Finance Score: -3
Governance Score: 8
Support Score: 7
  • Volatile income: -3
  • 12+ Trustees: -1
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Grant maker support: +7
Overall GiG Score: 12 ?


UK Community Foundations promotes local charitable giving through the quality accredited community foundations covering the UK. Community foundations work to connect donors and local groups to enrich lives for the better and build stronger communities.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • This charity has an endowment fund which generates most of its income
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • There are 14 trustees whereas the Charities Commission recommends a maximum of 12

Financial issues to consider:

  • Income has been volatile recently

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 0%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 0%
Senior Staff Costs/Total Spending: 5%
Highest pay band: £110,000-£120,000
Liabilities/Assets: 5%
Liabilities/Income: 4%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 6%
Reserves/Spending: 0.5 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 1 months
Quick Ratio: 2.4
Asset Split ?
Established: 33 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseFacebookX
Listed activities
  • Economic/Community Development/Employment
  • Education/Training
  • General Charitable Purposes
GiG Classification
  • Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion
How it operates
  • Acts as an umbrella or resource body
  • Makes Grants to Organisations
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides services
  • Sponsors or undertakes research
Where it operates
  • Northern Ireland, Scotland, Throughout England And Wales,
Who it helps
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
  • Other Defined Groups
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
DCMS - Know Your Neighbourhood Fund
£1,600,000 18/11/2022
The overarching aim of this fund is to improve well-being and pride in place in a selection of high-deprivation local authority areas by providing funding for sustained community action on ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£2,064,498 26/01/2021
Phase 15b - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£10,502 26/01/2021
Phase 15b - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£6,906 24/11/2020
Funding for distribution as grants through Crown Dependencies to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across Jersey, Guernsey and ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£2,885,502 17/11/2020
Phase 15a - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£14,498 17/11/2020
Phase 15a - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Vodafone Foundation)
£42,727 13/11/2020
Funding from Vodafone Foundation for distribution as grants by London Community Foundation and East End Community Foundation to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Co-op)
£1,532,895 29/10/2020
Funding from Co-op for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Co-op)
£7,703 29/10/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Coop's funding to Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£155,430 29/10/2020
Funding for distribution as grants through Crown Dependencies to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across Jersey, Guernsey and ....more
DCMS - CMC - UK Community Foundations
£2,500,000 28/09/2020
This project has been funded as part of the Community Match Challenge, which aims to provide a match fund grant to philanthropists, foundations and grant making organisations for onward distribution ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Small National Charities
£46,000 25/09/2020
Funding for distribution of grant by Norfolk Community Foundation and Lincolnshire Community Foundation to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic to help those in urgent need. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Small National Charities
£4,000 25/09/2020
Contribution to Community Foundation's costs for managing the Covid-19 Local Programme
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Covid-19 BAME-led Intrastructure Programme (led by people of Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic Heritage)
£50,000 24/09/2020
Funding for delivering grants programme to national Covid-19 user-led infrastructure partners (BAME focus)
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,950,125 28/08/2020
Phase 14 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£24,875 28/08/2020
Phase 14 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Covid-19 BAME-led Intrastructure Programme (led by people of Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic Heritage)
£717,250 28/08/2020
Funding for delivering grants programme to national user-led infrastructure partners (BAME focus) - Top Up Award
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Covid-19 BAME-led Intrastructure Programme (led by people of Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic Heritage)
£37,750 28/08/2020
Contribution to UKCF Management - Covid-19 BAME-led Infrastructure
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£24,600 23/07/2020
Phase 13 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,895,400 23/07/2020
Phase 13 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Vodafone Foundation)
£93,956 22/07/2020
Funding from Vodafone Foundation for distribution as grants by London Community Foundation and East End Community Foundation to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Health Foundation - to fund groups supporting BAME communities)
£497,500 22/07/2020
Restricted funding from Health Foundation for distribution as grants by London, Heart of England, Forever Manchester, Leeds and East End Community Foundations to support communities of Black, Asian ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Vodafone Foundation)
£472 22/07/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Vodafone Foundation's funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Health Foundation -to fund groups supporting BAME communities)
£2,500 22/07/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Health Foundation's funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme for communities of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic heritage.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,895,400 15/07/2020
Phase 12 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£24,600 15/07/2020
Phase 12 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,895,400 07/07/2020
Phase 11 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£24,600 07/07/2020
Phase 11 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Covid-19 BAME-led Intrastructure Programme (led by people of Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic Heritage)
£237,500 01/07/2020
Funding for delivering grants programme to national Covid-19 user-led infrastructure partners (BAME focus)
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Covid-19 BAME-led Intrastructure Programme (led by people of Black, Asian and/or Minority Ethnic Heritage)
£12,500 01/07/2020
Contribution to UKCF Management - Covid-19 BAME-led Infrastructure
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,895,400 11/06/2020
Phase 10 - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£24,600 11/06/2020
Phase 10 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,925,000 05/06/2020
Phase 9 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,000 05/06/2020
Phase 9 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (STV Foundation)
£325 05/06/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing STV Foundation's funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (QC Foundation)
£2,000 05/06/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the QC Foundation's funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (QC Foundation)
£398,000 05/06/2020
Funding from QC Foundation for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Vodafone Foundation)
£94,525 05/06/2020
Funding from Vodafone Foundation for distribution as grants by London Community Foundation and East End Community Foundation to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (Vodafone Foundation)
£475 05/06/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Vodafone Foundation's funding to the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme (STV Foundation)
£64,675 05/06/2020
Funding from STV Foundation for distribution as grants by Foundation Scotland to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,925,000 27/05/2020
Phase 8 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,000 27/05/2020
Phase 8 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£155,430 15/05/2020
Funding for distribution as grants through Crown Dependencies to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across Jersey, Guernsey and ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£1,570 15/05/2020
Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Covid-19 funding to Crown Dependencies (Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey)
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,925,000 06/05/2020
Phase 7 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,000 06/05/2020
Phase 7 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,926,970 29/04/2020
Phase 6 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,020 29/04/2020
Phase 6 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,951,980 23/04/2020
Phase 5 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,020 23/04/2020
Phase 5 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,951,980 17/04/2020
Phase 3 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,020 17/04/2020
Phase 3 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,951,980 17/04/2020
Phase 4 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,020 17/04/2020
Phase 4 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£4,951,980 09/04/2020
Phase 2 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£50,020 09/04/2020
Phase 2 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
DCMS - UK Community Foundations 19/20
£10,035 01/04/2020
To make grants across the UK that benefit women and girls, investing in a wide variety of projects, large and small, that make a tangible and long-term difference to health, well-being, confidence ....more
DCMS - #iwill Fund - 10357736
£134,990 01/04/2020
UKCF will provide funding allocated to each CF based on the data supplied in relation to the top 20% of schools (667) with free school meals take-up. There will be a tightened geographical focus for ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme Phase 1
£2,623,500 26/03/2020
Phase 1 - Funding for distribution as grants by local Community Foundations to support those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Grants to be awarded to grassroots charities and groups across the UK ....more
National Emergencies Trust - NET Restricted Funding for Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme
£26,500 26/03/2020
Phase 1 - Contribution to UKCF's costs for managing the Community Foundation Covid-19 Local Programme.
DCMS - UK Community Foundations 19/20
£3,534,965 01/04/2019
To make grants across the UK that benefit women and girls, investing in a wide variety of projects, large and small, that make a tangible and long-term difference to health, well-being, confidence ....more
DCMS - Revitalising Trusts Grant to UKCF
£20,000 01/04/2019
To cover UKCF's staffing costs to administer the Revitalising Trusts programme
DCMS - UK Community Foundations
£33,415 01/04/2019
The purpose of the Tampon Tax Fund is to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls.
DCMS - #iwill Fund - 10357736
£134,990 01/04/2019
UKCF will provide funding allocated to each CF based on the data supplied in relation to the top 20% of schools (667) with free school meals take-up. There will be a tightened geographical focus for ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - #iwill Fund - UK Community Foundations
£705,003 30/03/2019
#iwill Fund - UK Community Foundations
DCMS - #iwill Fund - 10357736
£134,990 18/12/2018
UKCF will provide funding allocated to each CF based on the data supplied in relation to the top 20% of schools (667) with free school meals take-up. There will be a tightened geographical focus for ....more
DCMS - #iwill Fund - 10357736
£80,994 18/12/2018
UKCF will provide funding allocated to each CF based on the data supplied in relation to the top 20% of schools (667) with free school meals take-up. There will be a tightened geographical focus for ....more
DCMS - UK Community Foundations
£103,178 01/04/2018
The purpose of the Tampon Tax Fund is to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Social Investment Pilot for Community Foundations
£50,000 08/02/2018
A pilot to test bringing local philanthropy to the social investment (SI) market for underserved charities and social enterprises (VCSEs)
Comic Relief - Local Communities Core Strength
£2,250,000 08/05/2017
Over the last 8 years UK Community Foundations (UKCF) have helped Comic Relief allocate small grants to local community organisations – ensuring that decisions are made with local knowledge and as ....more
DCMS - #iwill Fund
£1,533,333 21/11/2016
The #iwill Fund wishes to invest in a wide range and a variety of scalable and sustainable social action opportunities across the country.
DCMS - #iwill Fund
£1,533,333 21/11/2016
The #iwill Fund wishes to invest in a wide range and a variety of scalable and sustainable social action opportunities across the country.
Pears Foundation - Grant to UK Community Foundations
£50,000 07/10/2016
New Beginnings Fund: Support for refugees and their Communities, Round Two
Pears Foundation - Grant to UK Community Foundations
£30,000 07/10/2016
Beacon Awards 2017
Comic Relief - Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund 2017
£1,048,300 28/09/2016
UK Community Foundations has been working in partnership with Comic Relief and the Evening Standard for a number of years to deliver a London focused version of Community Cash. A grant will be made ....more
Comic Relief - Community Cash 2017
£1,126,000 28/09/2016
UK Community Foundations will once again lead the distribution of our Community Cash programme for Red Nose Day 2017. Small grants are made to grassroots community organisations which are promoted ....more
Comic Relief - British Airways Support for flood victims and rebuilding
£50,000 13/05/2016
In December 2015 and January 2016 we awarded a total of £250,000 to support the recovery of communities impacted by the devastating floods of late 2015 / early 2016. Community Foundations set up ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to UK Community Foundations
£37,000 04/04/2016
Towards the cost of commissioning an expert in leadership and organisational development to carry out a scoping exercise which will result in a detailed plan for the design and implementation of a ....more
The Rayne Foundation - Grant to UK Community Foundations
£100,000 04/02/2016
Towards local organisations meeting the needs of refugee and asylum seekers.
Pears Foundation - Grant to UK Community Foundations
£25,000 01/02/2016
New Beginnings Fund: Support for refugees and their communities
Barrow Cadbury Trust - New Beginnings Fund
£100,000 09/12/2015
To provide funding to frontline groups working to provide support and local welcome to asylum seekers and refugees in response to the current refugee crisis.
Comic Relief - New beginnings: a crisis fund for refugees
£150,000 08/12/2015
The Fund will support local groups working to welcome refugees and asylum seekers into their communities. This can be through new or existing services and we are particularly interested in groups who ....more
Comic Relief - Support for flooding in UK
£250,000 08/12/2015
Background InformationCumbria Community Foundation has established the Cumbria Flood Recovery Fund 2015, committing £50k of its own reserves to start the fund. This is for charitable purposes in ....more
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - New Beginnings Fund: supporting refugees and their communities
£100,000 01/12/2015
A pooled fund set up by PHF, Barrow Cadbury Trust and Comic Relief and administered by UK Community Foundations, New Beginnings will support local groups working to welcome refugees and asylum ....more
Comic Relief - Sport Relief 2016 Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund
£1,048,300 15/07/2015
Sport Relief 2016 Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund
Comic Relief - Sport Relief 2016 Community Cash
£1,154,150 15/07/2015
Sport Relief 2016 Community Cash
Comic Relief - Local Communities grant funding 2015-17
£5,062,500 27/05/2015
The small grants programme (grants of up to £10k) has been in operation since December 2004 and delivered by UKCF since 2007. A two year contract (£5.04 million) for this programme was agreed in ....more
Comic Relief - Large Grants 2015-2017
£1,302,000 18/03/2015
Over the last six years UKCF have made a number of grants on our behalf at a higher than usual value to projects across the UK. These projects have demonstrated considerable local need and can also ....more
Spirit of 2012 - Fourteen (UKCF)
£3,015,000 10/10/2014
Create funding opportunities through local networks to bring communities together through social action, volunteering, sports and arts. Final amount of grant dispersed may differ due to project ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Local Papers
£2,120,369 02/07/2013
Local Papers
National Lottery Community Fund - People Powered Change: Dispossessed Fund
£2,084,480 21/03/2011
The project would deliver a grant making service to distribute funding to small community groups, charities and social enterprises through the Dispossessed Fund. The grants would support local people ....more
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (14)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split
Based on 13/14 persons

Age Range of Trustees: 35-67
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 11/10/1991, number: 1004630
  • Registered at Companies House on 07/10/1991, number: 02651777
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Event History
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
Filing Record
20 returns made; AR17: 275 days late, AR16: 261 days late, AR15: 284 days late, AR14: 250 days late, AR13: 237 days late, AR12: 267 days late, AR11: 114 days late, AR10: 233 days late, AR09: 119 days late, AR08: 125 days late, AR07: 184 days late, AR06: 263 days late, AR05: 169 days late, AR04: 137 days late,
Recent reorganisation events:
  • Asset transfer in from HARRISON'S EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION on 08/07/2019
  • Asset transfer in from JOHN HARRISON'S CHARITY on 08/07/2019
  • Asset transfer in from THE HOUGHTON, VALENTINE AND LANGDALE CHARITY on 14/01/2020
  • Asset transfer in from THE SIR GEORGE EARLE BENEVOLENT FUND on 16/01/2020
  • Asset transfer in from THE KEITH ROBEY CHARITABLE TRUST on 22/01/2021
Main office

NG24 1EZ



Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving
Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

Tips for Selecting Charities

Which areas of philanthropy are most effective?
The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
Our Top Tips for Philanthropy
Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your brain, as well as your heart You....more
How to become a Philanthropist
In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they are having. Effective philanthropy is immensely rewarding for donors,....more

Giving is Great