The Legal Education Foundation - Second tier training and knowledge sharing on asylum support law |
£170,000 |
A grant to ASAP to empower people seeking asylum across the UK to defend their legal right to housing and financial support by: building organisations' skills in asylum support law through free
A grant to ASAP to empower people seeking asylum across the UK to defend their legal right to housing and financial support by: building organisations' skills in asylum support law through free training, an advice line and an online network of advisors; and coordinating organisations to challenge systemic injustice.
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£44,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £44,000 (This grant is renewable - year 4 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum
An unrestricted grant of £44,000 (This grant is renewable - year 4 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support. They work to build the capacity of the asylum support advice sector through training, an advice line, and networking opportunities; and influence policy through lobbying and strategic litigation.
London Legal Support Trust - Centres of Excellence 2023 |
£10,000 |
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice sector.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Tackling destitution - reducing systemic factors and increasing justice |
£150,000 |
36 |
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) aims to reduce destitution by protecting the legal rights to food and shelter of those seeking asylum. They provide free legal representation for those appealing
Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) aims to reduce destitution by protecting the legal rights to food and shelter of those seeking asylum. They provide free legal representation for those appealing against a refusal of asylum support, and train organisations in asylum support law. With this grant ASAP will strengthen civic participation through convening people with lived experience of asylum support, the refugee sector and the advice sector to influence key immigration policies, improve access to support services and advocate for greater access to support.
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£44,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £44,000 (This grant is renewable - year 3 of up to 5 years)This grant includes a 10% cost of living uplift. ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who
An unrestricted grant of £44,000 (This grant is renewable - year 3 of up to 5 years)This grant includes a 10% cost of living uplift. ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support. They work to build the capacity of the asylum support advice sector through training, an advice line, and networking opportunities; and influence policy through lobbying and strategic litigation.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£20,000 |
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
London Legal Support Trust - Centres of Excellence 2022 |
£10,000 |
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice sector.
Access to Justice Foundation - Community Justice Fund Wave Three |
£12,000 |
Wave three of the Community Justice Fund aims to support organisations delivering social welfare advice services to people most impacted by the cost-of-living crisis.
Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation - Grant to ASAP |
£4,440 |
Towards cost of living crisis
Trust for London - Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£10,500 |
This is a cost of living uplift for grant reference 360G-trustforlondon-MAIN-S2-05.10.2021-9329
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£40,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £40,000 per year for 5 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or
An unrestricted grant of £40,000 per year for 5 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support. They work to build the capacity of the asylum support advice sector through training, an advice line, and networking opportunities; and influence policy through lobbying and strategic litigation.
John Ellerman Foundation - Core costs |
£120,000 |
Core costs
Trust for London - Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£105,000 |
The funding is for a) legal representation for destitute asylum seekers trying to access housing and financial support; b) advocacy to improve the provision of temporary accommodation for asylum
The funding is for a) legal representation for destitute asylum seekers trying to access housing and financial support; b) advocacy to improve the provision of temporary accommodation for asylum seekers; c) work to improve the skills of second tier organisations, sharing best practice on asylum support and increasing policy influence.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£244,000 |
60 |
£244,000 over five years (£47,000; £47,500; £48,500; £50,000; £51,000) towards a proportion of the costs of capacity building and infrastructure for the asylum support sector, including the
£244,000 over five years (£47,000; £47,500; £48,500; £50,000; £51,000) towards a proportion of the costs of capacity building and infrastructure for the asylum support sector, including the provision of an advice line, training and e-modules, the facilitation of the Asylum Support Advisers Network, and national policy influencing work. The level of funding is proportionate to the share of the work benefitting organisations and advisers in London.
London Legal Support Trust - Centres of Excellence 2021 |
£10,000 |
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice
Long term core funding for specialist free legal advice organisations, along with in-kind help and support with ongoing development. Aiming to support a sustainable and robust specialist advice sector.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to ASAP (Asylum Support Appeals Project) |
£135,000 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a project providing an advice service for asylum seekers who are appealing against a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support, across the UK.
Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£105,000 |
Towards core funding
The Legal Education Foundation - Second tier training and knowledge sharing on asylum support law |
£135,655 |
Delivering training for advice and women's organisations, to enable them to make high quality applications for asylum support. Sharing learning on asylum support law and practice, to increase access
Delivering training for advice and women's organisations, to enable them to make high quality applications for asylum support. Sharing learning on asylum support law and practice, to increase access to justice through asylum support appeals and to gather evidence to challenge unlawful Home Office practices.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£250,000 |
Towards unrestricted core costs to reduce destitution amongst asylum seekers by protecting their legal rights to food and shelter.
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£40,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £40,000 per year for 5 years (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or
An unrestricted grant of £40,000 per year for 5 years (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support. They work to build the capacity of the asylum support advice sector through training, an advice line, and networking opportunities; and influence policy through lobbying and strategic litigation.
Tudor Trust - Grant to ASAP |
£70,000 |
24 |
over two years towards the running costs of an organisation specialising in protecting asylum seekers' legal rights to food and shelter across the UK
The Baring Foundation - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£29,985 |
To provide legal advice and training for organisations around the UK on the impact of Covid-19 on access to asylum support and asylum support appeals.
Access to Justice Foundation - Joint Initiative Flexible COVID-19 Grant |
£55,000 |
A flexible grant as part of wave 1 of the Community Justice Fund. A pooled fund to support the specialist legal welfare advice sector in its response to COVID19
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£22,500 |
6 |
towards unrestricted core costs as a COVID-19 Fast Response grant
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£20,000 |
An unrestricted grant of £20,000. ASAP provide free legal representation for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support, reducing destitution by protecting their legal rights
An unrestricted grant of £20,000. ASAP provide free legal representation for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support, reducing destitution by protecting their legal rights to food and shelter.
Trust for London - Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£9,500 |
3 |
The funding is for the cost of buying 8 lap-tops and work mobiles to equip ASAP staff members to work from home during COVID19.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£90,000 |
24 |
£90,000 over a further two years (2 x £45,000) towards the salary costs of a Solicitor; a Duty Scheme Co-ordinator; and the Director’s salary; plus associated running costs.
Comic Relief - Preventing Homelessness amongst asylum seekers |
£200,380 |
60 |
ASAP provide vital work assisting asylum seekers in the UK to access free legal representation at their tribunal appeals. Winning appeals for asylum seekers enables them to access safe and secure
ASAP provide vital work assisting asylum seekers in the UK to access free legal representation at their tribunal appeals. Winning appeals for asylum seekers enables them to access safe and secure shelter, start to rebuild their lives and not be left homeless or at risk of deportation. Funding will also contribute to training other organisations in asylum support law as well as long term systemic change in asylum support policies in the UK ensuring asylum seekers are at less risk of homelessness and insecure shelter. Whilst they are based in London, their work benefits asylum seekers and organisations across the UK.
Trust for London - Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£90,000 |
36 |
The funding is for a contribution towards the running costs of our duty scheme which provides free legal representation for destitute asylum seekers appealing to the First Tier Tribunal (Asylum
The funding is for a contribution towards the running costs of our duty scheme which provides free legal representation for destitute asylum seekers appealing to the First Tier Tribunal (Asylum Support) against a refusal of accommodation or support. The contribution requested reflects the proportion of service users living in London.
John Ellerman Foundation - Core costs |
£90,000 |
36 |
Towards core costs to enable them to prevent destitution amongst asylum seekers through legal representation and improving policy and practice
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£20,000 |
£20,000 towards core costs. Asylum Support Appeals Project provides free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, runs an advice line for advice agencies, and engages in policy work to
£20,000 towards core costs. Asylum Support Appeals Project provides free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, runs an advice line for advice agencies, and engages in policy work to improve asylum support law
Comic Relief - Asylum Support Appeals Project Sustainability Fund |
£13,023 |
6 |
ASAP currently runs a very successful project for asylum seeking women who are at risk of destitution are particularly vulnerable. They do this through expert legal representation to win them
ASAP currently runs a very successful project for asylum seeking women who are at risk of destitution are particularly vulnerable. They do this through expert legal representation to win them support, by providing training and information on their rights to support and by lobbying the Home Office to improve their policies; which they have been successful in getting changes made. Through their work they have also identified people with mental health conditions as being another hugely vulnerable group going through the asylum and appeals process. Last year 29% of those they advised or represented through the appeals process had mental health conditions and required targeted support as a result
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£135,000 |
36 |
Towards protecting asylum seekers legal rights to food and shelter.
AB Charitable Trust - A grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£15,000 |
£15,000 towards core costs. Asylum Support Appeals Project provides free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, runs an advice line for advice agencies, and engages in policy work to
£15,000 towards core costs. Asylum Support Appeals Project provides free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers, runs an advice line for advice agencies, and engages in policy work to improve asylum support law
Tudor Trust - Grant to ASAP |
£90,000 |
36 |
over three years towards the core costs of an organisation specialising in protecting asylum seekers' legal rights to food and shelter across the UK
The Baring Foundation - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£150,000 |
To empower voluntary sector agencies in the UK to enable them to make greater use of the law in response to the Immigration Act 2016
Trust for London - Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£16,950 |
6 |
The funding is towards carrying out pre-litigation research and develop a full casework strategy in respect of anticipated unlawfulness in the implementation ofasylum support changes under Part 5 and
The funding is towards carrying out pre-litigation research and develop a full casework strategy in respect of anticipated unlawfulness in the implementation ofasylum support changes under Part 5 and Schedules 11 and 12 of the Immigration Act 2016, such thatany necessary litigation might be prompt promptly in response toimplementing regulations.
AB Charitable Trust - Protecting asylum seekers legal rights to food and shelter |
£15,000 |
£15,000 towards core costs
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£135,000 |
36 |
£135,000 over 3 years (3 x £45,000) towards the salaries of a Solicitor, Duty Scheme Co-ordinator and Director and associated running costs.
National Lottery Community Fund - Assisting asylum seekers in crisis in Yorkshire and Humberside |
£749,996 |
60 |
Support for asylum seekers in Yorkshire and Humberside, particularly those with mental health problems and in need of psychotherapy support. Short and long term plans will be put in place including
Support for asylum seekers in Yorkshire and Humberside, particularly those with mental health problems and in need of psychotherapy support. Short and long term plans will be put in place including helping with their immediate basic needs such as accommodation, clothing and food through to specialist advice and support.
Unbound Philanthropy - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£60,000 |
36 |
for general support to an organization that aims to reduce the destitution of asylum seekers and denied asylum seekers
National Lottery Community Fund - Ten Years of Protecting Human Rights: An Impact and Learning Review |
£10,000 |
12 |
The group will use the funding to conduct a consultation review of how the organisation has performed in the past 10 years, this will be evidenced through a report and film making to enable the
The group will use the funding to conduct a consultation review of how the organisation has performed in the past 10 years, this will be evidenced through a report and film making to enable the organisation to learn from its experiences and develop a plan for the future services of the organisation. This will increase the organisations capacity and strengthen the voluntary sector community.
Comic Relief - Reducing asylum seeking women’s risks to violence and personal harm by tackling their destitution. |
£102,903 |
36 |
Asylum seeking women who are at risk of destitution are particularly vulnerable. Fear of authorities, lack of knowledge on their rights, language barriers and cultural traditions can make them at
Asylum seeking women who are at risk of destitution are particularly vulnerable. Fear of authorities, lack of knowledge on their rights, language barriers and cultural traditions can make them at risk of abuse.Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP) provides legal representation to these women across the UK to help them avoid becoming destitute. ASAP has found many women are involved in abusive and violent relationships.This grant will help ASAP increase the support it provides women and will be better able to identify and support those who are trapped in experiencing violence and abuse. Women will be able to access accommodation and support that reduce risk from harm and will increase their safety.
AB Charitable Trust - Defending asylum seekers' rights to food and shelter |
£10,000 |
£10,000 towards core costs
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£115,000 |
Towards a programme of work aimed at reducing the destitution of asylum seekers by protecting their legal right to food and shelter and lobbying for changes in policy.
Tudor Trust - Grant to ASAP |
£7,500 |
as a development grant towards the research and trialling of a new internet-based training delivery model for groups supporting destitute asylum seekers
AB Charitable Trust - Protecting asylum seekers legal rights to support |
£10,000 |
£10,000 towards core costs
Tudor Trust - Grant to ASAP |
£90,000 |
36 |
over three years as continuation funding towards the core costs of an organisation specialising in protecting asylum seekers' legal rights to food and shelter across the UK
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Asylum Support Appeals Project |
£25,000 |
the salary of the Duty Scheme Co-ordinator