Finance Score: 0
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 0
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • No supporters identified
    Overall GiG Score: 0 ?


    Financial Data
    This charity has not yet lodged any accounts.
    Established: less than 1 year
    Scottish Charity Regulator
    Listed activities
    • It carries out activities or services itself
    GiG Classification
    • Allotments & gardens
    • The prevention or relief of poverty
    • The advancement of education
    • The advancement of health','the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
    Where it operates
    • Wider, but within one local authority area, main operating location: West Lothian
    Who it helps
    • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

    Who supports them? ?

    We have no records of donations from grant makers.

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in Scotland on 24/04/2024, number: SC053304
    Main office



    4 The organisation’s Purposes are to: (a) The prevention or relief of poverty (b) The advancement of education (c) The advancement of health (d) The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, financial hardship or any other reason. In furtherance of these purposes, the organisation will: A. Ensure that no-one in West Lothian Goes Hungry. • We seek to ensure the relief and hardship of food poverty for the people of West Lothian facing food insecurity. This is achieved by providing access to food through our network of foodbanks, community fridges, community pantries and community meals initiatives. The West Lothian Food Network provides early intervention to prevent food poverty crisis across all demographics of those in need. B. Promote Food with Dignity. We seek to educate people in West Lothian where and how to access food with dignity and where to: • Locate the appropriate advice services and maximise incomes. • To find choice to match individual preferences, dietary needs, or religious practice, no matter their age, disability, health or financial circumstances. • How to share opportunities like volunteering, growing/donating food, skills and experiences to develop communities. • How to create communities around food. C. Promoting Healthy and Balanced Eating. The West Lothian Food Network provides access to food that maintains a healthy working body and mind. This promotes and provides good quality nutritious food no matter a person’s age, health condition, financial hardship, or disadvantages. The West Lothian Food Network provides and shares clear and consistent messages to the people living in these areas, who are kept up to date with the information from Public Health Scotland, through our social media platforms, digital information, printed information, events, and services. D. Building Community Food Knowledge, Skills, and Resources • We seek to empower individuals and communities by creating more opportunities to become educated on how to grow food at home, in allotments or communities, relieving food insecurity and food poverty. • To teach communities how to cook on a budget and how to share skills and resources at home or in your community. • Eat together as a family or part of a community relieving isolation. • Signpost to all relevant food services and initiatives. • Celebrate culinary and cultural diversity by promoting a positive and inclusive food culture. E. Collaborative Working We seek to avoid duplication of efforts and promote the efficient use of available resources by: • Providing clear, regular, and inclusive communication. • Identifying and sharing resources. • Identifying funding opportunities through joint bid. • Sharing and following best practice. • Having people from the communities supporting and contributing. F. Protect the Sustainability and Environmental Impact of our Food Systems. We will seek to ensure that food is produced, distributed, and disposed of responsibly by: • Reducing food waste and emissions from our food system. • Increasing availability of locally produced food. • Adopting the highest environmental standards possible. • Raising awareness of the environmental impacts of our food systems and promoting best practice. Following the Eatwell Guide from the NHS when making decisions on food purchasing, meal plans, recipe cards, food parcel contents, service provision and event planning.

    Data Sources

    Scottish Charity Regulator
    Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

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