Finance Score: 2
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 5
  • Strong growth: +2
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • Grant maker support: +5
    Overall GiG Score: 7 ?


    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • There has been strong growth in spending since inception
    • There have been no income shortfalls in recent years
    • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers
    • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation
    Financial Data
    Income & Spending ?
    Period ending 31/03/19 31/03/20 31/03/21 31/03/22 31/03/23
    Charitable activities £1,235,555
    Donations & Legacies £282,975 £240,767 £863
    Other Income £465 £3,744 £5,137
    Investment Income
    Total income £283,440 £177,814 £300,886 £451,591 £1,293,686
    Charitable activities spending £7,085 £193,473 £378,077
    Fundraising costs
    Other spending
    Total spending £7,085 £114,059 £193,473 £275,002 £378,077
    Surplus/deficit £276,355 £63,755 £107,413 £176,589 £915,609
    Established: 6 years
    Scottish Charity Regulator
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • It carries out activities or services itself
    GiG Classification
    • Financial or material assistance
    • The prevention or relief of poverty
    • The advancement of citizenship or community development
    • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science','the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
    Where it operates
    • Glasgow City
    • This charity is based in an area of high deprivation
    Who it helps
    • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Major supporters in last 5 years
    National Lottery Community Fund£1,100,000
    Scottish Government£210,266
    Foundation Scotland£5,000
    Co-Operative Group£843
    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    Co-Operative Group - Grant to The Pyramid at Anderston
    £843 23/10/2021
    We aim to hold a regular monthly community meal with activities to bring people together, along with a community shop stocking essentials for those who need them.
    Scottish Government - The Pyramid at Anderston
    £75,000 07/04/2021
    Detailed description not provided.
    Foundation Scotland - Grant to The Pyramid at Anderston
    £5,000 08/03/2021
    To enable them to them to continue to deliver their monthly pop-up service, and their weekly food share project which provides individuals with fresh produce and essential items.
    Scottish Government - The Pyramid at Anderston
    £25,000 04/02/2021
    Detailed description not provided.
    National Lottery Community Fund - Community Phase Improvements
    £1,100,000 18/06/2020
    This group will deliver a phased refurbishment of the Pyramid at Anderston (formerly Anderston Kelvingrove Parish Church). The grant will be used to fund phase 1 which will refurbish community spaces ....more
    Scottish Government - The Pyramid at Anderston
    £56,670 26/05/2020
    Detailed description not provided.
    Scottish Government - The Pyramid at Anderston
    £53,596 16/04/2020
    Detailed description not provided.
    National Lottery Community Fund - The Pyramid at Anderston Development Project (Dev Grant)
    £16,652 15/03/2019
    The Pyramid at Anderston Development Project
    Show more rows

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in Scotland on 19/02/2018, number: SC048144
    Filing Record
    4 returns made; all on time
    Main office

    , G3 8DS


    The organisation's main purpose is consistent with furthering the achievement of sustainable development. The organisation?s purposes are: To prevent and relieve poverty. To advance citizenship and community development. To advance the arts, heritage and culture. To provide recreational facilities and organise recreational activities for members of the public in order to reduce isolation and to improve well-being and confidence. and to bring together people from different social, generational, cultural and religious backgrounds. Activities are primarily intended for people who have need of them by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. and for members of the public.

    Data Sources

    Scottish Charity Regulator
    360 Giving
    Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

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    Giving is Great