BBC Children in Need - Grant to Coram Voice |
£90,000 |
This grant will provide increased capacity through the Homelessness Outreach Project. The intended outcomes include empowering young people to access support from Children's Services, and prevent homelessness.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Coram Voice |
£144,000 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a project providing advocacy services for children and young people with a learning disability and/or autism across England.
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Coram Voice |
£249,000 |
60 |
£249,000 over five years (£49,000; £49,000; £49,700; £50,300; £51,000) towards the salary of a full time Specialist Advocate for 16+ (0.8 FTE), staff costs for management (0.15 FTE) and youth consultancy (0.05 FTE) and costs of training and
£249,000 over five years (£49,000; £49,000; £49,700; £50,300; £51,000) towards the salary of a full time Specialist Advocate for 16+ (0.8 FTE), staff costs for management (0.15 FTE) and youth consultancy (0.05 FTE) and costs of training and support to professionals, for young people in London leaving care. The grant is conditional on Coram Voice gaining an Advice Quality Standard.
The Segelman Trust - Grant to Coram Voice |
£105,000 |
36 |
To support the development of the National Children in Care Council
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Coram Voice |
£18,083 |
The projects provides disabled children and young people who have been disproportionally affected by covid-19 with access to an advocacy helpline that supports their well-being, improve the care they receive and their confidence to self-advocate.
Comic Relief - Leaving Care with Confidence |
£165,000 |
Many care leavers are not told about their full entitlements (housing, bursaries etc) - they often don't realise they can access Social Care Support, or that Pathway Planning should be part of their transition out of care. Coram Voice already runs a
Many care leavers are not told about their full entitlements (housing, bursaries etc) - they often don't realise they can access Social Care Support, or that Pathway Planning should be part of their transition out of care. Coram Voice already runs a successful Care Leavers Advocacy Service in London, and will replicate this in Manchester where it has a growing project hub. Care experienced young people aged 16-25 years will be able to access a specialist Advocate who will work in an enabling and holistic way to remove them from a point of crisis (homelessness, debt, food poverty etc) by educating them about their rights, and support pathways. The goal is for care leavers to flourish.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Coram Voice |
£50,000 |
6 |
towards unrestricted core costs as a COVID-19 Fast Response grant
The Segelman Trust - Grant to Coram Voice |
£100,000 |
36 |
Towards the next phase of the New Belongings project, supporting local authorities to adapt services on the basis of feedback from care leavers.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Coram Voice |
£250,000 |
36 |
Towards the next phase of the New Belongings project, supporting local authorities to adapt services on the basis of feedback from care leavers.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Coram Voice |
£90,000 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a National project providing advocacy support for homeless young people who have been in care
Masonic Trust - MCF Large Grant |
£60,000 |
A grant towards the Specialist Advocacy Service, supporting children and young people with disabilities in the care system.
Dulverton Trust - the Helpline and Community Advocacy Service |
£25,000 |
the Helpline and Community Advocacy Service
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Coram Voice |
£30,000 |
Towards the costs of developing new delivery models for training programmes for adults supporting looked-after children, helping the organisation to earn more unrestricted income and to reach more beneficiaries in a wider geographic area.
Dulverton Trust - Always Heard |
£35,000 |
Always Heard
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Voice |
£50,000 |
24 |
towards two years' continuation funding of the running costs of Always Heard, an advocacy project for young people in care across the UK