Sport England - Vision for Volunteering (governance support) |
£20,000 |
6 |
The project objectives are to assist Vision for Volunteering to move towards a more formalised governance structure as it matures its practices and grows in collaboration. The investment will support a professional and inclusive recruitment process
The project objectives are to assist Vision for Volunteering to move towards a more formalised governance structure as it matures its practices and grows in collaboration. The investment will support a professional and inclusive recruitment process for an independent Chairperson for the project board. The appointment will help NCVO to embed good governance practices, from which future strategic relationships can be developed.
Postcode Education Trust - Special Award 2023 |
£200,000 |
One-off award
City Bridge Trust - Grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£338,980 |
60 |
£338,980 over five years towards the information and advice services NCVO provides to small charities, community groups, and micro voluntary organisations in London.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£27,365 |
12 |
Project grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£5,000 |
3 |
Project grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£25,000 |
6 |
Project grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Lloyds Bank Foundation - One off gift towards cost of living crisis to INACTIVE - NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£2,250 |
One off gift to support with the cost of living crisis
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting charities through the cost of living crisis |
£10,000 |
The funding will be used to run free webinars and offer help and guidance to support charities with cost-of-living issues and financial management. The project aims to support charities facing hardship as a result of the cost-of-living crisis
The funding will be used to run free webinars and offer help and guidance to support charities with cost-of-living issues and financial management. The project aims to support charities facing hardship as a result of the cost-of-living crisis enabling them to continue to deliver the work that is so important in their communities.
Mark Leonard Trust - Towards its fossil fuel divestment campaign |
£20,000 |
Towards its fossil fuel divestment campaign
J J Charitable Trust - Towards its fossil fuel divestment campaign |
£20,000 |
Towards its fossil fuel divestment campaign
Pears Foundation - Core Funding |
£15,000 |
12 |
Core Funding
The Pilgrim Trust - Grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£15,000 |
12 |
Transfer of Small Charities Coalition helpdesk.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (2 Years) award |
£75,000 |
24 |
Practical support for the sector
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£25,000 |
Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Seafarers UK - Grant to NCVO |
£12,000 |
Grant fuding toward consultancy costs incurred to develop an evaluation framework to measure the impact of The Seafarers' Charity's grantmaking and advocacy.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£17,750 |
Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Department of Health - NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) |
£40,000 |
Grant funding to members of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance for priority project work in support of DHSC, NHS England and Improvement and PHE strategic priorities.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to NCVO |
£16,590 |
18 |
Towards Project costs for creating an automated classification of charities in the charity register.
Wolfson Foundation - Grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£25,000 |
Grant to support policy response to Covid-19 pandemic
National Lottery Community Fund - Covid 19 Response |
£997,990 |
5 |
NCVO will use funding to deliver core activities over the next nine month period of crisis and recovery as they experience increased demand for existing services whilst looking to restructure to a smaller organisation in the longer term. The
NCVO will use funding to deliver core activities over the next nine month period of crisis and recovery as they experience increased demand for existing services whilst looking to restructure to a smaller organisation in the longer term. The organisation is experiencing a significant increase in demand for its support guidance and signposting services to organisations and individuals. It is seeking funding for core delivery costs to contribute to staff running and overhead costs for services where funding was previously met through trading surpluses and income from charitable activity.
Department of Health - National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) |
£80,000 |
See HWA summary:Working with the VCSE sector - encourange two way flow of information and inteliigence betweeen the Sector and the System.
Pears Foundation - Grant to NCVO |
£20,000 |
1 |
Core funding
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to NCVO |
£57,400 |
12 |
Towards project costs for improving NCVO's tech/digital Knowhow web content to help small and medium sized charities become more digitally confident.
National Lottery Community Fund - Scaling impact, building a sustainable model |
£373,642 |
29 |
Scaling impact, building a sustainable model
Sport England - Families & Volunteering Best Practice Project |
£20,000 |
10 |
Funding under Sport England's Opportunity Fund funding programme for a Revenue project titled Families & Volunteering Best Practice Project. This project lists its main activity as Multi Sports
Department of Health - Health and Wellbeing Alliance-National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) |
£49,564 |
The Health & Wellbeing Alliance consists of 21 organisations from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. These organisations engage in intensive co-production with system partners on emerging policy priorities, as well as
The Health & Wellbeing Alliance consists of 21 organisations from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. These organisations engage in intensive co-production with system partners on emerging policy priorities, as well as being an interface between the Department and the VCSE sector.
Pears Foundation - Grant to NCVO |
£15,000 |
12 |
Pears #iwill Fund: Research Project - Volunteering: a Family Affair?
DCMS - Safeguarding Training Fund |
£570,000 |
to provide, develop, and coordinate a national and generic safeguarding package which will help the sector to increase their awareness, understanding and quality of safeguarding practice and safe culture.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£85,704 |
12 |
NCVO, ACEVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation are working in partnership to explore how we can rebalance the relationship between large and small voluntary organisations that bid for government funding. Due to commissioning and bidding practices, and a
NCVO, ACEVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation are working in partnership to explore how we can rebalance the relationship between large and small voluntary organisations that bid for government funding. Due to commissioning and bidding practices, and a move towards fewer, larger contracts, larger voluntary organisations are more likely to receive government funding. We want a system that enables the distinctiveness of large and small voluntary organisations to flourish and play their part, delivering high quality services,. Taking a systems approach, the project will consider the wide range of factors that influence the way voluntary organisations behave, and the effects of the funding environment.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Charity Governance Code - Dissemination |
£12,500 |
12 |
Dissemination of the Code and raising awareness of governance issues among charities
Department of Health - Health and Wellbeing Alliance-National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) |
£49,564 |
The Health & Wellbeing Alliance consists of 21 organisations from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. These organisations engage in intensive co-production with system partners on emerging policy priorities, as well as
The Health & Wellbeing Alliance consists of 21 organisations from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. These organisations engage in intensive co-production with system partners on emerging policy priorities, as well as being an interface between the Department and the VCSE sector.
Indigo Trust - Research Project linking 360 Giving data to their annual Almanac |
£14,950 |
To support their Research Project linking 360 Giving data to their annual Almanac.
Indigo Trust - Research Project linking 360 Giving data to their annual Almanac |
£14,950 |
To support their Research Project linking 360 Giving data to their annual Almanac.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to NCVO |
£40,000 |
24 |
Constructive Journalism
Department of Health - NCVO |
£49,564 |
Health and Wellbeing Alliance
Department of Health - NCVO |
£59,443 |
To support the development of closer working between Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships and the VCSE sector.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Updating the Governance Code |
£6,000 |
6 |
To support the publication and dissemination of a revised version of the Governance Code
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to NCVO Charities Evaluation Service |
£60,000 |
36 |
Towards the Funding Central website and NCVO’s campaigning work to represent the voluntary sector in public policy debate.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£48,950 |
12 |
the grant will be used to fund the development of a small and medium sized charities almanac to improve the evidence base about the experience of small and medium sized charities
City Bridge Trust - Grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£116,300 |
24 |
£116,300 over two years (£56,900; £59,400) towards the salary and associated running costs of a programme to improve how mentoring and befriending organisations monitor and evaluate their services and report on their impact.
National Lottery Community Fund - PQASSO for Wales |
£697,622 |
60 |
Not Available
Nesta - AC00376 |
£16,250 |
Innovation in Giving programme grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Grant Ref AC00376
Nesta - AR00161 |
£9,680 |
Mapping programme grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Grant Ref AR00161
Nesta - AC00319 |
£30,360 |
Innovation in Giving programme grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Grant Ref AC00319
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
£88,100 |
the costs of the two year project to help disadvantaged people, communities and organisations play a fuller role in the decision making that impacts their lives
National Lottery Community Fund - Gate and runner modification |
£10,000 |
12 |
This is a project by a community organisation in Islington serving beneficiaries across United Kingdom. The group will use the funding to modify the entrance to the building to make it safer and wheelchair accessible. This will improve the facility
This is a project by a community organisation in Islington serving beneficiaries across United Kingdom. The group will use the funding to modify the entrance to the building to make it safer and wheelchair accessible. This will improve the facility and enable wheelchair users to access the building more easily.
Nesta - AC00277 |
£50,000 |
Innovation in Giving programme grant to National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Grant Ref AC00277
National Lottery Community Fund - Assist Investment in Infrastructure BIG001-0244 |
£7,861,741 |
48 |
Assist Investment in Infrastructure BIG001-0244
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to NCVO Charities Evaluation Service |
£150,000 |
Towards revenue costs, including the cost of the senior founding consultant.
National Lottery Community Fund - Strengthening Communities, Volunteering and Local Support |
£1,954,517 |
48 |
A new project by Volunteering England in partnership with 15 organisations based in all nine England regions and the Institute of Volunteering Research to assist communities in tackling the effects of the recession and public spending cuts. It will
A new project by Volunteering England in partnership with 15 organisations based in all nine England regions and the Institute of Volunteering Research to assist communities in tackling the effects of the recession and public spending cuts. It will strengthen and build the capacity of volunteering infrastructure to enable more effective support for communities in the future.
Sport England - Revenue Funding 2011-13 |
£57,042 |
Funding under Sport England's Funded Partners funding programme for a Revenue project titled 'Revenue Funding 2011-13'. This project lists its main activity as Sports Development.
National Lottery Community Fund - Sustainable Funding Project |
£860,509 |
36 |
This project helps voluntary and community organisations to be more financially sustainable. The project will increase the sector's understanding of the full range of funding opportunities available, such as contract income, loan finance and earned
This project helps voluntary and community organisations to be more financially sustainable. The project will increase the sector's understanding of the full range of funding opportunities available, such as contract income, loan finance and earned income. This will be achieved by developing case studies on income generation, monthly newsletters, workshops, and other training events. The project will also allow infrastructure organisations to develop the skills, tools and confidence to support VCOs.