Finance Score: 6
Governance Score: 0
Support Score: 7
  • Reasonable growth: +1
  • Future income +5
  • No PartB
(no info on trustees)
    • Grant maker support: +7
    Overall GiG Score: 13 ?


    Original purposes: To advance the education of all sections of the public in environmental and ecological sciences by the provision of facilities and information and by the establishment and promotion of links and initiatives designed to advance such education and to increase public awareness of environmental matters (including conservation of the environment). Updated purposes as approved by the NI Charity Commission and at the Northern Ireland Environment Link AGM on 17 September 2014: (1) Advance and promote for the public benefit environmental conservation, protection, improvement and sustainability in Northern Ireland (2) Raise awareness of the importance of environmental issues by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and promoting a collective voice on environmental matters (3) Advance the education of all sections of the public in environmental and ecological sciences.
    Analysis by Giving is Great


    • The charity has received backing from several prominent grant makers recently and there are significant future grants due to be received
    • There has been reasonable growth in spending over the last 3 years relative to the previous period
    • There have been no material income shortfalls in recent years
    • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
    Financial Data
    Income & Spending ?
    Year end 31/03/18 31/03/19 31/03/20 31/03/21 31/03/22 31/03/23
    Income £535,376 £466,266 £515,945 £628,058 £625,895 £894,718
    Spending £512,987 £469,602 £516,161 £604,241 £599,942 £810,309
    Surplus/deficit £22,389 -£3,336 -£216 £23,817 £25,953 £84,409
    Established: 10 years

    Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
    UN SDGs
    Listed activities
    • The advancement of education, The advancement of environmental protection or improvement
    GiG Classification
    • Environment conservation & animal welfare advocacy
    How it operates
    • Advice/advocacy/information, Environment/sustainable development/conservation, Grant making, Heritage/historical
    Where it operates
    • Northern Ireland
    • This charity is based in an area of extremely high deprivation
    Who it helps
    • General public, Voluntary and community sector

    Who supports them? ?

    Donations from Grant Makers ?

    We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

    Specific Donations
    Amount When
    To be used for
    Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to NI Environment Link
    £250,000 12/12/2023
    Towards core costs for a dedicated Freshwater Development Officer, to provide critical expertise and assistance to focus on improving freshwater habitats through cross sectoral working
    Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Northern Ireland Environment Link
    £28,000 30/01/2023
    Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
    Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Northern Ireland Environment Link
    £16,694 30/01/2023
    Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
    Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Northern Ireland Environment Link
    £166,944 21/09/2022
    Towards project costs for a protected areas network in Northern Ireland to progress conservation and restoration of landscapes and seascapes

    Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

    How is it governed?


    Sorry we have no information about the Trustees.

    Further information may be available on the charity's page on the Commission website here
    Legal constitution
    • Charity registered in Northern Ireland on 18/11/2014, number: NIC101074
    Main office

    Northern Ireland Environment Link, 22-24 Lombard Street, Belfast, BT1 1RD

    Data Sources

    Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
    360 Giving
    Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

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    Giving is Great