Wates Family Enterprise Trust

Who they support

Wates Family Enterprise Trust was set up in 2008 to support initiatives that make a real difference to society. It forms a vital part of the Wates Family's commitment to being engaged stewards of a business that combines wealth creation with social responsibility. All the proposals for awards come from the Wates Family and employees, as a result we are unable to accept applications for funding.

  • The average annual spending of grantees has been £11 million
  • The average age of charities supported has been 19 years.




Wates Family Charities
Wates House
Station Approach
KT22 7SW

Charity registered in England & Wales, No: 1126007
Charity Commission for England and Wales
Analysis of Grants Made
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In this period 94 donations have been made totalling £1,296,810 to 87 organisations

Where are the Beneficiaries?
How big are the Recipients? ?
Which activities are being funded?
How old were the charities when supported?
Growth in Spending
(per annum over last 3 years)
Main Overlaps with other Grant Makers ?
By ValueBy Number
60% 46%
58% 30%
37% 13%
35% 9%
33% 25%
29% 16%
28% 5%
28% 5%
20% 2%
19% 2%
Sole supporter: 37% by number, 29% by value.
Individual Grants Made
When Amount Annual
Grantee To be used for
17/07/2023 £6,500 £255,481 THE LINK CHARITABLE TRUST The grant will be used to strengthen the support we offer through our Children and Young People's service. The service supports children and young people aged from 0-25 to improve their emotional wellbeing and bild resilience. We support young people who have a range of difficulties, including emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties, autism and learning difficulties. Many children and young people live in rural areas and are often isolated, and many of which are classed as living in poverty. We also provide support and work closely with care leavers in the Redcar and Cleveland area. We currently offer some 1:1 emotional support and social group activities. To enhance the existing services we offer we are applying for additional funding to provide a range of exciting activities and to provide young people with new opportunities. We would like to offer rewilding activities which will include team building exercises in a local forested area such as; archery, axe throwing, rifle shooting, risk taking activities, bushcraft such as den building and fire building. We would like to provide guided activities through Tees Outdoors where they will have the opportunity to take part in river walks, and climbing activities, alongside using our in-house staff who are qualified in providing nature walks on the moors. We would also like to provide young people the opportunity to access local activities throughout the Summer such as the surfing school at Saltburn, and activities including paddle boarding, and windsurfing at Scaling Dam. We will look to increase our regular group activities to provide life skills groups particularly aimed at care leavers, such as cooking sessions, budgeting groups, and resilience sessions with a focus on creative activities and mindfulness. The grant will also partly go towards staffing costs as we will require additional sessional staff to increase our capacity to deliver these activities, and to increase the amount of young people we can reach.
17/07/2023 £5,960 £301,259 HARINGEY SHED The award will be used to cover the staffing costs of Under One Roof, our theatre company for young people age 16 ?- 19 years (90% disability). The grant aims to: Reduce isolation for young people with a disability; Increase confidence and communication skills; Improve mental health and well-being of young people taking part
17/07/2023 £6,000 £399,356 ABBY'S HEROES Funding for our Welfare Packs for parents of newly diagnosed children and Young People to help ease the financial pressure of living at the hospital in those early weeks. Parents are in a state of fear, turmoil, severe emotional distress when they arrive on the ward, often straight from A&E or their GP. Sometimes the child and parents only have the clothes they are standing up in and are not prepared for a potentially long stay in hospital while their child undergoes an onslaught of tests. Our Welfare Packs include vouchers for 14 days Hospital Car Parking together with Gift Cards for the Hospital Outlets such as M&S, Costa and WHSmith so they can buy some food, coffee and a toothbrush to enable them to focus on their child's treatment.
17/07/2023 £6,000 £75,727 THE BOBBY COLLERAN TRUST The grant will enable us to continue our work in the community: The establishment of the Trust was a direct response to the loss of Bobby, which profoundly affected his parents and brothers. Child Bereavement Support Counselling was instrumental in helping the children understand and manage their grief, develop coping strategies, and find the ability to invest in home, school, friends, and football. As a result, the Trust established a Children's Bereavement Counselling Service, led by an experienced qualified children's counsellor, who provides therapy in creative ways, including art, music, role play, storytelling, and dance, in addition to talk therapy.?The Bobby Colleran Bereavement Support Counselling helps children and young people who have lost a parent, sibling, grandparent, friend, aunt, uncle, or other significant loved one. A high percentage of the children and young people in Liverpool and the surrounding areas suffer bereavement due to road traffic accidents, cancer, heart disease, illnesses related to alcohol and drug dependencies, or suicide. The Trust is committed to working with these children and young people in a way that brings about positive outcomes. On Bobby's birthday, March 13th, 2023, the Trust opened Bobby's Base, a state-of-the-art centre adjacent to Blackmoor Park Infant School, where Bobby attended. The centre aims to deliver road safety messages and provide bereavement support, with a focus on a therapeutic learning space that can be used throughout the year. The outdoor space provides an opportunity for children and families to release stress, relax, and inspire themselves to develop their inner qualities. This space includes a small football pitch, basketball nets, growing plants, and small relaxation shelters. The therapeutic outdoor space provides opportunities for children who are not academically inclined to uncover their talents and interests and express their strengths. The Trust works with many schools to support the most vulnerable children, especially during these challenging times when families are struggling more than usual. The Bobby Colleran Trust is already a successful charity, well-known and respected within Liverpool City Region.
17/07/2023 £6,000 £807,044 YELLOW SUBMARINE HOLIDAYS The grant will be used towards a year's costs of the Yellow Submarine Traineeship programme. The Traineeship runs over 21 hours per week (4 days per week), for 18 months. Its capacity is currently 13 trainees at any one time, to ensure we have the space and staffing to support individuals in small groups and 1:1. However we have an exciting new opportunity in the pipeline which may enable us to expand the programme by another seven places. Four hours a week are spent in the classroom working towards an appropriate qualification in Employability (we offer from Entry Level 2 up to Level 2; Level 2 is equivalent to GCSE grades 9-4, to ensure that every individual is able to access the programme at a suitable level.) 17 hours a week are spent in one of our award-winning cafés getting invaluable hands on training and experience, and putting classroom-based learning into practice (including English and Maths). As trainees progress, they are trained in vital supporting skills, such as using public transport independently. In the final six months, the focus shifts to exploring external work placements and preparing the young person for mainstream employment. Past Traineeship graduates have moved on to paid employment with (for example) M&S, Blackwell?s bookshop, Sainsbury?s, Greggs, Waitrose, Oxford?s New Theatre, Oxford University Press, McDonald?s, Stagecoach buses and Warner Leisure. Others have found meaningful voluntary work or gone forward to further training. More information can be found at: https://www.yellowsubmarineshop.org/training
17/07/2023 £6,136 £21,624 TAMWORTH HAVE A HEART Purchase and supply Automatic External Defibrillators and their associated hardware into high risk areas of the Borough and surrounding areas that currently do not have sufficient access to these life-saving devices.
17/07/2023 £6,500 £135,900 SUNDERLAND COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHEN LTD Sunderland Community Soup Kitchens overall objective is the relief of poverty for people who live and work in Sunderland, as well as providing people with the information, advice and guidance they need to become resilient and tackling the challenges they face. This grant will be used to support our aims in achieving such objective and we will do this by using the grant to train more volunteers into new and existing roles within the organisation. We will also use the grant to retrain existing volunteers so they are capable of supporting various organisational goals across multiple sites and varying roles. It is our hope that we can train and further retrain 15-25 volunteers to support our project delivery. This will encompass all elements of the organisational activity including operational support, packing food parcels, supporting in the community allotment and supporting our chef in serving food to service users, enabling service delivery expansion. We aim to be able to utilise our community fridge more and provide people with daily essentials such as milk, butter and yoghurt, but due to soaring energy bills we have had to reduce the amount of perishable goods we can store in our venues. This grant will enable us to provide more people with the aforementioned items as we will use part of the grant to cover running costs incurred by the charity, namely our energy bills. We have witnessed a large increase in the demand for our services and we aim to support every individual that steps through our door, so this grant would help us tremendously in supporting those people. We are now supporting 40% more people per week than we were prior to the cost of living crisis. As is the case with most organisations, we too, have been affected by the crisis and we aim to use this grant to ensure the longevity of our services can be solidified and continue to support the most vulnerable people in our society, which includes using a proportion of this grant to cover core staff salaries. We will assess grant outcomes following grant completion and use project data to assess the success of the project and use such data to inform us of any changes we need to make for future delivery, which will support us in reaching our charitable objectives. We will support people with their mental health and wellbeing struggles by training our paid staff and volunteers to have the skills, knowledge and community connections needed for signposting people into local specialist services.
17/07/2023 £3,454 £417,303 SUNDERLAND MIND The grant will fund a pilot project upskilling members in sewing, both by hand and with machines. The project aims to offer a peer support service by encouraging those who can already sew to support members who are learning for the first time.
17/07/2023 £6,500 £754,446 DOORWAY This grant would go towards the salary costs for a support worker to reintroduce our recognition project. At 31.03.23, our Support Service had worked with 122 formerly homeless young people to manage independent living in accommodation used by Doorway. Each support worker has a caseload of approximately 14 young people at a time. Moving to a new home and living independently for the first time is overwhelming for anyone but can be especially daunting and bewildering for those who have experienced homelessness. Our support workers are skilled and trained in trauma informed approaches to help them identify ways to move on from their adverse childhood experiences. Support workers identify in partnership with the young person ways to build resilience and to overcome barriers to independence through strength-based discussions. We know from experience that it is essential to build trusting relationships with young people for effective engagement. They often find it hard to trust anyone and lack motivation and aspirations which has been more evident since Covid. This can lead to poor engagement with their support worker and low attendance at the many activities offered by Doorway: Jobwise ? employability courses, job search Lifewise, AQAs in various life skills modules Healthwise ? weekly sessions covering mental, physical and sexual health Gardening and cooking sessions Volunteering at fundraising events YPG ? peer group, includes days out, cinema etc Prior to Covid, Doorway had a recognition project which encouraged greater participation in a range of things and was very successful with young people. Some of them said they had never had a certificate before or been told that they were good at something. Points were given to them for achievements throughout the year and vouchers given out in recognition of this at an event before Christmas. We are reintroducing this and have a spreadsheet with multiple opportunities for points to be gained. Points can be awarded for activity attendance but also for other progress based on the individual as they will have varying capabilities. This might include improved confidence in dealing with others, clean and tidy house or setting a goal and achieving it. We will add to the spreadsheet if other successes are identified. As well as support worker delivery costs, we would use the grant towards the costs of vouchers for young people to be given at the end of the year.
17/07/2023 £6,000 D HUB 67 C.I.C. Funding to contribute towards the salaries of our 3 key workers, one of whom is currently volunteering but we would love enough money to begin paying her for some of her invaluable hours. As there are only 3 of us running the hub, our job roles are very versatile and adaptable - from running groups to cooking meals, cutting hair and distributing surplus food, entertaining children and providing support and advice to our service users - we would love some funding to contribute towards earning a salary for all of these services we are providing. Despite having a small team of staff, we are seeing around 300 people a week coming to use our services, proving to us that these services are invaluable to the community of Seacombe and beyond - an area of high deprivation on the Wirral. Due to the nature of our work, we are unable to make much money as our main aim is to keep prices as low as possible, and hope to eliminate all costs in the future. However because of this, we have only been managing to earn around £700 per month to contribute towards all staff salaries, taking our first monthly wage just over a month ago. Collecting the surplus food alone costs us around £60-£70 per week in petrol, but this part of our service has proven vital and is something we wish to grow and not have to reduce due to expenses.
28/06/2023 £25,000 DOWN TO EARTH DERBY CIC The grant will be used to establish Electric Daisy as a city centre community garden & events space and deliver a Summer Events & Workshop programme. Electric Daisy represents the culmination of 18 months of dedicated work by our passionate team of volunteers. We fundraised vital funds to complete the site and ensure its readiness to welcome the public. During phase 1 of this project, we created an inner-city garden that can teach everything from basic gardening skills to growing techniques, identifying pathways into sustainable sectors. DTE's overall mission is to create a sustainable city which re-energises the city centre economy (and beyond), forge powerful commercial partnerships between like-minded stakeholders and give significant support to the delivery of the Ambition Plan for Derby. We are here to prove nature/community and engagement can be at the heart and still be a commercial success. The significance of Electric Daisy extends beyond its immediate impact. Recognising the immense potential of our model, DCC has extended a generous offer, presenting us with the opportunity to explore 5 out of the 6 additional sites across the city. By proving the success of our concept, we can unlock the potential for scalable growth, securing a future filled with possibilities.
13/06/2023 £40,000 MORE IN COMMON Britain Talks Housing is a new workstream for More in Common that will focus on understanding public opinion on affordable housing and housebuilding. Having seen the issue of house building rise up the issues of public concern in our existing polling and focus groups, it is clear we need to unlock new approaches to deal with the UK's housing crisis. This grant would be used to fund the first phase of this work and will include a research and a dissemination stage. In the period July-September 2023, More in Common will conduct extensive public opinion research using the unique lens of the British Seven segments, which are now well embedded in the thinking of the main political parties. We will use this research to understand the public's starting points on affordable housing and housebuilding, with the aim to unlock political progress on this issue. Our view is that the current political and media understanding of public opinion on housebuilding is shallow. Our research will aim to nuance and give substance to that conversation by exploring what is shaping the public's starting points on different housing policies. This research will involve an evidence review, qualitative research in both the Blue Wall and Red Wall, and nationally representative polling research. We will use these insights to develop distinctive retail policy offers and pitches for the three main political parties, that will include testing a range of policy innovations and ideas (from 100% mortgages for those with good rental track records of payment on time to root-and-branch reform of the planning system and green-belt reclassification). We will also explore ways that developers and builders can better navigate noisy, yet unrepresentative, opposition to housebuilding at a local level. In the period September-December 2023, More in Common will undertake extensive outreach, engagement and dissemination of these insights using our established relationships with the leaders, offices of the three main political parties, manifesto writers, political strategists, commentators and among our extensive network of journalists. We will also convene a series of roundtables and workshops with campaigners, thinktanks, developers, homebuilders, philanthropists and lenders to help inform their advocacy and campaigning in the lead-up to the general election. We will produce a public-facing report and secure media coverage through op-eds and other media stories on the data that we generate.
02/06/2023 £15,000 THE EMANUEL SCHOOL GENERAL CHARITABLE TRUST This funding will enable us to significantly enhance our site, furthering opportunities for Emanuel pupils as well as those in the local community. The expansion allows us to create much needed programming for disadvantaged children and young people in Merton to raise aspirations and engagement in education.
25/04/2023 £18,000 £126,435 INSTITUTE FOR FAMILY BUSINESS (IFB) RESEARCH FOUNDATION The IFB Research Foundation (IFBRF) is applying for this grant award to support the Charity to deliver its research and education programme over the next three year (2023-26). The grant award will be used to fund new research activity and help to fund the Charity's core running costs over this period. The main indirect costs of the Charity over this period include: salary costs to employ two members of staff; professional services (finance, accountancy, legal, research, design, IT); day to day running costs (accommodation, insurance, HR, IT/telecoms, website).
10/03/2023 £10,000 NO GOING BACK CLEANING AND SUPPORT SERVICES The grant award will be used to help us get the social enterprise operative. Specifically, we would like to use the money to fund essential human resources for the first few months which include a General Manager. The 1rst employee we will look to recruit will be the GM/BDM. We have agreed that the General Manager should have the following skill sets: - Operational experience in the construction cleaning sector - Costing and budgetary control experience within the sector - Strong man management and interpersonal skills - Ability to work to strict timelines - Good level of IT knowledge and skills - Entrepreneurial - air and the desire to advance their career - Hands on approach - Quality driven They will be supported in role by the four CIC directors who have substantial experience within the construction, cleaning and prison charity sectors as well as pro bono support from the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners.
09/03/2023 £5,000 £126,435 INSTITUTE FOR FAMILY BUSINESS (IFB) RESEARCH FOUNDATION To raise further funds for the tax survey
27/02/2023 £5,000 £57,162 SANDWELL VISUALLY IMPAIRED CIO Ease blind and VI peoples' concerns about going out by providing necessary sighted support. Remove travel barriers and sighted assistance worries about going further afield. Give people a chance to take part in activities that sighted people might take for granted but are very difficult for VI people to access without the appropriate help. Offer sighted help every week during the summer months, on walks and local community activities. We will also hold an introduction meeting, a mid-programme get together and an end of programme evaluation event. Checking out at every stage that what we offer is what people want and making changes where needed The programme seeks to engage and work with 150 blind and VI residents of Sandwell and surrounding areas across the duration of the programme.
23/02/2023 £2,500 £75,727 THE BOBBY COLLERAN TRUST Supporting children & families with mental health & bereavement support
23/02/2023 £2,500 TRAC WORKING WITH FUTUREIN PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCTION The grant will be used to enable TrAC to fund the development work needed to find the site placement opportunities for the FutureIN apprentices to gain the practical work experience they need to complete their apprenticeships.
09/02/2023 £10,000 £180,420,000 DISASTERS EMERGENCY COMMITTEE (DEC) Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal Feb 2023
18/01/2023 £24,000 £2,806,399 POLICE CARE UK This research will provide the first known local evidence base of the very real cost to individuals and UK forces of responding to people at the point of MH crisis. The project endeavours to inform and inspire better ways to respond, support and care. The research is not about merely calling for retraining or for more resources for the police to handle people in crisis. Its focus is on where and how the current systems and processes between mental health services and operational policing are failing officers, forces, members of the public, their family and the wider public sector Aim: The research aims to fully understand the impact of responding acute MH crises in policing, both at the micro level of the individual officer and at unit and force level. Through understanding the psychological and resource demand that responding to acute MH crises in the public generates in force, the research will create an evidence base to lead the call for more effective policy and funding decisions. The report will provide insight through the lens of one local force, Surrey, to demonstrate the nature and extent of the acute MH demand on UK policing which need to be considered at the national level. The research aims to provide clarity on the current situation, to promote urgent cross sector discussion with the NHS and Adult Social Care and to instigate long awaited change. The combined aim of the research is to help the general good, it will help the Police in terms of resourcing and by shining a light on stress and trauma. It anticipates that by the police being better understood and supported it will help them to better serve those in acute mental health crisis (they don?t want to be in an acute crisis ? they are ill). It will shine a light on a specific area of healthcare that is being dealt with by the police (not the NHS or Adult Social Care) with the aim that this recognition and understanding will provide the basis for wider discussion and alternatives in support. A launch will include an in-person conference, based in Surrey, to explore cross sector responses and solutions to the challenges facing police responses to daily MH crisis. Early discussions with The Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales indicate interest in moving this agenda forward at government level in 2023.
06/12/2022 £10,000 THE CHILDHOOD TRUST The grant will be used towards the 'On the Breadline: The Cost-of-Living Crisis for Children Appeal'. This is an urgent appeal to support children living in poverty in London.
22/11/2022 £10,000 £1,965,640 CONSERVATION COLLECTIVE The grant will be used to support the core costs of the Conservation Collective - a fast-growing global network of local foundations funding effective grass-roots initiatives to protect the environment, restore nature, and safeguard against climate change. The grant for 2023 will be used to build out each of the network?s five activities which contribute towards supporting our local foundations and enabling them to bring about the social, cultural, and economic outcomes, and the environmental impacts that they?re working towards. 1. Launching new foundations: we look to launch about two new foundations each year. Each foundation will follow the CC?s model, receiving onboarding training and a best practice toolkit, as well as 30,000 start-up support. 2. Fundraising: we fundraise from private donors, corporate partnerships and co-funding from Trusts and Foundations. We provide a channel for UK taxpayers wishing to support our members, to boost their donations by benefitting from Gift Aid. We facilitate donor mapping, introductions, and outreach and drive events, networking and communications campaigns, increasing each foundation?s profile with larger institutional funders to support their work with the local community. 3. Monitoring quality assurance and risk management: we provide financial management, governance oversight, internal systems and processes, and back-office support. Promoting good practice and sharing inspiration to improve efficiency. 4. Promoting knowledge sharing: we are developing an impact measurement tool incorporating monitoring, evaluation, and learning. We encourage collaboration within the network, to replicate successes and share lessons learned via webinars, newsletters, and a global expert advisory panel. We share pressing environmental issues and effective solutions from and with all network members. 5. Speaking with a collective voice: Giving foundations a shared voice to enhance the reach and credibility of their work. we aim to amplify impact by promoting local stories on a global platform via strategic partnerships, digital communications, media, and events. The funds are spent on the costs to run a remote-based small team, led by Exec Director Jade Brudenell; comprising a network director, finance director, operations manager, marketing manager, and program manager. Another network expenditure relates to the activities above, ranging from software to events and design, to travel costs.
22/11/2022 £10,000 CONSERVATIVE ENVIRONMENT NETWORK We are seeking a £10,000 grant to fund part of our nature programme's core costs. This will enable us to work specifically on reforming the planning system and nature protections to deliver better outcomes for biodiversity.
22/11/2022 £50,000 COOK FOR GOOD The grant will be used to transform a space on the Priory Green estate in Islington into a multi-purpose community hub.
22/11/2022 £80,000 £1,612,890 CONSTRUCTION YOUTH TRUST The ultimate aim of this project is significant systems change and thought leadership. The intention is to create replicable youth-led strategies for CYT and industry employers that tackle hidden and unintended barriers that prevent disadvantaged young people from diverse backgrounds entering and succeeding in C&BE careers. The focus of the project will be Key Stage 5 school leavers (i.e. A-level/college) seeking apprenticeships. Success would be an increase in the number of young people from disadvantaged and diverse backgrounds who secure high-level professional apprenticeships and jobs across the sector on leaving school. We aim to achieve this by proactively seeking and listening to the views of young people and then using their voices/lived experience to develop & test new approaches working in partnership with employer partners like Wates. We specifically aim to influence all 3 areas of a typical talent strategy: Attract & Inspire: We already facilitate a significant programme of employer engagement in schools. We will use this existing programme to analyse feedback from young people (both directly and through our existing evaluations) to develop and test exciting new approaches to inspiring young people about C&BE careers. Recruit Diverse Young Talent: We will work with committed employer partners like Wates who are willing to test out new recruitment approaches, influenced by the feedback from young people on hidden barriers, for their September 2024 recruitment drive (e.g. guaranteeing a bespoke assessment centre for programme beneficiaries). As well as our London cohorts, young people on our Kent programmes can inform the programme on specific rural issues such as transport. Retain & thrive: We aim to pilot at least one initiative with a committed employer to support the experience of the September 2023 cohort of new entrants (e.g. piloting a mentoring programme that pairs young people with a mentor from a similar background). We will work with Wates and other employers to consult with a wide range of current apprentices and new entrants across the country about their lived experience of the construction workplace. We aim to use the learning to achieve significant systems change by: - Influencing the sector by disseminating recommended strategies and best practices that can be adopted by the wider industry - Improving CYT?s own approaches to working with employers to support diverse young people into meaningful opportunities in C&BE
22/11/2022 £10,000 £841,477 REWILDING BRITAIN To unrestricted core support to Rewilding Britain's role as a champion and catalyst for rewilding's central place in nature's recovery over 30% of Britain?s land and sea by 2030.
16/11/2022 £5,000 £344,099 THE HERITAGE OF LONDON TRUST LIMITED To restore an important community building. Stanley Halls was built by local inventor, architect, and industrialist William Ford Robinson Stanley in 1903 in order to "provide the district with a well needed public hall". His background was engineering but he was also a painter, musician, photographer, author of plays, books for children and political treatises. His vision for Stanley Halls was the promotion of 'Justice, Liberty and Science'.HOLT is working on a project to restore the railings and gates to the original designs as part of a larger restoration project of the building's exterior.
31/10/2022 £10,540 £473,596 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDERS NETWORK (EFN) The Environmental Funders Network and Bio-leadership Project have joined together to launch the Philanthropy Lab. Starting this autumn, the Lab is a structured learning and collaboration programme for environmental funders to work together to increase the impact of their investments (grants) and influence. In the Lab, participants will engage with world-leading thinkers, activists and practitioners working with new perspectives and approaches to change and will join creative facilitated workshops to develop collaborative funding strategies for systemic impact. Each iteration of the Lab orbits around an audacious goal to focus collaboration. The goal for this iteration of the Lab is "Creating economies in service to life", "Life" refers to both human life and all life. This is important in including a range of funders with differing perspectives and priorities but who are all centrally convened around a common goal.
20/10/2022 £500 £9,978 MANJU SHAHUL-HAMEED FOUNDATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH Donation to annual fundraising dinner called, Love not Hate on Friday 18th November 2022. Monies raised from this support a range of community work - this year Love not Hate will be raising funds for (i) suicide first aiders among young people in schools and the community and (ii) work to support and feed homeless people.
28/09/2022 £780 £318,818 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF LEATHERHEAD The church is an important part of the community and the bell ringing group and services are a key element. The grant will cover ten sets of double muffles for both sides of the clapper, including the tenor bell. The bells sit within St Mary and St Nicholas Church in Leatherhead.
22/09/2022 £5,000 £1,659,213 THE MARY HARE FOUNDATION To create a Vocational Centre for deaf pupils wishing to pursue a more vocational route for their post-16 education. This will help the life chances of young people who are deaf.
13/09/2022 £13,500 WARRIOR EQUINE CIC Funding to support a programme of 2 equine assisted therapy courses within a 12-month period; 1 of our proven 3-day courses for Veterans and 1 for serving personnel. Each course caters for 10 attendees.
01/08/2022 £1,000 £903,884 HEADS ON Covid-19 Restoration Bursary Fund: Heads On provide emergency hardship support for people facing financial difficulty as a result of Covid-19. The fund is aimed supporting people who may be facing loneliness, isolation and other feelings that can have a negative effect on mental health.
02/02/2022 £10,000 £5,390,000 FORUM FOR THE FUTURE While this grant is unrestricted, the key organisational aims it will enable include priorities such as: 1) Organisational leadership and development Implementation of Forum's 2022-2025 strategy is enabling: Delivery of greater impact along our theory of change. 2) Strengthening our capacity for measuring and demonstrating impact Improvements in project delivery and effectiveness, impact assessment and strategic programme development. 3) Communicating our efforts effectively and engaging others in our work Forum's key thought leadership products are engaging diverse voices, reaching target audiences and generating debate around key questions important in driving a just and regenerative future Priority programmes.
01/12/2021 £10,000 £3,343,679 STARLIGHT CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION This grant will be used to provide a bundle of our existing services including tools for distraction; entertainment and mindfulness to 10 hospitals in most need.
23/11/2021 £80,000 £205,994 EMBASSY Core costs: We aim to launch a women's version of our current provision for men. To realise this, we need to cover salary costs for a full-time resettlement worker & initial capital costs in order to purchase a 2 bed property.
23/11/2021 £27,500 THE SMITH INSTITUTE The grant award would be used to help improve the supply and quality of temporary accommodation, especially in places are there are acute shortages. The award will be used to specifically to undertake research, engage key decision makers and practitioners, produce a report and disseminate the findings.
23/11/2021 £30,000 LOOK AHEAD CARE AND SUPPORT The aims of this grant are to: 1. Quantify the need for and raise awareness of the lack of adequate support services for young people experiencing acute mental ill health. 2. Recommend new, innovative services that better support young people with acute mental ill health. We will work together with our Research Partner to acheive these aims.
16/11/2021 £1,000 THE SICK CHILDREN'S TRUST Acorn House (Cambridge) renewal works
15/11/2021 £1,500 £467,291 INNOVATIONS FOR LEARNING Our TutorMate programme which this grant will support targets young children (aged 5 to 7) who are struggling and, by pairing them with a positive, committed adult who helps them practise reading and enjoy stories, we enable children to improve their literacy skills, enjoy reading and feel positive and confident about their own ability.
23/09/2021 £2,760 £50,939 THE ANGEL HANDS FOUNDATION T/A MY YARD CHARITY The grant will be used to start 2 groups of mentoring young people with weekly boxing, mentoring sessions, trips out and career advice and internships.
23/09/2021 £5,000 £718,208 THE PROUD TRUST The grant will be used to buy meeting table furniture for the new LGBT+ Centre. This will provide staff, trustees and young people with a dedicated planning space to finally be able to work together in person after so long apart.
23/09/2021 £5,000 £216,172 SLOUGH HOMELESS OUR CONCERN (SHOC) Provide a safe place for people sleeping rough in Slough. A place to come inside out of the elements, to get a hot shower and fresh clothes, hot food and professional help to access treatment and housing options.
23/09/2021 £5,000 £10,473 BRIDGE THE GAP FOOTBALL Provide a volunteer team with resources and equipment to be able to run the Bridge the Gap Programme.
23/09/2021 £5,000 COMBAT2COFFEE CIC To purchase a coffee machine and equipment so that we can attend construction sites. we will give away tea and coffee to workers in the hops that if they are struggling with their MH they talk to us. we have had 2 trials already with great success
23/09/2021 £2,000 FUN UNIQUE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE CIC To create a Mural in the Merlin playground. The grant will be used to Design and plan a mural Prepping and drawing up of a design onto the wall Painting of mural over 5-7 days, Acrylic and exterior paint + mixed materials
12/08/2021 £500 £102,203 THE KIDNEY FUND Donation
29/07/2021 £5,000 £1,871,383 THE LAKE DISTRICT CALVERT TRUST Core costs to extend the life expectancy of the organisation.
29/06/2021 £100,000 £46,722,000 THE DIFFERENCE Towards the core costs of The Difference as we deliver the third year of our pioneering programme.
16/06/2021 £500 GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL Light the Cathedral Blue for NHS, Social Care & Frontline Workers' Day - 5 July. To honour them for their work during the pandemic.
02/06/2021 £5,000 £5,390,000 FORUM FOR THE FUTURE Core funding
18/05/2021 £5,000 RISE.365 The grant will be used to purchase much needed food items for the community shop, a portion of it will also go directly to pay for another counsellor to support young people through trauma.
18/05/2021 £5,000 £247,744 CARLISLE KEY Funding towards the continuation of the drop-in service.
18/05/2021 £5,000 £389,591 HAVERING MIND Create a large outdoor space in which we can hold groups and activities in a socially distanced setting.
18/05/2021 £5,000 £1,549,868 THE EC ROBERTS CENTRE The grant will be used to re-start the Temporary Accommodation Play Scheme this summer following Covid 19 restrictions.
18/05/2021 £5,000 SEN-DEN Towards more play activities for the children and with advice from an Occupational Therapist.
18/05/2021 £1,000 £563,444 HORSHAM MATTERS Towards funding the provision of budget & financial management advice which will be available to all Foodbank users.
22/04/2021 £2,500 GRINLING GIBBONS SOCIETY Contribution towards education cost surrounding the exhibitions.
25/03/2021 £5,000 £33,876,000 TURN2US To support the key Co-Production staff role and activities.
10/03/2021 £1,000 £125,587 BRIXTON SOUP KITCHEN Donation
06/01/2021 £2,000 £86,002,000 HFT Towards year 2 & 3 employment costs for the National Programme Coordinator
22/12/2020 £5,000 £313,739 HERITAGE OF LONDON TRUST Hall Conservation to restore the gates and the Beaufoy Book.
16/07/2020 £120,000 £2,342,969 HUBBUB FOUNDATION UK The grant will support a pioneering collaborative campaign exploring how a greener physical environment in disadvantaged neighbourhoods can drive greater engagement with climate change.
16/07/2020 £120,000 £2,342,969 HUBBUB FOUNDATION UK The grant will support a pioneering collaborative campaign exploring how a greener physical environment in disadvantaged neighbourhoods can drive greater engagement with climate change.
10/07/2020 £19,620 £108,793,000 ST MUNGO’S To support an innovative, three year research-led project to better understand and alleviate hidden homelessness amongst transient workforces.
26/06/2020 £15,000 FAMILY BUSINESS NETWORK (FBN) INTERNATIONAL FBN joint initiative with UNCTAD (Family Business for Sustainable Development)
29/04/2020 £5,000 £147,288 TEES, ESK & WEAR VALLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST GENERAL CHARITABLE FUND To run a partnership project with St Nicks to deliver 48 x 1 hour long Ecotherapy sessions for patients at Foss Park hospital.
29/04/2020 £5,000 £114,290 CARDIFF FOODBANK Funding for support equipment for a Volunteer Coordinator, due to increased demand during the Covid-19 pandemic.
29/04/2020 £10,000 LET ME PLAY To set up a Wates Fund of £5,000 to support disadvantaged students who may not have access to internet or do not have adequate IT (Laptop or Tablet) to continue with their studies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
29/04/2020 £5,000 YOUNG FUTURES Towards Starter Kits for young care leavers moving into our Community Flats over the coming year.
11/03/2020 £7,000 £815,391 ROYAL ENGINEERS MUSEUM Core Costs
25/02/2020 £5,000 TEESIDE UNIVERSITY To set up a community bakery to bring the local people of middlesborough together.The hub will promote intergration and community cohesion
25/02/2020 £5,000 THE KINGS ARMS (PETERSFIELD) T/A THE KINGS ARMS Building Refit following the purchase of new premises.
25/02/2020 £5,000 £1,243,155 INSPIRE Towards funding one new school to take part in the programme next academic year.
25/02/2020 £5,000 £237,914 THE EXODUS PROJECT 1. Extend existing 40m railway line to approximately 300m. 2. Improve battery powered locos and riding cars. 3. Improve engine shed and maintenance facilities. 4. Involve young people in the development.
25/02/2020 £5,000 £70 INSPIRING YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT To buy new equipment for the music technology studio which was hasn?t been significantly updated since the centre was opened almost twenty years ago.
25/02/2020 £5,000 £12,339,000 PAPWORTH TRUST First Steps To Success: an employment project, designed to support the needs of adults aged 18 + who have a learning disability 1 P/T Advisor to support 15 adults with a Learning disability.
25/02/2020 £5,000 CARMEL VILLAGE HALL Towards the refurbishment of the Hall to make it safer.
25/02/2020 £5,000 GRADUATE PLANET Graduate Planet is seeking funding to run the "Sustainable Cities" days which are a part of the Stratford School Sustainability Programme. This involves educating children aged between 7 to 11 about environmental sustainability through the construction of
16/12/2019 £5,000 £313,739 HERITAGE OF LONDON TRUST Core funding
27/11/2019 £5,000 PLEASANT STREET PRIMARY SCHOOL To purchase and install a four-station fitness bundle for pupils.
27/11/2019 £15,000 SKILLS BUILDER PARTNERSHIP AND LET ME PLAY Towards the development of a brand new primary school engagement programme "Build Yourself: Junior" under the umbrella of Build Yourself.
27/11/2019 £10,000 £1,945,032 NOAH Support for the Welfare Centre and Catering where we will support around 700 people in Bedfordshire (mainly Luton) in the year.
27/11/2019 £67,885 £1,262,680 ROMSEY MILL TRUST Support for Romsey Mill's bespoke Young Leaders Programme, which will consist of several mutually supportive and related elements to develop the aspirations, leadership abilities and self-confidence of the young people.
27/11/2019 £15,000 £108,100,000 ST JOHN AMBULANCE To develop and pilot a programme to equip young people from diverse backgrounds and hard-to-reach groups with the skills and confidence to respond to health needs relevant to their communities.
27/11/2019 £5,000 £3,217,462 ORPHEUS CENTRE Funding for our Learning Transitions Programme, a three year programme supporting young adults with disabilities to make the transition from being a student at Orpheus to independent living.
27/11/2019 £10,000 £1,376,323 THE PTI To support a three-day Subject Leadership Residential, enabling 120 Heads of Department from state secondary schools to develop a more relevant and inspiring curriculum, share good practice and bring the latest knowledge into the classroom.
27/11/2019 £5,000 £1,878,097 CLUB DONCASTER FOUNDATION To deliver diversionary activity for young people in Edlington.
27/11/2019 £10,000 £711,632 EMERGE 3RS Give and Gain project. Offers support and work experience to long-term unemployed and opportunity to take online training courses. Funding will pay for external trainers, PPE, DBS checks and project monitoring.
27/11/2019 £15,000 £165,699 INSTITUTE FOR FAMILY BUSINESS (IFB) RESEARCH FOUNDATION Support to carry out the following activities over the next 3 years: to develop an annual family business sector report to investigate and assess the impact and contribution of family business on the UK economy. To develop and commission new research around the following themes: long-term orientation; next generation engagement in family firms; impact of tax policies on family business; people capital. Activities to promote, facilitate and build capacity for family business research in the UK; for example, by sponsoring research projects, assisting researchers to disseminate their work, and supporting early career researchers. Organising research events to disseminate our work and to bring researchers together from different institutions to network, share their work and to explore opportunities for collaboration. Identify and help to develop the data and research resources (both quantitative and qualitative) available to family business researchers and that underpins research in this field.
27/11/2019 £9,800 £2,055,295 BOUNCEBACK To undertake a project whereby 8 participants who have recently left prison have an opportunity to obtain their NVQ Level 2 painting and decorating qualifications and CSCS cards whilst working
27/11/2019 £9,875 £494,272 STREETDOCTORS To deliver seven StreetDoctors sessions in three specificed areas (London) by professional healthcare volunteers.
27/11/2019 £8,000 £203,300 MOBIE To host a design challenge that will encourage and inspire younger generations aged 7 to 11 (Key Stage 2) (KS2), to explore careers in the built environment. This form of engagement will expose the participants to the built environment through a fun and i
Show more rows
Cumulative Grants
Amount Grantee
£80,000 EMBASSY
£19,620 ST MUNGO’S
£10,000 THE PTI
£10,000 NOAH
£10,000 LET ME PLAY
£10,000 EMERGE 3RS
£8,000 MOBIE
£6,500 DOORWAY
£6,000 D HUB 67 C.I.C.
£5,000 TURN2US
£5,000 SEN-DEN
£5,000 RISE.365
£5,000 INSPIRE
£2,000 HFT
£1,000 HEADS ON
Show more rows

Data sourced via 360 Giving

Our Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
Scottish Charity Regulator
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
360 Giving

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