Finance Score: 3
Governance Score: 3
Support Score: 5
  • Liabilities <10%: +3
  • Strong growth: +2
  • Deficit latest year: -2
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Overall weighted support: +5
Overall GiG Score: 11 ?


Provides support, information and temporary accommodation for women with or without children suffering domestic abuse.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • This charity has a robust balance sheet
  • There has been strong growth in spending over the last 5 years
  • There have been no material income shortfalls in recent years
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be dynamic in terms of composition

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • This charity is not recognised by HMRC for Gift Aid according to its latest published return
  • Over half the Board have joined recently

Financial issues to consider:

  • Liquidity appeared to be in excess of CC guidelines at the latest year end but spending has been increasing rapidly
  • Income was lower than spending in the latest year

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 0%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 0%
Senior Staff Costs/Total Spending: 10%
Highest pay band: £70,000-£80,000
Liabilities/Assets: 8%
Liabilities/Income: 13%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 93%
Reserves/Spending: 15.1 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 4 months
Quick Ratio: 6.1
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 10 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesFacebookInstagramX
Listed activities
  • Accommodation/Housing
  • Education/Training
GiG Classification
  • Support for victims of domestic or sexual abuse
How it operates
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides buildings/facilities/open space
  • Provides human resources
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • Luton,
Who it helps
  • Children/Young People
  • Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
  • Other Defined Groups
  • People Of A Particular Ethnic Or Racial Origin

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award
£25,000 07/08/2023
Capacity building
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Cookery sessions for women and children, covering food education and the creation of multicultural dishes.
£4,000 02/02/2023
Community Kitchen
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Helpline
£67,400 05/01/2023
WAiL - Helpline
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Purchase of new laptops to utilise specialist system for data capture and monitoring.
£9,479 13/07/2022
Purchase of laptops to enhance digital literacy amongst our beneficiaries
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - 'What about me?'
£5,000 17/03/2022
A programme of inspiring creative workshops for children in Luton who have experienced domestic abuse.
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Focus on Inclusion Project
£24,954 09/02/2022
This funding will help build their work with South Asian and other women from BAME communities, including Eastern Europe, in refuges and the community by increasing preventative outreach to ensure ....more
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation - Reducing Harm from Domestic Abuse
£70,289 22/12/2020
Grant to Women's Aid In Luton
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (7)
Current Trustees appointed

  • ANOSHE WAHEED Appointed: 2022
  • DIONNE NELSON Appointed: 2022
  • HARSHINDER KAUR HUNDAL Appointed: 2024
  • LAURA JOPSON Appointed: 2023
  • PERPERTUA CHAGONDA Appointed: 2021
  • SIOBHAN MORTON Appointed: 2020
  • TAHERA AANCHAWAN (Chair) Appointed: 2021
Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in England & Wales on 18/02/2015, number: 1160555
Gift Aid
  • NOT registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
8 returns made; AR17: 1 days late, AR16: 1 days late,
Main office

32-42 Duke Street


1. ObjectThe object for which the organisation is established is to relieve the distress and suffering experienced by women and their children who have experienced domestic abuse, as defined in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Domestic abuse involves any single incident or pattern of conduct where someone’s behaviour towards another is abusive, and where the people involved are aged 16 or over and = are, or have been, personally connected to each other (regardless of gender or sexuality). The abuse can involve, but is not limited to:• psychological• physical• sexual• financial• emotional• violent• threatening• controlling• coercive behaviour. ’Personal connection’ means the individuals concerned:• are due to be, are currently, or have been, married or civil partners to each other• are, or have been, in an intimate personal relationship with each other• are, or have been, parents (or had a parental relationship) to the same child• are relatives (the Act gives further definitions of ‘relatives’)The organisation will provide:a) refuge accommodation and outreach support where women and their children who have experienced domestic abuse can enjoy temporary rest and protection from abuse, with a view to their starting independent living, and obtaining a permanent legal separation or divorce if they are married or have a civil partnership.b) providing support and assistance in obtaining legal advice, medical care, emotional support and relevant information as part of a supportive process for women and their children who have suffered serious injury or impairment, physical, emotional, economic or sexual abuse.2. Powers:The CIO has power to do anything which is calculated to further its objects or is conducive or incidental to doing so. In particular, the CIO has power to:(1) borrow money and to change the whole or any part of its property as security for the repayment of the money borrowed. The CIO must comply as appropriate with sections 124 and 125 of the Charities Act 2022 if it wishes to mortgage land;(2) buy, take on, lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and to maintain and equip it for use;(3) sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the property belonging to the CIO. In exercising this power, the CIO must comply as appropriate with sections 117 and 119-123 of the Charities Act 2022(4) employ and remunerate such staff as are necessary for carrying out the work of the CIO. The CIO may employ or remunerate a charity trustee only to the extent that it is permitted to do so by clause 6 (Benefits and payments to charity trustees and connected persons) and provided it complies with the conditions of that clause;(5) deposit or invest funds; employ a professional fund-manager, and arrange for the investments or other property of the CIO to be held in the name of a nominee, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the trustees of a trust are permitted to do by the Trustee Act 2000.

Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

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Giving is Great