy work.
16/03/2020 £221,000 INDEPENDENT WORKERS UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN Independent Workers Union of Great Britain organises low-paid migrant workers in outsourced and 'gig economy' employment, enabling them to take action and lead campaigns to claim their rights and improve working conditions. The union aims to widen and deepen participation in its Cleaners & Facilities and Security Guards & Receptionist Branches, empowering members to take on leadership roles in workplace and community-based campaigns. This work will also contribute to the development of positive narratives around migration
16/03/2020 £95,000 £285,977 BEVAN FOUNDATION The Bevan Foundation develop new, practical ideas to make Wales fair, prosperous and sustainable, working with people affected by inequality and injustice. This grant supports Bevan to explore and test a new partnership model with BAME/migration organisations in Wales and the people with lived experience they support, to identify which approaches and methods foster lasting and mutual relationships between think tanks, grassroots NGOs and people with lived experience of migration. They will continue to carve opportunities to influence migration and integration policy in Wales to ensure that migrant voices are at the centre of public policy in Wales.
16/03/2020 £15,000 THE REFUGEE ASYLUM AND MIGRATION POLICY RAMP PROJECT RAMP Project’s vision is for the UK to have a world-class migration system which helps to create a successful and integrated society and which is fair to all. This grant will support RAMP Project bring together key organisations that work and campaign with young people with insecure immigration status to explore how best to build parliamentary support for accessible routes to citizenship.
11/03/2020 £20,000 GIVEBLACK GiveBLACK is a group of individuals of African and Caribbean heritage who are committed to promoting philanthropy amongst Black people in the UK and increasing funding to Black led organisations. Their research is supported by Black Cultural Archives, the Aleto Foundation, Jazz re:freshed and Black Fundraisers UK. This grant supports a qualitative research project commissioned by GiveBLACK in partnership with the Runnymede Trust, looking into patterns and motivations of charitable giving amongst Britain’s Black population.
09/03/2020 £15,075 MOBILISE CARE Mobilise Care are seeking to combine the potential of digital marketing with chat-bot technology to make carer assessments available to more carers. Currently only 25% of carers are able to access an assessment (the process by which most local authority support is secured). They are using their Ideas and Pioneers grant to develop a compliant prototype to pilot the concept with residents in those local authorities, and then evaluate the impact of their engagement with the tool.
09/03/2020 £15,960 BEATS BUS RECORDS Beats Bus Records will use their Ideas and Pioneers grant to explore the potential of hip hop, arts, and music as part of an alternative schooling programme for young people who have faced expulsion from school. Targeting the ‘prison pipeline’, they’re aiming to give young people aspirations and transferable skills in alternative career paths and choices to better themselves in order to prevent them from further failure in the system.
09/03/2020 £10,075 KWAME BOATENG SEKYERE Kwame Sekyere is exploring the potential of a platform that enables lawyers to present potential legal claims to social change funders, specifically cases with the potential to significantly and positively shape the criminal justice system (CJS). The aim of this project will be to find a model that works for both groups, enabling minimal deviation from the funders’ existing structures, whilst also providing lawyers with the promptness and ease of accessibility that their work often requires.
09/03/2020 £9,152 STEWART OCALLAGHAN Live Through This plan to provide peer support groups for LGBT+ people affected by cancer, where they will be able to come and freely discuss their health related issues and how they intersect with their sexual or gender minority status. They will provide an opportunity for those potentially isolated individuals to reintegrate into a social frame that will support their mood and overall psychological health.
09/03/2020 £10,575 SAIF BHOJA Pariah is an early stage ethical social enterprise, based around combining fashion and social action. They aim to break down barriers within the fashion industry and our communities, through supplying brands with sustainable marketing products, and delivering youth workshops. Pariah will support young people to voice their fears and introduce them to alternative career options by demonstrating how getting involved in social action could potentially be a viable route into employment through social entrepreneurship.
09/03/2020 £10,150 PASALO CIC Pasalo CIC want to produce an accredited e-learning module for mental health practitioners, to support them to work with multilingual clients. The module will consist of 4 to 6 filmed, dramatised, professional therapy sessions, with reading materials and exercises. The project aims to improve practitioners’ confidence to understand and respond to marginalised clients’ needs in a timely way, so that clients have the opportunity to lead productive and fulfilled lives.
09/03/2020 £11,930 RACHEL MAY Rachel May will use her Ideas and Pioneers grant to organise empowering adventures that make people feel ‘at home’ in Scotland’s hills and open spaces. In partnership with social services, Mhor Outdoor’s will deliver a personable experience that includes outdoor gear, transport, nourishing food and conversation. Adventurers will gain become stronger, healthier and happier through gaining: a sense of belonging in the outdoors; new physical accomplishments and skills; and increased mental strength.
09/03/2020 £15,400 REPAIREL CIC REPAIREL is a new social enterprise created to respond to the climate emergency at a local and actionable level. This grant supports REPAIREL to create a circular Shoe Repair Lab in Glasgow that will help people break away from the throwaway culture of buying and discarding shoes, reduce shoe waste and facilitate innovation and circular design practices through 3 interlinked elements joined together in one creative space: Repair Hub; Sustainable Fashion; Innovation Lab.
09/03/2020 £10,627 SAMAR ZIADAT Samar Ziadat is using her Ideas and Pioneers grant to research, explore, prototype and set-up a community art space in Glasgow that supports, develops and showcases the cultural and artistic production of Arab and North African women. The aims of this community space would be to promote the active involvement of Scottish-based Arab women in the arts, fight isolation and loneliness within the community, create a space in which the community can feel safe and engage in community wellbeing, support and develop Arab and North African women’s creative practices through specifically catered learning opportunities, and strengthen creative collaboration between Arab women in Scotland and beyond.
09/03/2020 £15,150 SOUNDDELIVERY Sounddelivery will use their Ideas and Pioneers grant to research the viability of creating a not-for-profit speaker agency for spokespeople with lived experience of challenging social issues. It will be: co-developed with speakers and clients, trauma-informed, transparent about fees, with a clear business plan and would provide a way to address equality and diversity whilst providing an income for a group of people who are financially disadvantaged. The percentage of income taken by the agency will be reinvested in programmes to support the speakers and find and develop spokespeople of the future.
09/03/2020 £10,320 THE DIGITAL LIFE SKILLS COMPANY CIC The Digital Life Skills Company (DLSC) helps children and young people thrive in a digital world by upskilling young people – and their parents, teachers, educators – to navigate the internet effectively. This grant supports DLSC to collaborate with young people and educators to co-create a compelling solution for schools to empower pupils to make sense of the vast quantity of information–and misinformation–at their fingertips.
09/03/2020 £10,075 IONA LAWRENCE Through her Ideas and Pioneers Grant, Iona Lawrence is researching how ‘relational practitioners’ are testing new ways of placing relationships at the heart of their context: from frontline health-workers, to executives of companies like Cook, to volunteers in communities bringing people together. 14 million British people are lonely and communities are increasingly fragmented, with the most vulnerable and isolated people suffering disproportionately. This project will explore ways the ‘relationships field’ could be strengthened in order to assert the value of relationships in an increasingly transactional age.
09/03/2020 £11,140 CONTEMPORARY OTHER LED BY TONI LEWIS AND DEMI NANDHRA Toni Lewis and Demi Nandhra will use their Ideas and Pioneers grant to facilitate 10 months of research and development to set-up of a new arts organisation called Contemporary Other. This organisation, working at the intersections of race, health and care, will aim to offer a range of support for artists of colour with/without neurodiversities and disabilities, ranging from artist development, production, mentorship, space, programming and dramaturgy.
09/03/2020 £10,575 EMMANUEL EBOKOSIA True Cadence aims to develop a music industry social enterprise that provides support, structured accredited learning, expert mentoring, and artistic development to disadvantaged 13-26-year-olds. They plan to offer interactive guitar training, songwriting and music recording workshops. Beneficiaries will learn how to articulate themselves confidently and become 'industry-ready' through an accediated course.
04/03/2020 £88,800 £1,423,879 THE WARREN HOUSE GROUP AT DARTINGTON TRADING AS THE DARTINGTON SERVICE DESIGN LAB Dartington Service Design Lab is a research charity focussed on improving outcomes for children, young people and families. This grant supports Dartington to carry out an inquiry into how organisations can use evidence to shape and answer their own questions about how to improve their services. The results will shape the organisation's strategy and provide outputs for the wider sector.
27/02/2020 £60,000 £2,021,531 THE YOUNG FOUNDATION The Young Foundation is a UKRI accredited Independent Research Organisation, social investor and community development practitioner, with the mission to develop better connected and more sustainable communities across the UK. This grant supports the organisation to grow their new national network of peer researchers to be more diverse and reflective of the priorities and needs of marginalised groups across the UK. They will work with three organisations to recruit up to 12 new peer researchers.
26/02/2020 £40,000 £3,529,526 SISTEMA SCOTLAND Sistema Scotland is on a mission to transform lives through music, working with some of our most disadvantaged children. This grant supports Sistema to evaluate the impact of their programme Big Noise which aims to equip children with resilience and confidence and reach their potential across all areas in their lives.
19/02/2020 £10,000 £2,238,905 BEDFORDSHIRE AND LUTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION The Funders for Race Equality Alliance (also known as the Alliance) is a group of charitable foundations working together to achieve race equality in the UK, of which Paul Hamlyn Foundation is a member. This grant supports research to map out organisations working on race equality, including the role of BME led organisations, and to find out what an active organisation in the race equality sector looks like.
18/02/2020 £20,000 £18,375,000 PLACE2BE Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity that provides mental health support in schools. This grant supports a pilot intervention to deliver a counselling service for children attending two schools in South Ayrshire, with a view to entering in a Social Bridging Finance agreement wih South Ayshire County Council alongside the Roberston Trust and the William Grant Foundation.
17/02/2020 £20,000 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS UK FOUNDATION Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBSUK) is a project based in Oxfordshire and run in partnership between Oxfordshire County Council Children's Services and Oxford Hub. It creates long term mentoring and friendships between mentors and children aged 7-11. This grant supports the organisation to scale up its mentoring support to up to 100 children on the edge of care in two new locations.
12/02/2020 £20,000 £389,994 THE FINANCE INNOVATION LAB To empower civil society and finance organisations across the UK to understand and influence the finance system, in order to reduce exclusion, exploitation and inequality.
10/02/2020 £12,480 THE ANNE MATTHEWS TRUST BRAICH GOCH RED ARM CIC The Braich Goch bunkhouse was established in 2017 by a collective of individuals from diverse backgrounds working towards social justice. It aims to benefit individuals, community based groups and organisations that are seeking to find ways to work together to combat the sources and effects of poverty, inequality, discrimination and oppression. This grant supports the Braich Goch team to explore the potential of the bunkhouse as a residential learning centre and a space of sanctuary and cultural exchange for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds living in Wales.
04/02/2020 £50,000 £561,560 AESOP Aesop connects Arts and Health organistions through research and programmes. Their flagship programme, Dance to Health, addresses the major health challenge of older people's falls through nationwide prevention. This grant co-funds the testing of a social franchising model, which aims to be financially sustainable and secure the adoption of the model in more communities.
21/01/2020 £750,000 £1,308,239 INSTITUTE OF IMAGINATION Institute of Imagination is a charity creating space for young people to re-imagine the world, and to encourage creative learning. Their goal is to spark imaginations everywhere and encourage creative learning through their events, training, partnerships and research. They champion the power of imagination to encourage innovation, develop skills and support wellbeing of children, families and carers. This grant will support inclusive learning programmes across the organisation.
20/01/2020 £6,855 COMMON COMMON is an arts organisation in Berwick Upon Tweed which exists to make theatre more accessible to working-class artists, audiences and communities. This grant supports COMMON to expand management capacity and develop a communications strategy.
17/01/2020 £50,000 £258,249 ARTS AND HEALTH SOUTH WEST This grant gives support to establish the National Centre for Creative Health, to take forward the recommendations on Creative Health by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing.
15/01/2020 £2,800 CENTRE ON MIGRATION, POLICY, AND SOCIETY (COMPAS) COMPAS is a multi-disciplinary migration research centre based at the University of Oxford. Established in 2003 within the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, it has an international reputation for undertaking research and generating new evidence and analysis on migration and integration issues. A ten-year grant, index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation, will underpin the work of the Directors of the Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity and Migration Observatory.
13/01/2020 £40,000 ALL PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP FOR CREATIVE DIVERSITY VIA JOANNA ABEYIE The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Creative Diversity are a cross-party group working to identify and tackle obstacles to diversity in the creative sector. This grant supports APPG to develop a research report and events with King's College London and University of Edinburgh on effective practices for the creative sector in its approach to recruiting, retaining and developing diverse talent and provide recommendations for industry and government.
07/01/2020 £10,000 CHORUS Chorus Campaigns are a collective of communications, campaign and political strategists who work with activists to create change. This grant supports Chorus to documenting the experiences of grassroots activists and movements through interview-based research in order to create a framework of how grassroots activists succeed. This will determine the best operational structure and business plan for Chorus to create support systems for 21st century grassroots activists and movements.
06/01/2020 £10,075 STEWARDING LOSS Stewarding Loss is a collective of organisational designers, social innovators and coaches. Based upon thinking about the impacts of technology on society for the last few years, and the longer term consequences, Stewarding Loss will explore the creation of a fund to help close programmes and organisations down responsibly, kindly and intelligently in the social sector. This responds to the challenges brought about by the pandemic as well as the displacement and redundancy caused by technology.
06/01/2020 £13,117 BEENISH SHAIKH Beenish Shaikh wants to start a recruitment advocacy network for Muslim women in London by proving them with a support network, which includes volunteering/ internship opportunities. She will conduct research by talking to stakeholders of charitable organisations in order to learn what best strategies/ methods/training would be useful in developing this project.
06/01/2020 £15,056 STACK RECRUITMENT CIC Emily Banks is working to create a leading recruitment agency for autistic adults, Stack Recruitment, whose mission will be to help autistic adults find, gain and retain meaningful employment. Stack will do this through the creation of an innovative and accessible jobs board. The jobs board will provide a simple and effective way for autistic individuals to find and apply for jobs from our partnered employers, and using technology reduce the anxiety that autistic adults often face with traditional recruitment methods.
06/01/2020 £10,840 CRAIG GEOFFREY PENNINGTON Future Yard Campus will be an innovative new community music venue and learning hub in Birkenhead, Wirral. It will provide a vital community arts resource in an area of extremely limited provision but, crucially, every function within the organisation will provide a structured and mentored skills development and learning programme for young disadvantaged people. Future Yard Campus provides an opportunity for local young people to overcome disadvantage and realise their potential, improving their skills and life-chances with hands on, work-based learning in a key, strategically important local sector.
06/01/2020 £15,400 POLISH MIGRANTS ORGANISE FOR CHANGE POMOC Polish Migrants Organise for Change (POMOC) seek to build the first platform for Polish women living in the UK to organise for dignity, power, and justice. This grant supports POMOC to develop sessions and strategies for overcoming integration challenges faced by Polish women, expand outreach both offline and online, build referral networks and host regular meetings and training sessions.
06/01/2020 £11,118 MORVERN ODLING The Open Ideas Library will be an open-source (OS) repository of creative resources (e.g. designs, stories, recipes, maps), made by communities in areas of multiple deprivation whose voices are not often published. Morvern Odling will explore how OS can identify and raise awareness of local issues, facilitating co-developing solutions for challenges with the people who experience them. Analysing how formally publishing this data and actively sharing it can have a positive effect for the third sector.
06/01/2020 £10,075 JOHN NG This grant will support John Ng to pilot a mobile counselling service for people experiencing disadvantage. ‘Capsule 1’ will travel to different council estates in the Borough of Kingston Upon Thames and offer the opportunity for local residents to drop in and offload their problems and express themselves.
06/01/2020 £15,684 THE TEAM WORKS This grant will support the development of an employment agency for disabled people that uses a job share model to balance limits to employees' working hours and employers' needs.
06/01/2020 £10,075 RECOVERY ADVISORY COMMITTEE This grant will support the development of the Recovery Advisory Committee, which aims to find ways to give a voice to the Essex drug and alcohol community to support recovery, respond to changing needs and create a culture of openness.
06/01/2020 £11,300 KIRSTY CASSELS This project will pilot a mobile office that services the Western Islands of Scotland, which is both available to third sector organisations and also commercially available to rent to sustain itself. The team, lead by Kirsty Cassels, plan to design and build such a vehicle, brand it, and make it available to certain organisations over a fixed period of time to test the idea, and see if it is commercially viable and sustainable.
20/12/2019 £60,000 £977,925 PROMO-CYMRU Follow-on funding to co-develop and co-produce digital youth engagement programmes.
20/12/2019 £60,000 £152,244 INTEGRATE UK To support and increase the number of young people taking up leadership roles as peer educators and mentors, and to expand the organisation’s reach.
20/12/2019 £60,000 £548,778 DITCH THE LABEL To support the organisation to reposition their offer and brand to focus on youth empowerment rather than anti-bullying.
20/12/2019 £9,975 £272,975 ON ROAD MEDIA To evaluate a programme model that connects activists and people with lived experience of particular issues with high level media contacts to improve coverage of misrepresented groups and topics.
16/12/2019 £200,000 £7,072,719 UK YOUTH Core funding to support a network of youth organisations and to deliver positive opportunities for young people in communities across the UK.
16/12/2019 £500,000 £4,075,786 COVENTRY CITY OF CULTURE TRUST Support for Coventry UK City of Culture 2021, particularly underpinning two of the programming themes – Collaborative City and Caring City.
16/12/2019 £2,500,000 JUSTICE COLLABORATIONS Support for a pooled fund to increase the access to and the capacity, coordination and quality of immigration advice in the UK.
09/12/2019 £20,000 £130,951 MIGRANTS' RIGHTS NETWORK Core funding to implement a new strategy fostering connections and collective action on key migration issues.
09/12/2019 £41,000 £79,665 CAP-A-PIE To create and deliver Cracking Cholera, a theatre-based cross-curricular learning programme, for eight classes of Year 6 pupils at primary schools in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, supported by a programme of continuing professional development for teachers.
09/12/2019 £58,000 £662,765 FORCED ENTERTAINMENT To refine and evaluate a participatory approach for creating new performances with young people in Sheffield, via the deliver three longer-term projects in partnership with local community organisations.
09/12/2019 £60,000 £338,804 CARAS To strengthen the organisation's strategic plan and evaluation methods and to provide young people, families and adults of refugee background with practical, educational and social help.
09/12/2019 £60,000 £9,684,000 HALLé ORCHESTRA To test the effectiveness of different methods of engaging community members living with dementia.
09/12/2019 £60,000 £3,513,578 MAYDAY TRUST To support a Personal Transitions Coach to carry out an inquiry to capture the voices and experiences of young people going through difficult transitions and to identify the systemic barriers they face.
09/12/2019 £60,000 £289,546 EUROPEAN NETWORK ON STATELESSNESS To reduce childhood statelessness through specific legal pathways, and to support children and young people with insecure status to access their right to a nationality.
09/12/2019 £60,000 £177,615 PEER POWER YOUTH To fund a new Head of Communications and Communications Apprentice to enhance the profile, reach and capacity of programmes supporting young people with lived experience of the criminal justice, social services and mental health systems.
09/12/2019 £100,000 £21,020,449 TRUST FOR LONDON Support for the Citizenship and Integration Initiative, a pooled fund seconding staff from civil society organisations into the Greater London Authority's Social Integration team, to increase access to advice to EU Londoners and young people with insecure status and democratic participation in the capital.
09/12/2019 £125,000 COMMITTEE ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE (CAJ) To support policy development on migration and integration in Northern Ireland as the UK leaves the UK.
09/12/2019 £270,000 £353,356 ACTA COMMUNITY THEATRE To build on work to improve workforce diversity, increase participation and share learning.
09/12/2019 £250,000 £712,652 BIRMINGHAM CONTEMPORARY MUSIC GROUP In partnership with Sound and Music, Birmingham City University, Bristol Plays Music, Birmingham Music Education Partnership and local primary schools, to deliver high quality composing teaching and learning, to better understand children’s progression as composers, and to improve the quality and frequency of composing in primary schools.
09/12/2019 £300,000 THE MAC BELFAST To deliver participatory arts projects for socially excluded groups and co-design new public programmes, working in collaboration with leading third sector organisations.
09/12/2019 £380,000 £1,911,085 PUNCHDRUNK To develop the Immersive Learning Journeys project, a four-year partnership with eight Greenwich schools, working with teachers to develop and deliver immersive learning tailored to address specific educational objectives.
09/12/2019 £60,000 BOLD TENDENCIES To develop the organisation’s Education Community and Play children’s engagement programme, as part of its summer public programme each year in a multi-storey carpark in Peckham.
09/12/2019 £60,000 DUCKIE To refine and evaluate a programme designed specifically for young Queer, Transgender and Intersex People of Colour from working class backgrounds in London to develop confidence, creativity and a sense of belonging.
09/12/2019 £55,000 FOTONOW CIC To train local young people experiencing disadvantage to use digital media and to explore the barriers to arts participation that they face in Plymouth through a participatory action research model.
09/12/2019 £60,000 FOXGLOVE To research and use strategic litigation and public communication to raise awareness, shift debate and influence government and corporate policies regarding the use and acquisition of algorithmic decision systems by public bodies in the migration context.
09/12/2019 £29,500 MORDA CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL To embed drama-based inquiry for learning across the curriculum in nine schools in Shropshire and Powys through a continuing professional development and learning programme exploring Mantle of the Expert pedagogy.
09/12/2019 £60,000 OPEN RIGHTS GROUP To use collaborative advocacy and campaign approaches to equip voluntary organisations in the migration sector to protect people's rights online, and to tackle issues in government use of data and technologies within the sector.
09/12/2019 £40,000 SOUND COMMUNITIES To become a more robust social enterprise using radio and music to foster creativity, confidence, resilience, belonging and employability in young people experiencing disadvantage in Torbay.
09/12/2019 £60,000 STANDING COMMITTEE FOR YOUTH JUSTICE To develop a new strategic vision, communications strategy and youth advisory group for this network of non-profit organisations working together to improve the youth justice system in England and Wales.
03/12/2019 £10,000 £808,553 GLOBAL GENERATION Core funding to support the local community to co-design and build a new garden site in King’s Cross to connect people to each other and the natural world.
03/12/2019 £40,000 £232,366 THE PARENT HOUSE Core funding to help the organisation to meet the needs of parents experiencing disadvantage in Islington through mentoring, courses and one to one support.
03/12/2019 £40,000 £871,349 HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Core funding to support the organisation to work alongside Islington residents and local service providers to improve lives, enhance wellbeing and strengthen communities.
03/12/2019 £50,000 £1,641,318 BODY & SOUL Core funding to support the organisation to provide therapeutic one to one and group support to children, young people and families impacted by childhood adversity and trauma.
03/12/2019 £60,000 £344,388 C4WS HOMELESS PROJECT Core funding to support a winter night shelter that provides emergency accommodation for people experiencing homelessness, and to offer welfare support to help guests access housing and employment.
03/12/2019 £100,000 £2,623,541 CAMDEN GIVING To work with partner organisations to create a Future Changemakers Fund, to be invested in local youth services.
03/12/2019 £2,000,000 £2,442,331 NERVE CENTRE To support the organisation’s programme of arts events, projects, community relations activities, creative learning centres, training opportunities and state-of-the-art production facilities with a ten-year grant index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation. 
03/12/2019 £3,000,000 £32,529,000 AMGUEDDFA CYMRU NATIONAL MUSEUM WALES To underpin work to embed a rights-based approach and commitment to community agency, inclusivity and cultural democracy with a ten-year grant, index-linked to mitigate the impact of inflation.
03/12/2019 £384,000 CIVIC SQUARE To support The Front Room, the first phase of CIVIC SQUARE in Birmingham, which aims to reimagine and create innovative civic infrastructure for neighbourhoods of the future.
28/11/2019 £11,300 ANGHARAD AND PHIL WOLSEY To investigate the feasibility of developing an agricultural traineeship programme that brings together landowners, young people who are not in education, employment or training, and employers in South Wales.
28/11/2019 £14,950 DIGITSPACE To develop a programme to train local deaf people to deliver visual arts talks through British Sign Language to improve access and participation.
28/11/2019 £10,250 REFRAME COLLECTIVE To support and co-produce projects with birth parents who have become involved with child protection services and to raise awareness of inequalities in the child protection system.
27/11/2019 £20,000 £38,323 THE TURNAROUND PROJECT To support strategic growth and to develop a new centre designed to reduce barriers between people serving sentences and the wider community.
25/11/2019 £50,000 £1,277,050 THE GUARDIAN FOUNDATION To support Heartlands, a place-based video journalism training programme, examining the social challenges people face, working collaboratively to empower local people to tell their stories.
25/11/2019 £15,000 NICK OF TIME PRODUCTIONS Seed-funding towards the compiling of an edited, verbatim script from the proceedings of part two of the Grenfell Inquiry.
12/11/2019 £10,000 £113,249 MY LIFE MY SAY To deliver on and offline activities to drive voter registration ahead of the November 2019 general election.
12/11/2019 £10,000 VOTE FOR YOUR FUTURE To support a youth voter registration and turnout campaign ahead of the November 2019 general election.
29/10/2019 £20,000 £182,299 ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE ANDRIA ZAFIRAKOU To support the development and leadership of a programme that brings artist residencies to schools across the UK.
14/10/2019 £27,000 £1,179,842 CLEAN BREAK THEATRE COMPANY To explore and develop a new integrated model of provision for women who have experience of or are at risk of entering the criminal justice system, aiming to improve support for mental health, life skills and artistic development.
14/10/2019 £30,000 £1,657,905 THE JERICHO FOUNDATION Towards organisational growth and development as part of Growth Fund annual package of support.
14/10/2019 £40,000 £1,379,119 CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS To explore how longer-term engagement, partnership working and co-production can increase access for people claiming asylum and those with refugee status.
14/10/2019 £45,000 £599,231 MIGRANTS ORGANISE To support a grassroots national campaign for fair immigration reform, and to explore how to build an immigration rights movement led and designed by the people affected by these policies.
14/10/2019 £57,000 £1,315,390 SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS To pilot the integration of psychology-based behavioural support into their schools programme in Wales, which offers a combination of sport, group sessions and mentoring to help participants improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £932,373 THE DUNCAIRN (THROUGH 174 TRUST) To explore how to embed impact measurement across all programme strands and to test which methods enable participants and staff to reflect and articulate personal, social and skills-based changes as a result of engagement.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £512,612 LIBERTY CONSORTIUM To fund Project Sparks, which supports musically-gifted, disabled young people to work alongside experienced arts specialist teachers to teach music and dance to Keystage 2 classes and their teachers in three primary schools in Derry.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £19,287,000 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL UK To explore and test how new collaborations across Scotland’s migration sector can secure rights for people who have migrated to the nation, through advocacy and by influencing the government’s development of an enhanced human rights framework.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £957,986 FUTURE MEN To develop the partnership model, profile and income diversification of an organisation that supports young men experiencing disadvantage to transition to adulthood.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £376,100 PEOPLE & PLANET To explore and test whether a youth-led divestment campaign is an effective strategy to remove the social licence of companies running the UK’s immigration detention facilities.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £325,591 SIGNAL FILM & MEDIA To explore how a year-round participatory arts programme can support young people experiencing disadvantage in Barrow and Cumbria to develop personal and digital skills and to improve employability.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £242,292 THE ADVOCACY ACADEMY Follow-on funding to scale a leadership programme and launch a three-day intensive Spark programme to provide an alternative entry point to the Academy for young people.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £13,736 RACIAL JUSTICE NETWORK To explore and test new approaches to addressing unequal power dynamics in the movement for migration and racial justice through community building and the development of an Unlearning Racism course.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £584,254 ROYAL CALEDONIAN EDUCATION TRUST To expand the reach and develop the strategy and influence of a Youth Participation programme supporting young people whose parents are in the Armed Forces in Scotland.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £1,135,603 LGBT YOUTH SCOTLAND To enhance the scope and quality of a volunteering scheme by hiring a Volunteer Manager, to grow a digital youth work offer and reach more young people in remote areas of Scotland.
14/10/2019 £60,000 £269,226 RED NOTE To nurture students' creative talent, confidence and skills in composition in secondary schools in Scotland and to provide continuing professional development for classroom and instrumental school teachers.
14/10/2019 £100,000 £1,416,536 GLOBAL DIALOGUE Core funding to support Migration Exchange, including events, briefings and commissions to strengthen sector and funder effectiveness.
14/10/2019 £120,000 £10,838,000 REFUGEE COUNCIL Support to concretise and translate the government’s commitment to immigration detention reform into tangible positive outcomes for people who migrate to the UK.
14/10/2019 £200,000 £577,516 CITY OF SANCTUARY To increase the impact of campaigns to secure improvements to asylum and immigration policy and practice by mobilising and coordinating local, regional and national advocacy work across England and Wales.
14/10/2019 £180,000 £118,721 WE BELONG To support a new organisation led by young people who have migrated to the UK, to advocate for immigration reform.
14/10/2019 £247,000 £235,946 DELIGHT To embed a co-created, cross-curricular programme that encompasses visual arts, immersive drama and engagement with heritage and Shakespeare in Key Stage 2 classes, delivered with local arts partners; and to support teacher and whole-school curriculum development.
14/10/2019 £210,000 £9,743,610 FREEDOM FROM TORTURE To open dialogue between migration sector leaders and the Home Office, and to support a peer advocacy and activism programme for people with lived experience of the immigration system.
14/10/2019 £270,000 £6,085,302 NATIONAL LITERACY TRUST To support a creative writing programme bringing together local poets, arts and cultural organisations and teachers in three cities in England.
14/10/2019 £360,000 £911,007 DIVERSE CITY To develop better staff structures and a larger touring programme, in partnership with mainstream theatres, that addresses barriers to engagement experienced by marginalised audiences, participants and artists.
14/10/2019 £400,000 £6,736,840 BRISTOL MUSIC TRUST To co-create long-term participatory and performance programmes with a range of communities facing inequalities in Bristol.
14/10/2019 £400,000 £17,019,283 MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL To extend the work of the Creative Engagement department by embedding community-led curation and co-design across the festival and The Factory.
14/10/2019 £60,000 ABIANDA Follow-on funding to expand commercial work, to bring about a culture shift in the way services are delivered to gang-affected young women and to provide paid employment opportunities for former service users.
14/10/2019 £39,000 COLLECTED WORKS To explore how approaching literacy through art and illustration can improve reading and writing skills, deepen engagement and raise aspiration among students in East Brighton schools, working with author/illustrators.
14/10/2019 £60,000 HEC GLOBAL LEARNING CENTRE To establish a Migration and Integration course to incorporate into and align with the Department for International Development’s and British Council’s Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.
14/10/2019 £40,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE AGENCY To support new grassroots movements to grow through Nest, an incubation and acceleration service.
10/10/2019 £10,000 £259,718 THE FOYER FEDERATION To develop a sustainable business model and updated strategy for the organisation.
27/09/2019 £500,000 £2,735,429 REDTHREAD Core funding to build the organisation's capacity and to develop their potential as a change agent focused on violence as a public health issue.
24/09/2019 £200,000 £10,076,696 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND To develop a Civic Innovation Programme that will support new methodologies of democratic innovation and participation in local communities and across Northern Ireland.
24/09/2019 £500,000 £434,640 THE KEY Core funding to scale work with young people facing complex barriers to progression to develop, deliver and evaluate their own projects, and to test models of delivery.
23/09/2019 £20,000 £407,107 CAMDEN COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE Core funding to support operational costs of the Public Interest Law Centre based at Camden Community Law Centre.
23/09/2019 £150,000 £1,570,908 CENTRE FOR MENTAL HEALTH Core funding for the centre in supporting the Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition to influence mental health support nationally and locally.
23/09/2019 £150,000 £164,566 CWVYS (COUNCIL FOR WALES OF VOLUNTARY YOUTH SERVICES) Core funding to support the organisation to represent, support and give a collective voice to national and local youth organisations across Wales.
23/09/2019 £200,000 £2,341,457 MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Core funding to support a network of museum professionals and institutions to campaign and advocate for inclusive, participatory and socially engaged museums at the heart of their communities.
23/09/2019 £250,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH (IVAR) Core funding to provide research, evidence and learning to support organisations working for social change to make informed decisions and develop practical responses to the challenges they face.
23/09/2019 £250,000 £2,671,203 SHAREACTION Core-funding to build a movement for change in the investment system working with savers, civil society and charitable foundations.
23/09/2019 £6,000 £857,443 INSTITUTE FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH (IVAR) To enhance and improve support and funding practices for the use of tech by small voluntary organisations.
18/09/2019 £200,000 £533,249 COUNTERPOINTS ARTS Core funding for their work to support, produce and promote the arts by and about refugees and people who migrate to the UK.
05/09/2019 £11,610 CREATIVE TREATY To develop a new human rights education programme for children and young people through creative methods and collaboration.
05/09/2019 £15,075 DINN ENTERPRISE CIC To create safe spaces for under-served black womxn living in poverty to connect with each other and de-stigmatise their experience of periods.
05/09/2019 £10,575 LIZ LAURENCE To create a platform that tracks financial and non-financial contributions through the lifetime of a co-owned property to determine the resulting equity, and to improve processes around collaborative home-buying.
05/09/2019 £9,600 MIFUTURE To develop and embed an artificial intelligence interview suite in the miFuture app, to help young school leavers in Wales to prepare for the job interview process.
05/09/2019 £9,945 MINDFUL PEAK PERFORMANCE To create an accessible and engaging course for excluded young people, fusing mindfulness with non-contact boxing training.
05/09/2019 £8,820 PAY AS YOU FEEL COMMUNITY ACCOUNTANTS To explore how best to support and train young women who have experienced abuse to become accountants.
05/09/2019 £10,255 REVOLUTION HIVE EDUCATION CIC To pilot a series of escape rooms in classrooms to help 16-19 year olds to develop resilience, critical thinking and conflict resolution skills.
05/09/2019 £8,700 SAMENUA SESHER To build a digital Museum of Colour to explore and celebrate the contributions made by people of colour to the UK's creative industries, particularly film, television and the arts.
05/09/2019 £15,450 SIGNCO.IO To develop a digital platform for obtaining quality British Sign Language interpreting within a healthcare setting, co-designed with interpreters, Deaf members and health service providers.
05/09/2019 £15,150 SPLIT BANANA To co-create a sex and relationship education programme with young people that develops students' social and emotional literacy and encourages creative expression through arts-based projects.
05/09/2019 £15,075 YASMIN IBISON To develop Critics' Club, a cultural programme that empowers young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to engage with theatre and art.
03/09/2019 £32,500 £411,697 MY LIFE MY CHOICE To develop a youth parliament led by learning-disabled young people to campaign around injustices that they experience.
03/09/2019 £78,000 £1,555,319 NEWPORT MIND To employ a Service Development Worker to work with young people to design and deliver training and guidance for public sector staff, including teachers and GPs.
03/09/2019 £79,500 £466,617 KENT REFUGEE ACTION NETWORK (KRAN) To employ two young people with refugee status as Youth Ambassadors to engage their peers in developing the organisation and services, and to influence issues affecting their lives.
03/09/2019 £85,000 £58,007 THE HUMMINGBIRD PROJECT To enhance support and social action opportunities for graduates of the Young Leaders Programme, the formation of a Youth Board and staffing resources.
03/09/2019 £93,000 £1,834,495 PRAXIS COMMUNITY PROJECTS To employ a Youth Organiser to work with young people impacted by immigration policy to improve public perception of young people who migrate to the UK.
03/09/2019 £94,500 £496,348 CHILYPEP (CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S EMPOWERMENT PROJECT) To create a Youth Led Social Action Studio and to employ a Project Co-ordinator to support young people to access leadership and campaign training.
03/09/2019 £95,500 GRAPEVINE COVENTRY AND WARWICKSHIRE LTD To support Coventry Young Activists, a group of young adults who experience social isolation to develop, deliver and lead movement building initiatives that address the root causes of loneliness.
03/09/2019 £97,500 £51,892 PHOENIX EDUCATION TRUST To support young changemakers to design, plan and deliver their own social action projects that will improve young people’s experience of the education sector.
03/09/2019 £99,000 £2,794,217 42ND STREET To employ and train peer-activists who will work with young people experiencing social injustice within mental health and social care systems, devising campaigns to address this.
03/09/2019 £99,500 £1,469,669 OFF THE RECORD (OTR) To employ a Project Co-ordinator to develop Zazi, a youth-led change making movement that supports young people from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds who are experiencing mental health issues to challenge stigma in their communities and to deliver training to service providers in Bristol.
03/09/2019 £99,500 £113,249 MY LIFE MY SAY To expand the scope and nature of democratic engagement activities by developing more Democracy Cafes, a Common Futures Forum and a Social Inclusion Unit.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £986,137 THE WINCH To employ a Youth Worker and Youth Organisers to support young people experiencing disadvantage who are training to lead social action.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £144,505 TCC (TREFNU CYMUNEDOL CYMRU/TOGETHER CREATING COMMUNITIES) To increase work with young people who experience injustice, particularly those seeking asylum, facing exclusion from school or from Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £145,007 IRISE INTERNATIONAL To support a grassroots advocacy movement to end period poverty.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £166,333,000 LEONARD CHESHIRE To support Changemakers , a peer-led youth disability campaigning and leadership programme.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £350,578 WEST END WOMEN AND GIRLS CENTRE To fund a peer education project to mobilise young working-class women with lived experience of gender inequality to influence policy and build local campaigns in the North East.
03/09/2019 £50,000 £461,207 PLATFORM LONDON To increase the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £2,684,610 MAP MANCROFT ADVICE PROJECT To support MAP’s Young Activist Network to access training, secure local government commitments and co-produce service delivery in order to o combat bullying and discrimination.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £545,916 RECLAIM To support young people to campaign nationally and locally around issues of discrimination, inequality and stigmatisation arising from unfair economic and political systems.
03/09/2019 £73,000 £177,615 PEER POWER YOUTH To train Peer Leaders to support young people in building self-esteem, creating community and making change to policies and services using co-production methods with statutory professionals.
03/09/2019 £100,000 £851,030 FORWARD To employ a Youth Programme lead and expand a BME equality, rights and leadership programme to work with young men as well as young women.
03/09/2019 £94,500 £1,256,812 VOICE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE (VOYPIC) To support care-experienced young people to plan, implement, manage and evaluate a programme that aims to tackle stigma in care.
03/09/2019 £68,000 COMICS YOUTH CIC To set up and run a young person-led publishing house focusing on comics and zines that address systemic injustices faced by young people experiencing mental health concerns, especially those from LGBTQ+ communities.
03/09/2019 £100,000 THE 4FRONT PROJECT To support the youth-led 4Mation campaign and the 4Mation Peace Fellowship to build the capacity of young activists.
15/08/2019 £10,000 THE SOCIAL CHANGE AGENCY To create a movement championed and led by young people that aims to double the number of young trustees under the age of 26 on charity boards in five years.
01/08/2019 £20,000 £2,265,846 CHARTERED COLLEGE OF TEACHING To build organisational capacty to support the expansion of the Chartered Teacher certification programme.
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Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£2,000,000 NERVE CENTRE
£1,089,000 CIVIC SQUARE
£1,000,000 OUTSIDE IN
£591,500 THE KEY
£580,000 REDTHREAD
£527,700 PRAXIS
£473,000 OPEN UP MUSIC
£459,000 42ND STREET
£446,800 ARIKA
£441,975 HEARD
£428,500 MK GALLERY
£428,000 WE BELONG
£418,000 BOW ARTS
£365,000 HERE FOR GOOD
£352,713 DANCEEAST
£352,200 THE GARAGE
£346,000 GRIMM & CO
£345,000 THE3MILLION
£340,000 S.M.I.L.E-ING BOYS
£336,000 MY LIFE MY SAY
£324,000 KIN
£322,000 PROJECT 17
£321,000 UK YOUTH
£301,000 UNLIMITED
£298,660 MEDACT
£296,400 HMDT MUSIC
£287,000 IMIX
£287,000 FUEL
£285,000 LIBERTY
£284,167 TAKE ART
£283,285 AKADEMI
£281,500 THE ALBANY
£280,000 REPRIEVE
£280,000 PRIMARY
£280,000 ORT GALLERY
£275,800 Z-ARTS
£265,200 THE CAE
£260,000 HEAR ME OUT
£258,333 TRANSFORM
£252,993 DELIGHT
£252,718 THE FORGE
£252,000 ASYLOS
£240,000 HEART N SOUL
£240,000 HOPE NOT HATE
£236,000 IMKAAN
£226,000 JUST LIKE US
£223,000 MERMAIDS
£207,000 EXTANT
£204,000 SBC THEATRE
£200,000 UD
£200,000 SHAPE ARTS
£200,000 20 STORIES HIGH
£196,000 ARCADE
£195,000 RECLAIM
£189,800 MAIA
£181,000 BEYOND FACE
£179,000 YOUNG SCOT
£179,000 PEAK CYMRU
£170,000 INTOART
£166,000 ATLAS ARTS
£160,000 WD LEGAL
£160,000 SLUNG LOW
£160,000 PEACE FIRST
£160,000 PIRC
£158,200 FOXGLOVE
£150,000 SAHELIYA
£150,000 GIRL GRIND UK
£150,000 BABBASA
£150,000 ANIMA YOUTH
£149,400 STANS CAFE
£145,000 THE WINCH
£140,000 STILTSKIN
£139,000 SETTLED
£137,550 CENTRALA
£132,000 REVOKE
£128,119 JUSTICE
£128,000 MANY MINDS
£127,000 FORWARD
£120,000 THE MIX
£120,000 THE ART HOUSE
£120,000 KAZZUM
£117,500 POWER2
£110,000 SCOTTEE
£110,000 LEEDS MIND
£104,000 BABY PEOPLE
£103,500 MAGIC ME
£100,000 SWITCH UP CIC
£100,000 MADLOVE LTD
£100,000 21COMMON
£96,000 ESTEEM
£93,000 VOYAGE
£90,800 SLIDE
£90,000 RJ WORKING
£90,000 NO LIMITS
£88,813 DANCE BASE
£83,000 CARAS
£80,000 THE Y
£80,000 OUR TIME
£80,000 FUTURE MEN
£80,000 BECOME
£79,000 COMMUN
£78,960 ACT ON IT
£75,000 TRELYA
£75,000 AMAL
£70,000 RJ WORKING
£70,000 INC ARTS UK
£70,000 AESOP
£65,000 BIG CHANGE
£60,000 RED NOTE
£60,000 NAVCA
£60,000 DUCKIE
£60,000 CREATE EQUITY 2031
£60,000 ABIANDA
£59,348 THE PEEL
£52,000 SKILLS 4 ALL LTD
£50,000 UPRISING
£50,000 EUROPIA
£50,000 ENVISION
£46,400 MIND THE GAP
£41,000 CAP-A-PIE
£40,000 SPORT 4 LIFE
£39,600 SOCIAL ARK
£30,000 KHULISA
£30,000 CATCH22
£29,000 COVE PARK
£28,500 ENGAGE
£25,000 LEEDS 2023
£20,000 YOUNG VIC
£20,000 YEAR HERE
£20,000 YEAR HERE
£20,000 WAC ARTS
£20,000 UNJUST
£20,000 SHEBA ARTS
£20,000 PLACE2BE
£20,000 MONEY4YOU
£20,000 LOVE SSEGA
£20,000 GLITCH
£20,000 FACT
£20,000 CUBITT
£20,000 COMMONS
£20,000 CLINKS
£20,000 CLASS 13
£20,000 BLAM UK CIC
£20,000 ARTCRY
£20,000 ALLEYNE &
£20,000 ALLCHILD
£20,000 360GIVING
£19,593 ROAM
£18,720 YOU PRESS
£18,000 SANSARA
£16,226 DASH
£15,820 ENI TIMI BIU
£15,575 ZAREEN ALI
£15,450 SIGNCO.IO
£15,200 SOUL PURPOSE 360
£15,000 TêTE à TêTE
£15,000 RADHRORG
£15,000 JANE RICE
£13,000 JUST FAIR
£12,200 NICKY ROSE
£11,930 RACHEL MAY
£10,575 SAIF BHOJA
£10,150 PASALO CIC
£10,075 JOHN NG
£10,000 PEER UK LTD
£10,000 CHORUS
£10,000 BOSSING IT
£6,855 COMMON
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Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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