Finance Score: -2
Governance Score: 3
Support Score: 6
  • Reasonable growth: +1
  • Volatile income: -3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Grant maker support: +6
Overall GiG Score: 7 ?


Grant making
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from multiple prominent grant makers recently
  • This charity has an endowment fund which generates most of its income
  • There has been reasonable growth in spending over the last 3 years relative to the previous period, despite a decline more recently
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of gender

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • This charity only provides its support via other charities
  • One or more trustees receive payments or benefits from the charity for providing services to the charity

Financial issues to consider:

  • Income has been volatile recently

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 0%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 0%
Highest pay band: Less than £60,000
Liabilities/Assets: 12%
Liabilities/Income: 83%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 0%
Reserves/Spending: 0 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 7 months
Quick Ratio: 1.9
Asset Split ?
Established: 25 years


Charity Commission for England and Wales
Listed activities
  • Economic/Community Development/Employment
  • Education/Training
  • General Charitable Purposes
  • Other Charitable Purposes
GiG Classification
  • Grant-making foundations
How it operates
  • Makes Grants to Organisations
Where it operates
  • Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda,
Who it helps
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Indigo Trust - LII Fund for Africa (LFA)
£35,000 10/02/2022
Core funding to support the LII Fund for Africa
Indigo Trust - Reducing the impact of child sexual abuse through improved prevention and better response
£100,000 11/11/2021
Core funding to support its work in reducing the impact of child sexual abuse through improved prevention and better response.
Indigo Trust - Building Inclusive Cities
£50,000 05/11/2021
Core unrestricted funding to support its work in building inclusive cities
Indigo Trust - Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB)
£162,558 19/05/2021
To develop and upgrade the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey tool, methodology and website.
Indigo Trust - Advocacy, research and practical work to address URE
£28,845 17/05/2021
Advocacy, research and practical work to address URE - core funding
Indigo Trust - LII Fund for Africa (LFA)
£35,000 30/03/2021
To support the LII Fund for Africa over six months
Indigo Trust - To support research and design phase of the Baobab Foundation
£55,000 29/03/2021
Core unrestricted funding to support Baobab Foundation's research and design phase
Indigo Trust - Core funding
£10,000 22/12/2020
Core funding
Indigo Trust - Redeveloping parliamentary monitoring websites
£49,700 18/09/2020
Core unrestricted funding to redevelop parliamentary monitoring websites
Indigo Trust - Opening up data relating to the National Lottery Board in South Africa
£10,000 26/08/2020
Redevelopment of analysis tool and refreshing data to support journalists' work
Indigo Trust - International Centre for Eye Health
£57,500 28/07/2020
Core funding for the work of the International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH)
Indigo Trust - Technology Hub - core unrestricted funding
£25,000 15/07/2020
Core unrestricted funding to support Hive Colab during the Covid-19 crisis
Indigo Trust - Enhancing open access to legal data
£140,000 23/06/2020
Open Access to legal data - core unrestricted funding to continue to run the Indigo Platform
Indigo Trust - Supporting public participation in SA government legislation
£40,000 20/05/2020
Unrestricted core funding
Indigo Trust - Covid-19 Emergency Funding
£12,313 24/04/2020
Core unrestricted funding to support EYElliance during the Covid-19 emergency
Indigo Trust - Emergency funding during Covid-19 Crisis
£10,000 24/03/2020
Core unrestricted funding to support its work during the Covid-19 crisis.
Indigo Trust - Philanthropy and social change
£10,000 18/03/2020
Funding to assist their work but restricted to the areas detailed below.
Indigo Trust - Building and maintaining a network of LIIs across SSA
£180,000 18/03/2020
Core unrestricted funding to support building and maintaining a network of LIIs across SSA
Indigo Trust - People-centered informed decision making for participatory democracy
£30,000 09/03/2020
Core unrestricted funding.
Indigo Trust - Visual Impairment strategy
£15,942 19/02/2020
Core funding to be allocated to EYElliance.
Indigo Trust - Further research - digital technology opportunites in legal advice arena
£10,000 30/01/2020
To support further examination of available opportunities for digital technology in the legal advice arena.
Indigo Trust - To provide specialist legal advice to the community
£150,000 30/01/2020
Unrestricted core funding to support the work of the Law Centre.
Indigo Trust - Enhancing open access to legal data
£42,989 11/12/2019
Core, unrestricted, funding in order to support Laws.Africa work until April 2020.
Indigo Trust - Distributing surplus food to charities and social organisations
£2,000 10/12/2019
Unrestricted core funding.
Indigo Trust - LII Fund for Africa (LFA)
£66,751 06/08/2019
To establish and incubate the LII Fund for Africa.
Indigo Trust - Indigo Legislation Platform - enhancing open access to legal data
£70,000 11/07/2019
Core funding.
Indigo Trust - Visual Impairment strategy
£20,142 07/06/2019
Unrestricted core funding for EYElliance.
Indigo Trust - Access to Justice research - opportunities for digital technology
£10,000 28/05/2019
To support some pieces of research work into Access to Justice both in the UK and globally.
Indigo Trust - People's Assembly website development and marketing
£24,028 14/03/2019
To support development and digital marketing for the People's Assembly website (
Indigo Trust - Core unrestricted funding
£30,000 12/03/2019
Core, unrestricted, funding to support the work of Open Data Durban for 12 months.
Indigo Trust - Core funding/learning grant
£20,000 11/03/2019
Core funding.
Indigo Trust - 2027 Coalition - Community Power in Grant Making
£12,000 07/03/2019
To fund a Practice Study on community and frontline worker engagement in international grant-making.
Indigo Trust - Marketing and promotion of Izwi Lami
£5,609 20/02/2019
To help with the marketing and promotion of Izi Lami - an SMS-based support service for survivors of sexual violence.
Indigo Trust - Promoting citizen participation in SA legislative consultations
£22,033 30/01/2019
To support DearSA to become an established organisation with a strong technical base.
Indigo Trust - Patchwork Philanthropy Research
£10,000 14/12/2018
To expand on earlier research - Community & Places Insights.
Indigo Trust - Enhancing open access to legal information in South Africa
£70,000 04/12/2018
To support the development of this new organisaition and to enhance the Indigo platform for use by Africa Liis.
Indigo Trust - Integrity Idol South Africa 2019
£16,309 09/11/2018
Towards funding the 2019 Integrity Idol SA project.
Indigo Trust - Core funding for Technology Hub in Sierra Leone
£20,000 30/10/2018
Core funding for organisational costs.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding to Technology Innovation Hub HapaSpace in Ghana
£20,000 30/10/2018
Core funding for organisational costs.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding - Technology Innovation Hub Ethiopia
£20,000 30/10/2018
Core funding for organisational costs.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding - Technology Innovation Hub Uganda
£20,000 30/10/2018
Core funding for organisational costs.
Indigo Trust - Supplementary Grant
£7,749 26/07/2018
To cover the costs of design services.
Indigo Trust - Scaling the Caselaw available on AfricanLII
£19,530 18/06/2018
For Further Development and Scaling of the African Caselaw Index In partnership with AfricanLII and the University of Cape Town.
Indigo Trust - Organisation support to Social Enterprise Ghana
£8,456 22/05/2018
Mapping of social enterprise sector by HapaSpace to support organisational development of Social Enterprise Ghana.
Indigo Trust - Scaling up of Open Schools Kenya project
£18,030 29/03/2018
To support the scaling up of Open Schools Kenya project - they are seeking to map the informal schools (at least 300) in two slum areas and work with local rights groups to campaign for additional ....more
Indigo Trust - Core funding
£30,000 27/03/2018
Funding to support two core areas of focus - Durban Answers and Civic Tech/Open Data Lab.
Indigo Trust - Promoting best practice in FOI in the UK
£87,400 26/03/2018
A three year grant to support CFOI’s charitable objectives and activities.
Indigo Trust - Data Standard for Water Point Data
£10,689 21/03/2018
To allow GWC to work with a sub-Saharan African government to use water point data to improve their water resource planning and delivery.
Indigo Trust - To support the expansion of Hive Colab and other identified costs
£32,000 20/03/2018
To support the following activities: - The expansion of the hub to the entirety of the floor upon which they are currently located - The continuing Yogera project - Strengthening the human capital of ....more
Indigo Trust - One Year Data Journalism Project
£24,679 20/03/2018
To fund a year-long data journalism project through the Adamela Trust - the not-for-profit arm of the Mail and Guardian Newspaper in South Africa.
Indigo Trust - Data-driven insights into Funding Communities and Places
£5,000 20/03/2018
To research the relationship between community characteristics and trust/foundation funding for communities using amongst other sources 360 Giving data.
Indigo Trust - Supporting the use of data and technology to drive social change
£50,000 20/03/2018
Core Funding to support OpenUp's activities.
Indigo Trust - Enhancing citizen engagement with leaders in Northern Uganda
£23,040 14/03/2018
To support various activities in relation to strengthening the SMS platform and online media, providing a forum for citizen engagement with leaders and documentation and dissemination of grass root ....more
Indigo Trust - Accountability Film Lab - Integrity Idol South Africa
£11,103 13/03/2018
To equip seven young aspiring South African film makers with the tools, skills and training to support the effective delivery of Integrity Idol South Africa, and to hone their skills so that they ....more
Indigo Trust - Training Paralegals to be Radio Journalists
£21,150 16/02/2018
To enable them to hire a project coordinator to further their work on justice and rights radio.
Indigo Trust - Multimedia Popular Education Campaign
£18,725 14/02/2018
To increase impact through building upon their helpline.
Indigo Trust - Community Advocacy Organisation
£34,153 01/02/2018
To support four key activity areas to improve functionality of, enhance and integrate campaigning tools and grow their membership base.
Indigo Trust - Additional funding to core hub to replace OSIWA funds
£10,000 30/01/2018
Core funding to support with work of this hub.
Indigo Trust - Additional funding to seed hub to replace OSIWA funds
£10,000 30/01/2018
To support the work of Sensi.
Indigo Trust - Additional funding to seed hub
£10,000 30/01/2018
To support the work of mHub.
Indigo Trust - Additional funding to seed hub to replace OSIWA funds
£10,000 30/01/2018
To support the work of HapaSpace.
Indigo Trust - Additional funding to seed hub
£10,000 30/01/2018
To support the work of IceAddis.
Indigo Trust - Social Mobile Technology Challenge - Comic Relief/Vodacom Funding
£80,000 16/01/2018
Social Mobile Technology Challenge – Comic Relief/Vodacom funding which will will support technologists and civil society groups to work together to develop innovative mobile based technologies ....more
Indigo Trust - Seed Funding to Technology Innovation Hub Sensi in Sierra Leone
£10,000 08/01/2018
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of Sensi.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding to Technology Innovation Hub HiveColab in Uganda
£25,000 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of Hivecolab.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding to Technology Innovation Hub ActivSpaces in Cameroon
£25,000 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic ativities of ActivSpaces.
Indigo Trust - Core Funding to Technology Innovation Hub iSpace in Ghana
£25,000 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of iSpace.
Indigo Trust - Seed Funding to Technology Innovation Hub Etrilabs in Benin
£12,250 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of Etrilabs.
Indigo Trust - Seed Funding to Technology Innovation Hub mHub in Malawi
£10,900 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of mHub.
Indigo Trust - Seed Funding to Technology Innovation Hub HapaSpace in Ghana
£10,900 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of HapaSpace.
Indigo Trust - Seed Funding to Technology Innovation Hub Iceaddis in Ethiopia
£10,950 09/10/2017
Funding to support core costs and programmatic activities of Iceaddis.
Comic Relief - Social Mobile Technology Challenge
£100,000 27/09/2017
With funding from the Vodafone Foundation, this project aims to test a model of civil society and tech-hub collaboration by running two challenges exploring the potential of mobile technology to make ....more
Indigo Trust - Democracy in Action TV
£17,461 22/06/2017
To produce a TV show in partnership with OpenUp to enable citizens to become active participants in shaping the world they live in by facilitating a two-way flow of communication between government ....more
Indigo Trust - Mobile platform supporting community mobilisation and democratic engagement
£20,599 08/06/2017
To cover software development and personnel costs associated with Grassroot's mobile platform.
Indigo Trust - Establishing a new Media Lab in Liberia
£18,000 04/05/2017
To enable a new media lab to be established at iCampus, a shared innovation, co-working and community space for organizations focusing on the intersection of technology, accountability and social ....more
Indigo Trust - South African News Organisation
£20,000 03/05/2017
Towards core costs of GroundUp.
Indigo Trust - Digital Civil Society Lab World Tour
£5,000 03/05/2017
Towards the costs of hosting a one-day conference on digital technology and civil society in London in June 2017.
Indigo Trust - Encouraging democratic participation in Kenyan youth
£15,671 19/04/2017
To enable Livity Africa to work in partnership with Mzalendo to champion young people to create content and engagement that encourages democratic participation in the lead up to the Kenyan election.
Indigo Trust - Encouraging Best Practice FOI Act
£20,000 20/03/2017
Towards their ongoing charitable activities, such as training, education and encouraging best practice of the FOI Act.
Indigo Trust - Digitisation of Africa's Laws
£90,000 16/03/2017
Core costs to digitise and format laws from select African countries as well as test a range of sustainability strategies.
Indigo Trust - Digitisation of Nigeria's Laws
£25,000 16/03/2017
Towards the core costs of establishing a Nigerian Legal Information Institute within this organisation and the digitisation of Nigeria’s laws.
Indigo Trust - Supporting positive change through open data
£29,111 15/03/2017
To cover core costs for a group which is supporting the use of open data to understand the city and bring about positive change.
Indigo Trust - London Event looking at approaches to transparency and accountability
£5,000 08/03/2017
To cover venue hire and additional costs. The event looks at approaches to transparency and accountability and technology.
Indigo Trust - Supporting People's Assembly parliamentary monitoring site
£105,000 28/02/2017
Three year grant to support the core costs of running the People’s Assembly parliamentary monitoring site and advocacy efforts around it.
Indigo Trust - Supporting the use of data and technology to drive social change
£50,000 23/02/2017
This grant provides core funding for Code4SA, which uses data and technology to promote informed decision-making that drives social change in South Africa.
Indigo Trust - Strengthening Kenyan Parliamentary Monitoring Site
£60,150 13/02/2017
Three year grant to support core costs of Mzalendo, which monitors Kenya's parliament and the activities of its parliamentarians.
Indigo Trust - Addressing civic challenges through technology in Ghana
£35,000 11/01/2017
To support a user centred design process which will enable technologists, civil society and creatives to work together to identify and address civic challenges in Ghana.
Indigo Trust - Addressing civic challenges through technology in Uganda
£20,000 11/01/2017
To contribute to phase 2 of a civic tech collaboration. This project brings together civic groups, technologists and creatives to build a platform (Yogera) which aims to tackle corruption in Uganda.
Indigo Trust - Open data and manifesto tracker for Uganda
£14,999 05/09/2016
To support core costs for Outbox to establish a team that will support open data work, including the development of an open data portal and a manifesto tracker.
Indigo Trust - Supporting Youth Employment/Entrepreneurship
£356,100 15/08/2016
This funding has been made available to us via the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme and will enable Sensi tech innovation hub in Sierra Leone to support initiatives which help upskill young people ....more
Indigo Trust - Voter education and parliamentary accountability in Ghana
£10,862 15/08/2016
To support PenPlusBytes work on voter education and improving the accountability of elected representatives ahead of Ghana's 2016 general elections.
Indigo Trust - Strengthening parliamentary co-operation in Morocco
£17,600 15/08/2016
To support salary and core costs, as well as tech consultancy and elections work, while the organisation continues to look for longer-term funding from other sources.
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£8,570 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for xHub Technology Innovation hub in Ethiopia..
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£11,590 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for EtriLabs Technology Innovation hub in Benin..
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£15,000 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for mHub Technology Innovation hub in Malawi.
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£15,000 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for HapaSpace Technology Innovation hub in Ghana..
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£16,690 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for IceAddis Technology Innovation hub in Ethiopia.
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£40,000 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for Hive Colab Technology Innovation hub in Uganda..
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£34,260 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for ActivSpaces Technology Innovation hub in Cameroon..
Indigo Trust - Supporting Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa via the Joint Hub Fund
£30,800 05/08/2016
Core costs and programmatic activities for iSpace Technology Innovation hub in Ghana..
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in England & Wales on 10/06/1999, number: 1075920
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
Filing Record
20 returns made; AR10: 1 days late, AR07: 2 days late,
Main office

The Sainsbury Family Charitable Tru
5 Wilton Road



Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving
Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

Tips for Selecting Charities

Which areas of philanthropy are most effective?
The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
Our Top Tips for Philanthropy
Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your brain, as well as your heart You....more
How to become a Philanthropist
In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they are having. Effective philanthropy is immensely rewarding for donors,....more

Giving is Great