Finance Score: -12
Governance Score: -3
Support Score: 0
  • Accounts overdue -5
  • Accounts filed more than 5 days late: -2 times
  • Multiple Deficits and declines: -5
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
  • Return overdue: -3
  • No supporters identified
Overall GiG Score: -15 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • Latest return is overdue

Financial issues to consider:

  • Latest accounts are overdue for filing and returns have been filed late on 2 occasions over the last 5 years
  • Income has been volatile and on several occasions in recent years less than spending
Financial Data
Income & Spending ?
Period ending 28/02/17 28/02/18 28/02/19 28/02/20 28/02/21 28/02/22
Total income £3,054 £2,970 £3,214 £2,416 £1,806 £484
Total spending £1,097 £7,991 £1,658 £1,099 £3,615 £1,005
Surplus/deficit £1,957 -£5,021 £1,556 £1,317 -£1,809 -£521
Established: 34 years
Scottish Charity Regulator
Listed activities
  • It makes grants, donations or gifts to organisations
  • It carries out activities or services itself
GiG Classification
  • Museums, parks, historical sites
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science
  • The advancement of environmental protection or improvement
Where it operates
  • Clackmannanshire
Who it helps
  • No specific group, or for the benefit of the community

Who supports them? ?

We have no records of donations from grant makers.

How is it governed?


Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in Scotland on 10/04/1991, number: SC017733
Filing Record
5 returns made; AR19: 33 days late, AR18: 391 days late,
Main office

No 1 Inch of Ferryton Cottage, Clackmannan, FK10 4BW


2 Objects: The aim of the Society shall be to promote or encourage the following objects by charitable means but not otherwise.The Society shall have no managerial or administrative role at Alloa Tower. 2.1 To complement, encourage, promote and assist by appropriate activities the work of the National Trust for Scotland, which is recognised as having charitable status by OSCR, in its work of encouraging public interest in, and care for, the beauty, history and character of Alloa Tower and its surroundings. 2.2 To assist with and promote the preservation, development and improvement of aspects of general public amenity or interest associated with those social, historical, geographical and architectural features which are associated with Alloa Tower. 2.3 To encourage high standards of design in architecture, planning and products in Alloa Tower and its environs. 2.4 To appoint representatives and delegates to any other bodies with whom the Society may be concerned. 2.5 To pursue these ends by means of meetings, exhibitions, lectures, research, publishing, education, advertising, publicity and the promotion of schemes of a charitable nature.

Data Sources

Scottish Charity Regulator

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Giving is Great