Finance Score: 0
Governance Score: 9
Support Score: 6
  • No PartB
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Overall weighted support: +6
Overall GiG Score: 15 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from a grant maker recently
  • There have been no income shortfalls in recent years
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition
  • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation
Financial Data
Income & Spending ?
Period ending 31/03/18 31/03/19 31/03/20 31/03/21 31/03/22 31/03/23
Charitable activities £458,785 £406,473 £398,222 £553,421 £553,421 £230,453
Donations & Legacies £11,769 £7,988 £15,325 £4,973 £4,973
Other Income £20
Investment Income £46 £234 £390 £140 £140 £1,814
Total income £470,600 £414,695 £413,937 £558,534 £558,534 £477,049
Charitable activities spending £369,593 £394,302 £409,451 £444,108 £444,108 £418,570
Fundraising costs
Other spending
Total spending £369,593 £394,302 £409,451 £444,108 £444,108 £418,570
Surplus/deficit £101,007 £20,393 £4,486 £114,426 £114,426 £58,479
Established: 41 years
Scottish Charity RegulatorCompanies House
Listed activities
  • It carries out activities or services itself
GiG Classification
  • Emotional support, counselling or therapy
  • The prevention or relief of poverty
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of health','the advancement of citizenship or community development','the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended','the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
Where it operates
  • City of Edinburgh
  • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation
Who it helps
  • Children or young people

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
Tudor Trust£92,000
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust£30,000
Garfield Weston Foundation£15,000
National Lottery Community Fund£8,261
Scottish Government£5,507
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Tudor Trust - Grant to Pilton Youth & Children's Project
£90,000 24/04/2020
over three years towards core costs at a charity working with children and young people in the Pilton and Muirhouse areas of Edinburgh
Tudor Trust - Grant to Pilton Youth & Children's Project
£2,000 03/02/2021
as an additional grant to support staff, volunteer and trustee wellbeing, to assist the organisation deliver its charitable purpose more effectively
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust - Child and Family Support
£30,000 27/05/2020
A support project aimed at children aged 5 to 8 and their parents, designed to address risk of abuse and neglect through creative, tailored approaches to help overcome disadvantage, build resilience ....more
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award
£15,000 22/05/2020
Pilton Youth and Children's Project - Core Funding
Scottish Government - Pilton Youth and Children's Project
£5,507 06/05/2020
Detailed description not provided.
National Lottery Community Fund - Youth Shop- Teen Boutique
£8,261 25/03/2020
This group will develop a second hand pop-up clothes shop set up both for and run by young people in Pilton, North West Edinburgh.
Virgin Money Foundation - Grant to Pilton Youth & Children's Project
£500 19/03/2019
Grant through the Heart of the Community Fund used to provide hot healthy meals for children during their school holiday programme.
DCMS - Tampon Tax Community Fund
£10,000 04/03/2019
We aim to have improved access to local services and uptake of activities for girls and young woman in the programme. Outcome- 20 young girls become members of the local gym. 70% of girls and young ....more
Women's Fund for Scotland - Girls Succeed In Life
£10,000 10/12/2018
to contribute towards delivering the Girls Succeed in Life programme.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Pilton Youth & Children's Project
£81,918 23/10/2018
Outdoor adventurous play activities for children living in an area that has multiple challenges. They will develop their self-esteem and resilience, learn a safe approach to risk, improve ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - GAMES Girls Are Making Everything Sporty
£9,354 27/04/2018
This group will use the funding to run a sports and wellbeing programme for young girls and women aged between 10-24 years living in Pilton in the north west of Edinburgh.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award
£20,000 26/04/2018
Core costs
Robertson Trust - FACE: North - Alternatives to Crime in Edinburgh
£60,000 21/03/2017
FACE: North - Alternatives to Crime in Edinburgh
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust - EARLY LINKS
£31,425 25/11/2015
To set up an "early links worker" to focus on the 8 to 12 age group, helping young people in need be more included in activities, providing preventative based 1;1 support, with a particular ....more
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Directors (8)
Current Directors appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Directors: 35-62
  • GRAY, Stephanie
    Appointed: 2022
    Occupation: Head Of Fiscal Sustainability Unit
Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in Scotland on 05/10/1983, number: SC003353
  • Registered at Companies House on 25/05/2000, number: SC207455
Filing Record
5 returns made; all on time
Main office

The Greenhouse, 33 West Pilton Brae, Edinburgh, EH4 4BH


(1) To promote the care of children and young people residing in North Edinburgh (the Operating Area) and, in particular, those in necessitous circumstances, with a view to improving their conditions of life. (2) To advance education among children and young people who are residents of the Operating Area and, in particular, so as to develop their physical, mental and social capacities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. (3) To provide facilities within the Operating Area for recreation and other leisure time occupation available to children and young people with a view to improving their conditions of life. (4) To promote, establish, operate, and/or support other schemes of a charitable nature for the benefit of the residents of the Operating Area.

Data Sources

Scottish Charity Regulator
360 Giving

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Giving is Great