Finance Score: 5
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 7
  • Future income +5
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • Overall weighted support: +7
    Overall GiG Score: 12 ?


    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers and there are significant future grants due to be received
    Financial Data
    Income & Spending ?
    Period ending 28/02/21 28/02/22 28/02/23
    Total income £0 £19,640 £53,774
    Total spending £0 £7,736 £27,129
    Surplus/deficit £0 £11,904 £26,645
    Established: 5 years
    Scottish Charity Regulator
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • It carries out activities or services itself
    GiG Classification
    • Practical support, advice & companionship
    • The advancement of health
    • The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
    Where it operates
    • Wider, but within one local authority area, main operating location: Scottish Borders
    Who it helps
    • Other defined groups

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    Foundation Scotland - Rural New Parent Mental Health Project
    £15,955 18/03/2024
    To meet the costs of establishing NTB?s new mental health outreach project, aiming to equip new parents with the skills they need. Improving the wellbeing of participants and their children, enabling ....more
    William Grant Foundation - General operating support 2022-2024
    £33,306 02/12/2021
    General operating support for three years. Amount designed to support their outreach work via The Cherish Project. Keywords: perinatal and maternal mental health; family support; child development.

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in Scotland on 20/02/2020, number: SC049971
    Filing Record
    2 returns made; all on time
    Main office

    The Village , Unit 6 Tweed Mill Business Park , Dunsdale Road , Selkirk, TD75DZ


    The organisation's purposes are to promote and protect the physical and mental health of women, their infants and families affected by or at threat of developing a perinatal mental health condition. In particular by. - Providing support, education and advice and services complementary to those provided by statutory services, - Raising awareness of perinatal mental health among women and the wider community. and - Advancing the health and education of the public and in particular new parents, by providing support, advice and information about parenthood.

    Data Sources

    Scottish Charity Regulator
    360 Giving

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    Giving is Great