Finance Score: -2
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 0
  • Deficit latest year: -2
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • No supporters identified
    Overall GiG Score: -2 ?


    Analysis by Giving is Great

    Financial issues to consider:

    • Income was lower than spending in the latest year
    Financial Data
    Period ending 30/06/18
    Charitable activities £438,469
    Donations & Legacies
    Other Income
    Investment Income £57
    Total income £438,526
    Charitable activities spending £546,686
    Fundraising costs
    Other spending
    Total spending £546,686
    Surplus/deficit -£108,160
    Established: 55 years
    Scottish Charity Regulator
    Listed activities
    • It carries out activities or services itself
    GiG Classification
    • General Community services
    • The advancement of education
    Where it operates
    • Scotland and other parts of the UK, main operating location: Renfrewshire
    Who it helps
    • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

    Who supports them? ?

    We have no records of donations from grant makers.

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Legal constitution
    Filing Record
    1 returns made; all on time
    Main office

    William Duncan & Co Ltd, 2nd Floor, 18 Bothwell Street, Glasgow , G2 6NU


    The objects for which the Group is established are:- (a) To organise and co-ordinate training for all levels of employees of members of the Group and the employees of such other firms, Partnerships, Corporations or other bodies as the Group shall permit. (b) To purchase, take on Lease or in exchange, hire, or otherwise acquire any heritable or moveable property and any rights or privileges which the Group may think necessary or convenient for the promotion of its objects and to construct, maintain and alter any buildings or erections necessary or convenient for the work of the Group. (c) To sell, let, burden, dispose of, or turn to account all or any of the property or assets of the Group as may be thought expedient with a view to the promotion of its objects. (d) To borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Group on such terms and on such security as may be thought fit. (e) To invest the moneys of the Group not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law and subject also as hereinafter provided.

    Data Sources

    Scottish Charity Regulator

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    Giving is Great