Essex Community Foundation - FV Summer Programme |
£7,000 |
towards a project providing activities for disadvantaged young people through the summer holidays in Thurrock
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£500 |
0 |
‘Cost of Living uplift: £500 to help projects meet their rising costs and respond to increased demand 31/10/2022’
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£61,799 |
Advocacy and support for looked after children and young people in Essex. The project aims to help young people to better understand their feelings, improve their self-esteem and develop improved positive relationships.
National Lottery Community Fund - Open Door - HASS |
£382,397 |
36 |
The funding will help to provide housing advice and support for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Thurrock Essex. They are requesting £382397 of a total project cost of £389897 over three years. The aim of this project is
The funding will help to provide housing advice and support for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Thurrock Essex. They are requesting £382397 of a total project cost of £389897 over three years. The aim of this project is to reduce homelessness and provide support to those experiencing homelessness (or at risk of becoming homeless) and to help improve their personal living situation by addressing causal factors as well as ensuring service users have the support needed to gain and maintain successful tenancies.
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Open Door Thurrock |
£15,000 |
to provide group activities for care leavers and face to face counselling for vulnerable young people who are digitally excluded during COVID19
DCMS - Coronavirus Community Support Fund |
£60,211 |
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public
"The fund aims to:1) To reduce closures of essential charities that provide essential services to vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 crisis by ensuring they have the financial resources to operate, thereby reducing the burden on public services.2) To ensure essential services are provided to vulnerable people, both in the short and long term through increased community support through the work of charitable organisations."
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Variation grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£7,084 |
Grant to Thurrock Open Door meeting the additional costs of adapting services, premises or implementing other safety measures in response to the Covid pandemic.
Essex Community Foundation - Grant to Open Door Thurrock |
£11,835 |
to cover the cost of increased staff hours and associated expense involved in providing increased levels of support to young people and family members who are experiencing anxiety and behavioural issues due to lock-down during COVID19 crisis
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£18,500 |
6 |
towards unrestricted core costs as a COVID-19 Fast Response grant
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£75,000 |
36 |
The charity supports young people, vulnerable adults and families including care leavers primarily in Thurrock but also across Essex. Funding will cover the costs of the Social Isolation Project for Care Leavers that was piloted under an Enable
The charity supports young people, vulnerable adults and families including care leavers primarily in Thurrock but also across Essex. Funding will cover the costs of the Social Isolation Project for Care Leavers that was piloted under an Enable grant.
National Lottery Community Fund - Interventions |
£330,222 |
36 |
This project provides general counselling and therapeutic support for children, young people and families in Thurrock. The service focuses on human interaction and intervention, where a young person can meet with a trained counsellor and receive
This project provides general counselling and therapeutic support for children, young people and families in Thurrock. The service focuses on human interaction and intervention, where a young person can meet with a trained counsellor and receive encouragement and support to address their issues. The project is accessed by people with both low level and more entrenched mental health conditions. The organisation will use the funding to increase the number of young people it is able to support.
BBC Children in Need - Grant to Open Door Thurrock |
£105,381 |
36 |
This project will provide advocacy, mentoring support and activities to children and young people who are in care. This will help raise their confidence, reduce their social isolation and ensure their voices are heard on key decisions affecting
This project will provide advocacy, mentoring support and activities to children and young people who are in care. This will help raise their confidence, reduce their social isolation and ensure their voices are heard on key decisions affecting them.
Essex Community Foundation - Hear Us |
£4,980 |
12 |
To support a project for looked after young people to become involved in Thurrock’s Children in Care Council and shape activities reflecting their local community
Essex Community Foundation - SIP- Social Isolation Project |
£30,000 |
23 |
To run a Social Isolation Project over two years to build the independence skills of care leavers
Essex Community Foundation - TIME - Reducing Children Missing Episodes |
£5,000 |
11 |
To provide a mentoring and support programme for children who repeatedly go missing and runaway from home in Thurrock
National Lottery Community Fund - Open Door - HASS |
£377,731 |
36 |
This project will run a drop-in housing and advice service for those experiencing homelessness in Thurrock. Operating at community hubs across the area, the service will provide general housing information and advice, run needs assessments with
This project will run a drop-in housing and advice service for those experiencing homelessness in Thurrock. Operating at community hubs across the area, the service will provide general housing information and advice, run needs assessments with those accessing support and help them to register as homeless with the local authority. Crucially, people will develop confidence, independence and problem solving skills to be able to improve their situation and prevent any future issues before they become worse.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£14,914 |
12 |
The charity plans to pilot new work in support of young people leaving care. Support will include weekly support groups enabling them to meet with other care leavers and opportunities to gain new skills and have access to mentoring and coaching
The charity plans to pilot new work in support of young people leaving care. Support will include weekly support groups enabling them to meet with other care leavers and opportunities to gain new skills and have access to mentoring and coaching support
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Thurrock Open Door |
£111,000 |
36 |
Towards the salary of a co-ordinator providing mentoring and advocacy for young people who have returned home after running away multiple times.
Henry Smith Charity - Grant to Open Door |
£56,500 |
36 |
towards three years' running costs of a support project for young people in care in Essex
National Lottery Community Fund - Open Door - Housing Advice and Support Service (HASS) |
£312,864 |
36 |
Thurrock Open Door provides specialist housing advice, welfare benefit and grant advice and advocacy for vulnerable adults and young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It aims to support clients who find general provision too
Thurrock Open Door provides specialist housing advice, welfare benefit and grant advice and advocacy for vulnerable adults and young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It aims to support clients who find general provision too complicated to navigate or for those who fall outside of the criteria for obtaining help. It provides immediate and flexible support, focusing on a preventative approach to stop issues escalating to the point of crises.