Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£1,124 |
We aim to provide a range of toys and reference books to the local children's mental health team in Morecambe. These resources will enhance the support the team can provide for their young patients.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£1,885 |
We aim to provide therapeutic toys, games, and books to children's mental health services in Bolton. These resources will enhance support for young people, helping to improve their mental wellbeing.
Westminster Foundation - Small grant - MedEquip4Kids - 14/09/2023 |
£10,000 |
12 |
Hummingbird Project
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£2,874 |
We aim to provide resources for children's mental health services. This will improve the support offered for children struggling with their mental wellbeing.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£3,597 |
Our aim is to ensure children and young people who are unwell get the best possible health care by providing Blackpool Victoria Hospital with equipment and resources.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£1,326 |
We want to ensure that the parents of poorly children can comfortably stay the night beside their child's bed at North Manchester General Hospital's Children's Ward by providing folding beds.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£1,557 |
We would like to provide upgraded medical equipment for the children's ward at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary to ensure that children who are unwell get the best possible health care.
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust - MedEquip4Kids - 07/05/21 |
£1,500 |
Graduate Acheeva Bed to support disabled pupils at Lancasterian School, Manchester
Cheshire Community Foundation - Hummingbird Project |
£25,558 |
MedEquip4Kids will deliver a 6-week Mental Health Well-being Programme to 600 students ‘at risk’ of potential mental illnesses in partnership with schools across Cheshire West and Chester. The grant funding will be used to pay for the salary of
MedEquip4Kids will deliver a 6-week Mental Health Well-being Programme to 600 students ‘at risk’ of potential mental illnesses in partnership with schools across Cheshire West and Chester. The grant funding will be used to pay for the salary of a part-time Project Co-ordinator, volunteer costs, resources and activity costs, Management and administration costs and organisational costs related to the project including marketing and overheads. The project will significantly help vulnerable young people identify, respond to and cope with potential mental health issues through their adolescent lives - a crucial time in their lives - so that they become better equipped to manage their wellbeing, giving them better chances of succeeding through school and later life.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£3,267 |
We aim to provide upgraded equipment to enhance the services available at the new midwife-led birth centre at Warrington Hospital.
Forever Manchester - Resources to support children's mental health during the coronavirus pandemic |
£2,500 |
Additional items to distract and support children in hospitals with mental health problems, who have had family visits and usual support withdrawn
Cheshire Community Foundation - Hummingbird Project |
£28,398 |
MedEquip4Kids will deliver a 6-week Mental Health Well-being Programme to 600 students ?at risk? of potential mental illnesses in partnership with schools across Cheshire West and Chester. The grant funding will be used to pay for the salary of a
MedEquip4Kids will deliver a 6-week Mental Health Well-being Programme to 600 students ?at risk? of potential mental illnesses in partnership with schools across Cheshire West and Chester. The grant funding will be used to pay for the salary of a part-time Project Co-ordinator, volunteer costs, resources and activity costs, Management and administration costs and organisational costs related to the project including marketing and overheads. The project will significantly help vulnerable young people identify, respond to and cope with potential mental health issues through their adolescent lives - a crucial time in their lives - so that they become better equipped to manage their wellbeing, giving them better chances of succeeding through school and later life.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£5,874 |
We wish to fund Parent Overnight Chairs, so children can have their parents or guardians with them when they need them most.
Cheshire Community Foundation - The Hummingbird Project |
£28,953 |
MedEquip4Kids improves the health of children and young people in the UK by providing equipment and services not available from limited statutory resources. MedEquip4Kids will deliver an 8-week Mental Health Wellbeing Programme to 600 students ‘at
MedEquip4Kids improves the health of children and young people in the UK by providing equipment and services not available from limited statutory resources. MedEquip4Kids will deliver an 8-week Mental Health Wellbeing Programme to 600 students ‘at risk’ of potential mental illnesses in partnership with schools across Cheshire West and Chester. The grant funding will be used to pay for the salary of a part-time Project Co-ordinator, volunteer costs, resources and activity costs, Management and administration costs and organisational costs related to the project including marketing and overheads. The project will significantly help vulnerable young people identify, respond to and cope with potential mental health issues through their adolescent lives - a crucial time in their lives - so that they become better equipped to manage their wellbeing, giving them better chances of succeeding through school and later life.
National Lottery Community Fund - The Hummingbird Project |
£7,950 |
12 |
This group will use the funding to deliver an 8 week programme in four schools to help young people at risk of developing mental health illnesses and to produce a booklet which will be shared to help others at risk.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to MedEquip4Kids |
£3,565 |
Fund the amazing Clown Doctor ""Louby Lou"" to visit Stockport's Stepping Hill Hospital in 2017.