Finance Score: 0
Governance Score: 9
Support Score: 7
  • No PartB
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Overall weighted support: +7
Overall GiG Score: 16 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from a grant maker recently
  • There have been no income shortfalls in recent years
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition
  • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
Financial Data
Income & Spending ?
Period ending 31/03/18 31/03/19 31/03/20 31/03/21 31/03/22 31/03/23
Charitable activities £416,357 £412,629 £445,741 £450,711 £2,066,657
Donations & Legacies £2,000 £3,917 £6,127 £13,726
Other Income £156 £69 £30,000
Investment Income
Total income £417,114 £414,785 £449,727 £486,838 £417,091 £2,136,622
Charitable activities spending £246,409 £351,945 £392,360
Fundraising costs 72% 67% 76%
Other spending £57,554 £96,959 £115,758 £19,966 £5,000
Total spending £359,137 £375,573 £362,167 £371,911 £342,952 £397,360
Surplus/deficit £57,977 £39,212 £87,560 £114,927 £74,139 £1,739,262
Established: 28 years
Scottish Charity RegulatorCompanies House
Listed activities
  • It carries out activities or services itself
GiG Classification
  • Performing and visual arts
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of citizenship or community development
  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science','the provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended','the promotion of equality and diversity
Where it operates
  • More than one local authority area in Scotland, main operating location: Glasgow City
  • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
Who it helps
  • Children or young people
  • Older People
  • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community','Other charities or voluntary bodies

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
The Clothworkers Foundation£115,500
Scottish Government£47,000
Virgin Money Foundation£30,000
Co-Operative Group£1,822
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
The Clothworkers Foundation - Grant to South West Arts and Music Project
£10,500 30/11/2022
Grant uplift 'Cost of Living crisis': refurbishment of building for a charity supporting disadvantaged young people in Glasgow
Co-Operative Group - Grant to G53Together
£1,822 22/10/2022
We would like our community pantry project to offer welfare advice/support, mental health support, educational activities, skills development and employability support.
The Clothworkers Foundation - Grant to South West Arts and Music Project
£105,000 21/06/2022
refurbishment of building for a charity supporting disadvantaged young people in Glasgow
Virgin Money Foundation - Grant to South West Arts and Music Project
£30,000 16/03/2021
Grant to cover the salary of a Welfare Rights Advisor.
Scottish Government - Swamp Creative Media Centre
£47,000 23/04/2020
Detailed description not provided.
Glasgow City Council - Employability Pathway Stage 3
£10,000 05/03/2019
Enhance current training provision by providing additional work-place based qualifications relevant to the local labour market with dedicated staff support for employer engagement.
Glasgow City Council - Employability Pathway Stage 3
£10,000 06/06/2018
Enhance current training provision by providing additional work-place based qualifications relevant to the local labour market with dedicated staff support for employer engagement.
Glasgow City Council - Employability Pathway Stage 3
£10,000 28/11/2017
Enhance current training provision by providing additional work-place based qualifications relevant to the local labour market with dedicated staff support for employer engagement.
Glasgow City Council - Priesthill/Househillwood Alcohol Awareness project
£4,385 14/04/2016
Using audio visual equipment and tools, work with young people in Priesthill/Househillwood to develop a youth strategy and action plan focussed on alcohol mis-use, personal development and ....more
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Directors (10)
Current Directors appointed
Gender Split
Based on 9/10 persons

Age Range of Directors: 29-72
  • RAMSAY, David
    Appointed: 2023
    Occupation: Impact Lead, Homeless Network Scotland
Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in Scotland on 04/03/1997, number: SC026608
  • Registered at Companies House on 30/04/2001, number: SC218678
Filing Record
5 returns made; all on time
Main office

Southwest Arts & Music Project, Creative Media Centre, 25 -27 Brockburn Road, Pollock, Glasgow, G53 5BG


Promote and encourage the study, practice and knowledge of music within the Glasgow Southwest Area.

Data Sources

Scottish Charity Regulator
360 Giving

Tips for Selecting Charities

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Giving is Great