National Lottery Community Fund - ADHD Sleep Support Hub For Adults |
£10,000 |
The funding will be used to work with adults with lived experience of ADHD and sleep issues to develop a range of online support. The aim is to improve sleep and wellbeing whilst reducing feelings of isolation.
National Lottery Community Fund - Sleep Talkers: Wales |
£10,000 |
The Sleep Charity will provide a conference and training opportunities to enable parents and professionals from across Wales to better support children with sleep problems. £10000 will fund staffing venue hire travel training resources and
The Sleep Charity will provide a conference and training opportunities to enable parents and professionals from across Wales to better support children with sleep problems. £10000 will fund staffing venue hire travel training resources and marketing costs. Bydd The Sleep Charity yn darparu cynhadledd a chyfleoedd hyfforddiant i alluogi rhieni a gweithwyr proffesiynol ledled Cymru i gefnogi plant â phroblemau cysgu yn well. Bydd £10000 yn talu am staff llogi lleoliad teithio adnoddau hyfforddiant a chostau marchnata.
National Lottery Community Fund - The Sleep Talkers Project |
£254,538 |
The funding will be used by the group over 2 years to deliver services to support community members facing sleep problems. The charity will develop a national network of volunteer ‘Sleep Talkers' who will provide responsive and evidence-based
The funding will be used by the group over 2 years to deliver services to support community members facing sleep problems. The charity will develop a national network of volunteer ‘Sleep Talkers' who will provide responsive and evidence-based advice to people who have difficulty sleeping. This is a national wellbeing project which will be focused on specific groups of beneficiaries including families with a disabled child BAME families and older people.
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£9,850 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
Masonic Trust - MCF Small Grant |
£15,000 |
Unrestricted core funding for small charities
The Fore - Grant to The Sleep Charity |
£30,000 |
12 |
The Sleep Charity is an award-winning national charity supporting children with sleep issues. Lack of sleep, particularly on a sustained basis, can have an immense impact on children and their families. It can damage physical and mental health,
The Sleep Charity is an award-winning national charity supporting children with sleep issues. Lack of sleep, particularly on a sustained basis, can have an immense impact on children and their families. It can damage physical and mental health, emotional development and educational attainment. The Sleep Charity provides support to families and carers, and accredited training to professionals and other organisations. The Sleep Charity uses a clinically proven behavioural approach, training families and professionals to work with the children. The Sleep Charity is using funding from The Fore to prepare its delivery model for scale in order to meet demand for its services.
National Lottery Community Fund - Sleep Support for Lincolnshire Communities |
£280,161 |
35 |
The funding will deliver countywide sleep support to children, young people and their families, with the aim of addressing sleep issues at the earliest possible stage and avoiding long term serious sleep disorders. Information days, drop-in clinics
The funding will deliver countywide sleep support to children, young people and their families, with the aim of addressing sleep issues at the earliest possible stage and avoiding long term serious sleep disorders. Information days, drop-in clinics and one to one support programmes will take place, as well as developing a network of volunteers and peer support workers.
National Lottery Community Fund - North Yorkshire Sleep Better |
£9,904 |
12 |
The funding will be used to deliver an early intervention programme for families to tackle sleep issues. The project aims to provide support and train practitioners in order to prevent sleep issues from developing and escalating.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£10,000 |
Core Costs
Woodward Charitable Trust - Travel and training costs of the volunteers. |
£950 |
Towards travel and training costs of the volunteers.
National Lottery Community Fund - Sleep Well Wales |
£10,000 |
12 |
Project Summary :_x000D_
The Children's Sleep Charity will use the grant to run a series of workshops and a day event for disadvantaged families and children who are facing sleep issues within Flintshire._x000D_
What Money is for :_x000D_
This grant
Project Summary :_x000D_
The Children's Sleep Charity will use the grant to run a series of workshops and a day event for disadvantaged families and children who are facing sleep issues within Flintshire._x000D_
What Money is for :_x000D_
This grant for £10,000 will fund venue hire, refreshments, printing, sleep practitioner fees, admin support, travel, accommodation, supervision, marketing, and translation costs.
National Lottery Community Fund - Sleep Well West Yorkshire |
£9,952 |
12 |
The group will provide a series of sleep clinics for people and families with sleeping issues, where they will receive relevant support with regards to regular sleep patterns, with the aim of addressing the issues of sleep deprivation and associated
The group will provide a series of sleep clinics for people and families with sleeping issues, where they will receive relevant support with regards to regular sleep patterns, with the aim of addressing the issues of sleep deprivation and associated poor behaviour.
National Lottery Community Fund - North East Lincs Sleep Support Service |
£10,000 |
12 |
This project will offer sleep workshops and sleep clinics for parents of children who have sleep issues. This will provide access to sleep advice for deprived families, improving educational achievements and behaviour amongst children and reducing
This project will offer sleep workshops and sleep clinics for parents of children who have sleep issues. This will provide access to sleep advice for deprived families, improving educational achievements and behaviour amongst children and reducing stress amongst local parents.
John Ellerman Foundation - Towards salary costs of CEO |
£90,000 |
36 |
Towards the salary costs of the CEO to expand their support to families with children who have sleep difficulties.
Masonic Trust - Core funding |
£5,000 |
Provides advice, information and training for families with children with sleep issues.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Sleep School for Tired Teens |
£25,000 |
12 |
The Children’s Sleep Charity plans to work with schools in Yorkshire and Humberside to provide information and support for teenagers who are sleep deprived. By increasing good quality sleep, the project aims to improve young people’s health and
The Children’s Sleep Charity plans to work with schools in Yorkshire and Humberside to provide information and support for teenagers who are sleep deprived. By increasing good quality sleep, the project aims to improve young people’s health and wellbeing. Support will be delivered by trained sleep practitioners through workshops, drop-in sessions or one-to-one. This will include support for parents and carers. PHF funding will pay for staff cost and production of materials.