BBC Children in Need - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£500 |
0 |
‘Cost of Living uplift: £500 to help projects meet their rising costs and respond to increased demand 31/10/2022’
The Coalfields Regeneration Trust - Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£2,000 |
The funding is for the cost of food for 4 months for a food bank service.
The Coalfields Regeneration Trust - Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£2,500 |
The funding will pay for additional supplies of food and essential items for our foodbank to try and assist in providing bags of food that will provide a meal to households and also to purchase essential items such as toiletries that are in short
The funding will pay for additional supplies of food and essential items for our foodbank to try and assist in providing bags of food that will provide a meal to households and also to purchase essential items such as toiletries that are in short supply. In recent months we have struggled to have supplies of bottled sauces, toilet rolls and milk to name a few, we therefore know that this grant would have a significant impact in the quality of the food parcels we are able to distribute to those that engage in our service and provide the ingredients to make full meals for those in receipt of our parcels.
National Lottery Community Fund - Kinaole |
£435,517 |
36 |
The organisation will use the funding to continue their work with post-abuse clients training people in how to handle boats to improve teamwork as well as a new strand of group work around mental health.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£29,991 |
This project will continue their 'tea time club' which provides creative activity sessions for disabled young people and those with additional learning needs. Young people will experience an improvement in mental health and wellbeing and reduced
This project will continue their 'tea time club' which provides creative activity sessions for disabled young people and those with additional learning needs. Young people will experience an improvement in mental health and wellbeing and reduced anxiety.
National Lottery Community Fund - HAVEN (Helping all Vulnerable Engage Now) |
£88,059 |
6 |
The funding will provide support for people experiencing mental distress and/or social isolation survivors of abuse and their families and refugees/asylum seekers other BAME disadvantaged groups.
£5,000 |
NET, Comic Relief and Children in Need will use this funding to provide: increased support to vulnerable people and hidden groups, thus reducing the burden on public services; reach local grassroots and small organisations who can provide an
NET, Comic Relief and Children in Need will use this funding to provide: increased support to vulnerable people and hidden groups, thus reducing the burden on public services; reach local grassroots and small organisations who can provide an on-the-ground community response to the crisis; and, support local charitable organisations to mobilise volunteers to enable better targeted support in communities through empowered local groups.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£3,483 |
6 |
COVID19 - This grant will fund activity pack for children with learning disabilities experiencing anxiety due to Covid-19. Activity packs will help them manage their feelings, improve family relationships and increase confidence.
CAF - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£5,000 |
3 |
Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre to support the organisation through COVID19
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£10,460 |
We want to fund and maintain our canal boats to provide training, volunteering and leisure opportunities for people in the local community.
National Lottery Community Fund - Creative Crafters |
£9,998 |
12 |
The aim of the project is to reduce social isolation in the community through activities and socialising with others.The funding will be used to deliver therapeutic art and craft sessions for people dealing with mental health issues, older members
The aim of the project is to reduce social isolation in the community through activities and socialising with others.The funding will be used to deliver therapeutic art and craft sessions for people dealing with mental health issues, older members of the community and people with disabilities.
DCMS - Tampon Tax Community Fund |
£9,089 |
From formal evaluations, innumerable informal conversations, feedback from partners and ongoing contact with service users past and present, we know that our activities have a long-term impact on people's lives and positive outcomes in improving
From formal evaluations, innumerable informal conversations, feedback from partners and ongoing contact with service users past and present, we know that our activities have a long-term impact on people's lives and positive outcomes in improving mental health. Advocacy, Support and Therapeutic interventions enable those accessing our services to ultimately lead more independent, socially inclusive lives; building confidence and providing the knowledge, tools and coping mechanisms to support this. Through providing a dedicated worker we can support group activities and provide one-to-one support on an outreach basis. This member of the team will work with individuals to identify their needs, offer direct support and advocates on their behalf. For a number of clients suffering from mental health issues following sexual and physical violence leaving their home and accessing support is a barrier to their recovery, by accompanying people to access help we will see clients feel less lonely and isolated. Examples of other areas of support will include assisting clients with housing, debt advice, benefit appointments and support through best evidence interviews and the journey through the judicial process. Activities including specialised therapy and utilising art and craft as a therapeutic tool which can help people cope with difficulties and stress, speed up the recovery process anddevelop self-awareness and self-esteem The benefits of accessing the above are an improved quality of life and social skills, a better ability to manage behaviours and/or symptoms and solve problems by looking at situations and issues with a different perspective. Moving forward the legacy will be in the sharing of experiences, mentoring others and being able to access volunteering opportunities and employment. We will also see a number of people coming forward to access justice
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£29,997 |
36 |
This project will deliver a range of creative, environmental and therapeutic after school sessions to young people with a learning disability. The activities will build upon speaking and listening skills, improve confidence and increase
This project will deliver a range of creative, environmental and therapeutic after school sessions to young people with a learning disability. The activities will build upon speaking and listening skills, improve confidence and increase participation.
National Lottery Community Fund - Connecting Communities |
£9,993 |
12 |
The group will train local people to be able to operate a narrow boat and also train them to deliver learning opportunities to vulnerable people. This will increase their skills, confidence and self esteem.
National Lottery Community Fund - Learning @ The Lock |
£350,118 |
36 |
The project will run a range of activities to meet the needs of groups/individuals experiencing disadvantage. Activities will promote health and well-being and enable service users to build their life up again through practical and emotional
The project will run a range of activities to meet the needs of groups/individuals experiencing disadvantage. Activities will promote health and well-being and enable service users to build their life up again through practical and emotional support. Issues such as grooming on and off line/ internet safety, substance misuse and gang culture will also be covered and youth workers will be sign posting and accompanying young people to local sexual health clinics.
National Lottery Community Fund - S4fe2cre8 |
£10,000 |
12 |
The organisation will use funding to deliver after school and holiday urban art workshops, culminating in an exhibition of work, for children and young people in the community. This will provide beneficiaries with structured, positive things to do
The organisation will use funding to deliver after school and holiday urban art workshops, culminating in an exhibition of work, for children and young people in the community. This will provide beneficiaries with structured, positive things to do out of school hours, with the aim of reducing antisocial behaviour and gang related crime in the area.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£150,000 |
36 |
Towards core costs to explore work with new groups that could benefit from the varied services provided at Swinton Lock, and continued support to marginalised groups and individuals from south Yorkshire.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£83,000 |
36 |
towards three years' salary of a Youth Worker at a canal boating based activity centre in South Yorkshire that works with vulnerable young people
Woodward Charitable Trust - Train young people to design, implement and deliver wildlife programmes |
£1,000 |
Towards training young people to design, implement and deliver wildlife and environmental programmes to the most vulnerable members of the community.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Swinton Lock Activity Centre |
£21,000 |
the salary and on-costs of the Young People's Activity Co-ordinator, sessional tutors, materials, volunteer expenses, publicity and centre overheads (heating, rent and lighting)
National Lottery Community Fund - Get Wild @ the Lock |
£120,001 |
36 |
This project will provide outdoor activities for residents of all ages and abilities to help them develop a more active lifestyle and become more involved and aware of wildlife and the environment. There will also be opportunities to become involved
This project will provide outdoor activities for residents of all ages and abilities to help them develop a more active lifestyle and become more involved and aware of wildlife and the environment. There will also be opportunities to become involved in volunteering activities. The project will be delivered from the organisations base at Swinton Lock in South Yorkshire. The project will encourage unemployed adults, disaffected children and young people to participate together in learning experiences.