Sir George Martin Trust - Grant to Purple Patch Arts |
£3,000 |
Core costs for Disability Support & Activities
Postcode Neighbourhood Trust - Unrestricted Funding |
£25,000 |
Funding supported our innovative, inclusive, creative Lifelong Learning Programmes, helping learning-disabled and autistic adults to thrive.
The Foyle Foundation - Learning (MGS) |
£30,000 |
towards ongoing costs over the next 12 months (awarded grant in response to coronavirus)
National Lottery Community Fund - Lifelong Learning Programmes |
£10,000 |
The funding will be used to continue offering Lifelong Learning Programmes to adults with learning disabilities and autism. This project aims to enrich the lives of people with a variety of disabilities engaging them in arts movement science world
The funding will be used to continue offering Lifelong Learning Programmes to adults with learning disabilities and autism. This project aims to enrich the lives of people with a variety of disabilities engaging them in arts movement science world affairs and sensory activities to improve wellbeing.
The Shears Foundation - Purple Patch Arts |
£5,500 |
Lifelong Learning Programmes
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - Purple Patch Arts - 17/11/22 |
£2,000 |
Core Funding
Lloyds Bank Foundation - One off gift towards cost of living crisis to Purple Patch Arts |
£2,250 |
One off gift to support with the cost of living crisis
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£25,000 |
Lifelong Learning Programmes
Sir George Martin Trust - Grant to Purple Patch Arts |
£2,800 |
Core costs for Disability Support & Activities
Sir George Martin Trust - Grant to Purple Patch Arts |
£2,800 |
Core costs for Disability Support & Activities
National Lottery Community Fund - Move On Up |
£284,444 |
The funding will help young people with complex needs and advanced learning difficulties for whom employment or education is unlikely to transition from statutory provisions for children and young people into adult community services. The aim is to
The funding will help young people with complex needs and advanced learning difficulties for whom employment or education is unlikely to transition from statutory provisions for children and young people into adult community services. The aim is to improve skills wellbeing and independence.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Recovery grant to Purple Patch Arts |
£50,000 |
24 |
Unrestricted grant over two years towards the core costs of Purple Patch Arts, awarded under the Foundation's Learning Disabilities funding stream. Part of the Covid Recovery Fund to support charities to emerge from the pandemic.
National Lottery Community Fund - To Wander is to Adventure |
£10,000 |
6 |
The funding will be used to work with adults with learning disabilities to co-produce a toolkit of creative mindful walking activities to be shared with their peers. The project will initially be delivered by zoom and aims to improve the mental
The funding will be used to work with adults with learning disabilities to co-produce a toolkit of creative mindful walking activities to be shared with their peers. The project will initially be delivered by zoom and aims to improve the mental wellbeing of the participants; as well as social connections independence confidence communication skills and giving them the opportunity to develop new practical skills and take ownership of the project.
National Lottery Community Fund - A Purple Summer |
£9,993 |
6 |
This project will deliver workshops over Zoom to adults with learning difficulties to keep them physically active and healthy. The aim is to improve wellbeing spread happiness and positive feelings.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£15,000 |
Lifelong Learning Programmes
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Purple Patch Arts |
£14,996 |
12 |
Towards cost of new Project Manager role and consultancy support
National Lottery Community Fund - A Purple Celebration |
£9,750 |
12 |
The funding will be used to organise artistic activities and promote the services of the group by holding a celebration event. The project aims to facilitate integration across the different participant groups of this organisation, share learning
The funding will be used to organise artistic activities and promote the services of the group by holding a celebration event. The project aims to facilitate integration across the different participant groups of this organisation, share learning and raise awareness.
Leeds Community Foundation - The Togetherness Project |
£10,000 |
11 |
A weekly session for older people with and without learning disabilities in South Leeds, using the ‘The Purple Patch Approach’ to learning, which employs creative methods such as drama, dance, music and art, to encourage people to learn new
A weekly session for older people with and without learning disabilities in South Leeds, using the ‘The Purple Patch Approach’ to learning, which employs creative methods such as drama, dance, music and art, to encourage people to learn new skills, increase their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, and develop their social skills.
National Lottery Community Fund - Changing Minds |
£54,844 |
12 |
The project will provide people living with Dementia with creative activities to improve the quality of their lives. They will provide weekly 'Music, Movement and Making' activities for each person and will support them on their creative journeys
The project will provide people living with Dementia with creative activities to improve the quality of their lives. They will provide weekly 'Music, Movement and Making' activities for each person and will support them on their creative journeys towards a large public exhibition in July 2012. The exhibition aims to provide a public insight into the 'Changing Minds' of people living with Dementia and inspire local communities.