J J Charitable Trust - Towards their partnership work on UK Divest |
£56,060 |
Towards their partnership work on UK Divest
Mark Leonard Trust - Towards their partnership work on UK Divest |
£56,061 |
Towards their partnership work on UK Divest
J J Charitable Trust - Supplementary grant - towards cost of living contribution |
£1,071 |
towards cost of living contribution
Mark Leonard Trust - Supplementary grant - towards cost of living contribution |
£1,071 |
towards cost of living contribution
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Shake! - pioneering youth led change that boldly fights racial and class injustice within youth and arts organisations as well as in the wider world. |
£90,000 |
Shake! uplifts the voices of young people from marginalised communities to deliver artistic and creative activism that drives social change. Shake! Is led by what young people need, using anti-oppression, trauma-informed, healing, creative
Shake! uplifts the voices of young people from marginalised communities to deliver artistic and creative activism that drives social change. Shake! Is led by what young people need, using anti-oppression, trauma-informed, healing, creative approaches to tackle systemic injustice and influencing the practice of white dominated institutions, especially youth organisations. Funding will increase the capacity of the team to continue to share the model, learning and practice.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£18,000 |
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
Mark Leonard Trust - Kick Fossil Fuels out of Football campaign |
£33,333 |
Kick Fossil Fuels out of Football campaign
J J Charitable Trust - Kick Fossil Fuels out of Football campaign |
£33,334 |
Kick Fossil Fuels out of Football campaign
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£180,000 |
36 |
Towards core costs of Voices that Shake! bringing together young people, artists and campaigners to develop youth-led creative responses to social injustice.
Mark Leonard Trust - Towards their core work on the UK fossil fuel divestment movement |
£52,067 |
Towards their core work on the UK fossil fuel divestment movement and their partnership with Friends of the Earth Scotland and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
J J Charitable Trust - Towards their core work on the UK fossil fuel divestment movement |
£52,067 |
Towards their core work on the UK fossil fuel divestment movement and their partnership with Friends of the Earth Scotland and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Platform |
£250,000 |
Core costs
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Grant to Platform London |
£10,000 |
Platform London
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£54,000 |
1 |
Towards core costs from the Racialised Communities Top Up Fund
Mark Leonard Trust - On-going Divest Invest programme. |
£20,000 |
Towards its on-going Divest Invest programme.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Shake! The System: Toolkits for Transformation led by the Frontlines |
£30,800 |
Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This grant will fund the organisation to increase the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence
Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This grant will fund the organisation to increase the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£37,500 |
6 |
Towards Unrestricted core costs 6 month continuaton funding whilst full application is developed
Lankelly Chase Foundation - Grant to Platform London |
£90,000 |
Platform London
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - COVID19 Emergency Funding |
£10,000 |
3 |
Support to aid the organisation in dealing with the challenges posed by COVID19.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Shake! The System: Toolkits for Transformation led by the Frontlines |
£5,000 |
Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This mini-grant supports the organisation in increasing the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and
Platform is a charity that combines arts, activism, education and research. This mini-grant supports the organisation in increasing the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Shake! The System: Toolkits for Transformation led by the Frontlines |
£50,000 |
18 |
To increase the capacity of young people with experience of marginalisation to initiate their own social change projects and influence the practice of youth organisations.
Mark Leonard Trust - DivestInvest Campaign |
£40,000 |
To continue the DivestInvest Campaign with local authorities in the UK.
J J Charitable Trust - DivestInvest Campaign |
£40,000 |
To continue the DivestInvest Campaign with local authorities in the UK.
Trust for London - Platform-London |
£100,000 |
36 |
The funding is for a community organising project that will ensure City Hall listens to the voices of Londoners with lived experiences of climate injustice and poverty. As a result the social ambition of the Mayor’s climate policy will
The funding is for a community organising project that will ensure City Hall listens to the voices of Londoners with lived experiences of climate injustice and poverty. As a result the social ambition of the Mayor’s climate policy will significantly increase and several key demands will be won.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Platform |
£100,000 |
36 |
Core costs
Mark Leonard Trust - DivestInvest programme. |
£15,000 |
Towards engagement with local government and trade unions for raising awareness of the pension and employment risks as well as the opportunities in the transition to a zero-carbon economy.
J J Charitable Trust - DivestInvest programme |
£15,000 |
Towards engagement with local government and trade unions for raising awareness of the pension and employment risks as well as the opportunities in the transition to a zero-carbon economy.
J J Charitable Trust - Divest Invest programme |
£17,500 |
For work with local government and trade unions on awareness of the pension and employment
risks and opportunities during the transition to a zero-carbon economy.
Mark Leonard Trust - Divest Invest programme |
£8,750 |
For work with local government and trade unions on awareness of the pension and employment
risks and opportunities during the transition to a zero-carbon economy.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Platform |
£45,000 |
12 |
Core costs
Tedworth Charitable Trust - Moving costs |
£5,000 |
Towards moving costs.
Friends Provident Foundation - Platform (London) - Using municipal energy to tackle the fuel poverty crisis |
£15,000 |
Despite the UK-wide policy enthusiasm for municipal energy, there's a gap in development work on how city energy can address fuel poverty. Municipal energy can foster local economies and tackle inequality, by investing into housing stock renewal,
Despite the UK-wide policy enthusiasm for municipal energy, there's a gap in development work on how city energy can address fuel poverty. Municipal energy can foster local economies and tackle inequality, by investing into housing stock renewal, and introducing fairer tariffs. But the policy levers for this remain unclear. This project will deliver a targeted innovation process, involving key stakeholders and voices in developing viable and ambitious proposals. To that end, we will: (a) run policy roundtables, (b) bring in voices of communities and individuals in fuel poverty, (c) advise institutions, (d) conduct financial modelling, (e) disseminate learning.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£60,000 |
24 |
Towards core costs to support young people under-represented in mainstream social movements to develop creative responses to social injustice.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£30,000 |
Towards the core costs and project costs of Shake! - a youth project that explores the arts, race, power and the media.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Platform |
£20,000 |
Towards the project costs of Shake! Young Voices in Arts, Media, Race & Power.