The Berkeley Foundation

Who they support

The Berkeley Foundation works in partnership to help young people in the areas where Berkeley Group works to overcome barriers, improve their lives and build a fairer society, with the vision of creating a society in which every young person can thrive. The Foundation focuses on supporting young people across four themes: Homelessness, Employment, Skills and Health & Wellbeing.


KT11 1JG

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1152596
Charity Commission for England and WalesInstagram
Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 381 donations have been made totalling £9,603,478 to 89 organisations

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £8 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been years.

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
National Lottery Community Fund 63% 55%
Garfield Weston Foundation 57% 44%
City Bridge Trust 51% 29%
Greater London Authority 33% 28%
Esmee Fairbairn 30% 13%
Paul Hamlyn Foundation 29% 16%
BBC Children in Need 23% 25%
Dulverton Trust 23% 7%
John Lyon's Charity 20% 7%
Henry Smith Charity 20% 24%
Sole supporter: 27% by number, 24% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
31/10/2023 £5,900 £288,449 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,500 ST GILES TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £10,030 £1,832,880 ACTION FOR KIDS CHARITABLE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,313 £41,496,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,045 £206,905 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,903 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £7,568 £5,169,843 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,222 £7,154,199 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £7,259 £16,151,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £2,271 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £8,547 £10,470,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £9,277 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,764 £2,231,753 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,216 £4,985,303 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,120 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,252 £15,071,885 ST BASILS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £7,040 £661,924 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £5,278 £8,873 HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM YOUTH ZONE Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £9,914 £2,175,050 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £4,445 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £567 £1,357,272 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £1,160 £2,485,667 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
31/10/2023 £3,433 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2023
10/10/2023 £150,000 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TRIALS COLLABORATION Multi-year grant towards the LION research study (2024-2027)
10/10/2023 £180,000 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Three year grant to support the practice development of the nursing staff at the hospice
30/08/2023 £105,000 £277,381 ST MATTHEW'S PROJECT Multi-year grant towards a youth mental health project in Lambeth (3 years)
31/07/2023 £5,383 £288,449 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,313 ST GILES TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,288 £41,496,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £9,108 £206,905 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,829 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £7,880 £5,169,843 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,242 £7,154,199 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £6,974 £16,151,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £1,969 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £705 £10,470,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £2,421 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,721 £2,231,753 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,228 £4,985,303 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,105 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,252 £15,071,885 ST BASILS Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £10,787 £661,924 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £977 £4,191,318 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £5,208 £8,873 HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM YOUTH ZONE Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £4,037 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £2,868 £6,300,754 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £7,255 £1,357,272 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £719 IMPERIAL COLLEGE Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £4,204 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023
31/07/2023 £1,969 £7,154,199 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023 - volunteering match
31/07/2023 £2,625 £16,151,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2023 - volunteering match
11/07/2023 £750,000 £6,300,754 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS Multi-year grant - 3-year Strategic Partnership supporting young people with disabilities to access cricket coaching
06/06/2023 £5,000 £8,873 HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM YOUTH ZONE One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £814,363 AMBITION ASPIRE ACHIEVE One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £1,150 YOUTH REALITIES One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £392,247 SISTER SYSTEM One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £214,349 SUCCESS CLUB CIO One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £254,115 SUNBEAMS LONDON One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £399,623 NEWHAM ALL STAR SPORTS ACADEMY One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 £625,102 REACHING HIGHER One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 THE BOURY ACADEMY One-off, unrestricted grant
06/06/2023 £3,000 SPIRAL SKILLS CIC One-off, unrestricted grant
30/04/2023 £5,482 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,500 ST GILES TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,237 £35,327,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,035 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,747 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £8,085 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,946 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £3,036 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £1,713 £7,225,353 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,720 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,260 £5,211,033 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,055 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,249 £14,284,587 ST BASILS Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £12,646 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £7,808 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £10,776 £1,683,450 ACTION FOR KIDS CHARITABLE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,720 £1,138,628 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £755 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £5,835 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £4,770 £6,300,754 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £569 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £578 £2,485,667 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
30/04/2023 £3,890 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to April 2023
26/04/2023 £5,000 £302,621 HOME START LONDON One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 ST GILES TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £35,327,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £12,636,000 DEMELZA One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £7,225,353 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £5,211,033 SPEAR One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 MENCAP One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £14,284,587 ST BASILS One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £1,683,450 ACTION FOR KIDS CHARITABLE TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £10,000 £6,300,754 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £10,000 £2,338,418 MYBNK One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £277,381 ST MATTHEW'S PROJECT One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £844,853 KHULISA One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £418,864 MAC-UK LTD One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £753,397 OARSOME CHANCE One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £1,145,000 HYDE CHARITABLE TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £2,325,708 HIGH TREES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £421,988 NO 5 YOUNG PEOPLE One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £1,134,356 CHANCE UK One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £5,000 £661,291 SKYWAY CHARITY One-off, unrestricted grant
26/04/2023 £600,000 IMPERIAL COLLEGE Multi-year grant - 3-year Strategic Partnership
30/03/2023 £3,000 WOMEN INTO CONSTRUCTION One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £619,346 ART AGAINST KNIVES One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £2,325,708 HIGH TREES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £803,875 SMALL GREEN SHOOTS One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £395,651 BREADWINNERS FOUNDATION One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £10,000 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION One-off payment towards Street Elite Support Fund
30/03/2023 £5,000 £19,970,629 ANNA FREUD NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £92,603 BELEVE UK One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 SALAAM PEACE One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 £966,836 BERKSHIRE YOUTH One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 BROMLEY EXPERTS BY EXPERIENCE CIC One-off, unrestricted grant
30/03/2023 £3,000 CIRCLE SPORTS CIC One-off, unrestricted grant
20/03/2023 £750 SALAAM PEACE Unrestricted grant - Resilience Fund Panel & Youth Panel
20/03/2023 £700 SALAAM PEACE Unrestricted grant - Resilience Fund Panel & Youth Panel
20/03/2023 £26,600 £748,411 AMBITION ASPIRE ACHIEVE Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 2 - 2-year grant
20/03/2023 £29,784 £1 YOUTH REALITIES Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 2 - 2-year grant
20/03/2023 £30,000 £392,247 SISTER SYSTEM Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 2 - 2-year grant
20/03/2023 £29,855 £214,349 SUCCESS CLUB CIO Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 2 - 2-year grant
20/03/2023 £22,939 £184,692 SUNBEAMS LONDON Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 2 - 2-year grant
16/03/2023 £6,154 LONGRIDGE ON THE THAMES One off grant towards outdoor accommodation costs
31/01/2023 £5,390 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,875 ST GILES TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,208 £35,327,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,030 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £7,717 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £18,118 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £615 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,020 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £3,659 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £3,738 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £2,985 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £8,278 £7,225,353 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,779 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,276 £5,211,033 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,085 £14,284,587 ST BASILS Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £3,426 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £4,088 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £5,427 £1,138,628 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £1,790 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £10,651 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £1,199 £6,300,754 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £1,173 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £2,990 £2,485,667 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
31/01/2023 £1,813 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to to January 2023
19/01/2023 £114,483 £14,284,587 ST BASILS Multi-year grant towards Youth Voice Project (3 years)
06/12/2022 £10,000 £2,485,667 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON One-off payment towards Take & Make boxes
06/12/2022 £10,000 £2,782,652 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE One-off payment towards Winter Relief Fund
06/12/2022 £30,000 SPIRAL SKILLS CIC Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 1 - 2-year grant
06/12/2022 £30,000 £304,297 NEWHAM ALL STAR SPORTS ACADEMY Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 1 - 2-year grant
06/12/2022 £30,000 £625,102 REACHING HIGHER Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 1 - 2-year grant
06/12/2022 £30,000 THE BOURY ACADEMY Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 1 - 2-year grant
06/12/2022 £30,000 £844,853 KHULISA Resilience Fund - Year 2 Wave 1 - 2-year grant
17/11/2022 £450,000 £2,782,652 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE Multi-year grant - 3-year Strategic Partnership supporting young homeless people in London
17/11/2022 £437,286 £66,237,000 CRISIS Strategic Partnership (1 year grant)
31/10/2022 £5,428 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £3,333 ST GILES TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £5,272 £30,482,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £5,030 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £5,709 £1,054,512 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £12,227 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £7,712 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £10,000 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £8,233 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £8,639 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £9,174 £1,742,656 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £5,273 £6,778,581 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £10,801 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £10,285 £4,915,632 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £4,808 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £12,647 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £9,142 £876,477 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £3,555 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £3,138 £58,748,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £5,715 £2,023,751 MYBNK Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £1,989 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £1,692 £14,284,587 ST BASIL'S Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £2,303 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
31/10/2022 £1,936 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2022
08/08/2022 £255,000 £2,496,257 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Multi year Strategic Partner grant in support of the Kitchen Social programme - Year 1 of 3
08/08/2022 £300,000 £27,775,176 GROUNDWORK LONDON Multi year Strategic Partner grant in support of a youth leadership programme - Year 1 of 3
31/07/2022 £5,428 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £5,475 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £5,219 £30,482,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £5,035 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £5,664 £1,054,512 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £6,762 £6,778,581 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £3,231 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £4,265 £58,748,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £2,361 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £1,385 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £2,253 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £2,428 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £1,087 £2,074,148 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £788 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £2,345 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £1,357 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £1,737 £1,138,628 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
31/07/2022 £797 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to July 2022
23/05/2022 £10,000 WAYS INTO WORK CIC One-off grant through the Development Fund, in support of the Barista and Beyond cafe project
30/04/2022 £3,690 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £2,569 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £3,780 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £606 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £538 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £856 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £1,028 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £1,534 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £637 £1,138,628 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £1,632 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
30/04/2022 £799 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to April 2022
19/04/2022 £56,490 £183,150 ST. MATTHEW'S PROJECT Improving Youth Mental Health 2 grant (Year 1 of 1)
29/03/2022 £30,000 £92,603 BELEVE UK Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 2
29/03/2022 £30,000 SALAAM PEACE Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 2
29/03/2022 £30,000 BROMLEY EXPERTS BY EXPERIENCE Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 2
29/03/2022 £4,000 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £28,750 £966,836 BERKSHIRE YOUTH Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 2
29/03/2022 £29,999 CIRCLE SPORTS Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 2
29/03/2022 £500 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £500 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £35,327,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £500 MOMENTUM Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £2,000 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 MENCAP Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £2,000 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £7,225,353 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £5,211,033 SPEAR Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £2,000 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £2,000 £1,138,628 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,500 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
29/03/2022 £1,000 £2,338,418 MYBNK Unrestricted 2022 Foundation Awards grant
31/01/2022 £3,786 £58,748,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £2,283 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £639 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £2,481 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £1,715 £4,634,797 THE GRANGE CENTRE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £1,757 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £1,355 £1,742,656 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £797 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £555 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £1,399 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
31/01/2022 £797 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to January 2022
05/01/2022 £28,998 £212,147 BREADWINNERS Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 1
05/01/2022 £30,000 WOMEN INTO CONSTRUCTION Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 1
05/01/2022 £30,000 £619,346 ART AGAINST KNIVES Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 1
05/01/2022 £30,000 £488,041 SMALL GREEN SHOOTS  Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 1
05/01/2022 £29,902 £1,678,779 HIGH TREES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Resilience Fund - Year 1 Wave 1
09/11/2021 £14,502 £257,534 SIR SIMON MILTON FOUNDATION A grant supporting the purchase and distribution of Christmas hampers for isolated and vulnerable people in Westminster.
31/10/2021 £20,273 £302,621 HOME START LONDON Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £9,515 £62,182,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,111 £30,482,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,030 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,448 £1,054,512 MOMENTUM Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £21,600 £12,636,000 DEMELZA Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £4,196 GRAVESHAM NETWORK DEVELOPMENT CIC Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £10,132 £185,143 HOPE FOR SOUTHALL STREET HOMELESS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £3,692 MENCAP Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £11,207 £591,789 MERU Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £11,361 £9,037,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £11,136 £1,742,656 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,184 £6,778,581 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,566 £1,766,145 THE HONEYPOT CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,208 £4,915,632 SPEAR Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £12,541 £590,656 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £21,089 £3,724,717 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £3,017 £1,683,450 ACTION FOR KIDS CHARITABLE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £20,439 £876,477 KEY4LIFE CIO Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £10,080 ST BASIL'S Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £1,630 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £2,474 £66,237,000 CRISIS Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
31/10/2021 £516 RICHARD HOUSE TRUST Unrestricted match funding payment to October 2021
10/08/2021 £40,000 £757,774 FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARIES A grant in support of the purchase of the Honresfield Library collection
10/08/2021 £1,040,469 £2,023,751 MYBNK Strategic Partnership over 3 years, supporting the delivery of the Money House programme - Year 1 of 3
10/08/2021 £210,000 £706,765 ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH NEUROLOGISTS AWP Fellowships - Year 1 of 3
10/08/2021 £135,139 £1,354,222 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Strategic Partnership, supporting the delivery of Street Elite Birmingham - Year 1 of 3
28/06/2021 £6,800 £608,036 LONDON MUSIC FUND An unrestricted donation to support their Big Give 10 year anniversary campaign
01/06/2021 £6,800 £608,036 MAYOR'S FUND FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS One-off grant in support of the Mayor's Fund for young Musicians
26/05/2021 £10,000 £10,144,000 HAVENS HOSPICES An unrestricted donation to support the hospice to care for those with a life limiting condition.
20/04/2021 £3,516 £175,028 HOPE FOR SOUTHALL STREET HOMELESS Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £4,602 £769,691 KEY4LIFE Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £4,938 £259,718 ST BASILS Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £106,691 HOME-START LONDON Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £45,747,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA FUND Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £2,937 £31,666,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £2,937 £127,186 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £2,937 £720,154 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £3,085 £11,628,274 DEMELZA HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £629,820 MERU Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £6,921,307 ELLENOR LIONS HOSPICES Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £917,850 THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £5,000 £4,592,783 SPEAR Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £667 £35,327,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £667 £176,761 TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £667 MOMENTUM CHILDREN'S CHARITY Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £1,484 £185,143 HOPE FOR SOUTHALL STREET HOMELESS Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £1,983 £3,195,564 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
20/04/2021 £1,829 £3,033,706 ACTION FOR CARERS SURREY Unrestricted donation to a charity match funding the amount raised by Berkeley Group staff
22/03/2021 £129,129 £16,586,927 ANNA FREUD NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES To develop the capacity of an established community charity to deliver high quality evidence informed mental health support for young people.
22/03/2021 £33,900 £297,000 HYDE CHARITABLE TRUST To provide an enhanced level of pre and post-transitional support to children moving from primary to secondary school in Kennington
22/03/2021 £150,000 £2,078,618 NEW HORIZON YOUTH CENTRE To support the management and running of a 40-bed hotel in Hounslow as a short stay accommodation option for young homeless people and those at immediate risk of becoming homeless.
10/03/2021 £20,000 £4,705,000 FIGHT FOR PEACE To develop the charity's youth leadership programme
10/03/2021 £6,420 WAYS INTO WORK A grant to provide mental health first aid training for staff in order to better support the clients they work with
15/01/2021 £15,000 £457,891 VAUXHALL CITY FARM Grant to enable the charity to renovate its riding arena in order to restart its Riding for the Disabled programme for children and young people with disabilities
15/01/2021 £20,000 £209,875 SETTLE Funding for a bespoke counselling service for young people on Settle's programmes who need further mental health support
22/12/2020 £19,445 WOMEN INTO CONSTRUCTION Funding to enable staff to return furlough to help the organisation continue to provide services
08/12/2020 £180,000 £71,964 RICHARD HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE Three year grant to support the practice development of the nursing staff at the hospice
08/12/2020 £10,000 £2,914,141 THE LORD MAYOR’S APPEAL A grant to support the chartiable objectives of the Lord Mayor's Appeal
08/12/2020 £150,000 £600 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TRIALS COLLABORATION Three year grant providing seed funding for clinical trials into living with and diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
08/12/2020 £107,760 £2,766,102 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Funding to support the expansion of Kitchen Social, providing food and activities for children at risk of food insecurity during the school holidays
13/11/2020 £10,000 £106,691 HOME-START LONDON One off unrestricted grant to help the charity with the impact of Covid-19 on its fundraising
13/11/2020 £16,819 £1,706,103 CITY GATEWAY Emergency funding to support a new online student hub and work experience offer
13/11/2020 £15,000 £1,109,384 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION One off unrestricted grant to help the charity with the impact of Covid-19 on its fundraising
13/11/2020 £15,000 £1,948,569 MYBNK One off unrestricted grant to help the charity with the impact of Covid-19 on its fundraising
13/11/2020 £15,000 £6,216,000 THE LORD'S TAVERNERS One off unrestricted grant to help the charity with the impact of Covid-19 on its fundraising
27/10/2020 £175,016 £1,109,384 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Three year grant to fund expansion of the programme into Ealing
08/09/2020 £3,000 £106,691 HOME-START LONDON Unrestricted donation to a charity nominated by the winner of a Berkeley Foundation Award
05/09/2020 £13,184 £439,688 SIR SIMON MILTON FOUNDATION A grant supporting the purchase and distribution of Christmas hampers for isolated and vulnerable people in Westminster.
03/09/2020 £40,112 £1,109,384 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION A one year grant, supporting a second year of the pilot of the Street Elite programme in Birmingham, which uses sport to support young people impacted by violence, crime and inequaity into sustained employment, education, or training.
25/08/2020 £102,335 £718,433 MAC-UK Community Investment Fund grant over two years supporting the deliver of an outreach service to improve excluded young people’s mental healthth in Barnet (part of the Improving Youth Mental Health funding programme).
25/08/2020 £120,000 £786,480 KHULISA Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting work in London schools to improve pupil wellbeing and resiliance (part of the Improving Youth Mental Health funding programme).
25/08/2020 £600,000 IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON Strategic Partnership over three years supporting STEM activities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in White City.
25/08/2020 £10,000 £176,576 ST MATTHEW’S PROJECT One-off grant supporting the recruitment of a Mental Health Outreach Worker
31/07/2020 £16,890 £807,818 MOMENTUM CHILDREN’S CHARITY Emergency funding enabling the charity to bring one of its key staff members back from furlough for one year, so they can continue to support families during the crisis. COVID19 related grant.
06/07/2020 £20,000 £15,760,008 ANNA FREUD NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES To help adapt the Centre's clinical services with the pilot of a new virtual peer support programme for the most vulnerable young people in UK schools. COVID19 related grant.
06/07/2020 £10,000 £279,451 NO5 YOUNG PEOPLE Additionl funding to support a remote counselling service for young people in Reading for a month during the lockdown period. COVID19 related grant.
06/07/2020 £15,000 £427,249 OARSOME CHANCE (OC) One-off grant in support of Oarsome Chance achieving its charitable objectives, funding additional staff costs related to increased demand. COVID19 related grant.
23/06/2020 £25,000 £1,229,059 THE ADVENTURE LEARNING CHARITY (LONGRIDGE) To support 100 young people to access Longridge and Green Park residentials in 2020-21
28/04/2020 £20,000 MAYOR'S FUND FOR LONDON Additionl funding to support the continued delivery of nine Kitchen Social hubs over four weeks during the lockdown period. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £106,691 HOME START LONDON One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £43,255,000 GUY'S AND ST THOMAS' CHARITY - EVELINA LONDON One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £31,666,000 NATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA FELLOWSHIP (RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS) One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £127,186 THE TRIANGLE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £807,818 MOMENTUM One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £11,628,274 DEMELZA HOUSE CHILDREN'S HOSPICE One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £175,028 HOPE FOR SOUTHALL STREET HOMELESS One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £629,820 MERU One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £8,403,000 HELEN & DOUGLAS HOUSE One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £1,436,166 ALEXANDER DEVINE CHILDREN'S CANCER TRUST One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £6,921,307 ELLENOR One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £917,850 THE HONEYPOT CHILDREN'S CHARITY One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £4,592,783 SPEAR HOUSING ASSOCIATION LTD One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £457,891 VAUXHALL CITY FARM One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £4,284,549 RAINBOW TRUST CHILDREN’S CHARITY One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £2,503,361 ACTION FOR KIDS CHARITABLE TRUST One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £951,062 KEY4LIFE CIO One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £18,309,407 THAMES REACH One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £2,920,364 ACTION FOR CARERS (SURREY) One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £10,000 £11,700,000 ST BASILS One-off unrestricted, emergency grant to support the Foundation's Designated Charities during the Covid-19 crisis. COVID19 related grant.
28/04/2020 £7,500 £786,480 KHULISA UK Emergency funding enabling the charity to bring one of its therapists back from furlough for two months, so they can increase their capacity to provide continued support to young people during the crisis. COVID19 related grant.
17/03/2020 £10,000 £3,691,416 THE LONDON WILDLIFE TRUST One-off unrestricted grant in support of The London Wildlife Trust's charitable services to protect the capital's wildlife and wild spaces.
20/02/2020 £10,000 £92,866,000 ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BLIND PEOPLE (RNIB) One-off unrestricted grant in support of RNIB's charitable services helping people live with sight loss.
05/02/2020 £40,000 £651,665 FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARIES One-off grant supporting the charitable objectives of Friends of the National Libraries within London, Birmingham and the South East.
05/02/2020 £10,000 £586,466 GILBERT WHITE AND THE OATES COLLECTIONS One-off grant supporting the engagement of young people in the Charity's work and collections.
19/12/2019 £10,000 £4,492,056 RAYS OF SUNSHINE CHILDREN'S CHARITY One-off grant in support of Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity achieving its charitable objectives.
22/11/2019 £13,000 £142,356 ST. MATTHEW'S PROJECT Capacity building grant supporting consultancy costs for the development of a long-term financial sustainability strategy.
21/11/2019 £10,000 £380,792 JEWISH VOLUNTEERING NETWORK One-off unrestricted grant in support of the charitable objectives of The Jewish Volunteering Network.
06/11/2019 £29,368 HIGH TREES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting the delivery of an 8-week life coaching programme with young people at risk of school exclusion in Lambeth (Skills for Positive Futures funding programme).
06/11/2019 £85,217 £279,451 NO5 YOUNG PEOPLE Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting the design and delivery of a new support programme for young people at risk of school exclusion in Reading (Skills for Positive Futures funding programme).
06/11/2019 £88,613 £1,058,989 CHANCE UK Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting the delivery of a 9-month mentoring programme for young people at risk of school exclusion in Southwark (Skills for Positive Futures funding programme).
06/11/2019 £59,902 £621,279 SKYWAY CHARITY Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting the delivery of a new family support programme and detached youth work with young people at risk of school exclusion in Hackney (Skills for Positive Futures funding programme).
06/11/2019 £78,000 £427,249 OARSOME CHANCE (OC) Community Investment Fund grant over three years supporting the development of a mental health support programme, alongside outdoor learning activities, for young people at risk of school exclusion in Hampshire (Skills for Positive Futures funding programme).
04/11/2019 £12,050 £187,314 FREE TO BE KIDS Capacity building grant supporting the development of a central database to manage volunteer and children’s records.
09/10/2019 £10,000 £1,109,384 THE CHANGE FOUNDATION Capacity building grant supporting the recruitment of the Charity's first Communications and Events Officer.
Show more rows
Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£1,072,184 MYBNK
£479,049 CRISIS
£162,500 KHULISA
£152,013 ST BASILS
£107,335 MAC-UK LTD
£104,384 DEMELZA
£100,217 NO 5 YOUNG PEOPLE
£93,613 CHANCE UK
£72,473 SPEAR
£59,704 KEY4LIFE CIO
£39,992 MENCAP
£33,000 SISTER SYSTEM Transforming Lives: Improving Mental Health
£33,000 BELEVE UK
£31,998 BREADWINNERS FOUNDATION Transforming Lives: Refugees
£26,207 MERU
£20,000 SETTLE
£12,050 FREE TO BE KIDS Transforming Lives: Improving Mental Health
£10,080 ST BASIL'S
£4,938 ST BASILS
Show more rows

Data sourced via 360 Giving

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Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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