Esmee Fairbairn - Social investment to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£350,000 |
towards project costs of £1.158m for the construction of bison bridges
Co-Op Foundation - Kent Wildlife Trust CIF project |
£104,998 |
The Kent Wildlife Trust is trial testing the efficacy of liquid compost to reduce farmers’ reliance on nitrogen-based fertiliser and building a regional farming network to promote regenerative farming.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Major Grants award |
£100,000 |
Wilder Blean: Bison Tunnels
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - RPA Simplified Countryside Stewardship |
£91,082 |
The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes
The main priority for Countryside Stewardship is to protect and enhance the natural environment, in particular: increased biodiversity; improved habitat and expanded woodland areas; improved water quality; improved air quality. Other outcomes supported are: protection against flooding and coastal erosion; maintaining the historic environment; improved landscape character; climate change adaptation and mitigation. Countryside Stewardship supports Defras 25 Year Environment Plan for our country to be the healthiest, most beautiful place in the world to live, work and bring up a family. It also supports Defras Strategic Objective of a cleaner, healthier environment, benefitting people and the economy. Countryside Stewardship gives incentives for land managers to look after the environment and is made up of the following elements: Higher Tier agreements for land that requires more complex management tailored to the individual site and now includes woodland maintenance; Mid Tier agreements that provide a range of options and capital items that together help to deliver a broad range of environmental benefits; four Wildlife Offers that provide a simpler set of options to help improve the wildlife on farms; Capital Grants that provide grants for boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality; Woodland Management Plan grant to help create a UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant 10-year woodland management plan; Woodland Tree Health grant to help restore and improve tree health; Facilitation Fund which supports individuals who bring together groups of farmers, foresters and land managers to improve the environmental outcomes in their area; Protection and Infrastructure grant which provides grants for woodland infrastructure.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Environmental Stewardship Transferred to DEFRA NSA P2 |
£28,549 |
This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during
This measure covers farm and business development grants made under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme. Grants are made in two instalments 80% of the total paid following confirmation of a successful bid and remainder paid during final year of implementing the business plan. Payment is subject to correct implementation of the business plan. This measure supports development and creation of rural micro / small businesses and farm diversification activity where the investments benefit the wider rural economy. RPA administers for measures in England.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Countryside Stewardship Transferred to DEFRA NSA P2 |
£44,556 |
This measure covers grant funding for basic services and village renewal in rural areas under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme Small / micro rural businesses, rural community groups, and any public / private entities working in
This measure covers grant funding for basic services and village renewal in rural areas under Countryside Productivity and ESIF Growth Programme Small / micro rural businesses, rural community groups, and any public / private entities working in partnership with those community groups can apply for funding. The measure aims to develop the economies of rural communities and their infrastructure such as community buildings, public spaces and cultural, tourism and heritage amenities. Investments should enhance landscape quality and help meet challenges of rural communities relating to distance, population scarcity, aging, social isolation and market structure. Measure is also used to encourage visits to farms for educational purposes and renovation / maintenance of historic farm buildings. RPA administers for measures in England.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - CCC 017-1966-Climate Resilient Coasts |
£20,178 |
Seeking to enhance and progress coordination for coastal sustainability and resilience in England. The 3Cs initiative will use this funding to: Test, trial and inform best practice approaches for coastal coordination in England. The overall ambition
Seeking to enhance and progress coordination for coastal sustainability and resilience in England. The 3Cs initiative will use this funding to: Test, trial and inform best practice approaches for coastal coordination in England. The overall ambition is for a strengthened and well supported national framework covering the entire English coast to integrate place-based delivery for coastal ecosystems and communities. Determine how the existing activities of those involved on coastal governance can be strengthened to better coordinate and achieve improvements to coastal environments that are linked to enhanced social and economic outcomes, and how governance systems can be capacitated to facilitate this process. Explore how to make better use of resources, share ownership of complex issues and maximise outcomes through a collaborative approach of organisations from the public sector, private sector
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - NEIRF1133CLAIM3 KENT WILDLIFE TRUST |
£5,157 |
The funding will be used to develop a broad range of projects that deliver environmental benefits while also demonstrating a wide range of innovative approaches to generating revenues from ecosystem services. In doing so, these projects will
The funding will be used to develop a broad range of projects that deliver environmental benefits while also demonstrating a wide range of innovative approaches to generating revenues from ecosystem services. In doing so, these projects will stimulate private sector investment in protecting and enhancing the environment in line with the governments 25 Year Environment Plan.Projects receiving funding focus on tackling climate change and restoring nature through schemes such as woodland and habitat creation, peatland and kelp forest restoration and river catchment management. Helping to provide natural flood risk management, improve water quality and biodiversity.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - NEIRF1133CLAIM4 KENT WILDLIFE TRUST |
£5,400 |
The funding will be used to develop a broad range of projects that deliver environmental benefits while also demonstrating a wide range of innovative approaches to generating revenues from ecosystem services. In doing so, these projects will
The funding will be used to develop a broad range of projects that deliver environmental benefits while also demonstrating a wide range of innovative approaches to generating revenues from ecosystem services. In doing so, these projects will stimulate private sector investment in protecting and enhancing the environment in line with the governments 25 Year Environment Plan.Projects receiving funding focus on tackling climate change and restoring nature through schemes such as woodland and habitat creation, peatland and kelp forest restoration and river catchment management. Helping to provide natural flood risk management, improve water quality and biodiversity.
Masonic Trust - MCF Large Grant |
£55,616 |
A grant to provide eco-therapy in a NHS Trust Dementia Village in Dover.
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£249,900 |
COVID19: Kent Wildlife Trust
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5801-20/21 - Rother |
£15,000 |
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water environment. Defra has supported civil society
Defras Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Policy published in June 2013, defined a framework to encourage the adaptation of an integrated catchment based approach to improving the quality of our water environment. Defra has supported civil society organisations to establish and maintain partnerships across Englands catchments.
Co-Operative Group - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£3,470 |
We want to deliver hands-on sessions and create wildlife-friendly spaces to get community groups in Medway to engage with nature.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - WEIF5801-19/20 (ROTHER) WFD CRF GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES |
£15,000 |
Water Environment Improvement Fund - Catchment Partnership Action Fund (CPAF) 2019/20
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - State Aid Funded (Measure 10) |
£4,645 |
This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship
This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme.The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to EnglandÃs Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change.Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified.RPA administers for measures in England.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - EAFRD - RD Measure 10 EXQ funded |
£64,992 |
This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship
This measure is the primary Agri-environment-climate funding for England in delivering the Rural Development programme environmental land management priorities and builds on the agri-environment Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes offered under the previous RD programme.The measure funds activities intended to deliver environmental land management priorities contributing to EnglandÃs Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats, Birds and Water Framework Directives and soil commitments made in the Natural Environment White Paper and increase resilience of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems to climate change.Funding is paid according to the payment rate for each option included in the individual agreement, and the area/length/number of the commitment selected and is based on income foregone and additional costs. Agreements can be 5 year multi annual commitments with the option of annual extensions for a further two years. 10 year commitments or longer will be offered in cases where an exception is clearly justified.RPA administers for measures in England.
DCMS - Building Connections Fund |
£21,967 |
Expansion project delivered at the Sevenoaks Nature Reserve in Kent for those at risk of loneliness, predominantly those aged 60+ years old. Activities will include practical conservation tasks, nature and wellbeing walks, species identification,
Expansion project delivered at the Sevenoaks Nature Reserve in Kent for those at risk of loneliness, predominantly those aged 60+ years old. Activities will include practical conservation tasks, nature and wellbeing walks, species identification, and wildlife gardening. It will engage at least 160 people, 120 referred by partner organisations along with 40 self-referrals. The project will help to establish partnership working between Kent Wildlife Trust, West Kent Mind and One You. It will enable important social interactions and connections, improve confidence and there is a clear plan for delivery with the service being effectively monitored and evaluated.
DCMS - Building Connections Fund |
£21,967 |
Expansion project delivered at the Sevenoaks Nature Reserve in Kent for those at risk of loneliness, predominantly those aged 60+ years old. Activities will include practical conservation tasks, nature and wellbeing walks, species identification,
Expansion project delivered at the Sevenoaks Nature Reserve in Kent for those at risk of loneliness, predominantly those aged 60+ years old. Activities will include practical conservation tasks, nature and wellbeing walks, species identification, and wildlife gardening. It will engage at least 160 people, 120 referred by partner organisations along with 40 self-referrals. The project will help to establish partnership working between Kent Wildlife Trust, West Kent Mind and One You. It will enable important social interactions and connections, improve confidence and there is a clear plan for delivery with the service being effectively monitored and evaluated.
National Lottery Community Fund - Take Root |
£55,916 |
24 |
Take Root
Sport England - Opportunity Fund – Outdoors |
£140,065 |
35 |
Funding under Sport England's Opportunity Fund funding programme for a Revenue project titled Opportunity Fund – Outdoors. This project lists its main activity as Sport and Physical Activity
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£168,100 |
Nature's Future
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - ALB - Environment Agency - ROTHER WFD CRF GRANT PAYMENTS TO CHARITIES |
£15,000 |
Water Envronment Improvement Fund Hosting for Catchment Partnership for 1819
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - EAFRD - RD Measure 10 |
£27,350 |
This measure covers Agri-environment-organic farming support.Payments are based on income foregone and, where relevant, additional costs resulting from converting to an organic farming system. There are 5 different conversion payments available for
This measure covers Agri-environment-organic farming support.Payments are based on income foregone and, where relevant, additional costs resulting from converting to an organic farming system. There are 5 different conversion payments available for different farming systems: Rotational Land; Improved Permanent Pasture; Unimproved Permanent Pasture; Horticulture; and Top Fruit.This measure aims to fund organic conversion and maintenance by active farmers and builds on existing conversion and maintenance support under the previous RD programme Environmental Stewardship (Organic Higher Level and Entry Level Stewardship) elements.Activities funded under this measure support farmers wishing to convert to and maintain organic farming systems for environmental benefits. Investments contribute to meeting Englands Biodiversity 2020 goals and legal obligations under the Habitats and Species and Water Framework Directives. Support also aims to deliver the main objectives on biodiversity and the water environment (including flood management).RPA administers for measures in England.
Garfield Weston Foundation - Main Grants award |
£30,000 |
Lydden Temple Ewell Extension: Land Purchase And Habitat Re-establishment
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Chilham (Phase 2) |
£10,000 |
To provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations to deliver projects to protect and enhance the water environment and deliver other EA objectives
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Rother |
£15,000 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Isle of Oxney Connectivity Project |
£25,000 |
To provide capital and revenue grants to third sector organisations to deliver projects to protect and enhance the water environment and deliver other EA objectives
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£90,700 |
"Wooden it be Crafty"
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£510,100 |
Guardians Of The Deep
National Lottery Community Fund - Hill at the Heart: Communities On The Up |
£341,285 |
36 |
This project aims to improve the skills, health and wellbeing of residents of Buckland in Dover. It will improve community engagement, through the establishment of a local nature reserve, helping all ages to reconnect with nature through gardening
This project aims to improve the skills, health and wellbeing of residents of Buckland in Dover. It will improve community engagement, through the establishment of a local nature reserve, helping all ages to reconnect with nature through gardening and involvement in development of the green space. Local schools involved in the project will provide ‘hub’ sites for community-based project activities and will link directly with the project.
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£48,400 |
Young Roots Leaves and Shoots - Food Heritage on Romney Marsh
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£1,988,700 |
The Fifth Continent - Romney Marsh Landscape Partnership
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£200,000 |
Towards the salaries of two senior marine advocacy posts working towards marine conservation with communities and in partnership with others across the South East of England.
National Lottery Community Fund - Painting The Town Green |
£343,259 |
36 |
This new project aims to help communities in Medway, Thanet and Swale, improve their green spaces, and rebuild a sense of community through events and training. The group aims to improve the quality of life for residents by improving disused land
This new project aims to help communities in Medway, Thanet and Swale, improve their green spaces, and rebuild a sense of community through events and training. The group aims to improve the quality of life for residents by improving disused land (such as through community gardens and allotments to grow food), providing accredited training, up-skilling opportunities and healthy activities to build community spirit.
National Lottery Heritage Fund - Grant to Kent Wildlife Trust |
£10,000 |
Kent Wildlife Trust - Project ten thousand
National Lottery Community Fund - The 'Marsh Community Garden' (MCG) |
£120,395 |
48 |
The project will establish the Marsh Community Garden at the Romney Marshes Volunteer Centre by extending existing gardening activities onto a neighbouring plot of land, providing indoor facilities in a dedicated rest room for volunteers and
The project will establish the Marsh Community Garden at the Romney Marshes Volunteer Centre by extending existing gardening activities onto a neighbouring plot of land, providing indoor facilities in a dedicated rest room for volunteers and offering a bespoke support package for volunteers to increase confidence and skills. The garden will provide a year round opportunity for participants of all abilities and backgrounds to engage in outdoor activities in a safe, sociable and relaxed atmosphere.
Esmee Fairbairn - Grant to South East England Wildlife Trust |
£148,906 |
36 |
Towards Core costs Towards establishing strong and coherent marine protected areas off the South East of England.