The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£81,000 |
36 |
Core running costs.
Community Foundations for Lancashire & Merseyside - Supporting Mental Well-Being |
£2,500 |
10 |
To host a monthly get together for 10 months, the money will allow for the hire of a mini bus, purchase of food, and venue hire to bring together isolated local residents.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (2 Years) award |
£30,000 |
24 |
Older peoples Befriending Service
Charles Hayward Foundation - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£4,000 |
Befriending services for older people
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends & Neighbours |
£196,440 |
60 |
£196,440 over 5 years (£40,840; £36,980; £39,340; £39,440; £39,840) for salary, volunteers’ expenses and management costs.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends & Neighbours |
£32,576 |
£32,576 to fund the essential and urgent costs outlined in the application, so that the organisation can carry on providing support to Londoners.
National Lottery Community Fund - Covid 19 Telebuddy Scheme |
£5,813 |
4 |
The funding will be used to run a telephone befriending service for older people.
CAF - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends And Neighbours |
£5,000 |
3 |
Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends And Neighbours to support the organisation through COVID19
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£150,000 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a project providing befriending, advocacy and support for older people in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Garfield Weston Foundation - Multi-Year Grant (3 Years) award |
£30,000 |
36 |
Older Peoples Befriending Project
London Catalyst - Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours - 3 |
£3,000 |
Befriending and Advocacy Improves Lives (BAIL)
National Lottery Community Fund - Activities for Health in Elders |
£10,000 |
12 |
The funding will be used to provide practical and emotional support to older people. The project aims to improve mental and physical wellbeing for people living in social isolation.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£2,967 |
We want to befriend lonely older people, visit them on a regular basis and take them outings so they can make new friends and reconnect.
National Lottery Community Fund - Befriending & Advocacy Project |
£293,378 |
36 |
A project to support isolated older people, including those with complex physical and mental health problems, such as dementia and depression. The scheme will offer long-term befriending support at home and access to well-being activities, including
A project to support isolated older people, including those with complex physical and mental health problems, such as dementia and depression. The scheme will offer long-term befriending support at home and access to well-being activities, including chair based exercises and walking, and reminiscence activities such as developing a memory box, organising a photo album and listening to old music. The scheme will also provide advocacy,healthy eating, support with sleeping patterns and reducing falls.
Tudor Trust - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends & Neighbours |
£45,000 |
24 |
over two years as continuation funding towards core costs, including salaries, for a charity providing older people with befriending and advocacy support in Tower Hamlets, East London
Dunhill Medical Trust - Befriending and Advocacy Service |
£93,528 |
36 |
Befriending and Advocacy Service for older people, to ensure older people in LB Tower Hamlets are not alone, have the opportunity to go out and meet other people, and have access to health care and support when they need it.
London Catalyst - Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours - 2 |
£8,000 |
Core costs - assessment of the impact of loneliness on health amongst the elderly
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£79,500 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a befriending and healthcare project for older people in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Nationwide Foundation - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends & Neighbours |
£4,910 |
Salary costs of befriending workers who provide financial and housing advice to isolated and vulnerable older people.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Tower Hamlets Friends and Neighbours |
£36,900 |
the salary of the Volunteer Co-ordinator and associated costs (recruitment, CRB, training, travel and office costs)