Finance Score: 5
Governance Score: -4
Support Score: 7
  • Strong growth: +2
  • Fundraising costs low: +3
  • No PartB
  • Only 3 Trustees: -2
  • Narrow trustee age band: -2
  • Grant maker support: +7
Overall GiG Score: 8 ?


Analysis by Giving is Great


  • The charity has received backing from several prominent grant makers recently
  • There has been strong growth in spending over the last 5 years
  • There have been no material income shortfalls in recent years
  • Fundraising costs are unusually low relative to funds raised

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • There are only 3 trustees
  • The Board has little diversity in terms of age
Financial Data
Income & Spending ?
Period ending 31/07/17 31/07/18 31/07/19 31/07/20 31/07/21 31/07/22 31/07/23
Charitable activities £293,122
Donations & Legacies
Other Income £5,000
Investment Income £717
Total income £205,479 £113,696 £114,989 £178,644 £159,886 £211,537 £360,839
Charitable activities spending £293,489
Fundraising costs 4%
Other spending
Total spending £167,148 £79,716 £128,800 £135,362 £123,915 £210,639 £307,143
Surplus/deficit £38,331 £33,980 -£13,811 £43,282 £35,971 £898 £53,696
Established: 17 years
Scottish Charity RegulatorCompanies House
Listed activities
  • It carries out activities or services itself
GiG Classification
  • Environment conservation & animal welfare advocacy
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science
  • The advancement of environmental protection or improvement
Where it operates
  • Scotland and other parts of the UK, main operating location: Dumfries And Galloway
Who it helps
  • Other defined groups

Who supports them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Crichton Carbon Centre
£2,000 27/02/2023
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
Foundation Scotland - Biosphere Explorers 3
£3,026 15/11/2022
To promote Biosphere Explorers resource packs that will help increase primary school pupils understanding of climate change, biodiversity and sustainability.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Crichton Carbon Centre
£34,200 19/10/2022
Towards project costs using real world examples of investment in restoration of previously afforested peatlands to identify where this work is most appropriate for maximum environmental and economic ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Crichton Carbon Centre
£60,000 14/02/2020
Towards project costs to support ‘Peatland Connections’, aiming to connect rural communities and other stakeholders to enhance peatland management and land use policy across Scotland.
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Crichton Carbon Centre
£10,000 29/06/2015
Carbon Busters Schools Project
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Crichton Carbon Centre
£10,000 28/10/2013
Carbon Busters Schools Clusters Project

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Directors (3)
Current Directors appointed

Age Range of Directors: 62-73
Legal constitution
  • Charity registered in Scotland on 09/11/2007, number: SC038915
  • Registered at Companies House on 12/07/2007, number: SC327623
Filing Record
5 returns made; all on time
Main office

, DG2 8LA


the advancement of research, training and education principally in relation to carbon and other causes of climate change, their impacts upon the environment worldwide and methods of off-setting these impacts. and the advancement of environmental protection and improvement through all relevant means and methods, principally in relation to carbon and other causes of climate change, renewable energy and energy efficiencies

Data Sources

Scottish Charity Regulator
360 Giving
Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

Tips for Selecting Charities

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The text of this post is taken from an article on the Effective Altruism forum. It suggests that you can achieve the most impact by supporting causes that fight extreme poverty, improving animal welfare....more
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Giving is Great