The Legal Education Foundation - Fostering understanding and participation in Wales’ ongoing constitutional discussion |
£125,000 |
Research and engagement with civil society on key constitutional developments affecting Wales, such as consequences of Brexit and approaches to devolution.
Friends Provident Foundation - IWA Core 2022 |
£100,000 |
The IWA is an independent Welsh think tank, developing politically independent ideas to make Wales better. Our vision is to help create a Wales where everyone can flourish. Since its inception in 1987, the IWA has been at the forefront of
The IWA is an independent Welsh think tank, developing politically independent ideas to make Wales better. Our vision is to help create a Wales where everyone can flourish. Since its inception in 1987, the IWA has been at the forefront of conversation in Wales, developing and publishing insightful, high-quality content relating to our various areas of interest. We work collaboratively and across sectors to provide constructive public commentary on issues of relevance to Wales. We are described by partners as a trusted, credible convenor of conversation.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Institute of Welsh Affairs |
£135,084 |
Media in Wales
Friends Provident Foundation - Institute of Welsh Affairs Re-energising Wales - promising ideas fund |
£9,000 |
Follow on work to extend the reach of the previous 3 year grant of the same name funded by us
Friends Provident Foundation - Institute of Welsh Affairs-Core funding |
£100,000 |
The IWA is Wales' leading independent think tank, with a track record of shaping debates and influencing change in Wales through policy research, publications, and agenda-setting events. Our recent policy work has been funded on a per-project basis.
The IWA is Wales' leading independent think tank, with a track record of shaping debates and influencing change in Wales through policy research, publications, and agenda-setting events. Our recent policy work has been funded on a per-project basis. We want to increase our core capacity to: 1. Develop, deliver and communicate high quality, responsive economic policy analysis and influencing 2. Run economic policy events with communities and partners to develop and share our intelligence on what matters most in enabling successful local economies 3. Resource the development of future policy research projects This will help ensure communities in Wales benefit from an economic policy framework informed by their needs and aspirations.
National Lottery Community Fund - COVID-19 - Rethinking Wales: Communities |
£10,000 |
12 |
Institute of Welsh Affairs in Cardiff will help to develop the policy responses for Wales once the immediate COVID-19 crisis has passed. £10000 will fund staff and a contribution to running costs. Bydd Sefydliad Materion Cymru yng Nghaerdydd yn
Institute of Welsh Affairs in Cardiff will help to develop the policy responses for Wales once the immediate COVID-19 crisis has passed. £10000 will fund staff and a contribution to running costs. Bydd Sefydliad Materion Cymru yng Nghaerdydd yn helpu i ddatblygu ymatebion polisi Cymru unwaith y bydd argyfwng uniongyrchol COVID-19 wedi mynd heibio. Bydd £10000 yn ariannu staff ac yn cyfrannu at gostau rhedeg y sefydliad.
Friends Provident Foundation - Institute of Welsh Affairs -Our Land |
£10,000 |
This short piece of work will fund engagement with key stakeholders to explore attitudes and motivations around and barriers and enablers of community involvement in land use. It will focus on landowners (public and private); policy makers (national
This short piece of work will fund engagement with key stakeholders to explore attitudes and motivations around and barriers and enablers of community involvement in land use. It will focus on landowners (public and private); policy makers (national & local); and community organisations. The end output will be a report and launch event which brings participants together, sets out the areas of consensus, and seeks a way forward on those issues where there is not. They would use this to put together a larger proposal and as the basis for engagement with the 2021 Assembly elections.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Institute of Welsh Affairs |
£15,000 |
9 |
Towards Our Land: support to scope and develop a project
Friends Provident Foundation - Institute of Welsh Affairs - Re-Energising Wales |
£75,000 |
Re-Energising Wales is a project to re-energise the Welsh economy by developing Wales' comparative advantages in renewable energy. The IWA is seeking support to devise a practical blueprint for making Wales a net exporter of renewable energy,
Re-Energising Wales is a project to re-energise the Welsh economy by developing Wales' comparative advantages in renewable energy. The IWA is seeking support to devise a practical blueprint for making Wales a net exporter of renewable energy, setting an example within the UK and internationally. The project is divided into a range of work packages to deliver clear outcomes, primarily a number of economic focused work packages which provide a detailed assessment of the economic green growth potential of developing a robust, fit-for purpose, modern and sustainable renewable energy supply for Wales. The project will provide a fully worked out plan to enable Wales to meet its projected energy demands entirely from renewable sources by 2035.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Institute of Welsh Affairs |
£20,000 |
Towards core costs of an organisation that promotes the economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing of people in Wales.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Institute of Welsh Affairs |
£90,000 |
Towards the salary of a research officer.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Institute of Welsh Affairs |
£75,000 |
36 |
Towards Core costs Towards the salary of a junior researcher.