Community Foundation for Surrey - The price of friendship: reducing loneliness for older people aged 75 and older across Surrey |
£6,000 |
9.2903225806452 |
Funding for a programme to reduce social isolation in older people in Elmbridge
Herefordshire Community Foundation - Reducing loneliness in people aged 75 and older living in Herefordshire |
£2,382 |
Grant to Re-engage
Cambridgeshire Community Foundation - Reduce loneliness and social isolation for people aged 75+ living in Cambridgeshire |
£3,500 |
towards an Engagement Officer to recruit, train and support volunteers, and work with new and existing partners across Cambridgeshire to support lonely and socially isolated older people to access our free services
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Re Engage |
£2,722 |
towards the cost of running social groups and a befriending service for older people in Thurrock
Postcode Support Trust - Regular Grant 2023 |
£700,000 |
Regular unrestricted award
Community Foundation for Surrey - Reducing loneliness and isolation in people aged 75 and over in Surrey |
£6,000 |
Funding towards organising events for older isolated people, in order for them to socialise.
LUND TRUST - Towards core costs |
£25,000 |
To support social connections for older people
National Lottery Community Fund - Tyne for Tea |
£8,997 |
The funding will be used to carry out a targeted campaign to recruit more older people (75+) and volunteers to their free tea party groups. They will also expand their telephone befriending service for people who can’t attend This will provide
The funding will be used to carry out a targeted campaign to recruit more older people (75+) and volunteers to their free tea party groups. They will also expand their telephone befriending service for people who can’t attend This will provide support networks and activities for more older people at risk of isolation due to the impact of the pandemic improve their confidence and wellbeing and help them reengage back into the local community.
Masonic Trust - MCF Large Grant |
£105,000 |
To support a programme of free, gentle physical activities and community-based social groups for older people in Birmingham.
Dulverton Trust - Social and activity groups in the South West |
£105,000 |
Social and activity groups in the South West
Postcode Support Trust - Regular Grant 2022 |
£600,000 |
Regular unrestricted award
LUND TRUST - Towards core costs |
£25,000 |
To support social connections for older people
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Re-engage |
£1,384 |
Re-engage tackles loneliness in people aged 75+ who live alone. We wish to continue supporting older people who are isolated to find friends at social gatherings or over the phone.
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Continuation and expansion of be-friending service. |
£4,545 |
Reducing isolation through telephone befriending activities and development of other outreach across Bedfordshire
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Re Engage |
£20,000 |
to support a telephone befriending service for isolated older people in Essex
Suffolk Community Foundation - Telephone befriending, and tea parties when safe to do so, for older people living alone in Suffolk |
£1,000 |
Supporting telephone befriending and tea parties for older people living alone in Suffolk.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£50,000 |
Re-engage - Supporting the Oldest Old
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Re-engage |
£92,900 |
24 |
£92,900 over two further and final years (£45,700; £47,200) for the full-time salary of the North London Development Officer and associated project costs.
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - Telephone befriending and social group support for isolated older people living alone in Hertfordshire communities |
£5,000 |
Grant to Re-engage (formerly Contact the Elderly)
Essex Community Foundation - Colchester Social Gatherings |
£3,040 |
to support Online befriending and friendship groups in Colchester and Tendring for over 75's
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Re Engage |
£5,000 |
to help with the cost of continuing core friendship services for older, isolated people across Essex
Suffolk Community Foundation - Telephone-befriending for older people in East Suffolk Hidden Needs areas. |
£3,500 |
11 |
To provide a telephone befriending service for older vulnerable people in the East Suffolk area during Covid 19.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Re-engage |
£4,873 |
Our groups bring isolated older people together with local volunteers. We plan to be able to take these groups on special outings.
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£66,621 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
Cheshire Community Foundation - Call Companions Cheshire |
£4,344 |
1) Re-engage alleviates loneliness and social isolation by supporting vulnerable older people in Cheshire who are aged 75+ and live alone, traditionally using regular social gatherings but now through a non-contact telephone befriending service. 2)
1) Re-engage alleviates loneliness and social isolation by supporting vulnerable older people in Cheshire who are aged 75+ and live alone, traditionally using regular social gatherings but now through a non-contact telephone befriending service. 2) Call Companions will deliver a Cheshire wide volunteer telefriending service, supporting at least 130 vulnerable older people across Cheshire. Call Companions will mitigate the impact of the Coranvirus Crisis on the most vulnerable members of our community, alleviating loneliness and poor mental wellbeing amongst those aged 75+. It will also offer friendship and make sure that the older person is eating and staying hydrated, that they have enough food and medicine, and are in touch with family if possible. 3) Costs Funding will be utilised for staffing costs to support volunteers, volunteer training and support costs, recruiting additional older people and volunteers into the service, plus management/running costs (including ID and reference checks). This will enable us to deliver a safe and effective service for older people across Cheshire. 4) The most significant difference the project will make -impact on lives of disadvantaged A reduction in loneliness for vulnerable older people in Cheshire who are aged 75+, self-isolating and live alone.
Community Foundation for Surrey - COVID19 - Isolated Older people |
£5,000 |
Funding towards the essential running costs of an organisation, that offers a befriending service to people aged 75 or older, during the Covid-19 pandemic.
CHK Foundation - CHK Emergency /Disaster Grant |
£12,000 |
unrestricted (response to COVID)
Essex Community Foundation - Oldest of Old Online - Research Project |
£4,916 |
12 |
To undertake an Oldest of Old Online research project
Suffolk Community Foundation - Suffolk Older Socials |
£5,000 |
12 |
To support "Suffolk Older Social" events.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Contact the Elderly, Cambridge Area |
£3,102 |
We would love to provide a special Christmas tea with gifts and entertainment for up to 60 lonely people over the age of 75.
Essex Community Foundation - Colchester Social Gatherings |
£8,436 |
11 |
To set up one new and support two existing friendship groups in Colchester for over 75's
Essex Community Foundation - Support for five Tea Parties for a year |
£4,475 |
11 |
To support monthly Sunday tea party groups for isolated older people in Basildon, Billericay, Rayleigh and Thurrock over a year
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Contact the Elderly |
£3,392 |
Funds will allow us to take our groups out for a tea party to create a special and memorable event for isolated older guests.
Dulverton Trust - Tackling loneliness in the South West |
£85,000 |
Tackling loneliness in the South West
The Leathersellers' Company Charitable Fund - Grant to Re-engage |
£40,000 |
48 |
Main Grant unrestricted core costs
Essex Community Foundation - Chelmsford group |
£5,000 |
12 |
To establish a new Group in Chelmsford lead by volunteers, providing monthly tea parties for isolated and lonely older people
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Contact the Elderly |
£6,174 |
We want to take elderly isolated people out for special tea parties and celebrations.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Contact the Elderly |
£87,900 |
36 |
£87,900 over three years (£29,200, £29,300, £29,400) for the FT salary of the Development Officer North London and associated project costs.
National Lottery Community Fund - Tackling loneliness and isolation in older people in Perth and Fife |
£93,660 |
60 |
This group will use the funding to engage a support officer and a development officer so that they can carry out more activities in the Perth and Fife area. They will also set up new volunteer led groups for older people aged 70 and over who
This group will use the funding to engage a support officer and a development officer so that they can carry out more activities in the Perth and Fife area. They will also set up new volunteer led groups for older people aged 70 and over who experience social isolation and loneliness.
Tudor Trust - Grant to Contact the Elderly |
£5,000 |
12 |
as a grant in memory of Vanessa James, one of Tudor's trustees
National Lottery Community Fund - Wales expansion |
£223,745 |
48 |
Cyswllt â’r henoed - Cyfeillgarwch Am Byth
Dulverton Trust - Core costs to aid with expansion of services nationally |
£25,000 |
Core costs to aid with expansion of services nationally
Masonic Trust - Volunteer Support Officer |
£75,000 |
Funding towards salary of Volunteer Support Officer to support volunteers working with vulnerable older people.
Dunhill Medical Trust - The Manchester Tea Party Project |
£40,646 |
24 |
Monthly tea parties in Manchester for older people to tackle social isolation and loneliness
The Rayne Foundation - Grant to Contact the Elderly |
£25,000 |
24 |
Towards the salary of a National Development Officer who will focus on the creation of more tea parties groups, contributing to reduced isolation for participants.
National Lottery Community Fund - Power of Contact |
£116,504 |
60 |
This is a replication of an existing project in South Yorkshire, which will organise monthly tea parties, free of charge, for groups of people aged 75 and over who live alone with little or no support from family and friends, in West and North
This is a replication of an existing project in South Yorkshire, which will organise monthly tea parties, free of charge, for groups of people aged 75 and over who live alone with little or no support from family and friends, in West and North Yorkshire. Beneficiaries will be picked up by volunteer drivers and taken to a different volunteer host’s home each month. The tea parties reduce loneliness and social isolation by recreating a traditional, family environment.
National Lottery Community Fund - A lifeline of friendship |
£116,004 |
60 |
Not Available
National Lottery Community Fund - Cwlwm Cyfeillgarwch |
£69,294 |
36 |
The project will extend the reach of the organisation's proven model into 18 new geographical areas across North, Mid and South Wales, launching new groups in areas where there is a defined need and local support for a Contact the Elderly Group, and
The project will extend the reach of the organisation's proven model into 18 new geographical areas across North, Mid and South Wales, launching new groups in areas where there is a defined need and local support for a Contact the Elderly Group, and gaining an important extra service to complement the existing provision for socially isolated, older people.