Three Guineas Trust - Cost of living |
£5,400 |
To help with the effects of the rise in cost of living on the charity's operation
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Assert |
£91,900 |
36 |
towards three years' continuation funding of the salary of a Benefits Caseworker at a project providing support and advice on accessing welfare benefits for adults with Asperger's Syndrome or High Functioning Autism in Brighton and Hove.
Sussex Community Foundation - Grant to Assert |
£4,743 |
10 |
Funding was provided for staff costs.
Sussex Community Foundation - Grant to Assert |
£5,000 |
Assert supports adults with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism and their parents, partners or carers by providing advice, information, resources, advocacy, social inclusion activities, volunteering opportunities, support to improve
Assert supports adults with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism and their parents, partners or carers by providing advice, information, resources, advocacy, social inclusion activities, volunteering opportunities, support to improve well-being and reduce isolation, training and educational courses, mentoring support and benefits support. Funding will support with additional costs of partial home/ new office working.
Three Guineas Trust - Towards the development of the organisation. |
£138,264 |
Towards the development of the organisation - towards a senior development manager and initial costs associated with developing sustainable sources of income.
Three Guineas Trust - Towards ongoing service delivery. |
£132,949 |
Towards ongoing service delivery - a social activities coordinator, autism support adviser, operations manager and running costs..
National Lottery Community Fund - ASC Life Skills project |
£148,884 |
36 |
The organisation will use funding to run a programme of life skills sessions for people with autism. The funding will pay for the post of Adult Education Coordinator, as well as for the running of the programme.
National Lottery Community Fund - Assert Office regeneration |
£7,117 |
12 |
The organisation will use funding to refurbish their space which will provide increased capacity for volunteers and users with the aim of having an inclusive space for people with Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism.
Three Guineas Trust - Core costs |
£108,000 |
Towards core costs.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Assert (B&H) |
£86,800 |
36 |
towards three years' salary of a Benefits Caseworker at a project providing support and advice on accessing welfare benefits for adults with Asperger's Syndrome and autism in Brighton and Hove, West Sussex
Sussex Community Foundation - Grant to Assert |
£9,208 |
11 |
Assert support and advice to adults with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism and their parents/carers. Funding was provided towards the cost of their part-time Volunteer and Activities Co-ordinator.
National Lottery Community Fund - Renewing computers for adults with Asperger Syndrome and Autism |
£8,920 |
12 |
This project will purchase new computer equipment and media devices to improve support for people with Asperger’s syndrome and High functioning autism.
Three Guineas Trust - Salary of a senior case worker and part salary of the coordinator |
£88,000 |
Towards the salary of a senior case worker and part of the salary of the project’s coordinator.
National Lottery Community Fund - Benefits Advice and Support Service |
£86,687 |
36 |
Not Available
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Assert - Brighton and Hove |
£58,000 |
the salary costs of a Caseworker/Benefits Liaison Worker including NI and pension