Hackney Council - Grant to Age UK East London |
£130,000 |
Working closely with a range of agencies to ensure their communities are aware of our service and how to access it. In particular, health partners/ social prescribers based at GP surgeries across the borough.
Hackney CVS - Hackney Giving Living with Covid |
£10,730 |
Hackney Giving Living with Covid Outreach grant supporting older people
Hackney Council - Grant to Age UK East London |
£145,287 |
Hackney Advice Grant Age UK East London
National Lottery Community Fund - Get Moving Again |
£9,865 |
The funding will be used to run a weekly Chi Kong class for older people. The project aims to offer a low-impact exercise ideal for inactive older people of all abilities who want to increase their activity levels gently and gradually.
London Catalyst - Age UK East London - 3 |
£3,000 |
Hot Food to Support Reducing Hospital Readmissions
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Age UK East London |
£139,000 |
36 |
£139,000 over three years (£36,000; £46,000; £57,000) towards a Newham Advice and Information Officer (28hpw), associated management and support staff costs, and associated project costs.
Co-Op Foundation - Age UK East London STC Expand application |
£10,000 |
Enhanced delivery of remote social groups
Hackney Council - Grant to Age UK East London |
£66,000 |
12 |
Delivery of advice in Health settings and outreach locations focusing on the most deprived areas with the greatest need for increased advice provision
Hackney Council - Grant to Age UK East London |
£5,000 |
LCR Wave 4: To deliver approximately 4,450 delicious, nutritious hot meals to 650 at-risk older people over three months. Food will be delivered to people’s doorsteps and each delivery will double-up as a welfare check.
Ministry of Defence - Covenant Fund |
£19,870 |
For community projects that reduce isolation and promote integration
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Age UK East London |
£8,971 |
Get Connected is a twice-weekly computer club for older east Londoners to learn to do tasks like shopping or setting-up and using email.
Hackney Council - Grant to Age UK East London |
£6,010 |
3 |
DEFRA: 1. Retrospective funding for providing an emergency food service to 650 people from 07 July to 04 September 2020.
2. Funding to support a further 60 people with food supplies in Hackney from 04-30 September 2020.
Ministry of Defence - Covenant Fund |
£9,985 |
Small grants of up to £10,000 towards creative and engaging projects, that can be delivered under social restrictions, for people from Armed Forces communities who are isolated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£63,955 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Age UK East London |
£31,647 |
£31,647 towards costs as outlined in your application,excluding core costs
Ministry of Defence - £10M Veterans' Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund |
£19,446 |
to provide immediate support for vulnerable veterans with reduced social contact
Ministry of Defence - £10M Veterans' Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund |
£18,318 |
to provide immediate support for vulnerable veterans with reduced social contact
Ministry of Defence - £10M Veterans' Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund |
£19,887 |
to provide immediate support for vulnerable veterans with reduced social contact
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Age UK East London |
£5,000 |
A grant of £5,000 to fund the essential and urgent costs outlined in the application, so that the organisation can carry on providing support to Londoners.
National Lottery Community Fund - Intergenerational skill sharing |
£9,992 |
12 |
The project will use the funding to provide a safe space for older and younger people to meet, talk, share skills and experiences.
The Clothworkers Foundation - Grant to Age UK East London |
£15,000 |
purchase of a minibus for a charity which works with older people in London
Co-Op Foundation - STC Explore |
£10,000 |
Host a series of workshops within the local community hub to determine what local residents and young people would like to see in their area. The team will then link up with experts to help put this into practice.
The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington - Grant to Age UK East London |
£146,023 |
36 |
To support a new approach to tackling isolation and loneliness using the television to connect housebound older to friends old and new, family and the wider community.
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Age UK East London |
£9,900 |
The Lost Pubs of Bow, East London
National Lottery Community Fund - Get Connected |
£10,000 |
12 |
The group will provide a computer club for older members of the local community. The project aims to reduce isolation and increase wellbeing and independence of participants.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Age UK East London |
£45,000 |
£45,000 over 12 months to build a robust evidence base and business case for a new hospital admission avoidance pathway for older people in East London.