Filing Record
3 returns made; AR19: 139 days late, Main office
Room 22, 54 Gordon Street, Room 22, 54 Gordon Street, Glasgow, g1 3pu
In particular, the objects are: The advancement of education by : providing educational and vocational support to the Refugee, Asylum, BME and Migrant communities that can improve their integration, such as different levels of ESOL classes, skills enhancement classes, interview skills workshops etc. supporting parents of special needs children by providing training on how to support their children?s education from BME background, including but not limited to, partnering with NGOs such as Autistic Resource Centre and Home Start in delivering such training. Coordinating the provision of health talks and well-being programmes and services to the Refugee, Asylum, BME and Migrant communities to enhance their physical and spiritual well-being, including fitness classes. The organisation of recreational activities by: Providing facilitated access to recreational services to priority needs groups including women (esp. those under abuse), elderly, children, young people, people with special needs (autistic, ADHD, others affected by mental and physical illnesses) with BME background in order to improve their lives., which include but not limited to, providing interpreter to accompany their attendance at recreational services. The advancement of community development by Serving as a hub for linking up the Refugee, Asylum, BME and Migrant communities with volunteering, internship or placement opportunities provided by SMEs, NGOs, enterprises etc., so as to enhance their employability and integration to the society. Helping unemployed and underemployed with BME background by providing advice and training to help them start new businesses, charities etc. Providing outreach services such as exhibitions, conferences etc. to target communities that have high proportions of BME, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and Migrants. a particular focus being areas of potential deprivation Breaking down barriers between communities through awareness raising programmes and anti-racist and anti sectarian work, which include but not limited to, partnering with NGOs such as CRER (Coalition of Racial Equality and Rights) in organising seminars and programmes (e.g. Black history month). Providing opportunities for cross-cultural contact for all communities living in the area, which include but not limited to, coffee drop-in sessions, International Fun Day etc