Finance Score: 2
Governance Score: 2
Support Score: 11
  • Strong growth: +2
  • No PartB
  • Good trustee age range: +3
  • Mainly female board: -1
  • Grant maker support: +11
Overall GiG Score: 15 ?


This charity improves the quality of life for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) by creating touring multi-sensory theatre specifically for the needs of people with PMLD.
Analysis by Giving is Great


  • There has been strong growth in spending over the last 5 years
  • There have been no material income shortfalls in recent years
  • A significant proportion of recent income was derived from major grant makers including the Government
  • The Board appears to be well diversified in terms of age

Regulatory & Governance issues to consider:

  • The Board is predominantly female

Financial issues to consider:

  • A PartB annual return has not been required and so detailed financial information is not available from the online data

Financial Data ?

Income & Spending ?
Sources of Income ?
Y/E Income
Cost £k
Funds £k
Funds £k
Staff Volun-

Highest pay bracket: less than £60,000
Established: 12 years


Charity Commission for England and WalesCompanies HouseFacebookInstagramX
Listed activities
  • Arts/Culture/Heritage/Science
  • Disability
  • Economic/Community Development/Employment
  • Education/Training
  • Human Rights/Religious Or Racial Harmony/Equality Or Diversity
GiG Classification
  • Services for people with disabilities
How it operates
  • Provides services
Where it operates
  • Throughout England And Wales,
Who it helps
  • Children/Young People
  • Elderly/Old People
  • People With Disabilities

Who's supporting them? ?

Donations from Grant Makers ?

We have details on the following significant donations. Multi-year donations are allocated to the years for which they are earmarked.

Major supporters in last 5 years
Esmee Fairbairn£145,440
Paul Hamlyn Foundation£125,000
The Foyle Foundation£15,000
The Shears Foundation£5,500
The Grocers' Charity£5,000
True Colours Trust£5,000
Specific Donations
Amount When
To be used for
The Shears Foundation - Frozen Light
£5,500 22/01/2024
Multi-sensory theatre production for audiences with PMLD at The Lowry, Salford
Cambridgeshire Community Foundation - Multo-sensory theatre tour Autumn 2023
£4,000 24/08/2023
towards the Autumn 2023 tour of the new production, 'The Bar at The Edge of Time’, at Cambridge Junction and The Key (Peterborough) reaching 120 people with profound and multiple learning ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Frozen Light
£3,000 30/01/2023
Towards unrestricted core costs as a Cost of Living Uplift
RS Macdonald Charitable Trust - '2065' Spring Tour 2022
£3,000 04/02/2022
The Spring Tour of our new theatre production for audiences with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities. This grant will go towards performances at Platform (Glasgow), Macroberts Arts Centre ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Frozen Light
£37,440 23/06/2021
Towards core costs from the Reinvent Performing Arts Fund
The Grocers' Charity - 2021 - Frozen Light
£5,000 02/06/2021
Towards core costs to create an outdoor storytelling installation, providing audiences (up to 150) with profound and multiple impairments with an enchanting sensory experience.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Developing co-created practice with audiences with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
£125,000 08/03/2021
Frozen Light makes sensory theatre for adult and young adult audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). This grant supports Frozen Light to develop and embed meaningful ....more
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Frozen Light
£15,000 05/05/2020
towards unrestricted core costs as a COVID-19 fast response grant
DCMS - Culture Recovery Fund application- Frozen Light
£25,000 01/04/2020
To support Arts and Culture throughout England
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Frozen Light
£90,000 04/12/2019
Towards core costs to enable the organisation to create more opportunities for people with PMLD to engage with high-quality, meaningful art and cultural activity across the UK.
True Colours Trust - Towards its new production ‘Fire Songs’ for people with PMLD
£5,000 16/10/2019
Towards its new production ‘Fire Songs’ for people with PMLD
The Foyle Foundation - Arts
£15,000 02/07/2019
towards a new General Manager starting in September 2019
Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation - Grant to Frozen Light Theatre
£2,600 07/11/2017
Visualising Sound .
Foundation Scotland - Grant to Tell me a Tale
£2,000 27/07/2017
to contribute towards artist fees, accommodation, travel expenses, parking and van hire.
True Colours Trust - Frozen Light production of HOME
£5,000 12/07/2016
Frozen Light production of HOME
Show more rows

Data sourced from Donors via 360 Giving

How is it governed?

Trustees (8)
Current Trustees appointed
Gender Split

Age Range of Trustees: 23-64
  • CATHERINE SARLEY Appointed: 2022, Occupation: Freelance Finance Manager - Theatre Sector
  • LORNA OWEN Appointed: 2019, Occupation: Hr Manager
  • SHARON STOKER Appointed: 2018, Occupation: Head Of Business Development
Legal constitution
  • Charitable company registered in England & Wales on 11/12/2012, number: 1150132
  • Registered at Companies House on 21/06/2011, number: 07677434
Gift Aid
  • NOT registered with HMRC for Gift Aid
Policies in force
  • Bullying and harassment policy and procedures
  • Complaints handling
  • Complaints policy and procedures
  • Conflicting interests
  • Financial reserves policy and procedures
  • Internal charity financial controls policy and procedures
  • Internal risk management policy and procedures
  • Investing charity funds policy and procedures
  • Paying staff
  • Risk management
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Social media policy and procedures
  • Trustee conflicts of interest policy and procedures
  • Trustee expenses policy and procedures
  • Volunteer management
Filing Record
10 returns made; AR15: 26 days late,
Main office



For the benefit of the public, to relieve the charitable needs of people who are in need by reason of physical or mental disability, age, social or economic position or some other disadvantage by: - The advancement of education in the performing and visual arts, in particular but not exclusively through the provision of sensory theatre and artist training workshops;- The promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.

Data Sources

Charity Commission for England and Wales
360 Giving
Authorised officials of this charity can add information to this page (including a Donate Now button) for no cost

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Giving is Great