Finance Score: -10
Governance Score: 8
Support Score: 6
  • Multiple Deficits and declines: -5
  • Fundraising costs high: -5
  • No PartB
  • 12+ Trustees: -1
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Grant maker support: +6
Overall GiG Score: 4 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from several prominent grant makers recently
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition
  • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • There are 14 trustees whereas the Charities Commission recommends a maximum of 12

Financial issues to consider:

  • Income has been volatile and on several occasions in recent years less than spending
  • Fundraising costs are extremely high relative to funds raised
Financial Data
Income & Spending ?
Period ending 31/12/17 31/12/18 31/12/19 31/12/20 31/12/21 31/12/22
Charitable activities £685
Donations & Legacies £2,290,618 £1,869,903 £1,506,032 £1,508,065
Other Income £400 £1,017
Investment Income £7,291 £11,028 £6,351 £1,447 £4,330
Total income £1,784,765 £2,508,444 £2,760,697 £1,681,781 £1,799,513 £1,701,745
Charitable activities spending £1,044,715 £1,270,067 £1,183,919 £1,040,185 £1,165,839
Fundraising costs 31% 28% 45% 38% 38% 53%
Other spending
Total spending £2,181,096 £1,754,837 £2,507,071 £1,821,503 £1,726,121 £2,073,672
Surplus/deficit -£396,331 £753,607 £253,626 -£139,722 £73,392 -£371,927
Established: 32 years
Scottish Charity RegulatorCompanies House
Listed activities
  • It makes grants, donations, loans, gifts or pensions to individuals
  • It makes grants, donations or gifts to organisations
  • It carries out activities or services itself
GiG Classification
  • General hospitals
  • The advancement of health
  • The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Where it operates
  • One or a few bases or facilities serving people who come from a broad area, main operating location: City of Edinburgh
  • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation
Who it helps
  • Children or young people
  • People with disabilities or health problems

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
Scottish Government£98,500
BBC Children in Need£30,061
National Lottery Community Fund£30,000
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust£8,000
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£1,240 21/10/2023
We would like funding for our ECHC Children's Wellbeing Programme. This uses art, youth work and family support to improve children's emotional wellbeing and bring fun to clinical environments.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£1,189 22/10/2022
We aim to support young people in hospital struggling with their mental health; helping them to build resilience, confidence and positive relationships with care teams to enable their recovery.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£500 20/10/2022
‘Cost of Living uplift: £500 to help projects meet their rising costs and respond to increased demand 31/10/2022’
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting Children's Wellbeing in Hospital
£10,000 11/08/2021
This group will use the funding to deliver their Children’s Wellbeing Programme in Edinburgh Royal Hospital working with 2000 children and young people with long term chronic conditions or with ....more
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£29,561 30/07/2021
Support for seriously ill children and young people in hospital, via a range of individual and group support and activities. They will have improved emotional wellbeing and relationships, and feel ....more
Foundation Scotland - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£5,000 12/10/2020
To fund 8 laptops and 1 Mac book to enhance remote, flexible working and enabling ECHC to deliver zoom group sessions for young people and art sessions to support children in hospital and at home
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust - Children with Neurological Conditions in Hospital
£8,000 09/07/2020
Funding will provide additional help through hospital based youth work, family support service and arts and activities programme. This funding will help children and families cope with their ....more
Scottish Government - Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£98,500 15/05/2020
Detailed description not provided.
National Lottery Community Fund - Reducing Isolation of Children in Hospital
£10,000 28/04/2020
This group will use the funding to offer additional support to vulnerable children and families shielding due to ongoing health conditions.
National Lottery Community Fund - Complementary Therapy Service for Children in Hospital and their Families
£10,000 16/01/2020
This project will continue to provide a complementary therapy service to children and young people who receive treatment at Edinburgh's Royal Hospital for Sick Children, and their families/carers.
Robertson Trust - the Capital Appeal for the New Children's Hospital in Edinburgh
£250,000 30/04/2015
the Capital Appeal for the New Children's Hospital in Edinburgh
Foundation Scotland - Grant to Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity
£1,000 10/07/2013
To contribute towards the cost of buying a Gamma Camera which will help to test the function of organs in sick children.
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Directors (14)
Current Directors appointed
Gender Split
Based on 12/14 persons

Age Range of Directors: 20-67
Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in Scotland on 07/12/1992, number: SC020862
  • Registered at Companies House on 08/09/2010, number: SC385020
Filing Record
5 returns made; all on time
Main office

, EH16 4TJ


The objects of the Charity are:- (a) to support the aims and work of the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh on its present or any other site on which it may operate in the future ('the Hospital') and to relieve the sickness, ill health, distress and suffering of children who are patients in the Hospital and in the community.

Data Sources

Scottish Charity Regulator
360 Giving
Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

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Giving is Great