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Grant Tracking

On this page we analyse the grants made by UK grant-makers who have donated more than £200,000 over the last five years. When those grants are made to registered charities we can dig deeper into the data to see the type of organisations that they favour.

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Central Government Community Foundation Independent Local Government
Grant maker Total grants* Criteria &
Size of Charity Supported ?
<£100k £100-
£1-3m £3m-10m £10m-25m >£25m
912 £21,573,630?
463 £36,228,172?
146 £2,931,525?
147 £1,299,527
280 £1,517,928
115 £3,238,637?No
122 £342,531,372?No
682 £15,476,600
101 £5,946,923?
23 £920,132?
103 £3,561,399
476 £6,331,810?
480 £19,506,447?
5221 £149,896,467?
829 £15,753,866
408 £2,594,850
155 £1,430,056
896 £19,076,058?
92 £2,671,294
609 £56,040,776
1302 £11,959,798
139 £6,483,100?
483 £4,898,227?
526 £4,978,923?
650 £1,673,174
613 £9,500,668?
1198 £8,620,909?
315 £9,563,937?
2977 £156,104,831?
442 £7,913,256?
390 £12,618,103
18077 £75,811,124?
766 £190,019,203?
948 £7,738,129
376 £1,990,033?
1978 £13,938,186?
1563 £11,102,975
2811 £17,365,310
1206 £10,749,887?
959 £6,634,209
663 £2,893,620?
2046 £92,344,343?
2252 £11,933,135
306 £4,015,602?
234 £3,589,943
307 £1,721,522
81 £1,297,945
1123 £9,759,583
152 £669,715
92 £3,618,746?
16750 £2,456,662,535
6738 £11,342,977,444
12189 £2,871,922,390
5076 £584,845,537
15 £8,270,475
57 £4,642,237
9931 £5,409,512,027
24694 £3,046,863,067
1504 £1,589,139,365
1211 £7,666,476?No
95 £1,086,448
407 £1,739,806
382 £19,039,690?
72 £3,454,272?
13 £440,425
18 £669,559
2369 £241,907,807?
2574 £19,521,199?
61 £491,803
73 £278,513?
2163 £9,306,485,110
1202 £3,973,115
6903 £47,502,882?
95 £9,333,847?
8533 £368,174,713?
15 £10,998,560?No
418 £21,923,377
32 £724,407
128 £4,648,445?No
1885 £857,405,826?
66 £2,858,843?
5 £538,250
293 £30,904,500?
608 £102,049,798
217 £4,308,335
357 £8,186,468
154 £1,162,956
1193 £6,136,135
212 £5,109,057
16 £210,833?
850 £8,366,651?
2452 £213,511,352?
1129 £1,710,818?
901 £8,189,440?
5403 £13,319,735
2 £1,100,000
5612 £4,583,394,235
113 £1,608,377
376 £10,872,469
65 £13,120,954?
237 £21,259,514?No
25 £1,065,000
151 £5,594,475
30 £1,308,265
301 £27,322,040?
954 £39,755,949?
570 £4,273,049?
104 £4,970,077?No
435 £13,935,850?
519 £60,113,226?
57 £301,884
197 £8,225,879?
31 £778,548?No
42 £9,483,164
22 £3,690,575
7 £449,774No
328 £27,188,576?No
2183 £20,497,474
179 £1,316,254?
286 £1,429,461
240 £69,029,294
2207 £69,043,645?
6 £412,600
537 £5,343,058
1046 £11,211,811
482 £1,053,239?
21 £645,136
122 £1,220,000
336 £25,504,967?
121 £35,107,960
321 £317,109
407 £7,719,072
125 £3,630,747No
1908 £26,734,720
73 £6,953,761
168 £75,266,091
236 £17,116,576?
18 £1,256,396?No
5898 £4,803,951,569
1573 £71,010,876
1061 £155,436,187
19 £4,158,536
398 £3,231,367
83 £96,340,849
51045 £1,949,545,089?
4740 £443,999,802?
98 £4,972,972No
530 £28,761,859?
57 £562,693
35 £1,306,666
742 £4,574,134
100 £994,908
276 £70,572,822
103 £1,146,080
43 £365,830
158 £944,823?
49 £4,108,686?No
47 £966,029
832 £7,216,069?
1809 £148,425,067?No
515 £90,134,668?No
548 £9,877,489
33 £1,284,695
1500 £46,042,757?No
89 £17,660,511
3678 £23,704,797?
240 £3,393,117?
49 £1,118,797
63 £4,755,171No
532 £15,544,000?No
269 £4,972,846
592 £19,447,864?
26 £3,496,036
367 £11,240,206?
110 £4,333,560
118 £12,884,480?No
362 £3,680,343?
3879 £94,756,564
417 £19,006,756?
402 £1,180,162?
667 £8,489,766
221 £8,943,293
40 £299,160?
1655 £12,554,184?
58 £13,517,768?No
17610 £1,750,088,718No
32 £3,558,470
403 £5,073,011
76 £2,563,325?No
214 £68,939,086
337 £1,164,634
1267 £9,844,452
2933 £14,431,330?
93 £2,598,463?No
111 £4,784,815?No
420 £1,095,656
48 £870,676
470 £11,995,867?
451 £17,135,536
33 £2,297,164?
491 £11,842,971
169 £1,793,725?
231 £16,102,708?
138 £4,250,000?
303 £21,260,199?
598 £6,840,217?
1893 £37,529,314?
344 £1,467,278
45 £2,158,840
14 £258,575
61 £3,167,668?
185 £2,671,550?No
447 £6,587,793?
2696 £50,562,424?
119 £1,148,255?
52 £1,625,546?
794 £4,928,395?
118 £4,716,580?
605 £13,995,576?
186 £25,851,397
76 £5,521,900?
984 £12,735,660?
169 £4,851,696
80 £496,887?
4 £3,200,000?
370 £13,307,918?
208 £11,404,800
82 £1,432,591
67 £4,436,750?
261 £2,863,440
1836 £64,102,243?
2768 £4,153,387,745
100 £1,312,572
146 £94,082,908
107 £13,889,164
217 £15,090,282?
195 £5,344,717
193 £409,905
87 £3,250,073?
348 £11,168,409?
943 £60,093,172?
295 £8,220,392?
1774 £69,623,411?
142 £4,060,390?No
761 £4,053,231?
60 £914,670
219 £25,670,838?
96 £1,773,741?
8 £2,751,430
676 £6,966,385?
78 £2,192,690?
469 £11,587,312?
1900 £122,133,259
140 £2,041,358No
140 £1,384,504?No
47 £371,753
291 £11,786,316
440 £17,814,309?
861 £5,307,591
1442 £190,339,094?
171 £854,834?
836 £1,061,070?
998 £43,290,856?
49 £1,451,000?

* Over the last 5 years, excluding smaller grants by large grant makers.Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

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