Finance Score: 0
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 8
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • Overall weighted support: +8
    Overall GiG Score: 8 ?


    The promotion, for the benefit of the public, of urban regeneration in areas of economic, physical and social deprivation (and in particular the Creggan area) by all or any of the following means: (a) the relief of financial hardship (b) the relief of unemployment (c) the advancement of education, training or retraining, particularly among unemployed people, and providing unemployed people with work experience (d) the provision of financial assistance, technical assistance or business advice or consultancy in order to provide training and employment opportunities for unemployed people in cases of financial or other charitable need through help: (i) in setting up their own business, or (ii) to existing businesses (e) the creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of workspace, buildings, and/or land for use on favourable terms (f) the provision of a wide variety of programmes / services which support economic and social inclusion (g) the provision of trauma support services, counselling and wellbeing programmes (h) the provision of intermediation, peace-building and reconciliation support service and programmes (i) the provision of personal development programmes and dedicated support activities for young people (j) the provision of wellbeing, educational, heritage and cultural support programmes and activities for older people and the general public (k) the provision of a neutral community venue, providing access to a range of free cultural, heritage and digital activities and events for all ages and backgrounds (l) such other means as may from time to time be determined subject to the prior written consent of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • The charity has received backing from several prominent grant makers recently
    • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
    Financial Data
    Income & Spending ?
    Year end 31/12/20 31/12/21 31/12/22
    Income £707,484 £758,121 £755,223
    Spending £644,589 £720,617 £735,368
    Surplus/deficit £62,895 £37,504 £19,855
    Established: 6 years

    Charity Commission for Northern IrelandCompanies House
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • The advancement of citizenship or community development
    GiG Classification
    • General Community services
    How it operates
    • Community development, Community enterprise, Cross-border/cross-community, Cultural, Economic development, Education/training, Gender, Youth development
    Where it operates
    • Northern Ireland
    • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
    Who it helps
    • Adult training, General public, Learning disabilities, Men, Mental health, Older people, Parents, Specific areas of deprivation, Unemployed/low income, Victim support, Voluntary and community sector, Women, Youth (14-25 year olds)

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Major supporters in last 5 years
    Joseph Rowntree Foundation£220,000
    Power to Change£74,981
    Virgin Money Foundation£40,000
    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Creggan Enterprises Limited
    £20,000 12/07/2024
    Community Dialogue programme
    Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Creggan Enterprises Limited
    £180,000 08/07/2022
    The Focus Project
    Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Creggan Enterprises Limited
    £20,000 09/07/2021
    Community Dialogue Programme
    Virgin Money Foundation - Grant to Community Campus 87 Ltd
    £30,000 10/03/2021
    Grant to support the organisations running costs.
    DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund
    £9,600 24/07/2020
    "The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to ....more
    Community Foundation for Nthn Ireland - Rath Mor Vulnerable Persons' Delivery Service
    £5,000 18/05/2020
    towards the purchase of goods for emergency packs
    Virgin Money Foundation - Grant to Community Campus 87 Ltd
    £10,000 17/04/2020
    Grant to Community Campus 87 Ltd to support the orgnisation through COVID19.
    Community Foundation for Nthn Ireland - Rath Mor Vulnerable Persons' Delivery Service
    £2,500 26/03/2020
    towards Rath Mor vulnerable peoples delivery service
    Power to Change - Community Campus 87 Ltd
    £74,981 21/01/2020
    Grant to Community Campus 87 Ltd
    Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Grant to Creggan Enterprises Limited
    £120,000 12/07/2019
    Unheard Voices: Going Beyond the Silence
    DCMS - Key Skills Construction Programme
    £21,263 22/02/2019
    Community Campus provides accommodation for homeless people in Middlesbrough, Stockton and Redcar. The award is to employ an additional site supervisor to increase the capacity within its ....more
    DCMS - Key Skills Construction Programme
    £14,175 22/02/2019
    Community Campus provides accommodation for homeless people in Middlesbrough, Stockton and Redcar. The award is to employ an additional site supervisor to increase the capacity within its ....more
    Virgin Money Foundation - Grant to Community Campus 87 Ltd
    £39,510 14/09/2016
    Grant to cover the salary of a worker to support young people as they take that final step to move on to live independently.
    Nationwide Foundation - Grant to Community Campus 87 (Cleveland) Ltd
    £74,732 23/03/2016
    Project will secure three outcomes, create new homes by renovating 2 properties, create employment and training opportunities during the renovation process, and sustain the approach by developing our ....more
    National Lottery Community Fund - My Portrait of a City
    £10,000 19/07/2013
    The My Portrait of a City project will train 10 young adults from the Creggan area in digital media and commission them to produce short films/photomontages on their City of Culture experiences. They ....more
    Show more rows

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Further information may be available on the charity's page on the Commission website here
    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in Northern Ireland on 16/01/2019, number: NIC106926
    • Registered at Companies House on 01/01/1970, number: 0NI26020
    Main office

    Creggan Enterprises, Rath Mor Centre, Bligh's Lane, Derry, County Derry, BT48 0LZ

    Data Sources

    Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
    360 Giving

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    Giving is Great