Finance Score: -1
Governance Score: 9
Support Score: 11
  • Low unrestricted reserves: -2
  • Income diversified: +3
  • Strong growth: +2
  • Multiple Deficits: -2
  • Fundraising costs high: -2
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Dynamic board: +3
  • Gender balanced board: +3
  • Large volunteers +3
  • Overall weighted support: +8
Overall GiG Score: 19 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great


  • This charity has been successful in attracting volunteers relative to its size
  • Income generation is well diversified
  • There has been strong growth in spending over the last 5 years
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age and gender and dynamic in terms of composition

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • Over half the Board have joined recently

Financial issues to consider:

  • Unrestricted reserves appear to be dangerously low at the latest year end
  • On several occasions in recent years income has been less than spending
  • Fundraising costs are high relative to funds raised

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Deficit £k
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Financial Ratios
Fundraising Costs/Relevant Income: 21.4%
Fundraising Costs/Total Spending: 15.6%
Senior Staff Costs/Total Spending: 3%
Highest pay band: £100,000-£110,000
Liabilities/Assets: 19%
Liabilities/Income: 10%
Unrestricted Funds/Total Funds: 77%
Reserves/Spending: 3 months
Net Current Assets/Spending: 2 months
Quick Ratio: 2.2
Asset Split ?
Balance Sheet History
Established: 62 years
(65 years as a company)


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseFacebookInstagramX
Listed activities
  • Education/Training
  • The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives
GiG Classification
  • Hospice & bereavement services
How it operates
  • Provides advocacy/advice/information
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • Northern Ireland, Throughout England And Wales,
Who it helps
  • The General Public/Mankind

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
Co-Operative Group£720,648
National Lottery Community Fund£283,281
City Bridge Trust£99,950
Essex Community Foundation£5,500
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Essex Community Foundation - Cruse Bereavement Support
£5,000 01/03/2024
to support the recruitment and training of new bereavement volunteers.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Goole and Selby District
£1,126 21/10/2023
We will provide bereavement support locally to help individuals cope with loss. We aim be there for those dealing with grief and ensure that no one has to cope alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Bridlington Branch Cruse Bereavement Support
£3,646 21/10/2023
Cruse will provide bereavement support within the local community to enable adults and young people to cope with their loss and build resilience, ensuring no one has to cope alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Suffolk
£1,038 21/10/2023
We will use the funding to support anyone of any age who is bereaved by death, in a way that best suits their needs. We also aim to help communities understand the impact of grief and bereavement.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support, Nottinghamshire Branch
£1,556 21/10/2023
As demand for our services continues to grow, we will set up two new Understanding Your Bereavement sessions for people in Bingham, train volunteers and offer one-to-one support.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Gloucester
£1,261 21/10/2023
We'd like to recruit, train, and support our bereavement volunteers to help anyone experiencing grief. We also need to train specialist volunteers who can work with children and young people.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Essex Cruse
£1,307 21/10/2023
We wish to provide training in various disciplines that allow our current bereavement volunteers to provide the most appropriate support to those exhibiting symptoms of complicated grief.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bath and Wiltshire
£1,653 21/10/2023
We are seeking more volunteers, to enable us to reach every bereaved person in Bath & Wiltshire. We'd like to recruit, train and support new bereavement volunteers and upskill existing ones.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Leeds
£2,842 21/10/2023
When someone dies by suicide it can be difficult to return to normal life. We plan to upskill our existing bereavement volunteers so they can support those who have been bereaved in this way.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Thames Valley Berkshire Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,972 21/10/2023
Our project is to train bereavement volunteers to deliver specialist support to bereaved local children, young people and adults.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Cornwall
£3,286 21/10/2023
We are seeking additional volunteers to help us support bereaved people. Our demand is very high currently so this will help us to recruit and train new volunteers, and upskill our existing ones.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Louth
£1,564 21/10/2023
We will provide bereavement support locally to help individuals cope with loss. With extra support we can be there for those dealing with grief and ensure that no one has to cope with grief alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Crawley, Horsham, Mid-Sussex Cruse Bereavement Support
£2,690 21/10/2023
We'd like to hold Understanding Your Bereavement group support sessions for bereaved people in the local area who are struggling with the devastating impact of grief.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Middlesbrough
£5,877 21/10/2023
Cruse will provide bereavement support within the local community to enable adults and young people to cope with their loss and build resilience, ensuring no one has to cope alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham
£1,279 21/10/2023
We'd like to fund the development and support of our local bereavement volunteers who give so much of their own time to support others who are struggling with the devastating impact of grief.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Worthing and District Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,439 21/10/2023
We would like to hold group support sessions for bereaved people locally. These groups will help anyone struggling with grief, no matter when the bereavement happened or how it occurred.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support: Shropshire, Telford, Wrekin
£1,536 21/10/2023
We require funding to upskill our bereavement volunteers to support clients who have experienced bereavement following infant death. This training will help us to address this growing need locally.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Surrey North Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,568 21/10/2023
We wish to organise 'Understanding Your Bereavement' group support sessions for bereaved people living in North Surrey.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Scunthorpe
£2,202 21/10/2023
We will provide bereavement support locally to help individuals cope with loss. With your support, we can be there for those dealing with grief and ensure that no-one has to cope with grief alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cambridge Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,822 21/10/2023
We plan to run a bereavement drop-in group to support bereaved people and give new clients an understanding of their grief.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Cardiff and The Vale
£2,268 21/10/2023
We'd like to provide art and creative therapy for bereaved adults to help with trauma. We will do this with art boxes that our volunteers will be able to use with their clients.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse North Wales
£2,611 21/10/2023
We'd like to start groups with children and young people who are grieving. These will provide peer-to-peer support and incorporate creative ways to deal with bereavement in the local community.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Cumbria
£2,313 21/10/2023
We will provide bereavement support to enable adults, children and young people to cope with loss and build resilience. We aim to be there for those dealing with grief.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Richmond Cruse Bereavement Support
£2,922 21/10/2023
We would like to recruit and train more bereavement support volunteers from the local area to deliver specialist support to bereaved people in Richmond.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Croydon Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,821 21/10/2023
We'd like to organise group support and provide a safe space for local people struggling with a bereavement. This would allow them to navigate their grief and develop coping mechanisms.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to West Berkshire Cruse Bereavement Support
£2,367 21/10/2023
We would like to pay for the supervision of our amazing bereavement volunteers who give so much of their own time to support others through one of the most painful times in life.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support - Rugby & South Warwick
£1,698 21/10/2023
We would like to recruit, train and support our bereavement volunteers. We also need to train specialist volunteers who can work with children and young people.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Somerset
£1,521 21/10/2023
We'd like to run group bereavement sessions in the Somerset area. These bring together bereaved people to connect with others, feel less isolated, and improve mental wellbeing.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Wirral
£2,352 21/10/2023
We would like to recruit and train more bereavement volunteers in the Wirral, so we can reach more local people affected by grief, and ensure no one has to deal with grief alone.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support - Birmingham
£3,617 21/10/2023
To support everyone experiencing grief, we need to recruit, train and support our bereavement volunteers. We also need to train specialist volunteers to work with children and young people.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Devon
£1,737 21/10/2023
We aim to recruit new volunteers and run more group sessions to enable us to meet the ever-growing demand to support bereaved people in Devon.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Morgannwg
£1,135 21/10/2023
We wish to start an art group for bereaved adults, who would come together, learn some art and have talks from creative people in the community, to support their mental wellbeing and reduce isolation.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support - Coventry & Warwickshire
£1,815 21/10/2023
We'd like to provide specialist training for our bereavement volunteers so they can support those who have been affected by suicide.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Buckinghamshire Cruse Bereavement Support
£1,141 21/10/2023
We provide group support for bereaved people in and around Aylesbury, facilitated by trained volunteers. These groups provide a safe space to navigate complex feelings and develop coping mechanisms.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Surrey East
£2,188 21/10/2023
We will pay to train specialist Bereavement Volunteers to support bereaved children, young people and adults in the local community as we see a huge increase in demand for support.
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for Cumbria
£9,899 28/09/2023
The funding will be used to provide staff training and direct support to people who have experienced bereavement. The project aims to continue to expand the organisation's work supporting people's ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for East Surrey
£9,970 22/09/2023
The funding will be used to provide specialist training supervision and support to enable volunteers to support more people with a wider range of needs when accessing the bereavement service. The ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support in Maidstone & Medway
£9,998 22/09/2023
The funding will be used to further invest in the development of local volunteers by providing specialist training and supervision to enable volunteers to support more people. The project aims to ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing bereavement support for Bath & Wiltshire
£9,982 08/09/2023
The grant will be used to train 3 new bereavement volunteers and upskill existing volunteers. The additional volunteers and skills will mean that people in need will get quicker access to support for ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for Leicestershire
£9,957 31/08/2023
This funding will be used to provide free specialist bereavement support with over 100 clients having to wait up to 9 months for support. The project aims to to help build strong relationships and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Bereavement support in Sheffield
£9,994 18/08/2023
The funding will be used to train new supervisors to support volunteers who help to run the group's free bereavement service for those affected by the loss of a loved one. This aims to reduce ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Develop; retain and support Bereavement Volunteers
£9,970 23/06/2023
This project will provide free specialist bereavement support to help local adults and children through bereavement. The project aims to improve mental wellbeing whilst offering volunteering ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist bereavement support in Tyneside
£9,801 16/06/2023
The funding will be used to provide additional training to experienced bereavement volunteers to enable them to support people in groups and deliver early intervention work. This will help meet the ....more
City Bridge Trust - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support
£99,950 16/06/2023
£99,950 over two years (£47,790, £52,160) towards the running of bereavement support groups and one to one sessions across London.
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for Suffolk
£9,849 02/06/2023
The funding will be used to continue providing free personalised support to people affected by bereavement. This project aims to improve health and wellbeing upskill volunteers and improve coping ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support in Darlington.
£9,987 28/04/2023
The funding will be used to support the retention ongoing training and supervision of their bereavement volunteers. They will continue to provide online support courses a helpline one to one and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Bereavement support in Greenwich
£9,992 21/04/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train new supervisors to ensure that the bereavement volunteers helping clients struggling with traumatic bereavements are properly supported. The project will ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for Leeds
£9,982 21/04/2023
The funding will be used to meet the increasing demand for bereavement support across Leeds through training new volunteers to support more people with multiple and complex needs. The project aims to ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support across the Isle of Wight
£8,302 21/04/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train new supervisors who will provide wellbeing and safeguarding training when supporting people who have experienced a bereavement. The project aims to ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement across Coventry & Warwickshire
£9,997 14/04/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train bereavement volunteers in areas such as traumatic bereavement. The project aims to improve health and wellbeing.
National Lottery Community Fund - Early intervention bereavement support in Buckinghamshire
£9,934 10/03/2023
The funding will be used to deliver weekly Understanding Your Bereavement sessions (UYBs); online and in-person. It will also be used to train volunteers and give admin support. The project will ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Bereavement support in Bridlington
£6,603 10/03/2023
The funding will be used to continue providing free specialist support to people affected by grief.This project aims to reduce risks of mental health issues improve wellbeing and support people ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting bereaved people across West Sussex
£9,972 03/03/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train volunteers. The project aims to maintain and improve the service provided to people who have experienced bereavement.
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support
£500 14/02/2023
to provide an uplift in funding for the core costs of the organisation through the cost-of-living crisis
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care
£582,000 14/02/2023
Grant to bring communities together to provide education and support about grief and bereavement
National Lottery Community Fund - Bereavement support in Croydon
£9,982 10/02/2023
The funding will be used to employ a supervisor and deliver support sessions for people who have experienced bereavement. The project aims to help people to develop coping mechanisms and improve ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist Bereavement Support for adults; children & young people
£9,959 10/02/2023
This project will support people in South Kent with bereavement. The project will help adults; children and young people through by offering tailored support via a number of methods including ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Bereavement support in Chesterfield
£9,708 03/02/2023
The funding will be used to deliver specialist training and support to new and existing bereavement volunteers providing internal and external training in self-care mental health awareness and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Specialist bereavement support for West Berkshire
£10,000 03/02/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train three new bereavement volunteers and help meet the demand for their bereavement support services in West Berkshire. The project will continue to provide ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support in Wolverhampton & Dudley
£9,997 03/02/2023
The funding will be used to recruit and train three new bereavement volunteers and to provide further training to extend the expertise of existing volunteers in areas such as traumatic grief. ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing bereavement support in Craven & Bradford
£9,998 03/02/2023
The funding will be used to upskill experienced bereavement volunteers to support people in groups. This will enable them to help more people sooner and improve mental wellbeing.
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting children and young people who are bereaved in the Wirral
£9,945 27/01/2023
The funding will be used to expand their bereavement service to children and young people providing bereavement awareness and equipping volunteers with skills to support young people with a range of ....more
Harpur Trust - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Bedfordshire
£2,000 25/01/2023
Specialist bereavement support
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support in Thames Valley Berkshire
£9,987 06/01/2023
The funding will be used to provide additional training for volunteers and help to meet the demand for their bereavement support services in Thames Valley Berkshire. The project aims to support ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support throughout East Kent and Swale.
£9,953 16/12/2022
The funding will be used to continue provision of free local bereavement support. The project aims to reducing loneliness/isolation risk of long-term mental health issues creating a safe space and ....more
National Lottery Community Fund - Providing specialist bereavement support in Grimsby Cleethorpes & Louth
£9,989 02/12/2022
The funding will be used to recruit and train new volunteers and help meet the demand for their bereavement support services in Grimsby and surrounding areas. This will enable the project to continue ....more
Forever Manchester - Wellbeing & Safeguarding for Bereavement volunteers
£1,000 24/11/2022
Ongoing supervision/support costs for the groups volunteers.
National Lottery Community Fund - Supporting more bereaved people sooner in Lincolnshire
£9,977 18/11/2022
The funding will be used to increase volunteer capacity providing free personalised bereavement support to people across Lincolnshire. The project aims to deliver more one-to-one support reduce ....more
Sir George Martin Trust - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support Kirklees
£2,000 07/11/2022
Core costs for Advancement of Health/Saving Lives
National Lottery Community Fund - Reducing isolation for bereaved people in Hertfordshire
£9,597 04/11/2022
This project will offer bereavement support to anyone who has experienced any kind of bereavement. This project will deliver more peer/group support sessions which provide a safe space for ....more
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care South Kent
£1,920 22/10/2022
We will train Bereavement Volunteers to provide specialist support to bereaved children and young people (CYP) in South Kent.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Ballymena and Ballymoney Cruse Bereavement Care
£1,013 22/10/2022
We would like to train more volunteers to meet the rising need for children to access our bereavement support. Our specialist children's bereavement volunteers will support all those who need it.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin
£1,511 22/10/2022
We'd like to widen the client groups seeking our support, hopefully reaching a wider range of volunteers to contribute their skills and talents for both client facing and admin roles.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Middlesbrough
£4,088 22/10/2022
We will provide bereavement support within the local community in order to help children and young people struggling with the death of a loved one.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Durham
£2,693 22/10/2022
We will provide bereavement support within the local community and help those struggling with the death of a loved one. We aim to improve mental wellbeing, reduce isolation and lessen loneliness.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Scunthorpe
£3,649 22/10/2022
The impact of coronavirus will be long lasting; by growing our presence in the local community, training new volunteers and adapting our services, we'll be able to support more bereaved people.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Bedfordshire
£1,937 22/10/2022
We'd like to give bereaved people a place to turn to when someone dies, helping them to cope with grief, and supporting their mental health whilst remembering the lives of those who have died.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Hertfordshire
£6,322 22/10/2022
We wish to run groups for bereaved people that will give them the opportunity to meet others and to share experiences. Some of these will be walking groups with the added benefit of exercise outdoors.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Huntingdonshire Cruse Bereavement Care
£1,349 22/10/2022
We would like to support more adults, children and young people within Huntingdonshire who have been bereaved. This service is free to all who seek support.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Herefordshire
£2,046 22/10/2022
We would like to fund, recruit and train six new bereavement volunteers. We would also like to purchase a computer for a volunteer administrator and have IT support for 12 months.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care - West Wales
£1,012 22/10/2022
We'd like to hold group support sessions called 'Understanding your Bereavement'. These will be held in the local area to bring bereaved people together to connect and share experiences after loss.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Dorset
£1,638 22/10/2022
We would like to hold group bereavement sessions in the local community in Dorset, giving bereaved people the chance to come together, connect and share their experience and find hope after loss.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Oxfordshire Cruse Bereavement Care
£2,453 22/10/2022
We'd like to train specialist bereavement volunteers to support bereaved children, young people and adults in the local community. Due to the pandemic, we've seen a huge increase in demand.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to South West Surrey Cruse Bereavement Care
£3,430 22/10/2022
We'd like to fund and hold our 'Understanding Your Bereavement' sessions, supporting people in the local area through group support with a trained bereavement volunteer.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Gwent
£1,751 22/10/2022
We aim to hold group sessions in the community called Understanding your Bereavement, to enable those who are feeling unsupported, isolated and lonely to come together and find hope after the loss.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Support East Sussex
£3,995 22/10/2022
We will train specialist Bereavement Volunteers to help them support bereaved people locally and meet an increase in demand for support due to the pandemic.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to North Down Cruse Bereavement Care
£1,135 22/10/2022
Owing to coronavirus, Cruse has seen an upsurge in people needing to access our support. We need to train more bereavement volunteers so we can help those suffering grief in the North Down area.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Essex
£1,368 22/10/2022
We hope to fund our telephone system and the additional training of 12 new bereavement volunteers, as we see an increase in the demand for our services in bereavement support.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Buckinghamshire Cruse Bereavement Care
£1,557 22/10/2022
In the aftermath of the pandemic, we aim to support bereaved people in the community. We help those impacted who are struggling with loneliness and isolation.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care - North Wales
£1,729 22/10/2022
We'd like to hold our group bereavement sessions 'Understanding your Bereavement' in the local community, and bring people together to feel less isolated and alone after the loss of a loved one.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Somerset
£2,405 22/10/2022
We'd like to hold group support sessions called 'Understanding your Bereavement', where we bring bereaved people together to connect and feel less isolated after the loss of a loved one.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Lancashire
£2,874 22/10/2022
The impact of coronavirus will be long lasting; by growing our presence in the local community, training new volunteers and adapting our services, we'll be able to support more bereaved adults.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care - Merthyr And Rhondda Cynon Taf
£1,009 22/10/2022
We plan to hold group bereavement sessions for up to 20 people, so that together they can learn, connect, share their experiences, feel less alone and find hope after loss.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Norwich and Central Norfolk
£1,910 22/10/2022
We wish to give bereaved people a place to turn to when someone dies. We help them to find ways to cope with grief and support their mental health while remembering the lives of those who have died.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Wolverhampton and Dudley
£2,538 22/10/2022
We're trying to make things better for people in Wolverhampton and Dudley, helping them to find ways to cope with grief while remembering the lives of those who have died.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Devon
£1,797 22/10/2022
We aim to hold group Understanding your Bereavement sessions across rural Devon to bring bereaved people together to help navigate their feelings and find hope after the loss of a loved one.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Crawley, Horsham and Mid-Sussex Cruse Bereavement Care
£2,625 22/10/2022
Our aim is to support bereaved children, young people and adults in the local community, providing essential support to those lonely and isolated following the coronavirus pandemic.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Croydon Cruse Bereavement Care
£1,832 22/10/2022
We aim to support bereaved people in the aftermath of the pandemic, helping those impacted by bereavement and struggling with loneliness and isolation to return to everyday life in the community.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bereavement Care Cornwall
£2,124 22/10/2022
Our aim is to support more people in the local community in Cornwall. We can do this with our Understanding your Bereavement sessions which bring people together to connect and find hope after loss.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Cruse Bristol And District
£1,772 22/10/2022
We plan to hold Understanding your Bereavement sessions across Bristol. These group sessions will bring bereaved people together to improve their mental wellbeing, whilst finding hope after loss.
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (11)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split
Based on 9/11 persons

Age Range of Trustees: 36-74
  • ANGELA GANNON Appointed: 2021, Occupation: Director
  • ELIZABETH ANNE CRUSSELL Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Retired
  • GERARD CHARLES JACQUES Appointed: 2020
  • JULIET CLAIRE ARMSTRONG Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Non Executive Director
  • KATE MOZZICARELLI Appointed: 2024, Occupation: Lawyer
  • LEI WEI Appointed: 2020, Occupation: Finance Director
  • MABINTY ESHO Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Edi Lead
  • MARY WALSH Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Communications Director
  • MAUREEN BRADLEY Appointed: 2020, Occupation: Retired
  • SIR ANTHONY HAWKHEAD (Chair) Appointed: 2019, Occupation: Non Executive Director
  • VIJAY KUMAR PUNJABHAI PATEL Appointed: 2023, Occupation: Head Of Safeguarding
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 22/09/1962, number: 208078
  • Registered at Companies House on 05/10/1959, number: 00638709
Gift Aid
  • Registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Campaigns and political activity policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Engaging external speakers at charity events policy and procedures
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Investment
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Serious incident reporting policy and procedures
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
20 returns made; AR18: 1 days late, AR07: 1 days late, AR06: 1 days late, AR05: 1 days late, AR04: 1 days late,
Recent reorganisation events:
  • Asset transfer in from WIDOWED IN NEED on 29/10/2021
Main office

UNIT 0.1



Defined Area of Benefit:


Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving

Tips for Selecting Charities

Which areas of philanthropy are most effective?
The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
Our Top Tips for Philanthropy
Here are some ideas to help you gain more satisfaction from your philanthropy and confidence that the causes you have selected are impactful. Engage your brain, as well as your heart You....more
How to become a Philanthropist
In this Blog we outline a strategy to help people who are new to philanthropy and for those who feel dissatisfied with the impact they are having. Effective philanthropy is immensely rewarding for donors,....more

Giving is Great