Masonic Trust - MCF Matched Funding |
£750 |
Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province
The Leathersellers' Company Charitable Fund - Grant to DENS |
£80,000 |
48 |
Main Grant Unrestricted Core Costs
Masonic Trust - MCF Matched Funding |
£2,000 |
Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - DENS Day Centre |
£2,000 |
3 |
Grant to Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS)
Co-Operative Group - Grant to DENS Foodbank |
£2,636 |
We wish to pay for staff capacity at the Foodbank to support people facing food poverty with access to emergency food and provisions. We want to meet increased demand so no one goes hungry locally.
The Trussell Trust - Grant to Dacorum Foodbank |
£5,000 |
Emergency grant
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - Helping people out of food poverty |
£10,000 |
6 |
Grant to Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS)
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (2 Years) award |
£18,000 |
24 |
Empowerment Programme
The Trussell Trust - Grant to Dacorum Foodbank |
£147,488 |
0.6 FTE in-house welfare benefits advisor plus CAP debt advice
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to DENS Limited |
£100,200 |
36 |
towards three years' salary of a Resettlement Worker at a project providing outreach support for homeless people transitioning into permanent rented accommodation, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, in Hertfordshire.
The Trussell Trust - Grant to Dacorum Foodbank |
£41,400 |
24 |
employment costs of (1) Head of Community Services (1 dpw) ; (2) 2x bank workers (each 1 dpw) for 2 years
Masonic Trust - MCF Matched Funding |
£1,000 |
Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Dens Limited - 05/10/21 |
£1,500 |
Day Centre- empowering people facing homelessness to move on with their lives
Masonic Trust - MCF Matched Funding |
£500 |
Unrestricted matched funding in partnership with the local masonic province
National Lottery Community Fund - DENS Social Enterprise Programme |
£114,735 |
35 |
The funding will provide opportunities for people who have experienced homelessness to develop employment skills. They aim to offer the most vulnerable and homeless adults with training volunteering and work experience opportunities.
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - DENS addressing Food Poverty |
£5,000 |
Grant to Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS)
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - Education, Training & Employment Co-ordinator |
£10,000 |
Grant to Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS)
The Clothworkers Foundation - Grant to DENS |
£4,980 |
COVID19 : Purchase IT equipment for a charity that works with people facing homelessness, poverty and social exclusion in Hertforshire
Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government - MHCLG Homelessness Fund |
£49,160 |
Organisations supporting homelessness
Crisis UK - Grant to DENS |
£5,000 |
Funding for PPE, self isolation measures in hostel and additional key work sessions
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to DENS Limited |
£87,700 |
36 |
towards three years' salary of a Resettlement Worker at a project providing outreach support to homeless people transitioning into permanent rented accommodation in Hertfordshire
Heart Of England Community Foundation - Moving On To Private Rented Accommodation |
£33,328 |
23 |
DENS provides emergency and move-on housing and support. We help people who have lived chaotic, often traumatised lives to resolve their housing (and other) issues and enable them to live independently and sustain a tenancy. However, many need
DENS provides emergency and move-on housing and support. We help people who have lived chaotic, often traumatised lives to resolve their housing (and other) issues and enable them to live independently and sustain a tenancy. However, many need additional, prolonged support when they finally move into their own place within the private rented sector. They may have learnt the skills, but the reality and responsibility can be overwhelming, putting them at risk of failing on their tenancy. This project will provide them with on-going support from a Move-On Worker who will visit the person in their home or in the community, check that they are keeping up with everything, provide them with the opportunity to ask for help or guidance..
The Trussell Trust - Grant to Dacorum Foodbank |
£17,334 |
24 |
Community Service Manager (additional hours)
The Trussell Trust - Grant to Dacorum Foodbank |
£17,334 |
Community Service Manager hours
Hertfordshire Community Foundation - Up-Cycling |
£24,714 |
23 |
Grant to Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter (DENS)
National Lottery Community Fund - Repairs and Replacements to Tackle Homelessness |
£7,270 |
12 |
This project will improve and repair their food bank in order to make it a safe and welcoming hub in the local community. It will also purchase equipment to enable people who use the service, volunteers and staff to learn and develop transferable
This project will improve and repair their food bank in order to make it a safe and welcoming hub in the local community. It will also purchase equipment to enable people who use the service, volunteers and staff to learn and develop transferable skills.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (3 Years) award |
£30,000 |
36 |
DENS Day Centre and Open Space
National Lottery Community Fund - DENS' Hub - Support for Homeless and Vulnerably Housed People |
£287,302 |
36 |
This project aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for people who are homeless or vulnerably housed in Hemel Hempstead. It will provide access to support and information to improve their life chances by enabling and empowering them to
This project aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for people who are homeless or vulnerably housed in Hemel Hempstead. It will provide access to support and information to improve their life chances by enabling and empowering them to take control of their lives. The project will also continue to offer hot meal, laundry and shower facilities and one-to-one support.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to DENS |
£79,800 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a day centre supporting people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or vulnerably housed in Hertfordshire
National Lottery Community Fund - DENS Day Centre for Homeless and Vulnerably Housed People |
£299,823 |
36 |
This is a continuation and expansion of a BIG funded project by DENS Limited (DENS) which will provide a safe and supportive environment, through its Bury Lodge Day Centre in Dacorum, Hemel Hempstead, to provide homeless and vulnerably housed people
This is a continuation and expansion of a BIG funded project by DENS Limited (DENS) which will provide a safe and supportive environment, through its Bury Lodge Day Centre in Dacorum, Hemel Hempstead, to provide homeless and vulnerably housed people access to support and information, and to improve their chances in life by enablement and empowerment through proactive intervention._x000B__x000B_
National Lottery Community Fund - Equipped to Change |
£246,950 |
60 |
The aim of this new project is to empower and enable people whose lives have been affected by homelessness to overcome the barriers between them and education, training and employment through activities, opportunities, workshops and peer support. It
The aim of this new project is to empower and enable people whose lives have been affected by homelessness to overcome the barriers between them and education, training and employment through activities, opportunities, workshops and peer support. It also aims to help people to maintain sustainable housing, which is key to moving on with their lives, and also improve their literacy and numeracy skills and overall confidence. DENS will run regular surgeries and workshops to enhance skills such as budgeting.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to DENS Ltd (Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter) |
£50,000 |
the salary and NI costs of the Day Centre Project Worker